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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 6:49:21 AM EDT
Link please?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 6:52:26 AM EDT
You guys are fucked up with your conspiracy shit. Maybe it’s time to drop the Alex Jones hysteria
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 6:52:52 AM EDT
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ANTIFA’s days are numbered. Their sympathizers will be counted. Soros is a dead man.
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Prophets are not well regarded in their own country.

Mattis, Kelly, and McMaster are rumored to be attending a town hall on CNN in September and two of them are already on board to spell out their lies why Trump is #orangemanbad.

When Generals start talking politics, you already have what you need to know about their ego driving them. Countries are not often well served with them in political roles.Ike well knew and even discussed the "military-industrial complex" but it was Kennedy who dug deeper and saw the CIA needed to be shattered into a thousand pieces. He was dead within days.

What does that say about Ike? He may have been working the long game - I dunno. New research with a different focus might reveal a better picture.

Point being, if you excel at leading our troops, keep in mind that individual at some point has to decide if he will keep serving his country, or, that his country can just as well serve him. Best example currently ongoing would be Mattis vs Flynn. Mattis is now a loud mouth complainer, Flynn is quietly still forcing the deep state into losing legal battle after legal battle and will shorty emerge victorious. There is at present no legal basis for his continued persecution by Judge Sullivan, who at best will be forced to step down from the bench. In the meantime, Mattis and CNN are getting cozy about propagating a narrative we've all heard before.

He's putting a black eye on military leadership in America, Flynn is an example of durability under stress. Which man would you have your son study?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 6:57:15 AM EDT
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You guys are fucked up with your conspiracy shit. Maybe it’s time to drop the Alex Jones hysteria
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I guess you didn't see the thread. I saw it and if what the OP said is correct then it is fucked. Fucked.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:01:35 AM EDT
PM links please?

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:26:43 AM EDT
@SkilletsUSMC  PM link please
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:28:36 AM EDT
I made it to page 3 on the original thread.  For those of you that are satisfied that it is now being handled through the "right channels", I'm wondering if it will really be handled.  With all that has gone on in the last few years, how can anyone be confident in the "right channels"?

Mattis and Esper own some of this.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:30:11 AM EDT
So why and who is removing the threads?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:32:41 AM EDT
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This is the best understanding and short summary I have so far for anyone less up to date than me :

- A huge protest is coming to DC today, maybe between 100,000 and a million or more regular protesters. Antifa and other Marxists/anarchists rioters/fighters have been mostly absent from protests the past 3-4 days, likely resting up/preparing for today. How many they will be able to mass is unknown but possibly 10,000 or more.

- Many in gov including DC Mayor and Pelosi and some higher ups in military have been actively and openly opposing security for DC today, while at the same time publicly instigating trouble

- Military leadership in mutiny against the president

- there is possibly a widespread mild mutiny going on in the rest of our military as well

[anyone with corrections, then by all means do so because I'm just trying to understand everything myself]

So things could go bad today. Hopefully not, but it's possible to say the least.
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So this guy is saying we’re going to see whole divisions of troops with full logistical support rolling into Washington tomorrow and storming the White House to drag the Orangeman and his wife out I flex cuffs?

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:35:40 AM EDT
They may compromise the regular Army, which will only result in the units not moving to protect national assets.

However, I can’t imagine any scenarios where our Tier 1 direct action assets will not remain loyal to the President. The 75th Ranger Regiment is enough to stop a coup. So I am still hopeful.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:36:27 AM EDT
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Must be some serious shit, missed the first thread, got through page three of the next thread then poof it was gone.
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I was doing the same thing and went to post a comment and "Poof!" There was no COC violation. Is someone taking down threads just because they don't like the topic?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:37:37 AM EDT
Send it my way. I’ll post updates on the ground in dc today.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:37:39 AM EDT
Y'all have waaaaay more confidence in "official channels" taking care of the situation than I do.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:47:08 AM EDT
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So why and who is removing the threads?
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It's been stated in this  " Requested by OP for OPSEC."
I would believe it's true, original thread was possible to identify the base.


Why is anyone is surprised ?
Every basket has some bad eggs.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:47:33 AM EDT
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I’ve been yelling at GD for years that Mattis was a democrat swamp monster but nobody listened. Muh “I keep them up at night” and other bullshit platitudes.
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You are right. Without publicly calling to support Biden, it was exactly what he was doing without mentioning his name. There are no leadership qualities in Biden. Mattis is all about compromising values to get along. His reasons for differing with the President were not just about different values but different agendas. He's like MacArthur, he could give orders but not willing to take them. That isn't good leadership either.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:47:34 AM EDT
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I was doing the same thing and went to post a comment and "Poof!" There was no COC violation. Is someone taking down threads just because they don't like the topic?
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Must be some serious shit, missed the first thread, got through page three of the next thread then poof it was gone.

I was doing the same thing and went to post a comment and "Poof!" There was no COC violation. Is someone taking down threads just because they don't like the topic?

OP requested it be nuked for PERSEC reasons.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:49:04 AM EDT
I received the cached pages of the original Arfcom thread in a PM last night but would love if someone would PM me the 4chan link.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:51:11 AM EDT
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OP requested it be nuked for PERSEC reasons.
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I can respect that as it was his thread.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:55:55 AM EDT
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Prophets are not well regarded in their own country.

Mattis, Kelly, and McMaster are rumored to be attending a town hall on CNN in September and two of them are already on board to spell out their lies why Trump is #orangemanbad.

When Generals start talking politics, you already have what you need to know about their ego driving them. Countries are not often well served with them in political roles.Ike well knew and even discussed the "military-industrial complex" but it was Kennedy who dug deeper and saw the CIA needed to be shattered into a thousand pieces. He was dead within days.

What does that say about Ike? He may have been working the long game - I dunno. New research with a different focus might reveal a better picture.

Point being, if you excel at leading our troops, keep in mind that individual at some point has to decide if he will keep serving his country, or, that his country can just as well serve him. Best example currently ongoing would be Mattis vs Flynn. Mattis is now a loud mouth complainer, Flynn is quietly still forcing the deep state into losing legal battle after legal battle and will shorty emerge victorious. There is at present no legal basis for his continued persecution by Judge Sullivan, who at best will be forced to step down from the bench. In the meantime, Mattis and CNN are getting cozy about propagating a narrative we've all heard before.

He's putting a black eye on military leadership in America, Flynn is an example of durability under stress. Which man would you have your son study?
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ANTIFA’s days are numbered. Their sympathizers will be counted. Soros is a dead man.

Prophets are not well regarded in their own country.

Mattis, Kelly, and McMaster are rumored to be attending a town hall on CNN in September and two of them are already on board to spell out their lies why Trump is #orangemanbad.

When Generals start talking politics, you already have what you need to know about their ego driving them. Countries are not often well served with them in political roles.Ike well knew and even discussed the "military-industrial complex" but it was Kennedy who dug deeper and saw the CIA needed to be shattered into a thousand pieces. He was dead within days.

What does that say about Ike? He may have been working the long game - I dunno. New research with a different focus might reveal a better picture.

Point being, if you excel at leading our troops, keep in mind that individual at some point has to decide if he will keep serving his country, or, that his country can just as well serve him. Best example currently ongoing would be Mattis vs Flynn. Mattis is now a loud mouth complainer, Flynn is quietly still forcing the deep state into losing legal battle after legal battle and will shorty emerge victorious. There is at present no legal basis for his continued persecution by Judge Sullivan, who at best will be forced to step down from the bench. In the meantime, Mattis and CNN are getting cozy about propagating a narrative we've all heard before.

He's putting a black eye on military leadership in America, Flynn is an example of durability under stress. Which man would you have your son study?

They gettin paid.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:56:45 AM EDT
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So why and who is removing the threads?
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 7:58:50 AM EDT
PM or email please.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:06:20 AM EDT
So if there is a threat against Trump, how do we as common citizens help him ???

I feel like I want to help... but feel completely powerless. Voting for him is apparently not enough to keep him in office.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:07:18 AM EDT
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A little curious a Marine that is so busy they can’t find time for pussy
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Holy fuck, i really did laugh out loud at this comment!

Good shit, Fly.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:10:17 AM EDT
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Is there a platform that will allow honest, logical discussion of topics regarding race left?
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Aqui, no!
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:13:51 AM EDT
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I guess you didn't see the thread. I saw it and if what the OP said is correct then it is fucked. Fucked.
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At least one command is, and heads should be rolling down the flightline by now.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:13:55 AM EDT
Just a thought on this and the threads being deleted.

The 1st thread was deleted as a courtesy to OP (from what I understand) because he is now a whistleblower.  While his real name name isn't in the thread there is of course the reality that someone will be doing some homework on OP, where his military base is, and trying to figure out who he is IRL.  His records are being poured over right now by .mil I'm sure and if someone wants to DOXX him and do him harm they are going to be working at it.

Think about this; the fake whistleblower Eric Ciarmella received unprecedented protection from the Democrats and some Republicans during the fake Ukrainegate  impeachment scandal.  Those who have come out and blown the whistle against the coup effort have been investigated themselves and in some cases raided by the FBI.  Republican staffers and Congresspersons have followed the rules and shared information with their Dem counterparts leading to leaked names and police action against them.  

The original OP's original posted story was vague and I will not even repeat it...that said it was troubling.  The 2nd thread was nuked by that OP's request because people found the cached original thread on Google and were posting screenshots showing the whistleblower's screen name here and what he said.  

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:17:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:17:51 AM EDT
This whole discussion reminds me of what went down through the military as Richard Nixon fast approached being forced to resign or be impeached:

Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger and the Joint Chiefs were seriously worried about President Nixon calling in the military to protect his presidency.

They had conversations and meetings about their concerns.

Orders flowed down through the chain of command from Schlesinger for all lower lever officers to make certain that no orders were given to military units outside the normal chain of command.

I.e., if the Commander in Chief issues an order, ignore it unless your immediate superior officer gives it to you.

The following article, of course, makes Schlesinger a hero and Nixon a bad, bad man:

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:18:06 AM EDT
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OP requested it be nuked for PERSEC reasons.
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Must be some serious shit, missed the first thread, got through page three of the next thread then poof it was gone.

I was doing the same thing and went to post a comment and "Poof!" There was no COC violation. Is someone taking down threads just because they don't like the topic?

OP requested it be nuked for PERSEC reasons.

Screen shots are all over 4chan, so PERSEC is out the window.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:20:05 AM EDT
Part 2 of this where people start throwing the conspiracy line around.

Just about every branch of the military put out some kind of notice to their members that was vague and seemed to indicate that the cause of racism/George Floyd was very important.  What are they saying?  Why even comment at all?  Is this normal?

Secondly, it is obvious now that former military leaders including Mattis coordinated their comments with the media and the leftist narrative.  

Furthermore, Dan Bongino who has real deal contacts within the USSS, WH, etc. has reported that some military leaders are possibly giving bad advice.  It appears (again, I don't know for a fact) that some military leaders are telling Trump implementation of the insurrection act and activating federal troops would be a horrible decision right now.  Bongino even stated that some were trying to find a way NOT to follow his orders.  This is disturbing that it is even being discussed as a conspiracy theory.  What do you think our enemies know?  More than me on ARfcom.

Adding fuel to that fire are the actions of various politicians such as Ohio's governor (GOPe swamp man) and the DC mayor (leftist tool) who have requested the NG to be unarmed and curtailed as well as cutting back on the number of cops on duty in DC coincidentally at the same time a massive rally is planned.  

If I were to speculate it appears the military wants to stay out of doing anything against what is coming and what might be coming is a snapshot/soundbite moment that would make Trump appear extremely weak and not living up to his word of taking care of business.  The opposite may also be true; they are looking for a snapshot/soundbite of something so horrible everyone will turn against Trump.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:20:58 AM EDT
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Screen shots are all over 4chan, so PERSEC is out the window.
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Must be some serious shit, missed the first thread, got through page three of the next thread then poof it was gone.

I was doing the same thing and went to post a comment and "Poof!" There was no COC violation. Is someone taking down threads just because they don't like the topic?

OP requested it be nuked for PERSEC reasons.

Screen shots are all over 4chan, so PERSEC is out the window.

Then people can travel to 4chan to see it.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:26:50 AM EDT
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They may compromise the regular Army, which will only result in the units not moving to protect national assets.

However, I can't imagine any scenarios where our Tier 1 direct action assets will not remain loyal to the President. The 75th Ranger Regiment is enough to stop a coup. So I am still hopeful.
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Please tell me how they get from Ft. Benning to DC to stop said alleged coup, in time for it to matter?  Assume hypothetically that bad actors did bad things in DC today, the WH perimeter was compromised and 45 was legitimately in imminent danger.  How soon could they get there?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:31:42 AM EDT
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Please tell me how they get from Ft. Benning to DC to stop said alleged coup, in time for it to matter?  Assume hypothetically that bad actors did bad things in DC today, the WH perimeter was compromised and 45 was legitimately in imminent danger.  How soon could they get there?
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They may compromise the regular Army, which will only result in the units not moving to protect national assets.

However, I can't imagine any scenarios where our Tier 1 direct action assets will not remain loyal to the President. The 75th Ranger Regiment is enough to stop a coup. So I am still hopeful.

Please tell me how they get from Ft. Benning to DC to stop said alleged coup, in time for it to matter?  Assume hypothetically that bad actors did bad things in DC today, the WH perimeter was compromised and 45 was legitimately in imminent danger.  How soon could they get there?

Let’s hope we don’t find out.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:33:15 AM EDT
I would like copy of said link, or better yet, someone fucking edit the picture to remove all sensitive info and post it please.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:34:34 AM EDT
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Part 2 of this where people start throwing the conspiracy line around.

Just about every branch of the military put out some kind of notice to their members that was vague and seemed to indicate that the cause of racism/George Floyd was very important.  What are they saying?  Why even comment at all?  Is this normal?

Secondly, it is obvious now that former military leaders including Mattis coordinated their comments with the media and the leftist narrative.  

Furthermore, Dan Bongino who has real deal contacts within the USSS, WH, etc. has reported that some military leaders are possibly giving bad advice.  It appears (again, I don't know for a fact) that some military leaders are telling Trump implementation of the insurrection act and activating federal troops would be a horrible decision right now.  Bongino even stated that some were trying to find a way NOT to follow his orders.  This is disturbing that it is even being discussed as a conspiracy theory.  What do you think our enemies know?  More than me on ARfcom.

Adding fuel to that fire are the actions of various politicians such as Ohio's governor (GOPe swamp man) and the DC mayor (leftist tool) who have requested the NG to be unarmed and curtailed as well as cutting back on the number of cops on duty in DC coincidentally at the same time a massive rally is planned.  

If I were to speculate it appears the military wants to stay out of doing anything against what is coming and what might be coming is a snapshot/soundbite moment that would make Trump appear extremely weak and not living up to his word of taking care of business.  The opposite may also be true; they are looking for a snapshot/soundbite of something so horrible everyone will turn against Trump.
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Video at date link:

Full podcast:

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:42:18 AM EDT
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I would like copy of said link, or better yet, someone fucking edit the picture to remove all sensitive info and post it please.
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:47:49 AM EDT
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Is there a platform that will allow honest, logical discussion of topics regarding race left?
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:49:09 AM EDT
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This whole discussion reminds me of what went down through the military as Richard Nixon fast approached being forced to resign or be impeached:

Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger and the Joint Chiefs were seriously worried about President Nixon calling in the military to protect his presidency.

They had conversations and meetings about their concerns.

Orders flowed down through the chain of command from Schlesinger for all lower lever officers to make certain that no orders were given to military units outside the normal chain of command.

I.e., if the Commander in Chief issues an order, ignore it unless your immediate superior officer gives it to you.

The following article, of course, makes Schlesinger a hero and Nixon a bad, bad man:

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Well since it is the Daily Beast and the date is right in the midst of the first coup attempt (as well as the 25th amendment push) it does not surprise me.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:50:48 AM EDT
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Screen shots are all over 4chan, so PERSEC is out the window.
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Must be some serious shit, missed the first thread, got through page three of the next thread then poof it was gone.

I was doing the same thing and went to post a comment and "Poof!" There was no COC violation. Is someone taking down threads just because they don't like the topic?

OP requested it be nuked for PERSEC reasons.

Screen shots are all over 4chan, so PERSEC is out the window.

The chans aren't searchable via Google are they?  Thought they were kind of gray-web sites.

It matters because Arfcom is, meaning it's easier to find here.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:50:55 AM EDT
just because a handful of ex-generals that were fired or part of another administration say they dont like trump.


Depends will help you with you wetting your pants.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:51:26 AM EDT
Would someone please pm the stuff? Thanks!
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 8:53:54 AM EDT
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Let’s hope we don’t find out.
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They may compromise the regular Army, which will only result in the units not moving to protect national assets.

However, I can't imagine any scenarios where our Tier 1 direct action assets will not remain loyal to the President. The 75th Ranger Regiment is enough to stop a coup. So I am still hopeful.

Please tell me how they get from Ft. Benning to DC to stop said alleged coup, in time for it to matter?  Assume hypothetically that bad actors did bad things in DC today, the WH perimeter was compromised and 45 was legitimately in imminent danger.  How soon could they get there?

Let’s hope we don’t find out.

There are ways in and there are ways out. I'm guessing the Prez is already out.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:00:06 AM EDT
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You guys are fucked up with your conspiracy shit. Maybe it’s time to drop the Alex Jones hysteria
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There are times when you can dismiss something with a hand wave.

This isn’t one of those times.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:05:23 AM EDT
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Late to the party.

Anyone know the enemy numbers within the Military and what hardware they will be attacking Washington DC with?

Do they have access to it all?
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Go away.
Who gives a rat's ass what you want to know..
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:07:51 AM EDT
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Would someone please pm the stuff? Thanks!
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PM me if you get some info .... No one has IMd me yet

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:13:18 AM EDT
I’d like to read the script/narrative also if that's what is being PM’d around. I love these types of thread even though 9/14 was a yuge disappointment.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:18:53 AM EDT
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Go away.
Who gives a rat's ass what you want to know..
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Late to the party.

Anyone know the enemy numbers within the Military and what hardware they will be attacking Washington DC with?

Do they have access to it all?
Go away.
Who gives a rat's ass what you want to know..

You mad broh?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:19:02 AM EDT
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I did end up finding the cashed page through 4chan.

Members who have not, and want to see it, IM/email me.
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OK, I found a 4chan thread that had the screen shot for the OP of one of the posts, but not the cashed page.

Help a brotha out? Email?

The tweets posted basically summarize what was posted originally.

But I will give you cliff notes:

There are those in the mil that are fucking traitors and should face the firing squad for their actions.

@SkilletsUSMC inbox full.  IM please?
Pissed me off when I read it in the original post, like one of those things you wouldn’t think would be but with todays shit you are sadly not surprised.
That is as far as I am going to say about it as to not give detail. But really, fucking traitors who need to read their honor code again and realize what a bunch of dumb fucks they are!

(This is the CoC compliant text as best as I can make it..)


I did end up finding the cashed page through 4chan.

Members who have not, and want to see it, IM/email me.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:23:50 AM EDT
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Some .mil guys were talking bad about the Pres and white people on official .mil communications.

.mil investigators have been notified and OP requested original thread (and copies of it that were in the 2nd thread) be removed

No conspiracy.
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Can someone PM to what happened in the last thread?

I go to the store and come back to check on it and poof it was gone...
Some .mil guys were talking bad about the Pres and white people on official .mil communications.

.mil investigators have been notified and OP requested original thread (and copies of it that were in the 2nd thread) be removed

No conspiracy.

If what he said actually happened, it should never have been set into the wild.
It just gave the shitbags time to try and cover their asses.

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