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Link Posted: 3/20/2009 4:45:35 PM EDT
let me guess...

This was little italy...or germantown... or irishville or polskavilla....

Then .gov forced mandatory busing on America.

This is the aftermath.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 4:51:03 PM EDT
Sad... those are a piece of history, and their residents don't appreciate it.

We used to see the same thing when our SWAT teams would do raids in inner city neighborhoods... drug houses that used to be posh, magnificent old homes.  Some of the architecture you'd see inside?  The grand staircases?  The fireplaces?  Oh... the fireplaces... beautiful mantles, marble, mirrors (long since smashed)...  some stripped, some not.

Those were once some fantastic old homes.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 4:51:11 PM EDT
That looks just like Richmond, except your pictures are lacking bullet holes in the buildings, bums with various signage, and large crowds of people just sitting around at 2 in the afternoon.

The OP's pictures are from Cleveland Ohio. Head farther west to Toledo Ohio to see what you're describing.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:23:32 PM EDT
Is this near Euclid and East 120th? Once you go past Case it gets rough in a hurry.

The criminal element is fond of mugging poor college students and stealing their bicycles.

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:30:19 PM EDT
I can tell you the reason... PX8... its a code..
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:36:30 PM EDT
tag for future referance
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:36:51 PM EDT
Go to Yahoo Real Estate.

Type in Detroit - search for houses between $0 and $1000.

See what you get.

Then do Cleveland too...

I checked it out,can you really buy the house and land for a few hundered bucks???
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:38:35 PM EDT
Is this near Euclid and East 120th? Once you go past Case it gets rough in a hurry.

The criminal element is fond of mugging poor college students and stealing their bicycles.

It's on a street called Hower.  It's closer to Lakeview. Right off of Euclid, to the North.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:40:10 PM EDT

I can show you predominately white / hispanic / whatever areas that are just as bad. Come on down to the rural south sometime.

Yep, but 8 of 10 are the same race, they group in citys where welfare is easier, and more payout. Just because a racist says it, doesn't always mean it not TRUE
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:48:23 PM EDT
Cue, Adagio for Strings in G

Adagio for Strings

Why do i have a feeling that this song is gonna be the anthem for the US for the next 10 years?

2001 to 2011 what a great time to be alive.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:48:38 PM EDT
I want to know why you don't carry two guns.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:50:42 PM EDT
I'm really curious what led to the demographic shift that caused the decay of that neighborhood.

Something caused the community's populace to transition from people who could afford them and cared to maintain them to people who...  didn't.

Regional economics, social programs that arbitrarily placed people in the area who didn't care or couldn't afford upkeep, a nearby ghetto that expanded or shifted, crime - something caused a very significant socioeconomic and cultural change.

Neighborhoods don't just go to sleep gentrified one night and then the sun rises on a burned-out slum the next day.

Anybody know the area that can add some insight?

I think in this case, the money left during the Depression and just never returned. Owner occupied properties gave way to rentals, and tenants who couldn't care less. Add drugs and unemployment...throw in a little gang activity...it really is sad.

Whole neighborhoods in the hearts of major American cities are looking like this. With no help from a Katrina like event either. Pretty soon, big cities will be ghost towns.

There was the big push to the shopping mall in the suburbs, I saw this and see this in NKY, except now, old houses like the big
red one are being bought and refurbished, the ghetto is moving away from the areas  they destroyed, like a cancer.

Celente was reporting a lot of commerical stores would collapse after the dismal sales of Christmas, I expected to see malls close,
suburbs to become like your pictures, Thank God that hasn't happened yet.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:53:15 PM EDT
A street I had to do a quote on today. Mind you, there were maybe three occupied houses. None of which I photographed. I left out the locals too, as I'm sure they don't want to be interweb famous. I once heard that every board up house on a street depreciates the others by about $5,000. So, imagine how much the sole survivors properties are worth.

Another side note. This street is off of the old "Millionaires Row", in Cleveland-East Cleveland. Where John D. Rockefeller and other notables lived.  Way back in the day.

What's unfathomable to me is that these are all on the same street.

And people ask why I carry a gun.


Let me guess, blacks populate/populated most of that area?  I tell you what, they destroy any area they reside in.  It sickens me and it worries me how every city they live in turns to complete shit.

Kinda true

I know.  Anyone who disagrees has never traveled to the inner city of a major city.  I see this all the time and it really pisses me off.  In the words of American History X, "they seem to have a moral obligation to crime" (maybe not exact words).

There is a reason a shit ton of the Martin Luther King Blvds are straight ghetto

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:53:27 PM EDT
Cue, Adagio for Strings in G

Adagio for Strings

Why do i have a feeling that this song is gonna be the anthem for the US for the next 10 years?

2001 to 2011 what a great time to be alive.

I'm thinkin' it's gonna be scored more like this.......


Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:55:19 PM EDT
The piru seem to be busy with upkeep in that area.

Piru Lives!

WTH is a piru?

ETA: The Pirus are a Los Angeles, California area street gang based out of Compton. Originally a set or faction of the Crips street gang,[1][2] the Pirus broke off during the 1970s and are considered to be the original founders of there allies the Bloods street gang

Dang you mean we can buy cheap property, fix it up for good people, and have target practice after work when we are bored.
That's what needs  to be done with the gang...Open target practice...If you can hit him fleeing in a vehicle you get extra
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:56:56 PM EDT


when I see wasted architecture and real estate like that, I die a little bit inside.

I would kill for that red brick building.

Same here... the warehouse looking one is awesome.
I would love to go inside a few...

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:57:55 PM EDT
Looks like a 'nice' neighborhood in Detroit....
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 5:59:02 PM EDT
A street I had to do a quote on today. Mind you, there were maybe three occupied houses. None of which I photographed. I left out the locals too, as I'm sure they don't want to be interweb famous. I once heard that every board up house on a street depreciates the others by about $5,000. So, imagine how much the sole survivors properties are worth.

Another side note. This street is off of the old "Millionaires Row", in Cleveland-East Cleveland. Where John D. Rockefeller and other notables lived.  Way back in the day.

What's unfathomable to me is that these are all on the same street.

And people ask why I carry a gun.


Let me guess, blacks populate/populated most of that area?  I tell you what, they destroy any area they reside in.  It sickens me and it worries me how every city they live in turns to complete shit.

Kinda true

I know.  Anyone who disagrees has never traveled to the inner city of a major city.  I see this all the time and it really pisses me off.  In the words of American History X, "they seem to have a moral obligation to crime" (maybe not exact words).

I don't I have seen it, but 1 up, I have been to Africa 3 visits, met Africans who spoke perfect English, had skills,
talent.  I was thinking we got the wrong ones.  Just goes to show you Liberlism is a mental disease.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:00:22 PM EDT
Go Browns!!!
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:00:25 PM EDT
Looks like someone with a .gov contract could make a killing providing plywood in the city.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:01:52 PM EDT
Almost as purdy as East St. Louis, IMO.


ESL is the absolute worst. That city should be declared uninhabitable.

What gets me is, people wont get off their ass to wipe their own ass...it's like aint no body gonna cut your grass.
Your siding is falling off, fix the fricken thing, maybe a can of paint after 20 years.....

All this do it for me, give it to me.....

It's a disease, and there are plenty of lazy ass white people joining the crowd too......

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:05:16 PM EDT
A street I had to do a quote on today. Mind you, there were maybe three occupied houses. None of which I photographed. I left out the locals too, as I'm sure they don't want to be interweb famous. I once heard that every board up house on a street depreciates the others by about $5,000. So, imagine how much the sole survivors properties are worth.

Another side note. This street is off of the old "Millionaires Row", in Cleveland-East Cleveland. Where John D. Rockefeller and other notables lived.  Way back in the day.

What's unfathomable to me is that these are all on the same street.

And people ask why I carry a gun.


Let me guess, blacks populate/populated most of that area?  I tell you what, they destroy any area they reside in.  It sickens me and it worries me how every city they live in turns to complete shit.

You are so wrong... that could be any white upperclass neighborhood... they all look that way..

No they don't and neither do upper Black class neighborhoods, neither do average Black and White neighbor hoods.
You need to give up the crack....I would love to target practice on that piral ...what ever they call themselves..
they are parasites....they need to be extinguished..not allowed to reproduce.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:05:49 PM EDT

I'm really curious what led to the demographic shift that caused the decay of that neighborhood.

Something caused the community's populace to transition from people who could afford them and cared to maintain them to people who...  didn't.

Regional economics, social programs that arbitrarily placed people in the area who didn't care or couldn't afford upkeep, a nearby ghetto that expanded or shifted, crime - something caused a very significant socioeconomic and cultural change.

Neighborhoods don't just go to sleep gentrified one night and then the sun rises on a burned-out slum the next day.

Anybody know the area that can add some insight?
Manufacturing jobs moving offshore or disappearing.

OH is a blue collar state, or was 50 years ago.

You hit the nail on the head... but some here will tell you that  manufacturing, mining and agriculture are all things that the 3rd world should be doing for US!

Here is the result of being a consumer economy.


Kinda what I thought...  regional economics.

And yet there are people here that will swear up and down that any trade protectionism AT ALL is SATAN'S COMMUNISM!.  

Sure, it might be practically impossible for our domestic industries to compete against massive overseas slave labor because it's impossible for millions of people in our society to survive functionally on $10 per week.  Sure, that might leave domestic industry with just the doomed 'quality' option in global bulk-commodities markets where 'quantity' is the only thing that ultimately matters, since nobody wants 'premium' coal or 'select grade' bulk stock iron.  Sure, those hard truths might mean that without some targeted trade protection, our heavy domestic industry base has a snowball's chance in hell in the long run.  And yeah, having that domestic industry base shrivel up probably would be a strategic and economic weak spot so huge that just the idea gives Iran, China, and Russia wet dreams.

But none of that matters, because just the concept of trade and industry protection is PURE EVIL!  No exceptions, EVER!  Damn the national economic and infrastructure security, free trade ahead!

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:06:14 PM EDT
<Drew Carey Show> Clevland ROCKS!!! <Drew Carey Show>

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:08:50 PM EDT
This one even says "NO WIN" right over the front door

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:12:45 PM EDT
This can be reversed.

40 years ago, there was an area in Charlotte, NC, I think called Dilworth.  Big old houses like the OP posted, except even bigger.  Probably "the" place to live back before WWII.  Since turned into a ghetto dump area.

Then around the last 60's, someone came in and fixed one up, and fixed it up nice.  Then someone else did another one and another and so on.  By the mid 70's, those properties were HOT!  It became the place in Charlotte.  

I left there in '73 so have no clue what it's like now.


Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:13:26 PM EDT
You can find that in any large Urban Area in America. I've seen it all over the country. Looks like some areas I have to drive through here in Orlando.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:14:46 PM EDT
Go to Yahoo Real Estate.

Type in Detroit - search for houses between $0 and $1000.

See what you get.

Then do Cleveland too...

I checked it out,can you really buy the house and land for a few hundered bucks???

Yes, yes, and yes.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:14:53 PM EDT
Cue, Adagio for Strings in G

Adagio for Strings

Why do i have a feeling that this song is gonna be the anthem for the US for the next 10 years?

2001 to 2011 what a great time to be alive.

I love that song....will play it at my funeral a long with Free Bird...keg of beer...the pain suffering finally over.

But until then...have to see this world through to my last breath. It kills me to see America falling apart and having
our Government do it. People are too blind to see. They are really going to loose their Freedom. But the liberals feed
off misery and need.  Promising a few pennies when thousands could be made working.  When you decide to defend
your home and food, will be rounded up and arrested..Food Horder...Gun owner...

Stalin could only dream of this situation.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:15:13 PM EDT
So much for the broken windows theory
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:21:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:22:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:24:33 PM EDT
I do alot of work in areas like this with real estate..........very interesting stuff.

There are plenty of areas like that in Cleveland and Dayton , and a handful in Columbus & Cincinatti.

Those specific areas of cleveland, the median value for those homes will be around $5k, and some of them even though boarded up , aren't in too awful shape.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:26:01 PM EDT
No worse than the trailer park in the south in my opinion. atleast they cut the lawns moved the junk cars and dont have travel trailers(aka Mobile Meth Labs) everywhere
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:27:38 PM EDT
Looks like some nice places in their prime.

I was going to say the same thing.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:29:46 PM EDT

So you gotta go over on the East Side too!

I don't go over there unless I'm packing heat, anything east of East 55th is just lovely.

I should get a pictures of the abandoned houses that have big banners hung across the roof that say "no copper", meaning the houses have already been looted.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:30:41 PM EDT
This can be reversed.

40 years ago, there was an area in Charlotte, NC, I think called Dilworth.  Big old houses like the OP posted, except even bigger.  Probably "the" place to live back before WWII.  Since turned into a ghetto dump area.

Then around the last 60's, someone came in and fixed one up, and fixed it up nice.  Then someone else did another one and another and so on.  By the mid 70's, those properties were HOT!  It became the place in Charlotte.  

I left there in '73 so have no clue what it's like now.


Dilworth is still a pretty nice part of Charlotte, one of the few!
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:31:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:34:13 PM EDT
There is something people are overlooking here:

"Oh the poor beautiful old houses, poor beautiful horsehair plaster, poor beautiful asbestos tile, poor beautiful lead pipes, poor beautiful single pane windows, poor beautiful  dungeon like basement, poor beautiful $300/mo heating bill due to no insulation, poor beautiful lead pipes."

No thanks
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:34:16 PM EDT
A street I had to do a quote on today. Mind you, there were maybe three occupied houses. None of which I photographed. I left out the locals too, as I'm sure they don't want to be interweb famous. I once heard that every board up house on a street depreciates the others by about $5,000. So, imagine how much the sole survivors properties are worth.

Another side note. This street is off of the old "Millionaires Row", in Cleveland-East Cleveland. Where John D. Rockefeller and other notables lived.  Way back in the day.

What's unfathomable to me is that these are all on the same street.

And people ask why I carry a gun.


Let me guess, blacks populate/populated most of that area?  I tell you what, they destroy any area they reside in.  It sickens me and it worries me how every city they live in turns to complete shit.

Kinda true

I know.  Anyone who disagrees has never traveled to the inner city of a major city.  I see this all the time and it really pisses me off.  In the words of American History X, "they seem to have a moral obligation to crime" (maybe not exact words).

Interesting choice of movies to derive your ideas about race.

I can show you predominately white / hispanic / whatever areas that are just as bad. Come on down to the rural south sometime.

I got news for you buddy, nothing, I mean NOOOTHINNGGG beats urban inner city "minority" neighborhoods. Don't preach about the rural south, that is where I was born in raised, and it does not even come close to what goes on in the ghetto.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:40:26 PM EDT

Go to Yahoo Real Estate.

Type in Detroit - search for houses between $0 and $1000.

See what you get.

Then do Cleveland too...
Yeah, I read a story about that, people buying up blocks of homes for a few $$$ each.


I do building inspections for new construction, remodels, basically anything requiring a building permit and occasional code enforcement.  There really are fucked up areas out there.  The technical term is blighted, but whooopty doo.  What you mention is going on nation wide right now.  The interesting part of it is while the feds are having a helluva time getting foreign investors a couple of asian countries, notably china and a couple of middle east countries are buying these up like you wouldnt believe.  They buy up the block, remodel, and rent these out as a long term investment.  Personally I prefer the "it burnt down now we can rebuilt" form of urban redevelopment, but this works too.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:44:57 PM EDT
I will see your ghetto and raise you this. Did somebody say East St,Louis?

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:46:57 PM EDT
you need to explore the innards and take pics.
urbex is fun; just remember DONT FEED THE JUNKIES, they bite.
my buddies and I would go through abandoned homes and try and imagine what life was like when they were populated.
its a spooky/reflective good time! the only side effect is you might drink later that night while listening to
john couger mellancamp and start to cry for no reason.

glockfan.. those are awsome.
reminds me of Hard Target with JCVD
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:49:35 PM EDT
After chicken in a box, is there really much much more?
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:50:17 PM EDT
After chicken in a box, is there really much much more?

Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:50:38 PM EDT
It really is sad considering what those homes looked like in their prime.

no dude they are far past it.  homes abandoned in cold environments for extended periods of time have a lot of issues with mold because the temp in the house will drop below 55* without heat, this allows moisture to build up in the insulation and then you have a problem.  Doing code enforcement, I have seen houses that have had the water supply burst in the basement because it was not shut off at the main.  There was a good 4 feet of water in the basement that had iced over so much I could have walked on it if I wanted too.  That was a creepy sight seeing peoples belongings suspended in ice, like a children's book, and table with utensils, that kinda thing.  Other houses had the copper ripped out, shit like that.  You really need to know what you are looking for if you are trying to buy something like this because it can be a money pit real quick just to get the place habitable again.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:50:55 PM EDT
Beautiful homes, great architecture.

What a shame.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 6:55:38 PM EDT
Another great Democrat Utopia.

Look... that's the future of our country.

A street I had to do a quote on today. Mind you, there were maybe three occupied houses. None of which I photographed.

I hate to say it but... you're a fool to go in there.
Early on I learned that, even IF there is money to be had, it isn't worth what you'll find within and have to work with/around,
and that's not even getting to the exterior issues. You have to drive in there, what are you gonna do, post guards on watch?
No amount of money is worth making yourself a dangling piece of fresh meat. None.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 7:01:36 PM EDT
Beautiful homes, great architecture.

What a shame.

I would LOVE I mean fucking LOVE to buy one of the old cathedrals around here to convert into a single family dwelling.  Gothic and Romanesque building are the pinnacle of architectural design in my opinion.  Energy costs would blow, but my god the look of those things!  Probably a better option would be to build one out of modern materials.
Link Posted: 3/20/2009 7:01:51 PM EDT
It's the same here around Dayton, nice houses but crappy area.
Thank you JFK and LBJ, dumbass'.
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