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Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:37:15 PM EDT
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Hey look, another '23 account. Another '23 account that leans towards posting divisive topics like "Why do you hate or love Trump?"

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.
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 Your joking right? This forum is devisive. I was inspired to ask the question after seeing Trump Hate on a forum with a membership who benefited as gun owners from the 4 years we had with Trump. Don't talk to me about being devisive the memers here have the market cornered. What a stupid post you made.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:38:58 PM EDT
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It's interesting to see how much completely unquantifiable emotion the Trump fans impose on him.  It's all about feels, which is usually a target of their derision.  It's a case study in coping.

"Well sure, he's a New Yorker and a lifelong Democrat that rubbed elbows with the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein, and might have had some bad takes on gun control and abortion and healthcare and spending, and yeah he abandoned his J6 supporters while pardoning corrupt Dem politicians and criminals and made the worst possible swampy staff picks ever that completely blew up in his face and considers the vaccine his greatest presidential achievement, but I can tell he loves America."

They can't even use the trope "I'd love to have a beer with him" because he's a teetotaler.
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 Fake news by libtards is that Trump was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein it's not true and is a lie told only by libtards. Just like all the sexual misconduct the media comes up with.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:40:25 PM EDT
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 No I want yoo to work on your reading comprehension. It obviously disqualifies you to vote.
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Are the Caps lock keys broken at the Trump Campaign Headquarters?
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:41:10 PM EDT
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How about not playing the victim and start a new thread on that? Duh.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:47:18 PM EDT
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Record debt
Blatant disregard for the Constitution
Anti-2A rhetoric and actions
His lies and attempts to overturn an election he lost
His presidential pardons
Inability to take advice or listen to people smarter than he is
And the fact that he is ancient. No more geriatrics in the WH.

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 Pardon me, do you happen to have a link to the report issued after the investigation into vote fraud? I'd like to read that. Oh wait, that does not exist and you are just as scummy as the media for saying Trump is guilty of trying to rig an election the CIA and the Left rigged.

I can't say what I would do with the media if I had the power. It would violate community standards.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:50:31 PM EDT
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I dont like the fact that if that asshole would have toned it back on Twitter and not been such an outspoken twat, Joe Biden never would have been elected and the dumb shit we've been dealing with the past 3 years likely wouldn't have taken place.  I blame him for Biden's presidency.

His attitude and ego are what cost him/us.

That being said, I'll vote for him in a heartbeat if he's the nominee.
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 You need to get informed on the vote fraud. Here is a start,


Recent news supports The Epoctimes work done where computer scientists investigated the machines and found a ton of BS had gone on.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:52:16 PM EDT
He is a New York City progressive......
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:52:45 PM EDT
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 Pardon me, do you happen to have a link to the report issued after the investigation into vote fraud? I'd like to read that. Oh wait, that does not exist and you are just as scummy as the media for saying Trump is guilty of trying to rig an election the CIA and the Left rigged.

I can't say what I would do with the media if I had the power. It would violate community standards.
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The Electoral College voted, and Biden won. Trump then actively circumvented legal and constitutional means to challenge those results, in an attempt to overturn the results.

Are you really going to disagree with this?
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:56:57 PM EDT
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 About the guns what you really don't like is the gridlock and the Republican house that did not want to work with him or the DNC controlled house. Blaming this on Trump who could not even get immigration reform done becuase of the DNC is kinda short sighted. Brush up on how the system works and you will find less disatisfaction.
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How many times did trump hold the federal budget hostage until he could get the wall, gun rights, or anything else he promised?

Oh that’s right, he got outplayed and schlonged by Schumer, pelosi, and every dipshit political hack that walked by. Sad!
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:58:13 PM EDT
I’m very indifferent about trump. I would never send him money. I’d also vote for him in the general. I think, like any other politician, person with money, and power that he’s out for himself. I do think it would be incredibly funny if he lost to Biden in 24. I’d probably really uncontrollably laugh after it’s called for Biden.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 4:58:16 PM EDT
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I was always suspect of Trump (or any politician for that matter). After Obamas term out of no where came this fight Big Gov, Drain The Swamp candidate! MAGA LOCK HER UP THE WALL!!!! It just all seemed to good to be true. For me it was all way to convenient after Obama that a life long Dem that had been pals with the Clintons for years was suddenly saying alot of what people wanted to hear. I remembered him saying we had to elect Obama for his second term to fix our country. He did it on Hannity's show on Fox News the night of the election. I just felt like it was a huge Con from the beginning.

Once he was elected in his acceptance speech he clearly said that we owe Hilldog a huge debt of gratitude for everything she had done over the years and what wonderful people the Clintons were. This was clear immediately to me what was going on and that game that was being played on the voters. That was the end of lock her up etc. He got what he wanted and that was to be POTUS so now he could go back to the old NY Dem he was.

Trump is an ego maniac and was smart enough to know what would play well with average Americans. Unfortunately his actual deeds and his rhetoric could not be more different. He has done more damage to the Conservative movement then the Democrats could dream of. He has made the Right look like a bunch of fools with his cult and his comments. He co-opted the entire movement somewhat like what Glenn Beck and others did to the original Tea Party movement that Ron Paul helped start.

Once in office he installed the swamp in every position. He started spending more than Obama did, and just like Obama went right around anything that would reign in his Presidential powers. Just like every good RINO there is no limit on spending as long as it was for his pet projects the National Debt be damned. He got more Gun Control rammed through then Obama and Biden combined. He tried to appoint someone so left to run the ATF that the RINOs in congress stopped him. He in no way was a conservative or what he projected during his campaign.

No Wall
No Lock Her Up
No Audit Of Any Gov Agency
No Spending Reductions
Locked Down The Entire Country And Did Nothing To Stop It
Pushed Gun Control
Pushed The Vax
Pushed RFL
Congratulated Politicians For Passing Gun Control
No Voter Fraud Protections
The list is endless.

It is unfortunate that Americans now actively search for a King to worship and fix all their problems. Voters love Reality TV and that is what Trump gave them and they ate it up. He is a bigger than life superhero that can fix all their problems if they just Vote for him! He was right when he said he could shoot someone and get away with it. His Cult would defend anything he did because they have No Principles and put Party and Trump first. The Cult he created will be studied for years to come IMO. It is quite the PSYOP to completely betray your base yet they clamor for more betrayal.


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You mind if I share your post on social media? Anonymously of course.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:00:36 PM EDT
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You mind if I share your post on social media? Anonymously of course.
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If you wish. May wanna fix the grammar errors etc. Posting from my cell phone is treacherous.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:04:23 PM EDT
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You mean the libtard assertion that he lies? I looked into that. Could not find any. What he does do is he uses language that supports what he wants or wants to do. It's a technique used by life coaches. It works liek this, you say something about yourself or soemthing that is not true but you want to manifest it into reality. This confused some libtards. The lying charge started with his weight. He simply said what he wanted to weigh not what he did weigh. Becuase if you don't manifest change you wont get any.

This confuses dip shit libtards everywhere. The same people screaming about this ignore Biden's lies telling us it never really mattered to them. You want to know who the horrible person is in this? People who have an issue on a selective basis.
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You mean the libtard assertion that he lies? I looked into that. Could not find any. What he does do is he uses language that supports what he wants or wants to do. It's a technique used by life coaches. It works liek this, you say something about yourself or soemthing that is not true but you want to manifest it into reality. This confused some libtards. The lying charge started with his weight. He simply said what he wanted to weigh not what he did weigh. Becuase if you don't manifest change you wont get any.

This confuses dip shit libtards everywhere. The same people screaming about this ignore Biden's lies telling us it never really mattered to them. You want to know who the horrible person is in this? People who have an issue on a selective basis.

Look, attempt to distract from a culty answer by throwing up a Biden strawman.

I guess the whole nonpartisan “truth seeking” thing turned out to be less than honest.  Not a surprise, really.
To be clear I am not a trumper I am a pro truth rationalist.

Your pants are on fire…
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:07:37 PM EDT
OP, how does that hotdog taste?

After all the anti-gun bullshit Trump pulled, I just don’t understand how anyone can vote for him. It wouldn’t bother me quite as much if he was honest, but…

He told his potential voters in 2016 that, if elected, the attack on the 2nd amendment would be over.

He fucking lied through his teeth.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:22:19 PM EDT
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 That's called un realistic expectations.
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I forgot about the pardons entirely.

I actually talked to a Jan6th protester last week that got nailed for walking through the building in the crowd.  No violence, no vandalism, etc.  

She was salty about Trump not doing a blanket pardon for the minor crimes, and I would be too.  A 1L could have reasearched and drafted that in a couple of hours for Trump to sign.

 That's called un realistic expectations.

Now do “the revenge tour” you guys think is going to happen if Trump gets reelected…

You never seem to realize… you make your guy as strong and hunky as he is your dreams but only acknowledge weakness if it suits the moment.

And you think we don’t remember you waffling constantly between those two states.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:25:16 PM EDT
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Now do “the revenge tour” you guys think is going to happen if Trump gets reelected…

You never seem to realize… you make your guy as strong and hunky as he is your dreams but only acknowledge weakness if it suits the moment.

And you think we don’t remember you waffling constantly between those two states.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:27:01 PM EDT
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 Your in a blue state.  I already cleaned up the gun thing and you are still clinging to it. That's on you.
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Lol let’s game the conversation so it’s completely in our favor! Weak.

Know why I dislike Trump? 20% of it is his stance on guns, failed promises, etc., and 80% of it is his legion of sycophantic nuthuggers that constantly defend him shitting the bed and reinterpret it like he’s reverse-freshening the sheets so Maria the maid and Hector the washing machine operator can have jobs.

Will I hold my nose and vote for him if he’s the nom? Probably. But even if he’s elected he won’t have help. Not even what he had for 2 years of a full majority in every wing of the federal government (and still didn’t get what he promised done). So we won’t get the “ripping” and “tearing” revenge tour promised by the dingalings promising that.

I eagerly look forward to a healthy, unifying conversation on the topic.

 Your in a blue state.  I already cleaned up the gun thing and you are still clinging to it. That's on you.

“Cleaned up the gun thing”? Do you even own guns? You should be righteously pissed off that someone was willing to write off your rights to make Schumer and Feinstein happy.

Disgusting and unbecoming of you to dismiss something so important. But sadly not surprising.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:33:39 PM EDT
Rating “troll” because “divisive smooth-brain n00b dumpster fire” is sadly not an option.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:42:07 PM EDT
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He could pardon the people arrested on that day, I suppose, for whatever they were arrested for.

My question would be, would you pardon complete strangers, not having any idea if they were friends or foe?

Can he proactively pardon anyone? “I pardon anyone arrested after I’m out of office forever and ever.” Is that a thing?

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 NO it's not a thing and the people complaing about that are either libtards engaged in Crtical theory or they are that stupid. Had Trump pardoned anyone they would never stop going on about how he pardoned people who he knew nothing about or their cases.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:42:54 PM EDT
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Too many leftists here.
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 Far more then I first thought.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:44:52 PM EDT
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He owned all of CONgress his first two terms and didn’t get shit done.

He claimed he was gonna drain the swamp while filling his cabinet with swamp creatures.

He never fired Pfauci.

He implemented the warp speed fiasco.

He continues to tell the sheep to get sheered vaxxxinated.

He shut the cuntry down while simultaneously handing out billions of dollars.

He put swamp creatures in the SCOTUS.

 I don't like your post or you. You just stated Trump had two terms. DO you wanna walk that back?

He didn’t do shit about HRC.

What’s not to like?
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Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:47:25 PM EDT
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 People like you is why I hate the left.
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The delicious irony of someone sucking the cock of a NY liberal calling someone that voted for actual conservatives "the left." Thanks for making my point.

Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:47:59 PM EDT
His personality issues. He cant shut his trap and act Presidential, for even a day. I dont know exactly what to call his personality problem, but its pretty obvious
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:48:42 PM EDT
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L oh F'ing L !

Trump is on video sitting next to Diane Fienstein preaching his support for Red Flag laws, (Take the Guns First & Due Process "Later"), raising the purchase age, "enhancing" background checks & then unilaterally banned bump stocks with an E.O.. Trump wrote in his book that he supported a Ban on so called "Assault Weapons" & "High Capacity Magazines"

But you claim Trump does not support any gun control.

Keep on with that Big Lie that Trump doesn't support Gun Control.

Page two or three I posted the follow up on that, I already eleduded to in the OP. You need to pay attention to the thread if you are going to take part in it and step up your voting game, currently you are a low informaiton voter. You know who keeps pushing what you just did? Libtards pretending to be conservaitves.

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Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:49:44 PM EDT
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Uhh he’s the one who pushed for the ban.
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Name the bill that he signed making them illegal?
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:53:29 PM EDT
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Are you ignorant, or dishonest?

Neither is very fitting for someone claiming to be “pro truth”.
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 No it's you who is clearly the ignorant one here. I said this in my OP do you have any reading comprehesion? Then on page one I proved it. I will ask this again to you DIRECTLY, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?
Trump says he won't support any new gun laws
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:56:39 PM EDT
Don't feed the troll.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:57:16 PM EDT
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Don't feed the troll.
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Link Posted: 8/30/2023 5:58:15 PM EDT
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Being a newbie, you must not have heard the sad, but true, story of:

Four Years of the Trump Administration and the “Beautiful” 2nd Amendment

The states of CA, WA, OR, NV, NM, CO, FL (Trump liked that gun control), IL, MD, NJ, NY, MA, CT, VT, VA all either eviscerated the 2A or passed gun control in the four years Trump has been in office and all we got from him were a few "paper tiger" tweets regarding VA anti 2A actions. No Second Amendment Coalition meeting ever held, no federal intervention at the DOJ or AG level regarding states (pot is sold freely in violation of federal law but all federal gun laws are enforced even if a state rejects them), no HPA, no federal CCW, no deregulation of gun laws; many can be done without Congressional approval through the BATFE (Trump's "best people" forgot to tell him about those), ZERO leadership initiatives done when Republicrats controlled the White House, Senate, and Congress (maybe this is 4D chess and Trump is secretly going to control the Biden White House; Q-Anon has all the excuses if you need any), and many anti-2A actions as documented below:


 Wait? You think Trump can control what other states do or vote on? You need to go back to civics class and pay attention this time.
Obviously Trump's number one agenda was not gun rights. He did have other things to work on like the boarder.  Q'anon is a deep state psyops. You are not the only one to elude to Trump and gun control on the state level. The ignorance is strong in this thread.


Does Trump Truly Support the Second Amendment? Even if former President Trump fights off his legal troubles, history shows he is no true friend to the Second Amendment

Foreign Aid a Bigger Priority for the Government Than the Bill of Rights

Will President Trump Let ATF Continue to Rule by Unchecked Diktat with Honey Badger ‘Reclassification'? - Pepperage Farm remembers- just got a reminder the other month from the Federal Register...

Where's My 4D Chess? SCOTUS Passes on All 2nd Amendment Cases

Any Trump SCOTUS Pick Should Not Have Argued Against Second Amendment (we may have gotten a good one but only time will tell)

'Gun Owners for Trump' Could be Valuable if President Welcomes Right Voices - Gotta love that Second Amendment Coalition 2.0! LOL!

Supreme Court Judge Questions Trump's Bump-Fire Stock Ban

Congressmen Question ATF Brace Restriction Plans

Trump Dumps ATF Nominee Over Pro-Gun Objections

Who Will Guard Against ‘Guardians' When Trump Admin Enforces More Gun Laws?

Trump Considers Social Credit Score System for Gun Ownership

145 CEOs Demand Senate 'Take Action' On Gun Control – One of Them Is the Brother of Trump's Senior Advisor

Trump All Over Map on Guns as NRA Fights Self-Started Fires

Ivanka Trump's Support of Unconstitutional Red Flag Laws: a Red Flag to Gun Owners

BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Greenlights Red Flag Laws

Is the Trump Administration Imposing More Gun Control through BATFE with a Ban on Pistol Braces? UPDATE

2020 is Trump's to Blow with Gun Owners

Trump Administration Export Ban on Over 32 Round Magazines Raises Question of 'Why?'

President Trump Brags About Bump Stock Ban, Supports Concealed Carry, Hints About a Possible Silencer Ban – Seems Confused About What the 2A is All About

Trump: 'I Don't Like Silencers at All'

FOP Actions of Trump's ATF Pick Belie 'Reverence for 2nd Amendment' Claim

Supreme Court Judge Questions Trump's Bump-Fire Stock Ban  


Trump's Bump Stock Ban

Trump Choosing Barr for DOJ: No Favor to Gun Owners

How Republicans Have Damaged the 2nd Amendment

DOJ Announces Bump Stock Ban, Countersuits Immediately Filed

Trump's Pending Bumpstock Ban

With Republicans Like These, Who Needs Democrats?

Where is Trump as States Reduce RKBA to Sub-Foreign Levels?

President Trump's View of 2nd Amendment Not What Gun Owners Thought?

"During his confirmation hearings, Justice Gorsuch assured Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, when asked specifically about the banning of M-16 rifles and the like, that he would follow the law in Heller."

Republicans, Courts Destroying 2nd Amendment in Ways Democrats Can't

False-Flag Drive Toward Registration, Confiscation

If Newly Proposed Gun-Control Policies Were Law in 1945 (Trump’s Support for FL Gun Control)

Bump Stocks and the Bill of Rights


Doesn't sound like a pro-2A president to me especially one that who gave hundreds of promises to protect the 2nd Amendment. (I understand that leftist Biden isn’t either…)

Trump knew he needed gun owners to win so he told them what they wanted to hear. And many pro-2A conservatives are falling for it all over again...

But, these facts (which have NEVER been proven wrong) about a NYC charlatan who screwed gun owners over and over don't matter to the Trump cultists.

"fOUr mORe yEARs! he'LL Do iT tHIs TimE!"

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Link Posted: 8/30/2023 6:14:24 PM EDT
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Name the bill that he signed making them illegal?
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The POTUS is the chief of the Executive Branch. The BATFE is in the executive branch. Trump, as POTUS, directed his agencies in a memo to examine ways they could push gun control without having to wait for Congress. The BATFE then re-determined that bumpstocks are machine guns. This action put Slide Fire Solutions out of business, and kept bumpstocks out of the hands of Americans until the Judicial branch intervened.

Cliff notes: trump pushed gun control on America by circumventing the proper legislative process our country is built on, and a judge’s decision had to save America from Trump’s ignorance and liberal ego
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 6:18:25 PM EDT
Trump could easily win 2024 if he simply....

-Do everything he planned to do already. But don't announce everything, just put things in motion behind the scenes. Like if you're quitting a job, mention it to the right people, keep your nose down, work behind the scenes, and catch people off guard when it's time. Don't loudly announce "I'm going to quit in 2 weeks! It's going to be the greatest quitting. You're going to be blown away on that day!" Just STFU and do it.

-Stay off Twitter. Or simply ask yourself "Do I sound like a whiny 14 year old if I typed this out?" If so? Then don't type it. That means calling opponents Ronny SmellyPants or other juvenile stuff.

-If you're going to be President, act like one. Stop playing the victim and letting everyone know you're being attacked. Be Teflon Don and don't let anyone know they're getting to you. Keep a stiff upper lip like the British say and again, don't act like an emotional hormonal teenager.

-Don't egg on your opponents. If can't win preaching to the choir/base. Find a middle ground. Stop being so combative.

That's it. Follow that and he can win. Do the same things you plan to do but keep your mouth shut.

Everything I mentioned is easily controllable!!!
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 6:19:04 PM EDT
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 No it's you who is clearly the ignorant one here. I said this in my OP do you have any reading comprehesion? Then on page one I proved it. I will ask this again to you DIRECTLY, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdAqtk7T5wo
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Are you ignorant, or dishonest?

Neither is very fitting for someone claiming to be “pro truth”.

 No it's you who is clearly the ignorant one here. I said this in my OP do you have any reading comprehesion? Then on page one I proved it. I will ask this again to you DIRECTLY, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdAqtk7T5wo

You also said you weren’t a “Trumpster”. We all know this was dishonest at this point.

You’ve proven nothing.  What, precisely, do you actually think you’ve proven?

There is a list of anti-gun things Trump has said and done, along with many links.

Trump says many things, often contradictory.  Why is that particular one “real” and all the other things aren’t?

So do you lack critical thinking skills, or is your one sided presentation deliberate?  I’m thinking the latter.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 6:19:46 PM EDT
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 No I want yoo to work on your reading comprehension. It obviously disqualifies you to vote.
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You want us to articulate why we don’t like Trump with the caveat that we can only use reasons acceptable to you?



 No I want yoo to work on your reading comprehension. It obviously disqualifies you to vote.

You are an aggressively hostile junior poster who wont last long here. I’m sure you already have alternate accounts set up.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:30:10 PM EDT
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Name the bill that he signed making them illegal?
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:33:45 PM EDT
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“Cleaned up the gun thing”? Do you even own guns? You should be righteously pissed off that someone was willing to write off your rights to make Schumer and Feinstein happy.

Disgusting and unbecoming of you to dismiss something so important. But sadly not surprising.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:39:30 PM EDT
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You are telling fibs. go through that post, line by line, and point them out… show your work
Tell who you want as President.
don’t try to change the subject

I am not changing the subject. He does drive byes on every Trump thread spreading his hate mongering. It is time for him to pony up and declare his choice for President instead of shifting the blame to the other person.

Lying by omission is a real thing that he leverages. When you push him in a corner he goes dark.  Then he moves on to another drive by hate mongering post.

Again, who do you support and who does support for President of the United States?  It is time to choose sides.

Okay reading on, I see that he supports DeSantis. Now spend your time telling why he is a better choice and stop focusing on why his opposition a worse choice.

I don’t give a shit who you vote for.  I do give a shit when you midline an incident man.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:41:22 PM EDT
is it a crime to want and hope for something better? I would have no issue with Trump getting re elected. He's certainly going to get the nomination. But I think others have the potential to do better
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:42:34 PM EDT
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I was always suspect of Trump (or any politician for that matter). After Obamas term out of no where came this fight Big Gov, Drain The Swamp candidate! MAGA LOCK HER UP THE WALL!!!! It just all seemed to good to be true. For me it was all way to convenient after Obama that a life long Dem that had been pals with the Clintons for years was suddenly saying alot of what people wanted to hear. I remembered him saying we had to elect Obama for his second term to fix our country. He did it on Hannity's show on Fox News the night of the election. I just felt like it was a huge Con from the beginning.

Once he was elected in his acceptance speech he clearly said that we owe Hilldog a huge debt of gratitude for everything she had done over the years and what wonderful people the Clintons were. This was clear immediately to me what was going on and that game that was being played on the voters. That was the end of lock her up etc. He got what he wanted and that was to be POTUS so now he could go back to the old NY Dem he was.

Trump is an ego maniac and was smart enough to know what would play well with average Americans. Unfortunately his actual deeds and his rhetoric could not be more different. He has done more damage to the Conservative movement then the Democrats could dream of. He has made the Right look like a bunch of fools with his cult and his comments. He co-opted the entire movement somewhat like what Glenn Beck and others did to the original Tea Party movement that Ron Paul helped start.

Once in office he installed the swamp in every position. He started spending more than Obama did, and just like Obama went right around anything that would reign in his Presidential powers. Just like every good RINO there is no limit on spending as long as it was for his pet projects the National Debt be damned. He got more Gun Control rammed through then Obama and Biden combined. He tried to appoint someone so left to run the ATF that the RINOs in congress stopped him. He in no way was a conservative or what he projected during his campaign.

No Wall
No Lock Her Up
No Audit Of Any Gov Agency
No Spending Reductions
Locked Down The Entire Country And Did Nothing To Stop It
Pushed Gun Control
Pushed The Vax
Pushed RFL
Congratulated Politicians For Passing Gun Control
No Voter Fraud Protections
The list is endless.

It is unfortunate that Americans now actively search for a King to worship and fix all their problems. Voters love Reality TV and that is what Trump gave them and they ate it up. He is a bigger than life superhero that can fix all their problems if they just Vote for him! He was right when he said he could shoot someone and get away with it. His Cult would defend anything he did because they have No Principles and put Party and Trump first. The Cult he created will be studied for years to come IMO. It is quite the PSYOP to completely betray your base yet they clamor for more betrayal.


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Well said!
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:43:46 PM EDT
Thank you OP for making this post.  It's great to see the majority see trump for who he is, a fraud that only cares about his ego and not this country.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 7:44:32 PM EDT
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lol, no I'm not. But I understand some people have an emotional attachment to Trump and can't deal with his shortcomings.

Want to keep going with the list why Trymp sucks?

Socialist stimulus handouts so large even the democrat congress said no, all while wanting his signature on the checks.
The irreparable damage caused to the Republican Party, all while making the democrats stronger than they've ever been.

I'm voting for Desantis by the way.  You know, an actual conservative.  A candidate with proven leadership and the ability to win a general election post-2020.
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DeSantis is a non start. There is talk today that he is dropping out of the race. Right now he won’t win the nominating even with the backing of the RINOs.

Thank you for coming forth. Now focus on why DeSantis is the best choice and stop focusing on hate mongering.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:01:44 PM EDT
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“Cleaned up the gun thing”? Do you even own guns? You should be righteously pissed off that someone was willing to write off your rights to make Schumer and Feinstein happy.

Disgusting and unbecoming of you to dismiss something so important. But sadly not surprising.


Yep. Trump did that. Own it MAGA guys. Trump made Feinstein do that.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:07:00 PM EDT
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I am not changing the subject. He does drive byes on every Trump thread spreading his hate mongering. It is time for him to pony up and declare his choice for President instead of shifting the blame to the other person.

Lying by omission is a real thing that he leverages. When you push him in a corner he goes dark.  Then he moves on to another drive by hate mongering post.

Again, who do you support and who does support for President of the United States?  It is time to choose sides.

Okay reading on, I see that he supports DeSantis. Now spend your time telling why he is a better choice and stop focusing on why his opposition a worse choice.

I don’t give a shit who you vote for.  I do give a shit when you midline an incident man.
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This is absolute nonsense. Drive-by posting?

I can clearly articulate reasons why Trump does not deserve the Republican nomination in 2024 based on his countless failures, inadequacies, and progressive policies.

I’ve also been one of the strongest Desantis supporters in GD, and have touted his resume here countless times.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 8:10:29 PM EDT
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DeSantis is a non start. There is talk today that he is dropping out of the race. Right now he won’t win the nominating even with the backing of the RINOs.

Thank you for coming forth. Now focus on why DeSantis is the best choice and stop focusing on hate mongering.
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No, there isn’t “talk”. There was a nonsensical tweet from Trump, which was quickly refuted by Desantis’s campaign manager.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 9:03:52 PM EDT
Neither like nor hate.

Just think that if he's have stayed off Twitter and not run his mouth like a petulant child, he'd still be in the White House.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 9:10:49 PM EDT
Blagojevich, Kwame Kilpatrick, Kodak black, hating the freedom caucus, bump stocks, making Feinstein wet, being retarded when it comes to his hires, leaving supporters in the gulag, etc. That being said, he did good things....but time to go away and shut up.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 9:17:50 PM EDT
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Neither like nor hate.

Just think that if he's have stayed off Twitter and not run his mouth like a petulant child, he'd still be in the White House.
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Voted for him twice, (gladly so both times)
I think what the Never_Triumph drag-chute did from post convention 2016 to ~2021 was some shameful shit.

But I (like ~50% of the GOP base) aren't sure he's our best first option for 2024, I think the votes of millions of normies matter.

Link Posted: 8/30/2023 9:18:14 PM EDT
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DeSantis is a non start. There is talk today that he is dropping out of the race. Right now he won’t win the nominating even with the backing of the RINOs.

Thank you for coming forth. Now focus on why DeSantis is the best choice and stop focusing on hate mongering.
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Any legitimate sources or links you could share as to this talk of desantis dropping out of the race? Since the debate that trump was too afraid to attend, desantis’ favorables have increased and he’s raised more money. Not exactly signs of a guy dropping out but I’m sure you’ll deliver with some evidence.

*truth social posts from trump whiles he on the golden toilet don’t count, sorry
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 9:53:50 PM EDT
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I am not changing the subject. He does drive byes on every Trump thread spreading his hate mongering. It is time for him to pony up and declare his choice for President instead of shifting the blame to the other person.

Lying by omission is a real thing that he leverages. When you push him in a corner he goes dark.  Then he moves on to another drive by hate mongering post.

Again, who do you support and who does support for President of the United States?  It is time to choose sides.

Okay reading on, I see that he supports DeSantis. Now spend your time telling why he is a better choice and stop focusing on why his opposition a worse choice.

I don’t give a shit who you vote for.  I do give a shit when you midline an incident man.
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You are telling fibs. go through that post, line by line, and point them out… show your work
Tell who you want as President.
don’t try to change the subject

I am not changing the subject. He does drive byes on every Trump thread spreading his hate mongering. It is time for him to pony up and declare his choice for President instead of shifting the blame to the other person.

Lying by omission is a real thing that he leverages. When you push him in a corner he goes dark.  Then he moves on to another drive by hate mongering post.

Again, who do you support and who does support for President of the United States?  It is time to choose sides.

Okay reading on, I see that he supports DeSantis. Now spend your time telling why he is a better choice and stop focusing on why his opposition a worse choice.

I don’t give a shit who you vote for.  I do give a shit when you midline an incident man.

Lol what a confused post. Who exactly are you responding to?

You poor soul.

I have a though exercise for you. It’s much harder than, say, knowing what the term “drive by” means, so gird your loins and bear with me.  Ready?

Go to the top of this page, or check the OP.  What is the subject of this thread?  I’ll give you a hint- it’s not “who do you think is the best candidate for president, and why?”… in fact, the thread subject is pretty self explanatory.  

What this means is that when people (like you) try to derail it into a different subject, you are, in fact, doing what’s called “thread sliding”.  That’s “changing the subject”, which is another thing you apparently don’t understand the meaning of.

A couple of things worth considering:

1. In a thread (started by a Trump cultist) entitled “Why do you hate or dislike Trump?”, it’s ok to discuss the reasons why Trump is a bad person, was a bad president, and is a terrible candidate for the upcoming election.  In fact, that’s what was requested by the person who started the thread.  If that offends you, you can go post in the “Trump is the most handsome president ever”, thread and make yourself feel better.  Maybe you can fantasize about second amendment coalitions or something,

2. If you don’t give a shit who I’m voting for, then why did you ask?  Why was it so important to you that you were fixated on my personal choices?  I’d ask which of the contradictory things was true, but I’m not even sure a Trump cultist is capable of understanding the concept of self-contradiction.

I guess your incoherent rambling was easier than actually going through the post to which you responded and trying to formulate some weak argument that they were lies.  It’s so much easier to simply cast accusations and later pretend they don’t exist, right?  Your hero would be so proud, if he actually gave a crap about the peons, of course.
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 10:03:32 PM EDT
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Lol what a confused post. Who exactly are you responding to?

You poor soul.

I have a though exercise for you. It’s much harder than, say, knowing what the term “drive by” means, so gird your loins and bear with me.  Ready?

Go to the top of this page, or check the OP.  What is the subject of this thread?  I’ll give you a hint- it’s not “who do you think is the best candidate for president, and why?”… in fact, the thread subject is pretty self explanatory.  

What this means is that when people (like you) try to derail it into a different subject, you are, in fact, doing what’s called “thread sliding”.  That’s “changing the subject”, which is another thing you apparently don’t understand the meaning of.

A couple of things worth considering:

1. In a thread (started by a Trump cultist) entitled “Why do you hate or dislike Trump?”, it’s ok to discuss the reasons why Trump is a bad person, was a bad president, and is a terrible candidate for the upcoming election.  In fact, that’s what was requested by the person who started the thread.  If that offends you, you can go post in the “Trump is the most handsome president ever”, thread and make yourself feel better.  Maybe you can fantasize about second amendment coalitions or something,

2. If you don’t give a shit who I’m voting for, then why did you ask?  Why was it so important to you that you were fixated on my personal choices?  I’d ask which of the contradictory things was true, but I’m not even sure a Trump cultist is capable of understanding the concept of self-contradiction.

I guess your incoherent rambling was easier than actually going through the post to which you responded and trying to formulate some weak argument that they were lies.  It’s so much easier to simply cast accusations and later pretend they don’t exist, right?  Your hero would be so proud, if he actually gave a crap about the peons, of course.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/30/2023 10:04:37 PM EDT
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Lol what a confused post. Who exactly are you responding to?

You poor soul.

I have a though exercise for you. It’s much harder than, say, knowing what the term “drive by” means, so gird your loins and bear with me.  Ready?

Go to the top of this page, or check the OP.  What is the subject of this thread?  I’ll give you a hint- it’s not “who do you think is the best candidate for president, and why?”… in fact, the thread subject is pretty self explanatory.  

What this means is that when people (like you) try to derail it into a different subject, you are, in fact, doing what’s called “thread sliding”.  That’s “changing the subject”, which is another thing you apparently don’t understand the meaning of.

A couple of things worth considering:

1. In a thread (started by a Trump cultist) entitled “Why do you hate or dislike Trump?”, it’s ok to discuss the reasons why Trump is a bad person, was a bad president, and is a terrible candidate for the upcoming election.  In fact, that’s what was requested by the person who started the thread.  If that offends you, you can go post in the “Trump is the most handsome president ever”, thread and make yourself feel better.  Maybe you can fantasize about second amendment coalitions or something,

2. If you don’t give a shit who I’m voting for, then why did you ask?  Why was it so important to you that you were fixated on my personal choices?  I’d ask which of the contradictory things was true, but I’m not even sure a Trump cultist is capable of understanding the concept of self-contradiction.

I guess your incoherent rambling was easier than actually going through the post to which you responded and trying to formulate some weak argument that they were lies.  It’s so much easier to simply cast accusations and later pretend they don’t exist, right?  Your hero would be so proud, if he actually gave a crap about the peons, of course.
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You are telling fibs. go through that post, line by line, and point them out… show your work
Tell who you want as President.
don’t try to change the subject

I am not changing the subject. He does drive byes on every Trump thread spreading his hate mongering. It is time for him to pony up and declare his choice for President instead of shifting the blame to the other person.

Lying by omission is a real thing that he leverages. When you push him in a corner he goes dark.  Then he moves on to another drive by hate mongering post.

Again, who do you support and who does support for President of the United States?  It is time to choose sides.

Okay reading on, I see that he supports DeSantis. Now spend your time telling why he is a better choice and stop focusing on why his opposition a worse choice.

I don’t give a shit who you vote for.  I do give a shit when you midline an incident man.

Lol what a confused post. Who exactly are you responding to?

You poor soul.

I have a though exercise for you. It’s much harder than, say, knowing what the term “drive by” means, so gird your loins and bear with me.  Ready?

Go to the top of this page, or check the OP.  What is the subject of this thread?  I’ll give you a hint- it’s not “who do you think is the best candidate for president, and why?”… in fact, the thread subject is pretty self explanatory.  

What this means is that when people (like you) try to derail it into a different subject, you are, in fact, doing what’s called “thread sliding”.  That’s “changing the subject”, which is another thing you apparently don’t understand the meaning of.

A couple of things worth considering:

1. In a thread (started by a Trump cultist) entitled “Why do you hate or dislike Trump?”, it’s ok to discuss the reasons why Trump is a bad person, was a bad president, and is a terrible candidate for the upcoming election.  In fact, that’s what was requested by the person who started the thread.  If that offends you, you can go post in the “Trump is the most handsome president ever”, thread and make yourself feel better.  Maybe you can fantasize about second amendment coalitions or something,

2. If you don’t give a shit who I’m voting for, then why did you ask?  Why was it so important to you that you were fixated on my personal choices?  I’d ask which of the contradictory things was true, but I’m not even sure a Trump cultist is capable of understanding the concept of self-contradiction.

I guess your incoherent rambling was easier than actually going through the post to which you responded and trying to formulate some weak argument that they were lies.  It’s so much easier to simply cast accusations and later pretend they don’t exist, right?  Your hero would be so proud, if he actually gave a crap about the peons, of course.

Sadly it’s the limited intelligence crowd’s best attempt to bring us to their side. They start with a false (or guarded, as this thread will attest) premise, they may even (now) cede some strategic ground to make it seem like they acknowledge their beloved GEOTUS is flawed in some small way, and then try to systematically remove your obstacles to voting for their guy.

And when you (rightfully, inevitably as a thinking person) push back and have questions or qualms, they lash out at who they think you’re going to vote for because it’s not their guy.

It’s pathetic, repetitive, boorish and quite transparent. They’d get further if they just admitted their own failings and humbly ask for forgiveness for their abhorrent behavior, try to build bridges and alliances, and move forward. But no, they think they can just badger us into seeing their side of things. Which (as the hundreds of threads and thousands of posts will attest) isn’t how reality works.

That’s if they’re even really conservatives. A few are here simply to drive wedges between us.
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