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Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:32:58 AM EDT
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Interesting articles, but I'm not sure what people are expecting. Dams aren't magic. Reservoirs only hold so much water. If the reservoir is full, and the water is still coming from upstream of the dam, the spillways have to open to prevent water from over-topping the dam. That's the point of the spillways. If it floods downstream, it floods. Whatever flooding happens will almost certainly be far less than what would have happened without the dam.
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It almost looks like the water could flow around the sides of the dam before it would run over the top.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:33:54 AM EDT
I doubt it will fail, they'll release enough to save it.

Having said that, I've been there, and the 3 gorges museum where the propagandize how happy the locals were to move has been the site of significant social unrest.  The day I was there (weekday afternoon) there was a HUGE police presence, with obvious riot control assets, possible more police than actual tourists in the museum.  

The CCP barely got enough votes in the national peoples congress to build it, and they had to move 1+ million people: there's some pissed off people.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:34:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:35:39 AM EDT
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Interesting articles, but I'm not sure what people are expecting. Dams aren't magic. Reservoirs only hold so much water. If the reservoir is full, and the water is still coming from upstream of the dam, the spillways have to open to prevent water from over-topping the dam. That's the point of the spillways. If it floods downstream, it floods. Whatever flooding happens will almost certainly be far less than what would have happened without the dam.
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They already are flooding cities downstream trying to ease the pressure...


Wuhan is already flooding with video in this one...


Links are not click bait.

Interesting articles, but I'm not sure what people are expecting. Dams aren't magic. Reservoirs only hold so much water. If the reservoir is full, and the water is still coming from upstream of the dam, the spillways have to open to prevent water from over-topping the dam. That's the point of the spillways. If it floods downstream, it floods. Whatever flooding happens will almost certainly be far less than what would have happened without the dam.

People around the rivers and lakes here barely have an idea let alone in China where they're kept in the dark about so many things
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:35:42 AM EDT
Let me check and see if it will flood my part of southeast Kansas...

... Nope, no fucks given then.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:37:39 AM EDT
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I have heard stories for years about the shoddy manufacturing practices and corners cut during the construction of that dam.  Funny part is that Wuhan is downstream of that potential disaster.
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stop teasing me!
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:37:39 AM EDT
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I read it as the dam just doesn't contain enough of the water shed to prevent flooding.  Its a shitty flood control device, its a power plant.

So they hit the "oh shit" button and jacked the gates wide open?   That's interesting.
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Um... they're already doing that.
I read it as the dam just doesn't contain enough of the water shed to prevent flooding.  Its a shitty flood control device, its a power plant.

So they hit the "oh shit" button and jacked the gates wide open?   That's interesting.

This. Dams have different primary purposes. Some dams' primarily purpose is flood control, others are power generation, and others still water storage. A dam with a primary purpose of flood control will draw the pool down much further during dry seasons to prepare for the rainy season. A dam with a primary purpose of electrical generation will likely keep a fuller pool, but will thus be more limited in how much water it can hold back before the spillways have to be opened. I (and I'm sure no one else here does either) have no idea how far down the Chinese draw the pool behind the Three Gorges dam, but opening spillways in times of heavy rain is a sign that a dam in malfunctioning. While it might be a sign of mismanagement of the pool, it says nothing about the structural integrity of the dam. Now, if the Chinese are running spillways on a pool that's not close to full, that's another story. Based on the pictures I've seen, though, the current pool looks very close to full. If the pool is close to full, as it appears to be, then it makes perfect sense for the spillways to be open since more rain is coming upstream.

Take the Oroville dam crisis from 2017 as an example. The crisis resulted from damage to spillways. The damage caused erosion that threatened the main body of the dam. The city of Oroville did flood downstream, but the flooding was not caused by the damage to the spillways. The amount of water that had to be discharged through the dam due to heavy rain and snow melt upstream of the dam caused the flooding in Oroville. If the spillways had remained perfectly intact, the dam would have discharged the same amount of water downstream, and Oroville would have flooded just as much.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:38:19 AM EDT
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Let it flood. If it goes saw a prediction that the number of people "impacted" will be approximately 75% of what the US population is. A 1,000 mile wide Katrina they called it. I think impact is code word for wiped off the map. I'd be heartbroken for 5 seconds, maybe.
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6 secs longer than me
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:38:24 AM EDT
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There's a lot of electronics manufacturing in the Wuhan area. If that dam is breached, it'll mean a lot of trouble for those wanting cheap flatscreens and smartphones.

"Made In The USA" is looking better and better.
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Family Guy american made staff
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:39:04 AM EDT
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Let's see how they try to cover this one up. They have been in denial about the dam for a few weeks now.
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Could this itself be the coverup?  

Controlled flooding to save the dam wipes out Wuhan and Chicoms say. "Virus research laboratory? What virus research laboratory?"
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:39:42 AM EDT
karma is a fucking bitch
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:44:42 AM EDT
Right now i have no sympathy for China. That culture is seriously damaged and is a cancer to the U.S. and the rest of the world. As far as blaming the common man in China, you are responsible for your government. If they are raping you and the rest of the planet you have a responsibility to police yourself or the world will do it for you. I blame Germany as a whole for what took place in WW2. The episode during band of brothers where the citizens in the town next to the concentration camp tried to claim ignorance comes to mind. The same thing goes for any country or even down to the individual level. Bear responsibility or have other people enforce morality/justice. I feel pretty much the same with rioters burning down Portland or Seattle. How else will you learn without painful reminders? Most people do not learn the easy way.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:46:50 AM EDT
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The dam isn't going anywhere.   Unless they let it over top or something stupid.

China will flood lots of stuff before they let their crowning engineering project fail.  The CCP won't allow it.
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Link Posted: 6/30/2020 11:52:10 AM EDT
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When I die, if God doesn't sound like Morgan Freeman I'm coming back
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:00:25 PM EDT
Video posted by OP is cringy.  Gee the dam looks wonky on google.  So do all the barges tied to it.  And some of the buildings directly south of the dam lean left and others lean right!

Tehre's a lot of water behind the dam.  and the dam is fine.  In spite of what the sub 70 iQ guy in OPs video claims.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:00:42 PM EDT
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Well, it looks like they have pretty much all of them full open. I guess it will be a test of how well they stand up.
I would imagine that all the suspended sediment in that brown water will accelerate the erosion but that's just a guess.
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They open those wide pretty often to clear the silt.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:17:17 PM EDT
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Could this itself be the coverup?  

Controlled flooding to save the dam wipes out Wuhan and Chicoms say. "Virus research laboratory? What virus research laboratory?"
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Let's see how they try to cover this one up. They have been in denial about the dam for a few weeks now.

Could this itself be the coverup?  

Controlled flooding to save the dam wipes out Wuhan and Chicoms say. "Virus research laboratory? What virus research laboratory?"

CCP is not going to intentionally destroy their BSL 4 lab in Wuhan. They need it to create more novel viruses to unleash upon the world. In fact, it appears they already have another one ready to go and are prepping the battlespace.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:26:43 PM EDT
The spillways appear to be wide open. The same conditions that destroyed the Oroville spillway and damaged a lot of other dams. Here is some info with pics, notice the ladders engineers used to get into the damages areas.
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:40:36 PM EDT
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6 secs longer than me
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Crap, I should never have stepped back in and read more comments.  Damn, some of you people are cold.  The 300 million, give or take, are mostly victims of the regime in their own way.  The Party is big, but still a small minority of the population, and the people actually running things a much smaller group still.  While I don’t cheer people’s death, I wouldn’t exactly mourn if Xi and the other tyrants in charge ended up blindfolded against a wall, but the common Chinese people?  They and their families have been treated like cattle, abused, and used to wring as much money out of their labor as possible, leaving them with a pittance and Party Officials and the elite with Scrooge-level money bins. The utter obliteration of the Great Hall of the People and Mao’s Mausoleum would make me giddy.  Many millions of deaths of innocent Chinese people would be a tragedy.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:40:47 PM EDT
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The spillways appear to be wide open. The same conditions that destroyed the Oroville spillway and damaged a lot of other dams. Here is some info with pics, notice the ladders engineers used to get into the damages areas.
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The spill way didn't damage Oroville. Lack of maintenance and government incompetence did. That spill way fell apart because it was rotted underneath.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:51:29 PM EDT
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Right now i have no sympathy for China. That culture is seriously damaged and is a cancer to the U.S. and the rest of the world. As far as blaming the common man in China, you are responsible for your government. If they are raping you and the rest of the planet you have a responsibility to police yourself or the world will do it for you. I blame Germany as a whole for what took place in WW2. The episode during band of brothers where the citizens in the town next to the concentration camp tried to claim ignorance comes to mind. The same thing goes for any country or even down to the individual level. Bear responsibility or have other people enforce morality/justice. I feel pretty much the same with rioters burning down Portland or Seattle. How else will you learn without painful reminders? Most people do not learn the easy way.
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Have you seen what happened to anyone who tried to resist, even a little? This guy led their forces in the Korean War.  For questioning Mao privately and caring about the peasants, he was led around the country and beaten almost to death. Just for getting on the wrong side of the government by accident, Falun Gong are arrested, genotyped, and murdered for spare parts for rich foreign donors and Party elite.  They have a million Muslims in re-education camps, are doing everything they can to destroy the Tibetan culture and religion, and any attempt at uprising has met with terrible slaughter.  There’s a certain point at which poor peasants aren’t complicit, but trapped.  Happened to a lot of Russians in the USSR, still happens to a ton of Chinese.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:52:48 PM EDT
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.

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This is where I'm at.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 12:52:52 PM EDT
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The spill way didn't damage Oroville. Lack of maintenance and government incompetence did. That spill way fell apart because it was rotted underneath.
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That...doesn’t make me feel any better about this.  At all.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:04:51 PM EDT
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The spill way didn't damage Oroville. Lack of maintenance and government incompetence did. That spill way fell apart because it was rotted underneath.
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If I correctly understand the order of events at Oroville cracks and seams in the concrete floor of the spillway were not kept properly sealed.  (part of normal routine maintenance) Rain runoff and small discharges then flowed through the cracks and eroded away the bedding beneath the concrete creating voids.  When the spillways were opened in earnest the kinetic energy from the flowing water filling the voids hydraulic'd chunks of concrete out of the spillway floor. The newly exposed bedding then eroded, leaving more concrete unsupported which broke away, allowing more erosion, leaving more concrete unsupported.... repeat repeat repeat.  It would have chewed away the spillway all the way to the gate if they hadn't backed off.

The spillways of Three Gorges Dam are completely different from Oroville which traveled down a long hillside before reaching the river.  The Three Gorges Spillways are in the river itself.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:18:02 PM EDT
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The spillways appear to be wide open. The same conditions that destroyed the Oroville spillway and damaged a lot of other dams. Here is some info with pics, notice the ladders engineers used to get into the damages areas.
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That's a lot of fucking water....
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:22:32 PM EDT
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The spill way didn't damage Oroville. Lack of maintenance and government incompetence did. That spill way fell apart because it was rotted underneath.
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Well, I have news about CCP building and maintenance standards...
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:24:44 PM EDT
I like a ice cold Coca Cola on a hot summer day . So refreshing.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:38:36 PM EDT
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The average Chinese citizen is not going to “cheer for your death.”  That’s preposterous.

Cheering for millions of average people just living their lives to die is pretty pathetic but it isn’t anything that hasn’t been posted here thousands of times before. I wouldn’t care so much if the flood was very specifically targeting the Chinese government....
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Who is responsible for the nature of the Chinese government, if not the Chinese people?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:44:11 PM EDT
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If I correctly understand the order of events at Oroville cracks and seams in the concrete floor of the spillway were not kept properly sealed.  (part of normal routine maintenance) Rain runoff and small discharges then flowed through the cracks and eroded away the bedding beneath the concrete creating voids.  When the spillways were opened in earnest the kinetic energy from the flowing water filling the voids hydraulic'd chunks of concrete out of the spillway floor. The newly exposed bedding then eroded, leaving more concrete unsupported which broke away, allowing more erosion, leaving more concrete unsupported.... repeat repeat repeat.  It would have chewed away the spillway all the way to the gate if they hadn't backed off.

The spillways of Three Gorges Dam are completely different from Oroville which traveled down a long hillside before reaching the river.  The Three Gorges Spillways are in the river itself.
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Take a look at this paper. The water doesn't have to flow through the cracks. any roughness, even things like calcite deposits, can cause cavitation. The collapse of these vapor cavities causes shock waves that pound the concrete like a jackhammer.There is also a lot of silt (abrasive) in that water.
Cavitation Damage
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:49:07 PM EDT
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Take a look at this paper. The water doesn't have to flow through the cracks. any roughness, even things like calcite deposits, can cause cavitation. The collapse of these vapor cavities causes shock waves that pound the concrete like a jackhammer.There is also a lot of silt (abrasive) in that water.
Cavitation Damage
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That’s some crazy stuff. I never thought about cavitation shockwaves wearing surfaces over time. I always just figured erosion of the loose stuff and erosion of rock/concrete/etc from the water carrying solids.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:49:18 PM EDT
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Crap, I should never have stepped back in and read more comments.  Damn, some of you people are cold.  The 300 million, give or take, are mostly victims of the regime in their own way.  The Party is big, but still a small minority of the population, and the people actually running things a much smaller group still.  While I don’t cheer people’s death, I wouldn’t exactly mourn if Xi and the other tyrants in charge ended up blindfolded against a wall, but the common Chinese people?  They and their families have been treated like cattle, abused, and used to wring as much money out of their labor as possible, leaving them with a pittance and Party Officials and the elite with Scrooge-level money bins. The utter obliteration of the Great Hall of the People and Mao’s Mausoleum would make me giddy.  Many millions of deaths of innocent Chinese people would be a tragedy.
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It may take the second to spark off the first.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:52:48 PM EDT
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I don't understand why people here are cheering on the potential death of tens of millions of people.  It really comes across like a bunch of people on here are psychopaths.  It's a pretty bad look for the community, if I'm honest.

I also don't understand how the dam would "bend" like the satellite photos show, without breaking.  Concrete doesn't exactly bend, so I'm more inclined to actually believe this is an issue with the imagery itself.
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Not really.  Over there, they cheer for us dying.  

Anyway, they're using the distorted satellite image to distract from the real problems of the dam.  Remember, in Communist countries, things like reactors blowing up or dams failing cannot happen.  They also bought off the WHO when the pandemic was starting claiming there wasn't anything wrong.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:53:08 PM EDT
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Maybe we should. How much damage would that cause exactly?
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They will simply say Trump sent the CIA to destroy the dam.

Maybe we should. How much damage would that cause exactly?

All of the damage
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:53:43 PM EDT
Non engineer here... but as i understand it
The dam has a capacity of say 100 units of water.
The can lose 10 units per day, if they run full spillways and flood down stream(typiucally they would run at 8 keep river full get maxpower generation out of water)
They are GETTING 12 units of inflow and rain per day.
Dam is at 98 units full. and more rain upstream and currently for next several days.

once dam hits 101 units it over tops the hillsides around dam, eroding them away and BYE BYE MANY MANY MANY people, factories, cities down river
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 1:58:49 PM EDT
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The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.


The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.

It was cold calculated cost-benefit.  That dam can power half the world and gives china a huge advantage.  Just like killing 100m of your top intellectuals to ensure future generations are properly indoctrinated - cold commie math
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:01:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:03:10 PM EDT
That video is fucking retarded claiming the dam is flexing that much. Only an idiot would believe that shit.

When all of those spillways are open I'll pay attention.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:07:52 PM EDT
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It was cold calculated cost-benefit.  That dam can power half the world and gives china a huge advantage.  Just like killing 100m of your top intellectuals to ensure future generations are properly indoctrinated - cold commie math
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.


The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.

It was cold calculated cost-benefit.  That dam can power half the world and gives china a huge advantage.  Just like killing 100m of your top intellectuals to ensure future generations are properly indoctrinated - cold commie math

Your post reads like Chinese propaganda. It only produces 22.5K MW, not nearly enough for even half of China much less half the world. That is actually less than what was pitched prior to construction but is enough power for about 60 million people.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:13:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:53:02 PM EDT
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That video is fucking retarded claiming the dam is flexing that much. Only an idiot would believe that shit.

When all of those spillways are open I'll pay attention.
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Pretty sure that channel is run by what appears to be a gold bug, so that explains a lot.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:54:44 PM EDT
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Your post reads like Chinese propaganda. It only produces 22.5K MW, not nearly enough for even half of China much less half the world. That is actually less than what was pitched prior to construction but is enough power for about 60 million people.
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.


The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.

It was cold calculated cost-benefit.  That dam can power half the world and gives china a huge advantage.  Just like killing 100m of your top intellectuals to ensure future generations are properly indoctrinated - cold commie math

Your post reads like Chinese propaganda. It only produces 22.5K MW, not nearly enough for even half of China much less half the world. That is actually less than what was pitched prior to construction but is enough power for about 60 million people.

I just watched a video on it.  It only supplies 1.x% of the power requirements of China.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 2:56:35 PM EDT
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That's some crazy stuff. I never thought about cavitation shockwaves wearing surfaces over time. I always just figured erosion of the loose stuff and erosion of rock/concrete/etc from the water carrying solids.
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cavitation is powerful.  In diesel engines the shock of the fuel charge detonating all at once used to cause the erosion of the back side of the cylinder liners. The steel would get all pitted.

Props can have cavitation damage over time. I would think with the forces involved in a sluice way the damage could be rapid.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 3:00:49 PM EDT
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The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.


The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.

What it should be is a lesson on how well communism works, and what's in store if it comes to power in this country.  
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 3:00:59 PM EDT
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The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.


The CCP deserves to die in a fire, but the Chinese are their prisoners. It would easily be the worst disaster in human history.

Building a dam in a super-silty river with 100m+ people downstream was hubris within hubris.

What it should be is a lesson on how well communism works, and what's in store if it comes to power in this country.  
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 3:04:35 PM EDT
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cavitation is powerful.  In diesel engines the shock of the fuel charge detonating all at once used to cause the erosion of the back side of the cylinder liners. The steel would get all pitted.

Props can have cavitation damage over time. I would think with the forces involved in a sluice way the damage could be rapid.
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That's some crazy stuff. I never thought about cavitation shockwaves wearing surfaces over time. I always just figured erosion of the loose stuff and erosion of rock/concrete/etc from the water carrying solids.
cavitation is powerful.  In diesel engines the shock of the fuel charge detonating all at once used to cause the erosion of the back side of the cylinder liners. The steel would get all pitted.

Props can have cavitation damage over time. I would think with the forces involved in a sluice way the damage could be rapid.

I've seen a number of pumpshafts with cavitation damage as well. It can be impressive.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 3:12:45 PM EDT
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It was cold calculated cost-benefit.  That dam can power half the world and gives china a huge advantage.  Just like killing 100m of your top intellectuals to ensure future generations are properly indoctrinated - cold commie math
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The TGD makes about 100 TWh per year, a lot... but nowhere near enough to power half the world. That's about enough to power the entire state of North Carolina though.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 3:31:37 PM EDT
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Yangtze river valley produces a huge percentage of the world's goods too. Perhaps the most industrialized river in the world.


That would be ~$2.7 trillion, roughly equal to France or Britain's GDP. Given that GDP, manufacturing output is probably ~$700 billion, which would be similar to all of Germany.
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Quite literally Biblical level shit. Every river downstream is already at flood level, so the terrain won’t absorb the flood. It’s not going to happen, but right now would be a worst case type scenario.

Within hours, some 50 a 100 million souls will be discovering what lies beyond.

By the end of the day, approximately 200 million dead.

All the way to Shanghai bridges, roads, railways, power stations, not there or crippled.

Within 2 weeks, another 20 - 40 million dead.

China is asshole, but not even an asshole deserves to get screwed that hard.  

Yangtze river valley produces a huge percentage of the world's goods too. Perhaps the most industrialized river in the world.


The prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of the PRC's GDP.

That would be ~$2.7 trillion, roughly equal to France or Britain's GDP. Given that GDP, manufacturing output is probably ~$700 billion, which would be similar to all of Germany.

Does that translate to empty shelves in Walmart and  Dollar General?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 3:34:27 PM EDT
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cavitation is powerful.  In diesel engines the shock of the fuel charge detonating all at once used to cause the erosion of the back side of the cylinder liners. The steel would get all pitted.

Props can have cavitation damage over time. I would think with the forces involved in a sluice way the damage could be rapid.
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Damage to spillway tunnels in Glen Canyon dam.   (long complete story

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 4:07:05 PM EDT
Regarding cavitation damage...

I wish I had taken photos.  

Power plant on the Mississippi used river water for condenser cooling.

They replaced bronze cooling water pump impellers that were like swiss cheese from cavitation and erosion from Mississippi river water.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 4:18:33 PM EDT
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Have you seen what happened to anyone who tried to resist, even a little? This guy led their forces in the Korean War.  For questioning Mao privately and caring about the peasants, he was led around the country and beaten almost to death. Just for getting on the wrong side of the government by accident, Falun Gong are arrested, genotyped, and murdered for spare parts for rich foreign donors and Party elite.  They have a million Muslims in re-education camps, are doing everything they can to destroy the Tibetan culture and religion, and any attempt at uprising has met with terrible slaughter.  There’s a certain point at which poor peasants aren’t complicit, but trapped.  Happened to a lot of Russians in the USSR, still happens to a ton of Chinese.
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The same can be said of any people that wait too late to resist. The time to resist isn't after they have stripped you of any chance to resist and you are boarding the train. I would not argue they are trapped to a large extent today, but it wouldn't be the first time people have revolted against an oppressive government. Seems to be a recurring them in fact .
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