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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:00:38 PM EDT
Class is in session.  Are you taking notes?

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:01:30 PM EDT
Fuck the RCMP and fuck the Toronto police.   Fascist pricks.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:05:34 PM EDT
Canadians are armed.  Just say'n...
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:07:17 PM EDT
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I have posed the question to cops I know "what if a law is passed that says the 4th Amendment no longer applies," will they follow it?

They look at me like a deer in the headlights. They literally don't know how to answer think. That's telling.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:12:04 PM EDT
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Locally our Sheriff and PD released official statements that said “fuck that” when C19 got started.

They’ve stayed true to their word and have not been involved in any shenanigans.
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Local PD's are way less political then state/fed police departments.  I see a lot more us vs them mentality from larger depts.  Fixing LE starts with removing politics from it.  I have NO idea how that could be accomplished.  Maybe start with money/pay and what influence politicians have over it.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:12:25 PM EDT
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Nah, cops have always done what they've been ordered to do.  They have been marching right behind Democratic leadership in these hell holes as they have gotten more tyrannical over the years.  It's a huge blind spot for people on the right due to the fact that rural officer friendly doesn't look like city cops because he is accountable to his neighbors and the people they elect.
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Democrats and cops were using dogs and fire hoses on civil rights demonstrators in the south in the 60's
They beat the fuck out of folks at their '68 dnc.
Other examples out there, but these easily come to mind.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:18:58 PM EDT
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I don't see any pink hairs and diversity hires out there in full riot gear assaulting peaceful protesters

Consider the possibility that it has nothing to do with "woke agencies"

There is enough state sanctioned & supported violence against innocent people to fill a library, and none of it has anything to do with "woke hiring practices"
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Correct. There are enough folks out there who live for doing this shit. It doesn't matter who is telling them, or who they are lining up against.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:21:31 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:27:44 PM EDT
HUFFPO article from 2014

Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:36:41 PM EDT
I like how they hide their tiny ones in the middle.  They failed at boot stomp 101 but somehow they graduated.  It's pretty laughable watching this video the way they have to stomp their boots every five seconds. Listen to how soft the ballerinas stomp in the middle and ruin the mood.

RCMP Troop 19 Graduation Day May 11 2015
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:38:21 PM EDT
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From the comments:

No participants stopped below 300v
12.5% stopped AT 300v
65% shocked all the way up to 450%, compared to Milgram's predicted 3%

3 participants had stress induced seizures, and the rest showed signs of sweating and trembling

I have to admit, I'm having a hard time believing that was real.

apologies for the threadjack
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:38:35 PM EDT
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HUFFPO article from 2014

Why Canada Will Become a Dictatorship Under Trudeau

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Wow. Telling
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:38:36 PM EDT
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Local PD's are way less political then state/fed police departments.
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When the "covid lockdowns" were a thing I personally watched local cops put up barriers at trailheads, beaches, parks, etc and aggressively police the "NATURE IS CLOSED NOW PLEASE RETURN HOME" mandate

There was no hero sheriff doing a press conference saying "banning people from going on a hike is fucking retarded and we will not enforce it"
There was no outcry from the police unions or rank & file

There was however plenty of LEO's standing there with their thumbs in the plate carriers telling you to "turn the fuck around and go home"

The same ones who say they need a bigger budget so they can buy MRAP's and more tactical gear to "serve & protect" a sleepy suburban community
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:42:15 PM EDT
These cunts have addresses, and people they care about.

A firearm isn't always the appropriate tool for the job. There are plenty of axes, pieces of pipe, and chainsaw blades waiting to be removed from the saw up in Canada.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:46:33 PM EDT
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When the "covid lockdowns" were a thing I personally watched local cops put up barriers at trailheads, beaches, parks, etc and aggressively police the "NATURE IS CLOSED NOW PLEASE RETURN HOME" mandate

There was no hero sheriff doing a press conference saying "banning people from going on a hike is fucking retarded and we will not enforce it"
There was no outcry from the police unions or rank & file

There was however plenty of LEO's standing there with their thumbs in the plate carriers telling you to "turn the fuck around and go home"

The same ones who say they need a bigger budget so they can buy MRAP's and more tactical gear to "serve & protect" a sleepy suburban community
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you're back east.

you'll never see a montucky sheriff enforcing any of that silly horseshit.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:47:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:50:28 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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All around the world. Bad people become bad police.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:54:19 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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In some places. Departments generally mirror their communities.  If you have a left-leaning agency, it's because you have leftists controlling the vote.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:54:53 PM EDT
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If LE in the US showed this same level of enthusiasm in dealing with BLM would that have been acceptable?
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Are you saying BLM burning the town down and truckers sitting on the street picking up their garbage are the same?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:56:28 PM EDT
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Pretty sure the horse cops that did the trampling were from Toronto and not RCMP.
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You are correct.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 1:59:41 PM EDT
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How do you tell what color hair someone in "full riot gear" goggles and a mask, has?


Also missing the point, it's not "woke" hiring practices, but specifically excluding candidates who won't blindly follow unlawful/authoritarian orders. There are plenty of left leaning and "diverse" types who believe strongly in civil liberties.
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It's the attack of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:02:46 PM EDT
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When they time comes for the Canadian people there won't be any remorse.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:03:14 PM EDT
In Spokane, WA, the police were bragging in the news about the armored vehicle they got free from the military. About three hundred people showed up at a protest, fully armed to say we don't like it.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:05:50 PM EDT
Fuck those guys. Fucking jack boot thugs!
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:07:47 PM EDT
It has always been the 5% doing the grunt work in any issue involving freedom.

The rest stand on the sidelines.

What's next after the jack boots in Canada stomp the truckers.

Maybe a low grade insurgency type of operation against the Canadian government using the supply chain against them?
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:15:01 PM EDT
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If they wanted to follow their oaths they would go arrest the politicians that are giving the shitty orders.  The mental gymnastics some of you guys go through amazes me.
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I am in no way supporting their actionsbut what is their oath of office?  For all I know, they are upholding their oath.

Still wrong though
If they wanted to follow their oaths they would go arrest the politicians that are giving the shitty orders.  The mental gymnastics some of you guys go through amazes me.

Sorry thinking is hard for you.  I never said I agree with it as I do not. But you do understand as RCMP they swear an oath of allegiance to the government first, the an oath of office…in that order.

Again, I don’t agree with it at all, but for whatever reason, the oath of alleging everything comes first.   I believe the third oath they take is about lawful orders so they  so believe that, just curious about the order of the oaths as it is not the US.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:15:08 PM EDT
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From the comments:

No participants stopped below 300v
12.5% stopped AT 300v
65% shocked all the way up to 450%, compared to Milgram's predicted 3%

3 participants had stress induced seizures, and the rest showed signs of sweating and trembling

I have to admit, I'm having a hard time believing that was real.

apologies for the threadjack
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From the comments:

No participants stopped below 300v
12.5% stopped AT 300v
65% shocked all the way up to 450%, compared to Milgram's predicted 3%

3 participants had stress induced seizures, and the rest showed signs of sweating and trembling

I have to admit, I'm having a hard time believing that was real.

apologies for the threadjack

The people doing the screaming were not really in pain, but the people turning up what they thought was the juice on them were indeed real.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:15:15 PM EDT
We love our law enforcement, don’t we folks?

Cops are as good or as bad as their government. They’ll do what they’re told, or the administration will find someone who will.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:15:55 PM EDT
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We love our law enforcement, don’t we folks?

Cops are as good or as bad as their government. They’ll do what they’re told, or the administration will find someone who will.
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Fuck the police
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:17:05 PM EDT
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It has always been the 5% doing the grunt work in any issue involving freedom.

The rest stand on the sidelines.

What's next after the jack boots in Canada stomp the truckers.

Maybe a low grade insurgency type of operation against the Canadian government using the supply chain against them?
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If Ottawa doesn't like the Honk then let them eat cake.  If they can find it after the truckers stop delivering food to the city.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:22:44 PM EDT
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I have been telling my 80 years old retired detective neighbor for years that cops are oppressors of people.  He did not believe me.  As his son's and grand son's are LEO as well.  He kept telling me the cops will be on our side when the time comes.  Fast forward to 2021.  After seeing the clusterfuck that was the summer/fall unrest of 2020, Jan 6, etc...  He finally admit to me that the cops are the problem.  We both agree that at most, 15% will stand with us.

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More than 15%, but you aren't wrong. Leftist governments and voters tend to result in Left-leaning departments.  It will depend on where you are.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:23:54 PM EDT
ThAt CoUldD nEvEr HaPpEn HeRe!!1!11!!1
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:27:28 PM EDT
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Sorry thinking is hard for you.  I never said I agree with it as I do not. But you do understand as RCMP they swear an oath of allegiance to the government first, the an oath of officein that order.

Again, I don't agree with it at all, but for whatever reason, the oath of alleging everything comes first.   I believe the third oath they take is about lawful orders so they  so believe that, just curious about the order of the oaths as it is not the US.
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Imagine thinking being so hard for for someone that they use an oath as an excuse to blindly follow tyrannical orders rather than question if they took an oath to the devil.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:30:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:31:53 PM EDT
Horse stomping an old lady with a walker is never good police work. It just isn't. It is inhumanity at its worst.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:31:58 PM EDT
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you're back east.

you'll never see a montucky sheriff enforcing any of that silly horseshit.
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Missoula is still in Montucky.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:36:23 PM EDT
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When the "covid lockdowns" were a thing I personally watched local cops put up barriers at trailheads, beaches, parks, etc and aggressively police the "NATURE IS CLOSED NOW PLEASE RETURN HOME" mandate
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I guess it was around June of 2020, I had a cop tell me to put on a mask while I was walking down the fucking street.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 2:46:56 PM EDT
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Local PD's are way less political then state/fed police departments.  I see a lot more us vs them mentality from larger depts.  Fixing LE starts with removing politics from it.  I have NO idea how that could be accomplished.  Maybe start with money/pay and what influence politicians have over it.
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The further away one distances themselves from the common man the further away from humanity, reality, freedom, and morality, they get until there is nothing left but evil. Trudeau has reached that breaking point and many have followed him.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 3:08:41 PM EDT
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Imagine thinking being so hard for for someone that they use an oath as an excuse to blindly follow tyrannical orders rather than question if they took an oath to the devil.
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"Humanity's weakest souls will always cling to the words "I was just following orders". They cower behind those words, making a virtue of their own weakness, lionising brutality over nobility." -Argel Tal Horus Heresy Warhammer 40K
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 3:13:30 PM EDT
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Today it's a dental plan, tomorrow it'll be a loaf of bread

Or whatever

Lisa needs braces, but no future
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It may just be toilette paper.

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 3:20:40 PM EDT
Mercenaries for the oligarchs.

It seems that Peace Officers aren't oppressors if they are deputies for an elected sheriff. Other employment arrangements seem to engender the stomping of old ladies accompanied by bragging. The civilian oversight is just too far removed.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 3:25:56 PM EDT
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Fuck the police
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Watch that CoC violation.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 3:27:23 PM EDT
How proud they must be....protecting a fascist government from it's citizens.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 3:29:03 PM EDT
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Mercenaries for the oligarchs.

It seems that Peace Officers aren't oppressors if they are deputies for an elected sheriff. Other employment arrangements seem to engender the stomping of old ladies accompanied by bragging. The civilian oversight is just too far removed.
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That is exactly what "defund the police" was about.  Get rid of the locally controlled cops in any area that isn't deep blue and replace them federal troops, I mean police.  There aren't enough federal agents to to enforce federal laws in this country without local LEO supplying most of the manpower and resources.  The feds are scared the states might decide to nullify federal BS in mass and want to mitigate that potentiality by taking over all the cops.  Mandates, vax passes, lockdowns, ect didn't happen in states that the state government didn't want them because they control the cops.  If the cops get federalized next time some bs emergency comes up everyone gets a lockdown.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:11:50 PM EDT
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Notice how those bitches took 1 person from the group, separated him, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him together like a gang of hood rats.
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Watch how many object to what goes on.

Notice how those bitches took 1 person from the group, separated him, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of him together like a gang of hood rats.

Reminds me of how a pack of wolves hunt.

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:14:50 PM EDT
Trudeau's minions abuse and grab a lady, her crime? Trying to get a coffee in Ottawa!

Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:36:29 PM EDT
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Nothing new here. The term "Horse Gestapo" for the RCMP has been around for years.
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"Elite" Troops if you get what I mean.
Link Posted: 2/20/2022 4:41:21 PM EDT
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It’s a preview of what the cops here will do.
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