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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 10:25:07 AM EDT
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Do you prefer womyn?
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The fantasy of every women in the western world is to live their lives free of consequences.

Once you understand this. Life gets a lot easier.

My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

Do you prefer womyn?

God, no.  

I don't see people making the same mistake with *man/men*.  They know which is singular and which is plural.   But for the life of me I can't figure out why the 2 extra letters causes their brains to misfire.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 12:13:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 12:31:09 PM EDT
Y'all a bunch of hateful MF'ers.

If those women are actually out walking, even if on an easy trail, good for them.

I'm sure all the Navy SEALS Special Forces Olympic athlete types on here can run a marathon every day.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:00:00 PM EDT
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Y'all a bunch of hateful MF'ers.

If those women are actually out walking, even if on an easy trail, good for them.

I'm sure all the Navy SEALS Special Forces Olympic athlete types on here can run a marathon every day.
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Working on it. So far I can do a half marathon in the Special Olympics
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:03:34 PM EDT
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Y'all a bunch of hateful MF'ers.

If those women are actually out walking, even if on an easy trail, good for them.

I'm sure all the Navy SEALS Special Forces Olympic athlete types on here can run a marathon every day.
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87% of GD is doing donuts in their mom's basement right now on their jazzy scooters next to their pallets of 7.62x54R whilst exhausting their supply of distilled wudder for the old CPAP machine.

Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:05:30 PM EDT
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87% of GD is doing donuts in their mom's basement right now on their jazzy scooters next to their pallets of 7.62x54R whilst exhausting their supply of distilled wudder for the old CPAP machine.

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Y'all a bunch of hateful MF'ers.

If those women are actually out walking, even if on an easy trail, good for them.

I'm sure all the Navy SEALS Special Forces Olympic athlete types on here can run a marathon every day.

87% of GD is doing donuts in their mom's basement right now on their jazzy scooters next to their pallets of 7.62x54R whilst exhausting their supply of distilled wudder for the old CPAP machine.


Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:07:23 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:49:21 PM EDT
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Maybe New Hampshire was right, you SHOULD get charged for SAR services
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By the pound.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:53:38 PM EDT
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Those are not cow tracks
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:07:11 PM EDT
Meh the ad is kind of stupid. Overweight but getting out there anyway is one thing...  Looking like the Stay-Pufft Marshmallow Man means you are not getting to most destinations not measured in yards.

I'm fat. I hike a lot, including backpacking.  Extra weight really sucks but I still like doing it.  Guess it's good that I go mostly to places its rare to find much of GD so as not to offend their very core existence.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:11:40 PM EDT
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Sure you can.  They are failing in their most fundamental duty as human beings: to be perceived as attractive by random assholes on the internet.
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You're being generous.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:13:38 PM EDT
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.
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The fantasy of every women in the western world is to live their lives free of consequences.

Once you understand this. Life gets a lot easier.

My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

.  I'm afraid you loose!
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:53:00 PM EDT
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I’ll be holding a good thought for you, but I’m not hopeful.

More than anything else in the world, the misogynowhining  bitchmales in these threads want all women to be exactly the same, simply millions of manifestations of a single consciousness.  That way when/if they figure out how to fuck one of us, they could fuck us all.
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

I’ll be holding a good thought for you, but I’m not hopeful.

More than anything else in the world, the misogynowhining  bitchmales in these threads want all women to be exactly the same, simply millions of manifestations of a single consciousness.  That way when/if they figure out how to fuck one of us, they could fuck us all.

While I have absolutely ZERO doubt that misogyny is abundant, I personally don't care whether someone is male or female. Letting yourself get THAT fat, is disgusting. It shows a complete lack of self control.

It takes a hell of a lot of eating to get that disgustingly fat. If they really ARE hiking regularly (and not just 500 feet from their cars for photo ops), then they'd have to be WAAAAYYYY over eating to STILL be that fat after "hiking for 10 years".

Genetics and metabolism really only account for 200-300 calories. To get that fat, and stay that fat, the person has to be overeating by a wide margin.

Both you and OATT have avoided turning into hambeasts. Is it REALLY that difficult and onerous? What's these people's excuse?

And what a lot of folks in thise thread take issue with, is the current trend to excuse and normalize this behavior. "Oh, you're fine just as you are". Whatever. How about a modicum of self control and self respect?

I'm a Gen X'er on the wrong side of 50. I could easily be like every other lazy shit out there and make excuses, but the reality is simple; make the effort, or make excuses. Most people choose to make excuses because it's easy (and as some have stated, simple /= easy).

I'm currently doing gaintaining/maintaining (whatever the stupid term is to gain muscle while controlling bodyfat%). I have to eat quite a bit, and I get the usual, "Must be nice to have your metabolism, and be able to eat all the time and not be fat". "Yeah? Go ahead and average 15-17 hours of strenuous exercise a week, and you can be like this too". "What? Who has time for that? I thought it was 15 minutes a day?".

Well, when they take a short, leisurely walk 15 minutes a day, it doesn't burn even one bite of that jelly donut, much less the whole pizza they ate for lunch.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:55:05 PM EDT
Jenny Bruso may have started hiking ten years ago but these photos taken three days ago was from her second time hiking.  

Stupid fucking advertisement.

Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:58:12 PM EDT
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Y'all a bunch of hateful MF'ers.

If those women are actually out walking, even if on an easy trail, good for them.

I'm sure all the Navy SEALS Special Forces Olympic athlete types on here can run a marathon every day.
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Can you look at the statement in that tweet saying that bitch has been hiking for ten years and take it at face value?

Link Posted: 2/20/2023 5:07:36 PM EDT
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Can you look at the statement in that tweet saying that bitch has been hiking for ten years and take it at face value?

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Like I said, it's kind of a stupid ad.  Very obvious pandering for the fats to wear Merrell and I'm sure the roll monster in that ad is not hiking miles into anywhere.  But was anyone really thinking Mary Lou was eating her Wheaties every morning as part of her balanced diet or that Mila Cuntis is an aficionado of fine whiskey either?

So yeah that ad is a bit comical then GD comes, and GD's and then tries to out-GD itself and apparently if us fats were allowed in the woods at all you all will be forced to pull us up hills on logs while we snore or something.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 5:10:36 PM EDT
At least I wouldn't have to worry about getting eaten by a bear on any trail she is on
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 5:11:43 PM EDT
I'm with Merrell. #Hiking is tons of fun.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 5:41:59 PM EDT
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Who is carrying the AED?
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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:18:37 PM EDT
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While I have absolutely ZERO doubt that misogyny is abundant, I personally don't care whether someone is male or female. Letting yourself get THAT fat, is disgusting. It shows a complete lack of self control.

It takes a hell of a lot of eating to get that disgustingly fat. If they really ARE hiking regularly (and not just 500 feet from their cars for photo ops), then they'd have to be WAAAAYYYY over eating to STILL be that fat after "hiking for 10 years".

Genetics and metabolism really only account for 200-300 calories. To get that fat, and stay that fat, the person has to be overeating by a wide margin.

Both you and OATT have avoided turning into hambeasts. Is it REALLY that difficult and onerous? What's these people's excuse?

And what a lot of folks in thise thread take issue with, is the current trend to excuse and normalize this behavior. "Oh, you're fine just as you are". Whatever. How about a modicum of self control and self respect?

I'm a Gen X'er on the wrong side of 50. I could easily be like every other lazy shit out there and make excuses, but the reality is simple; make the effort, or make excuses. Most people choose to make excuses because it's easy (and as some have stated, simple /= easy).

I'm currently doing gaintaining/maintaining (whatever the stupid term is to gain muscle while controlling bodyfat%). I have to eat quite a bit, and I get the usual, "Must be nice to have your metabolism, and be able to eat all the time and not be fat". "Yeah? Go ahead and average 15-17 hours of strenuous exercise a week, and you can be like this too". "What? Who has time for that? I thought it was 15 minutes a day?".

Well, when they take a short, leisurely walk 15 minutes a day, it doesn't burn even one bite of that jelly donut, much less the whole pizza they ate for lunch.
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Obesity in others isn’t a big issue for me, but it obviously brings meaning and passion to your life, and I’m glad you have it.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:33:45 PM EDT
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I don't see people making the same mistake with *man/men*.  They know which is singular and which is plural.   But for the life of me I can't figure out why the 2 extra letters causes their brains to misfire.
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The letters that are different are pronounced the same and the letter that's the same is pronounced different. This frightens and confuses me.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:57:27 PM EDT
Half mile loop hike max.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 11:05:31 PM EDT
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.
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You really only have to worry when someone spells it "womyn"
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 6:32:41 AM EDT
Where is this wife thread that keeps getting mentioned?
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 6:40:36 AM EDT
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Where is this wife thread that keeps getting mentioned?
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It's in the General section under BOTD but you need a membership to view.
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 7:44:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 8:37:53 AM EDT
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It's in the General section under BOTD but you need a membership to view.
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Where is this wife thread that keeps getting mentioned?

It's in the General section under BOTD but you need a membership to view.

And well worth the price of admission, so I've been told........
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 8:44:07 AM EDT
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Y'all a bunch of hateful MF'ers.

If those women are actually out walking, even if on an easy trail, good for them.

I'm sure all the Navy SEALS Special Forces Olympic athlete types on here can run a marathon every day.
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For real.

They're outside. They're exercising. They're doing better than most.

Don't shit on people who are making an effort.
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 9:24:58 AM EDT
I'd happily slap bellies with orangie
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 9:31:35 AM EDT
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.
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Thats what I was thinking, as I sit in front of my computer 50lb. overweight.
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 9:36:14 AM EDT
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God, no.  

I don't see people making the same mistake with *man/men*.  They know which is singular and which is plural.   But for the life of me I can't figure out why the 2 extra letters causes their brains to misfire.
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The fantasy of every women in the western world is to live their lives free of consequences.

Once you understand this. Life gets a lot easier.

My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

Do you prefer womyn?

God, no.  

I don't see people making the same mistake with *man/men*.  They know which is singular and which is plural.   But for the life of me I can't figure out why the 2 extra letters causes their brains to misfire.

Womenz *smh
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 10:05:32 AM EDT
I was on the Colorado river and there was a Boy Scout troop that had built their own small boats, similar to a kayak. They were going to use them to go down river and hike, it was a pretty cool thing they were doing.  Later on I saw their boats at the shore with the fish cops in a cliff face canyon area. The fish cop flagged us down and asked us to give a couple kids and adult a ride back to the boat launch. One of the kid's fathers was obese and ended up having a heart attack up in the canyon, he ended up dying because they couldn't get his fatass down from where he had hiked to.

If you're a fatty in a bad spot in a remote location and rely on the kindness of other to help you, you're an asshole. Walk your neighborhood until you're no longer a fatty and someone or a couple people can carry you.
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 12:14:43 PM EDT
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And well worth the price of admission, so I've been told........
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Where is this wife thread that keeps getting mentioned?

It's in the General section under BOTD but you need a membership to view.

And well worth the price of admission, so I've been told........

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/21/2023 12:26:57 PM EDT
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I was on the Colorado river and there was a Boy Scout troop that had built their own small boats, similar to a kayak. They were going to use them to go down river and hike, it was a pretty cool thing they were doing.  Later on I saw their boats at the shore with the fish cops in a cliff face canyon area. The fish cop flagged us down and asked us to give a couple kids and adult a ride back to the boat launch. One of the kid's fathers was obese and ended up having a heart attack up in the canyon, he ended up dying because they couldn't get his fatass down from where he had hiked to.

If you're a fatty in a bad spot in a remote location and rely on the kindness of other to help you, you're an asshole. Walk your neighborhood until you're no longer a fatty and someone or a couple people can carry you.
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Username kind of does too.
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