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Link Posted: 2/19/2023 6:26:52 PM EDT
This is peak hikers body. Hats off to Merrell for advertising what real hikers look like!

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She's welcome to hike in bear country with me anytime
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 6:29:37 PM EDT
The Big Bad Wolf must have been full that day
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 6:32:01 PM EDT
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Yeah, at least they’re out moving.
Do it enough and you’re not far anymore.
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If they get out of doors and respect everything, awesome.

Yeah, at least they’re out moving.
Do it enough and you’re not far anymore.

It is an ad campaign, probably not real.
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 6:40:49 PM EDT
Love the way the Merrells Moabs fit my feet and how comfortable they are out of the box. I've worn them as everyday shoes, work shoes, and even wore them on a multi-day backpack hunting trip into the Trinity Alps.

However, they wear out fast!

That being said..I don't recall ever seeing anyone like in the ads while I'm out hiking - and I live in the SF Bay area, where purple haired fatties are a dime a dozen.
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 6:45:45 PM EDT
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Love the way the Merrells Moabs fit my feet and how comfortable they are out of the box. I've worn them as everyday shoes, work shoes, and even wore them on a multi-day backpack hunting trip into the Trinity Alps.

However, they wear out fast!

That being said..I don't recall ever seeing anyone like in the ads while I'm out hiking - and I live in the SF Bay area, where purple haired fatties are a dime a dozen.
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I have the same quality issues with Merrell.

But the question isn’t “who uses my product”.  It is “who else can I sell my product to”.  

Fatties wanting to lose weight and/or appear active make perfect sense, even if they buy some gear and it never sees the light of day.

Companies have been successfully preying on people who want to lose weight and project an active appearance for ages.  It is a formula that works.

If I was in charge of marketing at Merrell, I’d absolutely market to fatties.  

Huge (no pun intended) target market.  Logical buyers.  Them using the product is less important than them buying the product.
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 7:01:14 PM EDT
This is peak hikers body. Hats off to Merrell for advertising what real hikers look like!

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"My body took me here"

Probably 100 feet from the parking lot, then a break was needed.
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 7:46:45 PM EDT
If you zoom into their xxxl shirts you can see the Merrill brand is called "unlikely hikers". Merrill is literally calling these fatties unlikely hikers. Wow.
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 7:48:09 PM EDT
I hike.  A lot.  Thousands of miles.  On rare occasions, I see hikers like this.  After 15-20 tough miles, at the end of a loooong day, this is what you WANT to see.  It's what you PRAY to see.  Fat-bottom girls.  The fatter the better.  It means you are near the trailhead/parking lot.  You made it!
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 7:54:34 PM EDT
It's amazing.
I spend every day watching what I eat and working out so I can stay fit for the backpacking trails going on 40+ years.

And then this.......

As the poster above me said.....the only time I've ever come across one of these people was less than 1/2 mile from the trailhead.
Link Posted: 2/19/2023 9:25:44 PM EDT
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I hike.  A lot.  Thousands of miles.  On rare occasions, I see hikers like this.  After 15-20 tough miles, at the end of a loooong day, this is what you WANT to see.  It's what you PRAY to see.  Fat-bottom girls.  The fatter the better.  It means you are near the trailhead/parking lot.  You made it!
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Link Posted: 2/19/2023 9:28:19 PM EDT
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los monstruos gordos gigantes del sendero de la montaña!
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where does Midcap live?
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 1:09:13 AM EDT
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This x100. It's social engineering.
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This is the state of modern advertising. They aren't selling stuff so much as they are changing people's attitudes and thinking about everything. Race, sex, gender, fatness, skinnyness, etc.
Welcome to the new world

This x100. It's social engineering.

Couple of years ago I read a "news" report that bemoaned the lack of "hikers of color". Apparently, the overwhelming numbers of white hikers is intimidating to non-whites, who don't feel welcomed into the lifestyle. Therefore, hiking is a patriarchal endeavor, and evil therefore. But does that line of reasoning still hold water if we're discussing dog-dragging caucasoid lesbians? Because they're intersectional, right?
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 1:13:08 AM EDT
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Holy fuckballs, so because of your post I decided to check out the Merrell IG page. The same fatties continue there. How do you get this fat?

My new born has tons of rolls and they smell when I clean them out. Imagine the stench of crustation and nastiness in-between the rolls of the two lay-dees???

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They're all wearing the same shoe.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 1:19:25 AM EDT
And this one went, wee wee weeeeee, all the way down the trail...
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 1:38:44 AM EDT
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.
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I used to think the same.
Then I had several experiences with fatties in the wild.

They suck to have in camp.
They don't help out with chores.
They eat way too much.
They don't bury their shit.
They pawn off their gear for others to carry.
They whine about being unable to climb/scramble/jump like the rest of us.
They snore like motherfuckers.
Their level of laziness is astounding.

The only reason a fat should be in the wild, is for extreme dieting and exercise.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 1:40:51 AM EDT
The fantasy of every women in the western world is to live their lives free of consequences.

Once you understand this. Life gets a lot easier.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 1:44:23 AM EDT
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Lol. She's been hiking for 10 years and is still fat.
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Fat is fit nowadays.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 2:56:24 AM EDT
I don't have anything nice to say, except: I AM SUCH A SUPPORTER OF WILDLIFE.

Like, somebody please give me a pat on the back, a civic medal, and a blowjob, because I love animals so damn much. It just hurts how hard I CARE.

But my current favorites are black bears, mountain lions, and buzzards.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:39:40 AM EDT
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.
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Was going to say the same thing
They are getti g out. Good on em.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 3:42:02 AM EDT
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There's more money in "lifestyle marketing" then having quality niche products. Eventually most places make that jump whether they go full retard on the LGTBQWTFBBQ++ bandwagon or not.

Why make a quality product when you can make a cheaper product that you can sell to more people for the appearance of still being able to do that thing?
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This is the state of modern advertising. They aren't selling stuff so much as they are changing people's attitudes and thinking about everything. Race, sex, gender, fatness, skinnyness, etc.
Welcome to the new world

The irony is the same people that run these Companies are all about less people making less impact on their dear mother earth.

Almost like they will sell you the gear for your day hike to a internment camp.
There's more money in "lifestyle marketing" then having quality niche products. Eventually most places make that jump whether they go full retard on the LGTBQWTFBBQ++ bandwagon or not.

Why make a quality product when you can make a cheaper product that you can sell to more people for the appearance of still being able to do that thing?

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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:02:04 AM EDT
I've been hiking more than 100 times since October and have never seen anything such as this on the trail. And I'm miles from the trailhead. The deeper you get in the hotter the pussy.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:18:14 AM EDT
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Poor guy in back.
They're going to need a shithook to do a medevac when one falls and breaks its ankle or has a cardiac.   Just lower the sling from the cargo hook.
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Lady squatch's!!
Who is carrying the AED?

Poor guy in back.
They're going to need a shithook to do a medevac when one falls and breaks its ankle or has a cardiac.   Just lower the sling from the cargo hook.

This is the only way those cows are getting packed out of there.

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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:38:58 AM EDT
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Couple of years ago I read a "news" report that bemoaned the lack of "hikers of color". Apparently, the overwhelming numbers of white hikers is intimidating to non-whites, who don't feel welcomed into the lifestyle. Therefore, hiking is a patriarchal endeavor, and evil therefore. But does that line of reasoning still hold water if we're discussing dog-dragging caucasoid lesbians? Because they're intersectional, right?
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This is the state of modern advertising. They aren't selling stuff so much as they are changing people's attitudes and thinking about everything. Race, sex, gender, fatness, skinnyness, etc.
Welcome to the new world

This x100. It's social engineering.

Couple of years ago I read a "news" report that bemoaned the lack of "hikers of color". Apparently, the overwhelming numbers of white hikers is intimidating to non-whites, who don't feel welcomed into the lifestyle. Therefore, hiking is a patriarchal endeavor, and evil therefore. But does that line of reasoning still hold water if we're discussing dog-dragging caucasoid lesbians? Because they're intersectional, right?

I remember that

"The outdoors is rayciss! There's not enough P'sOC hiking and backpacking! "

Lol. The overwhelming majority of my black friends DON'T want to spend their time off staying in a tent or "walking nowhere". Their idea of a vacation is a nice hotel and restaurants and bars (or maybe a cruise).
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 4:55:51 AM EDT
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I used to think the same.
Then I had several experiences with fatties in the wild.

They suck to have in camp.
They don't help out with chores.
They eat way too much.
They don't bury their shit.
They pawn off their gear for others to carry.
They whine about being unable to climb/scramble/jump like the rest of us.
They snore like motherfuckers.
Their level of laziness is astounding.

The only reason a fat should be in the wild, is for extreme dieting and exercise.
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.

I used to think the same.
Then I had several experiences with fatties in the wild.

They suck to have in camp.
They don't help out with chores.
They eat way too much.
They don't bury their shit.
They pawn off their gear for others to carry.
They whine about being unable to climb/scramble/jump like the rest of us.
They snore like motherfuckers.
Their level of laziness is astounding.

The only reason a fat should be in the wild, is for extreme dieting and exercise.

Lol. You just triggered my PTSD from my BSA days.

Had this fatass in our troop, EXACTLY as you described. Why are fat people fat?
1) they eat way too damned much
2) because they're friggin LAZY

We had a challenge. Pair up and complete several tasks, to see which pairs could do it the quickest. The last task was carrying a log up a hill.

Of course, I got stuck with lazy fatass. Did all the work, while he stood around lazy and useless, but the last straw was carrying that log up the hill. WTF. The log is heavy, but it shouldn't be THIS hard. Then I realized I was carrying the log AND dragging this lazy fatass up the friggin hill.

The moment I realized what was happening, I said, "Let's put this down and take a break". The moment he let go, I took off up the hill with this friggin log by myself, where EVERY other pair had 2 people to carry the load. Heavy as it was, it was way easier carrying it up the hill solo, than carrying the log while dragging his useless fatass up the hill with me. I made it up the hill alone, with the damned log, way before he did just walking his fatass up there. He didn't show up again after that. Good riddance.

I've had 95lb girls try to help carry heavy things before. They may not be that strong, but they were providing as much assistance as they could, and made it a teeny bit lighter (yes, I've also encountered the types who want to help, but just get in the way), but it takes a special kind of lazy POS to not only not assist, but to use you as a friggin Tractor to pull their fatass along because they're too damned lazy to put any effort into it.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 6:16:55 AM EDT
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.
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Sure you can.  They are failing in their most fundamental duty as human beings: to be perceived as attractive by random assholes on the internet.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 6:49:33 AM EDT
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That hiking gear is awfully clean their clothes look freshly ironed. The zipper on the thing in the back is struggling.
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That hiking gear is awfully clean their clothes look freshly ironed. The zipper on the thing in the back is struggling.

Theres only one in this group picture thats bigger than her , and of course that one is put right out in front for the photo op.
It does have the appearance of a day hiking group she's running. Of course she's shilling for money on the website, and she probably gets a ton of corporate sponsorships from companies trying to promote their DEI initiatives...

If you zoom into their xxxl shirts you can see the Merrill brand is called "unlikely hikers". Merrill is literally calling these fatties unlikely hikers. Wow.

Thats the name of her company
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 6:57:53 AM EDT
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You seriously think they made it 1/4 mile?
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If you read the link that was posted on the previous page, she goes around the country and is paid to lead hikes that are designed to be three miles long with 300 feet of elevation gain, at whatever group pace they all set together, with a snack break built into their hike time.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:34:51 AM EDT
Now do REIs "outdoor afro" ad campaign....

I've never seen a black person in REI, but every poster in the store has a black person on it. It's awkward.

None of this is designed to actually attract fat or black people, it just makes the Karen's feel better about spending money on gear they won't actually use.

Pathetic pander bear bullshit

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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:37:04 AM EDT
That looks like a sidewalk ....not a trail.

It's like the mulched walk way behind a Dennys were the staff smokes out......

Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:38:39 AM EDT
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If you read the link that was posted on the previous page, she goes around the country and is paid to lead hikes that are designed to be three miles long with 300 feet of elevation gain, at whatever group pace they all set together, with a snack break built into their hike time.
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I've taken people like this on real hikes, with actual elevation, it's laughable, they bitch and moan and say things like
"this is different than what I think of when I think of hiking."

No shit, it's not a flat graded path with benches every 1/4 mile. Now go sit under that rock and die you weak bitch.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:39:36 AM EDT
Their shitty glued together boots wouldn't make it to the trail head under those loads.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 7:48:51 AM EDT
She is still on Full Feed
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 8:04:21 AM EDT
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The fantasy of every women in the western world is to live their lives free of consequences.

Once you understand this. Life gets a lot easier.
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 8:55:21 AM EDT
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.
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I’ll be holding a good thought for you, but I’m not hopeful.

More than anything else in the world, the misogynowhining  bitchmales in these threads want all women to be exactly the same, simply millions of manifestations of a single consciousness.  That way when/if they figure out how to fuck one of us, they could fuck us all.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 8:58:32 AM EDT
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I used to think the same.
Then I had several experiences with fatties in the wild.

They suck to have in camp.
They don't help out with chores.
They eat way too much.
They don't bury their shit.
They pawn off their gear for others to carry.
They whine about being unable to climb/scramble/jump like the rest of us.
They snore like motherfuckers.
Their level of laziness is astounding.

The only reason a fat should be in the wild, is for extreme dieting and exercise.
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.

I used to think the same.
Then I had several experiences with fatties in the wild.

They suck to have in camp.
They don't help out with chores.
They eat way too much.
They don't bury their shit.
They pawn off their gear for others to carry.
They whine about being unable to climb/scramble/jump like the rest of us.
They snore like motherfuckers.
Their level of laziness is astounding.

The only reason a fat should be in the wild, is for extreme dieting and exercise.

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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:13:54 AM EDT
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I’ll be holding a good thought for you, but I’m not hopeful.

More than anything else in the world, the misogynowhining  bitchmales in these threads want all women to be exactly the same, simply millions of manifestations of a single consciousness.  That way when/if they figure out how to fuck one of us, they could fuck us all.
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

I’ll be holding a good thought for you, but I’m not hopeful.

More than anything else in the world, the misogynowhining  bitchmales in these threads want all women to be exactly the same, simply millions of manifestations of a single consciousness.  That way when/if they figure out how to fuck one of us, they could fuck us all.

And I have no doubt that the bi-pedal land whales this thread is dedicated to wish that all women were just like them. That way if any woman gets fucked then perhaps they stand a chance of getting fucked too.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:17:59 AM EDT
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And I have no doubt that the bi-pedal land whales this thread is dedicated to wish that all women were just like them. That way if any woman gets fucked then perhaps they stand a chance of getting fucked too.
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

I’ll be holding a good thought for you, but I’m not hopeful.

More than anything else in the world, the misogynowhining  bitchmales in these threads want all women to be exactly the same, simply millions of manifestations of a single consciousness.  That way when/if they figure out how to fuck one of us, they could fuck us all.

And I have no doubt that the bi-pedal land whales this thread is dedicated to wish that all women were just like them. That way if any woman gets fucked then perhaps they stand a chance of getting fucked too.

If you compare the women in the ad with the women in the wives thread in BOTD, you'll easily see the Merrell chicks have no shortage of men fawning over them.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:23:24 AM EDT
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This is the state of modern advertising. They aren't selling stuff so much as they are changing people's attitudes and thinking about everything. Race, sex, gender, fatness, skinnyness, etc.
Welcome to the new world

The irony is the same people that run these Companies are all about less people making less impact on their dear mother earth.

Almost like they will sell you the gear for your day hike to a internment camp.
There's more money in "lifestyle marketing" then having quality niche products. Eventually most places make that jump whether they go full retard on the LGTBQWTFBBQ++ bandwagon or not.

Why make a quality product when you can make a cheaper product that you can sell to more people for the appearance of still being able to do that thing?


Yep. Merrell hasn’t made anything worth buying in a while, much more effective to market to people who won’t use it anyway.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:26:38 AM EDT
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I don't give a shit. I'm still wearing Merrells.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:27:54 AM EDT
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At least they are getting out there, can’t knock them for that.
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Those models have never hiked.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:32:51 AM EDT
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They enter the woods the animals hide their food.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:41:38 AM EDT
In Bruges 2008 Bunch of Fucking Elephants
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:45:04 AM EDT
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And I have no doubt that the bi-pedal land whales this thread is dedicated to wish that all women were just like them. That way if any woman gets fucked then perhaps they stand a chance of getting fucked too.
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Quite possibly.  By either way, it has no bearing on my post.
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:48:28 AM EDT
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My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.
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The fantasy of every women in the western world is to live their lives free of consequences.

Once you understand this. Life gets a lot easier.

My fantasy is actually for y'all to finally figure out that *woman* and *women* are not the same fucking word.

Do you prefer womyn?
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:51:10 AM EDT
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Sure you can.  They are failing in their most fundamental duty as human beings: to be perceived as attractive by random assholes on the internet.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:53:32 AM EDT
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On the trail to the "all you can eat" buffet.
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Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:54:04 AM EDT
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Lol. She's been hiking for 10 years and is still fat.
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How often?

Three times a week or three times a year?
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:56:10 AM EDT
Did she eat her water bottle?
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 9:56:26 AM EDT
I would encourage them to hike more
Link Posted: 2/20/2023 10:14:40 AM EDT
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