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Link Posted: 10/11/2021 8:42:12 AM EDT
Its actually quite simple. Most parent don't take enough of an active role in their child's upbringing which allows things like TV and social media to fill that void.....both of which are controlled by leftsts. Add that to the left controlling public schools and you have a recipe for future commies.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 8:45:01 AM EDT
IMHO, a lot of the appeal of Liberalism to young people is due to lack of actual life experience.  Much of Liberalism sounds good to people who don't know or have not experienced how these ideas actually work out in real life.  Many young people are also not financially responsible for themselves and their own families so the economic consequences of many Liberal policies don't register on their radar and they don't experience the effects since they don't actually have any skin in the game.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 8:51:05 AM EDT
They are young and haven't had success yet. I've noticed as a person gets older and works for and achieves some level of gaining ground in the competition of the free market,  they will usually mellow on redistribution of wealth.

Exceptions being usually those who are gaming the communism pyramid scheme to get their success.

Also I think this ideology can catch kids at a time where they have daddy issues and they are rebellious to those ends but crave a father figure. The state authority can fill that hole and provide the structure children secretly crave.

And also PR. Marxism/communism have a great PR structure. Many kids are naive enough to believe that capitalism is the source of all human suffering and if people would stop being greedy then everything would be right with the world. It seems like sound logic to their ears that if capitalism has been the system for hundreds of years and there are people in poverty then obviously it has failed and we need to try something else.  Just regular Ole road to hell/good intentions.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 8:59:47 AM EDT
"If you are not liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you are not conservative by 40, you have no brain."  Winston Churchill  

Most young people (many here being exceptions) rely on emotion rather than critical thinking.  As they mature and get more experience, they sometimes become more conservative.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:03:25 AM EDT
I'm 36.

I was blessed to be born to parents from two separate paths in life. Both came of age in the 60s.

I've been on both sides of the political fence but one thing I can say without question. I'm an American and I love my country.

What I can't understand is the youth of this country blindly supporting progressive ideas? So you want to go back to the stone age as long as it makes you feel good?

They constantly spout the joys of leftist ideology but have no idea what those goals cost. Sure the kalashnikov isn't turned on you yet kids but wait till you are no longer beneficial to the left.

There are plenty of folks here with much more traveled roads than me...What am I missing? I was once their age but life red pilled me fast.
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Indoctrination from primary school, to college, and then the constant enforcement of liberal ideology via social media. A lot of these kids never had a chance.

A portion do get pretty based when they finally see the man behind the curtain.

As for who planted the seeds in the minds of our young. I blame the flower power generation, who in turn were brainwashed by honest to god Marxists.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:05:43 AM EDT
Most media does a good job of subtle low level mind control w/ the need to fit in to the norms they set.    They portrayed America First as a fringe element of fascists,  they lie their asses off about everything to build the narratives ,  tax the rich until there are no rich no more ( stole that, TYA ),   etc.    On and on it goes down the road of eternal victimhood,  This is how you destroy a country.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:06:14 AM EDT
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We are all ignorant at birth. They do not have the historical understanding that you do.
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My moms side of the family fought commie idiots on multiple levels over multiple generations.

Very blessed to come from the family I came from.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:12:33 AM EDT
Its simple. Youre broke at that age and theres somebody offering shit for "free". And why should anybody have to pay? Education? Knowlege should be free. Same with medical care, right?

They dont realize until later that shit costs money. Usually everybody elses money. Some are more than happy with that setup and never grow out of it, while others are seduced to."the greater good" mentality of irrational thinking.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:19:55 AM EDT
Theory always sounds good. But it needs to be put it into practice to find out how bad it is.
There should be a class on socialism, everyone gets assigned partners for a project. Biggest socialist backers get the worst slackers. Everyone one each team gets the same grade for the project.
When the socialists find out they're doing all the work and the slackers are getting the same grade then MAYBE they'll decide it isn't the all it cracked up to be. But it's doubtful, the socialists love being authoritarians too much.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:20:14 AM EDT
Young adults have always leaned left as they begin to see adult world problems and immediately jump to “The government needs to do something about that”. If they are raised right and go to work in the real world they realize that the government “does something about that” with YOUR money. If they are not, then they will just think the government has not thrown enough money at it and will ask for more.

It is worse today because the last thirty years we have allowed the schools to poison them with a lack of consequences and lower standards for academics and social skills. Combine that with having no identity and absentee parenting, makes for a fucked up bunch of young adults.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:23:20 AM EDT
It's the lack of conflict. The lack of times of hunger, the lack of real struggle. A foreign war that even for those of us who went to fight was largely boring and routine in between rare instances of combat. Humans need struggle. So what do they do? They created conflict where there is none. They want to truly believe they are fighting something. Every little thing is their Normandy. Every time some freak gets called by the wrong pronoun is akin to the air raid sirens for the residents of London. I am unbelievably appreciative of the fact that my childhood was rough. In and out of homeless shelters, mother an addict, father in prison. Never knew when we would eat next. By experiencing real struggle I never sought out these make believe problems the rest of my generation did.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:29:09 AM EDT
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It’s a childish ideology of “give me what I want and shield me from the consequences “.  Why wouldn’t children like it?  Add in the total abdication of responsibility by parents who should have taught their kids to know better and you have our current mess.
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This, and a complete lack of history or math. It's inevitable, because that is Karl Marx's target audience.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:31:29 AM EDT
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And a hell of a lot more lead was slung in the name of communism as well.
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Because "America" has only been tried once and it's a "failed experiment", but Commieism has been tried 87 times and just hasn't been done correctly?

And a hell of a lot more lead was slung in the name of communism as well.

But with all things leftist they know it's the opposite.

Just wish I could be alive to see global communism implode and give rise to something 87x better than what the US had/has.

Minor tweaks to the constitution when drafted could have insured a country that lasted 870 years.

Or whatever
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:32:45 AM EDT
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I was in the 10th grade on 9/11 and grew up with bush 2 and the wars as well. Doesn’t automatically make me a dumbass. They took loans voluntarily did they not?
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You’re stretching the definition of voluntary when schools, parents, and society is pressuring dumb 16-17 year olds to make financial decisions that they’ll be paying off for the next decade plus. Most adults can’t balance a checkbook. I can hardly blame teenagers for the same.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:38:01 AM EDT
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The old saying “if you’re not a liberal when you’re 20 you have no heart; if you’re not a conservative when you’re 40 you have no brain” isn’t hyperbole, it’s about the normal human maturation process.
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I was a heartless 20 year old.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:38:48 AM EDT
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You’re stretching the definition of voluntary when schools, parents, and society is pressuring dumb 16-17 year olds to make financial decisions that they’ll be paying off for the next decade plus. Most adults can’t balance a checkbook. I can hardly blame teenagers for the same.
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Lol they were "forced " to take loans for shitty degrees?

Let me guess, "predatory lending "?

If only there were other options. Lol.

Personal responsibility and accountability is why they're failures even with "large paychecks"

Hope they like Venezuela instead of how things currently are, cause that's where the country is headed. In 8.7 days or 87 years, who knows. Probably like 20-30
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:43:31 AM EDT
The fucked up thing... is how the new modern day Liberalism has *ZERO* concern for worker's rights like the old left had.

They're the kind of leftists who would totally support Pinkerton's Army being sent to gun down Labor Strikers because Corporate told them that the Labor Strikers were being "Anti-semtic".

The New Left is actually *IN FAVOR* of slave wages, corporate rule and oligopoly.

The reality is, our country's biggest threat has always been Corporations. Any movement they see as a threat, they will either seek to destroy completely... or Co-opt, corrupt, and take over.
If the Far-Left got serious, and the Corporats couldn't co-opt them in any serious measure, they'd become staunchly anti-Communist. The only reason they support Communism, is because they want to bring about "Dengism", like they have in China.
Corporations fused with Government power. IF the Corporats got the feeling that the Far Left wasn't going to allow them to achieve that, they'd turn staunchly against it and perhaps seek to co-opt the right and try to pervert our movement back into Neo-Conservatism.

I think, however, the right is starting to awake more to the corrupting nature of Corporations, while the left is becoming more and more corrupted and co-opted, which is why you see so much corporate favor for the Left... unlike what we saw during the Clinton/Bush years where it was evenly split. Because back then, Corporats co-opted *BOTH* movements. However, with Trump, there has been a significant populist, corpo-skeptic movement arising, hence why they are abandoning the GOP.

The future is Democrats calling you a racist or a sexist because you want better wages.

Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:45:27 AM EDT
Because they have been conditioned by school systems, media and culture since early childhood.

Combine that with being shielded by being dependents from its effects until their 30’s. It’s not until one is independent and trying to build a life that the effects of socialism actually become personal.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:45:45 AM EDT
They are fully indoctrinated at public school.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:47:12 AM EDT
America's schools are more interested in indoctrination than education.  

Communism is taught K-12 and religious zeal is confirmed in college.

The left has also captured most organs of popular culture and media.  

You should not be shocked that socialism is becoming the dominant religiously observed political order in America.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:48:00 AM EDT
It’s always the kids born in good times that think communism/socialism/Marxism is good.

Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:48:29 AM EDT
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It’s a childish ideology of “give me what I want and shield me from the consequences “.  Why wouldn’t children like it?  Add in the total abdication of responsibility by parents who should have taught their kids to know better and you have our current mess.
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Best sums it up
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:48:44 AM EDT
Largely because our society is excellent at developing children into adult-age children. There are no consequences for which people are responsible; flippantly enter into a marriage? Bail in a couple years and you can indenture your ex-husband to support you, and big daddy government will take care of the rest. Have a kid you didn't intend to? That's ok, you can either kill it before it's born, or in the meantime while certain states work on implementing their post-birth abortion laws, you can use them to milk daddy gov and your ex for even more money.

Shoot somebody? It's the guns' fault.

Can't pass the test you need to graduate? Not your fault, the test is symptomatic of an inherent bias against you because you're (anything other than white and/or male)-we'll get rid of the test.

The below contains an excellent example:

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I’m  center left, but I know some quite hardcore lefties.

They grew up with Bush 2 and the ME wars. They saw 2008 and the free check written too big banks while average Americans were left out to hang. Most of them are deep in student loan debt, cannot even dream of buying a place of their own, and even with big paychecks can’t seem to get ahead. Universal to everyone I know my age, even the more libertarian types, they all despise Trump and see him emblematic of all the above.
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-Notice that it isn't the case that these individuals actively assumed debt in order to get a degree for which the cost/benefit analysis was skewed against their favor, it's not their fault.
-Notice there is no mention of government backed student loans allowing the higher education industry to charge literally any amount they want because they know that they'll still get paid even if the student can't afford to pay it back.
-Notice that there is no mention of how wages are suppressed by unfettered immigration and the lie that women need a career in order to be fulfilled, which has in turn led to a situation in which families need both parents to work due to womens' widespread entrance to the labor market.
-Notice that there is similarly no mention of how wages have been suppressed by our government prostituting our manufacturing base to the Chinese, selling their predatory economic practices to the American people as "free trade" when in fact they are not.
-Notice how they love to blame businesses for the above despite the fact that the government has, through trade agreements and tax schemes been no less culpable of pushing them overseas in order to stay in business if not more so.

These people have been raised to believe that nothing is their fault, and that the government whose intervention fucked most of this stuff up in the first place, is going to fix it for them. Meanwhile they thoughtlessly support the contributing factors to their grievances such as the wholesale eschewing of responsibility and open borders.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:54:11 AM EDT
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Yeah, he was really flying under the radar until that post.
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Indeed, who would have thought?
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:56:27 AM EDT
That's what happens when you have the Occupy Wall St. occupiers teaching your kids. Everyone was like, "get a job hippie!" so they got teaching jobs, and now brainwash your youths minds.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:56:45 AM EDT
"Free shit" sells easier than "Work your fuck ass off for the rest of your life" does.

Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:56:55 AM EDT
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Because they have been conditioned by school systems, media and culture since early childhood.
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This. Kids in their early 20's and younger have been taught to hate the West, and America in particular. This isn't difficult to figure out.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:57:21 AM EDT
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The fucked up thing... is how the new modern day Liberalism has *ZERO* concern for worker's rights like the old left had.

They're the kind of leftists who would totally support Pinkerton's Army being sent to gun down Labor Strikers because Corporate told them that the Labor Strikers were being "Anti-semtic".

The New Left is actually *IN FAVOR* of slave wages, corporate rule and oligopoly.

The reality is, our country's biggest threat has always been Corporations. Any movement they see as a threat, they will either seek to destroy completely... or Co-opt, corrupt, and take over.
If the Far-Left got serious, and the Corporats couldn't co-opt them in any serious measure, they'd become staunchly anti-Communist. The only reason they support Communism, is because they want to bring about "Dengism", like they have in China.
Corporations fused with Government power. IF the Corporats got the feeling that the Far Left wasn't going to allow them to achieve that, they'd turn staunchly against it and perhaps seek to co-opt the right and try to pervert our movement back into Neo-Conservatism.

I think, however, the right is starting to awake more to the corrupting nature of Corporations, while the left is becoming more and more corrupted and co-opted, which is why you see so much corporate favor for the Left... unlike what we saw during the Clinton/Bush years where it was evenly split. Because back then, Corporats co-opted *BOTH* movements. However, with Trump, there has been a significant populist, corpo-skeptic movement arising, hence why they are abandoning the GOP.

The future is Democrats calling you a racist or a sexist because you want better wages.
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That last part is crazy, but makes sense for their goals. Get UBI rolling, then anyone who wants to work or make more is a sexist racist. Can't let anyone get ahead...

Fucking scary.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 9:59:03 AM EDT
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The old saying “if you’re not a liberal when you’re 20 you have no heart; if you’re not a conservative when you’re 40 you have no brain” isn’t hyperbole, it’s about the normal human maturation process.
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I've been conservative since I was a kid. Because I'm not a moron
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:02:32 AM EDT
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I've been conservative since I was a kid. Because I'm not a moron
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Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:03:41 AM EDT
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It’s a childish ideology of “give me what I want and shield me from the consequences “.  Why wouldn’t children like it?  Add in the total abdication of responsibility by parents who should have taught their kids to know better and you have our current mess.
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Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:05:41 AM EDT
Made In America - Toby Keith W/ Lyrics
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:06:02 AM EDT
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Indeed, who would have thought?
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Yeah, he was really flying under the radar until that post.


Indeed, who would have thought?

Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:09:27 AM EDT
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IMHO, a lot of the appeal of Liberalism to young people is due to lack of actual life experience.  Much of Liberalism sounds good to people who don't know or have not experienced how these ideas actually work out in real life.  Many young people are also not financially responsible for themselves and their own families so the economic consequences of many Liberal policies don't register on their radar and they don't experience the effects since they don't actually have any skin in the game.
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Absolutely, this is a big reason why leftist ideologies remain so pervasive throughout academia. It provides an environment insulated from reality where people primarily concern themselves with the theoretical. These people may consider themselves well traveled because they went on vacations to some well developed population center, or went on a humanitarian trip to Africa where they deluded themselves with the idea that undeveloped parts of the world can be developed by exterior influences. They haven't been to places like Eastern Europe (again, not talking about major cities) and seen the impact of the Soviet Union that remains to this day.

President Ghani of Afghanistan is an excellent example of this type of person. This video has been posted in a bunch of other threads here for various reasons, but the discussion about how Ghani was an academic, completely unsuitable for an actual leadership role starts at 25:25.

Unraveling 23: Unmitigated Disaster
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:11:41 AM EDT
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It’s not just youths, plenty of older people too. Remember most of the BS we’re dealing with now started generations ago.
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Yes, and they're the ones heading the political train with the promise of free shit for everyone. My parents generation are the ones trying to crash the party (Born in the late 40's).
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:18:26 AM EDT
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I’m  center left, but I know some quite hardcore lefties.

They grew up with Bush 2 and the ME wars. They saw 2008 and the free check written too big banks while average Americans were left out to hang. Most of them are deep in student loan debt, cannot even dream of buying a place of their own, and even with big paychecks can’t seem to get ahead. Universal to everyone I know my age, even the more libertarian types, they all despise Trump and see him emblematic of all the above.
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And yet I know a ton of folks from that generation that got real educations, got into tech,  and are on their second IPO. They're the ones paying $100k over asking, all cash.

The move from skilled trades and production to "college for everyone" was a massive failing. Education for profit. Student loans for profit. There are too many kids that thought the 4 year party guaranteed them a six figure paycheck without realizing that is an abundance of women's studies majors already available for hire.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:18:44 AM EDT
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I've been conservative since I was a kid. Because I'm not a moron
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The old saying “if you’re not a liberal when you’re 20 you have no heart; if you’re not a conservative when you’re 40 you have no brain” isn’t hyperbole, it’s about the normal human maturation process.

I've been conservative since I was a kid. Because I'm not a moron
By the time I was 18, I'd read "Animal Farm," "Nineteen Eighty-Four," "Brave New World," "Anthem" (thanks, Neil), and "Atlas Shrugged." I was never a Leftist.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:20:10 AM EDT
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That's what happens when you have the Occupy Wall St. occupiers teaching your kids. Everyone was like, "get a job hippie!" so they got teaching jobs, and now brainwash your youths minds.
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I was in college during those protests; the leftist infestation of the education system started long before that.

Observing the leftist trash I saw in college made me more conservative; so apparently I was heartless, which is preferable to being retarded IMHO.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:21:23 AM EDT
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Free s—t, no self reliance, .gov nanny for life.
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Also the belief that anything that has gone wrong for you or outraged you is the fault of other people, who can easily be identified and vilified without too much effort.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:21:44 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:23:28 AM EDT
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Absolutely, this is a big reason why leftist ideologies remain so pervasive throughout academia. It provides an environment insulated from reality where people primarily concern themselves with the theoretical. These people may consider themselves well traveled because they went on vacations to some well developed population center, or went on a humanitarian trip to Africa where they deluded themselves with the idea that undeveloped parts of the world can be developed by exterior influences. They haven't been to places like Eastern Europe (again, not talking about major cities) and seen the impact of the Soviet Union that remains to this day.

President Ghani of Afghanistan is an excellent example of this type of person. This video has been posted in a bunch of other threads here for various reasons, but the discussion about how Ghani was an academic, completely unsuitable for an actual leadership role starts at 25:25.

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IMHO, a lot of the appeal of Liberalism to young people is due to lack of actual life experience.  Much of Liberalism sounds good to people who don't know or have not experienced how these ideas actually work out in real life.  Many young people are also not financially responsible for themselves and their own families so the economic consequences of many Liberal policies don't register on their radar and they don't experience the effects since they don't actually have any skin in the game.

Absolutely, this is a big reason why leftist ideologies remain so pervasive throughout academia. It provides an environment insulated from reality where people primarily concern themselves with the theoretical. These people may consider themselves well traveled because they went on vacations to some well developed population center, or went on a humanitarian trip to Africa where they deluded themselves with the idea that undeveloped parts of the world can be developed by exterior influences. They haven't been to places like Eastern Europe (again, not talking about major cities) and seen the impact of the Soviet Union that remains to this day.

President Ghani of Afghanistan is an excellent example of this type of person. This video has been posted in a bunch of other threads here for various reasons, but the discussion about how Ghani was an academic, completely unsuitable for an actual leadership role starts at 25:25.


LOL holy shit, that's amazing. Got his shit stomped by reality.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:24:37 AM EDT
They are fucking stupid !
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:25:44 AM EDT
When you are 16 you think you know a lot.
When you are 18 most realize how stupid they were @ 16
When you are 21, 16 & 18 seem like a different lifetime.

Most people learn with age while liberals / dims never learn and do the same thing over and over but blame failure on everything or anything else.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:29:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:33:53 AM EDT
Indoctrination from the public school system and pop culture via Hollywood and the music industry.  Throw in anything that they see on tv related to news is also progressive.

This is assuming the indoctrination didn't come directly from their families.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:35:23 AM EDT
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It's this more than anything.
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because at an incredibly early age we send our children to a school system that has become nothing more than a communist indoctrination system.
Even when we discover this fact and have that communist system threaten us with a federal police force if we interfere, we send our kids in to be indoctrinated.
It's this more than anything.

Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:36:47 AM EDT
People want the 'easy' button to provide for them.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:57:16 AM EDT
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I’m  center left, but I know some quite hardcore lefties.

They grew up with Bush 2 and the ME wars. They saw 2008 and the free check written too big banks while average Americans were left out to hang. Most of them are deep in student loan debt, cannot even dream of buying a place of their own, and even with big paychecks can’t seem to get ahead. Universal to everyone I know my age, even the more libertarian types, they all despise Trump and see him emblematic of all the above.
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Fucking hilarious - never bothered to figure out why it costs so much for college?  Institutions owned and run by the left are bleeding them dry, and they want to drop to their knees and suck harder?  The problem is the inability to think critically to figure out solutions, as well as flat-out stupidity;  unfortunately, the smart ones are a minority.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:58:43 AM EDT
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And yet I know a ton of folks from that generation that got real educations, got into tech,  and are on their second IPO. They're the ones paying $100k over asking, all cash.
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First of all, tech is a small part of the economy even if it doesn’t seem like it when you live near it. So thats going to be a very small group. What we do know is that people 35 and under own homes at a much reduced rate than in the past, particularly in California.
Link Posted: 10/11/2021 10:59:48 AM EDT
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Fucking hilarious - never bothered to figure out why it costs so much for college?  Institutions owned and run by the left are bleeding them dry, and they want to drop to their knees and suck harder?  The problem is the inability to think critically to figure out solutions, as well as flat-out stupidity;  unfortunately, the smart ones are a minority.
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Boom. The left is sucking them dry and teaching them that it’s the rights fault.
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