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Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:37:55 AM EDT
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I liked your post, dumbass.
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I'd like to attend your church.
Church? No church here...

That's how you get the ATF and FBI to crash tanks into your shit and torch it.
I liked your post, dumbass.
You should just subscribe to his newsletter instead.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:38:16 AM EDT
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God damn, that was the best post on this forum in the last 10 years.
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You could make the compartmentalized argument if it was an entirely private site with completely restricted access. It's a public site in the sense that anyone can read anything anywhere in the forum that doesn't require member, staff or career verification. And I think that the overriding issue being discussed here is that a certain portion of the discourse in the public areas of the site leaves a lot to be desired.

Maybe some of you were raised a lot differently than I was and call politeness a false front. That's too bad, and in my opinion reflects poorly on the person making the claim. I used the church example in my follow up post for a reason. I think that the born agains on the site can guess what it is. There's enough here who claim that status, but without doing a nose count they're interestingly silent in this particular discussion
I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
God damn, that was the best post on this forum in the last 10 years.
He definitely understands the situation well.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:39:16 AM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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This place really needs a 'like' button.  Excellent post!
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:39:34 AM EDT
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"Talk to people in person", lol.  Not likely.

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I also think when uncivil posts are allowed on forums that it ends up costing forums members and money.  I left TOS because threads are constantly trolled over there.  I really began to believe that place is nothing more than a refugee camp for people who couldn't get along on ARFcom.

Yet the mods make only token efforts to control it.  Go over there sometime.  The asshole members run the place.  Although I know there are many reasons why a lot of longtime members no longer post there, I'm betting the uncivil behavior is high on the list.  No wonder the crickets chirp over there.

If I had a dollar for every thread that got locked due to degenerating into an insult fest I'd have a pretty big bag of money by now.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:39:49 AM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:43:38 AM EDT
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I liked your post, dumbass.
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It was an ATF/FBI joke.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:47:03 AM EDT
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You could make the compartmentalized argument if it was an entirely private site with completely restricted access. It's a public site in the sense that anyone can read anything anywhere in the forum that doesn't require paid member, staff or career verification. And I think that the overriding issue being discussed here is that a certain portion of the discourse in the public areas of the site leaves a lot to be desired.

Maybe some of you were raised a lot differently than I was and call politeness a false front. That's too bad, and in my opinion reflects poorly on the person making the claim. I used the church example in my follow up post for a reason. I think that the born agains on the site can guess what it is. There's enough here who claim that status, but without doing a nose count they're interestingly silent in this particular discussion
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I don’t think you understand the internet as well as you think you do. You merely adopted the internet, I was born in it.

The internet is not a single space. It is highly compartmentalized. And this little compartment of the internet is our space, and can be shaped as the owner deems fit. However, in order to attract a population, a space must offer something novel and engaging.

The fact this site allowed men to talk as men made it very novel, and I would argue that novelty has been the primary driver for its success (when combined with management that has avoided killing the goose laying golden eggs, which is rare for a forum).
You could make the compartmentalized argument if it was an entirely private site with completely restricted access. It's a public site in the sense that anyone can read anything anywhere in the forum that doesn't require paid member, staff or career verification. And I think that the overriding issue being discussed here is that a certain portion of the discourse in the public areas of the site leaves a lot to be desired.

Maybe some of you were raised a lot differently than I was and call politeness a false front. That's too bad, and in my opinion reflects poorly on the person making the claim. I used the church example in my follow up post for a reason. I think that the born agains on the site can guess what it is. There's enough here who claim that status, but without doing a nose count they're interestingly silent in this particular discussion
You’ve managed to rack up quite an assortment of accomplishments with that post. You’ve ignored the relevance of the impact your approach would have on the success of this site, you’ve questioned my character rather counter my arguments, and now you’re insinuating that anyone not sharing your very specific religious beliefs is the cause for the ills on this site.

You do these things because you are incapable of defending your ideas on their actual merits.

Holding the position that masculine spaces are something toxic which must be locked away far from prying eyes is how we ended up with a society run by women. It’s why guns have been banned for the children. It’s why websites which discuss guns will eventually be suppressed no matter how polite and family-friendly they are.

Your argument that the public accessibility of this website means it must be G-rated would perhaps make sense if the internet was television or broadcast radio. It isn’t, and you do not understand the fundamental nature of the internet. This site does not require public disclosure of your identity and reading ARFCom is not forced upon women and soft-skinned men. Everyone is free to type something else in the search bar if this buffet is not to their liking.

You’re demanding the machine shop or auto-garage behave like they are at a thanksgiving dinner or church, because some soft-skinned type might be walking down a random street and overhear something harsh.

I reject that. Firstly I reject it because it is absurd and part of the reason our society is ill with over-femininzation. Secondly I reject it for a much more pragmatic reason: It WILL destroy this site if implemented as rule.

Novelty and uniqueness is what makes a website like ARFCom popular. Its masculine-centric culture and subject matter made it both novel and unique. The very thing you disdain is the wind in the sales of this ship.

I genuinely want this site to succeed and its culture to thrive. It shouldn’t be difficult to grasp that turning this site into a church service will result in its traffic and social engagement plummeting like a rock.

There are countless other social media platforms and web forums run in the way you prescribe. There are very few run the way ARFCom is. Why must ARFCom be changed to match mediocrity available elsewhere? Does that really seem like a direction which will help this site succeed?
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:58:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 10:59:41 AM EDT
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Pointing out failures of welcoming ants to the picnic and lending credibility to said ants, is self indulgent tripe? Okie dokie.
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Must have gotten better somewhere around chapter 16 where I tuned out because what I read up to that point was mostly self-indulgent tripe.
Pointing out failures of welcoming ants to the picnic and lending credibility to said ants, is self indulgent tripe? Okie dokie.
It’s the false equivalence of saying that ants are welcome because someone chooses to tell them to go away instead of telling them to fuck off.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 11:07:30 AM EDT
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Five thousand lol posts are not credible.
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I’m not sure 100,000 ‘wrong’ posts are either.

How many did bullet_sponge have?
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 11:09:12 AM EDT
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If that means make a profit, then yes.
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didn't Brownells buy ArfCom for freedoms of speech and to deter oppression from those outside the gun community?
If that means make a profit, then yes.
From what’s been described of the sale & the reason for it, ‘profit’ on either party was WAY down the list
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 11:22:44 AM EDT
Maybe locked threads should go to a read title only graveyard to cut down on the wheres that thread? what happened? Modman bad threads.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 11:24:28 AM EDT
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Debbie Dungs Dallas? I heard about that show.

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Hope she doesn't like popcorn.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 11:30:53 AM EDT
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Its pretty sad that basic civility is considered an absurd expectation or an ivory tower.
I wonder if that's how you guys live your lives in the real world.
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I have to be nicer here because there are rules that you must follow if you value your account.

I've yet to ever notice any ill effects for living life "in the real world" (as you put it) with absolutely no filter on my mouth.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 11:33:32 AM EDT
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I have to be nicer here because there are rules that you must follow if you value your account.

I've yet to ever notice any ill effects for living life "in the real world" (as you put it) with absolutely no filter on my mouth.
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I don't know what part of the country you live in, but some of the things I've seen posted in the gun forums would immediately cause someone to "throw down" with you where I live.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:04:55 PM EDT
Dude, beers on me if you ever get out to Phoenix.

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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:07:55 PM EDT
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I don't know what part of the country you live in, but some of the things I've seen posted in the gun forums would immediately cause someone to "throw down" with you where I live.
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There are thin-skinned people everywhere. Wearing a MAGA hat in Portland would make people want to throw down. Is that now the metric for what's acceptable?
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:09:07 PM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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You could make the compartmentalized argument if it was an entirely private site with completely restricted access. It's a public site in the sense that anyone can read anything anywhere in the forum that doesn't require member, staff or career verification. And I think that the overriding issue being discussed here is that a certain portion of the discourse in the public areas of the site leaves a lot to be desired.

Maybe some of you were raised a lot differently than I was and call politeness a false front. That's too bad, and in my opinion reflects poorly on the person making the claim. I used the church example in my follow up post for a reason. I think that the born agains on the site can guess what it is. There's enough here who claim that status, but without doing a nose count they're interestingly silent in this particular discussion
I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
This is why I lurk here, if I was in FL I would buy you a beer.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:09:16 PM EDT
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There are thin-skinned people everywhere. Wearing a MAGA had in Portland would make people want to throw down. Is that now the metric for what's acceptable?
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Not sure if I'm reading your question correctly but I'm of the opinion that the lack of civility and rush to violence are both contributing to an eventual civil war.

(I won't wear a MAGA hat in public either, BTW).
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:15:45 PM EDT
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It’s the false equivalence of saying that ants are welcome because someone chooses to tell them to go away instead of telling them to fuck off.
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Must have gotten better somewhere around chapter 16 where I tuned out because what I read up to that point was mostly self-indulgent tripe.
Pointing out failures of welcoming ants to the picnic and lending credibility to said ants, is self indulgent tripe? Okie dokie.
It’s the false equivalence of saying that ants are welcome because someone chooses to tell them to go away instead of telling them to fuck off.
Low energy bro.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:21:34 PM EDT
I don't come to gd to pretend I am at a church social, or family holiday.
This is the place to come for all the shit you can't really talk about at work, and for Internet grabassing. It is also a place of incredible generosity and compassion.
The gd knowledge base is as good as any place on the Web, you can find out almost anything here.
It's a shame the hyenas here run off good people who come for fun.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:24:38 PM EDT
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I don't come to gd to pretend I am at a church social, or family holiday.
This is the place to come for all the shit you can't really talk about at work, and for Internet grabassing. It is also a place of incredible generosity and compassion.
The gd knowledge base is as good as any place on the Web, you can find out almost anything here.
It's a shame the hyenas here run off good people who come for fun.
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Reported. This could be construed as trolling the membership.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:47:42 PM EDT
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Low energy bro.
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Must have gotten better somewhere around chapter 16 where I tuned out because what I read up to that point was mostly self-indulgent tripe.
Pointing out failures of welcoming ants to the picnic and lending credibility to said ants, is self indulgent tripe? Okie dokie.
It’s the false equivalence of saying that ants are welcome because someone chooses to tell them to go away instead of telling them to fuck off.
Low energy bro.
Poor assumption. I have no issue telling someone to go fuck themselves a dozen different ways without the use of expletives and have them thank me for it afterwards. It’s a lost art called tact.  I am also perfectly capable of making a point using the vast thesaurus issued by the Marine Corps.

Some folks are saying to use the right tool for the right job. Some others think everything looks like a nail.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 12:56:38 PM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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I'm with you bro. Nothing wrong with calling out BS where you see it.

This thread in general has been an interesting lunchtime read.

I would love to see a members only sub forum where we could talk as men.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:09:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:23:30 PM EDT
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The only problem with that idea is that many of the same people who claim that we should just be able to say what we want, and be “men” about it - are the same people who incessantly whine about how “trolls” and “shills” and “disrupters” (which often is just code for people whose opinions they don’t like) are allowed to post here, and who demand that those people should be silenced and banned.

So which one is it?  Should we just be “men” and be allowed to say whatever we want and have some thick skin ... or does the site need to protect us from those horrible meanies who say things we don’t like to hear by silencing and banning them?
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You know we're just kidding with all those "reported" gifs right?

But seriously, I understand it's best just to keep it like it is.

I've adminned and modded gaming servers and associated forums in the past. I applaud you guys as it can suck all the fun out of it having to deal with the whining.

Thanks to Goatboy for all you do. I've been there... It's a thankless job sometimes.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:36:19 PM EDT
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Poor assumption. I have no issue telling someone to go fuck themselves a dozen different ways without the use of expletives and have them thank me for it afterwards. It’s a lost art called tact.  I am also perfectly capable of making a point using the vast thesaurus issued by the Marine Corps.

Some folks are saying to use the right tool for the right job. Some others think everything looks like a nail.
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Bless your heart.

Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:46:11 PM EDT

"Fuck all commies" is fine.
"Terrorists should die!" is fine.
"I hope all pedos die in a fire." is fine.
"If I caught a pedo, I would kill them myself." Probably fine since it's inflection and not a threat.

"Someone should rape AOC!" NOT OK.
"Someone needs to shove a c###in AOC's mouth to shut her up!" NOT OK.
"We need to kill all these Antifa fucks." NOT OK.
"We need to sodomize Schiff." NOT OK.
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I'm still confused... maybe staff/mods can help me clarify here:

"Terrorists should die!" is fine.  Ok....

But what about:

"Antifa Activists should die!" is... ok?

"Liberal Politicians should die!" is... ok?

Same with the other "is fine" examples... replace pedos with some other group... those are all ok?

i.e. "I hope all (Antifa/Liberals/Commies/gungrabbers/etc.) die in a fire" is ok?

"If I caught a (Antifa/liberal/commie/gungrabber/etc) I would kill them myself" is ok?

Just clarifying... I don't actually wish death on anyone, but I would like to understand where the lines are drawn.

Basically, it's ok to put any group into that category so long as it's a "I wish..." or "I hope..." or a daydreamy "If I caught..." sort of thing?

Or are some groups off limits and others are ok?  (i.e. pedos and terrorists, fine, but no one else?)
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:47:54 PM EDT
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I'm still confused... maybe staff/mods can help me clarify here:

"Terrorists should die!" is fine.  Ok....
But what about:

"Antifa Activists should die!" is... ok?

"Liberal Politicians should die!" is... ok?

Same with the other "is fine" examples... replace pedos with some other group... those are all ok?

i.e. "I hope all (Antifa/Liberals/Commies/gungrabbers/etc.) die in a fire" is ok?

"If I caught a (Antifa/liberal/commie/gungrabber/etc) I would kill them myself" is ok?

Just clarifying... I don't actually with death on anyone, but I would like to understand where the lines are drawn.

Basically, it's ok to put any group into that category so long as it's a "I wish..." or "I hope..." or a daydreamy "If I caught..." sort of thing?  
Or are some groups off limits and others are ok?  (i.e. pedos and terrorists, fine, but no one else?)
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"Fuck all commies" is fine.
"Terrorists should die!" is fine.
"I hope all pedos die in a fire." is fine.
"If I caught a pedo, I would kill them myself." Probably fine since it's inflection and not a threat.

"Someone should rape AOC!" NOT OK.
"Someone needs to shove a c###in AOC's mouth to shut her up!" NOT OK.
"We need to kill all these Antifa fucks." NOT OK.
"We need to sodomize Schiff." NOT OK.

I'm still confused... maybe staff/mods can help me clarify here:

"Terrorists should die!" is fine.  Ok....
But what about:

"Antifa Activists should die!" is... ok?

"Liberal Politicians should die!" is... ok?

Same with the other "is fine" examples... replace pedos with some other group... those are all ok?

i.e. "I hope all (Antifa/Liberals/Commies/gungrabbers/etc.) die in a fire" is ok?

"If I caught a (Antifa/liberal/commie/gungrabber/etc) I would kill them myself" is ok?

Just clarifying... I don't actually with death on anyone, but I would like to understand where the lines are drawn.

Basically, it's ok to put any group into that category so long as it's a "I wish..." or "I hope..." or a daydreamy "If I caught..." sort of thing?  
Or are some groups off limits and others are ok?  (i.e. pedos and terrorists, fine, but no one else?)
I think a good policy is just don't talk about killing people in a permanently recorded public space.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:48:16 PM EDT

I would love to see a members only sub forum where we could talk as men.
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The only problem with that idea is that many of the same people who claim that we should just be able to say what we want, and be “men” about it - are the same people who incessantly whine about how “trolls” and “shills” and “disrupters” (which often is just code for people whose opinions they don’t like) are allowed to post here, and who demand that those people should be silenced and banned.

So which one is it?  Should we just be “men” and be allowed to say whatever we want and have some thick skin ... or does the site need to protect us from those horrible meanies who say things we don’t like to hear by silencing and banning them?
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That's a bit disingenuous.

You know good and well as does everybody else that the type of members we are talking about are true agitators, believers, Leftists, who want all of us and our way of life GONE.

The criticism has always been about their skillfully navigating the COC to push their narrative while the less tactful members who call them out and tell them exactly what the fuck is up get warned, locked, banned. And don't even bring up the pit as an outlet. The pit is a pussy fest. What some members have suggested is a relaxing or complete abolishment of the COC and a place to let them say exactly what they have to say without mincing any words.

I know it won't happen, and I'm not certain that it should; but it doesn't really matter anymore. As long as the Leftists here smile and are polite while being out in the open about changing America to a more socialist or even communist country, they'll be allowed to stay and participate and generate clicks for you guys. It's not like they don't have an interest in guns anyway just not for the same reasons we do. Hey, they may even buy stuff from Brownell's. How great is that? Eventually, they'll make up the majority or close to it of the posting membership in General Discussion.

I'm not really emotionally invested in it one way or the other - just what I see.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 1:49:23 PM EDT
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I think a good policy is just don't talk about killing people in a permanently recorded public space.
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I get that, and I don't, at least, I don't recall.  I might have said something about rapists or pedos from time to time, I guess.  But I think the initial post was not very crisp and want to understand it.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 2:16:10 PM EDT
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Poor assumption. I have no issue telling someone to go fuck themselves a dozen different ways without the use of expletives and have them thank me for it afterwards. It’s a lost art called tact.  I am also perfectly capable of making a point using the vast thesaurus issued by the Marine Corps.

Some folks are saying to use the right tool for the right job. Some others think everything looks like a nail.
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Must have gotten better somewhere around chapter 16 where I tuned out because what I read up to that point was mostly self-indulgent tripe.
Pointing out failures of welcoming ants to the picnic and lending credibility to said ants, is self indulgent tripe? Okie dokie.
It’s the false equivalence of saying that ants are welcome because someone chooses to tell them to go away instead of telling them to fuck off.
Low energy bro.
Poor assumption. I have no issue telling someone to go fuck themselves a dozen different ways without the use of expletives and have them thank me for it afterwards. It’s a lost art called tact.  I am also perfectly capable of making a point using the vast thesaurus issued by the Marine Corps.

Some folks are saying to use the right tool for the right job. Some others think everything looks like a nail.
I meant your post. It's rather plain. Not the idea behind it or the point you made.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 2:18:01 PM EDT
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I don't know what part of the country you live in, but some of the things I've seen posted in the gun forums would immediately cause someone to "throw down" with you where I live.
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Sometimes that does happen.  Most often not.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 2:27:09 PM EDT
Lol, the irony of a gun grabber lecturing about "civility".
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 2:37:07 PM EDT
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Bless your heart.

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Poor assumption. I have no issue telling someone to go fuck themselves a dozen different ways without the use of expletives and have them thank me for it afterwards. It’s a lost art called tact.  I am also perfectly capable of making a point using the vast thesaurus issued by the Marine Corps.

Some folks are saying to use the right tool for the right job. Some others think everything looks like a nail.
Bless your heart.

Hammer, meet nail.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 2:39:05 PM EDT
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I meant your post. It's rather plain. Not the idea behind it or the point you made.
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Must have gotten better somewhere around chapter 16 where I tuned out because what I read up to that point was mostly self-indulgent tripe.
Pointing out failures of welcoming ants to the picnic and lending credibility to said ants, is self indulgent tripe? Okie dokie.
It’s the false equivalence of saying that ants are welcome because someone chooses to tell them to go away instead of telling them to fuck off.
Low energy bro.
Poor assumption. I have no issue telling someone to go fuck themselves a dozen different ways without the use of expletives and have them thank me for it afterwards. It’s a lost art called tact.  I am also perfectly capable of making a point using the vast thesaurus issued by the Marine Corps.

Some folks are saying to use the right tool for the right job. Some others think everything looks like a nail.
I meant your post. It's rather plain. Not the idea behind it or the point you made.
It had at least one “fuck” in it. Not sure how much more you were looking for.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 2:57:17 PM EDT
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The only problem with that idea is that many of the same people who claim that we should just be able to say what we want, and be “men” about it - are the same people who incessantly whine about how “trolls” and “shills” and “disrupters” (which often is just code for people whose opinions they don’t like) are allowed to post here, and who demand that those people should be silenced and banned.

So which one is it?  Should we just be “men” and be allowed to say whatever we want and have some thick skin ... or does the site need to protect us from those horrible meanies who say things we don’t like to hear by silencing and banning them?
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I would love to see a members only sub forum where we could talk as men.
The only problem with that idea is that many of the same people who claim that we should just be able to say what we want, and be “men” about it - are the same people who incessantly whine about how “trolls” and “shills” and “disrupters” (which often is just code for people whose opinions they don’t like) are allowed to post here, and who demand that those people should be silenced and banned.

So which one is it?  Should we just be “men” and be allowed to say whatever we want and have some thick skin ... or does the site need to protect us from those horrible meanies who say things we don’t like to hear by silencing and banning them?
Sadly this, lots of folks would prefer an echo chamber.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 3:03:17 PM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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I guess that you get today's gold star for the best rant
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 3:08:41 PM EDT

Church? No church here...

That's how you get the ATF and FBI to crash tanks into your shit and torch it"

I don't see those agencies making a habit of crashing tanks inyo stuff and torching it. Now, if you want to do illegal stuff at some place you call your church, don't be surprised if they come knocking
This isn't Highlander, and holy ground isn't off limits
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 3:17:59 PM EDT
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You’ve managed to rack up quite an assortment of accomplishments with that post. You’ve ignored the relevance of the impact your approach would have on the success of this site, you’ve questioned my character rather counter my arguments, and now you’re insinuating that anyone not sharing your very specific religious beliefs is the cause for the ills on this site.

You do these things because you are incapable of defending your ideas on their actual merits.

Holding the position that masculine spaces are something toxic which must be locked away far from prying eyes is how we ended up with a society run by women. It’s why guns have been banned for the children. It’s why websites which discuss guns will eventually be suppressed no matter how polite and family-friendly they are.

Your argument that the public accessibility of this website means it must be G-rated would perhaps make sense if the internet was television or broadcast radio. It isn’t, and you do not understand the fundamental nature of the internet. This site does not require public disclosure of your identity and reading ARFCom is not forced upon women and soft-skinned men. Everyone is free to type something else in the search bar if this buffet is not to their liking.

You’re demanding the machine shop or auto-garage behave like they are at a thanksgiving dinner or church, because some soft-skinned type might be walking down a random street and overhear something harsh.

I reject that. Firstly I reject it because it is absurd and part of the reason our society is ill with over-femininzation. Secondly I reject it for a much more pragmatic reason: It WILL destroy this site if implemented as rule.

Novelty and uniqueness is what makes a website like ARFCom popular. Its masculine-centric culture and subject matter made it both novel and unique. The very thing you disdain is the wind in the sales of this ship.

I genuinely want this site to succeed and its culture to thrive. It shouldn’t be difficult to grasp that turning this site into a church service will result in its traffic and social engagement plummeting like a rock.

There are countless other social media platforms and web forums run in the way you prescribe. There are very few run the way ARFCom is. Why must ARFCom be changed to match mediocrity available elsewhere? Does that really seem like a direction which will help this site succeed?
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Your objection is duly noted.
I've also noted that my sentiments attracted some support
If you want to have a potty mouth with other dudes and post on-line on public forums  like a drunken sailor lurching across the machine shop, I can see where you would be frustrated by people who think that such conduct is just simply wrong.

I think that your claim that it's all due to a feminization of society is a bit ridiculous. I find the claims by recent posters that civil conduct is simply too difficult for them to be an indication of how much society has regressed. If you're offended by that, too bad.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 3:22:07 PM EDT
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Keep GD horseshit out of Team.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 4:30:02 PM EDT
Obviously, page 9 is where we see how many times we can quote OP's wall of text.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 4:42:37 PM EDT
Thanks GoatBoy.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 5:25:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 5:31:58 PM EDT
I wish all site staff would be able to experience good alcohol and cigars. But not D_J.

Link Posted: 10/9/2019 6:15:39 PM EDT
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OK so terrorists are a generic term, can be anyone right? Not really a threat to a specific group or person. The terrorist group itself basically means horrid people who wish to instill terror through violence. So fuck em.

Unfortunately Antifa means "morons in portland" at the moment and is pretty specific. So if you post that and someone gets shot thinking you wanted them to do that, then it turns your world upside down. It's too specific a target and could be interpreted to directly mean "go kill so-and-so" in a court. This is why something like this is bad.  The same with Liberal Politicians. Why threaten them with they should die instead of just wishing them ill. "I hope all Liberal Politicians get horrid diarrhea and shit themselves forever," is so much more elegant and without the invitation for someone to go and cause them harm.

The key in these instances is to not cross the line on legality. Asking or saying that you want them to die or be harmed is like putting a big bullseye on yourself, the site, and the community. If something were to happen, then we all would be liable in some way. This is why it's against EVERY hosting company's policy. It's not just because we want to be nice. Nobody wants to get shut down or see anything happen to someone else because of a stupid comment.

"Hope ..." is usually ok because you aren't asking for violence. It's a subtle enough difference, but again, if you type it, you risk your ass. Instead of death, wish something else on them.

The "if I caught XYZ I would kill them myself" should be limited to horrid things only. I also would try to refrain from this because it's so easily screwed up. Look all Pedophiles need to die. There's no way around that. You do something like that and the world will want you gone. You can't say the same about some of the other things on your list. Also a lot of your list is more specific, so it becomes a potential threat. When in doubt, remove the idea of kill and replace with something else. "I wish we could send all the antifa people to the sun" conveys the same idea without a realistic threat.

In short, if it can be seen as a threat or promotion/invitation to harm someone (or a definable group) then it's probably bad. So get creative and wish some fun stuff on folks.
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Thanks for the explanation.  I think it's clear enough.
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 6:18:53 PM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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Link Posted: 10/9/2019 6:40:30 PM EDT
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The only problem with that idea is that many of the same people who claim that we should just be able to say what we want, and be “men” about it - are the same people who incessantly whine about how “trolls” and “shills” and “disrupters” (which often is just code for people whose opinions they don’t like) are allowed to post here, and who demand that those people should be silenced and banned.

So which one is it?  Should we just be “men” and be allowed to say whatever we want and have some thick skin ... or does the site need to protect us from those horrible meanies who say things we don’t like to hear by silencing and banning them?
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Wasn't this place founded on, you will not be judged by the color of your skin but by its thickness?
What happened there?

I still say there should be a rat emblem/flair under users who go snitching. That way everyone can put them on ignore...
Link Posted: 10/9/2019 9:04:36 PM EDT
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I see what your issue is...

It's something I've encountered/witnessed here in Florida amongst the 55+ HOA types.
Clutching onto the past groveling and angered by how younger generations do things differently to how things were done back in NY CT MA NJ...

After they've had their whine I respond. Look at who raised them and how they were raised. You long for a return of civility. You mourn over the good old days. Well. Thank your generational Marxists that went from protesting Nam, to being public school staff and college professors that encouraged degeneracy.
You reap what you sow.

Then they harp on Trump. In one breath BeSt PrEsiDeNt EvAr! Next breath, he's trashy crass with no class. All that money and he can't upgrade from trailer trash!
That's why we voted for him. It's that self anointed holier than thou/supercilious we're better than you authoritarian attitude liberals hold today. It's also what younger generations despise of older transplants retiring to Florida in droves. Whether they have an R or D next to their name. Nose in the air I'm better than you general schmuck types aren't really appreciated...

You're in NY. I'm from upstate NY. Being polite is what welcomed elitist supercilious pricks from NYC wholesale into my former AO and ruined it. It also is responsible for what got Cuomo elected...
Being spineless, trying the moral route, upstanding route, failed bigly. I was surrounded by these types... Don't make waves, don't rock the boat, be happy with what you're allowed to have! Fuck that. Shall not be infringed does not mean bolt actions 7-10 rounds and retard AK/ARs.

Me I like history. The downward spiral began LONG before I was born... yearning for yesterday won't get you the results you desire.
Every problem you see today be it a societal/civility issue, economic issue, political football issue... 1960s onward.
Appeasing commies, a softer gentler kinder praise be the nanny state, it all began back there...

It's partially why someone decided I had no say in whether I can walk into a local gun store and walk out with a new belt fed machine gun... I had no say in that...
It's why older guys can revel the good old days with 69 Z28s with 302s and 4 speeds, big block chevelles, and I'm left with feeble wheel drive shit boxes and automatic transmissions. And due to hip and knee replacements clutches be hard to push sonny, along with this goofy belief a small block car/truck is worth the asking price of 15k+ with a slush box 3 speed swapped and no 4 speeds to be found anywhere...

Conservatives, you older crowd, are not. You failed. Your tactics of being warm, gentle, welcoming brought ants to the picnic.
You're seeing the results of this in real time as younger generations are reading commies play book and using their tactics against them with no care for civility. While you older guys played by hearts and minds rules of engagement and lost, we said yeah fuck that time to go on the assault for once... and it's working. Kinda.

Talking like grandma is at the Thanksgiving table, uhhh... grandma is Pelosi and Fienswine... we don't want grandma at the Thanksgiving table.
Grandma thinks. Correction. Feels.

Feels we shouldn't have access to firearms that don't resemble her long deceased fudd husbands bolt action sporterized Mauser.
Grandma burned leaded high octane in a big block landau topped muscle car, and feels we should all be driving feeble wheel drive soyboi engineered shit boxes.
Grandma feels she's entitled to 200k at closing for a house that was 50-80k bought paid for with no value added to the place or property, because that's what the tax man assessed the shit hole at, needing roof and foundation work.
Grandma feels it's okay if the Childrunz born a boy identify as a girl, or are tuned on by cookware and come out as pansexuals.
Grandma feels it's okay if the granddaughter whores around teens-mid 20s spits a couple kids out, because that's something that can be photographed uploaded onto the book of faces for likes, shares, comments. Nevermind nu-wave feminism teaching it's okay because boys can do it, so can we, empowered poor life choices. And because Boomers gonna boom hilariously talk shit about her or the boyfriend playing house under their roof, but never once gave it a thought they enabled these poor life choices. Just blame those damn kids, Dodge responsibility wholesale. Or find something else to blame it on. Some outside force/influence like the MTV or interwebz. Because God forbid they wear egg on their face and own their fuck ups in the form of 20 and 30 somethings living at home...

See where I'm going with this?
If not. I'll be very blunt here.

You older fellas, gave commies/leftists credibility. You didn't fight these smarmy cunts. Just like a so called republican representative in upstate NY, you followed this belief of getting along to move along. And look what it got you.
High taxes to float lazy bums.

Machine guns? Banned.
NFA? Never challenged.
Automotive industry? Over priced over engineered cookie cutter look alike absolute Shit.
Society? Absolute Shit. Between boomers dodging responsibility as parents, boomers teaching in public schools and colleges, with indoctrination of Feeling > Thinking...
Housing market? Artificial. No way in hell half the houses on the market are worth near their asking price. But because the tax man arbitrarily says Yep. 200k. Hell no. Nope. I don't see a pool. I don't see granite and marble all the things. I don't see rich mahogany. Nor do I see insulated windows or any other improvements or upgrades made...

I see a neglected ranch/raised ranch run down Victorian in NY selling for 200k needing work, never been updated, and a property tax bill of 5k... fuck that. But you older folks love that shit for you can sell a neglected dump for 150-200k as a "starter home" and retire to Florida or other low tax burden states and live like kings... hence why I am a firm believer in making your property seem like an eye sore. The tax man is retarded. You do the right thing and make your place pleasant in appearance and maintain it. You're rewarded with a made up number to justify paying higher taxes. I work. I like money. I like keeping my money. Fuck giving it to the tax man because he says the place is worth $xxx,xxx when to me it's just a place to rest my head, wash my ass, and store cool shit I don't want stolen.

But boomers love them some ridiculous property values and taxes. That's their escape money. Their bingo in a Florida 55+ HOA money.
Thus you have Bernie supporters embracing socialism and communism wholesale. Don't do that. There's no reason the houses in my former AO are going for 200k and up. None what soever. But they are. For run down neglected dumps most here wouldn't let a dog live in. But. Because arbitrary property assessments you have 200k shit holes. The real reason? To keep those that work, out, and keep the influx of cityiot liberals going in.

What in the hell did you expect to get with all that fail? Mayberry? A place where you don't have to lock your doors at night?
Perhaps if you didn't enable and welcome ants to the picnic and lend credibility to commies... maybe.
And you long for these good old days. They're dead Jim. They're not coming back.
Yes be nice to them. Let them be heard. It'll be great. Wonderful. We can exchange ideas and agree to disagree...
They take everything over. Every single time you've appeased these shit bags. They are like a cancer, they attach to a viable thriving healthy host. Take from it anything of value and good standing, and destroy it. Locusts. Cancerous locusts. I got so fed up with this kinder gentler agree to disagree cuckservative outlook I left NY to go to Florida to warn the Florida bros what's coming, how they get it, and how to beat them. I won't spend another minute, another dime in that shit hole. I meant it. Hell would freeze over before I ever go back.

I had a nice thing. Many nice things actually. Until the cityiot liberals came. And the rino/cuckservatives in the area bent over backwards to appease them. Now my former AO is a somewhat urbanized shit hole full of authoritarian retards that banned hunting vote for Cuomo and love them their high property assesments. Even managed to get rid of the town PD after new ordinances carrying the weight of law designed to punish us "hicks" "townies" were equally enforced onto their shit head kids with subwoofers rattling windows and duck fart mufflers on Hondas. It's okay when they made noise. God forbid Bubba puts headers and glasspacks on an old K10... or runs a Harley with drag pipes... okay when they come up with their crotch rockets and civics to do the same. Between equal enforcement of said ordinances, and supporting depositions of a radar/laser detection devices on a windshield... it was put on a ballot to end funding the town PD. And because they out numbered us "hicks" "townies" they got it. No more PD.

That one was quite poetic actually. Because police response times went from 5-10 minutes to half an hour to an hour due to county sheriffs and state troopers... when heroin flooded the place, junkies raided the cityiots mcmansions ripping walls and floors to get to copper pipes. That ADT sign was just as good as advertising free bars of gold inside!

I watched my former AO turn to shit. All because of the simple minded cuckservatives looking for civility, agree to disagree, inviting ants to the picnic and wondering why problems galore exist, and the only proposed solutions, are problematic ones. Like banning hunting... both by ordinances and re-zoning efforts. Those 2 initatives + developing rural areas caused deer collisions and farmers/orchards crops being decimated. But that's okay...
It only became a problem when those lush landscaped mcmansions and some cityiot cunts about their 15k dollar red maple getting eaten plus what shrubs and garden they had growing. Then it's a problem. Get ENCON and DEC to go to Vermont to capture mountain lions and release them locally. In an area home to cattle, horses, alpacas etc live stock. What possibly could go fucking wrong there...

Nope. Fuck NY. I don't have NY values. I don't sympathize one bit for the shit ya'll are putting up with. Complacency kills. It really paid to hide behind Muh jobz and familyz and Muh photo being taken if I show up to protest the safeact in Albany. It really paid off inviting these shit birds into upstate. All for the almighty quick buck to be made by selling a couple hundred acres to some cityiot developer.

Thank yourselves for welcoming and not fighting liberals/cultural Marxists who reinforced degeneracy, and for lending them credibility.
Thus you see no civility. No quarter for leftist shit birds. You want the good old days? Best embrace the fuck yous, the fuck commies, and other unfavorable language that's posted here. Or don't and put everyone on ignore and have yourself a small echo chamber of fellow minded boomers yearning for yesrteryear because Muh civility.

Us youngins have no use for civility and what's "proper" as according to you. It's why we can't have nice things anymore. It's why liberals infected everything and ruined everything. Doubt it? Take a stroll sometime through every dem ran city and town in NY. Try Amsterdam. Try Poughkeepsie. Beautiful old Victorian houses as far as the eye can see run down and left to be condemned. Local .gov doing their best to chase small businesses that employ out of that area to get welfare and dope to proliferate. And with it, single mothers out the ass with tax payer funded state and federal aid to keep feeding them and their poor life choices, and if you speak against that you're racist you're whatever flavor of phobosisticismist they can label you with.


Be their boogeyman. Wear their feeble insults like a fucking badge of honor. It fucks with them to no end when they can not influence you or sway your beliefs with character smears.
This is how you win. That and not being polite and civil or what's the phrase... Politically correct. Demoralize them. Take the wind out of their sails. Throw their failures back in their face. Make them regret ever spawning degeneracy. Don't be afraid to get in the mud to wrestle pigs. Mud washes off.
Use their tactics against them. Maybe. Just maybe... after they've been exposed for the degenerate shit bags that they are... maybe Mayberry can exist.

Until then. Kiss that memory of what was goodbye.
We have a country to help make great again. And it doesn't happen by being nice to shit birds that want to hamstring this once great nation.
Remember, our motto used to be land of the free, home of the brave. Yeah that died a LONG time ago.

We're currently land of the lemming home of the over regulated.
And it all happened by enabling shit birds and being welcoming and nice believing Muh morals Muh civility and other general cuckservative approaches would work. It didnt. Now we're left with the pieces to and scraps that remain. If it requires us to be uncouth heathens ready willing and able to yeet commies from helicopters... so be it.

Just because you older guys didn't have the spine to put your foot down and tell them to go fuck themselves doesn't mean we do.
Just because you hid behind your jobs and families to avoid confronting these narcissistic smarmy holier than thou pricks in town hall, doesn't mean we will.
Just because you were called a racist or whatever flavor of phobosisticismist by some shit bag liberal and backed down in fear of what happens next, doesn't mean we will.

The future is now old man. It's ugly. It's unfortunate. You got it by caving, capitulating, appeasing these rat bastards. Time to fight by their rules, their tactics and push them back to being irrelevant and mere nuisances.

I'm not mad. Not in the least bit. I just fight fire with fire. I don't want any more degeneracy. We've about reached peak degeneracy as is. I'm merely pointing out where you older guys failed. And using my former AO as an example.
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And just to keep from having to wade through fields of useless crap...

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Link Posted: 10/9/2019 9:06:08 PM EDT
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I get not wanting GD moved to team. They're completely different forums honestly. Just moving GD behind the paywall would eliminate 95% of hit and run trolls and sadly if fear of  outside interests is causing enough grief for the admins that we're having this conversation now then it makes sense. Better that than watch the whole thing get PC'd to death.
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Call it "spicy GD?"
I get not wanting GD moved to team. They're completely different forums honestly. Just moving GD behind the paywall would eliminate 95% of hit and run trolls and sadly if fear of  outside interests is causing enough grief for the admins that we're having this conversation now then it makes sense. Better that than watch the whole thing get PC'd to death.
This, make them pay you to troll
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