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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 5:44:24 PM EDT
I'm considering sending my letter of resignation tomorrow...I'll sleep on the decision.
The Girl Scouts are pissed.

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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 5:46:41 PM EDT
You guys let the enemy infiltrate the organization. That is how this happened.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 5:47:20 PM EDT
The BSA is dead, they just don't know it yet.

Perfect example of the slippery slope.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 5:49:51 PM EDT
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He my son got to fuck his first girl when he was 16.

They were both on a Venture Crew, and had quite the adventure.

Wouldnt want to be Scoutmaster when sally gets pregnant after the SPL goes ball deep on her at summer camp.

My boys would enjoy the mile swim with a bunch of gals in bikinis.

This is a Scoutmasters nightmare
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Link Posted: 10/11/2017 5:50:51 PM EDT
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I can’t wait until they have a "transitioning gender" merit badge. You know it will happen.
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I'm slowly realizing how the hippies fucked us all, and how the starched shirts saw it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 5:57:47 PM EDT
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Can boys join the Girl Scouts?
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Of course not!!  With people like Harvey Weinstein in the world?  I heard he lived in the same city as Trump for a while.  Coincidence?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:03:44 PM EDT
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Can the BSA sell cookies now?

Dump that shitty popcorn
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Worse... Bath and Body Works shit.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:14:05 PM EDT
Some of you do not study history.

Throughout history, whenever there has been any moderately successful conservative institution or social movement, it is inevitably infiltrated by liberals, who turn the institution or movement leftist.  Why?  Because liberals cannot invent their own successful institutions.  They can only move in and destroy.  

See, for example: the NFL, the Ford Foundation, the State of Virginia, the police and fire unions, America's universities, and the Walt Disney Company.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:15:03 PM EDT
Just waiting for the official name change.  BOY Scouts has to go, obviously.  Might as well, since everything else about the program has been gutted at this point.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:21:11 PM EDT
Now the boys can learn about sex in boy scouts too.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:22:11 PM EDT
NK can go ahead and nuke this pozzed world.  It's past time for a reset.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:25:01 PM EDT
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The BSA is dead, they just don't know it yet.

Perfect example of the slippery slope.
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Exactly this. But at least they are taking Girl Scouts down with them, who voluntarily paved the way for all of this. Eagle Scout, used to serve as an Assistant Scoutmaster. Very hard to imagine getting excited about putting my kids into the scouting program, given what it has become.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:28:47 PM EDT
How do they not see whats about to happen? When I was a scout we set up our own tents and were a good distance from the adult tents because we were basically independent and were run by the SPL. How do they not understand whats going to happen when the boy's tent is 5 feet from the girl's tent and the adults are a 100 feet or more away? I guess sex ed and proper condom application are going to be the new staples of Scouting.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:29:10 PM EDT
It is kind of funny how mad the Girl Scouts are about this...

I am a Scoutmaster at Scouts right now...

Who knows what the LDS Church is going to do...
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:32:07 PM EDT
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The blame now lies with your son for not pulling your grandson out of that bullshit before he becomes an effeminate cuck.
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                                           They will be up here for Thanksgiving. We will be talking about it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:38:31 PM EDT
So, girl dens and troops, separate from the boys.

Separate but equal.

Good luck with that!
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 6:49:11 PM EDT
"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:12:32 PM EDT
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"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
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"Mentally awake and morally straight"

I remember you from one of the previous threads. 

Keep rooting for this crap all the while the institution goes into a death spiral if you wish. I've got the same stupid square knot as your picture, order of the arrow, etc. and couldn't disagree more with you. Many will be leaving or not continuing with their sons.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:16:12 PM EDT
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"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
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Are you in a position of leadership within Scouts, or in the past? And if so, at what level (Tiger, Cub, Webelos, BSA, Venture)?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:21:01 PM EDT
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What do we call "Boy Scouts" that are girls?  "Girl Scout" is taken.
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Tranny scout
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:23:56 PM EDT
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"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
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I predict that the first aid tent at scout camp is going to be stocking condoms and morning after pills.  No way that you can have a bunch of horny adolescents in a camp where there are plenty of places to sneak off to without having a few mixups.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:24:28 PM EDT
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Darn...next thing you know they will open combat arms and special forces to women...then lookout..Noone will join the military..
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Wait a minute...  I see what you did there
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:25:09 PM EDT
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I predict that the first aid tent at scout camp is going to be stocking condoms and morning after pills.  No way that you can have a bunch of horny adolescents in a camp where there are plenty of places to sneak off to without having a few mixups.
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Yeah, the scout masters don't need the competition.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:26:44 PM EDT
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It's all about the funding.  Traditional funding dried up long ago.
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Yup. They are hurting for cash. When our district exec did our school signup he charged an extra $1 for the insurance policy. That's not printed anywhere, on any form. The Pack pays it annually. But they got $1 for 3 months of insurance.

Dues are going from $24 to $33, which isn't even on the BSA website yet, although it will be effective 12/1. They didn't even have the decency to let us know before we set our budgets.

They are hurting for money, and this is one way they are trying to solve it. Maybe don't piss off the LDS and you won't have this problem.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:28:23 PM EDT
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What ever happened to the GSA?
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Have not read the whole thread.

The GSA sucks. There's no scouting in GSA anymore. My girl was at summer camp this year, and for the sailing activity, the girls were not allowed to try steering the boats. She's middle school age, old enough. My boy, OTOH,  was allowed to steer at the cub scout camp. BSA might clean up because GSA is now little more than a social club with a cookie sale.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:29:42 PM EDT
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"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
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Double considering your avatar.

You know damn well it won’t work.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:32:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:33:28 PM EDT
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We live in interesting times. 

I often wonder what it would be like to time travel back 20 years ago, and tell my younger self what the cultural milieu is going to look like in 2017. I imagine I'd scarcely believe what my future self was claiming. 
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"And the craziest thing is that weed isn't even completely legal yet!"
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:33:36 PM EDT
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You guys let the enemy infiltrate the organization. That is how this happened.
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Those of us at the bottom don't really have any say in the decisions made at the top.  If there is any sort of mechanism for us, it's certainly news to me.  My involvement has never gotten beyond the district level, and then, only as my troop's representative.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 7:42:39 PM EDT
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"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
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You know damn well that that's not what they mean by "Be Prepared".  People like you are the problem, the cancer, the infection, ailing Scouting.  Damn progressives, tearing the whole thing down, or their useful idiots, who willingly go along because it makes them seem "up with the times".  Sometimes what is contemporary, what is modern, is what is wrong. 

Scouting is ideally about turning boys into men capable of leading; producing men who are a part of the workings of their communities and country; about producing moral, God-fearing, upstanding men; and producing men who have a variety of skills of use in the outdoors, especially in the context of the older style of military scouting practiced by men like Burnham and utilized by commanders like Baden-Powell. 

The shift away from its mission began during the Vietnam Era, when American Boy Scouting started to reject and move away from its martial roots; it's been downhill from there, although it has really accelerated in the last decade or so, with the acceptance of gays, trannies, and now girls, the watering down of the moral component of Scouting, and the watering down of the Eagle Scout and even the merit badges (the heavy involvement of moms can play a role in this at the troop level).  Even High Adventure has taken a hit in some councils.  My troop's council doesn't even do High Adventure anymore.

People like you are helping transform Scouts into something to be shunned, not embraced, and into something that has greatly diminished utility.  You are the enemy within, as are a couple of others who have posted so far.  It is disgusting and dishonourable.  For some, the words "On my honour" must ring rather hollow.  Just words from a bygone era to be discarded in our new progressive age.  It's downright sickening to observe.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 8:02:24 PM EDT
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7th Group.  Thanks.  He's made us proud.
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a couple branches stationed there, whichever one he's with thank him for his service.
7th Group.  Thanks.  He's made us proud.
excellent, thanks again to both of you.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 8:27:49 PM EDT
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"And the craziest thing is that weed isn't even completely legal yet!"
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We live in interesting times. 

I often wonder what it would be like to time travel back 20 years ago, and tell my younger self what the cultural milieu is going to look like in 2017. I imagine I'd scarcely believe what my future self was claiming. 
"And the craziest thing is that weed isn't even completely legal yet!"
yet, I can remember several here stating that the shit we're seeing come to pass seemingly everyday would never happen. That anyone claiming that the left demanding gay marriage, gay scout masters, a redefining of marriage, was in fact a paranoid, foil wearing, chicken little.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 8:39:26 PM EDT
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You know damn well that that's not what they mean by "Be Prepared".  People like you are the problem, the cancer, the infection, ailing Scouting.  Damn progressives, tearing the whole thing down, or their useful idiots, who willingly go along because it makes them seem "up with the times".  Sometimes what is contemporary, what is modern, is what is wrong. 

Scouting is ideally about turning boys into men capable of leading; producing men who are a part of the workings of their communities and country; about producing moral, God-fearing, upstanding men; and producing men who have a variety of skills of use in the outdoors, especially in the context of the older style of military scouting practiced by men like Burnham and utilized by commanders like Baden-Powell. 

The shift away from its mission began during the Vietnam Era, when American Boy Scouting started to reject and move away from its martial roots; it's been downhill from there, although it has really accelerated in the last decade or so, with the acceptance of gays, trannies, and now girls, the watering down of the moral component of Scouting, and the watering down of the Eagle Scout and even the merit badges (the heavy involvement of moms can play a role in this at the troop level).  Even High Adventure has taken a hit in some councils.  My troop's council doesn't even do High Adventure anymore.

People like you are helping transform Scouts into something to be shunned, not embraced, and into something that has greatly diminished utility.  You are the enemy within, as are a couple of others who have posted so far.  It is disgusting and dishonourable.  For some, the words "On my honour" must ring rather hollow.  Just words from a bygone era to be discarded in our new progressive age.  It's downright sickening to observe.
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"Be prepared"

Life is coed.  How does a gender-exclusive program fulfill the very essence of scouting?

So glad to see this change finally come to the BSA!
You know damn well that that's not what they mean by "Be Prepared".  People like you are the problem, the cancer, the infection, ailing Scouting.  Damn progressives, tearing the whole thing down, or their useful idiots, who willingly go along because it makes them seem "up with the times".  Sometimes what is contemporary, what is modern, is what is wrong. 

Scouting is ideally about turning boys into men capable of leading; producing men who are a part of the workings of their communities and country; about producing moral, God-fearing, upstanding men; and producing men who have a variety of skills of use in the outdoors, especially in the context of the older style of military scouting practiced by men like Burnham and utilized by commanders like Baden-Powell. 

The shift away from its mission began during the Vietnam Era, when American Boy Scouting started to reject and move away from its martial roots; it's been downhill from there, although it has really accelerated in the last decade or so, with the acceptance of gays, trannies, and now girls, the watering down of the moral component of Scouting, and the watering down of the Eagle Scout and even the merit badges (the heavy involvement of moms can play a role in this at the troop level).  Even High Adventure has taken a hit in some councils.  My troop's council doesn't even do High Adventure anymore.

People like you are helping transform Scouts into something to be shunned, not embraced, and into something that has greatly diminished utility.  You are the enemy within, as are a couple of others who have posted so far.  It is disgusting and dishonourable.  For some, the words "On my honour" must ring rather hollow.  Just words from a bygone era to be discarded in our new progressive age.  It's downright sickening to observe.
Well said.

"It's about time!" has probably been uttered by useful idiots the world over, just before they got lined up.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 8:47:55 PM EDT
lol. Don't care.

Growing up, all the scouts I knew were a bunch of nerds.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 8:50:16 PM EDT
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lol. Don't care.

Growing up, all the scouts I knew were a bunch of nerds.
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Good for you then.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 8:54:12 PM EDT
Are the Girl Scouts going to allow boys?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:00:24 PM EDT
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Yeah, the scout masters don't need the competition.
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Condoms were handed out as far back as the 2003 World Jamboree, in Thailand, which was co-ed.

Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:01:08 PM EDT
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I can’t wait until they have a "transitioning gender" merit badge. You know it will happen.
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Go on a team-building search for twigs and berries.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:08:26 PM EDT
Class of 78 eagle

You can't turn boys into men with girls around.

But they have not been trying to do that for a while now.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:09:07 PM EDT
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I thought your motorcycle just blew up.
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I thought that too...but this is a bigger tragedy.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:11:42 PM EDT
Any of you actually read the information, positions, FAQs before letting your emotions take to the keyboard?  

Doubtful.  No one is forcing chartered orgs to do anything different.   The separate gender older youth program is by design to do no harm to youth.    Data drove the decision.   Do you have data why this is bad?   Naysayers are in the 12% range.   High percent in here.   A vocal minority.  

Also doubtful you have daughters that you would like to have an outdoor experience or challenge themselves to earn first class or Eagle.  

My $0.02
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:14:24 PM EDT
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You know damn well that that's not what they mean by "Be Prepared".  People like you are the problem, the cancer, the infection, ailing Scouting.  Damn progressives, tearing the whole thing down, or their useful idiots, who willingly go along because it makes them seem "up with the times".  Sometimes what is contemporary, what is modern, is what is wrong. 

Scouting is ideally about turning boys into men capable of leading; producing men who are a part of the workings of their communities and country; about producing moral, God-fearing, upstanding men; and producing men who have a variety of skills of use in the outdoors, especially in the context of the older style of military scouting practiced by men like Burnham and utilized by commanders like Baden-Powell. 

The shift away from its mission began during the Vietnam Era, when American Boy Scouting started to reject and move away from its martial roots; it's been downhill from there, although it has really accelerated in the last decade or so, with the acceptance of gays, trannies, and now girls, the watering down of the moral component of Scouting, and the watering down of the Eagle Scout and even the merit badges (the heavy involvement of moms can play a role in this at the troop level).  Even High Adventure has taken a hit in some councils.  My troop's council doesn't even do High Adventure anymore.

People like you are helping transform Scouts into something to be shunned, not embraced, and into something that has greatly diminished utility.  You are the enemy within, as are a couple of others who have posted so far.  It is disgusting and dishonourable.  For some, the words "On my honour" must ring rather hollow.  Just words from a bygone era to be discarded in our new progressive age.  It's downright sickening to observe.
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Excellent job giving voice to those who reject the change.

To me, Scouting died when sometime in my adult years I picked up a copy of Boy's Life and didn't find one advertisement for firearms.  In my youth, the magazine had more gun advertising than Field & Stream.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:15:53 PM EDT
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Any of you actually read the information, positions, FAQs before letting your emotions take to the keyboard?  

Doubtful.  No one is forcing chartered orgs to do anything different.   The separate gender older youth program is by design to do no harm to youth.    Data drove the decision.   Do you have data why this is bad?   Naysayers are in the 12% range.   High percent in here.   A vocal minority.  

Also doubtful you have daughters that you would like to have an outdoor experience or challenge themselves to earn first class or Eagle.  

My $0.02
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The reason why this is bad has nothing to do with data.  It's a matter of principle and practice.  Not everything is subject to scientific or statistical determination.  This decision was just plain wrong on principle.  Explain how this furthers the principles involved in Boy Scouting, based on its traditional and originally intended function with respect to the male youth.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:17:22 PM EDT
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Growing up, all the scouts I knew were a bunch of nerds.
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Growing up in Utah, every boy in the neighborhood did Scouts. Every Wednesday night, at the Scoutmasters house, all the boys, LDS or not, went.

Started with the Scout Oath, Pledge of Allegiance, then a prayer.

Then we learned a skill or did an activity. Then played games till it got too dark. Once a week, there was "mutual" where we did a "combined activity" with the girls.

Camps once a month. Summer camp every summer.

Every boy participated.

Now  I am Scoutmaster, every boy in the Ward participates. Some are nerds. Some are athletes. Some get dragged to every activity by their parents. But we have a good time. The older boys help the younger boys.

We actually have a pretty well functioning troop. Several are progressing towards Eagle. We do our own thing. We shoot a lot. We don't strictly follow Boy Scout rules...

I have a pretty good time as Scoutmaster. I am pretty torn. I *think* the LDS Church is going to cut Scouts... But who knows... I will keep doing Scouts until it is cut.

And then I will do its replacement until I get too old.

I have a good time with the boys... They are very interested in learning and life... I very much enjoy it.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:17:43 PM EDT
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Excellent job giving voice to those who reject the change.

To me, Scouting died when sometime in my adult years I picked up a copy of Boy's Life and didn't find one advertisement for firearms.  In my youth, the magazine had more gun advertising than Field & Stream.
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You know damn well that that's not what they mean by "Be Prepared".  People like you are the problem, the cancer, the infection, ailing Scouting.  Damn progressives, tearing the whole thing down, or their useful idiots, who willingly go along because it makes them seem "up with the times".  Sometimes what is contemporary, what is modern, is what is wrong. 

Scouting is ideally about turning boys into men capable of leading; producing men who are a part of the workings of their communities and country; about producing moral, God-fearing, upstanding men; and producing men who have a variety of skills of use in the outdoors, especially in the context of the older style of military scouting practiced by men like Burnham and utilized by commanders like Baden-Powell. 

The shift away from its mission began during the Vietnam Era, when American Boy Scouting started to reject and move away from its martial roots; it's been downhill from there, although it has really accelerated in the last decade or so, with the acceptance of gays, trannies, and now girls, the watering down of the moral component of Scouting, and the watering down of the Eagle Scout and even the merit badges (the heavy involvement of moms can play a role in this at the troop level).  Even High Adventure has taken a hit in some councils.  My troop's council doesn't even do High Adventure anymore.

People like you are helping transform Scouts into something to be shunned, not embraced, and into something that has greatly diminished utility.  You are the enemy within, as are a couple of others who have posted so far.  It is disgusting and dishonourable.  For some, the words "On my honour" must ring rather hollow.  Just words from a bygone era to be discarded in our new progressive age.  It's downright sickening to observe.
Excellent job giving voice to those who reject the change.

To me, Scouting died when sometime in my adult years I picked up a copy of Boy's Life and didn't find one advertisement for firearms.  In my youth, the magazine had more gun advertising than Field & Stream.
Probably before my time.  I did notice how watered down the Handbook has gotten, though.  My first one had all sorts of stuff that was useful in it, although it seemed like they had chosen to omit some information for some of the stuff described, but I was able to figure it out.  The next generation one was much thinner and had a ton of information omitted.  The latest one is a joke.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:17:59 PM EDT
Caved in to PC today? Didn't that happen years ago with the gay scout leaders? May be incorrect, maybe they were fighting against having to allow gay scout leaders. Been a while ago that this cropped up in the news.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:18:03 PM EDT
I have two 9 year old boys in Cub Scouts. Our 7 year old daughter tags along to everything we do. I have absolutely no problem with my daughter joining an all girls Cub scouts den. I know she'll be super excited. I had no interest in getting her into Girl Scouts.
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:18:44 PM EDT
I can see it now...

The girls will be out gathering wood and hunting, while the boys will be forced to cook and sew.

The ideological subversion, active measures, and psychological warfare by the Marxist left continues...
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:19:33 PM EDT
Values.  Okay.  Here are the values


Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. The Scout Oath and Law help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. For almost a century, Scouting has instilled in young men the values and knowledge that they will need to become leaders in their communities and country.

How can we not make this available to more youth?
Link Posted: 10/11/2017 9:20:13 PM EDT
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The Scouting movement across the world has welcomed females for decades now, it works just fine, Welcome to 1990 America!
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And how is the Scouting movement doing overseas?  I've lived abroad and never once seen a Scout (or Guide).
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