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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:04:09 PM EDT
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Lol, I won’t get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:04:40 PM EDT
On a somewhat related note, I told my brother that if rates are low enough he should try to qualify for whatever bailout loans they offer and stick it all in the stock market.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:31:10 PM EDT
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Dude, 75% of people in the US are going to get checks.  Apparently, only about 30% of arfcom will (or will admit to it ).

Even in large metro areas the amount of people making above $75k individually (or married $150k) is relatively small.  Arfcom is just out of touch, or believes their own bullshit.  You can choose which.  

I’ll bet 60-70% of Arfcom is getting a check.  And they’ll cash it.
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I'm not disagreeing with any of those points. I'm just pointing out that "outside of metro areas" means a hell of a lot fewer people than folks like to admit around here, and that many of the folks not getting a check are solidly blue collar still. It isn't just the "millionaires" who are saying they aren't getting a cut.

Although these threads will be fun to go back to when the typical arfcom dick waving starts and income comes up.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:33:18 PM EDT
I'm going to post only positive responses, to Trump threads in  GD for one month.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:33:50 PM EDT
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I'm not disagreeing with any of those points. I'm just pointing out that "outside of metro areas" means a hell of a lot fewer people than folks like to admit around here, and that many of the folks not getting a check are solidly blue collar still. It isn't just the "millionaires" who are saying they aren't getting a cut.

Although these threads will be fun to go back to when the typical arfcom dick waving starts and income comes up.
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If 150K is the cutoff I will need to change my vote, we'll qualify in that case.

I really didn't think it would be that high.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:36:59 PM EDT
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I'm going to post only positive responses, to Trump threads in  GD for one month.
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I am Positive that your PositivelyPedanticProse will PleasantlyPause the PanicyPandemicPandemonium.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:37:51 PM EDT
GWB’s stimulus check bought me a 357
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:40:30 PM EDT
I am jumping straight into this thread on page 8, so if what I post has already been posted, I apologize.

I have been paying into it, and will pay into that shit, for the rest of my working life. I’ve been working since I was 15, full time since 18. If they are going to give me a check, less than what I have paid in my life to people that don’t want to work, then I will take it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:43:23 PM EDT
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You have more in-common with the Bernie bro’s than you care to admit
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I expect videos of burning checks from all the chest thumping super conservative N_Ts.

We won't see those videos because most of them are DU trolls and the rest are blowhards.

You have more in-common with the Bernie bro’s than you care to admit

He's obsessed with N_T' ers.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 3:46:49 PM EDT
Fuck yes. That Aimpoint isn't going to buy itself

edit: misread OP title. Fuck no I won't refuse it. That Aimpoint isn't going to buy itself
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:00:28 PM EDT
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Which means you are paying even less into the pot than you already where while a certain percentage of your countrymen are paying yet even more in than their already disproportionate share.  

If I pay $20,000 a year in taxes because I am "a big earner" and you pay $10,000 because you're "a low earner" then I am already paying more into the system you are despite both of us being able to use it the same, I am already covering a disproportionate share.  Then the Gov gives you back $2000 more meaning you only paid $8000 in that year I am still paying $20,000 in meaning my disproportionate amount INCREASES.  

"hurrr durr it's my money back" no, you're already not paying your fair share compared to others.  

The fuck is wrong with so many on this board that don't understand how progressive taxation is already unfair?  You guys DO understand this is very much a liberal/leftist scheme right?  You're buying into the class warfare shit with this?  

The whole tax system is fucked.
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I get it that it’s unfair but you are totally leaving out the fact the he pays taxes. Of course it’s his money. The fact someone else isn’t getting any doesn’t change that fact.

Believe me, I’m a huge fan of a flat tax or the “fair tax” but just because I pay less tax than you do doesn’t mean I didn’t  pay it with my money. Everyone who pays taxes pays it with their own money. I’m a 1099 contract worker so I have to pay all my own FICA and SST and Medicare taxes. I’m taxed up the ass and I pay more than a W2 employee of the same income. Don’t talk to me about unfair.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:03:10 PM EDT
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He's obsessed with N_T' ers.
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I expect videos of burning checks from all the chest thumping super conservative N_Ts.

We won't see those videos because most of them are DU trolls and the rest are blowhards.

You have more in-common with the Bernie bro’s than you care to admit

He's obsessed with N_T' ers.

Not all NTs. Just the subset of NTs that are actually ROLCONs.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:08:10 PM EDT
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I am Positive that your PositivelyPedanticProse will PleasantlyPause the PanicyPandemicPandemonium.
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I bet you can't say that, three times really fast.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:11:38 PM EDT
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Not all NTs. Just the subset of NTs that are actually ROLCONs.
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Bless your little heart, for tilting at windmills.

You seam really wound up? Try some yoga or some Xanax.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:13:44 PM EDT
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Bless your little heart, for tilting at windmills.

You seam really wound up? Try some yoga or some Xanax.
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Don't worry, there will be millions more on anxiety meds after this is over. Unintended consequences.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:16:11 PM EDT
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Don't worry, there will be millions more on anxiety meds after this is over. Unintended consequences.
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Free pot for everyone.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:19:01 PM EDT
I'll defer to Ayn Rand on this:
The same moral principles and considerations apply to the issue of accepting social security, unemployment insurance, or other payments of that kind. It is obvious, in such cases, that a man receives his own money which was taken from him by force, directly and specifically, without his consent, against his own choice. Those who advocated such laws are morally guilty, since they assumed the “right” to force employers and unwilling coworkers. But the victims, who opposed such laws, have a clear right to any refund of their own money—and they would not advance the cause of freedom if they left their money, unclaimed, for the benefit of the welfare-state administration.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:19:10 PM EDT
I have payed lots of taxes in the past 30 years of my working life and have never ever gotten but a small percentage of it back. Or on some years...paid more and got crap ola back....

I am not an Arfcom Millionaire...

So to me it is not "FREE" it is a small refund from all the money they take from me every year....

Ill take it and spend it....

But I don't like that they are doing it...

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:19:43 PM EDT
They need to kill this bill.

Its designed to kill the economy.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:20:22 PM EDT
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Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.
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I only hate welfare when it is abused by multi generational welfare experts that train their crotch fruit to live off the govt  nipple instead of make something of themselves.

Trump bucks are a one time thing that apply to everyone and can't be used year after year after year.

Besides if it gets the economy jump started instead of economic recession causing me to lose my job then it can't be all bad.

Not ideal but certainly not FSA worthy either.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:22:23 PM EDT
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Bless your little heart, for tilting at windmills.

You seam really wound up? Try some yoga or some Xanax.
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Not all NTs. Just the subset of NTs that are actually ROLCONs.

Bless your little heart, for tilting at windmills.

You seam really wound up? Try some yoga or some Xanax.

I was right about TS and BS and I'm right about you and your buddy.

I'm as chill as a cucumber, comrade.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:23:17 PM EDT
I consider it my civic duty to reclaim as many of my tax dollars as possible.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:26:57 PM EDT
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They need to kill this bill.

Its designed to kill the economy.

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that bill WILL go through, as all of them want their pork, and kick backs and to fund their pet bullshit that gets them votes. ill be surprised if they dont do another 2 trillion dollar bill 3 months from now when shits still all fucked up and millions are pissed off because of this shutdown. then you will get another 250 billion / $1200 check and the politicians will blow another 1750 billion on the same bullshit as the first time.

fiscal responsibility is fucking dead in this country, as is worrying about piddly assed shit like " budgets", so, you might as well grab some trump bucks for yourself, and buy preps / ammo with it, because you will probably be needing that shit sooner than you think.  not taking trump bucks is fine and dandy, but at best it gives the country another 6 months before it implodes.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:37:46 PM EDT
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I'll defer to Ayn Rand on this:
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I'll defer to Ayn Rand on this:
The same moral principles and considerations apply to the issue of accepting social security, unemployment insurance, or other payments of that kind. It is obvious, in such cases, that a man receives his own money which was taken from him by force, directly and specifically, without his consent, against his own choice. Those who advocated such laws are morally guilty, since they assumed the “right” to force employers and unwilling coworkers. But the victims, who opposed such laws, have a clear right to any refund of their own money—and they would not advance the cause of freedom if they left their money, unclaimed, for the benefit of the welfare-state administration.

That's how I feel about it. I expect those who are eligible to accept it. Those who cheer it and start threads bragging about all the garage sale guns they'll buy with it are just showing their true colors.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:40:59 PM EDT
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Now we get to see the hypocrites that hate welfare, except when they qualify for it.
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Hypocricy will get me nods. If anyone else doesn't want their trumpbux send them over to me.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:48:34 PM EDT
Cant refuse what I wont be getting
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:53:21 PM EDT
You and I will both be paying it back in higher taxes and higher inflation. Every dollar printed reduces the value of those already in circulation.

This is how slaves are made.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:56:05 PM EDT
WTH are you even talking about, "stand on principles?"

The government takes more than a third of what I earn every year in taxes.

If it wants to give me some of that money back as a "stimulus check" then Hell yes I am taking it, because I know - guess what? - they're going to just turn around and take it back again in some form or another.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:56:54 PM EDT
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I was right about TS and BS and I'm right about you and your buddy.

I'm as chill as a cucumber, comrade.
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You sound like your little buddy, Madcap72, he was also wound too tight.  
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:57:28 PM EDT
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Not elgible
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:58:05 PM EDT
Don't think I'm getting anything so don't have to worry about it.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 4:59:56 PM EDT
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If I even get one, you re damn right I'm keeping it. It came from me in the first place. I can spend it a lot more responsibly than they can!
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:00:02 PM EDT
I mean with all the millionaires here nobody will be getting a check
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:01:22 PM EDT
The Borla cat back system I was looking at for my F150 costs $1200. Hmm...
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:07:17 PM EDT
I'm not ashamed to cash a check.  I have paid taxes my entire working life and my kids won't qualify for any sort of assistance  for college because I've tried to be responsible for myself and my family.   I'll spend mine on things we need and probably  put the $500 for the kids their college funds.

ETA:  Do I think the checks are a good idea?  Fuck no I don't.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:07:22 PM EDT
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You sound like your little buddy, Madcap72, he was also wound too tight.  
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I was right about TS and BS and I'm right about you and your buddy.

I'm as chill as a cucumber, comrade.

You sound like your little buddy, Madcap72, he was also wound too tight.  

And you sound like all of the other nevertrumpers; ghosting through the malaise from one media driven position to another, dragging your goalposts with you. Like vermin feeding off of fear and discord.

Your ilk are pathetic.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:08:45 PM EDT
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I mean with all the millionaires here nobody will be getting a check
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So a couple making $150K/yr are now millionaires?  Interesting.... you know that's not really that much money, right?  I feel sorry for those that value themselves so little that they'd allow themselves to make less than that - talk about selling oneself short.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:09:04 PM EDT
Isn't it just an advance on your future tax refund? AKA, it's a small, interest free loan?

I won't refuse getting my own money back, the government said I can't work, they can pay me.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:09:24 PM EDT
I don't think I even qualify
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:09:53 PM EDT
I don’t suckle the government teet.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:10:23 PM EDT
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So a couple making $150K/yr are now millionaires?  Interesting.... you know that's not really that much money, right?  I feel sorry for those that value themselves so little that they'd allow themselves to make less than that - talk about selling oneself short.
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I mean with all the millionaires here nobody will be getting a check

So a couple making $150K/yr are now millionaires?  Interesting.... you know that's not really that much money, right?  I feel sorry for those that value themselves so little that they'd allow themselves to make less than that - talk about selling oneself short.

It isn’t how much you spend...

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:22:08 PM EDT
I know plenty of Republican ran companies that take tax cuts and kick backs. Which is practically a multi-million dollar handout for some of them. So are these Republicans not following their principles, or is it only okay if it's white collar? The rules have me confused.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:24:07 PM EDT
I will refuse.Fuck that money.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:26:25 PM EDT
I’m as principled as my government.

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:28:21 PM EDT
I'm going to make a point to spend it in businesses here in town hurt by the shutdown. I'm going to be tipping bigly.

I don't need the money. They do.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:28:45 PM EDT
Pretty sure I'm not going to get a check.  

!00% sure I don't want one.  

Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:31:33 PM EDT
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Lol, I won't get a dime.
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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:31:37 PM EDT
No check for me, I am not poor enough.
Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:32:20 PM EDT
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And you sound like all of the other nevertrumpers; ghosting through the malaise from one media driven position to another, dragging your goalposts with you. Like vermin feeding off of fear and discord.

Your ilk are pathetic.

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Link Posted: 3/25/2020 5:34:45 PM EDT
Where’s the info so we can confirm?  I thought the dems killed it
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