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Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:50:15 PM EDT
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I've always wanted a Larue trigger but never had the dime for it. After reading this thread and learning about the support they have given the 2A community I may just have to convince my wife to do it.

Thanks Larue, keep up the good work.

https://www.larue.com/products/not-one-more-inch/ -That definitely seems like a little more effort than this silly OPs attempt at starting fights amongst friends.
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You probably didn't hear about it because 1,000 of them went in like 30mins.

I was lucky enough to be in GD and saw it.

The second and third runs went equally fast. It was really cool seeing how quickly we could money bomb Nolo.

Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:54:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:54:36 PM EDT
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Respond to my simple question.

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What was your question?

By the way, did you get that hat in New Mexico?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 12:58:28 PM EDT
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TK is not anti-2A lol.  Thread is dildos.
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>18-20 year olds shouldn't be able to purchase an AR-15
>Not anti-2A
Pick one and only one
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:01:27 PM EDT
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>18-20 year olds shouldn't be able to purchase an AR-15
>Not anti-2A
Pick one and only one
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Its ok Nu-Conservatives are taking over. They see no issue with  it.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:04:28 PM EDT
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I launched my Nolo 2A fundraiser soon as I realized Nolo needed serious money in their 2-man 2A fight. Sue me if you don't like that I noticed first.

Post pic of your Nolo dillo (and LaRue packing slip) soon as it arrives.  The packing slip request says I don't trust you.

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I have bought a fair amount of goods from you. How do I get on an email notification of these things? I want in
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:07:22 PM EDT
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The proof is in the pudding. Did you look at the pudding? Because the proof is there.

Anyone who is anti-bumpfire, anyone who is anti-constitutional carry, anyone who "supports the 2nd Amendment, but...", anyone who supports "common sense gun control" or any form of background checks or limitations as to who can buy or what can be bought... they are NOT a friend of freedom nor the 2nd Amendment.
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Correct. Anyone that doesn’t support being able to buy sarin gas IED’s and nukes at a mom & pop shop and own them with zero regulations here in America is anti 2A.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:10:01 PM EDT
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Can we get pics of your Nolo Dillo, proving you put your money where you mouth is?

With the help of proven 2A supporters, I raised $150,000.00 in a couple hours time.   I'm still waterjetting the 3,000 dillos out of solid aluminum plates, tumbling them in, anodizing, engraving, packaging and free shipping to those 2A supporters that reached into their pockets to directly support Nolo.

Post a pic of proof of your 2A support as soon as I get it made and shipped at no cost to your address.



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Can we get a list of those in the gun community who are secretly against the 2nd amendment? I cant keep up with all of them. Provide a link/proof and Ill update the OP as we go.

Can we get pics of your Nolo Dillo, proving you put your money where you mouth is?

With the help of proven 2A supporters, I raised $150,000.00 in a couple hours time.   I'm still waterjetting the 3,000 dillos out of solid aluminum plates, tumbling them in, anodizing, engraving, packaging and free shipping to those 2A supporters that reached into their pockets to directly support Nolo.

Post a pic of proof of your 2A support as soon as I get it made and shipped at no cost to your address.



I gave NOLO money back during Holis v. Lynch with no expectation of a trinket in return.

I think you did a good thing raising money for NOLO, but possession of a dillo isn't proof of anything.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:13:10 PM EDT
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I gave NOLO money back during Holis v. Lynch with no expectation of a trinket in return.
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How do we donate to nolo?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:15:26 PM EDT
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How do we donate to nolo?
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He's currently working with a CPA on that, he mentioned it in the Dillo thread.

He's gotta find a way so donations don't wreck him come tax time.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:18:37 PM EDT
This should be good.

Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:19:43 PM EDT
OP is trolling LaRue.

Pretty sad.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:27:21 PM EDT
I think since op is calling out so many people he needs to post his real name and social media accounts. All the people he is bashing have it all in the open. Seems only fair he open up.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:31:20 PM EDT
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OP is trolling LaRue.

Pretty sad.
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How so? He followed me into this thread, like he always does.

Answer this question for him since hes afraid to:

How would you feel if they banned after market triggers like theyre banning bump stocks? They are both accessories to the ar15 and someone against the 2A could say that they both make the weapon fire faster. Does a bump stock deserve to be banned over a after market trigger, because its less important?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:31:45 PM EDT
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I think since op is calling out so many people he needs to post his real name and social media accounts. All the people he is bashing have it all in the open. Seems only fair he open up.
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His name is "snackgunner, USMC".

Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:32:53 PM EDT
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+1. Some kid enlists at 18, serves a couple years, goes overseas and fights , gets home and gets told FUCK YOU no AR for you, well at least in Florida so far. Of  course our beloved Dear Leader Trump says it is "very good"
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Florida and Vermont
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:35:20 PM EDT
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How so? He followed me into this thread, like he always does.

Answer this question for him since hes afraid to:

How would you feel if they banned after market triggers like theyre banning bump stocks? They are both accessories to the ar15 and someone against the 2A could say that they both make the weapon fire faster. Does a bump stock deserve to be banned over a after market trigger, because its less important?
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A man can't have a opinion? Larue don't like bumpstocks therefore he is a Anti? Bullshit, your trolling or just plain dumb.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:36:08 PM EDT
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A man can't have a opinion? Larue don't like bumpstocks therefore he is a Anti? Bullshit, your trolling are just plain dumb.
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How so? He followed me into this thread, like he always does.

Answer this question for him since hes afraid to:

How would you feel if they banned after market triggers like theyre banning bump stocks? They are both accessories to the ar15 and someone against the 2A could say that they both make the weapon fire faster. Does a bump stock deserve to be banned over a after market trigger, because its less important?
A man can't have a opinion? Larue don't like bumpstocks therefore he is a Anti? Bullshit, your trolling are just plain dumb.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:36:41 PM EDT
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Correct. Anyone that doesn’t support being able to buy sarin gas IED’s and nukes at a mom & pop shop and own them with zero regulations here in America is anti 2A.
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Pretty much apples to apples dude. You nailed it.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:36:55 PM EDT
ML you are getting trolled.  99.9% of us know where you stand, but I understand you not wanting yourself or brand being taken out of context.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:39:35 PM EDT
Somehow "let's be sensible" is not seen as blanket permission to pass restrictions to these folks.   They're not too woke.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:40:04 PM EDT
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A man can't have a opinion? Larue don't like bumpstocks therefore he is a Anti? Bullshit, your trolling or just plain dumb.
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How so? He followed me into this thread, like he always does.

Answer this question for him since hes afraid to:

How would you feel if they banned after market triggers like theyre banning bump stocks? They are both accessories to the ar15 and someone against the 2A could say that they both make the weapon fire faster. Does a bump stock deserve to be banned over a after market trigger, because its less important?
A man can't have a opinion? Larue don't like bumpstocks therefore he is a Anti? Bullshit, your trolling or just plain dumb.
Look what the opinions of the NRA, Larue, John Burns, et al, got us.

The ONLY stance we should be taking is not one more Fucking inch.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:43:13 PM EDT
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Where are the original statements that required the 'clarification'?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 1:46:46 PM EDT
For all you back peddling trolls do a little research what they did after Sandy hook.
Did he go back in a time machine to back peddle. Your trolls or not very smart.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:00:09 PM EDT
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I think since op is calling out so many people he needs to post his real name and social media accounts. All the people he is bashing have it all in the open. Seems only fair he open up.
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Are you looking to arock someone?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:01:01 PM EDT
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A man can't have a opinion? Larue don't like bumpstocks therefore he is a Anti? Bullshit, your trolling or just plain dumb.
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Dont like, or thinks they should be banned?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:05:37 PM EDT
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Where are the original statements that required the 'clarification'?
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Where are the original statements that required the 'clarification'?
I view the waterhose comment as GD shitposting.

It warranted clarification, which he promptly and explicitly gave.

As I mentioned earlier, he doesn't sell ARs to NY LE but will to NY civilians. He did that after the SAFE act.

He raised $150,000 for Nolo to vanquish our enemies.

He donates stuff to veterans and gun rights events all the time.

Do I think maybe he should've refrained from shitposting in that thread? Yeah, probably.  But he made it very clear where he stands based on his actions both previously and recently.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

There's a very good pattern of excellent 2A behavior and rhetoric both now, and in the past.

You have one shitpost. I put them on the scale, and the 150,000, no NY LE ARs and his statement are heavier.

In my opinion
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:09:15 PM EDT
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Pretty much apples to apples dude. You nailed it.
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I’m serious. Any form of arms control is infringement. Prove me wrong
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:10:30 PM EDT
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Correct. Anyone that doesn’t support being able to buy sarin gas IED’s and nukes at a mom & pop shop and own them with zero regulations here in America is anti 2A.
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Don't forget 30 round magazines.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:16:57 PM EDT
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Don't forget 30 round magazines.
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Im trying to understand where you’re trying to go with that comment but I simply cannot.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:28:58 PM EDT
Well OP is doing a great job at the divide part of "divide and conquer"
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:31:35 PM EDT
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Post evidence of you doing more than burning the 2A camp down.

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I launched my Nolo 2A fundraiser soon as I realized Nolo needed serious money in their 2-man 2A fight. Sue me if you don't like that I noticed first.

Even you said you're not the more eloquent person, but why did you feel the need to send out a mass email to clarify your position on the 2nd amendment after making the water hose comment and then follow up with launching your 2nd amendment nolo fundraiser to try and make it go away, Mr. Officer?
Post evidence of you doing more than burning the 2A camp down.


This question/request has still not been answered.

It deserves an answer.

Calling people "redcoats" isn't supporting the 2A, neither is dividing up pro gun people.

I would like to know what the OP has planned to win the big fight and what has he already accomplished toward the goal.

Or is it just more "redcoats"?

It's been a long time since we've had redcoats running around on US soil, I've never seen any in my lifetime. Weird.

It seems that sometimes people might not be what they want to appear to be.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:33:42 PM EDT
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I’m serious. Any form of arms control is infringement. Prove me wrong
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Thought you were defending arms control. Carry on.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:33:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:36:20 PM EDT
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You probably didn't hear about it because 1,000 of them went in like 30mins.

I was lucky enough to be in GD and saw it.

The second and third runs went equally fast. It was really cool seeing how quickly we could money bomb Nolo.

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I've always wanted a Larue trigger but never had the dime for it. After reading this thread and learning about the support they have given the 2A community I may just have to convince my wife to do it.

Thanks Larue, keep up the good work.

https://www.larue.com/products/not-one-more-inch/ -That definitely seems like a little more effort than this silly OPs attempt at starting fights amongst friends.
You probably didn't hear about it because 1,000 of them went in like 30mins.

I was lucky enough to be in GD and saw it.

The second and third runs went equally fast. It was really cool seeing how quickly we could money bomb Nolo.

Yeah... gonna go ahead and declare myself 100% on the Larue train... I think you'd be hard pressed to find half dozen other companies that have done as much for the community as them.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:36:54 PM EDT
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Are you looking to arock someone?
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I think since op is calling out so many people he needs to post his real name and social media accounts. All the people he is bashing have it all in the open. Seems only fair he open up.
Are you looking to arock someone?
I'm asking you. I think since your calling out real people by name you should also be man enough to put your info out there.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 2:52:40 PM EDT
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I'm asking you. I think since your calling out real people by name you should also be man enough to put your info out there.
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$400 says youve visited New Mexico recently with your daddy.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 3:02:12 PM EDT
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For all you back peddling trolls do a little research what they did after Sandy hook.
Did he go back in a time machine to back peddle. Your trolls or not very smart.
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Link Posted: 5/1/2018 3:03:58 PM EDT
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$400 says youve visited New Mexico recently with your daddy
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 3:13:14 PM EDT
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For all you back peddling trolls do a little research what they did after Sandy hook.
Did he go back in a time machine to back peddle. Your trolls or not very smart.

Come on guys.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 3:41:44 PM EDT
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$400 says youve visited New Mexico recently with your daddy.
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I'm asking you. I think since your calling out real people by name you should also be man enough to put your info out there.
$400 says youve visited New Mexico recently with your daddy.
(Knock it off. -40xb)
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 3:52:28 PM EDT
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Mark LaRue raised $150,000 that went directly to an AR15.com member fighting anti second amendment cases. What exactly have you done sport?
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Without Springfield armory & RRA, every guns rights group in Illinois would go bankrupt.

But virtue signalers don't care, they're too busy enjoying the smell of their own flatulence.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:05:00 PM EDT
A lot of people are up in arms that their own personal favorite manufacturer or gun personality was listed in this thread. I will take Larue at his word that he didn't mean he supported bump stock bans, but as an Industry professional who manufactures gun accessories he needs to choose his word

more carefully.  If he lacks that ability, he should hire someone to proofread his posts.  Anyone that thinks we can give up this or that and the grabbers will leave us alone needs to wake the fuck up. They have been whittling away at rights for all my life and they will never stop.  Dumb ass

comments or backdoor deals like those in the OP are what is dividing the gun community, not someone who points them out.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:17:03 PM EDT
Im just posting facts and opening the eyes of our fellow members. Some manufacturers and people are just in it for the money.

Its not my fault if people cant handle the truth.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:19:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:24:55 PM EDT
After Larure raised money Nolo I’ll always look there first.  I wasn’t able to get a Nolo Dillo, but I bought some other stuff to support what he did.

It’s preposterous to think he’s antigun, and I’m no fan boy.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:25:31 PM EDT
Taking that one firehose quote with no context proves nothing. That single statement alone could be easily twisted. It is almost as if the OP has an agenda. Especially since he switched to attacking people about buying police credentials from Lake Arthur, NM. If that is not your intent OP, please post all the rest of the context so we can make a real informed decision.

Mark has a great point as well, show us what you have done personally OP to support the 2nd and defend it, that even starts to give you a right to attack others?
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:32:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:33:47 PM EDT
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Im just posting facts and opening the eyes of our fellow members. Some manufacturers and people are just in it for the money.

Its not my fault if people cant handle the truth.
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No, you're just looking for crap to be offended by - like a liberal shill trying to stir up shit.
Link Posted: 5/1/2018 4:40:51 PM EDT
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