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Link Posted: 12/28/2019 6:59:56 PM EDT
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I looked into renting a live U backpack to do just that.

Unfortunately it used cell modems, and Im sure cell service will be spotty.
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They need a low-power broadcast FM band transmitter.  Easily 1/4-1/2 mile range.  Relatively inexpensive.

Support NBB and Virginia:
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:18:25 PM EDT
For you Fairfax County ARFCOMers:

Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:24:57 PM EDT
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Do explain about 'de-arrest' techniques.

Your insight in this area is valuable. I watched this when you posted it earlier and pointed it out. That was smooth. In the chaotic context, almost nobody would have picked up on that move but a couple people that were right there.
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That’s can be the same category, seen from two different perspectives.

Before I got too well known and could still sneak into lefty training events, I got to see them teaching versatile de-arrest tactics to activists that could also be easily pressed into seizing people they wanted to have control of.

Do explain about 'de-arrest' techniques.

Your insight in this area is valuable. I watched this when you posted it earlier and pointed it out. That was smooth. In the chaotic context, almost nobody would have picked up on that move but a couple people that were right there.
Yeah I watched it happen in person and still didn’t fully process what happened until I got a chance to watch it later; I initially thought he’d just managed to slip out of the scrum while his buddy kept the cops occupied. There’s a lot sensory input happening in a situation like that, and you miss a lot of detail if it’s not immediately pressing.

Basically the de-arrest part happens after a few hours of teaching a mass of people to move in unison and under direction, and it essentially involves mobbing people in front of the target as blockers while folks around/behind grab the limbs and trunk and almost crowdsurf the target deeper into the pack; after a bit of training it becomes rather smooth, and as well as obvious to the more discerning that it’s a technique with many different applications.

They presented it as a way to protect activists from violent skinheads, but the instructors were very clearly modeling LE snatch teams.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:35:53 PM EDT
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I'm well aware of all the other threats we face.

I can assure you that VA LE are very concerned about HB67.

Even if it is as toothless as you claim, I firmly believe it is a message to LE to get in line. That is how it is being received, and it is increasing LE resolve to oppose all of this bullshit.

I'm sorry I don't share your optimism that a hostile legislature won't use this bill to get what they want, when it clearly spells out how they can.
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Fuck that piece of shit. He will vote for every piece of gun control.

He is the sponser of SB67: the bill that would fire cops who don't enforce gun laws.
Are you sure about that? Because I've read elsewhere that he won't support an Awb.
I've heard that, but have not seen it confirmed anywhere. Rumint at this point.

But he is the sponsor of SB67, which places LE under the dems' boot heels. This bill is a direct response to Sheriffs and rank and file LE saying they won't enforce these laws. Why would you need to keep the enforcers in line if you don't support the underlying bills?

Lee Carter is a communist shitbag.
That’s not what HB67 does. It gives government employees the right to strike, except for law enforcement. Current law, which 67 amends, prohibits teachers, librarians, and the people at the DMV from striking.  If HB67 did what people are saying it does, then current law already does the same thing, and any Virginia LEO who has ever let off the hook  someone he caught with a joint is summarily fired.

There are laws liberals don’t want to see enforced either, and they’re not about to remove discretion.  It would be totally unworkable.  Let’s worry about real threats.
Ok, then why does it exempt literally every other state employee EXCEPT law enforcement? Right in the middle of the majority of LE stating they won't enforce these laws, and the governor and AG threatening consequences.

It absolutely does what I said it does. While also allowing other government employees to strike. It is a win/win for them.

It absolutely is a real threat. Minimalize it at your peril.
It excepts law enforcement because there’s no chance of it passing if it doesn’t. People don’t like the idea of LEOs striking. They figure it will turn into The Purge without you.

If HR67 passes, it changes nothing for Virginia police.

We’ve got SB16, radical Commonwealth’s Attorneys in Fairfax and Loudoun, preemption under threat, the likely passage of UBC and Red Flag, VA turning into an illegal alien sanctuary state, likely tax increases, the list goes on.  That’s real. HR67 isn’t.
I'm well aware of all the other threats we face.

I can assure you that VA LE are very concerned about HB67.

Even if it is as toothless as you claim, I firmly believe it is a message to LE to get in line. That is how it is being received, and it is increasing LE resolve to oppose all of this bullshit.

I'm sorry I don't share your optimism that a hostile legislature won't use this bill to get what they want, when it clearly spells out how they can.
I don't even think it's toothless.  I remember how the Democrats leveraged nationwide teachers strikes in 2018.  I don't like public schools, and don't think too highly of public school teachers, but I guess their focus groups tell them teachers are about as popular as puppies and ice cream, and no one ever opposes money for teachers.

I'm also not saying LEOs shouldn't worry.  There are a lot of ways that Richmond can apply pressure to make you toe the line.  Northam's a buffoon, but they have a lot of smart people working for them.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:36:28 PM EDT
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Yea, if people start doing that then the feds get involved and it's game over.

Like I keep saying, you guys are assuming this is going hot, whereas that's unlikely.

The more likely scenario is that it ends up like another Bundy ranch standoff. You start sabotaging water supplies and shit like that and then domestic terrorist becomes much more than just a buzzword for the liberal media. You start fucking with public works you're declaring war.

More than likely they'll focus on a single county, most likely Culpeper, and it will be a big long drawn out Mexican standoff. You'll have the state troopers and the National Guard outside Culpeper city limits, with the sheriff and his deputies barricaded inside.

They're not gong to be the ones to go door to door. They'll get the sheriffs to do that for them, and the ones who refuse will be removed from office. Some of them won't go willingly, and that's when the standoffs will begin.

You guys are thinking way too grandiosely.
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You're thinking too conventional.

Hypothetically speaking, if you remove water distribution and purification and sanitary sewage and power distribution from a major metropolitan area you will starve it out. Water will take priority over food.

Water and sewer systems are more critical than food deliveries.
Yea, if people start doing that then the feds get involved and it's game over.

Like I keep saying, you guys are assuming this is going hot, whereas that's unlikely.

The more likely scenario is that it ends up like another Bundy ranch standoff. You start sabotaging water supplies and shit like that and then domestic terrorist becomes much more than just a buzzword for the liberal media. You start fucking with public works you're declaring war.

More than likely they'll focus on a single county, most likely Culpeper, and it will be a big long drawn out Mexican standoff. You'll have the state troopers and the National Guard outside Culpeper city limits, with the sheriff and his deputies barricaded inside.

They're not gong to be the ones to go door to door. They'll get the sheriffs to do that for them, and the ones who refuse will be removed from office. Some of them won't go willingly, and that's when the standoffs will begin.

You guys are thinking way too grandiosely.
If 30,000 people show up armed, and they still pass unconstitutional laws.... well COC and all that but I think there's valid reasons people are starting to think about this.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:38:39 PM EDT
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:42:13 PM EDT
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Everyone that comes in from out of town should grab cash while in the city. I think a couple mil in cash leaving the city over the weekend would send a message.
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That's not a bad idea. Would have been more effective in the past though.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:42:25 PM EDT
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You called them a pansy party?

I know who the pansy is. Stay in Commiefornia. We don't need your kind.
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They could pick a worse song than that.    It's catchy, the words would resonate, and it's old enough almost everyone there will know it.
I know it....And all I can see while listening to is is a bunch of older people in a group home protesting the crap coming out of the cafeteria. Or a bunch of stoners sitting around trying to convince themselves that they have had enough of...what ever.
It's probably better than something I'd pick.  I'd be more inclined to pick something a bit more antagonistic.  
I've always thought March of Cambreadth would be perfect to play if things went hot during an  ambush, and randomly otherwise just to rattle people.


At this point I'm hopping a bunch of rednecks geared and gunned in lifted trucks with rebel flags show up to crash this pansy party showing how it done cranking this...

Pansy Party? What did you do in California in order to protect and defend your and your children's RKBA?

Will you come to Virginia on the 20th to support your fellow citizens?
No.... For the same reason I am hoping that the people who have already threaten violence get a very clear convincing message that it will be returned 10 fold in self defenses, in the hopes it can be avoided.

Because if I leave here, to go there, because that message wasn't clear enough and they pull that shit, I lose everything here. Own nothing but what I left with.

In other words, I ain't got the money for that. Nor do I want to see it come to that. I want so see these people back off their bullshit so that I can keep my meager life, and those people can be "left alone" to continue fighting politically.

And I'm sure there are many more watching that are in the same boat, thinking the same.  
You called them a pansy party?

I know who the pansy is. Stay in Commiefornia. We don't need your kind.
Not referring to the people showing,.. but the ones here that think they are going to send a message and have it taken seriously, while openly expressing there fear of the political correctness that the ones that the message is going to,.. created.

P.R. more than a message, at a time the message is far more important than the P.R., by far.

Never seen more rebel flags than after the left and their media tried to label it racist. People are way friggin sick of that shit. Being labelled something they are not.  And they just got call motherfuckers and told to stay home by the same lobbyists who already separated themselves from gear and guns out of fear of political correctness. And then deleted from what one poster here said, were well written responses on their facebook to make it look like they had a majority of support.

Quite possibly alienating for more that they think they will gain by playing by the lefts rules.

Little things say a lot to people who have been paying attention to this crap and have seen the same things play out for years.

Haven't donated to the nra for at least 7 years for reasons I'm seeing again.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:57:04 PM EDT
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And you don't think the federal government and or air guards in neighboring states might not use their C130s and C5s to deliver food to a starving city? Not to mention medical supplies for the hospitals?

Freaking Amazon would run the airlift if that's what it came down to.

Like I said, the bottom line is that you cannot starve out a city you don't control unless you have the means and the willingness to shoot down airplanes. It simply cannot be done.

By threatening the state of Virginia with the withholding of truckers, that is an empty and idle threat to Richmond, but a very real threat to the sanctuary counties. What he's proposing would have zero impact on Richmond, but could and probably would prove catastrophic for the counties that resisted confiscation.

And it would only incite more violence, as the images of starving kids and dying people in hospitals needing medicine would cause armed convoys to come from other states to shoot through the state's road blocks to deliver supplies.
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I'll make this point for the 10th time at least:  WHY WOULD TRUMP EVEN THINK ABOUT HELPING A DEM?  As for other Air Guards: The states have to pay for those things to fly under Title 32.  They're expensive as all hell to run.  Why would they pay to help Coonman out of a mess of his own making?
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 7:59:12 PM EDT
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That's my whole point. If they cut off the supply trucks into Culpeper there's not going to be this army to respond in kind to Richmond.

Like I said, the most likely scenario is that they remove the sheriff from office, he refuses to leave and his people back him up, and the staties and maybe the National Guard set up camp outside city limits and it turns into a Bundy-esque standoff.

IF they follow through on threats to cut off their supplies, that might be the catalyst that makes it happen. An armed convoy will challenge their roadblocks if they try to stop them, and that could very well turn into a shots fired situation. The neighboring counties aren't going to take kindly to statist thugs trying to starve out a duly elected sheriff and his constituents.

I seriously don't think they'll be stupid enough to follow through though. I'm like 99% sure that this is all idle threats designed to motivate some concerned citizen types to send Jenkins hate mail. It's obviously a bluff, and they need to be called out on it.
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I have a car, rifle, feet and a compass. So do many others. I'd be happy to oblige the call to aid for any county under siege.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:00:29 PM EDT
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If 30,000 people show up armed, and they still pass unconstitutional laws.... well COC and all that but I think there's valid reasons people are starting to think about this.
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If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:01:51 PM EDT
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If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
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Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:06:21 PM EDT
Jan 20 is the last day for bills to be amended. No. They dont vote til like feb / mar
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:07:52 PM EDT
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If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
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If 30,000 people show up armed, and they still pass unconstitutional laws.... well COC and all that but I think there's valid reasons people are starting to think about this.
If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
The House doesn't pass over bills to the Senate until February
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:08:11 PM EDT
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If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
Coonman could call a Special Session just like he did in July.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:09:43 PM EDT
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The House doesn't pass over bills to the Senate until February
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Got it. Thanks for the correction.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:13:08 PM EDT
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Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
I'm guessing he's heard the rumblings and doesn't want to be confused as being with the enemy. Fear works.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:18:53 PM EDT
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If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
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If 30,000 people show up armed, and they still pass unconstitutional laws.... well COC and all that but I think there's valid reasons people are starting to think about this.
If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
Nope. The session STARTS on Jan. 8th. There's a lot of work that has to happen before a bill can get passed in one chamber. Then, the bills are passed over to the other chamber on Feb 11th. So, it will be mid-February at the earliest any of these things will be passed by the legislature. The 20th will given them plenty of time to shitcan these awful bills.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:18:54 PM EDT
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You are allowed to use the ham bands in an emergency.  Losing one of your constitutional rights is emergency enough for me.

Ham radio VE
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That's good enough for me
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:20:43 PM EDT
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No such thing exists.

Our courts operate on a case by case basis.
A party with 'standing' (can show damages) must bring the case forward.
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Constitutional audit needs to take place. All unconstitutional laws need to be stricken, and those who put them in place, dealt with harshly.
No such thing exists.

Our courts operate on a case by case basis.
A party with 'standing' (can show damages) must bring the case forward.
I've been coming around to view that aspect of our constitution as a design flaw that benefits the system & the de facto status quo.  The financial barrier that must be overcome to be able to pursue recourse is nearly insurmountable for the individual (save a select few), being practical only through class action strategies, if even.  Meanwhile, those in govt have virtually unlimited resources with which to push their agenda(s) & suppress challenges to them.  There is no personal consequence or downside for them for blatantly violating the law.  The framers were rather naive, I think, to assume that govt - specifically, its actors - would maintain themselves beholden to, & restrained by the law.  There should have been mechanisms in place to mitigate the chances of unconstitutional laws from becoming fixed in the legal framework & maintained by stare decisis.  Judicial oversight is subject to political theater.  The corrective mechanisms aren't working as intended.  The notion of a republic is being voided by mob rule & money, & the constitutional checks & balances are being rendered irrelevant.

Power always corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Over & over again.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:21:24 PM EDT
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Everyone that comes in from out of town should grab cash while in the city. I think a couple mil in cash leaving the city over the weekend would send a message.
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For a.minute I thought you wanted me to stick up a.convenience store or Rob a bank. Then I realized that you meant withdraw at an ATM!

Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:22:36 PM EDT
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That's good enough for me
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You are allowed to use the ham bands in an emergency.  Losing one of your constitutional rights is emergency enough for me.

Ham radio VE
That's good enough for me
If the person beside you starts having a seizure, you likely won't be able to call 911 because the cell network is probably going to be overloaded already by the time 30k people show up. So, in an emergency, you can get on your Baofeng and tell somebody on the net that there's somebody having a seizure and they need help. The Arfcom folks monitoring the net will get help there.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:24:04 PM EDT
Just a thought for the people planning this:

It would be neat to have a social media blitz planned. Imagine if 5,000 people started, on 1-19, posting pro-gun memes, quotes (the Gulag Archipelago quote the other day was GOLD!), and so on to the FB pages and twitter feeds of all the reps in VA. All of us, over the course of 2-3 days, absolutely flooding their social media, tagging them in posts, posting on their walls, tagging their spouses in posts... Imagine if 30,000 gun owners checked in to the rally via facebook (whether they were there or not). A complete 3-day disruption of all of their media.

Wouldn't be hard for 3-4 of the right people to organize. Maybe even drop a thread in GD and ask people to subscribe but not post, then every half hour or so, drop a new meme in it. Ask everyone to take it to social media and plaster it all over the aforementioned locations. Maybe set people up in shifts to handle different days.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:27:31 PM EDT
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For a.minute I thought you wanted me to stick up a.convenience store or Rob a bank. Then I realized that you meant withdraw at an ATM!

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LOL. But in all seriousness, I'll be happy to withdraw from an ATM. I don't mind the lack of OPSEC. I figure my name is known. But, more importantly, I'll bring enough cash to pay scalper prices for cheeseburgers for a couple of days. Expect the ATM and CC machines to blow a gasket by lunchtime.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:28:27 PM EDT
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Yes. Be careful screening who you will keep company with, or you'll end up alone. There are dozens of posts in this thread by people who I'd quickly fall out with if we hashed out all of our political opinions. Set all that aside for one day.
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Liberty makes strange bedfellows.
Yes. Be careful screening who you will keep company with, or you'll end up alone. There are dozens of posts in this thread by people who I'd quickly fall out with if we hashed out all of our political opinions. Set all that aside for one day.
I 100% get that and would agree completely if it weren’t specifically Antifa. My concern and consternation is not that we don’t share ideologies - acceptance and defense of differing viewpoints, opinions, beliefs and outlooks is pretty much a huge part of being an American (also, life would be pretty boring otherwise).

it’s all well and good to stand together and fight for the 2A. The problem I have with it is when Antifa starts doing Antifa shit.

They undoubtedly will.  I don’t think being associated with masked bike lock throwing hooligans that look for and have a documented history of taking any opportunity to start shit would be beneficial to the cause.  We’d be painted as fringe right along with them and the message we are trying to send would be tarnished.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:30:27 PM EDT
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Friends in strange places?

I kind of want to talk to this guy now....

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Why?  That douche is no friend, under any circumstance.  He's the patron of one of these intolerable bills.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:33:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:34:03 PM EDT
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Everyone that comes in from out of town should grab cash while in the city. I think a couple mil in cash leaving the city over the weekend would send a message.
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That's an interesting idea. Clear out all of the ATMs.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:34:44 PM EDT
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I 100% get that and would agree completely if it weren’t specifically Antifa. My concern and consternation is not that we don’t share ideologies - acceptance and defense of differing viewpoints, opinions, beliefs and outlooks is pretty much a huge part of being an American (also, life would be pretty boring otherwise).

it’s all well and good to stand together and fight for the 2A. The problem I have with it is when Antifa starts doing Antifa shit.

They undoubtedly will.  I don’t think being associated with masked bike lock throwing hooligans that look for and have a documented history of taking any opportunity to start shit would be beneficial to the cause.  We’d be painted as fringe right along with them and the message we are trying to send would be tarnished.
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That's fair enough. In short, if they want to help us, they have to set aside all their baggage for the day. Might be tough for them to do.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:36:35 PM EDT
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LOL. But in all seriousness, I'll be happy to withdraw from an ATM. I don't mind the lack of OPSEC. I figure my name is known. But, more importantly, I'll bring enough cash to pay scalper prices for cheeseburgers for a couple of days. Expect the ATM and CC machines to blow a gasket by lunchtime.
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For a.minute I thought you wanted me to stick up a.convenience store or Rob a bank. Then I realized that you meant withdraw at an ATM!

LOL. But in all seriousness, I'll be happy to withdraw from an ATM. I don't mind the lack of OPSEC. I figure my name is known. But, more importantly, I'll bring enough cash to pay scalper prices for cheeseburgers for a couple of days. Expect the ATM and CC machines to blow a gasket by lunchtime.
Now that you mention it I suppose we COULD stick up a 7-11 or two. We WILL.be equipped to!  
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:44:33 PM EDT
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Just a thought for the people planning this:

It would be neat to have a social media blitz planned. Imagine if 5,000 people started, on 1-19, posting pro-gun memes, quotes (the Gulag Archipelago quote the other day was GOLD!), and so on to the FB pages and twitter feeds of all the reps in VA. All of us, over the course of 2-3 days, absolutely flooding their social media, tagging them in posts, posting on their walls, tagging their spouses in posts... Imagine if 30,000 gun owners checked in to the rally via facebook (whether they were there or not). A complete 3-day disruption of all of their media.

Wouldn't be hard for 3-4 of the right people to organize. Maybe even drop a thread in GD and ask people to subscribe but not post, then every half hour or so, drop a new meme in it. Ask everyone to take it to social media and plaster it all over the aforementioned locations. Maybe set people up in shifts to handle different days.
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So, you're volunteering?
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:47:05 PM EDT
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Coonman could call a Special Session just like he did in July.
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If I'm not mistaken the unconstitutional laws will have been already passed when the 30,000 arrive. Not yet enforced at that time. Passed on Jan8, go into effect on july 2.
Coonman could call a Special Session just like he did in July.
A Special Session while they're in already in regular session?  That makes no sense.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:51:27 PM EDT
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Now that you mention it I suppose we COULD stick up a 7-11 or two. We WILL.be equipped to!  
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For a.minute I thought you wanted me to stick up a.convenience store or Rob a bank. Then I realized that you meant withdraw at an ATM!

LOL. But in all seriousness, I'll be happy to withdraw from an ATM. I don't mind the lack of OPSEC. I figure my name is known. But, more importantly, I'll bring enough cash to pay scalper prices for cheeseburgers for a couple of days. Expect the ATM and CC machines to blow a gasket by lunchtime.
Now that you mention it I suppose we COULD stick up a 7-11 or two. We WILL.be equipped to!  
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:52:02 PM EDT
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I take it she is not on our side?
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:55:00 PM EDT
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I've been coming around to view that aspect of our constitution as a design flaw that benefits the system & the de facto status quo.  The financial barrier that must be overcome to be able to pursue recourse is nearly insurmountable for the individual (save a select few), being practical only through class action strategies, if even.  Meanwhile, those in govt have virtually unlimited resources with which to push their agenda(s) & suppress challenges to them.  There is no personal consequence or downside for them for blatantly violating the law.  The framers were rather naive, I think, to assume that govt - specifically, its actors - would maintain themselves beholden to, & restrained by the law.  There should have been mechanisms in place to mitigate the chances of unconstitutional laws from becoming fixed in the legal framework & maintained by stare decisis.  Judicial oversight is subject to political theater.  The corrective mechanisms aren't working as intended.  The notion of a republic is being voided by mob rule & money, & the constitutional checks & balances are being rendered irrelevant.

Power always corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Over & over again.
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Constitutional audit needs to take place. All unconstitutional laws need to be stricken, and those who put them in place, dealt with harshly.
No such thing exists.

Our courts operate on a case by case basis.
A party with 'standing' (can show damages) must bring the case forward.
I've been coming around to view that aspect of our constitution as a design flaw that benefits the system & the de facto status quo.  The financial barrier that must be overcome to be able to pursue recourse is nearly insurmountable for the individual (save a select few), being practical only through class action strategies, if even.  Meanwhile, those in govt have virtually unlimited resources with which to push their agenda(s) & suppress challenges to them.  There is no personal consequence or downside for them for blatantly violating the law.  The framers were rather naive, I think, to assume that govt - specifically, its actors - would maintain themselves beholden to, & restrained by the law.  There should have been mechanisms in place to mitigate the chances of unconstitutional laws from becoming fixed in the legal framework & maintained by stare decisis.  Judicial oversight is subject to political theater.  The corrective mechanisms aren't working as intended.  The notion of a republic is being voided by mob rule & money, & the constitutional checks & balances are being rendered irrelevant.

Power always corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Over & over again.
Multiple founders mentioned our government is for moral men.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 8:57:07 PM EDT
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He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:01:48 PM EDT
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I've been coming around to view that aspect of our constitution as a design flaw that benefits the system & the de facto status quo.  The financial barrier that must be overcome to be able to pursue recourse is nearly insurmountable for the individual (save a select few), being practical only through class action strategies, if even.  Meanwhile, those in govt have virtually unlimited resources with which to push their agenda(s) & suppress challenges to them.  There is no personal consequence or downside for them for blatantly violating the law.  The framers were rather naive, I think, to assume that govt - specifically, its actors - would maintain themselves beholden to, & restrained by the law.  There should have been mechanisms in place to mitigate the chances of unconstitutional laws from becoming fixed in the legal framework & maintained by stare decisis.  Judicial oversight is subject to political theater.  The corrective mechanisms aren't working as intended.  The notion of a republic is being voided by mob rule & money, & the constitutional checks & balances are being rendered irrelevant.

Power always corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Over & over again.
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Constitutional audit needs to take place. All unconstitutional laws need to be stricken, and those who put them in place, dealt with harshly.
No such thing exists.

Our courts operate on a case by case basis.
A party with 'standing' (can show damages) must bring the case forward.
I've been coming around to view that aspect of our constitution as a design flaw that benefits the system & the de facto status quo.  The financial barrier that must be overcome to be able to pursue recourse is nearly insurmountable for the individual (save a select few), being practical only through class action strategies, if even.  Meanwhile, those in govt have virtually unlimited resources with which to push their agenda(s) & suppress challenges to them.  There is no personal consequence or downside for them for blatantly violating the law.  The framers were rather naive, I think, to assume that govt - specifically, its actors - would maintain themselves beholden to, & restrained by the law.  There should have been mechanisms in place to mitigate the chances of unconstitutional laws from becoming fixed in the legal framework & maintained by stare decisis.  Judicial oversight is subject to political theater.  The corrective mechanisms aren't working as intended.  The notion of a republic is being voided by mob rule & money, & the constitutional checks & balances are being rendered irrelevant.

Power always corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Over & over again.
The solution is a constitutional amendment that automatically expires EVERY law, regulation, and order of FedGov 16 years after its enactment. If a law is worth keeping, it will pass again. If it's questionable, than maybe it just goes away. This would also distract Congress from creating new problems.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:05:30 PM EDT
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That’s another image that should be printed big as shit on coroplast posters.

Maybe that on one side and the Schindler’s List one on the reverse or just a half dozen of the most effective images printed front and back on posters.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:07:01 PM EDT
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it’s all well and good to stand together and fight for the 2A. The problem I have with it is when Antifa starts doing Antifa shit.

They undoubtedly will.  I don’t think being associated with masked bike lock throwing hooligans that look for and have a documented history of taking any opportunity to start shit would be beneficial to the cause.  We’d be painted as fringe right along with them and the message we are trying to send would be tarnished.
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Probably they will paint the patriots out to be fringe regardless of their association with Antifa.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:07:43 PM EDT
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Basically the de-arrest part happens after a few hours of teaching a mass of people to move in unison and under direction, and it essentially involves mobbing people in front of the target as blockers while folks around/behind grab the limbs and trunk and almost crowdsurf the target deeper into the pack; after a bit of training it becomes rather smooth, and as well as obvious to the more discerning that it’s a technique with many different applications.

They presented it as a way to protect activists from violent skinheads, but the instructors were very clearly modeling LE snatch teams.
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How many people does it take to pull that maneuver? Sounds like a minimum of a dozen or more, preferably 20. And it would depend on an open field, no solid lines, yes?
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:09:48 PM EDT
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I take it she is not on our side?
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Well she does have a hyphenated last name..

Oh and there is a penis in her coffee cup.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:12:26 PM EDT
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Just a thought for the people planning this:

It would be neat to have a social media blitz planned. Imagine if 5,000 people started, on 1-19, posting pro-gun memes, quotes (the Gulag Archipelago quote the other day was GOLD!), and so on to the FB pages and twitter feeds of all the reps in VA. All of us, over the course of 2-3 days, absolutely flooding their social media, tagging them in posts, posting on their walls, tagging their spouses in posts... Imagine if 30,000 gun owners checked in to the rally via facebook (whether they were there or not). A complete 3-day disruption of all of their media.

Wouldn't be hard for 3-4 of the right people to organize. Maybe even drop a thread in GD and ask people to subscribe but not post, then every half hour or so, drop a new meme in it. Ask everyone to take it to social media and plaster it all over the aforementioned locations. Maybe set people up in shifts to handle different days.
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"If this is how the state treats its law-abiding citizens, it doesn't deserve to have any" - Solzhenitsyn
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:13:05 PM EDT
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That’s another image that should be printed big as shit on coroplast posters.

Maybe that on one side and the Schindler’s List one on the reverse or just a half dozen of the most effective images printed front and back on posters.
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That’s another image that should be printed big as shit on coroplast posters.

Maybe that on one side and the Schindler’s List one on the reverse or just a half dozen of the most effective images printed front and back on posters.
Gun control isn't racist in the past, its founded on hate and intolerance ALWAYS. The Mulford. Act in CA was about the Black Panthers. The Sullivan Act was about the Irish/Italian/Hispanic power balance. The Black Codes were... obvious. In England, it was the Catholics & Protestants. Today, it's about punishing conservatives. Only this, 100%. That's the only change I'd suggest for that poster. More and more, Libs HATE conservatives.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:28:06 PM EDT
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As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
He did the right thing.  If legislators decide there's no forgiveness, they may as well vote their principles, and we're not going to like that.  It's probably not also wise to can a generally reliable incumbent, not least after all of the supposedly safe GOP seats that the Democrats scooped up.
As a minimum, he needs to fire whatever staff person advised him to advance that bill.
He needs primaried for even thinking it was ok to join the gangbang, esp considering that was likely a fallback “compromise” bill.
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:32:16 PM EDT
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Well, they want their guns so they can fight straight white Christian capitalists, so....

That second pic is hilarious

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Apparently this one has been popping up locally in some places as well.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:34:49 PM EDT
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Just a thought for the people planning this:

It would be neat to have a social media blitz planned. Imagine if 5,000 people started, on 1-19, posting pro-gun memes, quotes (the Gulag Archipelago quote the other day was GOLD!), and so on to the FB pages and twitter feeds of all the reps in VA. All of us, over the course of 2-3 days, absolutely flooding their social media, tagging them in posts, posting on their walls, tagging their spouses in posts... Imagine if 30,000 gun owners checked in to the rally via facebook (whether they were there or not). A complete 3-day disruption of all of their media.

Wouldn't be hard for 3-4 of the right people to organize. Maybe even drop a thread in GD and ask people to subscribe but not post, then every half hour or so, drop a new meme in it. Ask everyone to take it to social media and plaster it all over the aforementioned locations. Maybe set people up in shifts to handle different days.
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I like the cut of your jib
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:34:55 PM EDT
For you guys in Virginia I want you to know a large part of America sees what's happening there and has your back should worst come to worst.  My FB page is often full of post from both men and women many whom you wouldn't think would care about this but do!
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:39:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:40:55 PM EDT
I highly suggest you leave debit and credit cards at home. If it’s not chipped it’ll get read via someone’s iphone
Link Posted: 12/28/2019 9:42:14 PM EDT
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I'm guessing he's heard the rumblings and doesn't want to be confused as being with the enemy. Fear works.
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That cock polisher needs primaried as a lesson and warning to others.
Honestly, he should be rewarded.  All these guys are whores, but he did what he was supposed to, and listened to his constituents.  That's about as much as you can expect; he's a representative, not a leader.

Let his heel-face turn be the warning to others.
I'm guessing he's heard the rumblings and doesn't want to be confused as being with the enemy. Fear works.
Nah, I bet an NRA activist arrived who was so polite & well-dressed, the politician lost all sense of free will and did the guy's bidding.
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