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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:55:03 PM EDT
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Cut the graft out of the budget.  Congress gives planned parenthood money which planned parenthood then donates the money to democrats.  
Make all churches pay taxes.
100% review of all SSI claims.
100% review of all VA disability claims
100% review of all SS payments.

No more Obama phones
No more renaming military bases
Institute a VAT / sales tax
Eliminate income tax

Mandatory balanced budget amendment
Stop spending $$$$ on pork and stupid shit.
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The two lines in bold....the first one gets reviewed all the time.  Now if your talking send "investigators" to see if Pvt/Lt Schmuckatelli lied about something then I understand but most likely a wash to be honest.  Some know the wording and what to say to "game" the VA system, others get the shaft even if was all related to what the Mil did to them.  The VA payments are nothing compared to SSID though.  

Second one, what are you wanting to review, previous work history?  To review what people currently get in SS is like asking someone that put $500 in a savings account with a flat interest rate of -3% and checking on it 40 years later.

The others either should be reviewed or never happened to begin with.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 3:58:44 PM EDT
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I think this is where it would get ugly and quick and I don’t think there’s any synchronization between congress and the Treasury department. I’m sure FJB’s cabinet henchmen/women would love to make this as painful as possible for congress, but I’m pretty sure some priorities are baked in, but that confusion will be in the details.

I think priority number 1 is the interest payments to our debtors, but do we pay foreign debtors before American debtors?

I think the SS, medicare/caid  programs are pretty high on the priority list. Sadly, I think welfare is as well.

Government agencies have their own protocol and regulatory guidance for shutdowns. Salaries suspended, keeping the lights on and essential systems/programs running with essential-only personnel, actually listed in their position description and it’s very, very few. Same goes for the military, but they all work for no salary; no non-essential travel, no new contracts, no training, basically answering phones and sweeping out motor pools.

Social programs and Defense always gets hit first because it’s the biggest attention-getting cuts for political pressure. I say fuck it, including defense, every agency and department gets an 50% budget cut and those not involved in defense, get a 50% workforce cut. That will cull out a lot of the stupid, non-mission essential, CRT, climate change programs (although I think the fucking retarded pentagon actually has Climate Change as a primary national defense threat

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I can agree with some of this but the issue comes to what is a national threat.....just like your last line.  All the woke people will stay and eventually the system will be all diversity training.....and lawyers from all the lawsuits that get filled because the Gov failed them.

We see one side of the card, the other side of the card sees something totally different.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:00:39 PM EDT
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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.
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In 2008 we had a chance for a reset to clear out bad debt but turns out all of the politicians were tied up heavily in the markets so when the people said let it go down and burn the banksters told the politicians they would be poors like everyone else.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:08:04 PM EDT

I MUST also take extraordinary measures to pay my bills.  

Welcome to the real world mfers!!!!
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:09:27 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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cut FBI and ATF by 99%  all other fed gov by 75% and no one would know the difference
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:10:09 PM EDT
Nothing will happen. If they don't raise the limit like in 2011 the consequence was lowering of our credit rating and then raising the limit a couple weeks later. Nothing worse will come this time.

The silly thing is 2011 increased our debt because our credit rating dropped.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:10:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:11:52 PM EDT
Extraordinary measures doesn't mean cutting expenses. It means using the power of fiat.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:12:08 PM EDT
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Eggs probably $50.00 a dozen.
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They'll start taxing groceries then...Fed State and County
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:17:12 PM EDT
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cut FBI and ATF by 99%  all other fed gov by 75% and no one would know the difference
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

cut FBI and ATF by 99%  all other fed gov by 75% and no one would know the difference

Don't expect to fly anywhere.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:22:02 PM EDT
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Go ahead.  Balance the budget.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:23:04 PM EDT
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Make your point.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.

I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:23:06 PM EDT
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Unless they're hiking the basis points by several hundred per month, it's just business as usual.

We need 825% to put the brakes on this shit.
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Fixed that for you.

You're welcome.

And if Treasury is using these measures for more often than the first time in, say, fifty years, then
they are not 'extraordinary'.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:23:47 PM EDT
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Defense is about 50% of the budget so yeah, that's be a good place to start.
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Defense is about 715 billion out of 6 trillion so 12%.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:23:58 PM EDT
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The two lines in bold....the first one gets reviewed all the time.  Now if your talking send "investigators" to see if Pvt/Lt Schmuckatelli lied about something then I understand but most likely a wash to be honest.  Some know the wording and what to say to "game" the VA system, others get the shaft even if was all related to what the Mil did to them.  The VA payments are nothing compared to SSID though.  

Second one, what are you wanting to review, previous work history?  To review what people currently get in SS is like asking someone that put $500 in a savings account with a flat interest rate of -3% and checking on it 40 years later.

The others either should be reviewed or never happened to begin with.
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Cut the graft out of the budget.  Congress gives planned parenthood money which planned parenthood then donates the money to democrats.  
Make all churches pay taxes.
100% review of all SSI claims.
100% review of all VA disability claims
100% review of all SS payments.

No more Obama phones
No more renaming military bases
Institute a VAT / sales tax
Eliminate income tax

Mandatory balanced budget amendment
Stop spending $$$$ on pork and stupid shit.

The two lines in bold....the first one gets reviewed all the time.  Now if your talking send "investigators" to see if Pvt/Lt Schmuckatelli lied about something then I understand but most likely a wash to be honest.  Some know the wording and what to say to "game" the VA system, others get the shaft even if was all related to what the Mil did to them.  The VA payments are nothing compared to SSID though.  

Second one, what are you wanting to review, previous work history?  To review what people currently get in SS is like asking someone that put $500 in a savings account with a flat interest rate of -3% and checking on it 40 years later.

The others either should be reviewed or never happened to begin with.

This first one DOES NOT get reviewed all the time. Only a fraction is ever audited. I want a deep dive of all who currently get any $$$$$ from the VA. Same with SSI / Disability. Same with workers comp.  

I want to go after the scammers. Those with a ‘bad back’ and a 90% VA rating yet somehow they are successful farmers.  Nothing but grifters. Those who milk SSI / disability with their BS claims.  Thats who i want to go after.  And when they are found out, make them repay the money they earned or forfeit their property.  They are worse than thieves since they are stealing from all of us who pay taxes.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:32:29 PM EDT
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

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5 thru 10.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:34:53 PM EDT
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There you go,  get rid of SS and Medicare.  problem solved.
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You would pull the rug out from under our elderly after they paid into the system all their lives?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:35:11 PM EDT
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I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.

I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.

Cut spending so we can cut taxes. Hopefully you’re not the type who thinks we’ve tightened the belt as far as possible and cuts are not possible. Those tend to be Democrats.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:35:21 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Sure and the other half would be on strike in 24 hours. You want the Air Traffic Controllers to work for free? Let's shut down the Postal Service, Military R&D, and the VA completely. All the USDA inspectors gotta go too. Everyone should eat tainted meat just like the rest of the world does.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:35:54 PM EDT
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How would property ownership work under your hard reset plan?  Do the people that own property still own it?
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What about doing a "Hard Reset".

All U.S. Currency is worthless. All debts and credits are wiped out.

Balanced Budget required of all Federal Spending and Revenues.

Everyone starts fresh with $50,000 in their bank accounts?

In a Year, Month, A Week a new lower, middle, and wealthy class would be established and society would sort itself out.

You are advocating wealth redistribution and saying f$&# you to anyone who worked for what they have. That is especially bad for seniors like me. There is no way I could go back to work at my age and earn what you would be taking from me.

I'm not advocating for it. But when the Federal Government crashes the U.S. Dollar will be worthless anyway.

I have over $100K in investments and cash myself but if it's worthless currency what is the difference?

The stupid poors will be poor again very soon and those who are financially savvy will be rich again in no time.

I know this will never happen, just throwing out a possible solution the government may try in the future.

How would property ownership work under your hard reset plan?  Do the people that own property still own it?

Yes. Tangible personal property and real estate would be retained.

Those with mortgages and cars with loans would be tricky since most debts and credits would be erased.

Some system to convert these values to the new currency would be required.

Something similar happened during the Civil War.

The South's property records and banking system had to be re-incorporated back into the U.S. economy after it's currency collapsed as the war progressed and eventually ended.

The Federal Government taxed land transfers that occurred during the war and no deed was valid on property sold during the war unless the tax was paid.

A very elaborate system for calculating Union and Confederate currency exchange rates throughout the war was developed so the appropriate amount of tax could be paid.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:37:25 PM EDT
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5 thru 10.
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Which do they cut first?

Social Security and Medicare
Foreign Aid
Roads and bridges
Aid for illegal immigrants
CRT programs
Climate Change
Government salaries

I bet Defense would be first followed by Social Security.

5 thru 10.

They should cut everything from Welfare to Government salaries. The question is what will they cut.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:40:19 PM EDT
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
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Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:40:29 PM EDT
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We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.
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Better yet dismiss the military and subcontract the Ukrainian military.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:41:01 PM EDT
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Sure and the other half would be on strike in 24 hours. You want the Air Traffic Controllers to work for free? Let's shut down the Postal Service, Military R&D, and the VA completely. All the USDA inspectors gotta go too. Everyone should eat tainted meat just like the rest of the world does.
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I don’t think anyone is calling for the government to eliminate useful jobs like air traffic controllers. How many government jobs are there that are not needed? How many jobs are devoted to the climate change and CRT religious equivalent of determining how many angles can dance on a needle?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:42:28 PM EDT
Tomorrow.   Is.   Friday.

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:43:32 PM EDT
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Spending less is too radical an idea.
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Get rid of the VP job and use the Speaker of the House to fill the post when needed.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:47:26 PM EDT
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This first one DOES NOT get reviewed all the time. Only a fraction is ever audited. I want a deep dive of all who currently get any $$$$$ from the VA. Same with SSI / Disability. Same with workers comp.  

I want to go after the scammers. Those with a ‘bad back’ and a 90% VA rating yet somehow they are successful farmers.  Nothing but grifters. Those who milk SSI / disability with their BS claims.  Thats who i want to go after.  And when they are found out, make them repay the money they earned or forfeit their property.  They are worse than thieves since they are stealing from all of us who pay taxes.
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Bold agree...underlined really depends what your talking about.  Guy sitting in a custom made chair for his bad back while planting crops on the tractor or the guy tossing 87 lb potato sacks over each shoulder to load the truck.  

There are several instances where someone may not look disabled at a glance but underneath it all they are fucked.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:47:53 PM EDT
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They are full of shit in both parties.  Our gdp can service the debt if we simply cap government growth and spending for a decade or two.  Let the economic growth and tax base catch up to the cost of government.  

Or release a bio weapon that culls the elderly boomers retiring . If it isn't effective enough give them a vaccine that will shorten their time on social security
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That is some sicko shit.  I thought you were better than that.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:49:18 PM EDT
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You would pull the rug out from under our elderly after they paid into the system all their lives?
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Many here want this very thing....... so they don't have to pay into the system.  

(this is a weekly to daily GD topic so will leave it at that)
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:51:45 PM EDT
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Cut spending so we can cut taxes. Hopefully you’re not the type who thinks we’ve tightened the belt as far as possible and cuts are not possible. Those tend to be Democrats.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.

I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.

Cut spending so we can cut taxes. Hopefully you’re not the type who thinks we’ve tightened the belt as far as possible and cuts are not possible. Those tend to be Democrats.

I surely don't.  I also figured you didn't have anything that resembled a plan.  I was right.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:56:16 PM EDT
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I surely don't.  I also figured you didn't have anything that resembled a plan.  I was right.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.

I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.

Cut spending so we can cut taxes. Hopefully you’re not the type who thinks we’ve tightened the belt as far as possible and cuts are not possible. Those tend to be Democrats.

I surely don't.  I also figured you didn't have anything that resembled a plan.  I was right.

Lol. What is your plan, or are you just here to do whatever this incoherent condescension thing is that you’re doing? Because right now it sure seems like you’re anti-spending cuts and anti-tax cuts, since I’m pro those things.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:58:43 PM EDT
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Lol. What is your plan, or are you just here to do whatever this incoherent condescension thing is that you’re doing? Because right now it sure seems like you’re anti-spending cuts and anti-tax cuts, since I’m pro those things.
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.

I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.

Cut spending so we can cut taxes. Hopefully you’re not the type who thinks we’ve tightened the belt as far as possible and cuts are not possible. Those tend to be Democrats.

I surely don't.  I also figured you didn't have anything that resembled a plan.  I was right.

Lol. What is your plan, or are you just here to do whatever this incoherent condescension thing is that you’re doing? Because right now it sure seems like you’re anti-spending cuts and anti-tax cuts, since I’m pro those things.

I'm pro-shuttering entire departments of the federal government and RIFing their workforce.  I'm pro-offramping Social Security.  I'm pro-ending federal grants for state functions.

I'm anti-low thought "Cut 100% federal employees" or "Save a billion by cutting the ATF, work done".
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 4:59:11 PM EDT
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Many here want this very thing....... so they don't have to pay into the system.  

(this is a weekly to daily GD topic so will leave it at that)
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I'm for allowing young people to opt out of SS.  Everyone knows it's a bad deal.  Although I don't know how we pay for the current retirees then.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:01:06 PM EDT
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I'm for allowing young people to opt out of SS.  Everyone knows it's a bad deal.  Although I don't know how we pay for the current retirees then.
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Many here want this very thing....... so they don't have to pay into the system.  

(this is a weekly to daily GD topic so will leave it at that)

I'm for allowing young people to opt out of SS.  Everyone knows it's a bad deal.  Although I don't know how we pay for the current retirees then.

The same way we pay for them now, with current year income taxes.  Have a stair-step plan for how different age brackets will get less and less in the future in exchange for lower tax rates.

There's no good way to deconstruct a Ponzi scheme.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:06:47 PM EDT
Doesn’t Matter.

Republicans or Democrats in charge nothing will change.

Bunch of politicians will get some air time with teeth gnashing

In the end, ceiling will be raised, and we will keep borrowing.

One day it will come crashing down. Not sure whose lifetime, but this model won’t work forever.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:08:47 PM EDT
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cut FBI and ATF by 99%  all other fed gov by 75% and no one would know the difference
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions

cut FBI and ATF by 99%  all other fed gov by 75% and no one would know the difference

How will the GD bootlickers get their free stamps?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:08:56 PM EDT
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I'm pro-shuttering entire departments of the federal government and RIFing their workforce.  I'm pro-offramping Social Security.  I'm pro-ending federal grants for state functions.

I'm anti-low thought "Cut 100% federal employees" or "Save a billion by cutting the ATF, work done".
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We could cut 50% of all government workers starting now and save millions
We could stop sending money to Ukraine and save billions.

What a concept!!

Problem solved.

No, don’t get all like that. I’d cut spending all over the place. It would be glorious.

Go ahead.  Balance the budget.

Make your point.

I'm interested in your glorious plan beyond the current thing.

Cut spending so we can cut taxes. Hopefully you’re not the type who thinks we’ve tightened the belt as far as possible and cuts are not possible. Those tend to be Democrats.

I surely don't.  I also figured you didn't have anything that resembled a plan.  I was right.

Lol. What is your plan, or are you just here to do whatever this incoherent condescension thing is that you’re doing? Because right now it sure seems like you’re anti-spending cuts and anti-tax cuts, since I’m pro those things.

I'm pro-shuttering entire departments of the federal government and RIFing their workforce.  I'm pro-offramping Social Security.  I'm pro-ending federal grants for state functions.

I'm anti-low thought "Cut 100% federal employees" or "Save a billion by cutting the ATF, work done".

I’m going to be super chill here and just ask you to feel free to scroll back up the quote chain, and see where any of us in the quote chain advocated either of those things.

Do I think we could cut - over time - 50% of the government? Hell yes and I stated as much above. There are layers upon layers of bureaucracy that can absolutely get cut and not missed. Pass that savings on to us taxpayers. That is my stance and the only thing I have advocated in this thread.

So, unless you want to continue mistakenly directing smarm my way, good day.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:10:31 PM EDT
Remy: Raise the Debt Ceiling Rap (Again)
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:11:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:16:37 PM EDT
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The same way we pay for them now, with current year income taxes.  Have a stair-step plan for how different age brackets will get less and less in the future in exchange for lower tax rates.

There's no good way to deconstruct a Ponzi scheme.
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Many here want this very thing....... so they don't have to pay into the system.  

(this is a weekly to daily GD topic so will leave it at that)

I'm for allowing young people to opt out of SS.  Everyone knows it's a bad deal.  Although I don't know how we pay for the current retirees then.

The same way we pay for them now, with current year income taxes.  Have a stair-step plan for how different age brackets will get less and less in the future in exchange for lower tax rates.

There's no good way to deconstruct a Ponzi scheme.

You do know Social Security is paid for by the FICA tax and not the income tax. The problem with paying for Social Security with an income tax is that those collecting SS would pay an additional tax to pay their own SS. That would be theft since they have already paid for their benefits. Don’t give us the BS that SS is a tax and the government spent the money.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:16:50 PM EDT
The only differences are pay your bills or don't pay your bills. It's an easy choice. And in the end, every time Republicans have tried this stunt it hurt them at the ballot box. People want the government to pay what it spent.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:20:27 PM EDT
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Labor costs are high and driving inflation.

Now is a great time to cut all federal workers and increase the pool of workers to drive labor inflation down.

Not to mention it would also drive our debt down.

It’s literally win/win/win, we’ll except if you are a .gov overpaid/inefficient turd.
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Government workers are workers. And increasing the size of the labor pool drives down everyone's pay. Is that what you are proposing? What about yours?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:34:01 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:44:08 PM EDT
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You do know Social Security is paid for by the FICA tax and not the income tax. The problem with paying for Social Security with an income tax is that those collecting SS would pay an additional tax to pay their own SS. That would be theft since they have already paid for their benefits. Don’t give us the BS that SS is a tax and the government spent the money.
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Many here want this very thing....... so they don't have to pay into the system.  

(this is a weekly to daily GD topic so will leave it at that)

I'm for allowing young people to opt out of SS.  Everyone knows it's a bad deal.  Although I don't know how we pay for the current retirees then.

The same way we pay for them now, with current year income taxes.  Have a stair-step plan for how different age brackets will get less and less in the future in exchange for lower tax rates.

There's no good way to deconstruct a Ponzi scheme.

You do know Social Security is paid for by the FICA tax and not the income tax. The problem with paying for Social Security with an income tax is that those collecting SS would pay an additional tax to pay their own SS. That would be theft since they have already paid for their benefits. Don’t give us the BS that SS is a tax and the government spent the money.

What is FICA a tax on?
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 5:52:37 PM EDT
You mean like stop spending?  Oh hell, no.  NOT that.

Let's get a a trillion for Ukraine and 40 millions IAs.  You know, the important stuff.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 6:17:02 PM EDT
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You do know Social Security is paid for by the FICA tax and not the income tax. The problem with paying for Social Security with an income tax is that those collecting SS would pay an additional tax to pay their own SS. That would be theft since they have already paid for their benefits. Don’t give us the BS that SS is a tax and the government spent the money.
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Many here want this very thing....... so they don't have to pay into the system.  

(this is a weekly to daily GD topic so will leave it at that)

I'm for allowing young people to opt out of SS.  Everyone knows it's a bad deal.  Although I don't know how we pay for the current retirees then.

The same way we pay for them now, with current year income taxes.  Have a stair-step plan for how different age brackets will get less and less in the future in exchange for lower tax rates.

There's no good way to deconstruct a Ponzi scheme.

You do know Social Security is paid for by the FICA tax and not the income tax. The problem with paying for Social Security with an income tax is that those collecting SS would pay an additional tax to pay their own SS. That would be theft since they have already paid for their benefits. Don’t give us the BS that SS is a tax and the government spent the money.

So you get yours while the young people pay the tax and then get nothing when they retire....great plan.  This is why the shit slinging happens, neither side want to agree to equally get fucked.  Like mentioned a ponzi scheme is hard to deconstruct.  Everyone in this mess is going to have to agree to take a % loss on this.  At this point I don't expect to get shit...just saw over the years the Gov use and abuse people...make big promises and then leave them stranded in a time of need.  If I do get anything it will amount to gas money anyway.

Your argument reminds me of all the times when the SNCO of the barracks was making a duty schedule for the holidays.  Then all the married people wanted off to spend with their family and said most of the singles guys don't have one here so make them do it.  Like single people don't have family to see either.

SS has its own thread...if not archived....if it has a new one will popup within the week......

Either way our budget is fucked especially since 2008 when they gave all the extra funds for the bailouts, that extra money has been in the budget ever since then..  Shit we had to put on "credit" to begin with.

Funding foreign interest $$$ should be REALLY limited, like needs 87% of congress to pass it.  There are a few things that prevent "future things" but that is really limited and should be scrutinized to the max.  

All this CRT, woke mob shit needs to go...until you can tell me next week what my exact temperature is going to be and be perfect 23 out of the 24 hours....I don't want to hear shit about climate change.  We have records from 1/8700000th or less this planet has been rotating around the sun.  There is proof that the earth goes through heating and cooling cycles since birth.....but yet in the past 100 years we caused it all.  I am for having a clean earth such as people who throw cigarette butts on the ground should be sucking up canal water but is different from the money we have wasted wind and solar farms.  I understand people putting them up off grid to live out in the wild but from the overall life of the panel they don't create as much energy as it took to make it....much less get rid of it.  Tell me what the fuck we are going to do with 87 billion used EV batteries?  How much is it going to cost to get rid of it, nobody even has a plan so the energy it takes is totally unaccounted for either.  I know cars put out more than just CO2 but at least you can have a plant recycle that shit.  So far I haven't seen any plants that "digest" any part of a lithium battery.

I think EV's are really good at some things but the mandated bullshit is going to cost us in the long run.  Now they talked about sodium batteries which we have plenty of and not sure if anything would be toxic when the battery would die.

Overall the Mil and a few other need to be cut but I really don't want to cut the mil....maybe a few woke generals though would be a start.  SSID really needs to get looked into.  If you cut the NFA, then they could loose a few ATF agents and nobody would notice.  The Department of Education should be a STATE run thing.  Quite a few others like the EPA could go on an extreme diet.  I don't want people just dumping oil in the ocean or kodak leaking toxins in the water but.....OH DIESEL BRO TOOK OFF THE EPA STUFF SO HIS ENGINE DIDN'T PUT EXHAUST GASES IN THE INTAKE AND KILL THE ENGINE........JAIL TIME FOR LIFE.....  I would prefer the head of the DOE nuclear wasted dept. didn't steal luggage either, I don't think that is too much to ask...

I also don't agree with funding pet projects for other states.  I am sure some way or another if Cali does pay any "repartitions" I will have donated toward the cause.  Stuff like funding planed parenthood should be totally axed.  Then I also think states should be held accountable for what they do take from the Gov....I am sure the Feds have given Cali DOT money to finish that high speed rail project....do they even have 87 ft of track yet?

I like the flat tax idea, maybe there is a big downside I am missing but at least anyone here illegally would pay "their fair share".  Welfare should have "term limits" you agree to, to be on the program.  For instance max of like 5 years in your life time, Max of 2 years at one time, if you have a child while on the program you won't get any extra funds because of it, etc.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 6:23:16 PM EDT
lol country

any who bleets otherwise just wants the shitshow to hold together long enough til they get all theirs before they croak

Link Posted: 1/19/2023 6:24:43 PM EDT
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I don’t think anyone is calling for the government to eliminate useful jobs like air traffic controllers. How many government jobs are there that are not needed? How many jobs are devoted to the climate change and CRT religious equivalent of determining how many angles can dance on a needle?
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That is the point. People are throwing figures around out their asses. No one is willing to look at what is facing us. Just shoot from the hip. Some here are just jabber-talking anarchists with no clue what it takes to run a country this huge, an economy this gigantic, and keep a planet this insane from blowing itself up. Most jobs are by law. What laws are needed to be rescinded? many civilian jobs in DOD were created to free up military troops to do jobs requiring deployment. You get rid of them, you have to recruit more troops to replace them. Good luck with that one. Many of the civilians I worked with were Civilian technicians during the week but reserve technicians on the weekends working on the same aircraft.

I'm all for getting rid of the power-tripping bureaucrats but to what end? Congress has differed many of it's responsibilities to bureaucrats. It may be legal but it is still wrong when they become lawmakers. That is congress's job. I'm all for an efficient government streamlined to follow the Constitution and no more. Whatever size it takes is the right size.

The biggest problem is the FSA. They suck up way more of the budget when they should be taking care of their own problems. Living off the taxpayers for life is not constitutional nor moral. On the other hand, when the govt makes a promise, it must keep it. No excuses accepted. Tyrants mistreat the people, rob from them, and take what they please. This is America, there is no room for tyranny.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 6:25:56 PM EDT
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That is the point. People are throwing figures around out their asses. No one is willing to look at what is facing us. Just shoot from the hip. Some here are just jabber-talking anarchists with no clue what it takes to run a country this huge, an economy this gigantic, and keep a planet this insane from blowing itself up. Most jobs are by law. What laws are needed to be rescinded? many civilian jobs in DOD were created to free up military troops to do jobs requiring deployment. You get rid of them, you have to recruit more troops to replace them. Good luck with that one. Many of the civilians I worked with were Civilian technicians during the week but reserve technicians on the weekends working on the same aircraft.

I'm all for getting rid of the power-tripping bureaucrats but to what end? Congress has differed many of it's responsibilities to bureaucrats. It may be legal but it is still wrong when they become lawmakers. That is congress's job. I'm all for an efficient government streamlined to follow the Constitution and no more. Whatever size it takes is the right size.

The biggest problem is the FSA. They suck up way more of the budget when they should be taking care of their own problems. Living off the taxpayers for life is not constitutional nor moral. On the other hand, when the govt makes a promise, it must keep it. No excuses accepted. Tyrants mistreat the people, rob from them, and take what they please. This is America, there is no room for tyranny.
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I don’t think anyone is calling for the government to eliminate useful jobs like air traffic controllers. How many government jobs are there that are not needed? How many jobs are devoted to the climate change and CRT religious equivalent of determining how many angles can dance on a needle?

That is the point. People are throwing figures around out their asses. No one is willing to look at what is facing us. Just shoot from the hip. Some here are just jabber-talking anarchists with no clue what it takes to run a country this huge, an economy this gigantic, and keep a planet this insane from blowing itself up. Most jobs are by law. What laws are needed to be rescinded? many civilian jobs in DOD were created to free up military troops to do jobs requiring deployment. You get rid of them, you have to recruit more troops to replace them. Good luck with that one. Many of the civilians I worked with were Civilian technicians during the week but reserve technicians on the weekends working on the same aircraft.

I'm all for getting rid of the power-tripping bureaucrats but to what end? Congress has differed many of it's responsibilities to bureaucrats. It may be legal but it is still wrong when they become lawmakers. That is congress's job. I'm all for an efficient government streamlined to follow the Constitution and no more. Whatever size it takes is the right size.

The biggest problem is the FSA. They suck up way more of the budget when they should be taking care of their own problems. Living off the taxpayers for life is not constitutional nor moral. On the other hand, when the govt makes a promise, it must keep it. No excuses accepted. Tyrants mistreat the people, rob from them, and take what they please. This is America, there is no room for tyranny.

And don't forget with the military, civilians are significantly cheaper than a military equivalent in the same position.
Link Posted: 1/19/2023 6:30:03 PM EDT
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I don’t think anyone is calling for the government to eliminate useful jobs like air traffic controllers. How many government jobs are there that are not needed? How many jobs are devoted to the climate change and CRT religious equivalent of determining how many angles can dance on a needle?
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Another point I was going to mention. Nobody should think the politicians will, out of the goodness of their hearts, eliminate the jobs they created. None of them will gore their own ox. They will eliminate the most important jobs. The masses will see the sewers begin to back up and demand we rehire those we fired. We will be back where we started if not worse.
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