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Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:01:06 AM EDT
We used it back in 89'-01', and I think it was used even before we used it.
Hell, I remember it on our Plt shirts and doing PT in Haifa while wearing it.
All the politically correct bullshit now has gone full retard.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:03:55 AM EDT





For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

What people fail to remember is that public opinion does in fact matter. Giving the USMC a bad name, pissing off the public, pissing off congress who controls the purse strings is not a good way to ensure the future of the Corps, and in turn not a good way to ensure mission accomplishment.    

Public affairs efforts can have positive as well as negative

impacts in the battlespace, and these actions can have possible

decisive effects on the operational mission.

The Marine Corps exists today because America wants

a Marine Corps—that is, the spirit, values, and capabilities the

Marine Corps represents. Without support from the public, the

Marine Corps would cease to exist. Congress legislated the

Marine Corps into existence and can just as easily abolish it. The

public does not blindly give its support, but expects and deserves

to know who its Marines are, what they do, and how they do it.

Well if "The Public" decides they don't want a Marine Corps because a small community in the Corps used some Sig Runes as a symbol they are more fucked in the collective head than I thought and may fuck be upon them.  

Agreed...don't forget the public also elected BHO...


the benefit in using the SS symbol just isn't worth the poor press IMO.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:04:18 AM EDT



Looks like USMC Gen. James F. Amos cares and when the Sgt. Major of the USMC shows up they better care too.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Mike Barrett was the Plt Sgt for 3/9 STA back when. Yeah he had absolutely no idea that the Runes were a Scout Sniper thing.  

Probably has them branded on him.  

Id love to be listening in on that conversation.

We used it back in 89'-01', and I think it was used even before we used it.
Hell, I remember it on our Plt shirts and doing PT in Haifa while wearing it.
All the politically correct bullshit now has gone full retard.

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:05:04 AM EDT





For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

What people fail to remember is that public opinion does in fact matter. Giving the USMC a bad name, pissing off the public, pissing off congress who controls the purse strings is not a good way to ensure the future of the Corps, and in turn not a good way to ensure mission accomplishment.    

Public affairs efforts can have positive as well as negative

impacts in the battlespace, and these actions can have possible

decisive effects on the operational mission.

The Marine Corps exists today because America wants

a Marine Corps—that is, the spirit, values, and capabilities the

Marine Corps represents. Without support from the public, the

Marine Corps would cease to exist. Congress legislated the

Marine Corps into existence and can just as easily abolish it. The

public does not blindly give its support, but expects and deserves

to know who its Marines are, what they do, and how they do it.

I'm not denying that - just laughing at the perception that this is "done" - because it was made a spectacle...

This ain't the first time it's been addressed, and each time it has been addressed in the past has made it MORE of a "now I HAVE to do this" kinda deal...

I agree it's questionable in terms of PC, public perception and opinion - I just also know that on the sharp end the trigger pullers don't give a shit beyond what's required while they're standing tall...
The SS will still be a staple of the Scout Snipers'.  We can deal with it and say "just go forth and kill", or we can wring our hands and whine about it.  These guys aren't tearing apart the Corps, the Country or their own legacy.  They're going out every day and taking out enemies.  They neither want (nor need) our approval.


Yeah, it's been going on since before I came in 12 years ago. If they were discrete about it we wouldn't be having this discussion.  

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:18:26 AM EDT

For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

To be honest, Chief, I don't really give a shit what you say either. I was just being a smart ass about the Sgt. Major of the USMC. I most certainly never meant to imply the use of the symbol is done forever, just that there are going to be ass chewing sessions going on pretty soon. I never said anything about it being done and over with. You and I know both know that senior NCOs make people's lives harder sometimes, and that's the only thing I was alluding to. Maybe I should have said, "For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes in the near future." Hell, 'm not even bothered by their use of the damn symbol in the first place.

Hint: If you had some fucking reading comprehension skills, you might have noticed that I already stated almost exactly what your dumbass "hint" says, but you edited that part out so it didn't interfere with your little diatribe. It's okay, man, I've still got love for ya' and would still buy you a beer if given the chance.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:27:18 AM EDT

For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

To be honest, Chief, I don't really give a shit what you say either. I was just being a smart ass about the Sgt. Major of the USMC. I most certainly never meant to imply the use of the symbol is done forever, just that there are going to be ass chewing sessions going on pretty soon. I never said anything about it being done and over with. You and I know both know that senior NCOs make people's lives harder sometimes, and that's the only thing I was alluding to. Maybe I should have said, "For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes in the near future." Hell, 'm not even bothered by their use of the damn symbol in the first place.

Hint: If you had some fucking reading comprehension skills, you might have noticed that I already stated almost exactly what your dumbass "hint" says, but you edited that part out so it didn't interfere with your little diatribe. It's okay, man, I've still got love for ya' and would still buy you a beer if given the chance.

Lol, Chief?  We got a bonafide badazz in the crowd, boys!  I think i feel hazed...  (*Hazing - also NEVER went away, despite media outcry, gnashing-of-mothers'-teeth, and command direction...)

The "taxpayers" comment was aimed at the several posters who were making the "I'm a taxpayer, hear me roar" argument.  Simmer down, "chief".  

I quoted your post for the exact wording it provided - " I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes".  To which I replied.

Chief?  You gonna "shipmate" me too?

Hang on, I'm consulting my "witty-nicknames-cum-attempted-sarcastic-insult" flash card.  I think the next step up from "chief" is "hero".  

I just can't bring myself to do it.. Good post, Rich.  

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:45:52 AM EDT

For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

To be honest, Chief, I don't really give a shit what you say either. I was just being a smart ass about the Sgt. Major of the USMC. I most certainly never meant to imply the use of the symbol is done forever, just that there are going to be ass chewing sessions going on pretty soon. I never said anything about it being done and over with. You and I know both know that senior NCOs make people's lives harder sometimes, and that's the only thing I was alluding to. Maybe I should have said, "For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes in the near future." Hell, 'm not even bothered by their use of the damn symbol in the first place.

Hint: If you had some fucking reading comprehension skills, you might have noticed that I already stated almost exactly what your dumbass "hint" says, but you edited that part out so it didn't interfere with your little diatribe. It's okay, man, I've still got love for ya' and would still buy you a beer if given the chance.

Lol, Chief?  We got a bonafide badazz in the crowd, boys!  I think i feel hazed...  (*Hazing - also NEVER went away, despite media outcry, gnashing-of-mothers'-teeth, and command direction...)

The "taxpayers" comment was aimed at the several posters who were making the "I'm a taxpayer, hear me roar" argument.  Simmer down, "chief".  

I quoted your post for the exact wording it provided - " I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes".  To which I replied.

Chief?  You gonna "shipmate" me too?

Hang on, I'm consulting my "witty-nicknames-cum-attempted-sarcastic-insult" flash card.  I think the next step up from "chief" is "hero".  

I just can't bring myself to do it.. Good post, Rich.  

The part in bold is my fault. I left it open to interpretation and sure enough someone got all hurt about it and/or had some lulz. I should've known better, especially around these parts.

The only reason I responded to your diatribe in the first place though, was your cute little 'hint'. You know, since I already stated something very similar in my own post, which you conveniently left out.

Here is part of what you left out:

Well, it doesn't matter what anyone on this website says about it, really. We can't say anything that will make a difference concerning this matter. We can only express our opinions.

I already knew that there isn't a soul in the USMC that gives two shits about what RichHead on the internet thinks. I didn't really need anyone else to tell me that. Good looking out though.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 10:50:33 AM EDT
Looks bad ass!
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 11:21:33 AM EDT


For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

What people fail to remember is that public opinion does in fact matter. Giving the USMC a bad name, pissing off the public, pissing off congress who controls the purse strings is not a good way to ensure the future of the Corps, and in turn not a good way to ensure mission accomplishment.    

Public affairs efforts can have positive as well as negative
impacts in the battlespace, and these actions can have possible
decisive effects on the operational mission.

The Marine Corps exists today because America wants
a Marine Corps—that is, the spirit, values, and capabilities the
Marine Corps represents. Without support from the public, the
Marine Corps would cease to exist. Congress legislated the
Marine Corps into existence and can just as easily abolish it. The
public does not blindly give its support, but expects and deserves
to know who its Marines are, what they do, and how they do it.

I'm not denying that - just laughing at the perception that this is "done" - because it was made a spectacle...

This ain't the first time it's been addressed, and each time it has been addressed in the past has made it MORE of a "now I HAVE to do this" kinda deal...

I agree it's questionable in terms of PC, public perception and opinion - I just also know that on the sharp end the trigger pullers don't give a shit beyond what's required while they're standing tall...

The SS will still be a staple of the Scout Snipers'.  We can deal with it and say "just go forth and kill", or we can wring our hands and whine about it.  These guys aren't tearing apart the Corps, the Country or their own legacy.  They're going out every day and taking out enemies.  They neither want (nor need) our approval.


So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 11:57:34 AM EDT

So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Well hell why don't you trot on over to the closest STA Plt and grace them with your leadership skill set and discipline.

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 12:42:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 12:45:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 12:46:14 PM EDT

Did I miss it in this thread?  I skimmed first before posting it.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 12:48:04 PM EDT

I find the use of Greek letters Upsilon Sigma Mu Chi offensive.

The hoplites of the Ancient Greek city states committed all sorts of atrocities like killing prisoners and civilians. Razing homes and farm land. Rape, pillage and plunder.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 12:51:02 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 1:03:22 PM EDT


Did I miss it in this thread?  I skimmed first before posting it.

No. Saw it on FB.

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 2:03:34 PM EDT


So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Really, what's your experience with well disciplined Marines?  

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 3:22:10 PM EDT

For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes.

You think this is the first time the head shed has gotten butthurt over this?

Young warriors are gonna do what they do.  Making it verboten is part of what makes it "cool" in their eyes.

This ain't the first time it's been addressed.  Won't be the last.  As long as these hardchargers are putting warheads on foreheads they can mark themselves any way they damn well want, and change their name to "Babykillerz r us".  I won't give a flying fuck and neither will any other Marine who cares more about the mission than the whining going on in the rear.

It's a long way from the flagpole to the tip of the spear.  They'll take their lumps in front of the man and then keep on keeping on.  "Fuck it, Drive on..."

Hint: they don't care that you're a "taxpayer" - they pay em too...  Their job aint to give you warm fuzzies.  It's to shoot fuckers.

lol @ "the officers have spoken and this problem is addressed".

To be honest, Chief, I don't really give a shit what you say either. I was just being a smart ass about the Sgt. Major of the USMC. I most certainly never meant to imply the use of the symbol is done forever, just that there are going to be ass chewing sessions going on pretty soon. I never said anything about it being done and over with. You and I know both know that senior NCOs make people's lives harder sometimes, and that's the only thing I was alluding to. Maybe I should have said, "For some reason I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes in the near future." Hell, 'm not even bothered by their use of the damn symbol in the first place.

Hint: If you had some fucking reading comprehension skills, you might have noticed that I already stated almost exactly what your dumbass "hint" says, but you edited that part out so it didn't interfere with your little diatribe. It's okay, man, I've still got love for ya' and would still buy you a beer if given the chance.

Lol, Chief?  We got a bonafide badazz in the crowd, boys!  I think i feel hazed...  (*Hazing - also NEVER went away, despite media outcry, gnashing-of-mothers'-teeth, and command direction...)

The "taxpayers" comment was aimed at the several posters who were making the "I'm a taxpayer, hear me roar" argument.  Simmer down, "chief".  

I quoted your post for the exact wording it provided - " I doubt we'll see too many more SS runes".  To which I replied.

Chief?  You gonna "shipmate" me too?

Hang on, I'm consulting my "witty-nicknames-cum-attempted-sarcastic-insult" flash card.  I think the next step up from "chief" is "hero".  

I just can't bring myself to do it.. Good post, Rich.  

Hells naw, he is gonna "Devil Dog" you next!!
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 4:12:59 PM EDT


So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Really, what's your experience with well disciplined Marines?  

Maybe you have a different UCMJ than the Army, but we could get an article 15 for disobeying a lawful order.  I knew of one person that did so.  (Granted I was only in for 2 years)  If they had been told not to do this by their chain of command, (and from what other posters have stated this is the case), and they did it anyway, they need to be disciplined in accordance with the UCMJ.  

Maybe USMC isn't quite up to Cav standards.  
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 4:22:26 PM EDT




So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Really, what's your experience with well disciplined Marines?  


Maybe you have a different UCMJ than the Army, but we could get an article 15 for disobeying a lawful order.  I knew of one person that did so.  (Granted I was only in for 2 years)  If they had been told not to do this by their chain of command, (and from what other posters have stated this is the case), and they did it anyway, they need to be disciplined in accordance with the UCMJ.  

Maybe USMC isn't quite up to Cav standards.  

Oh, so you're basing your entire argument on "disciplined" meaning "By the book".   We all know what that means.

Link Posted: 2/11/2012 6:14:47 PM EDT



So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Really, what's your experience with well disciplined Marines?  

Maybe you have a different UCMJ than the Army, but we could get an article 15 for disobeying a lawful order.  I knew of one person that did so.  (Granted I was only in for 2 years)  If they had been told not to do this by their chain of command, (and from what other posters have stated this is the case), and they did it anyway, they need to be disciplined in accordance with the UCMJ.  

Maybe USMC isn't quite up to Cav standards.  

Oh, so you're basing your entire argument on "disciplined" meaning "By the book".   We all know what that means.

Following orders is pretty basic stuff.  It's the military, and you have to function as a team.  The person in charge makes the final decision and gives the orders.  The people under them have to carry those orders out.  If you don't even get this very basic thing down, things are unlikely to go well.  Putting on a uniform means, among other things, you don't get to be a special unique snowflake.  That is not being overly picky about following ever arcane rule.  

If they were previously told to not use the same logo as Heinrich Himmler's boys, then there is a real problem as it means the leadership in the unit failed.
Link Posted: 2/11/2012 6:18:15 PM EDT






So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Really, what's your experience with well disciplined Marines?  


Maybe you have a different UCMJ than the Army, but we could get an article 15 for disobeying a lawful order.  I knew of one person that did so.  (Granted I was only in for 2 years)  If they had been told not to do this by their chain of command, (and from what other posters have stated this is the case), and they did it anyway, they need to be disciplined in accordance with the UCMJ.  

Maybe USMC isn't quite up to Cav standards.  

Oh, so you're basing your entire argument on "disciplined" meaning "By the book".   We all know what that means.

Following orders is pretty basic stuff.  It's the military, and you have to function as a team.  The person in charge makes the final decision and gives the orders.  The people under them have to carry those orders out.  If you don't even get this very basic thing down, things are unlikely to go well.  Putting on a uniform means, among other things, you don't get to be a special unique snowflake.  That is not being overly picky about following ever arcane rule.  

If they were previously told to not use the same logo as Heinrich Himmler's boys, then there is a real problem as it means the leadership in the unit failed.

Hard liquor was not allowed in the 62 area barracks on Camp Pendleton.  Every Monday morning, the garbage cans were PACKED with handles.  Using your model, there wouldn't be a man above E-1 in the 5th Marines.

Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:46:54 AM EDT


So, they seem to be unable to follow lawful orders and the junior leadership did not correct the problem?  That doesn't sound all that "well disciplined" to me.

Really, what's your experience with well disciplined Marines?  

Maybe you have a different UCMJ than the Army, but we could get an article 15 for disobeying a lawful order.  I knew of one person that did so.  (Granted I was only in for 2 years)  If they had been told not to do this by their chain of command, (and from what other posters have stated this is the case), and they did it anyway, they need to be disciplined in accordance with the UCMJ.  

Maybe USMC isn't quite up to Cav standards.  

You are right, we don't wear the gay boots or hats.  Hopefully we will never be to that standard.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 2:52:33 AM EDT
I saw and posted in the other thread before finding this one.  I don't have time to wade through this one now, but I will.  I reposted this from the other one.  

Scout/Snipers were using the lightning bolts before most, and probably any, of the Marines in that picture were born.

The SS runes are not used for the glorification of any Nazi ideals. That is a fact, so deal with it. I was not a big fan of the lightning bolts because I knew that a lot of spineless hand-wringers would over react to them. That would be the same type of hand wringers think the other snipers should spend 3 to 5 years in prison (yep, I've seen that in print) for urinating on the dead Taliban.

Unfortunately, people who have never been in harm's way, but believe that the first ammendment somehow magically protects their own freedom of speech, will see to it that these Marines' freedom of speech will be trampled, even though the Marines weren't saying what the cowards think they said.

This will be over soon, just as soon as the next "travesty" hits the media.

As for my Kopfjaeger shirts–– Molon Labe, and, of course, Semper Fidelis.

For clarification, I was in a STA platoon and carried an M40A1 for over two years, but like most STA Marines, I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.  I am  a member of the USMC Scout/Sniper Association and graduate of several law enforcement sniper courses, and am certified as an LE sniper instructor.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 8:37:25 AM EDT


I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  

Link Posted: 2/12/2012 10:50:33 AM EDT

I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  

Wait, so you were a scout sniper then right?  
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 10:53:13 AM EDT




I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  


Wait, so you were a scout sniper then right?  

Yeah I think he was an 8541 or something.................................

Link Posted: 2/12/2012 12:50:44 PM EDT





I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  


Wait, so you were a scout sniper then right?  

Yeah I think he was an 8541 or something.................................  
I heard he shot the dickhead off a Taliban taking a piss at 13 miles.

Link Posted: 2/12/2012 1:02:26 PM EDT




I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  


Wait, so you were a scout sniper then right?  

I was...   I...   I mopped floors and shit.

Link Posted: 2/12/2012 2:28:50 PM EDT

I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  

Yes it is.  Civilians just don't get a lot of things about the military or maybe pay don't attention.  I've bounced around in 4 branches, including a reserve support position in Naval Special Warfare.  Apparently ,while I was gone somewhere, my wife mentioned something about my Navy job to a grandfather of one of the kids' soccer team mates.  In May, about 2 weeks after DEVGRU killed Bin Laden, he introduced me to one of his sons and told him I was a Navy SEAL.  I about had a heart attack.
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 3:24:01 PM EDT




I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  


Yes it is.  Civilians just don't get a lot of things about the military or maybe pay don't attention.  I've bounced around in 4 branches, including a reserve support position in Naval Special Warfare.  Apparently ,while I was gone somewhere, my wife mentioned something about my Navy job to a grandfather of one of the kids' soccer team mates.  In May, about 2 weeks after DEVGRU killed Bin Laden, he introduced me to one of his sons and told him I was a Navy SEAL.  I about had a heart attack.

I don't tell people where I've worked unless they have a grasp on how the intel community works....


Link Posted: 2/12/2012 3:30:24 PM EDT

I don't tell people where I've worked unless they have a grasp on how the intel community works....  

It holds true for all of us no matter what the MOS.

I was an artillery surveyor and explained what I did. When I was explaining a certain part of navigation they asked where I learned it and I told them in the army.

"But you were in artillery."

Link Posted: 2/12/2012 9:13:18 PM EDT


I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  

Yes it is.  Civilians just don't get a lot of things about the military or maybe pay don't attention.  I've bounced around in 4 branches, including a reserve support position in Naval Special Warfare.  Apparently ,while I was gone somewhere, my wife mentioned something about my Navy job to a grandfather of one of the kids' soccer team mates.  In May, about 2 weeks after DEVGRU killed Bin Laden, he introduced me to one of his sons and told him I was a Navy SEAL.  I about had a heart attack.

I don't tell people where I've worked unless they have a grasp on how the intel community works....  

You were a spy, right?  Go ahead, you can tell me.  I won't tell anyone.  Did they give you cyanide capsules like they show in the movies?
Link Posted: 2/12/2012 9:18:09 PM EDT
Sorry, that registers a zero on my give a fuck meter.  

Link Posted: 2/13/2012 4:29:48 AM EDT




I am not a USMC Scout/Sniper school grad.

Isn't that shit hard to get across to people?  I still deal with that to this day, people I run across from high school always ask "weren't you like a sniper or something" then I have to explain the difference betweeen pigs and hogs, and being in the platoon vs. being an 8541.   For a long time I wouldn't even talk about being in a STA plt. to avoid it.  


Wait, so you were a scout sniper then right?  

This is going to go the way the pilot thing went...

Just a feeling I got.

Link Posted: 2/13/2012 12:37:51 PM EDT
Rising Sun....Imperial Japan

I'll just leave this here:

PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb. 12, 2012) Logistics Specialist Seamen Cody James and Rachel Foster hook cargo to an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the Eightballers of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8 during a vertical replenishment on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). John C. Stennis is operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility while on a seven-month deployment. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kenneth Abbate/Released)
Link Posted: 2/13/2012 1:12:22 PM EDT
I don't tell people where I've worked unless they have a grasp on how the intel community works....  


You were a spy, right?  Go ahead, you can tell me.  I won't tell anyone.  Did they give you cyanide capsules like they show in the movies?

I know this guy. Although he would cut quite a figure in a fedora and trench coat he is not some sort of a secret agent. Just a plain old ordinary Marine with a job to do.

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