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Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:24:59 PM EDT
Wish we'd go back to this flag

Edit: Anyone care to make this into an avatar for me, please?
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:28:01 PM EDT




Former Canuck here

Fuck Canada


Think you'll be able to say the in 5 years?

LOL...I can almost guarantee you are gonna have to lock YOUR Southern border cause our politicians are too dumb to lock OUR Southern border.


I know.  

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:28:14 PM EDT
Many here were no doubt around when our flappy-jawed neighbors had a real flag.


Wasn't it more like this?

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:38:46 PM EDT
Great post OP.

I would love to see Thursday, not only be the day that the beautiful Miss Walking Dead posts quite attractive photos in minimal attire, also be the official day for the OP to present to us a history lesson.

Any country he chooses, or that we perhaps could vote on would be subject to his revision ( we all know he is being factual here, but I digress, he may actually have to make stuff up about other countries to get the same effect ), and that analysis be presented here for discussion.

Is should be of course, nations from which we have members. Since Canadians are so sensitive, and rightly so, I understand why the OP chose them. I suppose we could do it in the order of sensitivity, which would leave us with several good nations to start with. I only know the first three.

1. Turkey

2. England

Well, that's only two, but, they are far and above the others in those terms.

OK, France would be three, but really , are there any French here? I mean, any that would actually put up a good fight like the Canadians. I wouldn't want to see them run off and cry in the corner, silently, and in a fake invisible box.

We could do it in order of debauchery associated with animals, and in that case, the first three would of course be the following.


2. Scotland

3. Texas  ( I know, not a country really, but the human /sheep interaction ratio there is more than high enough to merit a place in the lineup. )

So what do you think? I think OP would do a great job at presenting a historically accurate analysis for us.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:39:39 PM EDT

I detect a little jealousy here.  

Our economy is not in ruins, we have full employment and our Prime Minister is not a foreign-born communist.

And our southern neighbors are better behaved than yours.  They do not come here illegally to commit crimes and make a nuisance of themselves

And you can buy as many AR15s as you want.................... right?  

Here are a few pictures for you.  My Indian Army FAL with a full-auto upper receiver.  My Chinese Norinco and my AR.   I can buy as many Norinco M-14s as I wish and I think I might buy another two or three.  As for the AR, I have enough already.  I still need to get my Garand built.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:44:06 PM EDT
Our friends to the North lead a conflicted existence, to be sure.

Their beers aren't bad at all, whereas their "whiskey" is notoriously filtered through sheep. They have no indigenous foodstuffs by which they might claim a proprietary and patriotic investment, as the US uses apple pie. Instead, they largely feed off the coconut husks dropped there by African swallows during their migration.

Canadian womenfolk, while arguably some of the sturdiest to be found, are best identified apart from their male counterparts by a substantially less hirsute display of facial hair and pastel shades of plaid in their woolen shirts. They are known to react in ovulation when in the presence of smaller amounts of Lord Calvert, hence it's use as a feminine hygiene product.

(Apologies to FluffyTheCat.)

Does Poutine not count?  

I seemed to have had better luck with the Canadian womenfolk when I was younger than I ever did with American girls.  Hell, I like Canadian women.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:44:40 PM EDT

I detect a little jealousy here.  

Our economy is not in ruins, we have full employment and our Prime Minister is not a foreign-born communist.

And our southern neighbors are better behaved than yours.  They do not come here illegally to commit crimes and make a nuisance of themselves

And you can buy as many AR15s as you want.................... right?  


Here are a few pictures for you.  My Indian Army FAL with a full-auto upper receiver.  My Chinese Norinco and my AR.   I can buy as many Norinco M-14s as I wish and I think I might buy another two or three.  As for the AR, I have enough already.  I still need to get my Garand built.

I'm too young to own a FAL or I would
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:46:23 PM EDT



Former Canuck here

Fuck Canada

Think you'll be able to say the in 5 years?
LOL...I can almost guarantee you are gonna have to lock YOUR Southern border cause our politicians are too dumb to lock OUR Southern border.


I know.    

Please don't close it before I make my escape from this socialist shit hole. I'm a good day laborer, I swear.  
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:53:35 PM EDT
Wish we'd go back to this flag


Edit: Anyone care to make this into an avatar for me, please?

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:56:59 PM EDT



Here are a few pictures for you.  My Indian Army FAL with a full-auto upper receiver.  My Chinese Norinco and my AR.   I can buy as many Norinco M-14s as I wish and I think I might buy another two or three.  As for the AR, I have enough already.  I still need to get my Garand built.

Sweet! Lets see the magazine collection now.


Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:58:37 PM EDT



Here are a few pictures for you.  My Indian Army FAL with a full-auto upper receiver.  My Chinese Norinco and my AR.   I can buy as many Norinco M-14s as I wish and I think I might buy another two or three.  As for the AR, I have enough already.  I still need to get my Garand built.

Sweet! Lets see the magazine collection now.  

If I had any hicaps I would not show them here.  

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 4:59:13 PM EDT
Many here were no doubt around when our flappy-jawed neighbors had a real flag.


Never trusted those beady-eyed fucks
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:03:17 PM EDT


If I had any hicaps I would not show them here.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:03:39 PM EDT
Wish we'd go back to this flag


Edit: Anyone care to make this into an avatar for me, please?


Thanks a lot man!
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:06:20 PM EDT
I do have an alternate suggestion involving US state histories and their peculiar differences that the OP would do well with.

I think the number one list would have to start with inbreeding. In that case, I would nominate both Carolinas and Georgia, with Georgia of course being first. Probably my state of South Carolina, and then North C.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:09:34 PM EDT

It starts  

LOL...no worries.
I like our flag better than the 'Union Jack' that we had before 1967.
Plus it's easier to spot in a snowstorm.

it snowed for 3 hours today.


I was picking sour cherries today and I've had my AC off and on since early April.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:09:40 PM EDT
Wish we'd go back to this flag


Edit: Anyone care to make this into an avatar for me, please?


Thanks a lot man!

If you want what you originally wanted,

EDIT:  this image I found seems a bit off, escutcheon is too small - makes it harder to see the boobies, too.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:19:16 PM EDT
Wish we'd go back to this flag


Edit: Anyone care to make this into an avatar for me, please?


Thanks a lot man!

If you want what you originally wanted,


EDIT:  this image I found seems a bit off, escutcheon is too small - makes it harder to see the boobies, too.

The first one is great, thanks!

Edit: And it won't upload

Edit 2: Ha there we go!
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 5:43:36 PM EDT
Great post OP.

I would love to see Thursday, not only be the day that the beautiful Miss Walking Dead posts quite attractive photos in minimal attire, also be the official day for the OP to present to us a history lesson.

Any country he chooses, or that we perhaps could vote on would be subject to his revision ( we all know he is being factual here, but I digress, he may actually have to make stuff up about other countries to get the same effect ), and that analysis be presented here for discussion.

Is should be of course, nations from which we have members. Since Canadians are so sensitive, and rightly so, I understand why the OP chose them. I suppose we could do it in the order of sensitivity, which would leave us with several good nations to start with. I only know the first three.

1. Turkey

2. England

Well, that's only two, but, they are far and above the others in those terms.

OK, France would be three, but really , are there any French here? I mean, any that would actually put up a good fight like the Canadians. I wouldn't want to see them run off and cry in the corner, silently, and in a fake invisible box.

We could do it in order of debauchery associated with animals, and in that case, the first three would of course be the following.


2. Scotland

3. Texas  ( I know, not a country really, but the human /sheep interaction ratio there is more than high enough to merit a place in the lineup. )

So what do you think? I think OP would do a great job at presenting a historically accurate analysis for us.

I think an analysis of the myth called Texas (posted in GD)  could possibly result in a critical mass of butthurt that would manifest as a horrible incident of atomic proportions, or possibly be used as a source of renewable energy for centuries to come.  Hard to say, Texas butthurt runs deep and rampant, I'm not sure if it could be safely harvested.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 6:03:42 PM EDT
Fuck everyone that's not a Texan!

Had to mix it up some
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 6:15:20 PM EDT

OP can shut his whore mouth now.  


Canada invented AIDS...

Sad but true.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 6:22:16 PM EDT
Fuck everyone that's not a Texan!

Had to mix it up some

We already have. Maybe if you bathe we may reconsider.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 6:25:40 PM EDT
I don't get it.
Do they think they are the only place that has maple trees?
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 6:29:44 PM EDT
I don't get it.
Do they think they are the only place that has maple trees?

No. But we can see the forest through them.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 7:43:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 7:55:26 PM EDT
What's going on in here?  

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 7:58:13 PM EDT
I can hear the fuckers sharpening their skates now.
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 8:02:48 PM EDT
the canadian ballet lets you touch
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 8:08:16 PM EDT
Many here were no doubt around when our flappy-jawed neighbors had a real flag.


Nice looking flag.

To nice for the flappy jawed kind.  

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 8:09:02 PM EDT
Many here were no doubt around when our flappy-jawed neighbors had a real flag.


Nice looking flag.

To nice for the flappy jawed kind.  

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 8:11:04 PM EDT
One time I corrected someone who believed Texas to be the biggest U.S. state, pointing out that Alaska was in fact more than twice as large.

I was corrected in turn, being informed that Canada was the biggest state.

Incorrect.  Canada is the U.S.'s Largest National Park.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 8:23:50 PM EDT



One time I corrected someone who believed Texas to be the biggest U.S. state, pointing out that Alaska was in fact more than twice as large.

I was corrected in turn, being informed that Canada was the biggest state.

Incorrect.  Canada is the U.S.'s Largest National Park.

You just be quite and keep making that toast I like so much.

Link Posted: 5/17/2012 8:39:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 9:25:35 PM EDT

Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how much more money I make.

Another sad, sad claim unfulfilled by the self-saturation of self-delusion from which you...self-inflict, and self-suffer.

I am actually independently wealthy. I receive stipends from BP stemming from the Gulf spill cleanup (I bought long on oil prices); that monthly check from NASA is handy, even more so when I most presciently predicted the value of their technological advances interpreted into private commerce use when I was in fourth grade; about sixty years before my birth, I convinced one J.M. Browning of the value of ordnance steel over brass or bronze alloys in firearm fabrication, despite it's tendency to oxidize when introduced to water in an unprotected state (like a fucking pot on a stove); and thanks to a heretofore-uninvestigated allergy to cleaning products and mops in general, I successfully steered my visceral desires for the janitorial arts into more fruitful and rewarding endeavors.

Like welding small-guage steel with way too much heat, wire travel speed and way too little expertise. In this respect, I must unashamedly defer to the precedents you've set. Kudos, to be sure.

I'd add further but I'm deeply involved in the fitment of a toilet paper roll to a non-milkspec roller tube; might drop you a line for help later.

Good to hear from you and your phallicly-symbolic paystub, though. All the best, eh?
Link Posted: 5/17/2012 9:29:34 PM EDT

You just be quite and keep making that toast I like so much.

You'll find SpellCheck functions ever so much more efficiently when left unboiled.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 2:06:53 AM EDT
There ya go picking' on someone your own size again... Not.

Some of yooz Americans have very selective memories when it comes to Canada's involvement/performance on the world stage.

Yeah yeah yeah... You're the big kid on the block, but... We've bailed your ass out of trouble more than once.

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 4:44:43 AM EDT

Unless you get rid of the Kenyan usurper, the next US flag may look like this:

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 6:04:24 AM EDT
I'm preparing for my annual summer invasion again.  I go every year.  But like Napoleon, I'm driven from the land by the harsh winters.  Here's a snapshot of the naval arm of the invasion:

I'm going on a recon mission in preparation for my summer invasion.  Don't send a search party if I'm not back 45 minutes after closing time.

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 6:09:34 AM EDT
That's a different country?  I always thought they just slapped a maple leaf of the McDonald's arches up there to let you know you're really far North
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 6:13:54 AM EDT
Great post OP.

I would love to see Thursday, not only be the day that the beautiful Miss Walking Dead posts quite attractive photos in minimal attire, also be the official day for the OP to present to us a history lesson.

Any country he chooses, or that we perhaps could vote on would be subject to his revision ( we all know he is being factual here, but I digress, he may actually have to make stuff up about other countries to get the same effect ), and that analysis be presented here for discussion.

Is should be of course, nations from which we have members. Since Canadians are so sensitive, and rightly so, I understand why the OP chose them. I suppose we could do it in the order of sensitivity, which would leave us with several good nations to start with. I only know the first three.

1. Turkey

2. England

Well, that's only two, but, they are far and above the others in those terms.

OK, France would be three, but really , are there any French here? I mean, any that would actually put up a good fight like the Canadians. I wouldn't want to see them run off and cry in the corner, silently, and in a fake invisible box.

We could do it in order of debauchery associated with animals, and in that case, the first three would of course be the following.


2. Scotland

3. Texas  ( I know, not a country really, but the human /sheep interaction ratio there is more than high enough to merit a place in the lineup. )

So what do you think? I think OP would do a great job at presenting a historically accurate analysis for us.

Wait, I thought the definition of a sheep-shagging began and ended with one word:  Wales.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 6:17:53 AM EDT
Living in MN I hate going to hockey or baseballl games and having to listen to the Canadian national anthem. It's not that I dislike Canada, its just a totally uninspired and dull national anthem that bores you to death for the few minutes it takes to get through it. If you have never heard Canada's national anthem before here it is:

"Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah..." Talk about a narcissistic national anthem that just repeats the country name over and over and over ad naseum.

Seriously, you Cannucks need to hire someone to re-write your national Anthem and make it more inspiring, patriotic, and kick ass. I hear Celine Dion is available.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 8:19:43 AM EDT
Je me souviens grandi à Toronto, je devais apprendre que canadienne-française la langue.

vis du Canada

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 8:28:58 AM EDT
I demand tribute in the form of Canadian whiskey, poutine, duck fat, and titty dancers (note, titty dancers must be gone before wife gets home).

ETA:  and real maple syrup, not that aunt jemima shit
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:10:27 AM EDT




Many here were no doubt around when our flappy-jawed neighbors had a real flag.


That flag is cool as hell.


don't be mad , i think it looks kinda cool

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:12:26 AM EDT







Many here were no doubt around when our flappy-jawed neighbors had a real flag.


That flag is cool as hell.
It looks cool but it also lends a little bitch status to it.

It's your nations flag and the symbol of your country is small and at the bottom of a pile of tiny nations while some dicks across the sea have prime real estate.

They remain a member of the Commonwealth and still fall under the Monarchy of the United Kingdom.  As has been mentioned, the Queen is still on their money (well, the 20 any way, IIRC).  It's about honoring history.  The Canadian flag is the whole thing, the escutcheon from the coat of arms took up the central position.

Most of which is all symbolic gestures. Commonwealth nations are themselves sovereign and it is not a military alliance like NATO. The monarchy is a silly expensive vestigial function that is more for show than anything especially abroad.

Give it a couple generations and it'll be dissolved due to obsolescence.

Personally I'd rather my flag represent my country not some other country.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

It is Canada's history as well.  

Seriously, it worked just fine down under.

mmm another fine flag

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:16:27 AM EDT
54-40 or FIGHT!!!
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:39:06 AM EDT
Living in MN I hate going to hockey or baseballl games and having to listen to the Canadian national anthem. It's not that I dislike Canada, its just a totally uninspired and dull national anthem that bores you to death for the few minutes it takes to get through it. If you have never heard Canada's national anthem before here it is:

"Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah Oh Canada blah blah blah..." Talk about a narcissistic national anthem that just repeats the country name over and over and over ad naseum.

Seriously, you Cannucks need to hire someone to re-write your national Anthem and make it more inspiring, patriotic, and kick ass. I hear Celine Dion is available.

You're right.  Our anthem is pretty lame.

But look at it this way, if we had a stirring anthem like the old Soviet anthem or the Horst Wessel Lied, the country might get messed up.

Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:48:39 AM EDT
You've been getting into the Molson, again, haven't you?
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 12:01:19 PM EDT


Former Canuck here

Fuck Canada

Think you'll be able to say the in 5 years?

The likelihood of anyone saying "the" in five years lies mostly within their life expectancy, ability to speak aloud and command of the same English skills one might find in kindergarteners.

In the US, anyway. Maybe engineering degree level up in Canada.

Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how much more money I make.

Yes, but it's Canadian money, which is useful in Canada, and Monopoly. Admittedly, it has a better exchange rate than Rai, beads, or shells, but that's largely irrelevant due to the 150% percent tax rate.
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