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Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:17:22 PM EDT
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I don’t think anyone needs to worry about Richmond Antifa

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Well, they want their guns so they can fight straight white Christian capitalists, so....

That second pic is hilarious

Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:18:36 PM EDT
I was excited to see the Chick-fil-A just to the northeast of the capitol building on Google Maps but upon closer examination it must be inside the VCU medical center Oh well, still planning to pack everything I'll need in and out. Suppose I could always just pack in CFA
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:20:48 PM EDT
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Constitutional audit needs to take place. All unconstitutional laws need to be stricken, and those who put them in place, dealt with harshly.
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No such thing exists.

Our courts operate on a case by case basis.
A party with 'standing' (can show damages) must bring the case forward.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:25:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:35:37 PM EDT
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Lmao. So even the fucking commies know this shit is dumb. Ain't that something.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:44:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:45:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:49:28 PM EDT
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Never thought I'd stand along side ANTIFA.  
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:52:01 PM EDT
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Never thought I'd stand along side ANTIFA.  
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Pretty sure that’s a satire chapter.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 3:53:29 PM EDT
lmao i agree with antifa today? the commie brown shirts need their guns 2!
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:00:51 PM EDT
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:01:43 PM EDT
This is the flag we need to be flying along with the VA flag

Bedford Flag
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:10:30 PM EDT
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Pretty sure that’s a satire chapter.
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It’s not
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:17:56 PM EDT
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Out fucking standing!
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I fucking told you.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:18:12 PM EDT
Does anyone know if there will be a live feed of speakers and activities on Lobby Day?

Would it be worth reaching out to Right side Broadcasting on YouTube?
I do not not know anyone from that line of work but am willing to start making contact with them.

This sort of live feed could be something that saves us later.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:31:38 PM EDT
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When you say snatch teams Erin, are you talking teams targeting leadership for removal or targeting agitators?
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That’s can be the same category, seen from two different perspectives.

Before I got too well known and could still sneak into lefty training events, I got to see them teaching versatile de-arrest tactics to activists that could also be easily pressed into seizing people they wanted to have control of.

Go to 7:27 in the video and watch the black guy with dreads on the left side of the screen snatch the guy, pull him into a pile of cops, then roll out the back. I also saw dreads in another clip behind a police van getting his eyes rinsed by a cop who definitely wasn’t responding to him like an antifa goon.

I watched this happen in person from about 20 feet away on the right, and still almost missed it.

Dreads was the most obnoxious antifa goon there that day, and going back and reviewing footage of him was very illuminating.

There’s going to be people like that planted on all sides.

Joey Gibson and Kyle Chapman aka Stickman are heckled by Antifa at Patriot Prayer Portland
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:46:14 PM EDT
Friends in strange places?

I kind of want to talk to this guy now....

Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:46:32 PM EDT
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You're thinking too conventional.

Hypothetically speaking, if you remove water distribution and purification and sanitary sewage and power distribution from a major metropolitan area you will starve it out. Water will take priority over food.

Water and sewer systems are more critical than food deliveries.
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Yea, if people start doing that then the feds get involved and it's game over.

Like I keep saying, you guys are assuming this is going hot, whereas that's unlikely.

The more likely scenario is that it ends up like another Bundy ranch standoff. You start sabotaging water supplies and shit like that and then domestic terrorist becomes much more than just a buzzword for the liberal media. You start fucking with public works you're declaring war.

More than likely they'll focus on a single county, most likely Culpeper, and it will be a big long drawn out Mexican standoff. You'll have the state troopers and the National Guard outside Culpeper city limits, with the sheriff and his deputies barricaded inside.

They're not gong to be the ones to go door to door. They'll get the sheriffs to do that for them, and the ones who refuse will be removed from office. Some of them won't go willingly, and that's when the standoffs will begin.

You guys are thinking way too grandiosely.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 4:51:25 PM EDT
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I'm finding myself identifying with Antifa, and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Strange times we live in, these are.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:00:16 PM EDT
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As said elsewhere - As much as I appreciate solidarity on the 2A issue and encourage everyone to get involved and be heard...

I want absolutely ZERO association, real or imagined, with those fucktarded shitbags.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:01:48 PM EDT
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As said elsewhere - As much as I appreciate solidarity on the 2A issue and encourage everyone to get involved and be heard...

I want absolutely ZERO association, real or imagined, with those fucktarded shitbags.

Thanks, but no thanks.
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agreed, but it's a message none the less.

Lee carter is very interesting to me. I could give a fuck about anything but gun control right now. And if he, as a NOVA dem in the house is against it, I think him and Roem vote as a bloc or something.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:03:30 PM EDT
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As said elsewhere - As much as I appreciate solidarity on the 2A issue and encourage everyone to get involved and be heard...

I want absolutely ZERO association, real or imagined, with those fucktarded shitbags.

Thanks, but no thanks.
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As said elsewhere - As much as I appreciate solidarity on the 2A issue and encourage everyone to get involved and be heard...

I want absolutely ZERO association, real or imagined, with those fucktarded shitbags.

Thanks, but no thanks.
Liberty makes strange bedfellows.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:09:49 PM EDT
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There are those here who, rightly, are concerned about not just about what has happened already, but rather what MIGHT happen. If you are not concerned, you haven't been paying attention. So, for those folks, let me lay this out in as succinct a way as possible.

The Dims at the national level have gone full retard. There's no other way to look at it. They lost the 2016 election by a large margin while all the while thinking they were supposed to have won. In 2018, they managed to steal just enough votes to take control of the House. Since they can't accept the results of the resounding rebuke the Dims got in 2016, they decided that they were all-in on "Get Trump!". So incensed that their intricate web of deceit not only failed to topple Donald Trump, it caused him to expose their treachery. In a last desperate attempt to lash out, they collected a bunch of random words, complete gibberish, and called them Articles of Impeachment, which were nothing of the sort. And, with public opinion turning against them, again, they see a monumental loss in 2020 coming because all the Dim candidates are raving lunatics. So, what is a budding totalitarian to do? What they intend to do, since they have been rebuffed in their communist takeover of the national government (damn those pesky Trump supporters!), is to attack state by state, attempting to inflict a communist takeover one at a time until they can set the stage for a national coup that works.

In Virginia, the Dims used lawfare effectively to re-district the Commonwealth to heavily favor the Dims. In addition, 8 years of Odumbo deliberately stocked the NoVA area with wildly misnamed "refugees" as well as legal immigrants all of who are from "3rd world shitholes" that have no culture of freedom and a long history of corruption and dictatorship. Combined with the libtard Chicago-way spoiles of winning, ie, crony jobs for idelogues, regulatory weaponization against conservatives, and massive embezzlement, and you have a very large contingent of swamp-related citizens in a formerly red area. The feckless VaGOP, typical blue-blood, country-club establishment types who despise Doanld Trump, decided to "get back" at DJT by not even running candidates in dozens of races. So, between the rabid communists stacking the deck, and the VaGOP going NeverTrumper, the Dims were just barely able to squeak out a win and takeover of the legislature.

So now we have the situation we're in. We have an out-of-control reckless state government that is threatening not only a large percentage of the citizenry with prison or death but local law enforcement and local elected officials. We have a Governor who has demonstrated with amazing alacrity that he is totally devoid of conscience, totally consumed with his own quest for power, and totally impervious to reason, common sense, and the rule of law. The heads of the various branches of Virginia government have become Soviet-style Politburo apparatchiks who believe they have the power to do whatever they feel like, Constitution be damned. And since many of the courts are benched by activist Dims, they fear not the judicial system. The Virginia heads have seen what NY and California have done and want to make the state they control a model of Soviet efficiency. Add to all this that Racist Ralphie, Red Herring, and Rapey Fairfax have no political future at all. This is the last elected position any of them will ever hold. For a politician, that is a very dangerous time because the impact on future electoral prospects don't exist and they know it.

Here is where we come in. These communists and their accolytes all think that since they "have the power" that you will submit. That you will obey. That you will cower in fear. Just like the people in every other communist dictatorship (and some states in the good old US of A). They firmly believe that they will force you to get rid of your guns or they will take them by force. And, in their minds, that will be that. Once that's done, then any other obnoxious, heinous, odious, immoral, repugnant, and unConstitutional thing they want to implement is a shoe-in. They thought wrong.

Their hubris was evident when they tried to get gun control this past summer. It didn't work. Then, these criminal bills were pre-filed, tipping their hand as to their intentions. But, guess what? A bunch of folks who normally are not politically active at all and who normally don't think much about the government (other than to gripe about it taxing and spending too much) got up off their couches and stood in front of their local elected officials and demanded they honor THEIR oath of office to protect the citizens and the Constitution. With the overwhelming presence in each of over 112 cities, towns, and counties, these elected officials not only condemned the bills in question, but declared that no local resources of any kind were to be used to enfore these flagrantly unlawful laws. We the People pushed back in an massive, public, and targeted way. And, it was done in a timeframe unheard of in politics, catching the budding communists of the ruling cabal off guard. As a result, the empire began to float trial balloons to begin to strike back. The more it became obvious that their plans would be foiled completely, the more adamant, the more shrill, the more extreme they became to desperately try to demonstrate they were large and in charge and you plebes had better get used to it. Then, slowly, that disintegrated in front of their eyes, too.

The last piece of the puzzle that will force these maniacal toads with delusions of grandeur to finally see their quest to impose Venezuela on Virginia die completely is to see how many armed patriots show up to oppose them. If we have 20k or 30k, or 100k armed people, some of whom are/were combat veterans, that not only steadfastly hold to our "No gun control. Period" mantra, but put them on notice that we want to push the bar forward on pro-gun items. And, a message that must be heard with absolute certainty, that failing to heed this second warning (the first being the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Tsunami) will result in their removal from the levers of power by whatever means are required.

Even irrational people have moments of clarity. We need to bring that moment of clarity directly to them in an unambiguous way. It needn't be said that if We the People decide to remove the offenders from our government, that it will happen swiftly and surely. In fact, we needn't say anything at all. Our willingness to stand up and be among those counted in what future historians will regard as a pivotal moment in citizens right to constrain their government speaks volumes about us. And it will be completely antithetical to the communists' mental model of we the sheeple.

ETA: Good gawd, sorry for the wall of text.
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Very well said. This is what the politicians need to understand. And I hope the people of this country have finally reached the point that we need to stand together with Virginia.
God bless you all and I have a good feeling about this.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:16:32 PM EDT
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agreed, but it's a message none the less.

Lee carter is very interesting to me. I could give a fuck about anything but gun control right now. And if he, as a NOVA dem in the house is against it, I think him and Roem vote as a bloc or something.
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As said elsewhere - As much as I appreciate solidarity on the 2A issue and encourage everyone to get involved and be heard...

I want absolutely ZERO association, real or imagined, with those fucktarded shitbags.

Thanks, but no thanks.
agreed, but it's a message none the less.

Lee carter is very interesting to me. I could give a fuck about anything but gun control right now. And if he, as a NOVA dem in the house is against it, I think him and Roem vote as a bloc or something.
Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:21:56 PM EDT
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
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Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:28:36 PM EDT
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Liberty makes strange bedfellows.
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Yes. Be careful screening who you will keep company with, or you'll end up alone. There are dozens of posts in this thread by people who I'd quickly fall out with if we hashed out all of our political opinions. Set all that aside for one day.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:29:22 PM EDT
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Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:31:39 PM EDT
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Never thought I'd stand along side ANTIFA.  
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Remember that the enemy of your enemy can still be your enemy.  Even if they're fighting w/ you, they don't share goals and they will stab you in the back when they think the time is right.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:40:45 PM EDT
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I fucking told you.
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I fucking told you.
You did. And I stand corrected. Don’t mind being wrong in instances such as these.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:40:48 PM EDT
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That’s can be the same category, seen from two different perspectives.

Before I got too well known and could still sneak into lefty training events, I got to see them teaching versatile de-arrest tactics to activists that could also be easily pressed into seizing people they wanted to have control of.

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Do explain about 'de-arrest' techniques.

Your insight in this area is valuable. I watched this when you posted it earlier and pointed it out. That was smooth. In the chaotic context, almost nobody would have picked up on that move but a couple people that were right there.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:41:01 PM EDT
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Yea, if people start doing that then the feds get involved and it's game over.

Like I keep saying, you guys are assuming this is going hot, whereas that's unlikely.

The more likely scenario is that it ends up like another Bundy ranch standoff. You start sabotaging water supplies and shit like that and then domestic terrorist becomes much more than just a buzzword for the liberal media. You start fucking with public works you're declaring war.

More than likely they'll focus on a single county, most likely Culpeper, and it will be a big long drawn out Mexican standoff. You'll have the state troopers and the National Guard outside Culpeper city limits, with the sheriff and his deputies barricaded inside.

They're not gong to be the ones to go door to door. They'll get the sheriffs to do that for them, and the ones who refuse will be removed from office. Some of them won't go willingly, and that's when the standoffs will begin.

You guys are thinking way too grandiosely.
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You're thinking too conventional.

Hypothetically speaking, if you remove water distribution and purification and sanitary sewage and power distribution from a major metropolitan area you will starve it out. Water will take priority over food.

Water and sewer systems are more critical than food deliveries.
Yea, if people start doing that then the feds get involved and it's game over.

Like I keep saying, you guys are assuming this is going hot, whereas that's unlikely.

The more likely scenario is that it ends up like another Bundy ranch standoff. You start sabotaging water supplies and shit like that and then domestic terrorist becomes much more than just a buzzword for the liberal media. You start fucking with public works you're declaring war.

More than likely they'll focus on a single county, most likely Culpeper, and it will be a big long drawn out Mexican standoff. You'll have the state troopers and the National Guard outside Culpeper city limits, with the sheriff and his deputies barricaded inside.

They're not gong to be the ones to go door to door. They'll get the sheriffs to do that for them, and the ones who refuse will be removed from office. Some of them won't go willingly, and that's when the standoffs will begin.

You guys are thinking way too grandiosely.
I think anyone planning or pondering laying siege to a city, economically or militarily, is way off in fantasy land. My point was that even that discussion is irrational, as it is an ineffective method of accomplishing a goal.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:49:34 PM EDT
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I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits striking by law enforcement, but also by teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV. If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint is summarily fired.  Which hasn’t happened.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:50:56 PM EDT
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Takes someone from CA to celebrate the spread of their own cancer...
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With attitudes EXACTLY like this here... "YOU'RE NEXT!"
Takes someone from CA to celebrate the spread of their own cancer...
No Sir we are all rooting for you. Just wanted to say Welcome!
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:57:15 PM EDT
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That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits striking by law enforcement, but also by teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV. If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint  is summarily fired.  Which hasn’t happened.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
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This is how my delegate explained it to me as well.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:57:29 PM EDT
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That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV from striking.  If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint is summarily fired.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV from striking.  If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint is summarily fired.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
Ok, then why does it exempt literally every other state employee EXCEPT law enforcement? Right in the middle of the majority of LE stating they won't enforce these laws, and the governor and AG threatening consequences.

It absolutely does what I said it does. While also allowing other government employees to strike. It is a win/win for them.

It absolutely is a real threat. Minimalize it at your peril.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 5:59:52 PM EDT
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Getting a license is easy enough.
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I'm more than a little irked that I'm buying this two-way radio and it's illegal for me to transmit.  
Getting a license is easy enough.
You are allowed to use the ham bands in an emergency.  Losing one of your constitutional rights is emergency enough for me.

Ham radio VE
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:03:43 PM EDT
Everyone that comes in from out of town should grab cash while in the city. I think a couple mil in cash leaving the city over the weekend would send a message.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:06:22 PM EDT
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Ok, then why does it exempt literally every other state employee EXCEPT law enforcement? Right in the middle of the majority of LE stating they won't enforce these laws, and the governor and AG threatening consequences.

It absolutely does what I said it does. While also allowing other government employees to strike. It is a win/win for them.

It absolutely is a real threat. Minimalize it at your peril.
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV from striking.  If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint is summarily fired.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
Ok, then why does it exempt literally every other state employee EXCEPT law enforcement? Right in the middle of the majority of LE stating they won't enforce these laws, and the governor and AG threatening consequences.

It absolutely does what I said it does. While also allowing other government employees to strike. It is a win/win for them.

It absolutely is a real threat. Minimalize it at your peril.
It excepts law enforcement because there’s no chance of it passing if it doesn’t. People don’t like the idea of LEOs striking. They figure it will turn into The Purge without you.

If HR67 passes, it changes nothing for Virginia police.

We’ve got SB16, radical Commonwealth’s Attorneys in Fairfax and Loudoun, preemption under threat, the likely passage of UBC and Red Flag, VA turning into an illegal alien sanctuary state, likely tax increases, the list goes on.  That’s real. HR67 isn’t.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:10:35 PM EDT
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It excepts law enforcement because there’s no chance of it passing if it doesn’t. People don’t like the idea of LEOs striking. They figure it will turn into The Purge without you.

If HR67 passes, it changes nothing for Virginia police.

We’ve got SB16, radical Commonwealth’s Attorneys in Fairfax and Loudoun, preemption under threat, the likely passage of UBC and Red Flag, VA turning into an illegal alien sanctuary state, likely tax increases, the list goes on.  That’s real. HR67 isn’t.
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV from striking.  If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint is summarily fired.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
Ok, then why does it exempt literally every other state employee EXCEPT law enforcement? Right in the middle of the majority of LE stating they won't enforce these laws, and the governor and AG threatening consequences.

It absolutely does what I said it does. While also allowing other government employees to strike. It is a win/win for them.

It absolutely is a real threat. Minimalize it at your peril.
It excepts law enforcement because there’s no chance of it passing if it doesn’t. People don’t like the idea of LEOs striking. They figure it will turn into The Purge without you.

If HR67 passes, it changes nothing for Virginia police.

We’ve got SB16, radical Commonwealth’s Attorneys in Fairfax and Loudoun, preemption under threat, the likely passage of UBC and Red Flag, VA turning into an illegal alien sanctuary state, likely tax increases, the list goes on.  That’s real. HR67 isn’t.
I'm well aware of all the other threats we face.

I can assure you that VA LE are very concerned about HB67.

Even if it is as toothless as you claim, I firmly believe it is a message to LE to get in line. That is how it is being received, and it is increasing LE resolve to oppose all of this bullshit.

I'm sorry I don't share your optimism that a hostile legislature won't use this bill to get what they want, when it clearly spells out how they can.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:14:32 PM EDT
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I hope GCO has a copy of the VCDL playbook because Bloomberg has already stated he's going to dump money into upcoming elections here.
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God willing I will be able to come to Georgia too.  Hope everybody else can.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:16:54 PM EDT
edit:: screwed up link. Ignore.

Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:17:37 PM EDT
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Best one yet!
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:18:44 PM EDT
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Best one yet!
Damn your quick. Lol. Pulled it because I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to have it linked back here.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:27:30 PM EDT
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:28:55 PM EDT
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:32:31 PM EDT
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Pretty sure that’s a satire chapter.
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Pretty sure that’s a satire chapter.
Pretty sure they'd only say such things as a means to an end, be it a knife in our ribs or simply framing us for vandalism.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:32:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:45:29 PM EDT
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I think anyone planning or pondering laying siege to a city, economically or militarily, is way off in fantasy land. My point was that even that discussion is irrational, as it is an ineffective method of accomplishing a goal.
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That's my whole point. If they cut off the supply trucks into Culpeper there's not going to be this army to respond in kind to Richmond.

Like I said, the most likely scenario is that they remove the sheriff from office, he refuses to leave and his people back him up, and the staties and maybe the National Guard set up camp outside city limits and it turns into a Bundy-esque standoff.

IF they follow through on threats to cut off their supplies, that might be the catalyst that makes it happen. An armed convoy will challenge their roadblocks if they try to stop them, and that could very well turn into a shots fired situation. The neighboring counties aren't going to take kindly to statist thugs trying to starve out a duly elected sheriff and his constituents.

I seriously don't think they'll be stupid enough to follow through though. I'm like 99% sure that this is all idle threats designed to motivate some concerned citizen types to send Jenkins hate mail. It's obviously a bluff, and they need to be called out on it.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:46:19 PM EDT
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
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