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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:30:42 AM EDT
Don’t think I’m eligible but if the benevolent gov wants to give me back some of the tens of thousands in taxes they steal every year then yes, I’ll take it. My money. Not welfare until it exceeds the taxes I paid. Thieving government.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:32:04 AM EDT
I will stand by the same principles that made me not qualify for it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:32:09 AM EDT
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If I qualify, I'm going to take it, because .gov is gonna look to me to pay them back for this bullshit Whether I take the check or not.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:32:57 AM EDT
Increase your hodlings.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:33:57 AM EDT
Gimme muh trump bux!!!
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:34:49 AM EDT
Won't cover a quarter of what got wiped away in my 401k in the last couple of weeks so I'll take the monopoly money and buy something I can actually eat, hold, or pay a month of shelter
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:35:13 AM EDT
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Won't cover a quarter of what got wiped away in my 401k in the last couple of weeks so I'll take the monopoly money and buy something I can actually eat, hold, or pay a month of shelter
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That's not how 401k works
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:35:17 AM EDT
I'll refuse anything from the stimulus if the government will refuse my tax check.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:35:38 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:36:13 AM EDT
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Which means you are paying even less into the pot than you already where while a certain percentage of your countrymen are paying yet even more in than their already disproportionate share.  

If I pay $20,000 a year in taxes because I am "a big earner" and you pay $10,000 because you're "a low earner" then I am already paying more into the system you are despite both of us being able to use it the same, I am already covering a disproportionate share.  Then the Gov gives you back $2000 more meaning you only paid $8000 in that year I am still paying $20,000 in meaning my disproportionate amount INCREASES.  

"hurrr durr it's my money back" no, you're already not paying your fair share compared to others.  

The fuck is wrong with so many on this board that don't understand how progressive taxation is already unfair?  You guys DO understand this is very much a liberal/leftist scheme right?  You're buying into the class warfare shit with this?  

The whole tax system is fucked.
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Yeah no shit.

This is going to be MY money coming back to ME. It's not negating the taxes I have paid by a long shot anyway, and I certainly don't need it to pay bills.

Trump's purpose for this is to help people out and re start the economic engine, with that in mind I will likely spend all of it locally at small businesses I like. Pubs, restaurants and such. (No chinese places, sorry chinese, go home, eat dog there instead.)

Which means you are paying even less into the pot than you already where while a certain percentage of your countrymen are paying yet even more in than their already disproportionate share.  

If I pay $20,000 a year in taxes because I am "a big earner" and you pay $10,000 because you're "a low earner" then I am already paying more into the system you are despite both of us being able to use it the same, I am already covering a disproportionate share.  Then the Gov gives you back $2000 more meaning you only paid $8000 in that year I am still paying $20,000 in meaning my disproportionate amount INCREASES.  

"hurrr durr it's my money back" no, you're already not paying your fair share compared to others.  

The fuck is wrong with so many on this board that don't understand how progressive taxation is already unfair?  You guys DO understand this is very much a liberal/leftist scheme right?  You're buying into the class warfare shit with this?  

The whole tax system is fucked.

Yes it IS some of my money back.

Yes it IS unfair bullshit that other people pay more and won't get some of theirs back.

It's a bullshit plan, but it's probably going to happen whether we like it or not and to refuse it "on principle" doesn't make much sense when part of that principle is lack of trust in government to spend it wisely should it be refused. All of this anger would be better used for changing the bullshit taxes, as futile as that may be...
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:38:30 AM EDT
After looking at my taxes, 2018 was a bad year for me, so I will be receiving some Trump Bux.  I will be using my Trump Bux to buy TP.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:39:09 AM EDT
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Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.
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I have sent them a shit load more than they have sent me or will ever send me.  I doubt I will get anything but if I do I will damn sure keep it.  They are killing our economy and setting retirement back for millions.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:39:24 AM EDT
I've been reading threads and it's like Dayum Christmas it acomin early! Woohoo!

Why are you going to return it? Curious minds want to know. And for the record, I've sent back unemployment, about six weeks worth, but I kept the Obamacheck in 2008.
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If you're paying taxes it's pretty damn far from free!

Where do you think it came/ comes from??

Think of it as an early tax return (doubt I'll get anything anyway).
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:40:23 AM EDT
Let’s not forget the fact that we were facing a 1 trillion $ deficit this year(highest since 2012 MAGA) BEFORE all of this virus shit went down.  YOUR tax dollars were already not near enough to cover the Op budget drafted by the cucks that we continue to vote for. It’s not a refund when the government YOU voted for is already running a trillion dollar deficit. Your ‘refund’ is being printed & added to deficit spending.

How many here get hardons when military spending goes to record levels & that B1 fly’s over yet they are shouting with joy over a refund

If the genie wasn’t out of the bottle before  it Sure as fuck is out now. There isn’t much that separates us from the EU or China anymore. We got the government we have voted for all these years.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:44:32 AM EDT
I've been reading threads and it's like Dayum Christmas it acomin early! Woohoo!

Why are you going to return it? Curious minds want to know. And for the record, I've sent back unemployment, about six weeks worth, but I kept the Obamacheck in 2008.
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You mean... will I refuse to take BACK the money that the government STOLE from me in the first place?  Hell no.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:45:21 AM EDT
OP none of these fucking hypocrites will return their covid19 check or as they call them welfare, transfer of wealth, none of those fucker will send the checks back, none of them, fucking hyprocrites.

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Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:46:15 AM EDT
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Let’s not forget the fact that we were facing a 1 trillion $ deficit this year(highest since 2012 MAGA) BEFORE all of this virus shit went down.  YOUR tax dollars were already not near enough to cover the Op budget drafted by the cucks that we continue to vote for. It’s not a refund when the government YOU voted for is already running a trillion dollar deficit. Your ‘refund’ is being printed & added to deficit spending.

How many here get hardons when military spending goes to record levels & that B1 fly’s over yet they are shouting with joy over a refund

If the genie wasn’t out of the bottle before  it Sure as fuck is out now. There isn’t much that separates us from the EU or China anymore. We got the government we have voted for all these years.

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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:46:23 AM EDT
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You mean... will I refuse to take BACK the money that the government STOLE from me in the first place?  Hell no.
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Yeah, kinda this.  I just got my packet from my accountant for TY2019.  I paid $45k in federal income tax.  I doubt I'd be eligible, but if I get a check from the .gov, you bet your ass I'm cashing it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:46:40 AM EDT
If I have a job, and it seems to be secure I'll contemplate giving it back
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:47:59 AM EDT
IF you don't a check is because, you did not pay taxes or make to much money, the only way. I don't arfcomers are known not to make to much money, no real rich people use this type of media.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:49:30 AM EDT
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I believe it was Bush who sent checks. Not Obama.
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It was.  Everyone forgets that Bush was president in 2008.  It was Bush who sent checks, in 2009 Obama instituted a bunch of tax credits, including the child tax credit.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:49:41 AM EDT
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IF you don't a check is because, you did not pay taxes or make to much money, the only way. I don't arfcomers are known not to make to much money, no real rich people use this type of media.
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You should spend yours on Hooked On Phonics.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:50:53 AM EDT
lol i wont even have that option.  i guess ill go be "rich" somewhere else
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:51:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:51:26 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:52:25 AM EDT
OP nailed it!  IF they want to give me back some of MY money, I'll take it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:52:33 AM EDT
I’m pretty sure I’m not getting anything, but if I do, it’s going to help re-elect Trump.

I voted for him the first time around, but now it’s back to voting against Communists.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:53:04 AM EDT
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They both did
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:53:32 AM EDT
I expect videos of burning checks from all the chest thumping super conservative N_Ts.

We won't see those videos because most of them are DU trolls and the rest are blowhards.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:53:34 AM EDT
Refuse a fraction of money I already paid the fed government now returning it to me.


Do you tell them to keep your tax refunds?

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:55:07 AM EDT
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I would give mine to 1srelluc if I were getting one.  Behold my virtue.  It's signal is powerful and wide.
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He would turn that $1,200 into at least a half dozen pinned and recessed S&W revolvers in no time
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:55:23 AM EDT
Absolutely, I’ll take $1000 back from the $100s of thousands they stole from me .
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:55:28 AM EDT
Remember Obumma checks
The following year everyone had to pay it back.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:56:10 AM EDT
I'll be cashing mine - right along with my SS check...
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:56:14 AM EDT
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OP none of these fucking hypocrites will return their covid19 check or as they call them welfare, transfer of wealth, none of those fucker will send the checks back, none of them, fucking hyprocrites.

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How is it hypocrisy?  I don't see anyone getting a check saying it's fucked up, they're making all kinds of excuses why they "deserve" it.  

As usually many, including you on this board fail to understand why this is yet another blow to the nation our founding fathers built and envisioned.

What the few people who understand what it means to be an originalist is saying is that this is yet another sign of how fucked up our tax system is and its use to cover up government fuckups and bribe demographics by stealing from others.

It's not about whether you cash the fucking thing or whether its less than you paid in taxes, and that's why this scheme works.  Because too many can't see past the troff when they're being allowed to eat from it.

It's the same attitude out of ghetto people on welfare, the system is just fine when it is benefiting me, why change it.  It matters fuck all if you're paying taxes or not.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:56:19 AM EDT
Not accept money back that was taken from me with the implied threat of violence?
Lemme think about it.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:56:24 AM EDT
2018 I'd be eligible, 2019 I wouldn't get a dime.

If I send it back an I exempt from paying for everyone else's?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:56:43 AM EDT
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I expect videos of burning checks from all the chest thumping super conservative N_Ts.

We won't see those videos because most of them are DU trolls and the rest are blowhards.
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You have more in-common with the Bernie bro’s than you care to admit
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:57:34 AM EDT
Give it back to the government?  Get the fuck out of here.  Do you think that money will be put to good use?  They will spend it wisely and responsibly?  Spend it in a manner coinciding with your morals and beliefs?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:57:51 AM EDT
You mean my suppressor subsidy?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:58:04 AM EDT
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How is it hypocrisy?  I don't see anyone getting a check saying it's fucked up, they're making all kinds of excuses why they "deserve" it.  

As usually many, including you on this board fail to understand why this is yet another blow to the nation our founding fathers built and envisioned.

What the few people who understand what it means to be an originalist is saying is that this is yet another sign of how fucked up our tax system is and its use to cover up government fuckups and bribe demographics by stealing from others.

It's not about whether you cash the fucking thing or whether its less than you paid in taxes, and that's why this scheme works.  Because too many can't see past the troff when they're being allowed to eat from it.

It's the same attitude out of ghetto people on welfare, the system is just fine when it is benefiting me, why change it.  It matters fuck all if you're paying taxes or not.
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OP none of these fucking hypocrites will return their covid19 check or as they call them welfare, transfer of wealth, none of those fucker will send the checks back, none of them, fucking hyprocrites.

How is it hypocrisy?  I don't see anyone getting a check saying it's fucked up, they're making all kinds of excuses why they "deserve" it.  

As usually many, including you on this board fail to understand why this is yet another blow to the nation our founding fathers built and envisioned.

What the few people who understand what it means to be an originalist is saying is that this is yet another sign of how fucked up our tax system is and its use to cover up government fuckups and bribe demographics by stealing from others.

It's not about whether you cash the fucking thing or whether its less than you paid in taxes, and that's why this scheme works.  Because too many can't see past the troff when they're being allowed to eat from it.

It's the same attitude out of ghetto people on welfare, the system is just fine when it is benefiting me, why change it.  It matters fuck all if you're paying taxes or not.

Ayup. They don’t care.. the vast majority of Americans are socialist...
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:58:35 AM EDT
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Edited ~ medicmandan
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Or you're just too dense to understand the reason some people make that kind of money is they're smart enough to not spend it on relatively stupid shit like having a picture next to their made up name in an online message board.

Please tell me more how I am a poor for not having the blingy sequin case for my iPhone.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:58:42 AM EDT
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IF you don't a check is because, you did not pay taxes or make to much money, the only way. I don't arfcomers are known not to make to much money, no real rich people use this type of media.
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What the fuck did I just read?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:58:45 AM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:58:58 AM EDT
I’ll use it to pay income tax.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:59:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 10:59:45 AM EDT
Probably not eligible.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 11:00:12 AM EDT
I've been reading threads and it's like Dayum Christmas it acomin early! Woohoo!

Why are you going to return it? Curious minds want to know. And for the record, I've sent back unemployment, about six weeks worth, but I kept the Obamacheck in 2008.
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It's my fucking money, so no, I won't. Actually it doesn't matter because I make multiple factors of the maximum income to qualify, so I'll never see one.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 11:00:41 AM EDT
If I qualified of course I would take it.

Generally, I'm against all government handouts.

But if I'm paying in, I'm getting back all I can.  It would be no different then getting a tax rebate.

However, I'm well above the qualifying threshold.  This is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 11:01:54 AM EDT
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In my mind Im just getting a little back after being taxed all the years Ive worked

I have to admit it feels wrong and I dont like the idea

But yeah probably gunna cash that thing since theres not shit I can do about it
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Yeah, pretty much all of this.
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