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Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:25:14 PM EDT
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Go on then.
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So arfcom is scrubbing threads that speak on a possible coup developing?  Sounds like Twitter and Facebook.

That isnt what happened...at all

Go on then.
Its been answered... a few times
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:25:43 PM EDT
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All previous attempts failed.  Going hot.  

Just so long as the BRRRRRRRRRRRT is on our side. Spectres would be a nice bonus.
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So the soft coup is about to get hard and hot? Are the AC130s on our side or Antifas?

All previous attempts failed.  Going hot.  

Just so long as the BRRRRRRRRRRRT is on our side. Spectres would be a nice bonus.

It won't be a binary "Us vs Them".  The battle lines are going to be blurry, at best.  

Regardless, an A10 firing on civilians is very unlikely.  Drones dropping ninja missiles would be more likely if any offensive air capabilities are used.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:26:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:26:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:26:20 PM EDT
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Okay lemme get this straight

Someone here fucked Mattis and Brownells deleted a thread about it?
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Right in the pooper.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:26:22 PM EDT
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retired officers are still subject to the UCMJ.

as a practical matter, though, good luck finding enough 4-stars with date of rank on Mattis to sit on a court-martial panel.

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Make me a five star and illl bring back bread and water for that bastard.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:26:58 PM EDT
So Obama left a pile of stinking shit in Armed Forces command?

We talked about the 150ish or so DoD officers replaced by that POS

And were told by some members that it was a non issue

I suspect they were wrong
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:27:09 PM EDT
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Can someone PM to what happened in the last thread?

I go to the store and come back to check on it and poof it was gone...
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To give you an idea here are some relevant tweets:

And go to 25:22 of Dan Bongino's show from yesterday and listen for five minutes:

And of course keep this in mind:

Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:27:24 PM EDT
So if I throw up screens will this get locked/I get peepee slapped?
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:27:27 PM EDT
Indecorum removed --Edit by brass
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:27:35 PM EDT
In just because.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:27:50 PM EDT
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In before this thread disappears
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Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:28:04 PM EDT
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Make me a five star and illl bring back bread and water for that bastard.
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retired officers are still subject to the UCMJ.

as a practical matter, though, good luck finding enough 4-stars with date of rank on Mattis to sit on a court-martial panel.

Make me a five star and illl bring back bread and water for that bastard.

You have my vote. I like your plan.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:29:11 PM EDT
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ANTIFA’s days are numbered. Their sympathizers will be counted. Soros is a dead man.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:29:27 PM EDT
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So if I throw up screens will this get locked/I get peepee slapped?
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Only one way to know.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:29:50 PM EDT
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I saw that thread, why was it nuked?
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:30:03 PM EDT
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To give you an idea here are some relevant tweets:

And go to 25:22 of Dan Bongino's show from yesterday and listen for five minutes:


And of course keep this in mind:

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Can someone PM to what happened in the last thread?

I go to the store and come back to check on it and poof it was gone...

To give you an idea here are some relevant tweets:

And go to 25:22 of Dan Bongino's show from yesterday and listen for five minutes:


And of course keep this in mind:

THANK YOU! Those tweets are what I was thinking about from the last thread. Too many things are happening right now for this not to be a coup attempt IMO.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:30:26 PM EDT
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Lt Vindman should have opened everyone's eyes to that possibility.
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No doubt.

He and his brother being in the position(s) that they were and their paticipation in the coup impeachment scheme should have opened a lot of people's eyes.

The fact that they were not curbstomped into oblivion by the DOD and only moved out of the WH and NSC should speak volumes.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:30:45 PM EDT
Y’all still think it sounds crazy to maybe not have elections?
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:31:41 PM EDT
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I saw that thread, why was it nuked?
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I am not sure, I was in the thread but it got nuked when I went to take a piss as to who posted it to the chans. I didn't but I am glad someone did. Spread it far and wide
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:31:46 PM EDT
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well, don't hide the ball, spell out your analysis/conclusions.
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I think in my opinion they are trying to get him to resign or step down, but it will not work.

It will out them and they will be relieved after all is said and done.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:31:54 PM EDT
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Only one way to know.
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Thanks for the advice Not_so_Clever
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:32:07 PM EDT
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So arfcom is scrubbing threads that speak on a possible coup developing?  Sounds like Twitter and Facebook.
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Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:32:31 PM EDT
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If Trump Junior Is reading this, shoot me a pm.

Get POTUS to promote me to four stars and I’ll fix this shit real fast. Im loyal and hate bullshit and as long as the Constitution is honored, we good.
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I will vouch for flynavy. Good people. Let’s clean it up.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:33:51 PM EDT
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Okay lemme get this straight

Someone here fucked Mattis and Brownells deleted a thread about it?
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No, Mattis was caught at the base gym glory hole again.

This time with a Junior enlisted twink.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:33:57 PM EDT
Some interesting accounts stirring up drama in these threads.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:34:02 PM EDT
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Y'all still think it sounds crazy to maybe not have elections?
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Last year Lawfareblog (don't remember the date nor the author sorry) posted a "story from the future" specifically they said January 2021.  

In their story they said the election had not been resolved due to many factors.  Some of those were major attempts at hacking and interfering with elections by China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea.  It had resuled in a great deal of civil unrest as both sides claimed victory, etc.

We will have elections.  It may be the final spark.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:35:09 PM EDT
I know of a couple Army CO’s that are hardcore never trumpers. Not surprised there. Enlisted, not so much.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:35:17 PM EDT
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I’ve been yelling at GD for years that Mattis was a democrat swamp monster but nobody listened. Muh “I keep them up at night” and other bullshit platitudes.
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Did anyone really stay or be promoted at a flag ranking officer level under Obama that wasn't?????
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:35:18 PM EDT
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No, Mattis was caught at the base gym glory hole again.

This time with a Junior enlisted twink.
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Okay lemme get this straight

Someone here fucked Mattis and Brownells deleted a thread about it?

No, Mattis was caught at the base gym glory hole again.

This time with a Junior enlisted twink.

Man I remember when arfcom practically worshipped that man.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:35:18 PM EDT
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I think this is plausible...hopefully not likely...but certainly plausible.
Too many things are intersecting right now...and I dont like it.

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I think something going to happen this weekend not sure if it is the final act, or act III?
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:35:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:36:38 PM EDT
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No, Mattis was caught at the base gym glory hole again.

This time with a Junior enlisted twink.
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He never married, right?
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:36:55 PM EDT
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And now thread #3 gets nuked as well...
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:37:06 PM EDT
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So arfcom is scrubbing threads that speak on a possible coup developing?  Sounds like Twitter and Facebook.

No, the goal is to not compromise investigative efforts. This is not a random arfcom shitpost - a report has been made.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:37:18 PM EDT
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He never married, right?
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He never married, right?

Does he knife hand buttholes instead of fisting.


And now thread #3 gets nuked as well...

You can't even read the OP's image in that screenshot really? I didn't post the pic for that, I posted it to show the chans got a hold of it.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:37:22 PM EDT
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I am not sure, I was in the thread but it got nuked when I went to take a piss as to who posted it to the chans. I didn't but I am glad someone did. Spread it far and wide
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I saw that thread, why was it nuked?

I am not sure, I was in the thread but it got nuked when I went to take a piss as to who posted it to the chans. I didn't but I am glad someone did. Spread it far and wide
I suppose the OP could have asked for it to be nuked. He did post some things that could have possibly violated his persec.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:37:34 PM EDT
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Did anyone really stay or be promoted at a flag ranking officer level under Obama that wasn't?????
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Very few.

Maybe ADM Shoemaker. I liked him a lot personally but don’t know his swampiness.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:37:43 PM EDT
I have exactly no idea what we're talking about, so IN FOR +1! YAY!
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:37:49 PM EDT
Isn't all this predicted by q?
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:38:07 PM EDT
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Maybe they have connections at the London Metropolitan Police?


Ok - now my curiosity is piqued.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:38:16 PM EDT
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Does he knife hand buttholes instead of fisting.
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A little curious a Marine that is so busy they can’t find time for pussy
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:38:18 PM EDT
if you're in the military and actively engage in sedition and mutiny....just take your bullet and leave
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:39:10 PM EDT
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And now thread #3 gets nuked as well...
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Oh so you can read the OPs text on the full thumbnail image? You can't so chill
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:39:32 PM EDT
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ANTIFA’s days are numbered. Their sympathizers will be counted. Soros is a dead man.
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Yes, this is the counter to media
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:39:36 PM EDT
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Text from the other thread please.

ETA: I saw the original thread I'm just being a smart-ass
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Don't post text from the other thread please.

Text from the other thread please.

ETA: I saw the original thread I'm just being a smart-ass

The mustache is against the door cause I saw the other thread also.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:40:54 PM EDT
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Does he knife hand buttholes instead of fisting.

You can't even read the OP's image in that screenshot really? I didn't post the pic for that, I posted it to show the chans got a hold of it.
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That is fucking terrifying.  
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:41:24 PM EDT
Well, 4chan just shared the cached page 1 of that thread. It's in the hands of weaponized autism now
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:41:48 PM EDT
Not to give up too much personal info but I recently sat in a Zoom call with a lot of senior officers and enlisted who were discussing the riots. Some standard “we white people cant understand” bullshit but nothing near approaching what the original OP heard. Where I work I know for a fact there are a lot of Trump supporters at the O5/6 level. Nobody speaks openly about it though. Bizarro world.
Link Posted: 6/5/2020 11:43:19 PM EDT
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if you're in the military and actively engage in sedition and mutiny....just take your bullet and leave
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Arrest them, convict them, ill volunteer to be on the firing squad. Hell, I'll volunteer to BE the firing squad. I'll supply the rifle and ammo. I'll even cover my own travel expenses. Depending on how many there are, I may run out of ammo and have to beat them to death with the rifle. I'm good with that though.
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