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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:26:20 AM EDT
Since you do not know who the trolls are with certainty, do not PM anybody anythng.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:27:46 AM EDT
O fucking thanks dude
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:28:10 AM EDT
@SkilletsUSMC inbox full.  IM please?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:29:13 AM EDT
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Go on then.
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So arfcom is scrubbing threads that speak on a possible coup developing?  Sounds like Twitter and Facebook.

That isnt what happened...at all

Go on then.

it's already been said: OP asked for the thread to be nuked, because he realized he never should have hit the Submit button.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:29:33 AM EDT
Please do not IM me further.  Requests for things will not be honored.  There is enough information out there now that you can glean what you need to from 4chan, etc. if you’re so motivated.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:31:26 AM EDT
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Prophets are not well regarded in their own country.

Mattis, Kelly, and McMaster are rumored to be attending a town hall on CNN in September and two of them are already on board to spell out their lies why Trump is #orangemanbad.

When Generals start talking politics, you already have what you need to know about their ego driving them. Countries are not often well served with them in political roles.Ike well knew and even discussed the "military-industrial complex" but it was Kennedy who dug deeper and saw the CIA needed to be shattered into a thousand pieces. He was dead within days.

What does that say about Ike? He may have been working the long game - I dunno. New research with a different focus might reveal a better picture.

Point being, if you excel at leading our troops, keep in mind that individual at some point has to decide if he will keep serving his country, or, that his country can just as well serve him. Best example currently ongoing would be Mattis vs Flynn. Mattis is now a loud mouth complainer, Flynn is quietly still forcing the deep state into losing legal battle after legal battle and will shorty emerge victorious. There is at present no legal basis for his continued persecution by Judge Sullivan, who at best will be forced to step down from the bench. In the meantime, Mattis and CNN are getting cozy about propagating a narrative we've all heard before.

He's putting a black eye on military leadership in America, Flynn is an example of durability under stress. Which man would you have your son study?
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great post as usual tirod
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:34:38 AM EDT
"The military" isn't some homogenous group of automatons.

Jesus ideas like this are simply stupid.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:35:03 AM EDT
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I did end up finding the cashed page through 4chan.

Members who have not, and want to see it, IM/email me.
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your inbox is full, please im me thanks.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:35:11 AM EDT
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great post as usual tirod
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LOL you serious Clark?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 9:57:11 AM EDT
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Fuck that. I would have just used a Dremel to put a dick in his mouth.
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Hell, they had PSA do a mad dog lower. Glad I skipped that one.

Someone yesterday posted a pic where the cut theirs in half

Fuck that. I would have just used a Dremel to put a dick in his mouth.

Fing LOL good one!
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:03:57 AM EDT
PM thanks
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:05:15 AM EDT
@SkilletsUSMC inbox full.  IM also please?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:11:09 AM EDT
IM me also. Thanks.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:19:40 AM EDT
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Go away.
Who gives a rat's ass what you want to know..
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Late to the party.

Anyone know the enemy numbers within the Military and what hardware they will be attacking Washington DC with?

Do they have access to it all?
Go away.
Who gives a rat's ass what you want to know..

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:20:50 AM EDT
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Let’s hope we don’t find out.
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They may compromise the regular Army, which will only result in the units not moving to protect national assets.

However, I can't imagine any scenarios where our Tier 1 direct action assets will not remain loyal to the President. The 75th Ranger Regiment is enough to stop a coup. So I am still hopeful.

Please tell me how they get from Ft. Benning to DC to stop said alleged coup, in time for it to matter?  Assume hypothetically that bad actors did bad things in DC today, the WH perimeter was compromised and 45 was legitimately in imminent danger.  How soon could they get there?

Let’s hope we don’t find out.

i kind of want to.
If there's going to be a fight amoungst the leftists in the military, and everyone else in the military, let them get phase one done with, and then afterwards, let the hanging of the surviving leftist military shit bags from lamp posts in every blue city begin in ernest.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:23:29 AM EDT
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just because a handful of ex-generals that were fired or part of another administration say they dont like trump.
Depends will help you with you wetting your pants.
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I was never in the military, but to suggest that former military officers, generals in particular, do not hold sway with current military, is willful ignorance.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:25:54 AM EDT
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There are ways in and there are ways out. I'm guessing the Prez is already out.
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They may compromise the regular Army, which will only result in the units not moving to protect national assets.

However, I can't imagine any scenarios where our Tier 1 direct action assets will not remain loyal to the President. The 75th Ranger Regiment is enough to stop a coup. So I am still hopeful.

Please tell me how they get from Ft. Benning to DC to stop said alleged coup, in time for it to matter?  Assume hypothetically that bad actors did bad things in DC today, the WH perimeter was compromised and 45 was legitimately in imminent danger.  How soon could they get there?

Let’s hope we don’t find out.

There are ways in and there are ways out. I'm guessing the Prez is already out.

i hope not.
I want him at the White House, and I want him to order all his top military people there in the WH as well,,, secdef, all the branch secs, 3 stars, 4 stars, all of them.
They can be the cannon fodder.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:40:53 AM EDT
pm for links please.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:53:54 AM EDT
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pm for links please.
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It’s on Chan, that said I’m not clever enough to find the thread on there.

That said I commented on p2 of the original thread and the summary posted several times on here is accurate.

Also sent the thread to someone who lives in the “area”
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 10:55:39 AM EDT
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your inbox is full, please im me thanks.
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I did end up finding the cashed page through 4chan.

Members who have not, and want to see it, IM/email me.
your inbox is full, please im me thanks.

I am interested too.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:02:16 AM EDT
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"The military" isn't some homogenous group of automatons.

Jesus ideas like this are simply stupid.
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Replace "The Military" with "BLM",  "NRA", "Civitans", "KKK" and your statement would be equally wrong.  Each has a common theme, goal and corporate culture.  Having worked directly for Wes Clark, I will go on record as saying Pournellie's Iron Law is in full effect in the Military.  Not leftist or rightist, just "Get the fuck out of my way!"  Most Flag Officers would shoot their own grandmother for another star.  Hell, Wes tried to start WWIII with a 5th star in view!

And start looking at what Flag Officers DO, not what they say.
Mattis, "kill them all" while doing jack shit.
Ike, "beware the military industrial complex", while enlarging the CIA and going on a military spending spree.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:14:12 AM EDT
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just because a handful of ex-generals that were fired or part of another administration say they dont like trump.


Depends will help you with you wetting your pants.
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LOL Ok boomer troll
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:23:24 AM EDT
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Our whole national security apparatus is compromised by foreign influence, it’s part of the reason Flynn had to be taken down.  They’re attempting anything to maintain their shitty globalist trajectory.
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I keep saying, We need to get our house in order. Our gov has been corrupted from the top all the way down. It was obvious, Ray Charles could see it with how they handed the beer virus. That's still not over, what a time for riots, in the middle of a Pandemic. Talk about a force multiplier for a BW. Sad part, they are so deep into us, that if they really dig into it and root them out... I think we will be hanging most of our justice dept, fed law enforcement, ex presidents and setting governors, the rot (or more foreign influence, aka paid spies for people that hate us) is at every level. I mean shit look at Uranium one, and how there was nothing to see there.... There's just soooo many examples. NO one is as stupid as they are claiming they are. It's to the point it HAS to be enemy action, I see nothing else it can be.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:24:51 AM EDT
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It’s on Chan, that said I’m not clever enough to find the thread on there.

That said I commented on p2 of the original thread and the summary posted several times on here is accurate.

Also sent the thread to someone who lives in the “area”
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pm for links please.

It’s on Chan, that said I’m not clever enough to find the thread on there.

That said I commented on p2 of the original thread and the summary posted several times on here is accurate.

Also sent the thread to someone who lives in the “area”

I searched for it but couldn't find it.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:25:07 AM EDT
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There are ways in and there are ways out. I'm guessing the Prez is already out.
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I wish Trump would vacate the White House. Take his wife and personal belongings with him and send the security away.

And tell the DC mayor to protect it.

When the lunatics got through, the next Democratic president would not want to live there.

It would be worse than after the British burned it.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:29:12 AM EDT
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I wish Trump would vacate the White House. Take his wife and personal belongings with him and send the security away.

And tell the DC mayor to protect it.

When the lunatics got through, the next Democratic president would not want to live there.

It would be worse than after the British burned it.
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There are ways in and there are ways out. I'm guessing the Prez is already out.

I wish Trump would vacate the White House. Take his wife and personal belongings with him and send the security away.

And tell the DC mayor to protect it.

When the lunatics got through, the next Democratic president would not want to live there.

It would be worse than after the British burned it.

LOL, Trump is more likely to seize an M240B out of the USSS hands and use it than run away from confrontation.  "Leave? Hell no.  Gimme that thing!"
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:31:47 AM EDT
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just because a handful of ex-generals that were fired or part of another administration say they dont like trump.


Depends will help you with you wetting your pants.
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"Un pouvoir insurrectionnel s'est établi en Algérie par un pronunciamiento militaire. Ce pouvoir a une apparence: un quarteron de généraux en retraite. Il a une réalité: un groupe d'officiers, partisans, ambitieux et fanatiques."

De Gaulle, when a handful of Ex-Generals decided to overthrow the French Republic.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:48:57 AM EDT
This has been planned for some time.

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 11:50:16 AM EDT
@SkilletsUSMC  PM link please

Remember this guy.
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:26:26 PM EDT
I really think there isn't a lot to support this at this point.  Is it verboten to post a chan link here?

261199255#p261199255 is all the hints you should need.   I won't explain it further.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:27:53 PM EDT
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@SkilletsUSMC  PM link please

Remember this guy.
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Pretty sure he got kicked out very shortly after that picture made the rounds.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:28:17 PM EDT
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I really think there isn't a lot to support this at this point.  Is it verboten to post a chan link here?
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Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:32:58 PM EDT
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LOL, Trump is more likely to seize an M240B out of the USSS hands and use it than run away from confrontation.  "Leave? Hell no.  Gimme that thing!"
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There are ways in and there are ways out. I'm guessing the Prez is already out.

I wish Trump would vacate the White House. Take his wife and personal belongings with him and send the security away.

And tell the DC mayor to protect it.

When the lunatics got through, the next Democratic president would not want to live there.

It would be worse than after the British burned it.

LOL, Trump is more likely to seize an M240B out of the USSS hands and use it than run away from confrontation.  "Leave? Hell no.  Gimme that thing!"

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:34:48 PM EDT
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Is this thread legal?

Also military members are humans too, im sure people want to protest who are in military but are restrained due to being in military.
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I only have 3rd hand info, but I don't think that's what the thread was about.

Seditious comments from service members is, IMO, a violation of the enlistment oath.

Those persons should be identified by the branch they are in and court martialed.  I hear Gitmo has a lot of new space to house shitbirds.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:38:41 PM EDT
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So arfcom is scrubbing threads that speak on a possible coup developing?  Sounds like Twitter and Facebook.
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I'm pretty sure the subject was scrubbed due to an ongoing investigation (possibly sparked by the original thread in question) by an AF IG.

I hope that's the case and that the seditious bastards are court martialed with the full fury of the UCMJ.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:40:30 PM EDT
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Not that unit, the unit mentioned does experimental ammunition testing and such.  The actual AC-130 crews are a different squadron and chain of command.  There are members here from that unit, and former members close by who would be delivering some real pain if need be.  AFSOC has a real nice museum, just saying...

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So the soft coup is about to get hard and hot? Are the AC130s on our side or Antifas?

Apparently, some of the people who fix/maintain the AC-130s think "something needs to be done" about white people (aka "racists") and our racist POTUS.
Not that unit, the unit mentioned does experimental ammunition testing and such.  The actual AC-130 crews are a different squadron and chain of command.  There are members here from that unit, and former members close by who would be delivering some real pain if need be.  AFSOC has a real nice museum, just saying...

The AC130s are at Hurlburt, about 4 miles from Eglin. And there are a few at Duke-those would be for slightly different roles, usually.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:42:01 PM EDT
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LOL, Trump is more likely to seize an M240B out of the USSS hands and use it than run away from confrontation.  "Leave? Hell no.  Gimme that thing!"
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Putin-Riding-Bear level fantasy here.  Trump would trip over himself fleeing from confrontation and then later claim he was just inspecting the back door.  A powerful back door.  We make the best back doors.  We don’t get enough credit for these back doors, we had to fix them all after Obama.  

I don’t think Trump is the devil that some do, I think he’s an idiot narcissist, but there is a lot of hero projection going on with his faithful.

I also think we should have more faith in our military.  Like any huge organization there will be people with widely differing viewpoints and this helps illustrate why it’s important for the active military to stay out of domestic politics as much as possible.  If anyone really is pushing sedition, hopefully they get dealt with as appropriate under the UCMJ.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:42:40 PM EDT
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Posting that to Facebook would probably get me unfriended by a few people.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 12:48:25 PM EDT
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I keep saying, We need to get our house in order. Our gov has been corrupted from the top all the way down. It was obvious, Ray Charles could see it with how they handed the beer virus. That's still not over, what a time for riots, in the middle of a Pandemic. Talk about a force multiplier for a BW. Sad part, they are so deep into us, that if they really dig into it and root them out... I think we will be hanging most of our justice dept, fed law enforcement, ex presidents and setting governors, the rot (or more foreign influence, aka paid spies for people that hate us) is at every level. I mean shit look at Uranium one, and how there was nothing to see there.... There's just soooo many examples. NO one is as stupid as they are claiming they are. It's to the point it HAS to be enemy action, I see nothing else it can be.
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All one needs to do to view the revolving door our NS apparatus has become is simply look into how many former National Security Advisors belong to foreign NGO’s and think tanks that advise governments the world over on ditching national sovereignty for regional governance.  If that isn’t against American domestic interests I don’t know what is. These are supposed to be people protecting Americans instead they sell us out.

MSNBC just hired Lisa Page as a “consultant on national security” for cripes sake....guess where she’ll be getting her talking points?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:00:29 PM EDT
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Any proof either of those are verified?

Google says they are both fake.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:09:40 PM EDT
Damn at the 87 shades of retardation in this thread/topic lol. Lot of names from the Q thread too. Tell ya this. Any of you fuckers have a stress related injury over this shit... stroke or heart attack... you fucking deserve it for allowing yourselves to get whipped up in to such a high state of retardation.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:22:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:25:19 PM EDT
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Any proof either of those are verified?

Google says they are both fake.
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goog & snopes are biased at best. Always good to check other sources though.

The memes are certainly accurate in their messaging . But Cohen was misrepresented.


Seems the cohen qoute was mis -attributed.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:38:12 PM EDT
Would someone please IM me the screen caps and/or the 4chan link..... please!
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:48:25 PM EDT
is this an operation valkyrie thread?
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 1:57:27 PM EDT
Moral of the story for this thread:

The same messages being repeated outside the military, are also being discussed inside the military. The .mil microcosm reflects the same political reality as the rest of the country.

That shouldn’t be news to anybody.

Culture wars matter.

Link Posted: 6/6/2020 2:07:06 PM EDT
Possibly relevant/interesting long tweet thread.

Edit: I tried a few different ways, apparently not wise enough to post a tweet.

Edit 2: figured it out.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 2:15:15 PM EDT
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The AC130s are at Hurlburt, about 4 miles from Eglin. And there are a few at Duke-those would be for slightly different roles, usually.
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Left out the fast movers at Eglin do live fire every couple of months.  The AC130s do live fire most nights.  They could probably be wheels up with a full combat load before the first F35 could be armed.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 2:21:36 PM EDT
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Is this thread legal?

Also military members are humans too, im sure people want to protest who are in military but are restrained due to being in military.
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Thats understood before you join, don't like it don't join or wait until your out.
Link Posted: 6/6/2020 2:22:53 PM EDT
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Possibly relevant/interesting long tweet thread.

Edit: I tried a few different ways, apparently not wise enough to post a tweet.

Edit 2: figured it out.
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So the senior enlisted leader of the AF is a black man first?


Last I checked the enlisted ranks were also comprised of whites, Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders and a whole lot more. Not to mention, male, female, gay, straight.

Favoritism will rot an organization as fast as anything and this dude just showed that some members of the AF are more equal than others.

Fucking disgusting and horrible example of leadership. This isn’t leadership, this is pandering at its worst.
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