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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:09:02 AM EDT
If I get it, your damn right.  Its a fraction of what I paid this year in taxes.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:09:03 AM EDT
If I qualify, I’m going to take it, because .gov is gonna look to me to pay them back for this bullshit Whether I take the check or not.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:09:13 AM EDT
And for the record, I've sent back unemployment, about six weeks worth,
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So you were actually working while collecting unemployment?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:09:52 AM EDT
I'm going to throw it against the $2,000 I put on my credit card.  I bought a Honda 2800i commercial generator that I put on the card.  

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:10:10 AM EDT
Won’t get any.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:10:11 AM EDT
We should all buy NFA stuff!
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:10:17 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:10:44 AM EDT
I will buy stock in an American company with good prospects for growth in the aftermath of all this mess.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:11:38 AM EDT
Fuck that, I want what ghetto goblins get and more.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:11:58 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Ditto.  Just like when Baby Bush handed out bucks, none for me.

I'm sure I'll get stuck with the bill though.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:13:00 AM EDT
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If I even get one, you re damn right I'm keeping it. It came from me in the first place. I can spend it a lot more responsibly than they can!
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:13:09 AM EDT
Is the check even going to happen? Last I knew it was still in discussion phases. Might be a moot point.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:13:16 AM EDT
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I'm not even sure what my principles are so I'll get back to you.
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I think I dropped mine around the corner when I was stealing toilet paper.

Fucking right I’m keeping mine. It’s less than I pay in taxes so it belongs to me as far as I’m concerned.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:14:14 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Same here no new shooty tooty thingies for me
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:14:34 AM EDT
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Why would you turn it down, you're the one paying for it, it's literally your own money the government has either already taken or is going to take from you.
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This. I feel bad for the people that make too much money to get it. They pay tons of taxes. It’s the welfare recipients I feel don’t deserve it. They already have a negative tax bill and they still get this money.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:14:49 AM EDT
How do you even know if you are eligible?  If I am going to virtue signal I need to know if I am eligible.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:15:01 AM EDT
I've been reading threads and it's like Dayum Christmas it acomin early! Woohoo!

Why are you going to return it? Curious minds want to know. And for the record, I've sent back unemployment, about six weeks worth, but I kept the Obamacheck in 2008.
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What principle would I be violating?
That one where the government takes too DAMN much of my money?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:15:15 AM EDT
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You already had your trailer park drama thread about this.  

Be sure to show us what dumb shit you squandered our money on when you get it.
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Ever get a small gift certificate and then strive to spend it as wisely as possible? That's how I see it.

Peeps that spend it on retail stuff are fools. You are going to pay taxes on the stimulus check, then pay taxes on what you buy with it.

No, it will be my yard sale seed money for the upcoming season (delayed as it may be) so I suspect I'll turn whatever I get into three-fold tax-free profit.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:15:19 AM EDT
It's my money coming back to me.

i paid fuckin taxes, if anyone gets it, i should too
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:15:33 AM EDT
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Your money. We all pay taxes, get off your high horse.
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Someone has a grade school understanding of taxes.  

You see Timmy, we in the US have a P R O G R E S S I V E tax system!  That means, many of us pay far more in taxes than a lot of others because it is believed we can afford it!  So if you look at the giant pot o money that the Government steals from us every year, some of us get stolen from more.  And when the Government gives a little bit of that back to the people who paid in less then it means they're fucking the high income earners even more because our taxes stay the same, while the lower middle class's DOES NOT.  

It's a tax break for people who are already taxed less because they make less.  

Make sense now or should I bust out the crayons?  Get off your stupid horse.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:15:57 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Same, I just keep paying taxes.

On the up side my sister in law that just got $12k back disability because she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia will be getting some more money.

I guess I am the sucker.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:16:07 AM EDT
"free stimulus check"...pffft...ain't nothing free.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:16:25 AM EDT
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I'm a small business owner, so even when my personal income is low I'm paying out the nose for taxes.  Yes, I want some of that money back.  Actually I want a LOT of my money back.  I want a LOT of people to get a LOT of their money back.

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Yeah no shit.

This is going to be MY money coming back to ME. It's not negating the taxes I have paid by a long shot anyway, and I certainly don't need it to pay bills.

Trump's purpose for this is to help people out and re start the economic engine, with that in mind I will likely spend all of it locally at small businesses I like. Pubs, restaurants and such. (No chinese places, sorry chinese, go home, eat dog there instead.)
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:16:42 AM EDT
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Not elgible
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:16:46 AM EDT
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How do you even know if you are eligible?  If I am going to virtue signal I need to know if I am eligible.
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Before they made a revision it was you got $1200 if you made below 75k or 2400 for a household under 150k. Once you top that number the amount you get goes down quite quickly down to zero

Then again I haven't see what the new bill they passed says
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:17:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:18:10 AM EDT
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I won't get a cent. It's MY wealth that's being redistributed.

If I did get it thought i'd use every damn cent
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Agreed, not happy about the fact that I’m funding it but not benefiting by it.

If I did get a check, I’d probably just throw it in the stock market.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:20:01 AM EDT
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Humble brags and virtue signals all up in this thread.

Me? You send me a check and I’m depositing it.
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How is it a humble brag? I'd love to get some of my money back.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:20:01 AM EDT
Its my money anyway.

How bout suspending deduction for a month. More than the measly 1200 bucks

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:21:24 AM EDT
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Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.
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Getting back a tiny percentage of the taxes I pay in isn't welfare. I won't get the full amount. They'll give that to folks who don't pay taxes.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:22:23 AM EDT
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I thought income tax was theft? Lets help them steal more and send it back.

Its a refund for a lot of people.
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It's still bullshit though.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:22:43 AM EDT
I will give it right back the day it clears, finishing paying off student loans especially during this interest holiday. It’s like I’ll get a free $200 or so by doing that.

I’d rather stimulate PSA, Brownells, or Main Trading Company (@SCWolverine) since I do have terminal cases of black rifle and black radio disease. But I’ll only have a mortgage after May, so I think I can afford to build another AR and buy another radio then.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:23:18 AM EDT
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Yeah no shit.

This is going to be MY money coming back to ME. It's not negating the taxes I have paid by a long shot anyway, and I certainly don't need it to pay bills.

Trump's purpose for this is to help people out and re start the economic engine, with that in mind I will likely spend all of it locally at small businesses I like. Pubs, restaurants and such. (No chinese places, sorry chinese, go home, eat dog there instead.)
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Which means you are paying even less into the pot than you already where while a certain percentage of your countrymen are paying yet even more in than their already disproportionate share.  

If I pay $20,000 a year in taxes because I am "a big earner" and you pay $10,000 because you're "a low earner" then I am already paying more into the system you are despite both of us being able to use it the same, I am already covering a disproportionate share.  Then the Gov gives you back $2000 more meaning you only paid $8000 in that year I am still paying $20,000 in meaning my disproportionate amount INCREASES.  

"hurrr durr it's my money back" no, you're already not paying your fair share compared to others.  

The fuck is wrong with so many on this board that don't understand how progressive taxation is already unfair?  You guys DO understand this is very much a liberal/leftist scheme right?  You're buying into the class warfare shit with this?  

The whole tax system is fucked.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:23:41 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:25:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:25:32 AM EDT
Are you fucking kidding?

It's my money, that's like refusing your change when paying for anything.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:26:14 AM EDT
Am I going to refuse to get some of MY OWN MONEY back?  Nope.

I paid my taxes.  I paid interest on my kids student loans.  I pay taxes from every direction, and fees/surcharges from every OTHER direction.

I understand that we can't "AFFORD" this payoff.  That's a separate issue.  We can't keep kicking the can down the road if there isn't a can, or a road, or a foot to kick with.

You might as well face it:   Small govt. Conservatives have lost.  badly. and without lots of blood, forever.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:27:23 AM EDT
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Which means you are paying even less into the pot than you already where while a certain percentage of your countrymen are paying yet even more in than their already disproportionate share.  

If I pay $20,000 a year in taxes because I am "a big earner" and you pay $10,000 because you're "a low earner" then I am already paying more into the system you are despite both of us being able to use it the same, I am already covering a disproportionate share.  Then the Gov gives you back $2000 more meaning you only paid $8000 in that year I am still paying $20,000 in meaning my disproportionate amount INCREASES.  

"hurrr durr it's my money back" no, you're already not paying your fair share compared to others.  

The fuck is wrong with so many on this board that don't understand how progressive taxation is already unfair?  You guys DO understand this is very much a liberal/leftist scheme right?  You're buying into the class warfare shit with this?  

The whole tax system is fucked.
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I agree, the Tax code is 100% fucking bullshit.

You keep everything you make, you pay tax when you spend it.


Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:27:52 AM EDT
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Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.
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Except that I pay taxes.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:28:36 AM EDT
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Before they made a revision it was you got $1200 if you made below 75k or 2400 for a household under 150k. Once you top that number the amount you get goes down quite quickly down to zero

Then again I haven't see what the new bill they passed says
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How do you even know if you are eligible?  If I am going to virtue signal I need to know if I am eligible.

Before they made a revision it was you got $1200 if you made below 75k or 2400 for a household under 150k. Once you top that number the amount you get goes down quite quickly down to zero

Then again I haven't see what the new bill they passed says

Thanks, I am not sending anything back if they send it to me.  It's my money and I will spend it!
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:28:57 AM EDT
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I believe it was Bush who sent checks. Not Obama.
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They both did
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:29:23 AM EDT
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Fuck that, I want what ghetto goblins get and more.

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GODDAMN RIGHT! I have been paying my taxes since I got my first hob 35 years ago and if someone is handing out some of my money then by God I want some back too! Not a bad idea someone had about putting it into the stock market. All that being said, ifit is income based Im sure my wife and I wont qualify.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:29:23 AM EDT

I am cashing mine and placing the cash in the gun safe for emergencies.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:29:25 AM EDT
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You send me a check and I’m depositing it.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:29:45 AM EDT
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If I even get one, you re damn right I'm keeping it. It came from me in the first place. I can spend it a lot more responsibly than they can!
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All of this.

I' m pretty sure there's no free bux coming my way, but if there were...
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:29:55 AM EDT
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Not elgible
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:29:59 AM EDT
Who qualifies for the stimulus check?  Do certain income classes still have to pay taxes on it?  I can't find anything exact on the bill.  Either way, I don't think I'll qualify for it anyway.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:30:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:30:09 AM EDT
Nope, if all the shitbirds get it then we might as well utiilize it to try to stay one step ahead.

Emergency rations, ammo, or pay down debt to free up money for future issues.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:30:30 AM EDT
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Am I going to refuse to get some of MY OWN MONEY back?  Nope.

I paid my taxes.  I paid interest on my kids student loans.  I pay taxes from every direction, and fees/surcharges from every OTHER direction.

I understand that we can't "AFFORD" this payoff.  That's a separate issue.  We can't keep kicking the can down the road if there isn't a can, or a road, or a foot to kick with.

You might as well face it:   Small govt. Conservatives have lost.  badly. and without lots of blood, forever.
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It was easy, just wave some cash under the nose of certain "small government conservatives" and suddenly they're fans of wealth redistribution.

Read through this thread, there are people whether they think they are or not praising the progressive tax system, which literally is about wealth redistribution.  

This is why I don't have hope for the future, a lot of people on this board carrying water for liberal/progressive causes when it benefits them.
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