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Link Posted: 6/30/2020 9:45:46 AM EDT
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Let's see how they try to cover this one up. They have been in denial about the dam for a few weeks now.
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They’ve been in denial about that dam since they built it.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 9:48:33 AM EDT
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Quite literally Biblical level shit. Every river downstream is already at flood level, so the terrain won’t absorb the flood. It’s not going to happen, but right now would be a worst case type scenario.

Within hours, some 50 a 100 million souls will be discovering what lies beyond.

By the end of the day, approximately 200 million dead.

All the way to Shanghai bridges, roads, railways, power stations, not there or crippled.

Within 2 weeks, another 20 - 40 million dead.

China is asshole, but not even an asshole deserves to get screwed that hard.  

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I dont think the death toll would be quite that high, but it would easily be the largest disaster in human history, both in lives taken and property destroyed.

There would probably also be unimaginable pollution from all the factories getting washed into the ocean.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 9:53:51 AM EDT

Pretty good article and features some tweets from people in and around Wuhan.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 9:54:57 AM EDT
I don't have any Coke here at work, but I'll have some when I get home.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 9:57:51 AM EDT
They already are flooding cities downstream trying to ease the pressure...


Wuhan is already flooding with video in this one...


Links are not click bait.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 9:59:45 AM EDT
Regardless of what you think about China (asshoe), the dam collapsing would utterly devastate our manufacturing capability and economy.

The earthquake/tsunami in Japan and the world premiere of China virus were a glimpse of it.

A lot of shit (both finished goods and component parts for stuff made here) comes from the area that would be impacted.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:01:08 AM EDT
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Fake gold fraud?
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They drill out parts of larger bars of gold and insert tungsten rods. Tungsten is close in weight to gold, so the unwary buyer who picks up an unassayed and certified 10oz bar might only get 6 oz of actual gold. People have got fucked out of a lot of money in the past.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:02:51 AM EDT
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I dont think the death toll would be quite that high, but it would easily be the largest disaster in human history, both in lives taken and property destroyed.

There would probably also be unimaginable pollution from all the factories getting washed into the ocean.
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I think the numbers would be higher to be frank. 200 million dead was the estimate for a collapse according to the Chinese Party, which is why they vowed a nuclear retaliation should and country attack that damn dam. When you consider the current flood levels, the quarantines and lockdowns already in place, and the levees that are close to breach anyway, it gets interesting.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:04:12 AM EDT
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Those pictures really are just distorted images.  Fairly common in satellite images and you can see plenty of other distorted things in that same area.
There's no way the dam moved that much and is still standing.
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This. In Google satellite photos it is straight
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:07:09 AM EDT
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They would cheer for our deaths. Turn the other cheek only goes so far....
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The average Chinese citizen is not going to “cheer for your death.”  That’s preposterous.

Cheering for millions of average people just living their lives to die is pretty pathetic but it isn’t anything that hasn’t been posted here thousands of times before. I wouldn’t care so much if the flood was very specifically targeting the Chinese government....
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:07:58 AM EDT
Xing loi.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:08:58 AM EDT
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They already are flooding cities downstream trying to ease the pressure...


Wuhan is already flooding with video in this one...


Links are not click bait.
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How long till cavitation destroys those spillways?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:12:08 AM EDT
Honestly I have no idea if the dam is about to collapse or not.  But the fact that some people actually think the 'curved' satellite images of the dam are reality just goes to show that most people are absolute mouth-breathers.

Just open Google Earth and look.  Imagery from as recent as 6/3/2020 shows the dam doesn't look like the spaghetti images above.  Some people have clearly never seen distorted satellite images before -- it's a combination of trying to stitch the photos together, fitting a flat image of a curved surface to a flat screen, and occasionally the software trying to simulate the terrain to give a 3D effect.

Some people are just gullible beyond belief.

I took this screenshot a minute ago: I had to turn off the 3D Buildings, 3D Terrain, and set the view to 100% overhead (as much as possible) in Google Earth to get an un-molested image.

I found this comparison shot on Google Images with some people freaking out about it.  I guess it was straight in 2009, then got all curvy by 2018, then China magically, without the entire world noticing straightened it back out by 2020?  Holy shit some people are stupid beyond belief if they think the dam curved like that.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:14:07 AM EDT
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I don't understand why people here are cheering on the potential death of tens of millions of people.  It really comes across like a bunch of people on here are psychopaths.  It's a pretty bad look for the community, if I'm honest.

I also don't understand how the dam would "bend" like the satellite photos show, without breaking.  Concrete doesn't exactly bend, so I'm more inclined to actually believe this is an issue with the imagery itself.
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People are still pissed about the virus shit and everything it led to. Is it really so surprising? This is China they are like the king asshoe of the world.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:16:18 AM EDT
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People are still pissed about the virus shit and everything it led to. Is it really so surprising? This is China they are like the king asshoe of the world.
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I don't understand why people here are cheering on the potential death of tens of millions of people.  It really comes across like a bunch of people on here are psychopaths.  It's a pretty bad look for the community, if I'm honest.

I also don't understand how the dam would "bend" like the satellite photos show, without breaking.  Concrete doesn't exactly bend, so I'm more inclined to actually believe this is an issue with the imagery itself.
People are still pissed about the virus shit and everything it led to. Is it really so surprising? This is China they are like the king asshoe of the world.

I'm not surprised at all, but I am disappointed.

Yeah I don't like that the virus likely came from China.  But I don't wish for the deaths of tens (or potentially hundreds) of millions of Chinese by drowning due to a poorly manufactured dam.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:16:20 AM EDT
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[CNN] Trumps tariffs took away the money China was going to use to fix the dam and other critical infrastructure [/CNN]
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Let's see how they try to cover this one up. They have been in denial about the dam for a few weeks now.

I’m more interested to see how this catastrophe, should it come to pass, will be spun as the result of the Trump presidency and systemic racism in America.

[CNN] Trumps tariffs took away the money China was going to use to fix the dam and other critical infrastructure [/CNN]

That’s good.  One covered, one to go.  I’ll check back later.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:16:25 AM EDT
Will it be televised?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:19:20 AM EDT
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I dont think the death toll would be quite that high, but it would easily be the largest disaster in human history, both in lives taken and property destroyed.

There would probably also be unimaginable pollution from all the factories getting washed into the ocean.
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It would push 50 ft of water through Wuhan.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:19:42 AM EDT
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I'm as big an asshole as you'll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I'm really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.

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They could fix the situation long ago, but haven't. I'm not going to cheer. But my give a shit will really not register anything. Can bet anything the US will have to pump millions if not billions into it to fix it and recover from it.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:21:12 AM EDT
SHOULD ARM A MOAB  to detonate when submerged to 25ft

a d drop it in the reservoir

I love how tamping works

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:21:33 AM EDT
3 gorges is probably a couple orders of magnitude more crazy than Orville.

Bless the hearts of all those in china and their impeccable workmanship
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:21:56 AM EDT
Has Whitmer said it's Trump fault yet?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:24:38 AM EDT
Three Gorges failing would probably be the biggest disaster in the history of the human race.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:24:48 AM EDT
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SHOULD ARM A MOAB  to detonate when submerged to 25ft

a d drop it in the reservoir

I love how tamping works

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MOAB is the wrong choice.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:25:09 AM EDT
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Live streams, get it?  Ha!

I hope they have full HD streaming, in all its beautiful destructive glory.

Huge, roaring, 24x7 live streaming.
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I hope they have live streams when it breaks.

For science. You know?

Live streams, get it?  Ha!

I hope they have full HD streaming, in all its beautiful destructive glory.

Huge, roaring, 24x7 live streaming.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:26:46 AM EDT
Surely high quality chinese construction practices will save the dam.  Right?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:26:48 AM EDT
lots of rain my ass all the Indians walked to the top of the mountain & took a piss on the Chinese side
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:28:52 AM EDT
It wouldn't be the first time the Chinese killed their own people with flooding.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:33:20 AM EDT
I won’t try to be as edgy as others and wish for the death of millions of people. Many of whom were born into a fucked up situation and just trying to stay breathing. That’s like sitting back and cheering on the death of people here because the live in NY or CA. “JuSt MuV-uh derp”

As for the image, agreed with the above, you’ve got to be tier one mouth breather to think the dam moved FEET and hasn’t failed yet. Anything that big that moved that much would already be rubble.

That’s not to say it’s not failing, cause I’d bet dollars to donuts it is. But any movement would not be noticed by the naked eye in most cases. I bet deep within its bowels there are a few lines that are no longer straight.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:34:59 AM EDT
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I don't understand why people here are cheering on the potential death of tens of millions of people.  It really comes across like a bunch of people on here are psychopaths.  It's a pretty bad look for the community, if I'm honest.
relax GD is just following my lead My anger is a side effect of my anti seizure meds. so blame it on SD  [/color]

I also don't understand how the dam would "bend" like the satellite photos show, without breaking.  Concrete doesn't exactly bend, so I'm more inclined to actually believe this is an issue with the imagery itself.
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I see you are not an authority on chicom concrete. me either, but,  I know  if you cure concrete with salt water it willl do amazing things like crumble  to dust under it'd own weight.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:35:40 AM EDT
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How long till cavitation destroys those spillways?
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Well, it looks like they have pretty much all of them full open. I guess it will be a test of how well they stand up.
I would imagine that all the suspended sediment in that brown water will accelerate the erosion but that's just a guess.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:39:57 AM EDT
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I won’t try to be as edgy as others and wish for the death of millions of people. Many of whom were born into a fucked up situation and just trying to stay breathing. That’s like sitting back and cheering on the death of people here because the live in NY or CA. “JuSt MuV-uh derp”

As for the image, agreed with the above, you’ve got to be tier one mouth breather to think the dam moved FEET and hasn’t failed yet. Anything that big that moved that much would already be rubble.

That’s not to say it’s not failing, cause I’d bet dollars to donuts it is. But any movement would not be noticed by the naked eye in most cases. I bet deep within its bowels there are a few lines that are no longer straight.
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Trying to find where I found it, but I saw an engineering article about the dam sometime in the last year or two where they stated that they found several of the large blocks that make up the dam had drifted a few millimetres from their adjacent blocks.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:42:24 AM EDT
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Trying to find where I found it, but I saw an engineering article about the dam sometime in the last year or two where they stated that they found several of the large blocks that make up the dam had drifted a few millimetres from their adjacent blocks.
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I won’t try to be as edgy as others and wish for the death of millions of people. Many of whom were born into a fucked up situation and just trying to stay breathing. That’s like sitting back and cheering on the death of people here because the live in NY or CA. “JuSt MuV-uh derp”

As for the image, agreed with the above, you’ve got to be tier one mouth breather to think the dam moved FEET and hasn’t failed yet. Anything that big that moved that much would already be rubble.

That’s not to say it’s not failing, cause I’d bet dollars to donuts it is. But any movement would not be noticed by the naked eye in most cases. I bet deep within its bowels there are a few lines that are no longer straight.

Trying to find where I found it, but I saw an engineering article about the dam sometime in the last year or two where they stated that they found several of the large blocks that make up the dam had drifted a few millimetres from their adjacent blocks.

They’re not anchored to anything. The design relies solely on its weight to keep it in place.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:45:23 AM EDT
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Those pictures really are just distorted images.  Fairly common in satellite images and you can see plenty of other distorted things in that same area.
There's no way the dam moved that much and is still standing.
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Pictures online show how the day has already shifted.  China basically said it was part of the design and building process.

Those pictures really are just distorted images.  Fairly common in satellite images and you can see plenty of other distorted things in that same area.
There's no way the dam moved that much and is still standing.

Same thing I thought, I've seen roads look like that on google earth.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:46:14 AM EDT
The dam isn't going anywhere.   Unless they let it over top or something stupid.

China will flood lots of stuff before they let their crowning engineering project fail.  The CCP won't allow it.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:50:07 AM EDT
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.

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Thanks.  It needed saying.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:50:10 AM EDT
There’s a surprise...massive commie boondoggle is poorly built.  Who’da thunk?

I hope no one’s hurt, but it’s the Commies.  They’ll probably deny anything until far too late and many will be hurt or killed.  Commies gonna Commie.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 10:54:04 AM EDT
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The dam isn't going anywhere.   Unless they let it over top or something stupid.

China will flood lots of stuff before they let their crowning engineering project fail.  The CCP won't allow it.
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Nature gets to vote on that.

I know Xi thinks he’s a god-emperor, but the historical record of anyone standing in front of the ocean and commanding it to go back is rather poor.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:01:15 AM EDT
As much as I hate the CCP and its stooges, I hope they get this under control.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:06:49 AM EDT
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Nature gets to vote on that.

I know Xi thinks he's a god-emperor, but the historical record of anyone standing in front of the ocean and commanding it to go back is rather poor.
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Yeah nature will eventually win every battle.  I'm just saying that a failure of a national project like that is the kind of thing that changes regimes.  Think Gorby and Chernobyl.

The TGD is a corner stone of the CCPs concept of itself and the nation. Chinese superiority and global hegemony.

They would kill millions and hide the bodies before allowing the dam to fail.  

When they start choosing to seriously  flood major down stream cities rather than fill the reservoir, that will be the sign that something is up.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:09:22 AM EDT
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Yeah nature will eventually win every battle.  I'm just saying that a failure of a national project like that is the kind of thing that changes regimes.  Think Gorby and Chernobyl.

The TGD is a corner stone of the CCPs concept of itself and the nation. Chinese superiority and global hegemony.

They would kill millions and hide the bodies before allowing the dam to fail.  

When they start choosing to seriously  flood major down stream cities rather than fill the reservoir, that will be the sign that something is up.

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Nature gets to vote on that.

I know Xi thinks he's a god-emperor, but the historical record of anyone standing in front of the ocean and commanding it to go back is rather poor.
Yeah nature will eventually win every battle.  I'm just saying that a failure of a national project like that is the kind of thing that changes regimes.  Think Gorby and Chernobyl.

The TGD is a corner stone of the CCPs concept of itself and the nation. Chinese superiority and global hegemony.

They would kill millions and hide the bodies before allowing the dam to fail.  

When they start choosing to seriously  flood major down stream cities rather than fill the reservoir, that will be the sign that something is up.

Um... they’re already doing that.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:14:37 AM EDT
If it breaks, what does GD think will be the effect on Chinese expansionism?  Will this large of a domestic disaster suck the life out of their military aggressiveness?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:14:37 AM EDT
From the dupe thread

Why they would even lie about that to begin with makes no sense.  I guess they are so use to lying that its normal for them
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They lie about many things

Most people don't understand how dams work, how local inflows work, etc.

At the dams I'm familiar with it wouldn't take any guess work to see if they were spilling or sluicing water. The discharge comes from different places, sometimes spectacularly so.

So either the people don't understand and the gov thinks the people are too ignorant to know any better or they purposefully engineered the dams to conceal spilled/sluiced water. I've not looked at the dam seriously enough to know one way or the other.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:15:35 AM EDT
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Um... they’re already doing that.
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Nature gets to vote on that.

I know Xi thinks he's a god-emperor, but the historical record of anyone standing in front of the ocean and commanding it to go back is rather poor.
Yeah nature will eventually win every battle.  I'm just saying that a failure of a national project like that is the kind of thing that changes regimes.  Think Gorby and Chernobyl.

The TGD is a corner stone of the CCPs concept of itself and the nation. Chinese superiority and global hegemony.

They would kill millions and hide the bodies before allowing the dam to fail.  

When they start choosing to seriously  flood major down stream cities rather than fill the reservoir, that will be the sign that something is up.

Um... they’re already doing that.

Yup.   The satellite image is obviously an artifact, but most of the data hinting that a major issue taking place is water heights from sensors and from monitoring cameras.  4chan /pol/ has a thread posted a couple times a day with the water heights at various locations and it’s rising everywhere and it’s clear they’re using those spillways to relieve pressure from the backside of the dam resulting in massive flooding in cities.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:17:00 AM EDT
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The "shifting" in the photos IS an image rendering issue with satellite photos.  The fact that other nearby masses suffer the same distortion is a clue.

Any outlets relying on that photo as evidence are propagandizing.

However, that is not to say the dam is without faults.  We know the construction project was corrupt as hell.  That satellite image, however, is bunk.
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Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:17:40 AM EDT
Simultaneous Yellow and Red Alerts.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:21:25 AM EDT
IDGAFF just they don't GAFF about me.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:25:19 AM EDT
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They already are flooding cities downstream trying to ease the pressure...


Wuhan is already flooding with video in this one...


Links are not click bait.
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Interesting articles, but I'm not sure what people are expecting. Dams aren't magic. Reservoirs only hold so much water. If the reservoir is full, and the water is still coming from upstream of the dam, the spillways have to open to prevent water from over-topping the dam. That's the point of the spillways. If it floods downstream, it floods. Whatever flooding happens will almost certainly be far less than what would have happened without the dam.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:27:10 AM EDT
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Um... they're already doing that.
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I read it as the dam just doesn't contain enough of the water shed to prevent flooding.  Its a shitty flood control device, its a power plant.

So they hit the "oh shit" button and jacked the gates wide open?   That's interesting.

ETA: yeah I just caught up with the videos of the flooding.  Thats pretty serious, still I don't see TGD actually failing.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:32:36 AM EDT
There's a lot of electronics manufacturing in the Wuhan area. If that dam is breached, it'll mean a lot of trouble for those wanting cheap flatscreens and smartphones.

"Made In The USA" is looking better and better.
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