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Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:01:16 PM EDT
This explains the action I saw at the Walmart in North western CT.

Bags stuffed with federal bulk packs of 12 ga
Yamulkas and ringlets, 7 guys and a early 70s Dodge Dart or Swinger.
Headed west towards Armenia...

No wonder the shelves are empty in CT.

Only takes one from CT to have a permit and it's done.

Yeah and the black with the hockey stick comment isn't racist at all...
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:02:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:02:14 PM EDT
Story is legit. It def freezing rained up here.

I saw some Jews in the new Enfield WalMart but I just figured they owned the joint so I left.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:02:24 PM EDT
I call complete BS. CT doesn't sell to outa staters.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:06:49 PM EDT
so many ppl taking the post serious.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:07:07 PM EDT
Yeah, I'd went got a ham and beat the kosher off their cloths with it
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:07:43 PM EDT

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Yeah, I'd went got a ham and beat the kosher off their cloths with it
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One more time in English?

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:08:47 PM EDT
My ammo guy who does all the big  gun shows in the tri state area told me that he dropped off pallets and pallets of ammo to New Square. I believe him. And believe me those hasids are armed to the teeth!
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:09:34 PM EDT

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A black guy with a hockey stick?

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For comparison, herewith is OP's other awesome story:

Alright, here's the story...

Last Friday, I went to the local bakery across town for lunch. This particular shop is in a pretty bad part of town, but they make the BEST cuban sammiches...(if you're gonna be up this way, IM me and we'll go for lunch.) Anyway, I'm sitting out front of the place, enjoying my sammich, and suddenly, I hear all this yelling, cussing, barking and whimpering. So, I decide to go check it out, because I HATE the sound of an animal being abused.

I peered through the dilapidated stockade fence to find the leech that lives there beating on his pitbull with a hockey stick. The dog's in the corner whimpering and trying to fight back, but the guy is relentless in the way he's beating on this poor dog. I mean, this poor thing was bleeding, but still holding his own against the shitbag owner, but still, he could've used a helping hand. So, I assess the situation and decide "fuck it, I'm going in" and I jumped the fence to try and help the dog.

I call out "Hey! WTF are you doing?!?!?"

Dude replies back "mind ya own, honky."

So I tell him "knock it off or I'm calling animal control."

The dude starts walking toward me, stick in hand, and took a swing at me. I grabbed the stick before it came down on me and was trying to wrestle it away from him when, sonofabitch, the damn dog came charging at me. ME! The fuckin' guy trying to save it's ass! Anyway, after about two laps around this guy's yard trying to get away from the dog, I jumped the fence and the last thing I remember is the rambling shouts of inner-city afrorabble. I didn't have time to get my CCW out and take a shot at the dog or the owner, but cripes, did the thought ever cross my mind.

Anyway, I called animal control and now the local police want to talk to me; they're saying I was trespassing. I don't think I was - I was trying to save an innocent, albeit violent, dog from the hands of an abuser.

My question is, would it have been ok if I'd have shot the dog because now it was a more imminent threat than the owner? I realize it was HIS dog on HIS property, but there's no excuse for beating a dog like that. I tried reasoning with the guy and the dog, but neither were hearing it. I guess it's kinda like getting involved in a DV situation, but seriously, who doesn't hate animal abusers?

Link: Should I have bladed?


A black guy with a hockey stick?

Totally legit.  

Confirmed by Dan_TSX, so it must be true.

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:10:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:13:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:15:19 PM EDT
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A black guy with a hockey stick?

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For comparison, herewith is OP's other awesome story:

Alright, here's the story...

Last Friday, I went to the local bakery across town for lunch. This particular shop is in a pretty bad part of town, but they make the BEST cuban sammiches...(if you're gonna be up this way, IM me and we'll go for lunch.) Anyway, I'm sitting out front of the place, enjoying my sammich, and suddenly, I hear all this yelling, cussing, barking and whimpering. So, I decide to go check it out, because I HATE the sound of an animal being abused.

I peered through the dilapidated stockade fence to find the leech that lives there beating on his pitbull with a hockey stick. The dog's in the corner whimpering and trying to fight back, but the guy is relentless in the way he's beating on this poor dog. I mean, this poor thing was bleeding, but still holding his own against the shitbag owner, but still, he could've used a helping hand. So, I assess the situation and decide "fuck it, I'm going in" and I jumped the fence to try and help the dog.

I call out "Hey! WTF are you doing?!?!?"

Dude replies back "mind ya own, honky."

So I tell him "knock it off or I'm calling animal control."

The dude starts walking toward me, stick in hand, and took a swing at me. I grabbed the stick before it came down on me and was trying to wrestle it away from him when, sonofabitch, the damn dog came charging at me. ME! The fuckin' guy trying to save it's ass! Anyway, after about two laps around this guy's yard trying to get away from the dog, I jumped the fence and the last thing I remember is the rambling shouts of inner-city afrorabble. I didn't have time to get my CCW out and take a shot at the dog or the owner, but cripes, did the thought ever cross my mind.

Anyway, I called animal control and now the local police want to talk to me; they're saying I was trespassing. I don't think I was - I was trying to save an innocent, albeit violent, dog from the hands of an abuser.

My question is, would it have been ok if I'd have shot the dog because now it was a more imminent threat than the owner? I realize it was HIS dog on HIS property, but there's no excuse for beating a dog like that. I tried reasoning with the guy and the dog, but neither were hearing it. I guess it's kinda like getting involved in a DV situation, but seriously, who doesn't hate animal abusers?

Link: Should I have bladed?


A black guy with a hockey stick?

Grant Fuhr, Martin Brasheer, Paul Bissonete, JT Brown, James Iginla, Akim Allu, Evander Kane, Kevin Mcardle...
All NHL....
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:16:24 PM EDT
Strange story, strange enough to not be believable. Oddly enough, i just heard some preacher on Glenn Beck ( i think) last week talking about some rare blood moon thing. Apparently, every time this moon, planet, sun whatever lines up, there is a massive event that takes place that involves the Jews. COINCIDENCE?!! You decide! lol
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:17:36 PM EDT

The scream of the twelve-inch shrapnel is more penetrating than the hiss from a thousand Jewish newspaper vipers. Therefore let them go on with their hissing.
Adolf Hitler

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Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:18:27 PM EDT
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Grant Fuhr, Martin Brasheer, Paul Bissonete, JT Brown, James Iginla, Akim Allu, Evander Kane, Kevin Mcardle...
All NHL....
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For comparison, herewith is OP's other awesome story:

Alright, here's the story...

Last Friday, I went to the local bakery across town for lunch. This particular shop is in a pretty bad part of town, but they make the BEST cuban sammiches...(if you're gonna be up this way, IM me and we'll go for lunch.) Anyway, I'm sitting out front of the place, enjoying my sammich, and suddenly, I hear all this yelling, cussing, barking and whimpering. So, I decide to go check it out, because I HATE the sound of an animal being abused.

I peered through the dilapidated stockade fence to find the leech that lives there beating on his pitbull with a hockey stick. The dog's in the corner whimpering and trying to fight back, but the guy is relentless in the way he's beating on this poor dog. I mean, this poor thing was bleeding, but still holding his own against the shitbag owner, but still, he could've used a helping hand. So, I assess the situation and decide "fuck it, I'm going in" and I jumped the fence to try and help the dog.

I call out "Hey! WTF are you doing?!?!?"

Dude replies back "mind ya own, honky."

So I tell him "knock it off or I'm calling animal control."

The dude starts walking toward me, stick in hand, and took a swing at me. I grabbed the stick before it came down on me and was trying to wrestle it away from him when, sonofabitch, the damn dog came charging at me. ME! The fuckin' guy trying to save it's ass! Anyway, after about two laps around this guy's yard trying to get away from the dog, I jumped the fence and the last thing I remember is the rambling shouts of inner-city afrorabble. I didn't have time to get my CCW out and take a shot at the dog or the owner, but cripes, did the thought ever cross my mind.

Anyway, I called animal control and now the local police want to talk to me; they're saying I was trespassing. I don't think I was - I was trying to save an innocent, albeit violent, dog from the hands of an abuser.

My question is, would it have been ok if I'd have shot the dog because now it was a more imminent threat than the owner? I realize it was HIS dog on HIS property, but there's no excuse for beating a dog like that. I tried reasoning with the guy and the dog, but neither were hearing it. I guess it's kinda like getting involved in a DV situation, but seriously, who doesn't hate animal abusers?

Link: Should I have bladed?


A black guy with a hockey stick?

Grant Fuhr, Martin Brasheer, Paul Bissonete, JT Brown, James Iginla, Akim Allu, Evander Kane, Kevin Mcardle...
All NHL....

It was a joke, it did not say anything negative about anyone. Sorry I pushed your button.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:24:42 PM EDT
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I don't think the Hasidic Jew has been born that could push me out of line at Wally World and not end up gutted.
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The Jew-Bear would do it for free with a bat from the sporting good section.  
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:24:49 PM EDT
do you have an exit plan???
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:27:09 PM EDT
So the OP is writing a SHTF story about Jewish neckbeards from Queens?
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:27:27 PM EDT
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It was a joke, it did not say anything negative about anyone. Sorry I pushed your button.
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For comparison, herewith is OP's other awesome story:

Alright, here's the story...

Last Friday, I went to the local bakery across town for lunch. This particular shop is in a pretty bad part of town, but they make the BEST cuban sammiches...(if you're gonna be up this way, IM me and we'll go for lunch.) Anyway, I'm sitting out front of the place, enjoying my sammich, and suddenly, I hear all this yelling, cussing, barking and whimpering. So, I decide to go check it out, because I HATE the sound of an animal being abused.

I peered through the dilapidated stockade fence to find the leech that lives there beating on his pitbull with a hockey stick. The dog's in the corner whimpering and trying to fight back, but the guy is relentless in the way he's beating on this poor dog. I mean, this poor thing was bleeding, but still holding his own against the shitbag owner, but still, he could've used a helping hand. So, I assess the situation and decide "fuck it, I'm going in" and I jumped the fence to try and help the dog.

I call out "Hey! WTF are you doing?!?!?"

Dude replies back "mind ya own, honky."

So I tell him "knock it off or I'm calling animal control."

The dude starts walking toward me, stick in hand, and took a swing at me. I grabbed the stick before it came down on me and was trying to wrestle it away from him when, sonofabitch, the damn dog came charging at me. ME! The fuckin' guy trying to save it's ass! Anyway, after about two laps around this guy's yard trying to get away from the dog, I jumped the fence and the last thing I remember is the rambling shouts of inner-city afrorabble. I didn't have time to get my CCW out and take a shot at the dog or the owner, but cripes, did the thought ever cross my mind.

Anyway, I called animal control and now the local police want to talk to me; they're saying I was trespassing. I don't think I was - I was trying to save an innocent, albeit violent, dog from the hands of an abuser.

My question is, would it have been ok if I'd have shot the dog because now it was a more imminent threat than the owner? I realize it was HIS dog on HIS property, but there's no excuse for beating a dog like that. I tried reasoning with the guy and the dog, but neither were hearing it. I guess it's kinda like getting involved in a DV situation, but seriously, who doesn't hate animal abusers?

Link: Should I have bladed?


A black guy with a hockey stick?

Grant Fuhr, Martin Brasheer, Paul Bissonete, JT Brown, James Iginla, Akim Allu, Evander Kane, Kevin Mcardle...
All NHL....

It was a joke, it did not say anything negative about anyone. Sorry I pushed your button.

I'm 1/128th African , I'm half Ukranian Jew,  I play hockey and I have an unusually large stash of ammo in the back of my diamond cutting shop.
You couldn't push my button if you were standing on it in spike heeled pumps...
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:28:50 PM EDT
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For comparison, herewith is OP's other awesome story:

Link: Should I have bladed?
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For comparison, herewith is OP's other awesome story:

Alright, here's the story...

Last Friday, I went to the local bakery across town for lunch. This particular shop is in a pretty bad part of town, but they make the BEST cuban sammiches...(if you're gonna be up this way, IM me and we'll go for lunch.) Anyway, I'm sitting out front of the place, enjoying my sammich, and suddenly, I hear all this yelling, cussing, barking and whimpering. So, I decide to go check it out, because I HATE the sound of an animal being abused.

I peered through the dilapidated stockade fence to find the leech that lives there beating on his pitbull with a hockey stick. The dog's in the corner whimpering and trying to fight back, but the guy is relentless in the way he's beating on this poor dog. I mean, this poor thing was bleeding, but still holding his own against the shitbag owner, but still, he could've used a helping hand. So, I assess the situation and decide "fuck it, I'm going in" and I jumped the fence to try and help the dog.

I call out "Hey! WTF are you doing?!?!?"

Dude replies back "mind ya own, honky."

So I tell him "knock it off or I'm calling animal control."

The dude starts walking toward me, stick in hand, and took a swing at me. I grabbed the stick before it came down on me and was trying to wrestle it away from him when, sonofabitch, the damn dog came charging at me. ME! The fuckin' guy trying to save it's ass! Anyway, after about two laps around this guy's yard trying to get away from the dog, I jumped the fence and the last thing I remember is the rambling shouts of inner-city afrorabble. I didn't have time to get my CCW out and take a shot at the dog or the owner, but cripes, did the thought ever cross my mind.

Anyway, I called animal control and now the local police want to talk to me; they're saying I was trespassing. I don't think I was - I was trying to save an innocent, albeit violent, dog from the hands of an abuser.

My question is, would it have been ok if I'd have shot the dog because now it was a more imminent threat than the owner? I realize it was HIS dog on HIS property, but there's no excuse for beating a dog like that. I tried reasoning with the guy and the dog, but neither were hearing it. I guess it's kinda like getting involved in a DV situation, but seriously, who doesn't hate animal abusers?

Link: Should I have bladed?

See, now THAT is a story well told!    Well done OP, Well done.      

Extra points for the sophisticated use of the word "Afrorabble".
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:29:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:31:04 PM EDT
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*adjusting tin-foil tighter*

Maybe they know something we don't!!!

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I think most of us know you can buy ammo at walmart and resell it at a profit on gunbroker.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:32:38 PM EDT
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do you have an exit plan???
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I thought crying like a lost puppy in the parking lot at Cabelas was his exit plan.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:33:37 PM EDT
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Holy fuck I cant stop laughing at this!  Its addictive to look at!

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:35:23 PM EDT
So, I went to Walmart to buy ammo yesterday, specifically looking for some 22. I get to the ammo counter and I notice there were a bunch of Hasidic Jews loitering around the counter. As we're standing there, waiting for the clerk to show up, I notice a few of them were giving me the stinkeye. Not really sure what to make of this, I decide to walk over to electronics to buy a DVD and then go back to the ammo counter after they've left. Well, I get back to the counter and all the ammo (22, 223, 9 & 40) had been purchased in the five minutes I was gone. The ammo clerk told me that they're getting another shipment in tomorrow morning (ie this morning), and I could buy it then.

I show up this morning at 8 and the Hasid's were there AGAIN, only this time there were two. As I'm in line, the clerk comes out and starts stocking the shelf. As he's stocking, eight more come up from behind me and push me out of line! I started to speak up when one with a ginger-tinged beard stepped in front of me and hissed at me while the others surrounded me. The store manager saw this and, unlike other walmart managers I've had the pleasure of meeting, he politely asked me to leave the store. I tried to explain to him that I was there first, but he just replied "I'm just doing what was requested of me."

Obviously disgruntled, I said "fuck this" and shot over to Cabelas.

When I got to the ammo section, there were more Hasids and I noticed one of them was giving the department manager the fifth degree over in the corner. I saw the manager's shoulders slump and he reluctantly shuffled off in to the back room. He came out moments later, loaded pallet jack in tow, with ORM-D boxes, full of what one would reasonably believe to be ammo - likely the 22 ammo we've all been looking for. The ammo never even hit the shelves. It was dragged out to the main entrance, escorted by several store employees. I followed them out to the parking lot where there where several cars waiting. 5 Hasids got out and started transferring the ammo from the pallet to their trunks. I could see that their backseats were already loaded to the brim with boxes. The writing on the boxes read "Federal", "Remington", "CCI", "Winchester", etc. One of the Jews noticed me watching and smugly yelled to me "no one will ever believe you" in a nasally, Brooklyn accent. He laughed and turned back to his work.

After they finished loading their cars, they drove off and I caught their license plates: "New York". I stood there stunned for several minutes that seemed like an eternity when the freezing rain pattering my face snapped me out of my stupor. I was happy to have that rain. It helped to conceal the tears streaming down my face as I came to the realization that the ultimate neckbeards have struck and that the America I have grown to know and love is gone...long gone. The saddest part of this is, I can't even go to anyone with this because I'd be labeled as anti-Semitic before I could even finish telling my story...
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LO fuckin L.  Can you describe the hiss?
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:35:59 PM EDT
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I'm 1/128th African , I'm half Ukranian Jew,  I play hockey and I have an unusually large stash of ammo in the back of my diamond cutting shop.
You couldn't push my button if you were standing on it in spike heeled pumps...
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Know where I can get a pair in 10.5EEEE?
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:36:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:37:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:37:40 PM EDT

I bet they took the fucking chicken too.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:37:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:38:00 PM EDT
Sounds like you did not "stand your ground"

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:38:08 PM EDT
I feel like this thread is some sort of trap
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:41:02 PM EDT
08ers the original 13ers
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:41:44 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:43:20 PM EDT

Pedorrero, you have to give us the rimfire.
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:44:43 PM EDT
OP was trolling.

If it was a joke he wouldn't have disappeared.
ETA, not that it isn't humorous trolling.

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:47:55 PM EDT
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Know where I can get a pair in 10.5EEEE?
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I'm 1/128th African , I'm half Ukranian Jew,  I play hockey and I have an unusually large stash of ammo in the back of my diamond cutting shop.
You couldn't push my button if you were standing on it in spike heeled pumps...

Know where I can get a pair in 10.5EEEE?

Hahaaa lol I wear a 12 so your outta luck.
Tho maybe some crumpled newspaper in the toes...
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:48:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:52:39 PM EDT
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I think you were supposed to put this in Johnny's "stupid" thread.
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No, no, no, no, no.

You're looking for the trolling thread - not the stupid thread.

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:55:45 PM EDT

I just got back from WallyWorld and there was nobody in the entire fucking store except Hasidic Jews. Even the cashiers were Hasidic Jews.

They were lined up around the block waiting to get in. Really strange.....

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:55:55 PM EDT
If, and only if, there is photographic proof posted in the "People of Walmart" thread will I consider the possibility that OP's story is real!!

Hint:  Photoshop opportunity for the talented photoshoppers of arfcom!!!  
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 6:55:56 PM EDT
im really happy to hear this- more people of different walks of life are into shooting. awesome!
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 7:13:59 PM EDT
So, I went to Walmart to buy ammo yesterday, specifically looking for some 22. I get to the ammo counter and I notice there were a bunch of Hasidic Jews loitering around the counter. As we're standing there, waiting for the clerk to show up, I notice a few of them were giving me the stinkeye. Not really sure what to make of this, I decide to walk over to electronics to buy a DVD and then go back to the ammo counter after they've left. Well, I get back to the counter and all the ammo (22, 223, 9 & 40) had been purchased in the five minutes I was gone. The ammo clerk told me that they're getting another shipment in tomorrow morning (ie this morning), and I could buy it then.

I show up this morning at 8 and the Hasid's were there AGAIN, only this time there were two. As I'm in line, the clerk comes out and starts stocking the shelf. As he's stocking, eight more come up from behind me and push me out of line! I started to speak up when one with a ginger-tinged beard stepped in front of me and hissed at me while the others surrounded me. The store manager saw this and, unlike other walmart managers I've had the pleasure of meeting, he politely asked me to leave the store. I tried to explain to him that I was there first, but he just replied "I'm just doing what was requested of me."

Obviously disgruntled, I said "fuck this" and shot over to Cabelas.

When I got to the ammo section, there were more Hasids and I noticed one of them was giving the department manager the fifth degree over in the corner. I saw the manager's shoulders slump and he reluctantly shuffled off in to the back room. He came out moments later, loaded pallet jack in tow, with ORM-D boxes, full of what one would reasonably believe to be ammo - likely the 22 ammo we've all been looking for. The ammo never even hit the shelves. It was dragged out to the main entrance, escorted by several store employees. I followed them out to the parking lot where there where several cars waiting. 5 Hasids got out and started transferring the ammo from the pallet to their trunks. I could see that their backseats were already loaded to the brim with boxes. The writing on the boxes read "Federal", "Remington", "CCI", "Winchester", etc. One of the Jews noticed me watching and smugly yelled to me "no one will ever believe you" in a nasally, Brooklyn accent. He laughed and turned back to his work.

After they finished loading their cars, they drove off and I caught their license plates: "New York". I stood there stunned for several minutes that seemed like an eternity when the freezing rain pattering my face snapped me out of my stupor. I was happy to have that rain. It helped to conceal the tears streaming down my face as I came to the realization that the ultimate neckbeards have struck and that the America I have grown to know and love is gone...long gone. The saddest part of this is, I can't even go to anyone with this because I'd be labeled as anti-Semitic before I could even finish telling my story...
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Link Posted: 1/29/2014 7:35:41 PM EDT

can I not post this? Keeps on screwing up
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 7:39:19 PM EDT
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Strange story, strange enough to not be believable. Oddly enough, i just heard some preacher on Glenn Beck ( i think) last week talking about some rare blood moon thing. Apparently, every time this moon, planet, sun whatever lines up, there is a massive event that takes place that involves the Jews. COINCIDENCE?!! You decide! lol
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Came to post this... Look up the blood moon folks... its gonna be worser then y2k and 2012 combined
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 7:40:50 PM EDT
I didn't see the credit to the onion.  Did I quit reading to soon?
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 7:54:04 PM EDT
Was your leg urinated on?
Link Posted: 1/29/2014 8:14:32 PM EDT
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I feel like this thread is some sort of trap
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I agree!!!

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 8:20:16 PM EDT

The OP makes a lot more sense if you read it in Eric Cartmen's voice.

You gotta watch those Jewbots.

Link Posted: 1/29/2014 8:33:35 PM EDT
Are hasidic jews the ones with only one horn?
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