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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:40:42 PM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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I have a good income such that I don't qualify for any trumpbux. I'm perfectly okay with that. the wife and I live well within our means and can make it thru this situation just fine.

BUT...I paid 35% of my taxable income in taxes this year, and if my tax % or $ goes up next year...So help me GOD
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:44:43 PM EDT
I'm of the principal to be thankful of what is given to me.

ETA: I just noticed this is my birth year post. Yupper.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:48:03 PM EDT
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He would turn that $1,200 into at least a half dozen pinned and recessed S&W revolvers in no time
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I would give mine to 1srelluc if I were getting one.  Behold my virtue.  It's signal is powerful and wide.

He would turn that $1,200 into at least a half dozen pinned and recessed S&W revolvers in no time

Maybe not quite that good but I look forward in the coming months to post-up what I buy with my Trump Bux "seed money". I plan on keeping a running tally till it's depleted.

I figure it will be interesting just to see how far I can stretch it and make that money work for me along with some small effort on my part hunting down deals.

Of course I know that I'll just have to put up with the virtue signaling every time I do.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:48:33 PM EDT
If you’re too good to keep the money then donate it to charity and then you can come on here and boast about how great and virtuous you are.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:51:43 PM EDT
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Arfcom always forgets the median income in the US is $32k, average is only $45k and 72% of working people in the US make under $99k.

Outside of large cities and their suburbs, most of the country just fine making less than 6 figures.
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Arfcom also always forgets that "outside of large cities and their suburbs" is a small minority of the population.

The median income in the us ten years ago was over $50k for those employed full time. The income difference between a full time cashier in Bumblefuck Idaho and a skilled tradesman in a place like NYC or LA is massive, but neither is rolling in dough.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:51:50 PM EDT
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If you’re too good to keep the money then donate it to charity and then you can come on here and boast about how great and virtuous you are.
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Don't worry we will all be paying it back triple down the road. There are no winners here.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:52:07 PM EDT
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If I even get one, you re damn right I'm keeping it. It came from me in the first place. I can spend it a lot more responsibly than they can!
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This! Like I said before I’ve been paying taxes for decades and now that I’m out of a job it’s my turn to get help. Fuck everyone else on here that doesn’t  like it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:53:00 PM EDT
So how much are we getting?
I’m self employed and am currently now employed so if I get some, I’m using it for bills.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:53:20 PM EDT
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Don't worry we will all be paying it back triple down the road. There are no winners here.
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No doubt about that.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:53:33 PM EDT
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You already had your trailer park drama thread about this.  

Be sure to show us what dumb shit you squandered our money on when you get it.
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Almost in before the virtue signaling.

You already had your trailer park drama thread about this.  

Be sure to show us what dumb shit you squandered our money on when you get it.

His money on you mean.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:54:00 PM EDT
Won't see a dime.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:55:32 PM EDT
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Your money. We all pay taxes, get off your high horse.
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You already had your trailer park drama thread about this.  

Be sure to show us what dumb shit you squandered our money on when you get it.

Your money. We all pay taxes, get off your high horse.

Exactly, I didn’t know there were so many douchbags on here
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:55:49 PM EDT
Not eligible. I'm one of the morons that will be paying for the fucking lazy masses that are unprepared in so many ways.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:57:41 PM EDT
I shall do my civic duty to stimulate the economy and will buy some mud tires for the Jeep.

It’s the least I can do. Besides it’s my fucking money anyway.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:58:00 PM EDT
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I won't get a cent. It's MY wealth that's being redistributed.

If I did get it thought i'd use every damn cent
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It’s OUR money that’s being redistributed not just yours.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:59:44 PM EDT
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If you’re too good to keep the money then donate it to charity and then you can come on here and boast about how great and virtuous you are.
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Good idea, very commendable. I'm sure the VCDL or other effective state pro-2A grass roots .org would appreciate some "Virtue Bux".

My donations to the VCDL are through paypal and I could see myself donating here and there with profits from my Trump Bux like I do normally with other stuff I sell on there.

I mean if I pay $3.00 for for something at a yard sale and get say $40.00 for it on ebay it's not much of a sacrifice for me to donate the after fee profit.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 1:59:51 PM EDT
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Not eligible. I'm one of the morons that will be paying for the fucking lazy masses that are unprepared in so many ways.
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Because if you make under $150k combined you’re lazy, right?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:01:05 PM EDT
I should be getting one. Me and the wife both work. House paid for one kid still at home. I will probably hang on to it. I know we will get dicked for it in taxes later.
That AR308 upper tho
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:02:02 PM EDT
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Someone has a grade school understanding of taxes.  

You see Timmy, we in the US have a P R O G R E S S I V E tax system!  That means, many of us pay far more in taxes than a lot of others because it is believed we can afford it!  So if you look at the giant pot o money that the Government steals from us every year, some of us get stolen from more.  And when the Government gives a little bit of that back to the people who paid in less then it means they're fucking the high income earners even more because our taxes stay the same, while the lower middle class's DOES NOT.  

It's a tax break for people who are already taxed less because they make less.  

Make sense now or should I bust out the crayons?  Get off your stupid horse.
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Your money. We all pay taxes, get off your high horse.

Someone has a grade school understanding of taxes.  

You see Timmy, we in the US have a P R O G R E S S I V E tax system!  That means, many of us pay far more in taxes than a lot of others because it is believed we can afford it!  So if you look at the giant pot o money that the Government steals from us every year, some of us get stolen from more.  And when the Government gives a little bit of that back to the people who paid in less then it means they're fucking the high income earners even more because our taxes stay the same, while the lower middle class's DOES NOT.  

It's a tax break for people who are already taxed less because they make less.  

Make sense now or should I bust out the crayons?  Get off your stupid horse.

I didn’t even read your bs. We all work and pay taxes it’s all of our money. I enjoy your persevered butt hurt though douchebag.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:03:21 PM EDT
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It’s OUR money that’s being redistributed not just yours.
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What money, we are trillions in debt? We are just printing more. Think deflation...

I am not saying I disagree with you though just that nobody wins in the long run.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:04:01 PM EDT
Bragging on the internet about being middle income and not qualifying (as if it's tough to get over $150k in a dual income household) makes you a poor.  

Calling people who make less than that FSA makes you an asshole.  

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:08:20 PM EDT
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OP none of these fucking hypocrites will return their covid19 check or as they call them welfare, transfer of wealth, none of those fucker will send the checks back, none of them, fucking hyprocrites.

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OP none of these fucking hypocrites will return their covid19 check or as they call them welfare, transfer of wealth, none of those fucker will send the checks back, none of them, fucking hyprocrites.

Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.

CoC6 comment removed - DV8
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:09:49 PM EDT
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I expect videos of burning checks from all the chest thumping super conservative N_Ts.

We won't see those videos because most of them are DU trolls and the rest are blowhards.
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Yup fuck them!
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:11:50 PM EDT
Refuse my own money back?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:12:19 PM EDT
This.  I make too much, thus pay too much in taxes, to get anything outside of a mortgage deduction.  No check for me to dump on hookers and blow.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:17:58 PM EDT
Make a poor person buy you dinner with your money the gov gave him.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:18:43 PM EDT
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Arfcom also always forgets that "outside of large cities and their suburbs" is a small minority of the population.

The median income in the us ten years ago was over $50k for those employed full time. The income difference between a full time cashier in Bumblefuck Idaho and a skilled tradesman in a place like NYC or LA is massive, but neither is rolling in dough.
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Dude, 75% of people in the US are going to get checks.  Apparently, only about 30% of arfcom will (or will admit to it ).

Even in large metro areas the amount of people making above $75k individually (or married $150k) is relatively small.  Arfcom is just out of touch, or believes their own bullshit.  You can choose which.  

I’ll bet 60-70% of Arfcom is getting a check.  And they’ll cash it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:18:57 PM EDT
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You could use it to bump up your EE feedback rating and buy a membership.
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But don't I actually have to sell something to have a feedback rating? I've only given something away a couple times.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:19:48 PM EDT
I'll take some of my taxes back.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:20:50 PM EDT
So if we make over the limit we get nothing? Or do we get a smaller amount?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:22:14 PM EDT
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So if we make over the limit we get nothing? Or do we get a smaller amount?
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Over limit, nothing.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:23:32 PM EDT
Whatever we get is either going into a bigger and better life insurance policy on the wife and I, training courses for me (firearms/tactical) and the kids (martial arts), more supplies of the supplies variety, or more than likely a little of all.
If we even get any of our money back, again.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:23:49 PM EDT
are people really trying to flex about making $75k+ a year

and then there's coveted $99k+ crew
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:25:58 PM EDT
I guess I will be FSA.  It will go into my emergency fund for the time being.  If we get through this intact I plan on doing some charitable giving and something for my son who will not have much of a birthday at this point.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:26:49 PM EDT
At this point I don't know if I will be elligible or not. I don't like the idea beccause I know I will end up having to pay for it eventually, but if they are going to force me to pay anyway I might as well take it if I can and blow it on something I would not otherwise buy like a binary trigger for my PTR. That will help the economy in more ways than one.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:28:53 PM EDT
More cigarette money as far as I am concerned, with the 9.25 price per pack, this will get me a few cartons
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:30:20 PM EDT
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Dude, 75% of people in the US are going to get checks.  Apparently, only about 30% of arfcom will (or will admit to it ).

Even in large metro areas the amount of people making above $75k individually (or married $150k) is relatively small.  Arfcom is just out of touch, or believes their own bullshit.  You can choose which.  

I’ll bet 60-70% of Arfcom is getting a check.  And they’ll cash it.
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Do you have the details yet since nothing is finalized? Link please..
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:31:51 PM EDT
I will buy a 22 and a suppressor with it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:31:54 PM EDT
What would be the point of sending the check back?  It won't change anything, you don't have to cash it.  The government would just be giving you back some of your own money.  Sending the check back won't make government any more efficient, no congress critters will ever be impressed by people not cashing or returning the check.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:32:43 PM EDT
Not getting one, so I've virtually pre-sent it back.  
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:36:20 PM EDT
I barely make it at $72,000.... I paid a lot more in taxes then my refund + this stimulus returns. Am I wrong to keep it?
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:37:20 PM EDT
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Refuse my own money back?
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:38:46 PM EDT
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Do you have the details yet since nothing is finalized? Link please..
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Unfortunately, people are going to get checks.  The politicians have backed themselves into a corner.  Lots of promises of free money have been made and the people are going to demand their pound of flesh.  It’s a fucking shit show of fiscal irresponsibility.  Closing down entire swaths of our economy was suicidal.

If Pelosi approves of voting on and passing the Senate bill in the house, those numbers are pretty much the deal.  I think she’ll delay a bit because she gets off on having the power over millions of people.  She’s a straight authoritarian megalomaniac.  

Really, our leaders are so shameful.  I have no faith in them at this point.  Time to ride it into the ground like Slim Pickens.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:40:33 PM EDT
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Because if you make under $150k combined you’re lazy, right?
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Not eligible. I'm one of the morons that will be paying for the fucking lazy masses that are unprepared in so many ways.

Because if you make under $150k combined you’re lazy, right?

I work for 100 grand.

I'd rather be lazy for 75 grand.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:41:28 PM EDT
The problem is the payout is based on last year's, or the prior year's taxes. So you're a small business owner, ordered closed, and can't pay the rent on your location, the mortgage on your house, or your $2600 "bronze" PPO medical insurance for your family of 4. The package that's up for votes today won't help in that case.

Same if you're a consultant working at some company, they cut all non-staff. You made too much last year to get the benefit, yet still can't pay your mortgage, feed your family, or pay a medical bill.

Those people are the ones that'll get really desperate when their kids are hungry.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:47:50 PM EDT
For the record I think your full of it.

Sending back unemployment shows your ignorance.

It's an insurance YOU pay. Employers figure it in on total cost of employers and comes to you at a reduction in pay.

I.may be wrong but every state requires you APPLY for it. They just don't send it
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:54:20 PM EDT
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I work for 100 grand.

I'd rather be lazy for 75 grand.
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I worked my ass off for a lot less than that last year....including On Call, Call Out, Overtime, Court, Incentives, and Allowances....and I make considerably more than the average cop in Oklahoma.

Not at all complaining, we do just fine and I am more than blessed to have what I do.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 2:56:10 PM EDT
If I even qualify to be given my own money back I’m definitely keeping it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:02:10 PM EDT
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Unfortunately, people are going to get checks.  The politicians have backed themselves into a corner.  Lots of promises of free money have been made and the people are going to demand their pound of flesh.  It’s a fucking shit show of fiscal irresponsibility.  Closing down entire swaths of our economy was suicidal.

If Pelosi approves of voting on and passing the Senate bill in the house, those numbers are pretty much the deal.  I think she’ll delay a bit because she gets off on having the power over millions of people.  She’s a straight authoritarian megalomaniac.  

Really, our leaders are so shameful.  I have no faith in them at this point.  Time to ride it into the ground like Slim Pickens.
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I agree with everything you say but people saying they are just getting their tax money back are wrong. We don't have 2 tril sitting around we are in debt, just printing more money won't help in the long run

If what you say is true I might qualify then but don't need it, don't want it. But am not stupid enough to burn  I if it happens I wish it would only go to those in need. There are several good reasons that have been posted in here.

This is such a cluster fudge of our own making.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:02:27 PM EDT
Probably already said but if I get a check I'll cash it because...

1. I'll consider it a payback on taxes I already paid, and
2. I'm gonna be stuck with "my share" of the bill anyway.
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