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Link Posted: 5/26/2019 7:34:06 AM EDT
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How the hell do you get lost for 2 weeks in Hawaii? That place is tiny.
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Maybe she got lost on the different islands.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 11:55:28 AM EDT
Here is a bigger copy - not easy terrain

Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:14:39 PM EDT
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Here is a bigger copy - not easy terrain


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I would most definitely want gear to climb that, she did good staying alive.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:21:39 PM EDT
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Really, in NC ? Haleakala crater is 10,023'.  It goes all the way to sea level on all sides. You can't see through the jungle in parts of this area. Thank God she didn't get lost and stranded in the remote wilds of North Carolina, or they'd be looking for a corpse next summer  when it thaws out  
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Meh... I hike INTO more treacherous canyons for day of trout fishing on undisturbed waters.
Really, in NC ? Haleakala crater is 10,023'.  It goes all the way to sea level on all sides. You can't see through the jungle in parts of this area. Thank God she didn't get lost and stranded in the remote wilds of North Carolina, or they'd be looking for a corpse next summer  when it thaws out  
People don't think Hawaii terrain be like it is, but it do.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:30:28 PM EDT
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Here is a bigger copy - not easy terrain


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If she was down at the bottom of that and injured I can see why she wasn’t able to climb out. Tough terrain.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:31:52 PM EDT
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I think she was legitimately lost and this wasn’t some game where she was getting busy with someone else. Look at her feet.  That looks seriously painful.  Glad she was found alive.

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Damn, hope that’s treatable. Poor lady must have been scared witless.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:34:32 PM EDT
People don't think trail running be like it is, but it do.

There was a lady who went trail running up a busy canyon here.  She broke her leg in a small side canyon and wasn't found until 8 months later.  She was a pile of bones by then, of course.

Cell phones make people think they can go places they really shouldn't go.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:35:29 PM EDT
I read in Backpacker magazine that HI forest has I high number of missing person cases. Pot growers nabbing them?
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:44:15 PM EDT
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Here is a bigger copy - not easy terrain


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The "if you get lost just follow a stream it will lead you to civilization" doesn't always work if the stream can not be easily followed.

Like with numerous waterfalls, steep sides and overgrown jungle.

The number one cause of tourist deaths in Costa Rica is falling, usually on a slippery stream way while on a nature hike.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:46:37 PM EDT
Lol, fit woman that jogs and is a  yoga instructor go outdoors, gets lost and survives after 15 days in the wilderness.
GD's fatbodies: "Shes a whore! What an idiot! I go upstairs all the time for more Hotpockets and never get lost, she deserves it!"
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:47:34 PM EDT
So she was having an affair then.....
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:52:44 PM EDT
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I read in Backpacker magazine that HI forest has I high number of missing person cases. Pot growers nabbing them?
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Sacrifices to The Old Gods.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:52:44 PM EDT
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Lol, fit woman that jogs and is a  yoga instructor go outdoors, gets lost and survives after 15 days in the wilderness.
GD's fatbodies: "Shes a whore! What an idiot! I go upstairs all the time for more Hotpockets and never get lost, she deserves it!"
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GD fatbodies are why I spend less time on arfcom these days and more time on car forums.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:54:27 PM EDT
That area of "up country" Maui is pretty wooded and steep. She also fractured her tibia limiting her movements.

Eller was found with a broken leg and a torn meniscus in her knee, along with sunburn and scrapes. She was also about 20 pounds underweight, according to one of the rescuers who spoke to KHON2.
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My grandfather saw some kids hiking up in that same area in the late 1930's while he was working clearing trees. All 4 got lost and died from exposure with some food still tied to their waists. This was in the winter time though.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 1:55:44 PM EDT
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I know this girl. Our group of friends have been praying hard for her safe return. Thank God they found her.

For those of you mouth-breathers that have obviously never been off the beaten path in Maui, there are tons of places that if you fell, you would not be climbing out on your own. Especially if you were injured.
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Thats true of a lot of hiking areas. What is an easy walk in becomes a near impossible crawl out if you fuck up a leg. I've given very real thought to get a PLB for just that reason. I hike alone fairly often, and I sometimes wander off the path a bit to get better views etc. If I end up slipping on a wet log or rock and twist/break my ankle or leg I would be good and proper fucked.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:01:52 PM EDT
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During a conversation with a couple girls at work this week one of them uttered a phrase I haven’t heard in decades, Itty Bitty Titty Club.

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Itty Bitty Titty committee
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:05:48 PM EDT
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Ugh, some of the shit you guys come up with. A whorecation? The fuck is wrong with some of you?
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It’s GD, did you expect anything else?
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:06:33 PM EDT
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There are better ways of carrying them, you know.
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I'm sure you know better than I do that people who are lost in the woods often go in circles.  That's why I bring a compass in the bush.
There are better ways of carrying them, you know.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:08:37 PM EDT
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People don't think Hawaii terrain be like it is, but it do.
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Meh... I hike INTO more treacherous canyons for day of trout fishing on undisturbed waters.
Really, in NC ? Haleakala crater is 10,023'.  It goes all the way to sea level on all sides. You can't see through the jungle in parts of this area. Thank God she didn't get lost and stranded in the remote wilds of North Carolina, or they'd be looking for a corpse next summer  when it thaws out  
People don't think Hawaii terrain be like it is, but it do.
Hawaii isn't the type of place to go cruising around if you don't know what you are doing.
Weather/terrain/locals make it a lot less hospitable then one would expect.

There are no barriers, markers, etc. No shortage of cliffs, holes etc that you can walk your self right up to.

FWIW, the sharp edges are getting slowly rounded off as the CONUS flavor of nanny state liberalism takes hold over there. Every trip I make to the big island I see more shit closed off to the public, more signs, more guardrails etc.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:13:44 PM EDT
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Hawaii isn't the type of place to go cruising around if you don't know what you are doing.
Weather/terrain/locals make it a lot less hospitable then one would expect.

There are no barriers, markers, etc. No shortage of cliffs, holes etc that you can walk your self right up to.

FWIW, the sharp edges are getting slowly rounded off as the CONUS flavor of nanny state liberalism takes hold over there. Every trip I make to the big island I see more shit closed off to the public, more signs, more guardrails etc.
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Not many yoga mats in nature on a volcanic rock.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:15:25 PM EDT
I grew up in Maryland, hiked up Sugarloaf Mountain a few times, and have cut down lots of brush with a machete, so I guess that makes me an expert on this particular case.  From what I can gather, she was on a whorecation, trying to get enough money to get out of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and one of her john's got tired of her and dumped her on the side of the road after 10 days of bondage.  Of course I should add that I haven't even read a news link about this, just this thread, but that's my expert opinion.....
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 2:30:09 PM EDT
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Hiding lol.

Broke her leg, jacked up her feet, her face, nose and lips jacked up, lost 15lbs. It was a huge game of hide and seek.
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Something ain't right.
She's up to something.
She was hiding
Hiding lol.

Broke her leg, jacked up her feet, her face, nose and lips jacked up, lost 15lbs. It was a huge game of hide and seek.
thought it was obvious but I should have used a smiley
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 3:45:30 PM EDT
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Hawaii isn't the type of place to go cruising around if you don't know what you are doing.
Weather/terrain/locals make it a lot less hospitable then one would expect.

There are no barriers, markers, etc. No shortage of cliffs, holes etc that you can walk your self right up to.

FWIW, the sharp edges are getting slowly rounded off as the CONUS flavor of nanny state liberalism takes hold over there. Every trip I make to the big island I see more shit closed off to the public, more signs, more guardrails etc.
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I'm pretty sure those are just suggestions.

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Link Posted: 5/26/2019 3:55:08 PM EDT
Watched the news last night.
She said she hiked till midnight the first night.  Oh she had NV gear?  Nope. Fucking retard
When she woke up, she said she was disoriented, so she started hiking again.  Fucking panicked retard.
She spent the better part of two weeks wandering around because she completely lost any awareness of her situation.

Never would have happened if she had sat down and started thinking instead of freaking out.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 4:24:58 PM EDT
Wanted the attention from being lost/found. That would make her a "attention whore". The story just doesn't feel right.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 5:55:20 PM EDT
Well it's good that she is fine and back with the living.

Weird that yelling yyyaaaaaaasss queeeeen, slay! didn't give her super powers though
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 5:59:36 PM EDT
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Lol, fit woman that jogs and is a  yoga instructor go outdoors, gets lost and survives after 15 days in the wilderness.
GD's fatbodies: "Shes a whore! What an idiot! I go upstairs all the time for more Hotpockets and never get lost, she deserves it!"
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No shit. This place is out of it's head sometimes.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 6:20:28 PM EDT
She looks a lot like PatriotNurse here.

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Link Posted: 5/26/2019 6:29:31 PM EDT
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Watched the news last night.
She said she hiked till midnight the first night.  Oh she had NV gear?  Nope. Fucking retard
When she woke up, she said she was disoriented, so she started hiking again.  Fucking panicked retard.
She spent the better part of two weeks wandering around because she completely lost any awareness of her situation.

Never would have happened if she had sat down and started thinking instead of freaking out.
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S.T.O.P., Stop, Think, Observe & Plan.  She did none of these, and instead she panicked.  There are plenty of people who truly enjoy spending time in nature but have absolutely no survival/bushcraft/woodslore training.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 6:37:38 PM EDT
Quint: I'm not talkin' about pleasure boatin' or day sailin'. I'm talkin' about workin' for a livin'. I'm talkin' about whorin'.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 6:55:33 PM EDT
Grew up on O'ahu, hiked a lot and hunted pigs, been off-trail more than on following pua'a tracks.  A lot of that country is steep and slippery.
I've hiked at night too, it's pretty amazing.  Different place at night for sure.

But going out for a run, until midnight, with no CLUE what she was doing, then hiking more in the dark when she was disoriented...
Do you want to get lost?   Because that's how you get lost.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 8:22:16 PM EDT
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I grew up in Maryland, hiked up Sugarloaf Mountain a few times, and have cut down lots of brush with a machete, so I guess that makes me an expert on this particular case.  From what I can gather, she was on a whorecation, trying to get enough money to get out of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee and one of her john's got tired of her and dumped her on the side of the road after 10 days of bondage.  Of course I should add that I haven't even read a news link about this, just this thread, but that's my expert opinion.....
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Link Posted: 5/26/2019 8:39:20 PM EDT
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Wanted the attention from being lost/found. That would make her a "attention whore". The story just doesn't feel right.
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People get lost.  It's quite easy.
Link Posted: 5/26/2019 10:30:38 PM EDT
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I am a climber, I climb out.
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Often with a broken leg? Please.

I've seen canyons with waterfalls where if you get down the upper falls (you won't get back up fighting the water), the lower falls is too high to traverse, and the walls are too steep to climb without technical gear...especially with a broken leg.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 1:56:40 AM EDT
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The centipedes make up for the lack of snakes.
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Not far from her location I watched an army of ant destroy an 8 inch centipede, in an hour they had chopped it up and hauled it off.
I liked upcountry Maui alot, Makawao Steak House was great food and there was a bar that had comedy shows up on the corner.
The area between the farming community and the coast to the North is nearly impenetrable jungle. My favorite thing from that area is the Thompsons Chameleon. A prehistoric lizard with a tongue as long as his body sporting 3 horns and a prehensile tail.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 2:04:48 AM EDT
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Not far from her location I watched an army of ant destroy an 8 inch centipede, in an hour they had chopped it up and hauled it off.
I liked upcountry Maui alot, Makawao Steak House was great food and there was a bar that had comedy shows up on the corner.
The area between the farming community and the coast to the North is nearly impenetrable jungle. My favorite thing from that area is the Thompsons Chameleon. A prehistoric lizard with a tongue as long as his body sporting 3 horns and a prehensile tail.
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Jackson's Chameleon.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 2:19:48 AM EDT
Something doesn't smell right.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 2:40:37 AM EDT
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Something doesn't smell right.
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Rotting feet never do.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 6:13:09 AM EDT
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Something doesn't smell right.
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So many possibilities.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 6:17:06 AM EDT
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Lol, fit woman that jogs and is a  yoga instructor go outdoors, gets lost and survives after 15 days in the wilderness.
GD's fatbodies: "Shes a whore! What an idiot! I go upstairs all the time for more Hotpockets and never get lost, she deserves it!"
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Pretty much any excuse to call a woman a whore will do.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 6:22:28 AM EDT
So did she plan this or was she just incompetent.

Funny how whenever these strong independent women try being independent they fuck up.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 6:25:49 AM EDT
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So did she plan this or was she just incompetent.

Funny how whenever these strong independent women try being independent they fuck up.
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Male hikers never fuck up and get injured and/or lost? Impressive!
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 9:35:17 AM EDT
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Male hikers never fuck up and get injured and/or lost? Impressive!
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Lost Colorado hunter makes for some interesting reading on Google. 40 something from Minnesota is at high risk around elk season.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 9:55:35 AM EDT
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So did she plan this or was she just incompetent.
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I'd say it's hard to plan the kind of injuries and weight loss she sustained. She could have gotten her 15 minutes much easier.

What I find strange in the simply lost scenario that she was supposedly a local and familiar with the trail and water falls in the region. So she should have known that going down the mountain south or west would get her to civilization within one mile from the farthest point in the trail (and that's going the longest way, which is from the north east corner of the trail past the south east corner, the shortest distance was just 130 yards. Instead she ventured in the opposite direction, north east, where she could have kept going twice the distance before hitting the coast and a road.

OTOH navigation around the whole area appears to be a huge mess with only locals knowing anything and even Google Maps not knowing most of the locations they give in news reports, including 3 different spellings for probably the same thing. You just can't find the place where she was found on the map with the details given by the police department, the rescuers or the family. Most folks posting in Facebook only know the location of the “base camp” (where the volunteer search parties are staying) and even that only vaguely.

If I had to organize a search of her past stranded location just based on news report descriptions (and not coordinates which haven't been released), I would be looking at an A box of about 1 x 1 mile.

I mean, she was found on a fucking stream bed, but nobody has been able to even name the stream!
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 10:01:12 AM EDT
LOL with all the info that has come out, there's still doubt this was the real thing?  The area she was in had a lot of pine trees and looked wide open and spacious, she was probably wandering around enjoying the beauty and got lost.  She fell down a cliff and fractured her leg.  She survived on water from streams (there's a lot of water on Hawaii) and the local flora (it is paradise, after all).  Sometimes a damn cigar is just a cigar.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 10:13:21 AM EDT
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Wanted the attention from being lost/found. That would make her a "attention whore". The story just doesn't feel right.
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Some days I feel stupider for reading GD. This is one of them.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 10:14:28 AM EDT
She's apparently very clumsy and stupid.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 10:14:51 AM EDT
I heard she was out there to get her head together and left her phone and wallet in the car. I'd take her hiking license away.
Link Posted: 5/27/2019 10:34:16 AM EDT
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I heard she was out there to get her head together and left her phone and wallet in the car. I'd take her hiking license away.
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I blame the size of current phones which are rather the size of old tablets. You need a belt and a belt holster to run with those.

When the smallest satellite comms rescue device is smaller and lighter than a phone, perhaps runners should take those when venturing around treacherous mountain trails.

Link Posted: 5/27/2019 10:43:59 AM EDT
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Male hikers never fuck up and get injured and/or lost? Impressive!
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So did she plan this or was she just incompetent.

Funny how whenever these strong independent women try being independent they fuck up.
Male hikers never fuck up and get injured and/or lost? Impressive!
There are plenty of persons of both sexes nowadays who don't have a clue when it comes to doing outdoorsy things, but based on my observations it seems to me that 20-something fit yoga-pants-wearing Millennial women are the ones who get lost/need rescue most often around here.  Although admittedly middle-aged dumbass male snowmobilers take a close second.

In the example I posted above, the woman (who was in drug rehab at the time, so everyone assumed she had relapsed and was off on a bender) went for a run up one of the canyons by herself.  For some strange reason she decided to turn up a small, rugged side canyon, fell and broke her leg, and then was filled with the terrible realization she was stuck there and no one knew where she was.  It was without a doubt a horrible, painful way to die.

I personally blame cell phones for the increase in wilderness stupidity.  People think that because they have 100% coverage in the city that automatically translates into 100% coverage in the mountains.  In the canyons along the Wasatch Front you can lose cell coverage even though you are a few miles away from downtown Salt Lake City.  If you are depending on your phone's GPS to navigate, or if you are expecting to be able to call 911 if you fall and break your leg, then you're going to be seriously disappointed when they don't work.  And that can mean death.
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