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Posted: 7/6/2022 5:43:11 PM EDT
I've been seeing a new thing pop up on Social Media "Putin won't stop at Ukraine"...."Poland knows it.........etc".

So I started going down the rabbit hole, since it's clearly a propaganda effort aimed at securing more support for war against Russia.  The name of the group sponsoring these paid ads is "Community Conversations for America".  It has all the hallmarks of the typical DNC/Soros/Other commie NGO efforts.  

- Misleading name
- Strong effort to appear "nuetral" and "unbiased" on one hand, while heavily promoting an extreme position elsewhere
- Frequent references to "threats" to "our democracy"
- Obvious big time funding

A peek at their website shows a group that is almost desperate in it's attempts to paint many Conservative viewpoints, even ones that have clear opportunity to come up organically due to strong evidence, as "misinformation", and portray itself as an organization dedicated to "non-partisan" influence in public discourse.

From their site:

"Mission Statement
We are committed to addressing the growing civic divide that has left our nation more polarized than any time since the Civil War. This polarization poses an urgent threat to America that goes far beyond arguments at family dinner tables or bickering on social media. It puts our national security and the very foundation of our Democracy at risk.

By sewing disinformation into the fabric of our most personal conversations, our enemies are effectively exploiting, dividing, and distracting us from the real issues facing our nation and communities. That is why Community Conversations is a project for America. It brings Americans together to stop fighting and start listening because our country can’t afford to be pulled further apart. Our guiding principles are simple:

“Out of Many, One” : America’s strength is built on compromise and collaboration. We won’t all agree all the time. And we shouldn’t. But we firmly believe that we can have different perspectives, cultures and opinions while still sharing the beliefs and ideals that define our democracy."

It's gaslighting alright, and pretty damned good.  They manage to avoid almost all of the "reeeeeee" that winds up underpinning Leftist propaganda, but just couldn't avoid the "our democracy" reference.  Boy they sure are married to that shit.

Link left cold on purpose:  https://communityconversationsforamerica.org/

That leads me to my next question: WHY is an organization that purports to have been founded to "combat the polarization of public discourse", running paid ads to slam Putin and generate support to fight him?

I would like to know who is actually behind this.  It kind of has a "Lincoln Project" stench about it......I also wonder if they aren't also funding pro-Ukraine shills on social media..........
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:47:20 PM EDT
It's all fake. Russia has never historically been an aggressor. It's just propaganda.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:49:18 PM EDT
I’m not into the language of the left, want to explain gaslighting.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:50:35 PM EDT
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It's all fake. Russia has never historically been an aggressor. It's just propaganda.
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Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:51:21 PM EDT

That leads me to my next question: WHY is an organization that purports to have been founded to "combat the polarization of public discourse", running paid ads to slam Putin and generate support to fight him?
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Because they can. Because why not? Because you can run ads to counter them if you so desire.

I'm not getting my panties in a bunch because some people are saying things I don't agree with.  If you think you're being gaslit, act accordingly. Not everyone may share your viewpoint.

There are a lot of good arguments as to why supporting Ukraine is good for the US, and there are also a lot of arguments as to why it isn't. Just because someone buys into one viewpoint or they other, doesn't make them gaslit.

now, are there groups exploiting the situation for nefarious reasons? - hell yeah brother!

but that doesn't mean that support for the issue is conceptually right or wrong,(depending on which side of the issue you come down on) - Just means the people doing the exploration are also bad guys in this.

Full Disclosure , we have family still in Ukraine - so I'm 100% for defeating Russia's attempt to take Ukraine.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:52:06 PM EDT
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I'm not into the language of the left, want to explain gaslighting.
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It's the new it word teen and 20 something's use when they disagree with anything someone tells them. Usually followed by the word toxic when they start crying. Not saying that's what ops going for just clarifying it's a bullshit term being over used
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:52:55 PM EDT
In before the virtue signalers.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:53:41 PM EDT
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I’m not into the language of the left, want to explain gaslighting.
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To put it simply, "gaslighting" is when someone is openly and deliberately deceiving, and when you say "wtf you lying" their response is simply "no we aren't, you are just wrong/stupid/don't understand/don't get it/aren't seeing it right".  

Being subjected to a chorus of "Just believe her" when she is obviously lying flat out through her bitch ass teeth, is the most up front example I can generate quickly.    

It's a tactic used mainly by Narcissists that had become common in politics, where the abuser gets you to believe that your own eyes cannot be believed and even your thoughts are "wrong" even when the truth is clear.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:53:53 PM EDT
WTF is gaslighting?

Edit. Read your response above.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:54:35 PM EDT
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I’m not into the language of the left, want to explain gaslighting.
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When I tell my retarded liberal sister that I didn't care for Trump because he wasn't conservative enough, she thinks it's gaslighting.

That's the simplest explanation I can think of

Of course the left calls it "emotional abuse".
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:55:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:57:13 PM EDT
Does anyone know how to find out who is funding this "Communityconversationsforamerica.com"?  

As always, I'm sure if you follow the money, you could better understand their overarching, if undeclared, goals.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:57:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:57:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:58:27 PM EDT
That’s it, print another 50 billion.. we can afford it.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:58:30 PM EDT

......................America’s strength is built on compromise and collaboration.............
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That's my trigger word.  When someone says "compromise" I instantly peg them as a liberal hack.  They're constantly wailing and crying that conservatives are to blame for everything because we're so unwilling to "compromise".  You're goddamn right when their idea of compromise is to propose a 100% ban on all guns then they offer to "compromise" by only banning 50%.  They've been doing that shit for years and not just on guns.  It's always our side that has to "compromise" by giving something up while they do nothing but take.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:58:57 PM EDT
How the fuck do full grown adults not know the term gaslighting?

You'd think on a site where everyone claims their spouse is BPD, everyone would know what it means.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:59:33 PM EDT
It’s certainly at least worth wondering why the entire dem propaganda machine spin up so hard and fast on the side of Ukraine.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:59:37 PM EDT
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That's my trigger word.  When someone says that I instantly peg them is a liberal hack.  They're constantly wailing and crying that conservatives are to blame for everything because we're so unwilling to "compromise".  You're goddamn right when their idea of compromise is to propose a 100% ban on all guns then they offer to "compromise" by only banning 50%.  They've been doing that shit for years and not just on guns.  It's always our side that has to "compromise" by giving something up while they do nothing but take.
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......................America’s strength is built on compromise and collaboration.............

That's my trigger word.  When someone says that I instantly peg them is a liberal hack.  They're constantly wailing and crying that conservatives are to blame for everything because we're so unwilling to "compromise".  You're goddamn right when their idea of compromise is to propose a 100% ban on all guns then they offer to "compromise" by only banning 50%.  They've been doing that shit for years and not just on guns.  It's always our side that has to "compromise" by giving something up while they do nothing but take.

I missed that one, great work.  I'll add it to the bullet points in evidence that this is a leftist misdirection/propaganda effort.......
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 5:59:55 PM EDT
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I’m not into the language of the left, want to explain gaslighting.
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The best recent real world example of gaslighting was the day after the election of 2020 with all of the media reporting that Biden had won and there was absolutely no basis that election fraud happened anywhere.

The most secure election ever.

Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:02:16 PM EDT
Sounds like a Soros operation.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:02:25 PM EDT
I would like to know who is actually behind this.  It kind of has a "Lincoln Project" stench about it......I also wonder if they aren't also funding pro-Ukraine shills on social media..........
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Marxist playbook 101 - accuse your opponents of doing whatever dodgy shit you're doing. It sows confusion and normalizes it for when your actions come out.

So when they are accusing Rs of misinformation while shilling for war, you know what's going on.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:02:48 PM EDT
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It’s certainly at least worth wondering why the entire dem propaganda machine spin up so hard and fast on the side of Ukraine.
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It's as clear as the nose on your face.  All the same looney leftists that were "no blood for oil!" and "Bush lied, people died!"......100% balls out totally Anti-War, same subset of society that all put up "Get vaccinated/We can Do this" shit on their social media pic - these are the same folks now running UKR flags and demanding we get in there to "kill is some orcs".  I don't fucking get it.  

What I do get is that I found something on my social media timeline from way back in 2015 - Judicial Watch was filing FOIA suits trying to figure out where BILLIONS of dollars that Obama/Clinton were funneling to Ukraine were going and State was telling them to fuck off.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:04:56 PM EDT
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How the fuck do full grown adults not know the term gaslighting?

You'd think on a site where everyone claims their spouse is BPD, everyone would know what it means.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:05:13 PM EDT
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Welcome fellow loon enthusiast
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Your own country is in the throes of a large uprising and you're still on here clamoring for Americans, sorry, I mean "loons" to send billions of welfare dollars Ukraine's way lmao.

Strong priorities
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:05:25 PM EDT
Go to their IG , I'm banned on Twitter. Posts tell me this is nothing more than a typical urban, Commie , democrat propaganda organization. I'm dirtier just looking at their IG now.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:06:51 PM EDT
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The best recent real world example of gaslighting was the day after the election of 2020 with all of the media reporting that Biden had won and there was absolutely no basis that election fraud happened anywhere.

The most secure election ever.

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This. I'm 49 and I never fucking heard the term until libs started using it...again...in their classic manner of projection.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:07:39 PM EDT
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It’s certainly at least worth wondering why the entire dem propaganda machine spin up so hard and fast on the side of Ukraine.
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It's not just Dems. Even the fucking Swiss took a side on this.

When Russian commies were killing millions of their own people and doing some ethnic cleansing, that was fine. When all the shit the Nazis did came out, no worries. China putting minorities into camps and harvesting their organs, that's their own business. Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, not a Swiss problem.

Russia invaded the Ukraine - that's over the line!
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:08:00 PM EDT
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Go to their IG , I'm banned on Twitter. Posts tell me this is nothing more than a typical urban, Commie , democrat propaganda organization. I'm dirtier just looking at their IG now.
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It's clean enough to fool a lot of soccer moms and Mom Jeans Jeff Flake/Mittens types though.  That's is the trouble.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:09:40 PM EDT
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It's clean enough to fool a lot of soccer moms and Mom Jeans Jeff Flake/Mittens types though.  That's is the trouble.
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Truth...and as someone above stated...its likely Soros money.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:10:02 PM EDT
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It's all fake. Russia has never historically been an aggressor. It's just propaganda.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:11:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:13:02 PM EDT
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Does anyone know how to find out who is funding this "Communityconversationsforamerica.com"?  

As always, I'm sure if you follow the money, you could better understand their overarching, if undeclared, goals.
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This is who owns the domain.


Their biggest customers are all gov.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:13:41 PM EDT
Another poster nailed it — “compromise” is a Lefty keyword.

So, what exactly is the Left’s “compromise” on abortion?

Funny how when it’s THEIR sacrament, any “compromise” is verboten, and it MUST be 100% their way.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:15:05 PM EDT
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He was being sarcastic but some of the resident orc sycophants really do believe that..
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:15:30 PM EDT
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It's the new it word teen and 20 something's use when they disagree with anything someone tells them. Usually followed by the word toxic when they start crying. Not saying that's what ops going for just clarifying it's a bullshit term being over used
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This, for the most part. Gaslighting is a process, not a single event. Someone lying to you isn't gaslighting. The media CONTINUALLY lying to you, trying to make things seem worse or better, could be considered gaslighting.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:25:05 PM EDT

Ukraine will cease to exist soon. Poland and Russia will return to 1920 borders.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:26:25 PM EDT
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It's the new it word teen and 20 something's use when they disagree with anything someone tells them. Usually followed by the word toxic when they start crying. Not saying that's what ops going for just clarifying it's a bullshit term being over used
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I'm not into the language of the left, want to explain gaslighting.
It's the new it word teen and 20 something's use when they disagree with anything someone tells them. Usually followed by the word toxic when they start crying. Not saying that's what ops going for just clarifying it's a bullshit term being over used

What is old is new again.

Gaslight (1944) Official Trailer - Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman Movie HD
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:26:48 PM EDT
Its BS this isn't 1939 different world
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:27:07 PM EDT
This thread is going places.  I can feel it.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:27:44 PM EDT
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Ukraine will cease to exist soon. Poland and Russia will return to 1920 borders.
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You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:29:40 PM EDT
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Does anyone know how to find out who is funding this "Communityconversationsforamerica.com"?  

As always, I'm sure if you follow the money, you could better understand their overarching, if undeclared, goals.
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Does anyone know how to find out who is funding this "Communityconversationsforamerica.com"?  

As always, I'm sure if you follow the money, you could better understand their overarching, if undeclared, goals.

I did a whois on the domain, and surprise, the owner info is redacted for privacy. IP addresses resolve to cloudflare so no
help there, either.

The only contact method is email to their domain.

Their news links give some hints, though. They're partnered with Warrior GMR foundation (who's website looks suspiciously
like community conversation's, btw) and guess what... Warrior GMR's domain ownership is redacted for privacy as well
(which is unusual for a .org domain.) Warrior GMR is hosted at godaddy, though, not cloudflare. Warrior GMR's "About"
page gives you dozens of names to look up.

The next news link is by the CEO of a company called Sparverius, which describes its mission as "We detect and disrupt today’s greatest threats against democracy: disinformation and domestic extremism." Its "about" link says:

Kristofer Goldsmith is an investigator and consultant who takes an unconventional approach to fighting against domestic fascist organizations and unlawful militias.

As a combat veteran who has spent years studying disinformation and far-right movements, he’s able to work his way past adversaries’ defenses to gain access to information critical to law enforcement and other key stakeholders on the front lines of defending our democratic system.

His documentation and exposure of the internal communications of Patriot Front, the largest and most active hate group in America, caused the self-described fascist organization to cease all activity for three months during a critical period: starting just days before the 2020 election.

Kris is also the founder and president of High Ground Veterans Advocacy, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, which partners with military and Veterans Service Organizations to train veterans to become grassroots advocates and leaders in their local communities. High Ground Veterans Advocacy was recognized in 2016 by HillVets as one of the nation’s top new veterans organizations.

Additional news links titled "Veterans, U.S. service members are a top target for disinformation..."

Everything looks like it's connected left-wing people with military connections and focused on veterans.

Also Sparverius' business model sounds an awful lot like the one Southern Poverty Law Center uses.

My guess is all these are different pages are connected to the same left-oriented group with significant .mil connections.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:31:48 PM EDT
I stopped reading at “democracy” and knew it was lefty nonsense. We’re a federal, constitutional, republic.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:32:13 PM EDT
Apparently Soros has been pummeling Hungary and Poland with tons of money snd propaganda again too, Musk was complaining about him recently.

Keep in mind it was Soros messing around in Ukraine and Moscow starting in the 1990’s that got us here.

Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:32:40 PM EDT
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You say that like it’s a bad thing.
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Well, getting rid of Russia's Kaliningrad exclave would be one pretty good outcome from that.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:34:25 PM EDT
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Your own country is in the throes of a large uprising and you're still on here clamoring for Americans, sorry, I mean "loons" to send billions of welfare dollars Ukraine's way lmao.

Strong priorities
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Early and often. I think that’s called an “influencer” in some circles.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:34:31 PM EDT
The thing about gas lighting is it only reaches the NPCs….. but oh boy there are many.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:35:05 PM EDT
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How the fuck do full grown adults not know the term gaslighting?

You'd think on a site where everyone claims their spouse is BPD, everyone would know what it means.
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a lot of paste eaters are into guns, always have been. Just run a Gunshop for a bit you will be amazed by the number of booger eater you will meet daily.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:35:27 PM EDT
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In before the virtue signalers.
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Give ‘em a second. They are doing some rounding calculations and checking expiration dates before they present.
Link Posted: 7/6/2022 6:36:21 PM EDT
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