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Link Posted: 8/13/2010 6:42:54 PM EDT
if she was a straight a student in high school, she cheated her way through it.

if she didnt cheat her way through it, then she is a liar.

unless you have seen her report cards (and you have not) then i would not believe her...

either she is not telling the truth about not knowing who adolph was, or she is not being honest about her grades.

pick one... one or the other is true.

High School transcripts can be ordered free or for a nominal charge from the board of education. Some places you can even do it online. Just sayin OP.
Link Posted: 8/13/2010 7:01:00 PM EDT
Some schools aren't teaching WWII anymore because it presents the US in too positive a light. Can't have all that patriotism.

My public school education never went into WWII in any detail and only briefly made reference to that great man FDR and some bad guy Hitler who didn't like Jews. Also, it allowed women to finally enter the workforce. The American Revolution was headed by selfish and greedy white land owners. The Civil War was fought so the North could free the slaves.

Luckily, my father was very interested in history and taught me a lot at home.

You say FDR was a great man, while your avatar depicts Paul Revere exclaiming "the socialists are coming, the socialists are coming"...

You need to reconcile your history, FDR was a terrible president, just because he happened to be in office during WW2 doesn't make him a good leader, he was one of the most damaging presidents we've ever had, ever.

Link Posted: 8/13/2010 7:05:07 PM EDT
Some schools aren't teaching WWII anymore because it presents the US in too positive a light. Can't have all that patriotism.

My public school education never went into WWII in any detail and only briefly made reference to that great man FDR and some bad guy Hitler who didn't like Jews. Also, it allowed women to finally enter the workforce. The American Revolution was headed by selfish and greedy white land owners. The Civil War was fought so the North could free the slaves.

Luckily, my father was very interested in history and taught me a lot at home.

You say FDR was a great man, while your avatar depicts Paul Revere exclaiming "the socialists are coming, the socialists are coming"...

You need to reconcile your history, FDR was a terrible president, just because he happened to be in office during WW2 doesn't make him a good leader, he was one of the most damaging presidents we've ever had, ever.

I think you are confused, "FDR the great man" was what he learned in school, he apparently disagrees with it
Link Posted: 8/13/2010 7:09:31 PM EDT
Some schools aren't teaching WWII anymore because it presents the US in too positive a light. Can't have all that patriotism.

My public school education never went into WWII in any detail and only briefly made reference to that great man FDR and some bad guy Hitler who didn't like Jews. Also, it allowed women to finally enter the workforce. The American Revolution was headed by selfish and greedy white land owners. The Civil War was fought so the North could free the slaves.

Luckily, my father was very interested in history and taught me a lot at home.

You say FDR was a great man, while your avatar depicts Paul Revere exclaiming "the socialists are coming, the socialists are coming"...

You need to reconcile your history, FDR was a terrible president, just because he happened to be in office during WW2 doesn't make him a good leader, he was one of the most damaging presidents we've ever had, ever.

I think you are confused, "FDR the great man" was what he learned in school, he apparently disagrees with it

Hmmm, upon a second reading I guess you may be right, even though he didn't explicitly state as much.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 12:56:30 AM EDT
if she was a straight a student in high school, she cheated her way through it.

if she didnt cheat her way through it, then she is a liar.

unless you have seen her report cards (and you have not) then i would not believe her...

either she is not telling the truth about not knowing who adolph was, or she is not being honest about her grades.

pick one... one or the other is true.

Actually... you could not be more incorrect.
I have been close with her family for decades, and I know for a fact she was an honor roll student.
She is incredibly bright, and (as I said in my OP) is one of the corporate directors of a national organization.

I am 8 years older than her, but I went through the same local school system she did.  
I did not learn a damned thing of any significance about WWII in school, and I am quite sure that I would be just as ignorant of the subject as she is, if not for a few simple facts:

  • I am a male...thus, naturally more interested in such things

  • I had two grandfathers, and a "step grandfather" who all fought in WWII

  • My dad was in the Army in the 1970s, and I grew up watching war movies with him, and asking questions

  • I am a news/history junkie

My girlfriend basically grew up without a father, and history has never been a necessary part of the skill set she has needed to survive.
She can crunch numbers in her head like a calculator, and she manages a large staff of workers in a few different divisions at her job.
If I show her how to do something that she is unfamiliar with, she will MASTER it in very short order.

Like another poster already said, History class was about memorizing dates for a test at the end of the week... I am 39, and that is exactly what I remember about the history classes I took in public school.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 1:11:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 2:05:21 AM EDT
The scary part is that if we don't teach this it will almost certainly happen again.

An entire generation is growing up without understanding the sacrifice of my father's generation.  That is sad.

Can you believe the all the young people thinking they're cool wearing Che Guevara T-shirts? To me, this is dumbass on a whole new level.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 2:08:00 AM EDT
I had a teacher in middle school who was there when they liberated Dachau.  He brought in his own personal photographs.  Kind of made an impression.  

Later on in High school when they covered it officially, you had to get a permission slip from the 'rents to attend because it was so "disturbing".  A few kids had to go to the library for a couple days cause their parents thought they didn't need to see it.

It's small wonder that we've forgotten the perils of unbridled governments.  We're failing to pass on the lessons our ancestors learned.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 2:16:50 AM EDT


She was fucking with you.

I doubt it. In Catch 22 I had to explain to A LOT of my peers about:

1. What the movie was about (they couldn't recognize that it was a WW2 movie).

2. When the movie took place (some did not know that WW2 took place in the 1900's).

3. By proxy I had to explain to them what happened in WW2. After we finished Catch 22 I popped in The Big Red One. I was more fucking shocked that they didn't recognize LUKE MOTHER FUCKING SKYWALKER.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 2:45:03 AM EDT

I was watching Band Of Brothers with a group of people (The episode where they find the concentration camp)

No lie...No embellishment...No exaggeration...

I had to explain, in detail, to a 31 year old individual who Adolph Hitler was... Why "the Jews hated him so much"... Why the people were in the prison camp, and why they were so skinny.

This particular person was a straight A, honor roll student in high school...has a Master's degree in business management...and, is a corporate director for a national organization.

I asked her how she managed to get through school, and 31 years of life without ever hearing of Hitler or the Nazis.
She said she has heard the name (Like, when people compare a politician to "Hitler"... Or, call an overbearing person "Little Hitler", or "Nazi") but she never knew where the reference came from.

(She was horrified when I gave her a quick and dirty, abridged version of what happened in Nazi Germany).

I am still in disbelief  

On the bright side... She is VERY bright...And, she is now very interested to learn a little bit about history.  So, I am building a list of reading and viewing material for her.

I'm not saying your lying, but I have a hard time believing someone with that kind of education didn't know that.

I'm 25, and learned all about that during school, numerous times?


Link Posted: 8/14/2010 2:47:04 AM EDT
I had a friend of my niece ask me why the wrappers on the potatoes were so tight.

It took me about a minute to figure out what this meant. I'm so used to your innuendo, I was assuming this had something to do with your balls and you wearing polyester shorts or something.

Sometimes a cigar really is just a cigar, I suppose.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 2:57:01 AM EDT
The OP might have a good time showing his girlfriend Schindler's List then. Quite graphic, and disturbing.

After seeing that, I think I convinced my Jewish wife that she had better get used to the idea of being willing to die fighting rather than being taken off to some camp. Fight to the death and all that. Not easy, what with the attitude American Jews in general have.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:00:39 AM EDT
I had a friend of my niece ask me why the wrappers on the potatoes were so tight.

Please don't tell me she meant the skins
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:01:37 AM EDT
My 16 year-old niece is just now learning her states.

How fucking pathetic is THAT???

I had a 20 something woman I worked with complain about changing the clocks for daylight savings. I said "You could move,I think Montana doesnt use daylight saving time." She gave me a WTF look and said "Joe Montana?"
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:14:10 AM EDT
I was watching Band Of Brothers with a group of people (The episode where they find the concentration camp)

No lie...No embellishment...No exaggeration...

I had to explain, in detail, to a 31 year old individual who Adolf Hitler was... Why "the Jews hated him so much"... Why the people were in the prison camp, and why they were so skinny.

This particular person was a straight A, honor roll student in high school...has a Master's degree in business management...and, is a corporate director for a national organization.

I asked her how she managed to get through school, and 31 years of life without ever hearing of Hitler or the Nazis.
She said she has heard the name (Like, when people compare a politician to "Hitler"... Or, call an overbearing person "Little Hitler", or "Nazi") but she never knew where the reference came from.

(She was horrified when I gave her a quick and dirty, abridged version of what happened in Nazi Germany).

I am still in disbelief  

On the bright side... She is VERY bright...And, she is now very interested to learn a little bit about history.  So, I am building a list of reading and viewing material for her.

Took you this long to figure out government schools? My daughter is 26. Was a mostly A & B student & sometimes a couple of C's. She ask me one day was Hitler the bad guy. And who Robret E. Lee was. All they were taught YEAR ROUND was black history. And the SOL bullshit! If I had of had the money she never would have set her foot in Mecklenburg County government schools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or any government school. She has learned so much more history watching the History Channel than she ever learned in school.  

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:32:49 AM EDT



My 16 year-old niece is just now learning her states.

How fucking pathetic is THAT???

I had a 20 something woman I worked with complain about changing the clocks for daylight savings. I said "You could move,I think Montana doesnt use daylight saving time." She gave me a WTF look and said "Joe Montana?"

I talked to a guy that had no idea where Virginia was. He kept trying to relate it to ATL, GA. Thought it was somewhere around there (there being in GA). I told him it was just south of DC. Nothing but blank stares in return.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:44:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:50:03 AM EDT
Thomas Jefferson said "if it weren`t for small towns our industries would have no captains".
In my high school history class in 1972 I was required to do essentially a "thesis" on Robert E. Lee. It took the entire school year to complete.
I am a "captain of industry".
America is dying right before my eyes.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:54:13 AM EDT
That education of today sucks from what it was in the past? Almost probably true.

But take a look at things from another angle for a moment.

You know, growing up in the 60's and 70's, I'm not quite sure when I realized that WWII Germany was so bad. The WWII movies I saw (Mosquito Squadron, Raid on Rommel, The Last Escape) didn't go that much into the atrocities, if at all. The TV shows were comedies.

But something else as well. If one looks on an overview of American wars and wars of civilized countries in that period, they mostly see one country's idealogy against another's but the difference in the idealogies isn't that much. Oh he may be a King and not a President, but he wasn' a despot as such. Wars between civilized nations, up to WWII, weren't that terrible against civilians as they were in WWII, overview and nutshell speaking.

The tactics may have been terrible, such as unrestricted submarine warfare, but they weren't that widespread. Further, wars that did direct against civilians in that period, such as the Boer War, .......one might be able to touch on lightly.

Then comes WWII and it all changes.

Point is, in this angle, if you are covering history with 230 years of war fighting and the first 180 years are of "civilized" fighting, it might be understandable for that impression to continue to WWII.

Now, on other things. As I said, I don't know when I learned how bad the Nazis were but I knew definetly in 1993 when I got my course on terrorism which included State terrorism against its own people.

If one asked a group of people when WWII started, odds are they will get a few different answers. I didn't know about the undeclared Naval War (Neutrality Patrol) until my college naval history course.

Now, as far as not knowing that ducks could fly....................well, it could always be worse:

("As God is my witness, I thought Turkeys could fly."––Arthur Carlson, (wtte), WKRP "Turkey Day")
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 3:54:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:16:37 AM EDT
History is part of the humanities.  The humanities are not important.  All that matters is beating kids from Singapore on math and science tests.

In my high school we interviewed a bunch of WWII Vets from our community, and recorded their stories in writing and in a film documentary.

This was for a combined English/History lesson. Montana Heritage Program. A good education, in general, is highly dependent on the students will to succeed.

I don't know when you went to high school but last year the state dropped the Social Studies standardized test due to lack of money.  So guess how much time was devoted in the elementary schools to Social Studies?
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:21:31 AM EDT


I still like this oldie best for showing stupidity in public


I can't watch that. Even a train wreck is less horrifying.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:28:02 AM EDT

I still like this oldie best for showing stupidity in public


I can't watch that. Even a train wreck is less horrifying.  

Do they try to find stupid people for that show?

EDIT I'd fuck the shit out of her, but would have to get up and leave immediately after (probably wouldn't have been able to make it through the obligatory dinner beforehand)

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:30:10 AM EDT
I still like this oldie best for showing stupidity in public


I think I am bledding out of my ears..

And just when you think it can't get any worse Foxworthy starts in with "Hungry"...
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:33:50 AM EDT
Some schools aren't teaching WWII anymore because it presents the US in too positive a light. Can't have all that patriotism.

My public school education never went into WWII in any detail and only briefly made reference to that great man FDR and some bad guy Hitler who didn't like Jews. Also, it allowed women to finally enter the workforce. The American Revolution was headed by selfish and greedy white land owners. The Civil War was fought so the North could free the slaves.

Luckily, my father was very interested in history and taught me a lot at home.

You say FDR was a great man, while your avatar depicts Paul Revere exclaiming "the socialists are coming, the socialists are coming"...

You need to reconcile your history, FDR was a terrible president, just because he happened to be in office during WW2 doesn't make him a good leader, he was one of the most damaging presidents we've ever had, ever.

I think you are confused, "FDR the great man" was what he learned in school, he apparently disagrees with it

Hmmm, upon a second reading I guess you may be right, even though he didn't explicitly state as much.

Currahee is correct. That paragraph was what my school taught, and just about as sparsely as I wrote it. I should have put quotes. I certainly don't believe all that! FDR would easily make my "Worst 10 Presidents" list.

Looked at my avatar but missed my user title?
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:43:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 5:53:30 AM EDT
I had a 50+ year old professor that honestly didn't know if ducks could fly.

Ducks can fly?  

I guess you can be excused for not knowing this, as you are mainly interested in Geese.....
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 6:02:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 6:13:24 AM EDT
If you like that, I fisked a recent valedictorian's speech you might find interesting.

And I'm curious as to whether she learned about WWII during her 12 years of study.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 6:20:32 AM EDT
I was watching Band Of Brothers with a group of people (The episode where they find the concentration camp)

No lie...No embellishment...No exaggeration...

I had to explain, in detail, to a 31 year old individual who Adolph Hitler was... Why "the Jews hated him so much"... Why the people were in the prison camp, and why they were so skinny.

This particular person was a straight A, honor roll student in high school...has a Master's degree in business management...and, is a corporate director for a national organization.

I asked her how she managed to get through school, and 31 years of life without ever hearing of Hitler or the Nazis.
She said she has heard the name (Like, when people compare a politician to "Hitler"... Or, call an overbearing person "Little Hitler", or "Nazi") but she never knew where the reference came from.

(She was horrified when I gave her a quick and dirty, abridged version of what happened in Nazi Germany).

I am still in disbelief  

On the bright side... She is VERY bright...And, she is now very interested to learn a little bit about history.  So, I am building a list of reading and viewing material for her.

Don't blame that one on the edumakashin sistam. We beat that Hitler and Holocaust shit to death. All my students already know about it before they get to my class.

My civilian peer group would have trouble with any of the battles outside of Normandy (thank you SPR and BoB) and be utterly fucking lost re:the Pacific... but you better believe they make time for the holocaust, to excess.

Studying battles might lead to the implication that sometimes uncomfortable concepts like violence or killing might be OK or laudable. The holocaust is perfect for today's pampered leftist educator––they cover the period, and even the war itself, but they get to focus on racism and victimhood, rather than violent Americans getting shit done and accomplishing a better world.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 7:11:02 AM EDT
I had a 50+ year old professor that honestly didn't know if ducks could fly.

Ducks can fly?  

With God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 7:14:21 AM EDT




I had a 50+ year old professor that honestly didn't know if ducks could fly.

Ducks can fly?  

With God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly.

They were hitting the ground like bags of wet cement.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 7:22:56 AM EDT

All those referring to WKRP........beat ya to the punch.
("Never mind! I'm joining you! Say hello to Friar Duck!"––Daffy, (w,stte), "Bugs Bunny")
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 7:24:22 AM EDT

Yes this is stunning, it's worse than I thought.

Yes! First thing I thought of when reading the OP...

The Time Masheen!

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 7:38:43 AM EDT
I only missed the western explorer to reach China.

The Waterloo one was my favorite, I knew it because of a reference to Waterloo in a movie. That reference made me learn about the battle and his exile.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:18:22 AM EDT
I have seen someone on this board say that the Pacific campaign in WWII wasn't as important as the European campaign because it was just a bunch of little islands.  

And there was a guy who asked if it would be bad to use the Japanese flag from the period as his avatar.  Tune in next week when someone asks if it would be bad to use the swastika as theirs.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:19:40 AM EDT
I had a friend of my niece ask me why the wrappers on the potatoes were so tight.

Please don't tell me she meant the skins

Yes she did
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:25:07 AM EDT
I had a 50+ year old professor that honestly didn't know if ducks could fly.

Ducks can fly?  

Oh come on, dont make it easy for them.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:33:21 AM EDT
thinking back I don't remember getting much 20th century history in high school but I'm positive Hitler was mentioned
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:38:56 AM EDT
I had a friend of my niece ask me why the wrappers on the potatoes were so tight.

Can you make hamburgers from ground beef?

How many hamsters does it take to make a pound of hamburger?
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:40:26 AM EDT
The scary part is that if we don't teach this it will almost certainly happen again.

An entire generation is growing up without understanding the sacrifice of my father's generation.  That is sad.

Can you believe the all the young people thinking they're cool wearing Che Guevara T-shirts? To me, this is dumbass on a whole new level.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:42:19 AM EDT

I was watching Band Of Brothers with a group of people (The episode where they find the concentration camp)

No lie...No embellishment...No exaggeration...

I had to explain, in detail, to a 31 year old individual who Adolph Hitler was... Why "the Jews hated him so much"... Why the people were in the prison camp, and why they were so skinny.

This particular person was a straight A, honor roll student in high school...has a Master's degree in business management...and, is a corporate director for a national organization.

I asked her how she managed to get through school, and 31 years of life without ever hearing of Hitler or the Nazis.
She said she has heard the name (Like, when people compare a politician to "Hitler"... Or, call an overbearing person "Little Hitler", or "Nazi") but she never knew where the reference came from.

(She was horrified when I gave her a quick and dirty, abridged version of what happened in Nazi Germany).

I am still in disbelief  

On the bright side... She is VERY bright...And, she is now very interested to learn a little bit about history.  So, I am building a list of reading and viewing material for her.

Don't blame that one on the edumakashin sistam. We beat that Hitler and Holocaust shit to death. All my students already know about it before they get to my class.

Same here. Any public school I have seen teaches the holocaust very thoroughly. In all likelihood, she failed the educational system, it didn't fail her.  

Depends, I went through 3 American History courses through middle and high school due to my moving around.

In middle school we didn't get past the Civil War.

In 9th grade we just got to the end of WWII.

In 11th grade we got up to the JFK assassination.

This is from 10 yrs ago, 3 different schools in 2 different states over 2,000 miles from each other.

I don't think public school has figured out a good way to teach history yet. They need the condensed version, but aren't sure what to put in it.
Link Posted: 8/14/2010 10:49:06 AM EDT
If you like that, I fisked a recent valedictorian's speech you might find interesting.

And I'm curious as to whether she learned about WWII during her 12 years of study.

Link Posted: 8/14/2010 11:06:20 AM EDT
I was watching Band Of Brothers with a group of people (The episode where they find the concentration camp)

No lie...No embellishment...No exaggeration...

I had to explain, in detail, to a 31 year old individual who Adolf Hitler was... Why "the Jews hated him so much"... Why the people were in the prison camp, and why they were so skinny.

This particular person was a straight A, honor roll student in high school...has a Master's degree in business management...and, is a corporate director for a national organization.

I asked her how she managed to get through school, and 31 years of life without ever hearing of Hitler or the Nazis.
She said she has heard the name (Like, when people compare a politician to "Hitler"... Or, call an overbearing person "Little Hitler", or "Nazi") but she never knew where the reference came from.

(She was horrified when I gave her a quick and dirty, abridged version of what happened in Nazi Germany).

I am still in disbelief  

On the bright side... She is VERY bright...And, she is now very interested to learn a little bit about history.  So, I am building a list of reading and viewing material for her.

Naive and stupid aren't always the same thing...

At least you opened her mind up a bit.

Link Posted: 8/15/2010 8:20:05 PM EDT
I have taught college classes every fall and spring semester since 1993.

Over the years, I have had to frequently explain the following:

What the American Civil War was.

What the terms "Union" and "Confederate" mean.

Who fought each other during the American Revolution.

Who Jesse James was.

Who Adolf Hitler was.

Who Josef Stalin was.

Who Davey Crockett was.

What "The Bill of Rights" is and why it's important.

Last fall, I actually had to explain why the "4th of July" is significant because two students did not have a clue.

I am not kidding about the "4th of July."

Not only did these students not know, they cared so little that they didn't look it up from the Tuesday class to the Thursday class.

And no, I not a History instructor, although I frequently serve in that role.


Link Posted: 8/15/2010 8:33:41 PM EDT
Did she dance her way threw college?
Link Posted: 8/15/2010 8:47:45 PM EDT



I had a friend of my niece ask me why the wrappers on the potatoes were so tight.

That's gonna be a hard one to top.

When stealth bomber was intoduced to the world my grandfather explained to me that it flew like a boomerang does and that's what it looked like on radar. Even when I asked him how the pilots kept from throwing up he still insisted that's how it flew.
Link Posted: 8/15/2010 9:57:06 PM EDT



I had a friend of my niece ask me why the wrappers on the potatoes were so tight.

Or maybe she's not so dumb....

I present to you...... SHRINK wrapped potatoes  


My mind went immediately to that... then I thought I was stupid for not really knowing. Figured... well, it just keeps air out, thus leangthening fresh time? Only until he explained that they were peeling the potatoes and that the "wrappers" she was referring to was the skin of the potato... did I realize how hillarious that is.

Link Posted: 8/15/2010 10:18:45 PM EDT



Bet she still doesn't know Stalin was orders of magnitude worse...

Not a lot of people do, and not many people know that Mao was an even more prolific killer.

If I remember right the numbers were something like:

Mao: 70 Million

Stalin: 17 Million

Hitler: 6 Million

I certainly didn't learn about Mao and Stalin in school. Hitler however was thoroughly covered
The reason is that Hitler killed millions of Jews without any provocation.

The other mass murderers killed millions of political opponents.

My guess as to why our government/school system doesn't condemn the communists, is because they feel deep down that it is somehow justified. They don't want to condemn some sort of action and then our government loses an "option" that they wish to keep on the table. They don't want to teach our children that its also wrong to murder people simply because they voiced a differing political opinion, so that these same children won't think theres anything wrong with it when our government starts cracking down on free speech.

They teach about Hitler, so that it would never happen again. They don't teach about Stalin, because THEY DO Want it to happen again. Remember, our public schools are run by socialists.

Link Posted: 8/16/2010 4:21:17 PM EDT

All those referring to WKRP........beat ya to the punch.
("Never mind! I'm joining you! Say hello to Friar Duck!"––Daffy, (w,stte), "Bugs Bunny")

I really, really, really think it was Les Nesman that uttered that quote, not the station manager Arthur Carlson.  
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