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Link Posted: 5/12/2021 8:43:43 PM EDT
My ears are still ringing from the time I flew on one of those Metroliners from SFO to MCE back in 1984.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 8:43:44 PM EDT
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He overshot the centerline for 17R and ended up in the approach for 17L.
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I literally just noticed that listening to the comms, I didn't realize there were parallel runways.
Yup, big oops on the part of the Cirrus pilot as I assume the Lime was on CL since he was straight in.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 8:54:52 PM EDT
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Cirrus overflew its turn to final and encroached upon the flight path of the Metroliner, which was heading straight in on a long final to a parallel runway.  Metroliner was flying cargo.  Chute deployed.  ADS-B either made no difference or would have made no difference.  It happened so quickly by the time you saw the conflict, it would have been over.  If both planes had TCAS and it gave both an RA, there might have been time, but it would have been close.
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Exactly what I speculated after someone said they were landing on parallel runways.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 9:04:05 PM EDT
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Obviously saved his life but that still looks like a pretty good thud to be landing flat on the ground while sitting in a seat.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 9:06:22 PM EDT
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Obviously saved his life but that still looks like a pretty good thud to be landing flat on the ground while sitting in a seat.
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Obviously saved his life but that still looks like a pretty good thud to be landing flat on the ground while sitting in a seat.

I think it swung down tail first,  Which is why the tail was severed.  Though I think it was already partially split from the Swearingens vertical hitting it.  

Link Posted: 5/12/2021 9:26:01 PM EDT
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Glad no one was hurt.

Visual approach with traffic in sight.... Someone's insurance is gonna get loved tenderly
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 9:38:18 PM EDT
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You are correct.   The problem comes when they get reliant on the doodads and not aware of their surroundings outside.  It happens a lot.
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Sometimes things dont work when you are out of their operating envelope.  

The other problem is pilots using them as a get out of trouble free card rather than using/ having common airmanship skills to prevent them from getting into that position.

You could say the same thing about: auto pilots, MFD’s with moving maps, GPS navigation, etc.  New technologies come whether you approve or not. Use it, don’t use it, whatever, you do you.  I don’t find it a problem to have more options for any endeavor, especially those with a high price for failure.  

You are correct.   The problem comes when they get reliant on the doodads and not aware of their surroundings outside.  It happens a lot.

My favorite story about that happened to a student on a checkride right before mine.  To be fair, the DPE was known to do things to get students rattled.

During the checkride the DPE told the student to fly to XYZ airport for short/soft practice.  Student dials it into the 430, flies to the field and lands.  DPE hands him a pink slip.  He dialed the wrong airport into the 430.  

Link Posted: 5/12/2021 9:40:58 PM EDT
A friend of a friend was the one flying the Metro.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 10:55:08 PM EDT
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A friend of a friend was the one flying the Metro.
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Glad he made it home fine!
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 10:59:12 PM EDT
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A friend of a friend was the one flying the Metro.
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Same here. Happened right before I pulled up to the hangar for a trip.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 11:24:49 PM EDT
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That’s strange.  He declared an emergency for an engine failure.  
Imagine his surprise when he noticed the big gaping hole.
He kept his cool.
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 11:26:58 PM EDT
Centennial Mid-Air Collision! 5/12/2021
Link Posted: 5/12/2021 11:38:15 PM EDT
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Same here. Happened right before I pulled up to the hangar for a trip.
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A friend of a friend was the one flying the Metro.

Same here. Happened right before I pulled up to the hangar for a trip.

This place really feels small worldish at times. Glad he is ok.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:12:15 AM EDT
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I knew the ol' Metro was tough, but today we found out just how tough they really are! Many many of my friends flew the "death tube", and all of them said she was a handful but a really tough airplane... they were all correct in their assessment!

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It's not that bad.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:14:58 AM EDT
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Need to hear the tapes but sounds like the Key Lime plane was cleared visual 14L and the Cirrus 14R, Cirrus Overshot the centerline and clipped the Key Lime.  Even with TCAS two non precision parallel approaches was a recipe for disaster, was the Cirrus also given a traffic advisory as a reminder?  Sweringer probably has TCAS (not TCAS ii if anyone knows) and who knows what the fuck Cirrus boy was paying attention to.
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I've never seen a Merto with TCAS.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:26:50 AM EDT
APA, one of busiest General Aviation airports in the United States.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:32:25 AM EDT
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I literally just noticed that listening to the comms, I didn't realize there were parallel runways.
Yup, big oops on the part of the Cirrus pilot as I assume the Lime was on CL since he was straight in.
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He overshot the centerline for 17R and ended up in the approach for 17L.

I literally just noticed that listening to the comms, I didn't realize there were parallel runways.
Yup, big oops on the part of the Cirrus pilot as I assume the Lime was on CL since he was straight in.

Same thing happened May 11th 1996 at APA.  RV lined up on wrong runway, landed ahead of a Sukoi, which landed on top of him (couldnt see because of the approach attitude, nose high).
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:33:28 AM EDT
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APA, one of busiest General Aviation airports in the United States.
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I would have called BS, but 958 average air ops a day.  Damn, about 1.5x as many as Dallas Love Field.

Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:37:45 AM EDT
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My ears are still ringing from the time I flew on one of those Metroliners from SFO to MCE back in 1984.
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Back in the late 70's when I was working on my SEL license out of Salem Aviation (A Cessna dealership) in '150's and '152's the Metroliners were flying out of there (They'd ended the '737 flights)  I used to love standing on the ramp and smelling that burnt kerosene smell when they headed for the taxiway.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:49:31 AM EDT
The skies are busy around here. Centennial airport plus Denver constantly have large and small planes in the area.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:55:08 AM EDT
I’m surprised nobody has posted the video from the last Cirrus midair in the APA - Jeffco corridor.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:59:11 AM EDT
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Well THAT pic' goes straight into the sales brochure!
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 3:29:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 8:19:02 AM EDT
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Back in the late 70's when I was working on my SEL license out of Salem Aviation (A Cessna dealership) in '150's and '152's the Metroliners were flying out of there (They'd ended the '737 flights)  I used to love standing on the ramp and smelling that burnt kerosene smell when they headed for the taxiway.
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Mid to late 80's and early 90's, I worked as a line boy while I was getting my certificates and ratings.  I remember going up to the cockpit, sorry "flight deck" of a Midstate airlines Metro 2, and thinking "I'd give up a nut, to fly one of these".

I never got to fly a Metro/Jetstream/B-1900.   Thankfully once I started airline flying, I never had to fly an airplane that didn't have at least one real lavatory and flight attendant.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 8:24:19 AM EDT
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A friend of a friend was the one flying the Metro.
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does he want to beat the shit out the cirrus pilot or what?
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 10:25:43 AM EDT
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I've never seen a Merto with TCAS.
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Need to hear the tapes but sounds like the Key Lime plane was cleared visual 14L and the Cirrus 14R, Cirrus Overshot the centerline and clipped the Key Lime.  Even with TCAS two non precision parallel approaches was a recipe for disaster, was the Cirrus also given a traffic advisory as a reminder?  Sweringer probably has TCAS (not TCAS ii if anyone knows) and who knows what the fuck Cirrus boy was paying attention to.
I've never seen a Merto with TCAS.

The Cirrus pilot was given an advisory and advised tower that he had the Metroliner in sight prior to starting his base turn.  He was following another aircraft in the traffic pattern for the runway he was cleared for, while the Metroliner did his straight in to the other runway.  Guess he lost sight/awareness of the metroliner and concentrated on his turn to final, and still managed to overshoot far enough to end up on final for the wrong runway (unless he just "blew a fuse" and thought he was supposed to be going for the other runway, forgetting entirely about the metroliner).

TCAS is going to be of limited use in such a situation because it is going to give a traffic advisory whether the cirrus makes his turn to final correctly or not (and probably even if he never even turns base and continues on downwind).  Resolution advisories were likely completely inhibited because the aircraft was under 1000' AGL at the time of the collision, and likewise would be given regardless of whether/how badly the cirrus screwed up his turn if it wasn't inhibited.  And when maneuvering at those distances, the display isn't going to be precise/accurate enough to tell the pilot if the cirrus overshot his turn or not - it is not really intended for close in maneuvering such as an airport traffic pattern, especially with parallel runways.

Link Posted: 5/13/2021 10:28:12 AM EDT
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Like most of Juan's videos, this one is gold.

The student pilot out on his first solo.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 10:39:54 AM EDT
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Was air traffic controller Donald Margolis involved?
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That was my first thought lol
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 10:44:06 AM EDT
Animation by student pilot on solo that saw it happen.  

Watched Ballistic Parachute AND Mid-Air Collision during First Student Solo!
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 10:47:44 AM EDT
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What will happen to the cirrus guy? Huge peepee slap?
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Maybe some remedial training.  His insurance will cost more.

ETA:  Everyone's insurance will cost more.  Mine went up $100 this year, because of shit like this.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 10:50:54 AM EDT
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Maybe some remedial training.  His insurance will cost more.

ETA:  Everyone's insurance will cost more.  Mine went up $100 this year, because of shit like this.  
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What will happen to the cirrus guy? Huge peepee slap?

Maybe some remedial training.  His insurance will cost more.

ETA:  Everyone's insurance will cost more.  Mine went up $100 this year, because of shit like this.  

But doesn't Cirrus publish some list of "success stories"?  At least he will always have that.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 11:00:30 AM EDT
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But doesn't Cirrus publish some list of "success stories"?  At least he will always have that.
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What will happen to the cirrus guy? Huge peepee slap?

Maybe some remedial training.  His insurance will cost more.

ETA:  Everyone's insurance will cost more.  Mine went up $100 this year, because of shit like this.  

But doesn't Cirrus publish some list of "success stories"?  At least he will always have that.

Ha!  Maybe they'll send him a hat and a T-shirt.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 11:07:35 AM EDT
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The Cirrus pilot was given an advisory and advised tower that he had the Metroliner in sight prior to starting his base turn.  He was following another aircraft in the traffic pattern for the runway he was cleared for, while the Metroliner did his straight in to the other runway.  Guess he lost sight/awareness of the metroliner and concentrated on his turn to final, and still managed to overshoot far enough to end up on final for the wrong runway (unless he just "blew a fuse" and thought he was supposed to be going for the other runway, forgetting entirely about the metroliner).

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Disagree.  Just before that the Cirrus pilot acknowledged seeing the Cessna ahead of him in the pattern for 17R.  The second advisory (about the Metro this time) I think he noted seeing the Cessna again...not the Metro.  Had he seen the Metro he would have pooped his big boy pants.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 11:34:52 AM EDT
How far from the runway was the Metro when it was hit? How far/ How long did he have to keep piloting it to the runway?
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:05:28 PM EDT
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How far from the runway was the Metro when it was hit? How far/ How long did he have to keep piloting it to the runway?
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About 3 miles.  Collision occurred over Cherry Creek Park, which was lucky.  That whole area is pretty populated.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:07:52 PM EDT
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How far from the runway was the Metro when it was hit? How far/ How long did he have to keep piloting it to the runway?
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Looks to be about 2 to 2.5 miles from the runway. The pilot was lucky he didn't have to fly further or the back may have fallen off.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:12:32 PM EDT
Amateur hour
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:16:57 PM EDT
So that’s what was causing the traffic there yesterday.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:27:51 PM EDT
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Looks to be about 2 to 2.5 miles from the runway. The pilot was lucky he didn't have to fly further or the back may have fallen off.
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I imagine it was a handful.  I assume the empennage had a pretty good oscillation of some sort going.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:28:40 PM EDT
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Were there two lesbian air traffic controllers that were having lovers quarrel?
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The WHITE Zone is for passenger loading and unloading only - there is no Parking in the RED Zone ...  
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 12:58:25 PM EDT
There is a shooting range in the park located just East of the approach flight path. Might have gotten real interesting if the Cirrus "landed" there.

Link Posted: 5/13/2021 1:01:38 PM EDT
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There is a shooting range in the park located just East of the approach flight path. Might have gotten real interesting if the Cirrus "landed" there.

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News be like "There are unconfirmed reports the aircraft were possibly shotdown by high capacity assault rifles".
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 1:43:58 PM EDT
This shows how close the crash site was to the range. Fairly close to some houses as well.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 4:55:14 PM EDT
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There is a shooting range in the park located just East of the approach flight path. Might have gotten real interesting if the Cirrus "landed" there.

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Why?  Would the fudds say "fuck you, Mr. Airplane. It's my time to shoot." ?
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 5:21:50 PM EDT
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I've never seen a Merto with TCAS.
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Need to hear the tapes but sounds like the Key Lime plane was cleared visual 14L and the Cirrus 14R, Cirrus Overshot the centerline and clipped the Key Lime.  Even with TCAS two non precision parallel approaches was a recipe for disaster, was the Cirrus also given a traffic advisory as a reminder?  Sweringer probably has TCAS (not TCAS ii if anyone knows) and who knows what the fuck Cirrus boy was paying attention to.
I've never seen a Merto with TCAS.

FAR part 135, the aircraft must be equipped with TCAS if it is turbine powered and has 10 to 30 passenger seats (FAR 135.180)

ETA I don’t know if Key Lime is configured for pax or cargo there though but iirc they only run 135 out of there.
Link Posted: 5/13/2021 5:30:03 PM EDT
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Why?  Would the fudds say "fuck you, Mr. Airplane. It's my time to shoot." ?
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Uhhh no. The 100 yard rifle range benches are covered and there are multiple overhead beams with substantial baffles going out to around 50 yards. You can't see overhead at all when shooting. Based on the number of baffle strikes they are very much needed.

Link Posted: 5/14/2021 10:57:27 AM EDT
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FAR part 135, the aircraft must be equipped with TCAS if it is turbine powered and has 10 to 30 passenger seats (FAR 135.180)

ETA I don't know if Key Lime is configured for pax or cargo there though but iirc they only run 135 out of there.
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Need to hear the tapes but sounds like the Key Lime plane was cleared visual 14L and the Cirrus 14R, Cirrus Overshot the centerline and clipped the Key Lime.  Even with TCAS two non precision parallel approaches was a recipe for disaster, was the Cirrus also given a traffic advisory as a reminder?  Sweringer probably has TCAS (not TCAS ii if anyone knows) and who knows what the fuck Cirrus boy was paying attention to.
I've never seen a Merto with TCAS.

FAR part 135, the aircraft must be equipped with TCAS if it is turbine powered and has 10 to 30 passenger seats (FAR 135.180)

ETA I don't know if Key Lime is configured for pax or cargo there though but iirc they only run 135 out of there.
Key lime is 99% cargo, I believe they have a Metro 23 setup for passenger charters.  I flew metro's for almost 15 years ( I love that plane ). I've flown probably close to 50 different airframes.  Never seen one with tcas in it.
Link Posted: 5/14/2021 11:00:25 AM EDT
They have 2 metro 23's,  and do a lot more passenger work than I remembered
Link Posted: 5/14/2021 11:18:44 AM EDT
Centennial Mid-Air Collision! 5/12/2021
Link Posted: 5/14/2021 11:30:01 AM EDT

There is one instrument approach to the parallel runways (RNAV GPS for 17L)

The Cirrus driver pulled it up for whatever reason.

He used the 17L extended centerline to make the base to final turn, but it was the wrong runway.

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