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Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:30:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:30:41 PM EDT
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Yeah, once every six months.
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And!? Typically if I have any bulky shit I need thrown out, I either wait until that time to take it out... or if I need the space in my home... I just put it outside in my backyard until Bulk Trash day. Its not a big deal.

Though, honestly, something gross like an old Mattress, I might actually take to the dump rather than wait.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:31:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:32:28 PM EDT
I know here trash service won't take mattresses, couches or chairs due to bed bugs. I don't know of any service that will. So I would think it's either you haul it to the dump yourself or find somebody with a truck that you know. I know I wouldn't haul a mattress off for somebody else due to bed bugs. You never know!
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:33:18 PM EDT
For us kids growing up on the farm, the mattress covered over the old well.

We used to bounce on that old mattress all the time, kids being kids (and stupid), right over that open well.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:34:24 PM EDT
I keep one in the yard for when I'm too drunk to crawl back into the house.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:36:14 PM EDT
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I've noticed this as well. Also, lots of shredded Lazy Boys that end up in the front somewhat looking like they are waiting for the trash pickup but not quite at the curb
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Do you even Alley Couch bro?
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:37:49 PM EDT
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Where I live, you put them by the road to discard them knowing that the first Amish buggy that rolls by will swipe it up.
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What in the hell do the Amish, or anyone else for that matter,  do with a used mattress?
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 9:40:04 PM EDT
Safer to keep em in the yard than risk taking it down to the dumpster...

Link Posted: 12/9/2020 10:16:57 PM EDT
It's for the fishing worms that live under it, turn it over and go catch some tasty catfish.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 10:18:07 PM EDT
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Cause you get shot if you put them in the dumpster.
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Link Posted: 12/9/2020 10:20:52 PM EDT
I always drive around until I find an empty flat bed trailer or a Bro Dozer at Home Depot where the owner just went inside.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 10:26:20 PM EDT
People in the ghetto don't pay their bills.

One of those bills is trash pickup.

So when they rent-to-own a new mattress, they throw the old one into the yard with the rest of the trash, until a church group or someone gets rid of it.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 10:32:47 PM EDT
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Safer to keep em in the yard than risk taking it down to the dumpster...

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You caused me to look up the video of the "Take yer swing" incident.

Then I also found this gem.

Link Posted: 12/9/2020 10:45:36 PM EDT
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I see some of the excuses people here have made, that these poor people just don't want to pay for large item pickup.

Don't most municipalities have free Bulk Trash pickup!?

I know a few poor people, myself being somewhat on the lower income spectrum. Most have fairly well kept homes.
We know one lady who has a house that... uhhh is a death trap. She's a hoarder, and her house is... very unpleasant to be inside. She's a super nice lady... but damn, I Really REALLY wish she would get her act together.
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I think they are too dumb lazy stupid to know there is a free bulk waste pickup at some time.  I’ve had both municipal and private contract residential trash service and both had a day a month when they had free bulk waste pickup including a mattress/box spring.
Link Posted: 12/9/2020 11:19:36 PM EDT
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I always drive around until I find an empty flat bed trailer or a Bro Dozer at Home Depot where the owner just went inside.
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Link Posted: 12/9/2020 11:25:36 PM EDT
The vast overwhelming majority of poor people are poor because of bad decisions, impulsiveness, and laziness....not some grand scheme to disenfranchise them.

Putting trash in your front yard is this “rule in action”.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 12:47:12 AM EDT
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The vast overwhelming majority of poor people are poor because of bad decisions, impulsiveness, and laziness....not some grand scheme to disenfranchise them.

Putting trash in your front yard is this “rule in action”.
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Worth repeating  
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 1:38:16 AM EDT
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I think they are too dumb lazy stupid to know there is a free bulk waste pickup at some time.  I’ve had both municipal and private contract residential trash service and both had a day a month when they had free bulk waste pickup including a mattress/box spring.
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It is entirely possible that they move enough that even if they knew about it, it didn't actually happen while they lived some place.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 1:51:35 AM EDT
One of my buddies has an outside bed.

It’s a giant dog bed

Man I love living in a rural area.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 1:52:02 AM EDT
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They're not willing to pay the large item pick up fee, or make the effort to take it to the dump.
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Would be my guess.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 1:54:11 AM EDT
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I see some of the excuses people here have made, that these poor people just don't want to pay for large item pickup.

Don't most municipalities have free Bulk Trash pickup!?

I know a few poor people, myself being somewhat on the lower income spectrum. Most have fairly well kept homes.
We know one lady who has a house that... uhhh is a death trap. She's a hoarder, and her house is... very unpleasant to be inside. She's a super nice lady... but damn, I Really REALLY wish she would get her act together.
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A lot of areas have special fees or rules for certain items. Dishwashers, appliances, tires, possibly mattresses are like that.

Link Posted: 12/10/2020 1:57:37 AM EDT
Curb service.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 1:59:09 AM EDT
Redneck guest house.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 2:16:39 AM EDT
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Bulk pick up will get it eventually
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Any day, now...

I mean, they won't just let it sit there forever, right?  The trash men give a shit about dis street, unlike my ass;
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 3:16:36 AM EDT
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They're not willing to pay the large item pick up fee, or make the effort to take it to the dump.
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It’s this. Also here’s the economics. The dump fee in my AO is $60 for a mattress and box spring.
Average shit heel job pays $12-15. That’s 5 hours worth of work to dump your shit. $60 to these people is a bottle of fireball whiskey, carton of smokes and a hungry man meal. That’s their weekend entertainment.

Also the poor’s are ALWAYS getting new mattresses. Bedbugs, their dogs or kids shitting and pissing on it, blowing out the box springs due to being obese. These people live in filth. So The dump fees add up real quick.

So yeah chuck that bitch on the front lawn and fuck em.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 3:23:57 AM EDT
People don't know how to turn a wrench anymore so they have to have something to fill the space where the old automobile on blocks used to be.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 3:24:34 AM EDT
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I see some of the excuses people here have made, that these poor people just don't want to pay for large item pickup.

Don't most municipalities have free Bulk Trash pickup!?

I know a few poor people, myself being somewhat on the lower income spectrum. Most have fairly well kept homes.
We know one lady who has a house that... uhhh is a death trap. She's a hoarder, and her house is... very unpleasant to be inside. She's a super nice lady... but damn, I Really REALLY wish she would get her act together.
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Here’s how free dump days work. Coordinating borrowing Billy Bobs truck because your white econo shitbox is too small to carry the mattress and being not hung over enough to remember the free dump day is a rarity like a winning lotto ticket.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 3:32:42 AM EDT
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I've been told they make great duck traps if you burn them down to the springs.
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Turkey traps... burn, drag to the woods, dump corn inside the springs come back in a few days... beards get stuck amongst the coils, the bigger the beard, the more likely it is to get stuck...  Old timer taught me this, he had a few interesting "hunting tips" from the depression era...
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 4:51:00 AM EDT
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Because they are lazy and stupid, major contributor to becoming poor.
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Link Posted: 12/10/2020 6:46:43 AM EDT
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Ghetto trampolines.
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Link Posted: 12/10/2020 6:59:52 AM EDT
If it's on their front lawn, IDGAF, as long as they aren't dumping it on another person's property. We have removed more dumped mattresses from the disc golf course at Kessler Park than I would've liked.

Worst thing is the fuckers can't ever just dump them on the side of road. No, they have to "hide" them 50' downhill in the woods. Then they get rained on and heavy as fuck, which is usually how we find them. We then have to drag them up to the road or else the city workers will not pick them up.

Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:02:43 AM EDT
Large item trash day?
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:19:35 AM EDT
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"This stain smells."
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Come on, spotty!
Come on, smelly!
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:24:57 AM EDT
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They're not willing to pay the large item pick up fee, or make the effort to take it to the dump.
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Effort being the key word, many down on their luck, poor, family generations of people living in public housing have never made an effort at anything in life.  Let someone else clean it up, I don't need it anymore.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:31:45 AM EDT
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Ghetto trampolines.
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Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:37:32 AM EDT
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Yeah, once every six months.
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At my house in FL, they do bulk pick up every Tuesday.  However, if I put something out on the curb on Saturday, it’s usually gone the next day.  I guess I toss out too much good stuff.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:47:49 AM EDT
Because Tanqua Rae is a squirter and Chester can't afford a Shop Vac on his Quickie Mart salary, so he pulls it out in the sun to dry.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 7:52:59 AM EDT
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Safer to keep em in the yard than risk taking it down to the dumpster...

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That’s brilliant. He’s like some sort of trash leprechaun guarding his dumpster of gold.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:00:33 AM EDT
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Yeah, once every six months.
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Don't most municipalities have free Bulk Trash pickup!?
Yeah, once every six months.

3rd Wednesday of every month here
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:10:17 AM EDT
Since Covid came here, people have been told to avoid being indoors with other people, so those mattresses out doors are for the Working Ho's to take care of "business" in a Covid-Friendly manner with their customers.

Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:11:13 AM EDT
Makes you wonder how folks with so little have so much crap in their homes, yards and cars?
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:16:45 AM EDT
Where I live (out in the rural county) there is NO way to get rid of old mattresses, old TVs, old cars, and such.

The only waste disposal company is Waste Management, and they will not pick such stuff up because landfills won't take it.

There is NO local landfill to which a person can haul such stuff and there is NO monthly bulk pickup that y'all have mentioned.

So folks toss it on the side of a remote road, or in a gully near their house, or just leave it in their yard to rot.

I have a female cousin who used to read water meters. There were lots of Choctaw Indians living in the area. (My family always thought a lots of Choctaws and knew that they got a raw deal long ago. Like Elizabeth Warren, we are rumored to have some Indian blood in our family.)

Anyway, I asked my cousin one day, "I've heard that Choctaws are really junky and that they just throw their trash out in their yard. Is that true?"

She said, "Yeah. But only when their house is so full of trash that it won't hold any more."

I'm thinking, hey! Maybe I do have some Indian blood in me.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:21:02 AM EDT
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They're not willing to pay the large item pick up fee, or make the effort to take it to the dump.
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My city has a bulk item pickup service that runs that same day as regular trash service.

It's included in your trash bill.

I can put my entire household goods on the curb if I want and they will keep sending trucks out to grab it all.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:25:59 AM EDT
For me, I’m thankful for random discarded mattresses. Circa ‘83. There was an abandoned/decaying house at the end of my street. People would party in it and spray paint graffiti inside. Well, my first girlfriend and I needed a place for some alone time. One of the bedrooms contained a horribly stained full sized mattress laying on the floor. We both lost our virginity on that nasty bug infested mattress. Good memories.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:26:33 AM EDT
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Please tell me these are still in stock
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:26:50 AM EDT
They're airing the fuck out of them.
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:27:05 AM EDT
That's the spot where it got heavy
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:29:04 AM EDT
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Ghetto trampolines.
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Imma hit my tuck!
Link Posted: 12/10/2020 8:30:05 AM EDT
Because the dogs need somewhere comfortable to fuck.

Stop peeping my yard with your binoculars, Tony!
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