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Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:27:00 PM EDT
I got married 10 years ago at 160 and my wife at about 105. I’m now 200 and she’s 120 so I gained more than she did.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:28:44 PM EDT
My wife was bigger when we met. 20 some years later, 15 of them married + one kid, and older age obviously, she's less big.

I, on the other hand, am at least 30 pounds heavier with thanks to the gym, "supplements", and the occasional entire pizza.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:31:12 PM EDT
My wife is under 150 pregnant with twins. I'm 180 and exercise 5-6 timex a week.  What's your excuse?

The amount of obesity I see out and about, (especially in the pro-2A, hyper patriotic, Molon Labe community) is disgusting. We men are failing our families. Not leading by example, making healthy food choices and exercising.

Workout. Eat right. Be an example and your family will follow. Don't allow unhealthy behaviors in your homes.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:32:15 PM EDT
My smokin hot DW has packed on a whopping 10-12 lbs since we first hooked up 52 years ago in HS. 625cc's of that I added after she weaned my two sons .

Thank you Lord.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:43:12 PM EDT
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Suburbia parenting SOP is degenerate as fuck to me.

So, they bring the yuppie named butter golems home, let them pig out while playing video games, on phones/tablets with social media.
Only to stop to eat dinner.

The excuses and almost competitive nature of the boxed wine fueled house fraus and house sows is fucking
Seriously. Throw a party and invite everyone over.

@spidey07 has witnessed this too.

The mothers all compete against one another over who's cherub is both the greatest little angel in the world while simultaneously being the most retarded and addled by health disorders.

You'll hear things like...
Johnny is on the spectrum...
Excuse me, what? I'd slap the taste out of her mouth if she were my wife. You don't go bragging over how fucked up the kid is you fucking moron, you brag about their overcoming challenges, growing into someone you're proud to call your son/daughter! Not excuse a lack of discipline with parenting in pill form, how allergic they are to everything.
I don't buy it.

I have started some hilarious verbal battles resulting in a munchausen suffering mentally ill woman rewarded with kids and ring, breaking down into tears and screaming.

I don't buy it for one second the kids are all retarded or suffer from debilitating allergies to everything in existence.
Oh we're gluten free because junior...
Strange. I just gave him something to snack on that isn't gluten free, he doesn't seem to be struggling for air or breaking out in a rash or blowing his ass out while barfing at the same time so... I think you need your head checked...

Oh, he's autistic/on the spectrumz!
No. He's shy because you stunted his growth by locking him inside with video games rather than go make friends and do things with friends out of fear he'll get hurt... he's a boy... it's what we do when we are boys... we get hurt. It's your job as mom to slap a bandaid on that skinned knee, send us back out to take that bike off more jumps and encourage us to learn from that failed landing you moron... not protect us from ourselves.

Oh he's got the ADD/ADHD
No. He has a lack of a foot in his ass when he's deserved it, and it doesn't help you hop him up on straight sugar in the morning and send him off to be a fidgeting distraction hyper charged on stimulating sugar. That doesn't justify a pill... that should be as simple as making the kid a real breakfast.. but half you dipshits can't cook so cereal and sugar on top it is. I'd like to see you load up on sugar and be told to sit still listen for 8 hours.
ADD/ADHD my ass.

There are parents who truly do have kids that have legitimate disabilities. This is degenerate to glorify your piss poor parenting and claim they're just as disabled as those who truly are. Shame on you.

I don't know what it is with cityiots and suburbanites... us hicks in the sticks didn't have overwhelming disorders-curable with a pill...
The few that did? That wasn't something mom or dad bragged about for attention/validation... that was something they kept a secret. For 2 reasons.
1. If the kid is that fucked up? Truly, honestly, sadly, afflicted with a legitimate disorder? Mommy and daddy didn't go to bbq/block parties and brag... they were home tending to their kids needs.
2. That shit wasn't something to be proud of.
Most resented themselves blamed themselves for having kids with health issues. Not using it for attention.

Here in dah burbz? You're the fucked up one if your kid isn't on some spectrum, down with some disorder, on a slew of pills, allergic to everything, and you're the fucked up one if you insist they be active/creative outdoors instead of cooped up with junk food and video games.

Must be something in that town/city treated water if everyone's kid is all sorts of fucked up...
I don't buy it. I knew kids with legitimate disorders.

These kids? Lack of discipline, poor parenting, and poor diets.
Munchausen mommy will tell you different though.

I don't buy it. I don't believe it. They do the shit for attention through their kid and that's disgusting.
There's people who actually have kids with legitimate health issues out there... these munchausen suffering fools should have their head examined for it. I do find it repulsive.

And lock them in their rooms to be anti social... then wonder why they're uncomfortable in social settings? Yeah, boxed wine fueled mother of the year award for that one.
Easier to blame it on Muh spectrumz Muh disorderz than it is to say, I am too insecure to allow my kid to be a kid, and do kid things...easier to plop a video game tablet and phone in their lap and coddle and shelter and make excuses for them for an eternity...
Then wonder why they're shy/nervous/uncomfortable around others... absolutely degenerate.
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That’s a helluva rant that repeats the same points and words over and over again. But I can’t really argue with you about any of it.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:48:48 PM EDT
1. They are perpetually unhappy, and nothing will change that. So they eat.

2. They are "comfortable" now. Don't care what they look like because their bills are paid.

3. You are even fatter than she is, so why try?

Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:49:36 PM EDT
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And for some people here its hot...go figure.
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Do we really care about their opinions though?  If you’re attracted to the grossly unattractive, you are just an ultra beta who is scared of any woman who has ANY other option than you.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:51:14 PM EDT
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I don’t understand this mindset. I have nobody that I’m beholden to when it comes to my physical condition. I just don’t want to be fat. The food is disgusting, the fit of the clothes is awful, it’s harder to do everything. I can’t carry a pistol comfortably or get in and out of the car/bed/whatever, the lifestyle is detrimental to every aspect of your health, you’re a detriment to those around you because you are slow and take up too much space in a car/bus/airplane and you are a liability in an emergency situation. You are harder to deal with for emergency, medical, public safety folks, etc, etc, etc. Being happy with being obese means you are happy with being a burden on society.
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If left to my own devices I could easily be fat and happy.  But THEY wouldn't be happy.  So I keep that shit in check for them.


I don’t understand this mindset. I have nobody that I’m beholden to when it comes to my physical condition. I just don’t want to be fat. The food is disgusting, the fit of the clothes is awful, it’s harder to do everything. I can’t carry a pistol comfortably or get in and out of the car/bed/whatever, the lifestyle is detrimental to every aspect of your health, you’re a detriment to those around you because you are slow and take up too much space in a car/bus/airplane and you are a liability in an emergency situation. You are harder to deal with for emergency, medical, public safety folks, etc, etc, etc. Being happy with being obese means you are happy with being a burden on society.

I didn't say obese to the point of being disabled or a burden to others.  When I was fat (overweight) I got around just fine.  Just looked like shit.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 7:59:02 PM EDT
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I was just there in January. I didn’t see many disgustingly obese people waddling around. I saw a younger crowd that was still in good shape.
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In SoCal the norm is grotesque obesity...

Last time I was in Socal (Gaslamp District) a few years back, I only remember the women being healthy and beautiful. One of the many things I loved about San Diego.

I was just there in January. I didn’t see many disgustingly obese people waddling around. I saw a younger crowd that was still in good shape.

I spend about 6 weeks out of the year in San Diego. If you get more than 2 miles from the coast it is a regular pig farm. It is the only place where I have seen a bikini on display for a 300 pounder.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 8:02:59 PM EDT
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My wife is under 150 pregnant with twins. I'm 180 and exercise 5-6 timex a week.  What's your excuse?

The amount of obesity I see out and about, (especially in the pro-2A, hyper patriotic, Molon Labe community) is disgusting. We men are failing our families. Not leading by example, making healthy food choices and exercising.

Workout. Eat right. Be an example and your family will follow. Don't allow unhealthy behaviors in your homes.
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I was just texting my gf about this. My oldest eats pretty terrible and he’s been putting on weight in his teens. I’ve been steadily putting on muscle and losing weight and getting myself fit so I can do stuff with them like firearms training.

I tore up my knee pretty badly a few years ago and I’ve been on a mission to get right ever since. I’m now back to running and gunning and I’ve got my boys starting to train as well.

I’ve been killing myself to be a good example for them. Well, my oldest put on the jeans I got him around thanksgiving and he was showing me how loose they were and needed to borrow my belt.

I genuinely believe that just by being a good example to him is why he chose to make the change and start thinking about his health at 16. He may also have his eye on a girl or 2, but I know he’s been paying attention to my efforts.

I’m building rifles with them and I told them that I want them trained up so I have a couple of soldiers to fight alongside me in case we ever need to. And I’ve beaten into their heads how many different ways that being in good shape gives them advantages over the tubs of goo walking around us on the streets.

Being an example works better than preaching and “do as I say, not as I do”. What a fucking copout.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 8:06:21 PM EDT
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I spend about 6 weeks out of the year in San Diego. If you get more than 2 miles from the coast it is a regular pig farm. It is the only place where I have seen a bikini on display for a 300 pounder.
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In SoCal the norm is grotesque obesity...

Last time I was in Socal (Gaslamp District) a few years back, I only remember the women being healthy and beautiful. One of the many things I loved about San Diego.

I was just there in January. I didn’t see many disgustingly obese people waddling around. I saw a younger crowd that was still in good shape.

I spend about 6 weeks out of the year in San Diego. If you get more than 2 miles from the coast it is a regular pig farm. It is the only place where I have seen a bikini on display for a 300 pounder.

Admittedly I was mostly right on the coast because I was there for a wedding and whatnot. I lived in LA county from 2000-2003 and I saw all of the trash that was waddling around in the skreets.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 8:06:31 PM EDT
Society tells them you should love them whatever they weigh. Sure, I love you honey, I just don't want to do you.

Look at movies and pictures from 60-80 years ago, they were all thin.

High fructose corn syrup and junk food will fatten anyone up.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 8:35:22 PM EDT
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People sat around and got fat the last two years.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 8:44:47 PM EDT
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Swallowing semen burns fat. Fill in the blanks.
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Link Posted: 2/27/2022 8:58:43 PM EDT
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A word of advice, never complain about the cost of things women like to do and buy to make them more attractive. Take time to thank them for making the effort to make themselves attractive and how proud it makes you feel to be her husband.
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Sound advice, old timer. Much appreciated.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 9:15:02 PM EDT
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I was just there in January. I didn’t see many disgustingly obese people waddling around. I saw a younger crowd that was still in good shape.
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Link Posted: 2/27/2022 9:40:41 PM EDT
I wonder how many people in here did squats and ate chicken today.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 9:53:18 PM EDT
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I wonder how many people in here did squats and ate chicken today.
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Sorry to disappoint, leg day was yesterday.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 10:03:46 PM EDT
Took my kid to the park today (single because I refused to sign the dotted line)

100% of the parents were normal dudes with once hot wives who doubled in mass.  That tight 130 was now 260+.  It was gross.
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Combination of societal expectations and being propagandized that you can't complain about your wife's weight timed with women bearing children and going thru menopaus.

None of us get better looking with age, brother.
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 11:11:55 PM EDT
Wife has gained maybe like 8lbs in about 10 years had 1 kid as well has freak metabolism gained 30lbs pregnant lost all of it in a month or 2 doing nothing. I hate her I gained her weight for her
Link Posted: 2/27/2022 11:53:29 PM EDT
Alot of y'all drive a hog
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 12:05:52 AM EDT
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Sorry to disappoint, leg day was yesterday.
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I wonder how many people in here did squats and ate chicken today.

Sorry to disappoint, leg day was yesterday.

What day does your wife do legs?
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 6:54:11 AM EDT
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And this too: bride and groom walking down the aisle, both smiling. He's thinking "that was a great blow job last night, more to come". She's thinking of the previous evening too but "whew, that was the last time I had to do that".
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 7:40:43 AM EDT
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And this too: bride and groom walking down the aisle, both smiling. He's thinking "that was a great blow job last night, more to come". She's thinking of the previous evening too but "whew, that was the last time I had to do that".
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Don't laugh. I had a buddy whose wife stopped blowing him after they got married. Between that and some other shenanigans they got divorced after a few years.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 7:41:57 AM EDT
As if there's something wrong with fat women. There are many benefits; you know them.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 8:21:59 AM EDT
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Don't laugh. I had a buddy whose wife stopped blowing him after they got married. Between that and some other shenanigans they got divorced after a few years.
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And this too: bride and groom walking down the aisle, both smiling. He's thinking "that was a great blow job last night, more to come". She's thinking of the previous evening too but "whew, that was the last time I had to do that".

Don't laugh. I had a buddy whose wife stopped blowing him after they got married. Between that and some other shenanigans they got divorced after a few years.

I've told that joke to a few women. The look on their face is priceless!
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 8:37:14 AM EDT
I know lots of guys who are now fat slobs too.  You don’t see too many athletic looking guys in public either.

Stupid post.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 8:45:20 AM EDT
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What day does your wife do legs?
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She doesn't, but she's also about 110lbs. so I leave her to her own devices.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 8:46:28 AM EDT
Wife was thin when I married her and has gained around 10 pounds in the 25+ years we've been married.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 8:56:00 AM EDT
Took my kid to the park today (single because I refused to sign the dotted line)

100% of the parents were normal dudes with once hot wives who doubled in mass.  That tight 130 was now 260+.  It was gross.
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And you know this how?
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 9:05:17 AM EDT
Americans OP, you spelled Americans wrong.  Wouldnt be a food shortage it you all only ate what you needed, not wanted.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 9:22:31 AM EDT
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And you know this how?
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Took my kid to the park today (single because I refused to sign the dotted line)

100% of the parents were normal dudes with once hot wives who doubled in mass.  That tight 130 was now 260+.  It was gross.

And you know this how?

That's true.  

People love who they love.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 9:42:46 AM EDT
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There is some ingredient in wedding cake that triggers it.
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They say that about Blow jobs too.

This is why we did wedding pie..  fuck cake it sucks pie's the best!
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 10:24:15 AM EDT
stop bachelor-splaining to me!

My wife, and other men's wives, are none of your business.

You need Jesus.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 10:40:46 AM EDT
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Nobody wants to admit to others that their wife became a fat hambeast.

Once a women is able to take a man's house and half his life savings, she doesn't need to be attractive anymore. He is not keeping her because she looks good. He is keeping her around so he doesn't lose all his shit.
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The same 1/2 /dozen arf millionaires with 120lbs wives that weigh less than than they were when they got married will obviously tell me I'm wrong. This thread is not for you.  You're an anomaly...stop it.

Nobody wants to admit to others that their wife became a fat hambeast.

Once a women is able to take a man's house and half his life savings, she doesn't need to be attractive anymore. He is not keeping her because she looks good. He is keeping her around so he doesn't lose all his shit.

Link Posted: 2/28/2022 1:10:11 PM EDT
Lack of any self-control or self responsibility.  They’ll complain about wanting to lose weight while eating a tub of ice cream.  

If you question the behavior it’s justified with “I’ll start dieting tomorrow” or “I just need something sweet.”

Then when they fail to make any progress it’s back to complaining about not being able to lose weight while eating a slice of cake… “my metabolism is just messed up which makes it impossible to lose weight.” Nom nom nom

No what you need is to stop shoveling trash into your face hole and get some exercise.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 1:35:37 PM EDT
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Sound advice, old timer. Much appreciated.
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the problem is when they are 250 lbs and want to make it up with clothes, shoes, lashes, makeup to distract
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 1:45:59 PM EDT
Now do Dad Bods.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 1:54:06 PM EDT
Wife 145 when we met. Was 185 4-5 years later, despite my constant hounding.  Well i didn't give up and now she's maintaining 165 alright.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 2:00:18 PM EDT
Not gonna read the whole thread this time but the answer is a little more straight forward than you think

First some were always fat.  I went to school with some fat girls and they are huge now that we are in our late 30's

There was a recent study I'm too lazy to look up.  That says human metabolism doesn't really slow down for most people.

It's just that several years of poor diet and no exercise catches up to them.

For women this is a little more pronounced because they generally live less active lifestyles than men.  (school sports, jobs that requires long hours on your feet).

So if you pay attention you'll notice a lot of women in their 30's + are on the heavier side regardless of marital status or children.

The only caveat is that the single ones have greater motivation to reign it in.

But point being dudes get fat the same way too. Hence dad bod being a thing. It's just that more guys need to use their bodies for things other than sitting on the couch.  So you get guys who're overweight but are more mobile than their female ham planet counterparts.

So instead of doubling it's more like 1.5x.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 2:30:14 PM EDT
Nothing makes the fat Americans stand out more than travelling overseas.  There are fatties overseas but nowhere near the percentages we have here.
Go to a grocery store in Europe and look for a fatty mobile, the electric cart.  I have never seen one.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 2:33:32 PM EDT
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They don't make enough money for their wives to care about staying fit.  

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That’s an accurate statement.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 2:36:11 PM EDT
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Because they don’t have to try to attract you anymore. They have you on a marriage contract with financial penalties.
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Remain a Free Agent
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 2:45:51 PM EDT
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Hyper-available empty calories
Lack of self control/awareness

Most women today are fucking disgusting.
I'll happily call them out as a 175lb normal human being.

It's fucking disgusting and many of you should be shaming your wives/gfs/ham-possessions into becoming reasonable weights.
Stop telling her that she's beautiful- she's not.
Don't tell her that dress makes her look good- it doesn't.
You and your fupa look disgusting and un healthy.  Get your shit together.

Then you should beat the shit out of yourselves for being a miserable fatbody

Fat people are fucking gross.
There is no excuse for being fat.
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How old are you, again?
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 2:52:15 PM EDT
Lack of competition anxiety is a helluva drug.  
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 3:07:50 PM EDT
Pregnancy/kids plus antidepressants/psych meds can cause a very large increase in body weight and that shit happens fast.  

My girlfriend gained 100 pounds in a year when they changed her psych meds around.  It was crazy.  Doctors didn't give a shit.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 4:53:40 PM EDT
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Pregnancy/kids plus antidepressants/psych meds can cause a very large increase in body weight and that shit happens fast.  

My girlfriend gained 100 pounds in a year when they changed her psych meds around.  It was crazy.  Doctors didn't give a shit.
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100lbs in 1 year?  Is she 6’9”?
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 4:58:13 PM EDT
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I didn't say obese to the point of being disabled or a burden to others.  When I was fat (overweight) I got around just fine.  Just looked like shit.  
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If left to my own devices I could easily be fat and happy.  But THEY wouldn't be happy.  So I keep that shit in check for them.


I don’t understand this mindset. I have nobody that I’m beholden to when it comes to my physical condition. I just don’t want to be fat. The food is disgusting, the fit of the clothes is awful, it’s harder to do everything. I can’t carry a pistol comfortably or get in and out of the car/bed/whatever, the lifestyle is detrimental to every aspect of your health, you’re a detriment to those around you because you are slow and take up too much space in a car/bus/airplane and you are a liability in an emergency situation. You are harder to deal with for emergency, medical, public safety folks, etc, etc, etc. Being happy with being obese means you are happy with being a burden on society.

I didn't say obese to the point of being disabled or a burden to others.  When I was fat (overweight) I got around just fine.  Just looked like shit.  

Obese is a much lower threshold than a lot of people realize
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 5:05:45 PM EDT
Before we got married and had kids my wife was a bodybuilder and martial artist, so she was always meaty but in a good way. She weighed around 150 but was fit and stacked with solid muscle. Now almost 4 years later she's getting fat and soft pushing 200, meanwhile I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life at 33 years old, sitting at almost 200 myself but I'm also 6 feet and I've packed on muscle, my wife is 5'8" and 27 years old.
Link Posted: 2/28/2022 6:39:19 PM EDT
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Before we got married and had kids my wife was a bodybuilder and martial artist, so she was always meaty but in a good way. She weighed around 150 but was fit and stacked with solid muscle. Now almost 4 years later she's getting fat and soft pushing 200, meanwhile I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life at 33 years old, sitting at almost 200 myself but I'm also 6 feet and I've packed on muscle, my wife is 5'8" and 27 years old.
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Why did you let her blimp out like that?
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