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Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:24:01 AM EDT
I do. It wasn't a selling point for the house, just a nice neighborhood.

I guess I can see the benefit, not really sure why you think they take away your liberties though. They mainly deal with additions or mods to the house.


Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:24:51 AM EDT
If you don't want to look at your neighbor's purple house, you should probably put up a fence.

The whole "But mah PROPERTY values!" argument is a load of crap.   You don't have a right to "value" in your property.   Value is in the mind of buyer and seller.

If your neighbor wants to sell his house to a "trashy" family, are you going to tell him it's your RIGHT to forbid the sale because of how it might affect your property's value?

Pure nonsense.

If you want a say on what goes on next door... then BUY next door.

I assume you'd be okay with a meth-house opening up within 50-100 feet from your front door, with loud rap noise, cars coming and going all hours of the night, their garbage blowing into your yard, their bulldogs barking 24 hours a day, fireworks at 4 am, and some prostitution in the mix?

We're a nation of laws. When you sign on the dotted line you agree to what the contract says. If you don't, don't sign.

I don't belong to a HOA, I've got a $2 million house on the right side of me, and a house trailer with junk cars on the right side of me. No complaints.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:27:53 AM EDT
Many people don't understand that  there are restrictive covenants on their property even if they don't live in a formal HOA some places it is very hard to find any property without restrictions.

I don't get how the fuck someone can set restrictions to something that is being sold. At that point, are you really "buying" that property?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:30:35 AM EDT
If you don't want to look at your neighbor's purple house, you should probably put up a fence.

The whole "But mah PROPERTY values!" argument is a load of crap.   You don't have a right to "value" in your property.   Value is in the mind of buyer and seller.

If your neighbor wants to sell his house to a "trashy" family, are you going to tell him it's your RIGHT to forbid the sale because of how it might affect your property's value?

Pure nonsense.

If you want a say on what goes on next door... then BUY next door.

I find it funny when people complain that the appearance of their neighbors drops their property values. I personally dropped the value of the homes in my neighborhood just by buying my home. I paid 113000 for a 3 bed 1 bath on 1/2 acre which is about 30000 less then it would have gone for before the market crash.

Mine is probably similar. Bought in 08!
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:32:16 AM EDT
The other end of the street I live on, this guy bought this nice house. Painted it red and white like a barn, sledgehammered the driveway to get his big boat trailer in, cut all the trees down, put up a fence that looks like its from a Mexican rodeo. Parks his demolition derby cars out front. Then bought the house across the street, cut all the trees down, left all the trash everywhere and parks more of his crap and tools out there. Now he's trying to sell the house and its been years with no buyers. My property is harder to sell now thanks to people with no taste.  Personally I don't like HOA's but sometimes they are good. The house I had in Oregon had immaculate lawns in every driveway that I didn't have to bother touching. Everyone's neighborhood is different, and there is room for both IMO.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:39:59 AM EDT
The other end of the street I live on, this guy bought this nice house. Painted it red and white like a barn, sledgehammered the driveway to get his big boat trailer in, cut all the trees down, put up a fence that looks like its from a Mexican rodeo. Parks his demolition derby cars out front. Then bought the house across the street, cut all the trees down, left all the trash everywhere and parks more of his crap and tools out there. Now he's trying to sell the house and its been years with no buyers. My property is harder to sell now thanks to people with no taste.  Personally I don't like HOA's but sometimes they are good. The house I had in Oregon had immaculate lawns in every driveway that I didn't have to bother touching. Everyone's neighborhood is different, and there is room for both IMO.

Yep. A reason for the market to have both options. Just understand before buying in one with a HOA
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:42:27 AM EDT
I bought in a neighborhood with an HOA years and years ago.  In general I despise (and I despised then) HOAs, but here was my thinking:

1.  Great deal on house and I already owned acreage next door which is not part of the subdivision and therefore not subject to the covenants.
2.  Covenants were not very restrictive (disallowed stuff I wouldn't do anyway, and didn't disallow much at that).
3.  Neighbors are generally of the same mind as me with respect to loathing intrusive laws/restrictions.
4.  Dues were a hair over four bucks a month ($50/year) which goes to maintain our private road and put on two cookouts each year.  I have fun neighbors, so the cookouts are totally worth it.

I eventually got elected to the board where I still serve.  We've actually loosened the covenants and have shot down the looney busy-body proposals of the single libtard on the board (she's pretty much stopped showing up--it's kind of hilarious, actually).  No regrets.

That said, I am looking to build somewhere in the dark recesses of the county where there are no HOAs. That'll happen sometime in the next few years when I find the right deal on land.  Even though I do like where I live and am not restricted by the covenants, I understand that all it takes is for the wrong people to move into my neighborhood and get themselves elected to the board.  Life where I live is great, but it could change.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:46:56 AM EDT
HOAs are for people who want to snitch in their neighbor.

My neighborhood has no HOA, my house is the smallest in the neighborhood at 900sqft, and the largest is around 5000. Yards are well kept, people are friendly enough, and other than the occasional yutes fucking with our stuff it isn't too bad. Go 2 blocks in 3 directions and it is complete shit though.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:51:34 AM EDT

Concealed carry is against the rules in your neighborhood?  Don't get caught.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:56:37 AM EDT
I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

what's it matter to you? Every time you step foot off your property you have to follow laws you didn't make and don't agree with. I can get my HOA rules changed if I really wanted to.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:20:23 AM EDT
One of the bigger mistakes in my life.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:32:26 AM EDT
They have their place, and make the most sense in multi-family housing where the owners share the common areas.  Because someone WILL build a gypsy camp complete with dancing bear and a chicken slaughtering station in the common area next to the pool.  Most people in this world are nice, but the assholes are more obvious.  Don't criticize HOAs, criticize the assholes whose actions result in people doing what's necessary to maintain their property values and sanity.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:34:06 AM EDT


I can't fathom it.  Why would ANYONE pay a monthly fee and WILLINGLY give up their liberty?

I agree, it boggles my mind.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:40:13 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

No HOA here and no such problems. The things you listed are common sense to most people. And the cars in yards thing is a city ordinance here, no HOA needed.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:40:39 AM EDT
Because in some places you can't find worthwhile houses that aren't in a HOA.

This.  It depends on what area you're in.  Good luck finding anything without an HOA in NoVA.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:43:09 AM EDT
I love how GD can turn anything into Lexington and Concord.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:44:23 AM EDT

I don't live in an HOA neighborhood.

There are no overgrown weeds.

No overgrown bushes.

No lawns that haven't been cut in 5 months.

No cars on blocks.

And our property value is rising.

Great for you...Why the fuck do you care if others live in an HOA Community?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:46:31 AM EDT
I purchased a house 6 years ago in a HOA community with very reasonable fees. At first it was great, street sweepers, they maintained all grassy areas. Now I see none of this and wonder where my yearly fees are being spent. Honestly, I think now they are just on lawn maintenance patrol as there are a ton of foreclosures now in my neighborhood and the HOA actively goes after the banks to maintain the lawns. If you plant a tree or change your landscaping they want to be involved, fuck them.

I absolutely love my sub-division as it offers many amenities not available right down the street (adequate sewer and draining systems, underground power lines and ample street lighting to name a few) but if I had to go back I would not live in a HOA neighborhood. I
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:48:47 AM EDT

Quoted: Go 2 blocks in 3 directions and it is complete shit though.
Why would you buy a house in such a shitty area?


Now, that's something that I don't understand.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:50:08 AM EDT
Because most new construction is done on subdivided land. Many subdivisions have common land and amenities. A source of funding to maintain that land is needed. Also developers put HOA's in place as a way to insure uniformity in product and provide customers with assurance that the guy next door isn't going to do something to decrease home value's. For most people the reward outweighs the risk.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:51:46 AM EDT


Quoted: Go 2 blocks in 3 directions and it is complete shit though.
Why would you buy a house in such a shitty area?  

To be closer to work.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:52:47 AM EDT
my city is rated in "the top 10 places to live in the US" every year.  We have zero crime, awesome public schools and we are only a few miles from several respected hospitals for adults and children.

Good luck buying a new house here that isnt in an HOA.  I dont want to live in the sticks.  And I wanted a new house with the options I wanted.

It's about priorities.  My buddy lives in a 100 year old farmhouse.  It's cool that he doesnt have any neighbors.  But if he has an AMI, his chances of dying are much higher than mine.  And his pipes probably have lead in them. To each their own.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:53:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:54:05 AM EDT
I live in a very nice neighborhood over $600k houses, with a HoA that cost $75 a month. It goes to pay for the gate guard, the security guards patrolling at night, repaving/sealing our private alley ways, paying pool companies for chems and life guards, paying lawn care companies to cut grass and edge, pays for city taxes for the extra open property we have that is staying open (nice fields for taking dogs off leash, play grounds, private boat docks. Only time HoA steps in is if someone wants to put an addition on to the house or modify the outside  some way. Most cannot afford to live in these neighborhoods and even more are turned away from HoAs it's an easy way to keep my from getting to close to the nasty cheap people that live around the Chesapeake, VA (Hampton Roads). You don't like it, that's cool I don't like your 900 square foot garage you live in, but ill still gladly go shooting with you and get hammered drunk.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:55:15 AM EDT
I love how GD can turn anything into Lexington and Concord.

LOL... no shit.

In NJ, (when it was a semi free state) we lived in a house on a street, no HOA, no subdivision, etc.  We shot guns, cut trees down, bulldozed a large outbuilding and put the remnant in a ditch in the back, pissed off the back porch, burned wood and yard waste in the outdoor fireplace....

All that said, the reason we did most of that was BECAUSE we had 6 acres.  If we had .25 of an acre, there would have been no damn purpose for that.

I think some folks care more about the "rules" then the reality of the living situation.

The question should be:  "Why would anyone who wants to have a boat, work on cars, shoot guns off the porch, have dogs barking, chainsaw trees, not mow their lawn, park vehicles anywhere...LIVE IN A SUBDIVISION?"

If THOSE things are most important to you, live in a place where the neighbors either are like minded or too far away to care.  Subdivisions are for like minded people who like some conformity and lead similar lifestyles.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:56:35 AM EDT
Because most new construction is done on subdivided land. Many subdivisions have common land and amenities. A source of funding to maintain that land is needed. Also developers put HOA's in place as a way to insure uniformity in product and provide customers with assurance that the guy next door isn't going to do something to decrease home value's. For most people the reward outweighs the risk.  

Like stores that have "NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO SERVICE"

They want their customers a certain way so that they appeal to the maximum number of people that spend money.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:58:08 AM EDT
I refuse to live in an HOA. We live out in the sticks and I have one neighbor that is the biggest alcoholic redneck I've ever seen in my life. However, he stays on his side of the fence and I stay on mine. My other neighbor is somewhat of a hermit but he's there if I need him. All in all I wouldn't change a thing. I'm free to live how I want to, to paint my house how I want to, and plant what ever flowers the wife wants me too.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 3:59:59 AM EDT

Ours is pretty nice.

Less than $200/year. In an area with lots of white trash, its worth it to keep neighbors from decorating their yards with broken washing machines and feral dogs.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:03:31 AM EDT
I pay $90 a year for our HOA, it's a 100 house community.

I was under the opinion that I would never live in a HOA community with past issues with rental houses. However, with the low cost and reviewing the regulations (i.e. common sense items) and speaking to the HOA Manager, it was a no-brainer for us. For the most part, everyone takes care of their house around here and the HOA focuses their our funds on the entrance. I believe they caused a stink when someone decided to cut their Live Oak trees out - but that was it.

Again, YMMV - put your proper diligence in for any property you purchase to ensure there's nothing to jeopardize your value.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:05:18 AM EDT



Quoted: Go 2 blocks in 3 directions and it is complete shit though.
Why would you buy a house in such a shitty area?  

To be closer to work.  
What, he bicycles to his job?


Why not rent a place in decent neighborhood?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:09:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:19:08 AM EDT


Because 50% of the general population are below average morons,

and birds of a feather flock together.  

I wasn't aware HOA membership was that high

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:19:43 AM EDT


Whats your point?

Everybody lives in a Municipality.

Actually not everyone lives in a Municipality (city)

Its called Civil Society.

Only those that bought into the wrong neighborhood have to put up with an HOA.

You may love your HOA today.

But all HOA's have a special rule. Its called Rule 22.

Rule 22 basically states that "We the HOA board can change the rules"

Not every HOA has Rule 22 whatever that is.  The bylaws of each HAO dictates on how rules can be changed.  Most take require a majority vote of the homeowners

An HOA has the power to control your use of your property.

On a lmited basis.  City, Counties, States, the Fed have rules on how to use your property too.  Hell I have rules on how to use my property

An HOA can levy fees and special assessments.

So can cities, counties, states, the Fed.  Cities can steal your property via imminent domain for example.  Try building a nuclear powerplant on your property, the Feds won't like that.

An HOA can take you to court and with 99% probability of winning.

You have a credible source to backup the 99% probability of winning claim?

And you can take the HOA to court too.

An HOA can foreclose on your home.

A lot of states don't allow this.  The city can do the same thing as well. And mortgage companies.

An HOA can misappropriate your dues which is equivalent to steeling your money.

Anyone can steal, if they get caught they can go to jail too.

Your Neighbor working on his car in the driveway is not even in the same league as the evil and misery that an HOA can rain down on you when they go bad.

I can work on my car in my driveway


Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:24:40 AM EDT
An HOA is the free market solution to intrusive city government.  Both can get carried away, but unless you want to live the arfcom mountain-man recluse life, road maintenance and some sort of common understanding about common areas is just part of life.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:25:13 AM EDT
No idea. I never got it either.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:30:28 AM EDT
because they have a different idea bout how to live.  they want to live around people who (they believe) live like they do.  

it isn't about property values.  it is about keeping out people that rich people don't like.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:30:57 AM EDT
I always thought these people wanted to move to an area surrounded with urban blight
Makes them feel superior to have a nice patch of homes purposefully surrounding themselves with urban decay  

An ego booster of sorts

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:31:13 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

There's a healthy balance, what you depict is hyperbole and your HOA evidently makes you feel good.  So add insecure drama queen to the list.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:31:56 AM EDT
They probably often have no idea just how much control the HOA will impose on their activities. The area looks nice, the house is in their price range...the HOA is probably the last thing on their minds.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:32:54 AM EDT
I live in a HOA neighborhood, not gated, and seriously it would fall to shit in a heartbeat if the HOA dissolved.  Yeah, I've had my dings from the landscape nazi's, but I learned my lesson. I pay a guy 35$ a month who does all the front yards on my cul-de-sac to keep em HOA friendly.  My HOA dues are 55$ a month, they have not increased at all in over 4 years.  The HOA maintains a budget surplus, and is building awesome new parks and features all the time.  They are planning on installing community wide FREE Wi-Fi for all residents. There's 24 hr security patrol.  They're nice guys, too.  I left my garage open by accident once, the guard came to the door to remind me.  There are pro's and con's, but overall my quality of life, in a major city, is pretty good in small part to the HOA.  Do I agree with everything they have in the CC&Rs or with every nutcase on the board? NO FUCKIN WAY, but they're not exactly JBTs coming to shoot my dag either.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:34:14 AM EDT

So that you're not surrounded by people who live like this:

Missouri Trailer Trash
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:34:14 AM EDT
HOA here and no problems in the last 7 yrs...YMMV

Same here and it is great for my kids.
It is a nice gated neighborhood and that is their boundaries.

Why pick on HOA's, when I don't bother people out of HOA's or live on property.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:36:03 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

What did Ben Franklin say about a group of private citizens mutually agreeing on a set guidelines to ensure their neighborhood maintains a certain appearance?

Don't like it? Feel free to not live in one. And living in an HOA neighborhood hardly makes one a "moron" like many have suggested.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:36:47 AM EDT


I live in a HOA neighborhood, not gated, and seriously it would fall to shit in a heartbeat if the HOA dissolved.  Yeah, I've had my dings from the landscape nazi's, but I learned my lesson. I pay a guy 35$ a month who does all the front yards on my cul-de-sac to keep em HOA friendly.  My HOA dues are 55$ a month, they have not increased at all in over 4 years.  The HOA maintains a budget surplus, and is building awesome new parks and features all the time.  They are planning on installing community wide FREE Wi-Fi for all residents. There's 24 hr security patrol.  They're nice guys, too.  I left my garage open by accident once, the guard came to the door to remind me.  There are pro's and con's, but overall my quality of life, in a major city, is pretty good in small part to the HOA.  Do I agree with everything they have in the CC&Rs or with every nutcase on the board? NO FUCKIN WAY, but they're not exactly JBTs coming to shoot my dag either.


Who pays for it?

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:38:02 AM EDT

I live in a HOA neighborhood, not gated, and seriously it would fall to shit in a heartbeat if the HOA dissolved.  Yeah, I've had my dings from the landscape nazi's, but I learned my lesson. I pay a guy 35$ a month who does all the front yards on my cul-de-sac to keep em HOA friendly.  My HOA dues are 55$ a month, they have not increased at all in over 4 years.  The HOA maintains a budget surplus, and is building awesome new parks and features all the time.  They are planning on installing community wide FREE Wi-Fi for all residents. There's 24 hr security patrol.  They're nice guys, too.  I left my garage open by accident once, the guard came to the door to remind me.  There are pro's and con's, but overall my quality of life, in a major city, is pretty good in small part to the HOA.  Do I agree with everything they have in the CC&Rs or with every nutcase on the board? NO FUCKIN WAY, but they're not exactly JBTs coming to shoot my dag either.


Who pays for it?

The idiots who bought the houses with the 400$ fees.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:41:42 AM EDT

I live in a HOA neighborhood, not gated, and seriously it would fall to shit in a heartbeat if the HOA dissolved.  Yeah, I've had my dings from the landscape nazi's, but I learned my lesson. I pay a guy 35$ a month who does all the front yards on my cul-de-sac to keep em HOA friendly.  My HOA dues are 55$ a month, they have not increased at all in over 4 years.  The HOA maintains a budget surplus, and is building awesome new parks and features all the time.  They are planning on installing community wide FREE Wi-Fi for all residents. There's 24 hr security patrol.  They're nice guys, too.  I left my garage open by accident once, the guard came to the door to remind me.  There are pro's and con's, but overall my quality of life, in a major city, is pretty good in small part to the HOA.  Do I agree with everything they have in the CC&Rs or with every nutcase on the board? NO FUCKIN WAY, but they're not exactly JBTs coming to shoot my dag either.


Who pays for it?

The idiots who bought the houses with the 400$ fees.

It was $55, and he made no bones about the fees.

If you can do community wi-fi for a cheaper per unit cost than each person doing it on their own, and the residents support this, what does it hurt?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:42:29 AM EDT
Wow you all sound like a bunch of sally's. What happened to freedom and people allowed to make choices for themselves?

If I want to paint my house purple and work on a truck in my front yard it is my freedom and what my neighbor does is his business. If you dont like your neighbors.......move.

WOW talk about a bunch of whine asses.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:43:09 AM EDT
Because in some places you can't find worthwhile houses that aren't in a HOA.

Like in AZ and FL.

It was nearly impossible for us to find anything not in an HOA. That said, paying $2k a year in dues sucks.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:44:13 AM EDT
So your neighbor has to mow their lawn every month or so, not leave cars in their front yard, not paint their house neon purple...

Some people like to protect their property value.  

I was waiting for this answer.

And Bren Franklin had something to say about these kinds of morons.

What did Ben Franklin say about a group of private citizens mutually agreeing on a set guidelines to ensure their neighborhood maintains a certain appearance?

Don't like it? Feel free to not live in one. And living in an HOA neighborhood hardly makes one a "moron" like many have suggested.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 4:44:37 AM EDT
I like knowing that my next door neighbor isn't going to erect a twelve foot purple Virgin Mary.

Private Joker, you DO believe in the Virgin Mary, don't you?

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