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Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:19:11 PM EDT
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We could have had a good TEA party leadership if the ROPe hadn't fought them so hard.

Trump was a fluke.
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Was Trump a fluke?

Or was Trump the wet dream of the MSM... someone they could prop up and use to accomplish exactly this?
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:19:35 PM EDT
(Incredibly long snip )

You heard it here first.

(Incredibly long snip)
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Bro... are you new here?
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:20:23 PM EDT
Are Cruz supporters the biggest group of defeatist that has ever existed? You guy make the Paul guys seem sane.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:21:03 PM EDT
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It died a long time ago. Even Reagan spent money like a drunken sailor and irreparably hurt gun rights.
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Looks like OP was on the whatever the GOP

Ill go in lock step with them.

And now the last nail has been hammered.

Time for a new guy.

May he be better than Reagan.
No worse than Obama.

Time will tell.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:22:24 PM EDT
I respected and still think Reagan was one of the best presidents we've had - BUT how many would actually vote for him today???

Things change.

7 Things Republicans Would Be Shocked To Learn About Ronald Reagan:

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:22:27 PM EDT
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Trump is a natural progression of the Tea Party.   The voters tried the Tea Party in the last two elections, and got no traction.
But the voters are still pissed off.
This is just another example of "water always finds its way".
The pissed of citizens have been blocked in every direction when they tried the Tea Party, and so here they are trying another direction: Trump.
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We could have had a good TEA party leadership if the ROPe hadn't fought them so hard.

Trump was a fluke.

It might be possible, now that the GOPe is on the ropes to use the opportunity to steer it towards a TEA/libertarian lean.

I doubt it, though.
Trump is a natural progression of the Tea Party.   The voters tried the Tea Party in the last two elections, and got no traction.
But the voters are still pissed off.
This is just another example of "water always finds its way".
The pissed of citizens have been blocked in every direction when they tried the Tea Party, and so here they are trying another direction: Trump.


The voters are so pissed off that "we" re-elect almost 90% of the House and Senate every freaking time.

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:22:50 PM EDT
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Democrats have succeeded in moving their party to the communist line. Its why bernie is doing so well.

Half of your "countrymen" want what you have and want gov to confiscate it for them.

You are reduced to voting against the communist party PERIOD.
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Statism has become so massive, so utterly pervasive, so practically all-inclusive, that it now includes a vastly diverse constituency: multi-generational entitlement recipients that live at a middle class level, government employees, athletes, minorities taught to self-identify as victims, billionaires, illegal aliens, cultural marxist students, cops, druggies, LGBTs, teachers, soccer moms, the news media, actors, male felons, female gimmiedats, the young, the old...

versus the adult male who works himself to death in what remains of the free market.

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:23:09 PM EDT
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Yep pretty much but will add that 'conservatism' as we know it is dead.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
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"Conservatism as we knew it" for the last 20 years has been been letting the Democrats run the table on economic and governmental policy while bleating about gays and alternating between limp-wristed attempts to turn Buttfuckistan into a Dallas suburb or simply shipping billions of dollars to people who say they hate us and want to kill us in the slim hopes they might hate us slightly less.

It's too early to tell what we may be able to win, bht we've lost nothing.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:23:09 PM EDT
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You should study what went on and how few of those people Reagan wanted allowed in on that Amnesty you speak of.
I should know as I was a voting age adult when that 1986 law was passed.
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If that means we don't get anymore true Reagan conservatism like amnesty and gun control then I'm ok with that.

We'll see how it goes.

You should study what went on and how few of those people Reagan wanted allowed in on that Amnesty you speak of.
I should know as I was a voting age adult when that 1986 law was passed.

How'd that work out for us?
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:23:20 PM EDT


I typed this up for another thread, but decided to start a new thread. I know we don't need more threads, but this one I think is different.

From my perspective and what I was seeing bore out last night and even most of the talking heads started saying things I have been posting. (and I've only been posting the last few weeks on this stuff)

You heard it here first. The Republican party of Reagan died last night. The party of the moral majority no longer exists the way it used to. Even Huckabee knew it. You can call them RINOs  if you want, but it is dead. There was a changing of the guard. It was either going to be this or the Republicans were going to become the equivalent to the Green party in the near future.

There is just not enough people who believe in all the planks of the Republican party. The social issues planks are doomed. Hopefully we can get taxes and spending under control under Trump. If not, he will be a one term guy. The vast majority of Americans know that we have to fix the government first. We can't use a broken government to fix a broken society.

Before you freak out, the demos are doomed too. They are way more fractured than we are.

You will see it in the election. A lot of democrats are going to vote for Trump. Working class demos are not going to vote for the current demo contenders. A lot of fiscally conservative gays are going to jump on the Trump bandwagon. A lot of demo working women are going to vote for Trump.

The way the country has been fractured with hard line right wingers on one side and ultra libs on the other has left a huge chasm in the center and Trump filled that vacuum with an explosion of thunder that has rolled for months now.

Ignore what you think you know. Most Americans are not like you. A lot of them still like obama. Most of those don't like hillary. Those people are going to vote for Trump.

This is from my eyes that were formerly held shut by my belief system. Eyes that were so closed I could not believe obama got elected. I really couldn't believe he got elected twice. That second election opened my eyes. It should have opened yours too. Forget the term RINO. You will never get what you think you want as a candidate. No "true" conservative champion is waiting in the wings to lead us. They would have no chance.

The best we can hope for is personal liberty and support it for everyone, low taxes, secure borders, strong military and smaller less intrusive government. If you want more than that out of your government, you are creating the problem that got us to where we are.
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Reaganism died in January 1989 when establishment Rockerfeller Republican George HW Bush became president.


Cruz supporters can become histrionic about this faux conservatism that the GOP has become, but Trump and his folks realized that the fight is not liberalism versus conservatism, but a battle between Nationalsim and Globalism.

Cruz was fighting a war that had already been lost. Trump saw something that none of the high and mighty talking heads didn't see: he saw the coming war. Therefor the people backed him.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:25:14 PM EDT
Let's see...
GOP'ers hate him, Libs, China, Mexico, BLM, *western European socialists......

He's my guy then
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:25:34 PM EDT
The electorate will get what it has chosen for itself, good and hard.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:25:37 PM EDT
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Looks like OP was on the whatever the GOP

Ill go in lock step with them.

And now the last nail has been hammered.

Time for a new guy.

May he be better than Reagan.
No worse than Obama.

Time will tell.
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It died a long time ago. Even Reagan spent money like a drunken sailor and irreparably hurt gun rights.

Looks like OP was on the whatever the GOP

Ill go in lock step with them.

And now the last nail has been hammered.

Time for a new guy.

May he be better than Reagan.
No worse than Obama.

Time will tell.

We will hold trump feet to the fire and you will see both parties true colors. This is a Trump revolution, baby!
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:26:06 PM EDT
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How'd that work out for us?
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If that means we don't get anymore true Reagan conservatism like amnesty and gun control then I'm ok with that.

We'll see how it goes.

You should study what went on and how few of those people Reagan wanted allowed in on that Amnesty you speak of.
I should know as I was a voting age adult when that 1986 law was passed.

How'd that work out for us?

Since Congress set on it's ass and did nothing that the 1986 law said it was supposed to do is not a reflection on Reagan.
And the 1986 Amnesty is not the same as the criminal act of congress for not following the tenants of the 1986 law.
Read it.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:26:16 PM EDT
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it is worse than that

The Republic is dead because the electorate is without integrity, honor, family or moral compass.

The problem is not with the rep or dem party or the shithead politicians.

The problem is with the people.

It can not be fixed by politics.
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Yep,that is the reality of the situation.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:27:11 PM EDT

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I think its even more basic .

Democrats have succeeded in moving their party to the communist line. Its why bernie is doing so well.

Half of your "countrymen" want what you have and want gov to confiscate it for them.

You are reduced to voting against the communist party PERIOD.
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In addition, Dems have made whites, especially white men, the new "kulaks".

What you are seeing with Trump is the nascent formation of white identity politics becoming mainstream among white working class voters.

They don't care anymore if you call them racist bigots. They see other ethnic groups aligning by common interest and are doing so under Trump.

The white (guilty) educated "upper" middle class isn't there yet, and the white working class doesnt care.

The entire working middle class/blue collar segment has been decimated economically since NAFTA and thereafter. Minorities have been "bought" with Gov programs targeted to them (yes, whites numerically are a larger cohort, but the perception is that these programs are meant for minorities IMO).

Not only do white working class feel neglected by the economy of the past 20 years, politically they feel despised due to the racial rhetoric, which has worsened exponentially under our current "post racial" president.

This trend of identity politics among white working class as an overt phenomenon is not going to end here.  I'm not saying we're going to have Cartman's race war.  What we will see is much more open and acrimonious racial politics with whites pushing back and using rhetoric that would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.  

My take, YMMV
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:27:51 PM EDT
I typed this up for another thread, but decided to start a new thread. I know we don't need more threads, but this one I think is different.

From my perspective and what I was seeing bore out last night and even most of the talking heads started saying things I have been posting. (and I've only been posting the last few weeks on this stuff)

You heard it here first. The Republican party of Reagan died last night. The party of the moral majority no longer exists the way it used to. Even Huckabee knew it. You can call them RINOs  if you want, but it is dead. There was a changing of the guard. It was either going to be this or the Republicans were going to become the equivalent to the Green party in the near future.

There is just not enough people who believe in all the planks of the Republican party. The social issues planks are doomed. Hopefully we can get taxes and spending under control under Trump. If not, he will be a one term guy. The vast majority of Americans know that we have to fix the government first. We can't use a broken government to fix a broken society.

Before you freak out, the demos are doomed too. They are way more fractured than we are.

You will see it in the election. A lot of democrats are going to vote for Trump. Working class demos are not going to vote for the current demo contenders. A lot of fiscally conservative gays are going to jump on the Trump bandwagon. A lot of demo working women are going to vote for Trump.

The way the country has been fractured with hard line right wingers on one side and ultra libs on the other has left a huge chasm in the center and Trump filled that vacuum with an explosion of thunder that has rolled for months now.

Ignore what you think you know. Most Americans are not like you. A lot of them still like obama. Most of those don't like hillary. Those people are going to vote for Trump.

This is from my eyes that were formerly held shut by my belief system. Eyes that were so closed I could not believe obama got elected. I really couldn't believe he got elected twice. That second election opened my eyes. It should have opened yours too. Forget the term RINO. You will never get what you think you want as a candidate. No "true" conservative champion is waiting in the wings to lead us. They would have no chance.

The best we can hope for is personal liberty and support it for everyone, low taxes, secure borders, strong military and smaller less intrusive government. If you want more than that out of your government, you are creating the problem that got us to where we are.

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You just described Gary Johnson's entire platform.

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:28:49 PM EDT
OP you nailed it, every word.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:31:05 PM EDT
Last night?

Where the fuck have you been, OP?

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:31:40 PM EDT
I think the social issues and the taxes go hand in hand.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:32:32 PM EDT
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Yep,that is the reality of the situation.
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it is worse than that

The Republic is dead because the electorate is without integrity, honor, family or moral compass.

The problem is not with the rep or dem party or the shithead politicians.

The problem is with the people.

It can not be fixed by politics.

Yep,that is the reality of the situation.

You disagree?

I would like to hear why an openly communist, America hating, drug addict got elected to the presidency twice and explain why half the people in this country want the govt to take your hard earned money and give it to them.

Not to mention that the dem candidate should be in prison for compromising classified info as Sec of State.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:32:53 PM EDT

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The voters are so pissed off that "we" re-elect almost 90% of the House and Senate every freaking time.

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We could have had a good TEA party leadership if the ROPe hadn't fought them so hard.

Trump was a fluke.

It might be possible, now that the GOPe is on the ropes to use the opportunity to steer it towards a TEA/libertarian lean.

I doubt it, though.
Trump is a natural progression of the Tea Party.   The voters tried the Tea Party in the last two elections, and got no traction.

But the voters are still pissed off.

This is just another example of "water always finds its way".

The pissed of citizens have been blocked in every direction when they tried the Tea Party, and so here they are trying another direction: Trump.


The voters are so pissed off that "we" re-elect almost 90% of the House and Senate every freaking time.

The Tea Party is/was a sub-group of the Republican party.  Who is 40% of America.  Don't blame people being re-elected on the Tea Party.

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:32:57 PM EDT
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Can't be something you don't practice at.
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George the Elder and every Republican since then have tried to kill the Party since 1989.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:34:01 PM EDT
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In addition, Dems have made whites, especially white men, the new "kulaks".
What you are seeing with Trump is the nascent formation of white identity politics becoming mainstream among white working class voters.
They don't care anymore if you call them racist bigots. They see other ethnic groups aligning by common interest and are doing so under Trump.
The white (guilty) educated "upper" middle class isn't there yet, and the white working class doesnt care.
The entire working middle class/blue collar segment has been decimated economically since NAFTA and thereafter. Minorities have been "bought" with Gov programs targeted to them (yes, whites numerically are a larger cohort, but the perception is that these programs are meant for minorities IMO).
Not only do white working class feel neglected by the economy of the past 20 years, politically they feel despised due to the racial rhetoric, which has worsened exponentially under our current "post racial" president.
This trend of identity politics among white working class as an overt phenomenon is not going to end here.  I'm not saying we're going to have Cartman's race war.  What we will see is much more open and acrimonious racial politics with whites pushing back and using rhetoric that would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.  
My take, YMMV
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I think its even more basic .
Democrats have succeeded in moving their party to the communist line. Its why bernie is doing so well.
Half of your "countrymen" want what you have and want gov to confiscate it for them.
You are reduced to voting against the communist party PERIOD.

In addition, Dems have made whites, especially white men, the new "kulaks".
What you are seeing with Trump is the nascent formation of white identity politics becoming mainstream among white working class voters.
They don't care anymore if you call them racist bigots. They see other ethnic groups aligning by common interest and are doing so under Trump.
The white (guilty) educated "upper" middle class isn't there yet, and the white working class doesnt care.
The entire working middle class/blue collar segment has been decimated economically since NAFTA and thereafter. Minorities have been "bought" with Gov programs targeted to them (yes, whites numerically are a larger cohort, but the perception is that these programs are meant for minorities IMO).
Not only do white working class feel neglected by the economy of the past 20 years, politically they feel despised due to the racial rhetoric, which has worsened exponentially under our current "post racial" president.
This trend of identity politics among white working class as an overt phenomenon is not going to end here.  I'm not saying we're going to have Cartman's race war.  What we will see is much more open and acrimonious racial politics with whites pushing back and using rhetoric that would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.  
My take, YMMV

These two posts are frightening because I think they might actually be correct.  
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:34:02 PM EDT
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you think you will have a defender of liberty from a man who likes and regularly uses eminent domain?

no really

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The Republican Party is ok with Eminent Domain as long as it favors their pet projects.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:34:40 PM EDT
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"Conservatism as we knew it" for the last 20 years has been been letting the Democrats run the table on economic and governmental policy while bleating about gays and alternating between limp-wristed attempts to turn Buttfuckistan into a Dallas suburb or simply shipping billions of dollars to people who say they hate us and want to kill us in the slim hopes they might hate us slightly less.

It's too early to tell what we may be able to win, bht we've lost nothing.
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Yep pretty much but will add that 'conservatism' as we know it is dead.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

"Conservatism as we knew it" for the last 20 years has been been letting the Democrats run the table on economic and governmental policy while bleating about gays and alternating between limp-wristed attempts to turn Buttfuckistan into a Dallas suburb or simply shipping billions of dollars to people who say they hate us and want to kill us in the slim hopes they might hate us slightly less.

It's too early to tell what we may be able to win, bht we've lost nothing.

When in the last 20 years has the Republican Party followed 'conservatism?' Answer, not once outside of lip service. Cruz was the last attempt, 'conservatism' exemplified by Reagan will never be a national movement/force again. No small thing.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:41:30 PM EDT
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In addition, Dems have made whites, especially white men, the new "kulaks".

What you are seeing with Trump is the nascent formation of white identity politics becoming mainstream among white working class voters.

They don't care anymore if you call them racist bigots. They see other ethnic groups aligning by common interest and are doing so under Trump.

The white (guilty) educated "upper" middle class isn't there yet, and the white working class doesnt care.

The entire working middle class/blue collar segment has been decimated economically since NAFTA and thereafter. Minorities have been "bought" with Gov programs targeted to them (yes, whites numerically are a larger cohort, but the perception is that these programs are meant for minorities IMO).

Not only do white working class feel neglected by the economy of the past 20 years, politically they feel despised due to the racial rhetoric, which has worsened exponentially under our current "post racial" president.

This trend of identity politics among white working class as an overt phenomenon is not going to end here.  I'm not saying we're going to have Cartman's race war.  What we will see is much more open and acrimonious racial politics with whites pushing back and using rhetoric that would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.  

My take, YMMV
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I think its even more basic .

Democrats have succeeded in moving their party to the communist line. Its why bernie is doing so well.

Half of your "countrymen" want what you have and want gov to confiscate it for them.

You are reduced to voting against the communist party PERIOD.



In addition, Dems have made whites, especially white men, the new "kulaks".

What you are seeing with Trump is the nascent formation of white identity politics becoming mainstream among white working class voters.

They don't care anymore if you call them racist bigots. They see other ethnic groups aligning by common interest and are doing so under Trump.

The white (guilty) educated "upper" middle class isn't there yet, and the white working class doesnt care.

The entire working middle class/blue collar segment has been decimated economically since NAFTA and thereafter. Minorities have been "bought" with Gov programs targeted to them (yes, whites numerically are a larger cohort, but the perception is that these programs are meant for minorities IMO).

Not only do white working class feel neglected by the economy of the past 20 years, politically they feel despised due to the racial rhetoric, which has worsened exponentially under our current "post racial" president.

This trend of identity politics among white working class as an overt phenomenon is not going to end here.  I'm not saying we're going to have Cartman's race war.  What we will see is much more open and acrimonious racial politics with whites pushing back and using rhetoric that would have been unacceptable even 10 years ago.  

My take, YMMV

Eloquently stated. I agree whole-heartedly.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:43:00 PM EDT
And I say good riddance to bad rubbish.

Ever since Reagan left a steady parade of Dem lites have been invoking his name to fool the rubes while all the time losing ground to the Dems while feathering their own nest.

Well if I am to be a "rube" for Trump at least I got to pick who I wanted to be fooled by this time. If that turns out to be the case I can live with it.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:45:55 PM EDT
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You disagree?

I would like to hear why an openly communist, America hating, drug addict got elected to the presidency twice and explain why half the people in this country want the govt to take your hard earned money and give it to them.

Not to mention that the dem candidate should be in prison for compromising classified info as Sec of State.
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it is worse than that

The Republic is dead because the electorate is without integrity, honor, family or moral compass.

The problem is not with the rep or dem party or the shithead politicians.

The problem is with the people.

It can not be fixed by politics.

Yep,that is the reality of the situation.

You disagree?

I would like to hear why an openly communist, America hating, drug addict got elected to the presidency twice and explain why half the people in this country want the govt to take your hard earned money and give it to them.

Not to mention that the dem candidate should be in prison for compromising classified info as Sec of State.

No,I agree 100% with you.

The smiley face is because of our situation.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:46:03 PM EDT
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Oh, just lock him.  
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Last night?

OP is trolling hard.

Oh, just lock him.  

For what, calling bullshit?

Deal with it.

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:47:21 PM EDT
good.. nothing but gun bans and bad news since Reagan took office.. Time for a change!
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:47:48 PM EDT
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The GOP stopped being Reaganesque a decade ago.  What last night showed is that voters have finally figured it out.

Not that Trump is Reagan, but that the sham is over
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The GOP stopped being reaganesque when he went out of office.

BUSH the first was a compromise to get the establishment behind Reagan. THEY DIDNT WANT HIM either

Bob dole, McCain and Romney were not reaganesque anyone who thinks they were is kidding themselves.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:48:23 PM EDT
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it is worse than that

The Republic is dead because the electorate is without integrity, honor, family or moral compass.

The problem is not with the rep or dem party or the shithead politicians.

The problem is with the people.

It can not be fixed by politics.
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Obama, Trump, all the rest... they are the product of the society outlined above, that is angry and desperately looking for the solution.

Dangerous times ahead.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:49:03 PM EDT
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Great post.
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Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:50:13 PM EDT
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The Tea Party is/was a sub-group of the Republican party.  Who is 40% of America.  Don't blame people being re-elected on the Tea Party.  
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We could have had a good TEA party leadership if the ROPe hadn't fought them so hard.

Trump was a fluke.

It might be possible, now that the GOPe is on the ropes to use the opportunity to steer it towards a TEA/libertarian lean.

I doubt it, though.
Trump is a natural progression of the Tea Party.   The voters tried the Tea Party in the last two elections, and got no traction.
But the voters are still pissed off.
This is just another example of "water always finds its way".
The pissed of citizens have been blocked in every direction when they tried the Tea Party, and so here they are trying another direction: Trump.


The voters are so pissed off that "we" re-elect almost 90% of the House and Senate every freaking time.

The Tea Party is/was a sub-group of the Republican party.  Who is 40% of America.  Don't blame people being re-elected on the Tea Party.  

If the people wanted smaller government and less spending,they would vote out the ones doing the opposite,instead of voting them back in over and over.

Paul Ryan will probably easily beat his primary backer (with help from the GOPe of course),I doubt McCain will get bumped out,and how many other Republicans that have voted for less freedom,more spending,and bigger government will easily get voted right back in?

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:52:37 PM EDT
So the last GOP candidate was Romney. The one before that; McCain.

And just last night the Republican Party of Reagan died?

lol, okay.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:53:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:54:37 PM EDT
I pray that Hillary doesn't win.

However, I think MORE independents, liberals hate Trump (white, rich, "woman-hater") than they dislike Hillary.

I really don't see Trump winning this election.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:54:48 PM EDT

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We could have had a good TEA party leadership if the ROPe hadn't fought them so hard.

Trump was a fluke.

It might be possible, now that the GOPe is on the ropes to use the opportunity to steer it towards a TEA/libertarian lean.

I doubt it, though.
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The GOPe isn't 'on the ropes'.

The GOPe are the ones who were voting for Trump.  

The GOPe has never been stronger.

The GOPe are laughing their asses off because now they're going to have the biggest 'deal-maker' who's ready to cut deals with the devil they've ever had.  

The GOPe wanted (and got) Trump.

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:55:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:55:43 PM EDT
OP was blind the whole time.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:57:02 PM EDT
LOL good luck fixing government first, that is backwards and at odds with all of human history.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:58:29 PM EDT

Reagan and his ideology for the party have been dead for a long while. In fact, the party does long before he did.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:58:46 PM EDT
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You just described Gary Johnson's entire platform.

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I typed this up for another thread, but decided to start a new thread. I know we don't need more threads, but this one I think is different.

From my perspective and what I was seeing bore out last night and even most of the talking heads started saying things I have been posting. (and I've only been posting the last few weeks on this stuff)

You heard it here first. The Republican party of Reagan died last night. The party of the moral majority no longer exists the way it used to. Even Huckabee knew it. You can call them RINOs  if you want, but it is dead. There was a changing of the guard. It was either going to be this or the Republicans were going to become the equivalent to the Green party in the near future.

There is just not enough people who believe in all the planks of the Republican party. The social issues planks are doomed. Hopefully we can get taxes and spending under control under Trump. If not, he will be a one term guy. The vast majority of Americans know that we have to fix the government first. We can't use a broken government to fix a broken society.

Before you freak out, the demos are doomed too. They are way more fractured than we are.

You will see it in the election. A lot of democrats are going to vote for Trump. Working class demos are not going to vote for the current demo contenders. A lot of fiscally conservative gays are going to jump on the Trump bandwagon. A lot of demo working women are going to vote for Trump.

The way the country has been fractured with hard line right wingers on one side and ultra libs on the other has left a huge chasm in the center and Trump filled that vacuum with an explosion of thunder that has rolled for months now.

Ignore what you think you know. Most Americans are not like you. A lot of them still like obama. Most of those don't like hillary. Those people are going to vote for Trump.

This is from my eyes that were formerly held shut by my belief system. Eyes that were so closed I could not believe obama got elected. I really couldn't believe he got elected twice. That second election opened my eyes. It should have opened yours too. Forget the term RINO. You will never get what you think you want as a candidate. No "true" conservative champion is waiting in the wings to lead us. They would have no chance.

The best we can hope for is personal liberty and support it for everyone, low taxes, secure borders, strong military and smaller less intrusive government. If you want more than that out of your government, you are creating the problem that got us to where we are.

You just described Gary Johnson's entire platform.


None of which would happen
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 12:59:28 PM EDT
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This...the GOPe caused this...not Trump  
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The GOP stopped being Reaganesque a decade ago.  What last night showed is that voters have finally figured it out.

Not that Trump is Reagan, but that the sham is over
This...the GOPe caused this...not Trump  

Link Posted: 5/4/2016 1:00:15 PM EDT
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You just described Gary Johnson's entire platform.

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I typed this up for another thread, but decided to start a new thread. I know we don't need more threads, but this one I think is different.

From my perspective and what I was seeing bore out last night and even most of the talking heads started saying things I have been posting. (and I've only been posting the last few weeks on this stuff)

You heard it here first. The Republican party of Reagan died last night. The party of the moral majority no longer exists the way it used to. Even Huckabee knew it. You can call them RINOs  if you want, but it is dead. There was a changing of the guard. It was either going to be this or the Republicans were going to become the equivalent to the Green party in the near future.

There is just not enough people who believe in all the planks of the Republican party. The social issues planks are doomed. Hopefully we can get taxes and spending under control under Trump. If not, he will be a one term guy. The vast majority of Americans know that we have to fix the government first. We can't use a broken government to fix a broken society.

Before you freak out, the demos are doomed too. They are way more fractured than we are.

You will see it in the election. A lot of democrats are going to vote for Trump. Working class demos are not going to vote for the current demo contenders. A lot of fiscally conservative gays are going to jump on the Trump bandwagon. A lot of demo working women are going to vote for Trump.

The way the country has been fractured with hard line right wingers on one side and ultra libs on the other has left a huge chasm in the center and Trump filled that vacuum with an explosion of thunder that has rolled for months now.

Ignore what you think you know. Most Americans are not like you. A lot of them still like obama. Most of those don't like hillary. Those people are going to vote for Trump.

This is from my eyes that were formerly held shut by my belief system. Eyes that were so closed I could not believe obama got elected. I really couldn't believe he got elected twice. That second election opened my eyes. It should have opened yours too. Forget the term RINO. You will never get what you think you want as a candidate. No "true" conservative champion is waiting in the wings to lead us. They would have no chance.

The best we can hope for is personal liberty and support it for everyone, low taxes, secure borders, strong military and smaller less intrusive government. If you want more than that out of your government, you are creating the problem that got us to where we are.

You just described Gary Johnson's entire platform.


You just stepped in it now!  
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 1:00:47 PM EDT
The national demographic and ideology have shifted far to the left. It's never coming back. It's the natural progression of governments and societies that form systems like ours.

The republic we had is shifting and will dissolve slowly over the next century or two. We will likely form a North American Union or Balkanize by regional politics though that is highly unlikely and being preempt we by all this EO and affirmative action stuff.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 1:01:11 PM EDT
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The GOP stopped being Reaganesque a decade ago.  What last night showed is that voters have finally figured it out.

Not that Trump is Reagan, but that the sham is over
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Link Posted: 5/4/2016 1:01:38 PM EDT
We're overdue for a political realignment in this country. Each of the major parties is a coalition of mutually antagonistic factions, the Republicans more so than the Democrats.

I've counted at least 7 different antagonistic factions within the Republican party.

First-past-the-post voting and single-member districts mean a two-party system. Having only two viable parties results in the mashup of interests we have today.

Amend the constitution to allow multi-member districts (perhaps have all House members run statewide at-large?) and allocate seats according to the proportion of the vote. Then, coalitions could be formed, issue by issue, after the vote rather than before the vote. This would be far more representational than what we have now.
Link Posted: 5/4/2016 1:01:40 PM EDT
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Trump may not be a true conservative, but if he wins he will lay the ground work for a right-ward shift on many issues.
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This, along with what krpind said is what the die hards are failing to see:  we are no longer a center-right country; like it or not, the U.S. is now left of center (as evidenced by the race, income and social issues which dominate our people, media and political machine).  A guy like Cruz is no longer a viable candidate:  only a moderate who can draw from both sides of the middle can win.

So while we all would have liked Cruz to get the nomination, it would have been for naught:  everyone left of the far-right would have rejected him, guaranteeing the democrat win that, if it happens anyway, will be pinned on Trump.

The logical, effective, smart way to fight the liberals is to vote for and hopefully elect the most conservative candidate possible, even (especially, actually) if he isn't as conservative as we'd like him to be.  What "we" think no longer matters as much as it did 5, 10, 20 years ago.

Here's another news flash:  the number of millenials just surpassed the number of baby boomers, and we all know the boomers are dropping off the other end at an accelerating rate.  Guess what that means?  We (U.S.) haven't even started to see the leftward shift that is about to overtake us if we don't get with the program and start fighting smart.

Saying screw it, we're doomed, taking your ball and going home is not an effective means of correcting what you perceive to be wrong with this country.
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