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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:51:48 AM EDT
Convince me that the larger and woke law enforcement agencies are NOT using their applicant background and psych screening to weed out candidates not willing to do the dirty work.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:51:59 AM EDT
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Best friend’s brother and sister-in-law both just resigned from OPP over this shit, and the leadership changes that are allowing it.

There is a purge going on in the department - officers who don’t support crackdown are getting the shove.
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So, they weren't down, eh?...
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:53:07 AM EDT
Today it's a dental plan, tomorrow it'll be a loaf of bread

Or whatever

Lisa needs braces, but no future
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:54:37 AM EDT
Screengrab I took yesterday

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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:56:06 AM EDT
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The C stands for c$&t.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:56:06 AM EDT
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Convince me that the larger and woke law enforcement agencies are NOT using their applicant background and psych screening to weed out candidates not willing to do the dirty work.
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I don't see any pink hairs and diversity hires out there in full riot gear assaulting peaceful protesters

Consider the possibility that it has nothing to do with "woke agencies"

There is enough state sanctioned & supported violence against innocent people to fill a library, and none of it has anything to do with "woke hiring practices"
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:57:25 AM EDT
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Who creates laws? Oh yeah thats right it's the elitist politicians who hate every ounce of your being

Do you have any idea how many blatantly tyrannical and downright unconstitutional laws have been forced through since the patriot act?

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Enforcing the law and force used where necessary.

Who creates laws? Oh yeah thats right it's the elitist politicians who hate every ounce of your being

Do you have any idea how many blatantly tyrannical and downright unconstitutional laws have been forced through since the patriot act?

Hold up there Sir, no law is unconstitutional unless/except if it challenged in a court of regulation and deemed as such. Until then, its all totally on the up & up...

...or so some think
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 11:59:38 AM EDT
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So, they weren't down, eh?...
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Best friend’s brother and sister-in-law both just resigned from OPP over this shit, and the leadership changes that are allowing it.
There is a purge going on in the department - officers who don’t support crackdown are getting the shove.

So, they weren't down, eh?...

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:00:28 PM EDT
If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:01:07 PM EDT
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LOL, do you think they review their oath every day and make sure they are adhering to it?  They do what their leadership instructs them to, after all keeping their paychecks and pensions are the most important things in their lives.  If your life gets in the way of them earning a living they will "just follow orders" and eliminate you.

This was made abundantly clear when the covid lockdowns started and the cops started harassing citizens for doing things like going to church, not wearing a mask, or showing up at their state capitol buildings.
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not all the cops.

but then again, you only see what you wanna see.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:01:20 PM EDT
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Hold up there Sir, no law is unconstitutional unless/except if it challenged in a court of regulation and deemed as such. Until then, its all totally on the up & up...

...or so some think
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And the judges are totally fair and unbiased unlike the other people in the government politicians appoint like bureaucrats.

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:02:19 PM EDT
At some point people have to recognize that doing the bidding of tyrants, irrespective of how their pay is sourced is not honorable.

That is the lowest common denominator.

Act honorably and you are an honorable individual regardless of your profession.

Do the biding of tyrants whether those are government tyrants, mobsters or cartel and you are a loathsome shitbag, the fact you are being paid for it changes nothing.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:03:07 PM EDT
C'mon, guys. You're going to get this locked unless you keep the conversation specifically to the RCMP.

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:03:17 PM EDT
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If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?
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They did exactly the same thing the mounties are doing: what they are told.  If the Democrats in charge of those cities told them to go distribute hickory shampoo to BLM they would have done so with glee.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:03:27 PM EDT
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If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?
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Except they didn't, they literally got down on their knees in "solidarity" and stared at the clouds as BLM terrorized the country for months on end

Any more hypotheticals that will fall flat on their face?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:05:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:05:58 PM EDT
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Nothing new here. The term "Horse Gestapo" for the RCMP has been around for years.
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Their very own Florian Geyer?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:06:14 PM EDT
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Convince me that the larger and woke law enforcement agencies are NOT using their applicant background and psych screening to weed out candidates not willing to do the dirty work.
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you know it! and many of them came from 20 years of the GWOT in the .mil
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:10:26 PM EDT
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If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?
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False equivalency
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:11:34 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:12:33 PM EDT
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And the judges are totally fair and unbiased unlike the other people in the government politicians appoint like bureaucrats.

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Hold up there Sir, no law is unconstitutional unless/except if it challenged in a court of regulation and deemed as such. Until then, its all totally on the up & up...

...or so some think
And the judges are totally fair and unbiased unlike the other people in the government politicians appoint like bureaucrats.

Well, yeah! Thats why they are judges...
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:14:40 PM EDT
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C'mon, guys. You're going to get this locked unless you keep the conversation specifically to the RCMP.

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You mean the guys that ride houses with Redcoats?

Redcoats? Where have we seen this before?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:14:50 PM EDT
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Except they didn't, they literally got down on their knees in "solidarity" and stared at the clouds as BLM terrorized the country for months on end

Any more hypotheticals that will fall flat on their face?
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If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?

Except they didn't, they literally got down on their knees in "solidarity" and stared at the clouds as BLM terrorized the country for months on end

Any more hypotheticals that will fall flat on their face?

that just proves the point the LE hires mindless bots that just want to have power and control over other humans. mostly.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:16:46 PM EDT
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I don't see any pink hairs and diversity hires out there in full riot gear assaulting peaceful protesters

Consider the possibility that it has nothing to do with "woke agencies"

There is enough state sanctioned & supported violence against innocent people to fill a library, and none of it has anything to do with "woke hiring practices"
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How do you tell what color hair someone in "full riot gear" goggles and a mask, has?

Also missing the point, it's not "woke" hiring practices, but specifically excluding candidates who won't blindly follow unlawful/authoritarian orders. There are plenty of left leaning and "diverse" types who believe strongly in civil liberties.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:17:09 PM EDT
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not all the cops.
but then again, you only see what you wanna see.
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I see what the woke media let’s me see!  Right?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:17:12 PM EDT
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Convince me that the larger and woke law enforcement agencies are NOT using their applicant background and psych screening to weed out candidates not willing to do the dirty work.
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Certain depts have been doing this for quite some time. I remember it from a West Coast agency who wanted social workers....this must have been around 2008? I imagine its only worse and more prevalent today.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:19:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:19:56 PM EDT
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Hold up there Sir, no law is unconstitutional unless/except if it challenged in a court of regulation and deemed as such. Until then, its all totally on the up & up...

...or so some think
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I have posed the question to cops I know "what if a law is passed that says the 4th Amendment no longer applies," will they follow it?

They look at me like a deer in the headlights. They literally don't know how to answer. That's telling.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:20:22 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Locally our Sheriff and PD released official statements that said “fuck that” when C19 got started.

They’ve stayed true to their word and have not been involved in any shenanigans.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:22:51 PM EDT
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Hold up there Sir, no law is unconstitutional unless/except if it challenged in a court of regulation and deemed as such. Until then, its all totally on the up & up...

...or so some think
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So the citizens sue the government and win spending millions and millions of dollars to due so.

Then the government changes a couple of words and implements the same law so the citizens have to gather millions more and wait years ....

The politicians know they're violating the Constitution and they don't give a fuck.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:23:24 PM EDT
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Be very careful of what you say.

Posting the kind of discussions my local towns and barbershops are full of gets you banned in most social forums.

Click of the mouse and your opinions are silenced forever.
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And your bank accounts seized for the state.

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:25:08 PM EDT
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Quoted:This was made abundantly clear when the covid lockdowns started and the cops started harassing citizens for doing things like going to church, not wearing a mask, or showing up at their state capitol buildings.
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The cops arresting the surfer alone with his board on an empty beach was all I needed.

Law enforcement circuses to entertain their keepers.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:26:25 PM EDT
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I am in no way supporting their actionsbut what is their oath of office?  For all I know, they are upholding their oath.

Still wrong though
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It shocks me how much some people have to bend their thinking and thought process to make things work. Just simply call it what it is, it's wrong and it's unlawful.

It doesn't matter what their oath of office is. If the Nazis had had in their oath of office that they were supposed to kill Jews would that of made it okay?

It's ridiculous. There's right and there's wrong, plain and simple.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:26:59 PM EDT
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Be very careful of what you say.

Posting the kind of discussions my local towns and barbershops are full of gets you banned in most social forums.

Click of the mouse and your opinions are silenced forever.
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They're just following their martyred idol Joseph Goebbels example. If that doesn't work, they'll likely break out Herr Himmlers teachings.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:29:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:29:52 PM EDT
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Watch how many object to what goes on.
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Notice how those bitches took 1 person from the group, separated him, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him together like a gang of hood rats.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:31:56 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Ironically I got an account warning for simply saying, "Typical police: Always on the wrong side of history because, "I was just following orders!""

We aren't supposed to disparage all police, because not all would do this kind of thing, but where are THOSE police now? Where are the majority of police standing up and saying, "No, Tyrannical Politician, we are not doing that!"?

We get ones and twos here and there against it after the fact or who are so far removed from it they're safe.

It is high time the police, ALL police pick a fucking side and let us all know what side that is because it seems like you're picking the wrong one time and again.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:32:44 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:36:16 PM EDT
Funny how people tend to be loyal to whomever signs their paycheck.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:37:49 PM EDT
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Notice how those b***hes took 1 person from the group, separated him, and then proceeded to beat the s**t out of him together like a gang of hood rats.
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Pitiful and the protester is the bad guy.

Isaiah 5:20
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:42:58 PM EDT
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take a note from the Antifa playbook, paint ballons/spray would make all of those masks worthless
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:44:32 PM EDT
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I see what the woke media let’s me see!  Right?
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not all the cops.
but then again, you only see what you wanna see.

I see what the woke media let’s me see!  Right?

if thats what you watch, sure

i believe what i see with my eyes and i saw good cops in my town and county sheriffs.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:46:25 PM EDT
and people looked at me funny when I said that I don't like, or trust cops; and the atrocities they will commit for dental will be perverse and grand.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:47:41 PM EDT
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Except they didn't, they literally got down on their knees in "solidarity" and stared at the clouds as BLM terrorized the country for months on end

Any more hypotheticals that will fall flat on their face?
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I love this “they” bullshit, as if all the thousands of police departments through out the US is all exactly the same.

Some did. Some others didn’t. Some didn’t do much to put down the riots. Some others did quite a bit.

Some police in the US aggressively enforced lockdowns and mandates. Other didn’t.

I bet the cops up in Manitoba would behave different than city cops in Ottawa.

But it’s always easier to group things to align with your political stance so things can be more easily placed into a “us vs them” my team/their team world view. It’s intellectually lazy.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:50:05 PM EDT
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Pretty sure the horse cops that did the trampling were from Toronto and not RCMP.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:52:13 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:53:58 PM EDT
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If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?
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Big difference between those burning and looting cities, shooting fireworks, throwing rocks and chemicals at officers.

Compared to what? Protesting by bringing bbq and bounce houses?

People were concerned from the inception that police would end up being nothing but armed thugs for state actors.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:56:06 PM EDT
I'm  for defunding the police I fear them far more than any commie protester this is coming from someone who up until a couple years ago was  pro police...
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 12:56:23 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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It will be if the cops don't do what they are told their families will be imprisoned. That's how the NKVD and Gestapo worked, and how Russia's OMON and the Chinese People's armed police work today.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:00:15 PM EDT
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If the COC has created a protected class that is above reproach for disgusting behavior- maybe we should say "fuck the COC"
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