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Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:10:01 AM EDT
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It's ok not to trust Gabbard, she has a lot of questions to be answered.

It's downright idiotic to throw her overboard.

But this is the same place where we have people trying to throw Trump into the left's prison camp.

Not very smart.

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Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain’t worth pissing on.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:27:37 AM EDT
Let's see...  Just off the top of my head.  She's attacked Hillary, she's attacked Kamala, she's attacked Biden, she's attacked Pelosi.  She's a Democrat calling out other Democrats for pulling bullshit that we clearly oppose.  Why would you wish to undermine her when she may be creating fractures within the Democrat party.  Moderate or not, if she can embolden moderate Democrats that aren't comfortable with the direction that party is going and change course, how is that not good for us.  Like it or not, not everyone in this country thinks the same and there will always be a Democrat Party.  I would rather try to work with moderate Democrats than Progressives.  This applies to Manchin and Sinema as well.    

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:31:06 AM EDT
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Let's see...  Just off the top of my head.  She's attacked Hillary, she's attacked Kamala, she's attacked Biden, she's attacked Pelosi.  She's a Democrat calling out other Democrats for pulling bullshit that we clearly oppose.  Why would you wish to undermine her when she may be creating fractures within the Democrat party.  Moderate or not, if she can embolden moderate Democrats that aren't comfortable with the direction that party is going and change course, how is that not good for us.  Like it or not, not everyone in this country thinks the same and there will always be a Democrat Party.  I would rather try to work with moderate Democrats than Progressives.  This applies to Manchin and Sinema as well.    

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Because supporting them still supports their batshit insane ideology, and creates a ripple of acceptance no matter what.

Fuck them all. The US is a dumpster fire because every time someone has a different idea, the end result is to blend that idea in. Do that long enough and your product isn't even comparable.

It's also why in your state, SD, that there are now clusters of retard Californian liberals who are fucking the state up too. If your response isn't "no", it's not actually "no".
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:31:15 AM EDT
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Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain’t worth pissing on.
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It's ok not to trust Gabbard, she has a lot of questions to be answered.

It's downright idiotic to throw her overboard.

But this is the same place where we have people trying to throw Trump into the left's prison camp.

Not very smart.

Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain’t worth pissing on.

I'm not rolling over or taking concessions.

Tulsi has seemed to align herself against the establishment rule and status quo, same as Trump. That is why you dislike her and Trump, not because of some BOR violation.

The entire democrat party and a significant number of Republicans are guilty of BOR violations, that's not excluding the executive bureaucracy and courts.

Look no further than congress if you want less constitutional violations.

But that is foreign to someone like you, whose paranoia and toxic hatred of all things "Trump" leads you to tearing down solid allies that are against the establishment rule and staus quo.

So, if the BoR is of utmost importance then what should be done about the democratic party(Biden and Pelosi), the tyranny of the bureaucracy and courts?

Because if you get rid of Trump and Gabbard, who is going to pick up the reins and not be afraid of being torn down in the same manner?
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:46:29 AM EDT
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Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain't worth pissing on.
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I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:48:23 AM EDT
She can lei me anytime
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:52:25 AM EDT
Oh goody, another thread meant to get people here arguing with each other and make this site toxic. I welcome all of my recent fellow firearms enthusiasts.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:52:28 AM EDT
Fuck her
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:54:13 AM EDT
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Oh goody, another thread meant to get people here arguing with each other and make this site toxic. I welcome all of my recent fellow firearms enthusiasts.
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I was thinking that as well.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 10:54:25 AM EDT
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I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close
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Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain't worth pissing on.
I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close

It's probably a lost cause getting through this one's titanium skull because he views Trump as the biggest, worst of the worst, political demagogue of all while completely dismissing or ignoring the rest of the nutsos populating the seats of power.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:00:18 AM EDT
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I'm not rolling over or taking concessions.

Tulsi has seemed to align herself against the establishment rule and status quo, same as Trump. That is why you dislike her and Trump, not because of some BOR violation.

The entire democrat party and a significant number of Republicans are guilty of BOR violations, that's not excluding the executive bureaucracy and courts.

Look no further than congress if you want less constitutional violations.

But that is foreign to someone like you, whose paranoia and toxic hatred of all things "Trump" leads you to tearing down solid allies that are against the establishment rule and staus quo.

So, if the BoR is of utmost importance then what should be done about the democratic party(Biden and Pelosi), the tyranny of the bureaucracy and courts?

Because if you get rid of Trump and Gabbard, who is going to pick up the reins and not be afraid of being torn down in the same manner?
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It's ok not to trust Gabbard, she has a lot of questions to be answered.

It's downright idiotic to throw her overboard.

But this is the same place where we have people trying to throw Trump into the left's prison camp.

Not very smart.

Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain’t worth pissing on.

I'm not rolling over or taking concessions.

Tulsi has seemed to align herself against the establishment rule and status quo, same as Trump. That is why you dislike her and Trump, not because of some BOR violation.

The entire democrat party and a significant number of Republicans are guilty of BOR violations, that's not excluding the executive bureaucracy and courts.

Look no further than congress if you want less constitutional violations.

But that is foreign to someone like you, whose paranoia and toxic hatred of all things "Trump" leads you to tearing down solid allies that are against the establishment rule and staus quo.

So, if the BoR is of utmost importance then what should be done about the democratic party(Biden and Pelosi), the tyranny of the bureaucracy and courts?

Because if you get rid of Trump and Gabbard, who is going to pick up the reins and not be afraid of being torn down in the same manner?

Meh, you’re on a gun site and only post in political threads and you don’t even own any guns. Many of your posts have been excuses for the bumpstock ban, and the support of many other socialist programs your god pushed forward.  

Again, I could give a fuck about anyone who rolls over on their belly and takes concessions on the BOR.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:02:54 AM EDT
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It's probably a lost cause getting through this one's titanium skull because he views Trump as the biggest, worst of the worst, political demagogue of all while completely dismissing or ignoring the rest of the nutsos populating the seats of power.
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Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain't worth pissing on.
I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close

It's probably a lost cause getting through this one's titanium skull because he views Trump as the biggest, worst of the worst, political demagogue of all while completely dismissing or ignoring the rest of the nutsos populating the seats of power.

Dude, I’ve told you many times. I wouldn’t piss on 99% of congress if they were to burst into flames.. I also wouldn’t and don’t vote for 99% of them either. Trump is just another nyc liberal fuck, and his many social policies reflect that.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:04:04 AM EDT
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I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close
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Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain't worth pissing on.
I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close

The Bill of Rights should be absolute

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:05:01 AM EDT
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Meh, you’re on a gun site and only post in political threads and you don’t even own any guns. Many of your posts have been excuses for the bumpstock ban, and the support of many other socialist programs your god pushed forward.  

Again, I could give a fuck about anyone who rolls over on their belly and takes concessions on the BOR.
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It's ok not to trust Gabbard, she has a lot of questions to be answered.

It's downright idiotic to throw her overboard.

But this is the same place where we have people trying to throw Trump into the left's prison camp.

Not very smart.

Oh look, another firearms enthusiast who will gladly roll over on their belly.

The BOR should be a non negotiable for EVERYONE. Anyone who is willing to take concessions on it ain’t worth pissing on.

I'm not rolling over or taking concessions.

Tulsi has seemed to align herself against the establishment rule and status quo, same as Trump. That is why you dislike her and Trump, not because of some BOR violation.

The entire democrat party and a significant number of Republicans are guilty of BOR violations, that's not excluding the executive bureaucracy and courts.

Look no further than congress if you want less constitutional violations.

But that is foreign to someone like you, whose paranoia and toxic hatred of all things "Trump" leads you to tearing down solid allies that are against the establishment rule and staus quo.

So, if the BoR is of utmost importance then what should be done about the democratic party(Biden and Pelosi), the tyranny of the bureaucracy and courts?

Because if you get rid of Trump and Gabbard, who is going to pick up the reins and not be afraid of being torn down in the same manner?

Meh, you’re on a gun site and only post in political threads and you don’t even own any guns. Many of your posts have been excuses for the bumpstock ban, and the support of many other socialist programs your god pushed forward.  

Again, I could give a fuck about anyone who rolls over on their belly and takes concessions on the BOR.

Good argument...

Now back to ignoring your ignorant view of politics.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:10:55 AM EDT
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It's ok not to trust Gabbard, she has a lot of questions to be answered.

It's downright idiotic to throw her overboard.

But this is the same place where we have people trying to throw Trump into the left's prison camp.

Not very smart.

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Trump (voted for him twice despite his failings) was a previously a democrat. So was Ronald Reagan.

It's hard to tell who's been honestly red pilled and to what extent vs who is obvious controlled opposition (Cheney, McCain, Crenshaw, Romney, etc).

I don't give my trust or loyalty to any of em. If/when they're saying and doing the right thing I'll encourage it. If not I'll call em on it.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:12:43 AM EDT
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We have a  lot of fucking retards on this site that would enthusiastically vote for her because of mere one liners
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We’ve got just as many “fucking retards” here who believe that you cannot communicate with anyone who doesn’t believe exactly as they do.
Attitudes like that do not bring anyone closer to our side and insures we stay divided and beat, as we are right now.
Continue with your blind tribalism.
It will insure you can stay angry and continue your imaginary fight with “the man” while “he” continues to fuck you in the ass.
Comfort zones are a thing, even if they guarantee your uncomfortable.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:13:14 AM EDT
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Says the commie who is hugely anti 2nd amendment. Fuck her.
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Like Bush and Trump.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:14:04 AM EDT
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Like Bush and Trump.
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Says the commie who is hugely anti 2nd amendment. Fuck her.

Like Bush and Trump.

Ayup, Fuck them as well.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:14:32 AM EDT
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I dislike rehashing old phrases but....

The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

Playing absolute black and white all the time in politics is stupid. You'll dump a lot of equity down the drain.  Look at the margin that took down the so called voting rights bill.  Way too close
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Your enemy's enemy is NOT your friend. They can't be trusted, but sometimes they can be useful.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:20:39 AM EDT
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We’ve got just as many “fucking retards” here who believe that you cannot communicate with anyone who doesn’t believe exactly as they do.
Attitudes like that do not bring anyone closer to our side and insures we stay divided and beat, as we are right now.
Continue with your blind tribalism.
It will insure you can stay angry and continue your imaginary fight with “the man” while “he” continues to fuck you in the ass.
Comfort zones are a thing, even if they guarantee your uncomfortable.
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Some here play checkers, some play chess.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:21:44 AM EDT
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I agree. Sean is a putz but it really ticks me off that Tucker has been having her on too. He should know better.

Fox is playing us, she's going to run again for something and they are trying to butter us up. Hannity had Oz on several times before he announced he is running.
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Fox isn’t playing “us”.  Stopped  watching TV in 2009. You should try it.
Are one of the ones who thinks Fox is different than any other news entertainment outlet?
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:23:44 AM EDT
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Yes, if their favorite sports ball player, or TV person told them X is a bad person, they would believe what they said because TV people are my friends and they love me.

TV was honestly one the worst things ever created and I pray to God the Internet kills it sooner than it was going to. May the idiot box burn in Hell.
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Right… as long as you have your ball sports and social media, right.  
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 11:42:40 AM EDT
Liberals talk out of both sides of their mouths. That’s what they do.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:19:42 PM EDT
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she can undo my taint hair knots with her tongue.

then she goes to the gulag. fucking wolf in capitalist green clothing.

eta if she passes a pt test she still goes. after braiding my sac hair
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Bro! Manscape a little. Nobody wants that much hair down there. Not even your old ball sack.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:22:16 PM EDT
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Buckey’s patch
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I have that exact same patch. I also have the subdued Buc-ee's patch on my plate carrier.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:27:37 PM EDT
She and AOC need to be turned over to the basement dwellers here for punishment sex…….
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:30:27 PM EDT
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Think harder.  You don't need links.  The info has been posted in this thread.
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Think harder.  You don't need links.  The info has been posted in this thread.

Why would I think harder?  You're the one accusing her of something, show me what you're talking about, don't just say "go look, herp derp".

Nah man, do your own work if you want to convince me.


Can't tell if joking or not.

I'm not. Well, I'm mocking the word 'pathic', but otherwise no.

Show me the better R candidate...  

I have voted for both parties and independents in my life.  I don't vote single issue, ever.   I also don't give a shit what Gabbard looks like.    I despise AOC and think she's a plague on our nation.  Oops, the cavemen here in GD think they are both hot.   What to think now?

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:32:18 PM EDT
i’m just here for the animated GIFS

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:34:21 PM EDT
She’s a lying cunt who absolutely cannot be trusted.

It’s sickening how many simps there are that will fall all over themselves to forgive anything she does simply because she’s a tuna tunnel and not obese. Fucking simps hold the lion’s share of the blame for how fucked up the west is, not just the US.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:45:09 PM EDT
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Why would I think harder?  You're the one accusing her of something, show me what you're talking about, don't just say "go look, herp derp".

Nah man, do your own work if you want to convince me.

I'm not. Well, I'm mocking the word 'pathic', but otherwise no.

Show me the better R candidate...  

I have voted for both parties and independents in my life.  I don't vote single issue, ever.   I also don't give a shit what Gabbard looks like.    I despise AOC and think she's a plague on our nation.  Oops, the cavemen here in GD think they are both hot.   What to think now?

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Think harder.  You don't need links.  The info has been posted in this thread.

Why would I think harder?  You're the one accusing her of something, show me what you're talking about, don't just say "go look, herp derp".

Nah man, do your own work if you want to convince me.


Can't tell if joking or not.

I'm not. Well, I'm mocking the word 'pathic', but otherwise no.

Show me the better R candidate...  

I have voted for both parties and independents in my life.  I don't vote single issue, ever.   I also don't give a shit what Gabbard looks like.    I despise AOC and think she's a plague on our nation.  Oops, the cavemen here in GD think they are both hot.   What to think now?

"Herp derp" is on your part.  You've been reading this thread and can't put 2 and 2 together.  I'll walk you through it.  Most people on this site are peaceful people who "neither pick my pocket, nor break my leg" (they don't violate others' rights).  Most of these people own certain objects that your girl wants to make illegal.  If the aforementioned peaceful people here refuse to comply with the law if those items are made illegal, then people with guns sanctioned by the govt. and your girl, will use those guns against those peaceful people.  That's not cool.  Fuck that , fuck tyrant Tulsi and fuck you if you support that.  I'm a single issue voter and that issue is freedom.  Maybe the blood will leave your little head and you can process this.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 1:46:08 PM EDT
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"Herp derp" is on your part.  You've been reading this thread and can't put 2 and 2 together.  I'll walk you through it.  Most people on this site are peaceful people who "neither pick my pocket, nor break my leg" (they don't violate others' rights).  Most of these people own certain objects that your girl wants to make illegal.  If the aforementioned peaceful people here refuse to comply if those items are made illegal, then people with guns sanctioned by the govt. and your girl will use those guns against those peaceful people.  That's not cool.  Fuck that , fuck tyrant Tulsi and fuck you if you support that.  I'm a single issue voter and that issue is freedom.  Maybe the blood will leave your little head and you can process this.
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Think harder.  You don't need links.  The info has been posted in this thread.

Why would I think harder?  You're the one accusing her of something, show me what you're talking about, don't just say "go look, herp derp".

Nah man, do your own work if you want to convince me.


Can't tell if joking or not.

I'm not. Well, I'm mocking the word 'pathic', but otherwise no.

Show me the better R candidate...  

I have voted for both parties and independents in my life.  I don't vote single issue, ever.   I also don't give a shit what Gabbard looks like.    I despise AOC and think she's a plague on our nation.  Oops, the cavemen here in GD think they are both hot.   What to think now?

"Herp derp" is on your part.  You've been reading this thread and can't put 2 and 2 together.  I'll walk you through it.  Most people on this site are peaceful people who "neither pick my pocket, nor break my leg" (they don't violate others' rights).  Most of these people own certain objects that your girl wants to make illegal.  If the aforementioned peaceful people here refuse to comply if those items are made illegal, then people with guns sanctioned by the govt. and your girl will use those guns against those peaceful people.  That's not cool.  Fuck that , fuck tyrant Tulsi and fuck you if you support that.  I'm a single issue voter and that issue is freedom.  Maybe the blood will leave your little head and you can process this.

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 2:34:35 PM EDT
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"Herp derp" is on your part.  You've been reading this thread and can't put 2 and 2 together.  I'll walk you through it.  Most people on this site are peaceful people who "neither pick my pocket, nor break my leg" (they don't violate others' rights).  Most of these people own certain objects that your girl wants to make illegal.  If the aforementioned peaceful people here refuse to comply with the law if those items are made illegal, then people with guns sanctioned by the govt. and your girl, will use those guns against those peaceful people.  That's not cool.  Fuck that , fuck tyrant Tulsi and fuck you if you support that.  I'm a single issue voter and that issue is freedom.  Maybe the blood will leave your little head and you can process this.
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Link Posted: 2/4/2022 2:42:26 PM EDT
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It's ok not to trust Gabbard, she has a lot of questions to be answered.

It's downright idiotic to throw her overboard.

But this is the same place where we have people trying to throw Trump into the left's prison camp.

Not very smart.

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I'm not shocked, in any way, that you'd be ok with someone who is weak as hell on 2A issues.

Its almost as if 2A issues are not important to you and you have a vested interest in promoting politicians who want to erode our freedoms.

Its almost as if you joined right before the election in 2016 to participate exclusively in political threads and have zero interest in firearms in general or 2A freedoms specifically.

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 2:42:44 PM EDT
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"Herp derp" is on your part.  You've been reading this thread and can't put 2 and 2 together.  I'll walk you through it.  Most people on this site are peaceful people who "neither pick my pocket, nor break my leg" (they don't violate others' rights).  Most of these people own certain objects that your girl wants to make illegal.  If the aforementioned peaceful people here refuse to comply with the law if those items are made illegal, then people with guns sanctioned by the govt. and your girl, will use those guns against those peaceful people.  That's not cool.  Fuck that , fuck tyrant Tulsi and fuck you if you support that.  I'm a single issue voter and that issue is freedom.  Maybe the blood will leave your little head and you can process this.
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Project much on the sex bit?   You clearly haven't read the multiple posts I've made on Gabbard in this and all the other hatefests.

SINGLE ISSUE VOTERS will break our republic.   Count yourself among them and enjoy being led by the nose by whoever says the right thing then breaks their word later...  

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 2:55:01 PM EDT
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Gabbard is a Dem but honestly, as of late, she's made a hell of a lot more sense than a ton of Republicans on calling out anti-America ideal bullshit.

Is it an act? Did she get based? I have no idea - but I don't see many people challenging the status quo like her.
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As you say she has her moments when she makes sense and is singing the right songs from the song book.

She seems a tad more reasonable than the typical unhinged loony AOC type so that's at least something.

She's shit on 2A issues along with some other fundamental freedoms which makes her a non-starter.

I'd have dinner with her and politely hear out her views, as opposed to someone like a Schumer/Palosi type (for whom I'd rather take a massive shit on his dinner plate, laugh and then push him in the pool). But ultimately she's a kindler gentler version of the political machine that has zero interest in actually discussing freedom instead of promoting their sport-jersey.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 2:55:14 PM EDT
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Idk if you've noticed but the Republicans are literally Trotskyists. So unless you don't vote at all every single candidate is a Communist.
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Can't wait to see her commie labiaswingers jumping in here to proudly tout how they'd vote for her.

Idk if you've noticed but the Republicans are literally Trotskyists. So unless you don't vote at all every single candidate is a Communist.

I don't, because they are.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 3:42:35 PM EDT
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Project much on the sex bit?   You clearly haven't read the multiple posts I've made on Gabbard in this and all the other hatefests.

SINGLE ISSUE VOTERS will break our republic.   Count yourself among them and enjoy being led by the nose by whoever says the right thing then breaks their word later...  

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What if that "Single Issue" is freedom?
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:09:47 PM EDT
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What if that "Single Issue" is freedom?
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Nice try, but no.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:16:29 PM EDT
The thing that will really break our Republic is surrendering our god given freedoms and electing leftists.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:19:52 PM EDT
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The thing that will really break our Republic is surrendering our god given freedoms and electing leftists.
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It's 'God given', and they're basically ALL leftists these days.   R, D, they're all the same.  Some are definitely much, much worse than others.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:28:43 PM EDT
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It's 'God given', and they're basically ALL leftists these days.   R, D, they're all the same.  Some are definitely much, much worse than others.
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The thing that will really break our Republic is surrendering our god given freedoms and electing leftists.

It's 'God given', and they're basically ALL leftists these days.   R, D, they're all the same.  Some are definitely much, much worse than others.

There is definitely truth to that, most politicians are on the same team.  However I'm not going to support someone who explicitly says she would make me a felon.

Granted many who say they are "strong supporters" of the right to keep and bear arms would do the same no doubt once it was politically expedient.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:32:04 PM EDT
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There is definitely truth to that, most politicians are on the same team.  However I'm not going to support someone who explicitly says she would make me a felon.

Granted many who say they are "strong supporters" of the right to keep and bear arms would do the same no doubt once it was politically expedient.
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I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:37:03 PM EDT
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I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.
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So as long as they say America is the bestest and play I'm Proud to Be An American at rallys you're good to go. Got it

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:38:00 PM EDT
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So as long as they say America is the bestest and play I'm Proud to Be An American at rallys you're good to go. Got it

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Sure, narrow down my entire political acumen to one statement, that'll serve you well.  I'm sure you feel you scored a point!  Good for you.  Have a great day.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:38:58 PM EDT
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I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

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I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

Read some history. Justice Story wrote:

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. And yet, though this truth would seem so clear, and the importance of a well regulated militia would seem so undeniable, it cannot be disguised, that among the American people there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline, and a strong disposition, from a sense of its burthens, to be rid of all regulations. How it is practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization, it is difficult to see. There is certainly no small danger, that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights.
RKBA is an absolute litmus test for politicians.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:39:05 PM EDT
Has she resigned from the Council on Foreign Relations yet?  That's a globalist group.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:39:54 PM EDT
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I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

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There is definitely truth to that, most politicians are on the same team.  However I'm not going to support someone who explicitly says she would make me a felon.

Granted many who say they are "strong supporters" of the right to keep and bear arms would do the same no doubt once it was politically expedient.

I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

From Gabbard's stated positions her idea of putting America first is a bit different than mine.  I like some of her foreign policy takes, but domestically I find her to be a trainwreck and that is why I could never support her. You apparently find her positions more palatable, or maybe less egregious is the better term.  And you are of course correct that the President isn't a dictator, though more and more they do rule by EO and by having unelected government bureaucrats push administrative laws that weaken our freedoms.

I'm not going to call you any names and just say I don't agree with you as is obvious.
Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:40:57 PM EDT
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Read some history. Justice Story wrote:

RKBA is an absolute litmus test for politicians.
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Feel free to believe the way you want to believe.  I'm merely stating my beliefs, not trying to change yours.

I am neither correct nor incorrect and neither are you, that's one of the beauties of this country.

Trying to shout me down or shame me with words is not kind or necessary, it's actually against the very freedoms everyone here says they believe in.

But I'm wrong, and a communist, and all the other shit.  k.

Have a great day.

Link Posted: 2/4/2022 4:40:58 PM EDT
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I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

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There is definitely truth to that, most politicians are on the same team.  However I'm not going to support someone who explicitly says she would make me a felon.

Granted many who say they are "strong supporters" of the right to keep and bear arms would do the same no doubt once it was politically expedient.

I haven't seen a President yet who ran on a pro-gun (single issue) platform and kept their promises.

On top of that, POTUS isn't a dictator or king who rules by decree.  POTUS has a very small role in actual gun control (signing the legislation).

I'm far more interested in a Presidential candidate's stand on American Exceptionalism and if they will put the US first than their stance on individual causes.

Folks here don't seem to get that, it's all GUN GUN GUN GUN EQUALS FREEDOM and if someone doesn't necessarily agree, they're called the worst names.

I'm used to it and I honestly don't give a shit.  I get tired of the bickering after a while and let them 'win'.

That is such a realistic  view it is amazing that anyone could argue it.

ETA. Guns are just one important issue, there are plenty of others. We need to use all the weapons available to fight the totalitarians.  Tulsi is nothing more than a weapon to use against them.
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