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Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:05:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:07:05 AM EDT
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They didn't spend millions of $$ to relocate when Illinois changed some of their laws.
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What did Springfield Armory do???
They didn't spend millions of $$ to relocate when Illinois changed some of their laws.
Except they formed a lobby group, that in turn supported a law that would establish onerous restrictions on firearms retailers with SPECIFIC exemptions for themselves and RRA, effectively driving smaller gun stores out of business..

Your thinking Optics Planet that didn't move when Illinois changed their laws.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:08:37 AM EDT
Oh shit........I do remember that now.

My old man's memory does it again.

Thanks for the info.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:08:56 AM EDT
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People like the OP are worse for this site and the second than anybody on his list.
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Nothing like dividing up the gun owners, it's exactly what barrack obama and saul Alinsky would do.

I don't care what their personal feelings are on every nuance of the gun rights issue is, if they vote with us and continue to do so they are good people.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:33:03 AM EDT
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Nothing like dividing up the gun owners, it's exactly what barrack obama and saul Alinsky would do.

I don't care what their personal feelings are on every nuance of the gun rights issue is, if they vote with us and continue to do so they are good people.
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You keep defending the red coats all you want. Theyre just in it for the money but youre blind.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:34:46 AM EDT
How did Trump not make the list??!?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:38:27 AM EDT
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How did Trump not make the list??!?
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And his band of still rabid supporters on Arf.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 8:40:06 AM EDT
People like the OP are worse for this site and the second than anybody on his list.
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I disagree completely. Lack of accountability is far, far more dangerous.

Just look what it has done to Congress.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 9:38:03 AM EDT
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I disagree completely. Lack of accountability is far, far more dangerous.

Just look what it has done to Congress.
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He’s still bitter over his daddy being anti 2nd amendment.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 9:57:32 AM EDT
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You keep defending the red coats all you want. Theyre just in it for the money but youre blind.
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Nothing like dividing up the gun owners, it's exactly what barrack obama and saul Alinsky would do.

I don't care what their personal feelings are on every nuance of the gun rights issue is, if they vote with us and continue to do so they are good people.
You keep defending the red coats all you want. Theyre just in it for the money but youre blind.
If you're so full of great ideas on being pro 2A, why didn't you stop Florida from getting buttfucked by the folks you elected?
Bad planning?

Gun owners need people voting with us not against us.
Gun owners need to quit letting people divide them up.
Gun owners need to stop singling out every person for everything they say that you may not agree with.
It is stupid, antiproductive and exactly what works well for the liberals - time after time after time.
It is like replaying the Charlie Brown kicking the football joke over and over again.
It seems to work every time and gun owners let it happen every time.
Learn to rally people to the cause instead of driving them away.
That would actually put you in a leadership position instead of just breaking up the team.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 10:06:59 AM EDT
LaRue is against the 2nd Amendment?

Fuck OP you should delete this thread.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 10:38:58 AM EDT
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LaRue is against the 2nd Amendment?

Fuck OP you should delete this thread.
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How would you explain the water hose comment?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 10:39:13 AM EDT
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LaRue is against the 2nd Amendment?

Fuck OP you should delete this thread.
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The proof is in the pudding. Did you look at the pudding? Because the proof is there.

Anyone who is anti-bumpfire, anyone who is anti-constitutional carry, anyone who "supports the 2nd Amendment, but...", anyone who supports "common sense gun control" or any form of background checks or limitations as to who can buy or what can be bought... they are NOT a friend of freedom nor the 2nd Amendment.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 10:47:42 AM EDT
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How would you explain the water hose comment?
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LaRue gives a shitload of money to pro 2ndA causes. His comment on the bumpfire stock is his opinion, the man has a right to his opinion doesn't mean his anti gun.

We all make comments here in GD that we regret later.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 10:52:02 AM EDT
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How would you explain the water hose comment?
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LaRue is against the 2nd Amendment?

Fuck OP you should delete this thread.
How would you explain the water hose comment?
He clarified his meaning the next day in an official statement.

He sells AR parts to NY civilians and not to NY LE.

He raised 150,000 for Nolo at his own production and shipping expense.

I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 10:53:39 AM EDT
Mark LaRue raised $150,000 that went directly to an AR15.com member fighting anti second amendment cases. What exactly have you done sport?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:02:35 AM EDT
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In for names of people I don't know.
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No kidding.  1st thing that came to mind was "Who?"  Someone needs to make a who's who list.  Should I be impressed? Is he another seal who will claim to have shot Bin Laden? Does he sell a product?

I guess we kind of know who he is now.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:20:36 AM EDT
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I don’t agree with 100% of what he said, but TK is not exactly what you would call a gun grabber........


Tim Kennedy takes saw to AR-15
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:22:16 AM EDT
By trashing Mark LaRue, OP has lost.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:24:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:28:10 AM EDT
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Can we get pics of your Nolo Dillo, proving you put your money where you mouth is?

With the help of proven 2A supporters, I raised $150,000.00 in a couple hours time.   I'm still waterjetting the 3,000 dillos out of solid aluminum plates, tumbling them in, anodizing, engraving, packaging and free shipping to those 2A supporters that reached into their pockets to directly support Nolo.

Post a pic of proof of your 2A support as soon as I get it made and shipped at no cost to your address.



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Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:29:39 AM EDT

TK is also a huge proponent of training responsible CIVILIANS to take up arms and train and use the 2nd Amendment to defend the Constitution.  He doesn’t want drugged up 18 y/o kids shooting up schools, and I think some of his logic on solving the issue is misguided, but the guy is a patriot.  To accuse him of being an enemy of freedom is quit possibly the dumbest fucking thing I have read on this forum in years.  No, he should not have said some of the shit he said, but at the end of the day we are on the same team, and God knows he has done a shit ton more than you, OP, to defend the 2A.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:32:49 AM EDT
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Can we get pics of your Nolo Dillo, proving you put your money where you mouth is?

With the help of proven 2A supporters, I raised $150,000.00 in a couple hours time.   I'm still waterjetting the 3,000 dillos out of solid aluminum plates, tumbling them in, anodizing, engraving, packaging and free shipping to those 2A supporters that reached into their pockets to directly support Nolo.

Post a pic of proof of your 2A support as soon as I get it made and shipped at no cost to your address.



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Did you start making those Nolo Dillos before or after the water hose comment, Mr. Officer?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:33:20 AM EDT
Kimber hires them, and Savage supports their causes.

Kimbers VP of Sales Ryan Busse has been part of non-profits that are only against 2nd Amendment politicians. For several years he was in charge of a non-profit called Montana Conservation Voters. Montana Conservation Voters only supports Democrats. Of all the politicians they supported under Busse, only one had a positive NRA rating. They gave their full support to politicians who were keynote speakers at Bloomberg rallies on our state capital, and who they praised for the vlogs in which they mock people that carry guns, or have a gun at home to protect themselves. They also hold fundraisers for city council members who have illegally banned private sales, and who have lawyers from Everytown. The group he is the main board member of is Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. This group is run by a man who has raised hundreds of thousands against pro-gun people, and was a member of Sportsman for Obama. This group that Ryan is a board member of works with groups that are anti-hunting. The group its self is about public access for hunting, yet works with groups like the nature conservancy who buy lands that were previously open to hunting, and close them to hunting. They get a lot of funding from the Wilburforce Foundation that supports groups who lobby governments to ban lead ammo, and support progressive judicial causes that want judges who are anti-gun. This group that Ryan is on the board of, works with a lady who has sued Montana to shut down elk hunting, who has releases the names and addresses of hunters (only Republicans mind you.) She also works with very anti-hunting groups like the Buffalo Field Campaign, a group that harasses hunters, including calling game wardens and making up lies in hopes they come and stop hunters from hunting. As of just this year, members of this group released infected animals from quarantine into the wild, that would have been culled to stop the spread of brucellosis. While Ryan has been national board member of this group, their local chapters called on members to reach out to politicians to opposed hunting with suppressors, to oppose the use of crossbows in areas you could hunt with pistol or shotgun, and to oppose bills that would require hunting license fees to be used to buy lands to hunt on, as our fees were going to buy land and close it hunters for numerous things like birdwatchers.

Kimber has fully support these endeavors by their employee, including being a major corporate sponsor of their current non-profit.

And as of February, Savage arms is also another major corporate sponsor.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:35:19 AM EDT
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“I support the 2A, BUT... common sense....... reasonable..... 18 year olds shouldn’t..... restrictions ...... blahblahblaaaahhhhh”
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Sounds like most "conservatives"
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:37:24 AM EDT
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I don’t agree with 100% of what he said, but TK is not exactly what you would call a gun grabber........


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I don’t agree with 100% of what he said, but TK is not exactly what you would call a gun grabber........


The things he said in the Lance Armstrong interview in the OP completely negate the statement he’s making in that video

“Freedom for me but not for thee” is not what I’d call supportive.

So, yes, he is a gun grabber if he wants to disarm 18-20 year old adults. He actually comes off somewhat rabid about it in the interview.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:38:11 AM EDT
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TK is also a huge proponent of training responsible CIVILIANS to take up arms and train and use the 2nd Amendment to defend the Constitution.  He doesn’t want drugged up 18 y/o kids shooting up schools, and I think some of his logic on solving the issue is misguided, but the guy is a patriot.  To accuse him of being an enemy of freedom is quit possibly the dumbest fucking thing I have read on this forum in years.  No, he should not have said some of the shit he said, but at the end of the day we are on the same team, and God knows he has done a shit ton more than you, OP, to defend the 2A.
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Anything to make a quick buck. A true red coat.

Those 18 and 19 year olds can go overseas and fight for our freedom and carry those weapons, but when they get home they should not be allowed to have them to protect their families. Even more pathetic coming from somebody who served in the military.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:40:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:40:52 AM EDT
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Anything to make a quick buck. A true red coat.

Those 18 and 19 year olds can go overseas and fight for our freedom and carry those weapons, but when they get home they should not be allowed to have them to protect their families. Even more pathetic coming from somebody who served in the military.
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+1. Some kid enlists at 18, serves a couple years, goes overseas and fights , gets home and gets told FUCK YOU no AR for you, well at least in Florida so far. Of  course our beloved Dear Leader Trump says it is "very good"
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:42:25 AM EDT
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People like the OP are worse for this site and the second than anybody on his list.
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"Not one more inch" is the only position that can endure. All others are different paths to the same result. Disarming the citizens and Tyranny.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:43:30 AM EDT
Now it's getting fun.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:50:16 AM EDT
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I launched my Nolo 2A fundraiser soon as I realized Nolo needed serious money in their 2-man 2A fight. Sue me if you don't like that I noticed first.

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Even you said you’re not the more eloquent person, but why did you feel the need to send out a mass email to clarify your position on the 2nd amendment after making the water hose comment and then follow up with launching your 2nd amendment nolo fundraiser to try and make it go away, Mr. Officer?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:52:28 AM EDT
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Anything to make a quick buck. A true red coat.

Those 18 and 19 year olds can go overseas and fight for our freedom and carry those weapons, but when they get home they should not be allowed to have them to protect their families. Even more pathetic coming from somebody who served in the military.
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As I said numerous times, I disagree with TK on this point and think he is misguided.  I also do not believe that interview is enough to judge him wholistically and write him off as a gun grabber.  You’re throwing the baby out with the bath water.  I want to go scorched Earth on gun grabbers as much as you OP, but I think going after TK and Mark LaRue is going too far and counterproductive.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:53:02 AM EDT
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Anything to make a quick buck. A true red coat.

Those 18 and 19 year olds can go overseas and fight for our freedom and carry those weapons, but when they get home they should not be allowed to have them to protect their families. Even more pathetic coming from somebody who served in the military.
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TK is also a huge proponent of training responsible CIVILIANS to take up arms and train and use the 2nd Amendment to defend the Constitution.  He doesn’t want drugged up 18 y/o kids shooting up schools, and I think some of his logic on solving the issue is misguided, but the guy is a patriot.  To accuse him of being an enemy of freedom is quit possibly the dumbest fucking thing I have read on this forum in years.  No, he should not have said some of the shit he said, but at the end of the day we are on the same team, and God knows he has done a shit ton more than you, OP, to defend the 2A.
Anything to make a quick buck. A true red coat.

Those 18 and 19 year olds can go overseas and fight for our freedom and carry those weapons, but when they get home they should not be allowed to have them to protect their families. Even more pathetic coming from somebody who served in the military.
Yep. I appreciate his exemplary service to our country, but that appreciation only extends so far. He can kindly go fuck himself.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:55:18 AM EDT
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As I said numerous times, I disagree with TK on this point and think he is misguided.  I also do not believe that interview is enough to judge him wholistically and write him off as a gun grabber.  You’re throwing the baby out with the bath water.  I want to go scorched Earth on gun grabbers as much as you OP, but I think going after TK and Mark LaRue is going too far and counterproductive.
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Your avatar and screen name does not suite you.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:56:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 11:59:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:01:01 PM EDT
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Your avatar and screen name does not suite you.
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You either.....   Here, I found a great one for you:

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:01:20 PM EDT
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Post evidence of you doing more than burning the 2A camp down.

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How would you feel if they banned aftermarket triggers? It’s just another accessory like a bump stock.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:02:37 PM EDT
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Including Mark LaRue in that is bullshit. He made a goofy comment, then said he didn't support banning bumpstocks.
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Backpeddling all the way to the bank.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:05:45 PM EDT
I’m really in this time
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:06:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:07:39 PM EDT
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I launched my Nolo 2A fundraiser soon as I realized Nolo needed serious money in their 2-man 2A fight. Sue me if you don't like that I noticed first.

Post pic of your Nolo dillo (and LaRue packing slip) soon as it arrives.  The packing slip request says I don't trust you.

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Did you start making those Nolo Dillos before or after the water hose comment, Mr. Officer?
I launched my Nolo 2A fundraiser soon as I realized Nolo needed serious money in their 2-man 2A fight. Sue me if you don't like that I noticed first.

Post pic of your Nolo dillo (and LaRue packing slip) soon as it arrives.  The packing slip request says I don't trust you.

You can buy as many friends as who will fall for it. I'm not one of those.

Anti 2A comments from a gun munufacturer, the NRA, or anyone else who claims to be pro 2A causes irreparable damage. Therefore, those of us who can think for ourselves will hold you and them accountable. We have long memories.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:16:44 PM EDT
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What's that mean? I was never under the impression LaRue was a non profit.
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Are you color blind? Or do you just choose to ignore the red coat?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:16:52 PM EDT
I've always wanted a Larue trigger but never had the dime for it. After reading this thread and learning about the support they have given the 2A community I may just have to convince my wife to do it.

Thanks Larue, keep up the good work.

https://www.larue.com/products/not-one-more-inch/ -That definitely seems like a little more effort than this silly OPs attempt at starting fights amongst friends.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:23:14 PM EDT
I can't remember a time where I saw so many eat their own. I get it that some people are die by the sword kind of people. That's heroic and all and I salute you. But instead of cutting off the head of those that have slighted the 2nd Amendment by 1 degree and losing what could be a valuable foot soldier in the real fight ahead, it would seem more efficient and valuable to rally the troops and really take the fight to the real enemies of the 2nd Amendment. You know, the ones that want to infringe with prejudice or worse, repeal it.

I understand the "not one inch" argument. But while some here are quick to judge, jury and execute the low hanging fruit, the real enemies that could actually cause real infringement on the 2nd Amendment are moving along, unabated. How bout we spend our time and resources actually trying to destroy the obvious enemies instead of destroying one of our own?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:25:03 PM EDT
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I can't remember a time where I saw so many eat their own. I get it that some people are die by the sword kind of people. That's heroic and all and I salute you. But instead of cutting off the head of those that have slighted the 2nd Amendment by 1 degree and losing what could be a valuable foot soldier in the real fight ahead, it would seem more efficient and valuable to rally the troops and really take the fight to the real enemies of the 2nd Amendment. You know, the ones that want to infringe with prejudice or worse, repeal it.

I understand the "not one inch" argument. But while some here are quick to judge, jury and execute the low hanging fruit, the real enemies that could actually cause real infringement on the 2nd Amendment are moving along, unabated. How bout we spend our time and resources actually trying to destroy the obvious enemies instead of destroying one of our own?
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Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:41:01 PM EDT
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Including Mark LaRue in that is bullshit. He made a goofy comment, then said he didn't support banning bumpstocks.
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Lol I think you mean backpedaled
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:41:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:49:27 PM EDT
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