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Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:12:22 AM EDT
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I predict neither side will accept the results.
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But Biden said he would!
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:13:40 AM EDT
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Trump gets fucking smoked and the Senate is lost 48-52.  

I don't think the MSM will be able to control themselves on election night and will call it early and often for Biden.  

GD will throw a fit and realize just how out of touch they've been for the past number of months thinking that a couple of crappy yard signs and 'Trump boat parades' would automatically equal massive support for the do-nothing CUCK NYC liberal President.
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Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:14:57 AM EDT
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Are you paid per post?
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Trump gets fucking smoked and the Senate is lost 48-52.  

I don't think the MSM will be able to control themselves on election night and will call it early and often for Biden.  

GD will throw a fit and realize just how out of touch they've been for the past number of months thinking that a couple of crappy yard signs and 'Trump boat parades' would automatically equal massive support for the do-nothing CUCK NYC liberal President.

Are you paid per post?
These types of troll posts must work on other forums otherwise they wouldn't do it. But it's so obvious to see though here.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:18:22 AM EDT
I think a lot of the initial suspense of the first failed election will delay reactions.

The search term “can I change my vote?” Spiked after the last debate. Early voting and late voting is a direct attempt to rig the election. Even if no one physically manipulated the results (and they will), it gives one side the opportunity to vote in reaction to the actual election.

Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:18:23 AM EDT
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It is what it is.

I was promised more.
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It is what it is.

I was promised more.
Boo frickin hoo you think Biden is gonna help you?
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:32:30 AM EDT
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Trump gets fucking smoked and the Senate is lost 48-52.  

I don't think the MSM will be able to control themselves on election night and will call it early and often for Biden.  

GD will throw a fit and realize just how out of touch they've been for the past number of months thinking that a couple of crappy yard signs and 'Trump boat parades' would automatically equal massive support for the do-nothing CUCK NYC liberal President.
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Biden has NO chance of winning.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:37:54 AM EDT
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Trump gets fucking smoked and the Senate is lost 48-52.  

I don't think the MSM will be able to control themselves on election night and will call it early and often for Biden.  

GD will throw a fit and realize just how out of touch they've been for the past number of months thinking that a couple of crappy yard signs and 'Trump boat parades' would automatically equal massive support for the do-nothing CUCK NYC liberal President.
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I just blocked this idiot, you should too.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:40:05 AM EDT
After a Trump victory, a bunch of

Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:44:19 AM EDT
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I am honestly concerned that some of you seem to be cheerleading 'big city thinking' liberal-progressive values, you bet.  

I'm sorry that a fast talking NYC condo salesman duped you into believing that he was conservative Jesus.  

I hope he wins but if he does I know that he wont be held accountable for any of his 'I like taking the guns early' bullshit, he'll become an even bigger spending liberal, and no one will say a damn word about it because something something Trumptrain!

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Sorry_your_pedo_will_loose_, _yes_not_voting_for_Trump_is_basically_voting_for_joe/camel_bitch_

Link Posted: 10/26/2020 8:52:39 AM EDT
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A contested election with no clear winner, civil unrest, chaos in the streets, severe violence and running gun battles in several major cities, escalation by both sides into civil war footing, martial law/national guard deployed, curfews, open insurrection, sabotage of infrastructure, states seceding from the union, hostilities overseas, war with China, leading up to potentially world war 3 with a possible limited nuclear exchange.
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Impressive. Most impressive....but you are not a Jedi yet.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 9:02:58 AM EDT
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I don't think we'll find out anything election night.

I don't think anything will happen in my area. But if it does they can find out.
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NFW will the MSM want to admit Trump won right away.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 9:05:44 AM EDT
Revolution by SoloDallas, on Flickr
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 9:29:54 AM EDT
Trump has the vote on the 3rd and early morning of the 4th.  Democrats file suits in various States to keep counting since they will then know how many votes to manufacture/find.  

Trump and Biden both declare victory.  Neither concedes.  The media goes all in with "President-elect Biden is so wonderful" and "Former President Trump is refusing a peaceful transfer of power."

After that, I'm really not sure.  I hope the SCOTUS slams the door on the democrat plan to "keep counting until we win," and I hope Judas Roberts writes the 6-3 opinion since his time as a swing vote ends tonight.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 9:40:05 AM EDT
Standard answer sure things death and taxes.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 9:45:54 AM EDT
OP is basically right.  I'll just add that cold weather tends to quell riots.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 10:01:49 AM EDT
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Sorry_your_pedo_will_loose_, _yes_not_voting_for_Trump_is_basically_voting_for_joe/camel_bitch_

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I appreciate the time it took you to write that.

The answer is yes.  Absolutely yes, I have.  
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 10:05:45 AM EDT
Biden is declared winner by MSM, Trump does not concede and files lawsuit challenging the election results due to voter fraud. Leftists, believing that their "democracy" is under assault, take to the streets en masse and violence erupts across the country. Case goes up to SCOTUS, which nullifies the election results due to voter fraud. Not sure what procedural posture the case takes (if there's any precedent for this at all). Violence doubles as the left sees a "coup" being attempted by Trump and what they see to be an unfair and partial SCOTUS due to ACB's appointment (of course, they will demand that she recuse herself). Not sure what happens after that, but the bottom line is that the left will not stop until they get what they want.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 10:06:29 AM EDT
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Biden has NO chance of winning.
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Your overconfidence has absolutely blinded you to the fact that Trump has largely not been a great 'conservative.'  No wall, no Obamacare repeal, Javonka, no 'second amendment coalition', 'I like taking the guns early -- due process later', massive fiscal irresponsibility and overspending to include whining like a fucking NYC CUCK about how he wants a bigger stimulus than the vast majority of idiot Democrats even want....etc.  

You worship false idols.  
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 10:14:29 AM EDT
I predict the Knuckleheads will be back to rioting, looting and murdering... No matter who wins the election.
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It's like predicting what will happen after a soccer match, in some countries.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 10:17:28 AM EDT
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Biden is declared winner by MSM, Trump does not concede and files lawsuit challenging the election results due to voter fraud. Leftists, believing that their "democracy" is under assault, take to the streets en masse and violence erupts across the country. Case goes up to SCOTUS, which nullifies the election results due to voter fraud. Not sure what procedural posture the case takes (if there's any precedent for this at all). Violence doubles as the left sees a "coup" being attempted by Trump and what they see to be an unfair and partial SCOTUS due to ACB's appointment (of course, they will demand that she recuse herself). Not sure what happens after that, but the bottom line is that the left will not stop until they get what they want.
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They were calling for her to recuse herself from such things, almost immediately after Trump nominated her.  They already knew what they were planning for after election day.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:22:06 AM EDT
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T$ wins and the dems refuse to accept because Duh Russia. Riots most likely.

B'arris wins and the R's refuse to accept because greatest voter fraud organization ever and China most likely. Grumbling but no riots most likely.

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In case anybody needs context.

Biden Brags About Having The “Most Extensive...Voter Fraud Organization” In History
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:36:39 AM EDT
Fraud will be massive. But I think trump wins a couple states they hadn't counted on and they fail.

Unless he gets 25 percent nationally of the black vote or more. Then it's no contest.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:44:13 AM EDT
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Biden is declared winner by MSM, Trump does not concede and files lawsuit challenging the election results due to voter fraud. Leftists, believing that their "democracy" is under assault, take to the streets en masse and violence erupts across the country. Case goes up to SCOTUS, which nullifies the election results due to voter fraud. Not sure what procedural posture the case takes (if there's any precedent for this at all). Violence doubles as the left sees a "coup" being attempted by Trump and what they see to be an unfair and partial SCOTUS due to ACB's appointment (of course, they will demand that she recuse herself). Not sure what happens after that, but the bottom line is that the left will not stop until they get what they want.
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In most of the USA it is getting too fucking cold to loot and burn (those are fair weather sports). Obviously YMMV if you live in the southern tier states

I am taking the day off after election day regardless.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:49:11 AM EDT
Chaos.  Followed by two weeks of chaos.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:51:34 AM EDT
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Trump gets fucking smoked and the Senate is lost 48-52.  

I don't think the MSM will be able to control themselves on election night and will call it early and often for Biden.  

GD will throw a fit and realize just how out of touch they've been for the past number of months thinking that a couple of crappy yard signs and 'Trump boat parades' would automatically equal massive support for the do-nothing CUCK NYC liberal President.
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You sound excited for a Harris win. I hope you are disappointed.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:52:15 AM EDT
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Just ignore that troll account.  The mods will remove it soon enough.
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lol, they won’t
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:52:55 AM EDT
Civil unrest by the left.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:56:11 AM EDT
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Are you joking ? Cops all over the country have turned on their citizens this year whether its for defending themselves against mob violence or violating silly orders about a virus.

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Many cops are forced to act or forced to stand by and do nothing or lose their jobs.  They have families to take care of and can't take a stand against their shithole liberal mayors and governors.  In my area the cops are with us, not against us.  All cops know they are under attack by the left.  If push comes to shove they will back citizens, not traitorous leaders.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 11:57:50 AM EDT
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I worked with plenty who voted for the left in every election.
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Not in my neck of the woods.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 12:01:07 PM EDT
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Trump gets fucking smoked and the Senate is lost 48-52.  

I don't think the MSM will be able to control themselves on election night and will call it early and often for Biden.  

GD will throw a fit and realize just how out of touch they've been for the past number of months thinking that a couple of crappy yard signs and 'Trump boat parades' would automatically equal massive support for the do-nothing CUCK NYC liberal President.
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Well here's one that came out of the closet. He's going to go over like a shit storm here.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 12:31:05 PM EDT
I was highly confident in a Trump W in 2016. This time around I’m much less confident. The non-stop MSM propaganda combined with a dumbed down, selfish, entitled, drug addicted population, fraud & mail in voting may well be too much to overcome.

I do see a contested election with re-counts. I sort of doubt that it will make it to SCOTUS but it might. I do believe the loser will concede on the Monday following the election. I think they want to see what kind of violence it’s possible to stir up as a trial run for 2024 & they need a weekend to really get a good feel for it.

No matter the outcome the divide between conservatives & liberals deepens & we inch a few, or many, steps closer to what I see as an inevitable CW.

But ultimately I don’t believe we’re quite there yet.

Trump pulls out the win by the slimmest of margins. And life returns to relative normal for most of us. While our politicians continue to spend us all into oblivion, selling us all out to enrich themselves & laughing all the way to the bank while we continue to bicker back & forth amongst each other about silly shit. Same as it always was.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 12:37:19 PM EDT
OrangeManBad and white supremists everywhere.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 12:40:17 PM EDT
After Trump wins he needs to use every law in the book on all the corrupt socialists. No pussy footing around. Arrest with legitimate charges.
 TEAR DOWN biased media. They are now a faction and the number one threat to our freedom.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:02:46 PM EDT
I predict Trump wins bigly, but the left-wing media lies about it. They claim it's either a contested election or Joe won fair and square, and any election officials or news outlets claiming otherwise are working for Russia. Deep state bureaucrats start working ten times harder than before to undercut Trump. They prop up the media's lies and left-wingers get even more unhinged. BLM/Antifa/TDS types lose their minds and become even more violent as the media prods them towards open rebellion. Rioting, looting, arson attacks against any home or business they believe to be aligned with Trump. Millions of dollars of property damage caused by "peaceful protests", hundreds of lives lost, all while the media blames Trump and white supremacists for everything.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:10:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:10:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:12:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:17:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:21:40 PM EDT
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Many cops are forced to act or forced to stand by and do nothing or lose their jobs.  They have families to take care of and can't take a stand against their shithole liberal mayors and governors.  In my area the cops are with us, not against us.  All cops know they are under attack by the left.  If push comes to shove they will back citizens, not traitorous leaders.
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Are you joking ? Cops all over the country have turned on their citizens this year whether its for defending themselves against mob violence or violating silly orders about a virus.

Many cops are forced to act or forced to stand by and do nothing or lose their jobs.  They have families to take care of and can't take a stand against their shithole liberal mayors and governors.  In my area the cops are with us, not against us.  All cops know they are under attack by the left.  If push comes to shove they will back citizens, not traitorous leaders.

I hope you are right, but they have not at all been on our side since this crap started.  They have been protecting the rioters that want them dead while forcefully arresting white soccer moms for not wearing a mask outside and going after business owners for not following treasonous covid "laws".  I doubt they change sides suddenly.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:24:01 PM EDT
The only prediction I have is that you will have no idea who won the election on Nov 4.

Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:24:15 PM EDT
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A contested election with no clear winner, civil unrest, chaos in the streets, severe violence and running gun battles in several major cities, escalation by both sides into civil war footing, martial law/national guard deployed, curfews, open insurrection, sabotage of infrastructure, states seceding from the union, hostilities overseas, war with China, leading up to potentially world war 3 with a possible limited nuclear exchange.
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I bet you're fun at parties.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:36:59 PM EDT
Lots of fucking around.

Small to moderate amounts of finding out.

More of both for months if the election is remotely close or can be presented like it is.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 1:42:39 PM EDT
I honestly don't know what will happen but I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 3:48:50 PM EDT
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After Trump wins he needs to use every law in the book on all the corrupt socialists. No pussy footing around. Arrest with legitimate charges.
 TEAR DOWN biased media. They are now a faction and the number one threat to our freedom.
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You guys are incredible.  

He's already had 4 fucking years and he's done basically NOTHING on anything that you mentioned.....but now you somehow think he's going to un-CUCK himself and go balls deep in 'draining the swamp'???  LMAO.  

Keep the faith, bro!  
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 3:52:04 PM EDT
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If Joe Biden wins and the GOP holds the Senate. The Republican party will suddenly find its balls again and claim to be pro-gun, pro small government, and pro fiscal conservatism. They'll do the dog and pony show while in the background they'll pass large spending bills, etc...

If Trump wins and the Dems control the House and Senate. Expect a lame duck presidency and him selling us out to get some stuff. I for one think if the Democrats control Congress and they push a gun control bill after a shooting. Trump will sign it.

If Biden wins and the Democrats take the totality of Congress. Expect gun control, higher taxes, and out if control spending.

The honest truth is there is no positive outcome for a Constitutionalist. So best just go on with life and enjoy it to the best that you can.
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What's sad is that if the Republicans take the totality of Congress we could also expect more gun control and out of control spending but perhaps not higher taxes, yet.  

But remember, EVERYONE HAS TO GET ON THE TRUMPTRAINTM and kiss the ring!

Three cheers for quasi-conservatism!!  
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 3:57:54 PM EDT
There will be people having gay butt sex regardless of the results.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 4:01:07 PM EDT
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wow, I didn't know the retarded could be so articulate
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That is being very polite.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 4:06:50 PM EDT
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What's sad is that if the Republicans take the totality of Congress we could also expect more gun control and out of control spending but perhaps not higher taxes, yet.  

But remember, EVERYONE HAS TO GET ON THE TRUMPTRAINTM and kiss the ring!

Three cheers for quasi-conservatism!!  
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True Conservatism is no longer possible at the Federal level.

Our wildly out of control debt combined with the massive welfare state make it utterly impossible.

Unfortunately the sad fact is that in order for true Conservatism to reign again there would have to be a Civil War.

The FSA will explode when you take away all of their handouts. As will SS, SSD, Medicare & Medicaid recipients. Though SS & Medicare aren’t “handouts” in the traditional sense they certainly fly in the face of conservatism as well as the founding principles of this nation.

You can stay on your anti-Trump soapbox all you want. But using conservatism as the foundation of your reasoning is dim-witted at best.

Yes Trump has disappointed in some areas. But he’s light years better than Biden. And he’s done more for America & the American people than any POTUS in the last 50 years & railing against him just makes you sound petty & ignorant.
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 4:07:47 PM EDT
If Biden wins

The left celebrates
a few small riots of celebration
continued BLM events
Biden shuts the country down because of corona
people lose jobs
businesses close
stock market takes massive hit
economy is in shambles

If Trump wins
widespread protests
cities burning
crying liberal videos on youtube
Economy remains roughly the same with slight recovery from corona
Link Posted: 10/26/2020 4:21:28 PM EDT
If Trump wins there will no longer be much political liability to moving in and arresting the leaders of BLM and Antifa...

I predict a short period of rioting followed by a longer period of backbreaking...
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