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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:33:00 PM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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At the rate of accelerated borrowing and printing we've seen over the last few decades? 100+ trillion - easy.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:35:38 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Imagine how much we could save by abolishing the ATF.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:38:40 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Absolutely! Hell let's go for 80%!
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:40:12 PM EDT
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

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So long as they don’t cut the skim from the Ukraine aid, the rest can be cut.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:40:44 PM EDT
Man this is a smoke show. They pull this shit out every time to be relevant and the raise it again and again.

The UniParty THEY WILL NEVER EVER STOP RAISING IT. Its a shell game man.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:44:06 PM EDT
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How much did we spend on Obama's "shovel ready" infrastructure?  How much do we spend every year on highway funds?

Also, my city doesn't look like anything from the third world.  Sounds like a local problem who the last group I would want to "fix" it would be the feds.
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.

The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.

How much did we spend on Obama's "shovel ready" infrastructure?  How much do we spend every year on highway funds?

Also, my city doesn't look like anything from the third world.  Sounds like a local problem who the last group I would want to "fix" it would be the feds.

You're making his point about the greater accountability problem.  Obama's money wasn't spent on enough worthy projects to help the infrastructure, and a huge amount of the money we spend on highway funds is just thrown away by overspending.  It's all bonus money to the states and local jurisdictions, who also aren't accountable. The feds don't get the projects done, they throw money around to those they want favors from like the big shots the are.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:49:26 PM EDT
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Eggs probably $50.00 a dozen.
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I'm rich !!  
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:49:52 PM EDT
Time for the House majority to man up and pass an Omnibus Deficit Reduction Bill which is loaded with conservative oriented crap and spending cuts.  It’ll never happen though.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:51:16 PM EDT
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Anyone wanna take guesses at what the total will be by 2030?
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:53:25 PM EDT
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Ukraine spending itself is not responsible, nor will it destroy the USA financially, it’s the attitude that these billions here don’t matter in regards to Ukraine and 1000 other line items , and the general attitude that it’s the USAs job to play world police that will eventually add up to very big problems.

It’s like saying, “ I already owe $50k in credit card debt, so taking the family out to eat tonight, and to Disney world this weekend and charging it won’t make any difference .

Except it does, and will.
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.

Ukraine spending itself is not responsible, nor will it destroy the USA financially, it’s the attitude that these billions here don’t matter in regards to Ukraine and 1000 other line items , and the general attitude that it’s the USAs job to play world police that will eventually add up to very big problems.

It’s like saying, “ I already owe $50k in credit card debt, so taking the family out to eat tonight, and to Disney world this weekend and charging it won’t make any difference .

Except it does, and will.

Terrible analogy.   The one you’re looking for is “I owe $50,000 in credit card debt, but my neighbor needs an AR and a couple mags, to defend himself from the rampaging hordes of rioters, guess I’ll have to dig into my stash for him”.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:55:16 PM EDT
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What happens when we can’t even make the interest payment?
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I guess we'll find out! I seriously doubt we'll do the honest thing and default, and tell creditors they are getting pennies on the dollar. I think it is far more likely that a crisis sets off Bretton Woods 3, money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, or some hairbrained idea like minting $1T Platinum coins.

Since I have no clue what will happen, I think it's prudent to have some of your assets outside of the financial system (real estate, crypto, whatever your preference).

ETA: Unlike other countries that have defaulted or hyperinflated, I don't think it's clear how this will play out in the US, simply because of the use and demand for USD outside of the US. But I am confident that the American standard of living will not get any better.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:56:55 PM EDT
get rid of FBI,ATF, EPA, Dept of Ed, and IRS - would probably save a lot of money.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:57:57 PM EDT
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Terrible analogy.   The one you're looking for is "I owe $50,000 in credit card debt, but my neighbor needs an AR and a couple mags, to defend himself from the rampaging hordes of rioters, guess I'll have to dig into my stash for him".
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Analogy.   The one you're looking for is "I owe $50,000 in credit card debt, but someone thousands of miles away needs an AR and a couple mags, to defend himself from the rampaging hordes of rioters let him ask his neighbors
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 1:58:45 PM EDT
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You're making his point about the greater accountability problem.  Obama's money wasn't spent on enough worthy projects to help the infrastructure, and a huge amount of the money we spend on highway funds is just thrown away by overspending.  It's all bonus money to the states and local jurisdictions, who also aren't accountable. The feds don't get the projects done, they throw money around to those they want favors from like the big shots the are.
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In before the same 5 mouth breathers pin it on Ukraine.

The billions to Ukraine with zero accountability is a symptom of a greater problem. Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

This is because our foreign policy is centered around Quid Pro Quo.

How much did we spend on Obama's "shovel ready" infrastructure?  How much do we spend every year on highway funds?

Also, my city doesn't look like anything from the third world.  Sounds like a local problem who the last group I would want to "fix" it would be the feds.

You're making his point about the greater accountability problem.  Obama's money wasn't spent on enough worthy projects to help the infrastructure, and a huge amount of the money we spend on highway funds is just thrown away by overspending.  It's all bonus money to the states and local jurisdictions, who also aren't accountable. The feds don't get the projects done, they throw money around to those they want favors from like the big shots the are.

I didn’t read…
Our roads are trash, bridges trash and our cities look like something out of the third world in many places but we have billions to give to countries around the world.

…as we need me more accountability.  I read it as we should spend more money on it.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:06:28 PM EDT
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An excellent idea and I totally concur. However, from having been in the Govt for 34 years until 12/31 on my retirement can anyone tell me why this will NEVER happen?
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Political suicide and politicians would rather gamble on who gets stuck with the eventual finical collapse rather than stirring shit up to prevent it.

If you increased your kids' allowance, gave them discretionary spending with zero accountability and they hired friends to all kinds of shit to your house...and then you said fuck it, can't afford it, allowance cut in half. You kids would go ape shit. That's what we need to do.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:10:13 PM EDT
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And the only true solution, austerity, would NEVER fly in the USA.  Hell, it was a hard sell in Greece.

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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:11:39 PM EDT
In the digital age, debt means nothing.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:12:15 PM EDT
If only we'd send billions more to Ukraine, keep throwing money at illegal aliens and those refuse to work, hire 87,000 new IRS employees, I'm sure the problem would take care of itself...
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:12:51 PM EDT
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Analogy.   The one you're looking for is "I owe $50,000 in credit card debt, but someone thousands of miles away needs an AR and a couple mags, to defend himself from the rampaging hordes of rioters let him ask his neighbors
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Terrible analogy.   The one you're looking for is "I owe $50,000 in credit card debt, but my neighbor needs an AR and a couple mags, to defend himself from the rampaging hordes of rioters, guess I'll have to dig into my stash for him".
Analogy.   The one you're looking for is "I owe $50,000 in credit card debt, but someone thousands of miles away needs an AR and a couple mags, to defend himself from the rampaging hordes of rioters let him ask his neighbors

Why do people suck so bad at analogies?     I’ve wondered this since I took the SAT.    

Obviously, if the USA is considered a single entity in this analogy, then the other 156 Nations are neighbors in the same small community known as “the world”.       Nations are Big, and therefore the Earth is correspondingly small.   I guess you could argue that we shouldn’t help someone 2 blocks away.    
Basic stuff dude.   It pains me to have to type it out.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:14:15 PM EDT
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Imagine how much we could save by abolishing the ATF.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

Imagine how much we could save by abolishing the ATF.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:15:24 PM EDT
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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.
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And the only true solution, austerity, would NEVER fly in the USA.  Hell, it was a hard sell in Greece.

What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.

"Sort it self out" is an interesting description for incredible violence.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:15:28 PM EDT
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$38.381 trillion

Lets see if the collective IQ of GD can calculate how many zeros $38.381 trillion is.


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Just tell every American to send the gov $200k, problem solved

Or tell anyone coming to America there is a $100k-200k entry/citizenship fee effective 2023.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:16:45 PM EDT
It will collapse and it will come without warning

Buy crypto
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:17:16 PM EDT
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They can't cut spending.  How would they launder money and fund campaigns?
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:17:23 PM EDT
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Nothing like a good war to save an economy.
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A 20yr war is one of the reasons we are in this mess.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:17:38 PM EDT
They are full of shit in both parties.  Our gdp can service the debt if we simply cap government growth and spending for a decade or two.  Let the economic growth and tax base catch up to the cost of government.  

Or release a bio weapon that culls the elderly boomers retiring . If it isn't effective enough give them a vaccine that will shorten their time on social security
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:36:39 PM EDT
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Shut it down.  Shut it ALL down.

Until the budget balances again.

First thing to shutter is the so-called refugee housing/processing at the border.   "Sorry, we're out of money.  Come back in a month."

The very very FIRST things to be shuttered SHOULD be any and all services to non-citizens, not just the refugee program, but also including suspension of all foreign aid for the duration of the shutdown.  ALL of it.  
I mean, are we out of money or aren't we?
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$100k entry fee to enter the US as a immigrant or asylum seeker.

Sorry the Poors need to GBPSE
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:49:04 PM EDT
I'm not scared of this either.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:49:36 PM EDT
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Imagine how much we could save by abolishing the ATF.
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Not much.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 2:58:43 PM EDT
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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.

I support cutting the defense budget to the bone, considering it's not even used to defend our own borders. However, that's absolutely bull shit to claim it's anywhere near 50% of the budget. That's the trick of, "It makes up 50% of the budget when we exclude the other 80% of the budget" bull shit.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:00:46 PM EDT
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:01:41 PM EDT
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What a concept!!
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:04:27 PM EDT
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A 20yr war is one of the reasons we are in this mess.
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He said a GOOD war.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:10:05 PM EDT
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Problem solved.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:11:14 PM EDT
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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.
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You are advocating wealth redistribution and saying f$&# you to anyone who worked for what they have. That is especially bad for seniors like me. There is no way I could go back to work at my age and earn what you would be taking from me.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:11:15 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Try 90%.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:22:30 PM EDT
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No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:24:35 PM EDT
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

Cant stop da graft!
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:24:49 PM EDT
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You are advocating wealth redistribution and saying f$&# you to anyone who worked for what they have. That is especially bad for seniors like me. There is no way I could go back to work at my age and earn what you would be taking from me.

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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.

You are advocating wealth redistribution and saying f$&# you to anyone who worked for what they have. That is especially bad for seniors like me. There is no way I could go back to work at my age and earn what you would be taking from me.

I'm not advocating for it. But when the Federal Government crashes the U.S. Dollar will be worthless anyway.

I have over $100K in investments and cash myself but if it's worthless currency what is the difference?

The stupid poors will be poor again very soon and those who are financially savvy will be rich again in no time.

I know this will never happen, just throwing out a possible solution the government may try in the future.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:27:51 PM EDT
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The number isn't as important as the fact that it towers over our rather stagnant GDP.
The feds owe more money than what our entire national economy can produce. That's the frightening part.
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Who is this fed of whom you speak?  Don’t you mean the peoples of the United States?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:31:55 PM EDT
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I'm not advocating for it. But when the Federal Government crashes the U.S. Dollar will be worthless anyway.

I have over $100K in investments and cash myself but if it's worthless currency what is the difference?

The stupid poors will be poor again very soon and those who are financially savvy will be rich again in no time.

I know this will never happen, just throwing out a possible solution the government may try in the future.
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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.

You are advocating wealth redistribution and saying f$&# you to anyone who worked for what they have. That is especially bad for seniors like me. There is no way I could go back to work at my age and earn what you would be taking from me.

I'm not advocating for it. But when the Federal Government crashes the U.S. Dollar will be worthless anyway.

I have over $100K in investments and cash myself but if it's worthless currency what is the difference?

The stupid poors will be poor again very soon and those who are financially savvy will be rich again in no time.

I know this will never happen, just throwing out a possible solution the government may try in the future.

I hate to tell you but $100k is not a lot today for anyone who is middle age or older.

There is a lot that can be done to balance the budget. The first thing is cut all discretionary spending by 1%. Just 1% on everything. Then eliminate all long term welfare for people who are not disabled or caring for young kids. Deport every illegal alien who is getting welfare. If they are working and contributing to society they can stay and after 10 years become citizens. Stop spending on CRT and equity projects. Cut 90% of the climate change programs. I am being generous and saying that 10% of them maybe useful.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:40:02 PM EDT
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I hate to tell you but $100k is not a lot today for anyone who is middle age or older.

There is a lot that can be done to balance the budget. The first thing is cut all discretionary spending by 1%. Just 1% on everything. Then eliminate all long term welfare for people who are not disabled or caring for young kids. Deport every illegal alien who is getting welfare. If they are working and contributing to society they can stay and after 10 years become citizens. Stop spending on CRT and equity projects. Cut 90% of the climate change programs. I am being generous and saying that 10% of them maybe useful.
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I'm early 40's and it represents 3x my yearly income. I think I did pretty well and I live very conservatively not that it will matter in a total economic collapse.

I wholeheartedly agree Austerity is what needs to happen.

A drastic cut in government services and making able bodied people pull their fair share would go a long way to helping the country get back on its feet.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:42:17 PM EDT
they use the word recession. We are in a recession. I think they meant to say DEPRESSION
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:43:49 PM EDT
The debt ceiling is a joke.  Congress has the sole power to tax and spend.  Even dollar spent is spent at the direction of Congress.  Congress has consistently spent more than tax revenues, necessiating borrowing money.  It is not a choice; it is directed by Congress by simply spending more than revenues.  Then Congress sets a borrowing limit independent of what they have decided to tax and spend.  If Congress wants to avoid hitting the debt ceiling, either tax more, spend less, or do both.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:49:15 PM EDT
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I'm early 40's and it represents 3x my yearly income. I think I did pretty well and I live very conservatively not that it will matter in a total economic collapse.

I wholeheartedly agree Austerity is what needs to happen.

A drastic cut in government services and making able bodied people pull their fair share would go a long way to helping the country get back on its feet.
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I hate to tell you but $100k is not a lot today for anyone who is middle age or older.

There is a lot that can be done to balance the budget. The first thing is cut all discretionary spending by 1%. Just 1% on everything. Then eliminate all long term welfare for people who are not disabled or caring for young kids. Deport every illegal alien who is getting welfare. If they are working and contributing to society they can stay and after 10 years become citizens. Stop spending on CRT and equity projects. Cut 90% of the climate change programs. I am being generous and saying that 10% of them maybe useful.

I'm early 40's and it represents 3x my yearly income. I think I did pretty well and I live very conservatively not that it will matter in a total economic collapse.

I wholeheartedly agree Austerity is what needs to happen.

A drastic cut in government services and making able bodied people pull their fair share would go a long way to helping the country get back on its feet.

About 30 years ago I was your age and making about the same when adjusted for inflation. I also had about the same savings again adjusted for inflation. I was feeling pretty good about things until a friend set me up with a financial planner. The first thing she said was I need a better job or at least one that paid more. She was so right. It wasn’t easy but I did get a job that paid more and offered advancement. You are not a kid but you are young enough to get a better paying job. You might not find one in this economy but keep your eyes open and be prepared.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:49:52 PM EDT
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Man this is a smoke show. They pull this shit out every time to be relevant and the raise it again and again.

The UniParty THEY WILL NEVER EVER STOP RAISING IT. Its a shell game man.
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This guy gets it.  When was the last time any prominent group of republicans in Congress pushed for a balanced budget....hell even pushed for any budget.....this bullshit is the new norm.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:50:09 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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And it would still be overstaffed.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:50:46 PM EDT
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I'm not advocating for it. But when the Federal Government crashes the U.S. Dollar will be worthless anyway.

I have over $100K in investments and cash myself but if it's worthless currency what is the difference?

The stupid poors will be poor again very soon and those who are financially savvy will be rich again in no time.

I know this will never happen, just throwing out a possible solution the government may try in the future.
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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.

You are advocating wealth redistribution and saying f$&# you to anyone who worked for what they have. That is especially bad for seniors like me. There is no way I could go back to work at my age and earn what you would be taking from me.

I'm not advocating for it. But when the Federal Government crashes the U.S. Dollar will be worthless anyway.

I have over $100K in investments and cash myself but if it's worthless currency what is the difference?

The stupid poors will be poor again very soon and those who are financially savvy will be rich again in no time.

I know this will never happen, just throwing out a possible solution the government may try in the future.

How would property ownership work under your hard reset plan?  Do the people that own property still own it?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:51:58 PM EDT
Its nothing a few trillion dollar coins wont fix.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:52:47 PM EDT
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And it would still be overstaffed.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

And it would still be overstaffed.

What you actually need to do is reduce the scope of the federal government.  It doesn't matter how many people work at the Department of Education if it still exists.

Peanut butter spreading manpower cuts is lazy and counterproductive.
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