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Link Posted: 6/30/2020 4:22:27 PM EDT
Does this mean GD won’t be able to buy jack stands at Harbor Freight for a while?
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 4:27:46 PM EDT
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Does this mean GD won’t be able to buy jack stands at Harbor Freight for a while?
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India can be up and running in 2 months with the expected quality.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 4:28:17 PM EDT
Gods wrath is no joke.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 5:28:55 PM EDT
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Take a look at this paper. The water doesn't have to flow through the cracks. any roughness, even things like calcite deposits, can cause cavitation. The collapse of these vapor cavities causes shock waves that pound the concrete like a jackhammer.There is also a lot of silt (abrasive) in that water.
Cavitation Damage
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I'm in the industry so I'm quite familiar with cavitation and the damage it can cause. There are simple known ways to deal with it such as the use of aerators like was used at Glen Canyon after cavitation destroyed its spillway. I don't know if Three Gorges had any such devices on its spillways.

The silt is much less an issue than most would think.  Not saying it's nothing but that same silt is going through the turbines the entire time the generators are spinning
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 5:36:12 PM EDT
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China needs a cleansing anyways
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D*m enema.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 6:01:15 PM EDT
Looks like 2020 just keeps delivering.   We've got 6 months left......
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 6:06:49 PM EDT
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The spillways appear to be wide open. The same conditions that destroyed the Oroville spillway and damaged a lot of other dams. Here is some info with pics, notice the ladders engineers used to get into the damages areas.
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first I'm pretty certain that's an older photo most likely from one of the many times they open them all to clear the silt. The reports say just 2 flood gates are currently opened.

second those aren't spillways. they are flood gates designed to regularly release water. Oroville's primary damge was to the emergency spillway because they couldn't release the water fast enough due to the flood gates, river gate being damaged.

Link Posted: 6/30/2020 6:19:09 PM EDT
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Regardless of what you think about China (asshoe), the dam collapsing would utterly devastate our manufacturing capability and economy.

The earthquake/tsunami in Japan and the world premiere of China virus were a glimpse of it.

A lot of shit (both finished goods and component parts for stuff made here) comes from the area that would be impacted.

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If the Corona virus wasn’t enough of a lesson in why we need to keep manufacturing (especially manufacturing that keeps us alive) home, or at least in ally countries, then maybe we need another reminder.

I’m not going to wish for the death of millions of civilians at the hands of their own leaders’ incompetence. On the other hand, if it weakens a nation (Or better yet leads to regime change) that we’ll eventually have to get in a shooting war with, then I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 6:21:41 PM EDT
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The same can be said of any people that wait too late to resist. The time to resist isn't after they have stripped you of any chance to resist and you are boarding the train. I would not argue they are trapped to a large extent today, but it wouldn't be the first time people have revolted against an oppressive government. Seems to be a recurring them in fact .
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You had the Japanese, the Nationalists, and the Commies, a trio of terrible (and I refer specifically to Chang Kai-Shek for the nationalists, he was a paranoid and bloodthirsty tyrant little better than Mao).  The Chinese people did a crapton of rising up, and ended up with this crap.  Sometimes you can blame the people, but history really had its way with them - a stable, despotic, but weak empire they largely dealt with because it wasn’t terrible, which was then destabilized by wars with much greater powers under the guise of free trade (forcing Opium down their throats and taking concessions by force is hardly a good example of trade), slaughtered when they tried to throw the foreigners out, slaughtered by the Japanese, slaughtered by the Warlords, slaughtered by the Commies - I mean, seriously, there’s a point at which I can understand taking a breather.  And without weapons and a plan, hardly a simple task for any revolutionaries right now, the PLA would happily slaughter them.  They are deterred neither by morality, foreign opposition, or sense.  Unless the government is destabilized or someone else decides to attack, I can’t see a good way to get rid of the government.  The police and PLA would strangle any nascent attempt at organizing in the cradle - along with shooting the families of anyone involved.  Or using them for spare parts.  At a certain point I just had to concede there’s not much they can do without a huge change in their situation.
Link Posted: 6/30/2020 7:16:54 PM EDT
Eh.  I destroyed that damn in C&C Generals, and it only took out like 3 tanks and a small village.

Link Posted: 7/1/2020 1:45:33 AM EDT
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India can be up and running in 2 months with the expected quality.
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Does this mean GD won't be able to buy jack stands at Harbor Freight for a while?

India can be up and running in 2 months with the expected quality.
Would you like to buy some jackstands with your slurpee?
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 1:47:42 AM EDT
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Live streams, get it?  Ha!

I hope they have full HD streaming, in all its beautiful destructive glory.

Huge, roaring, 24x7 live streaming.
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Dammit, beat again!
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 2:24:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 2:29:16 AM EDT
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I’m as big an asshole as you’ll find on this site and I hate china as much as the next guy, but as a heathen raised by real Christians, I’m really not going to cheer if millions of people are killed and millions more suffer if that commie built dam breaks.

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Same. I don't get it.

"Don't you put that evil on me Ricky... don't you put that evil on me!"
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 2:33:53 AM EDT
Are there any virology labs downstream?
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 2:35:33 AM EDT
Can anyone spare a Coke?
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 12:19:30 PM EDT
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Looks like 2020 just keeps delivering.   We've got 6 months left......
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How do you know the world ends in 6 months...shit...have a link

ETA: oh you mean for the end of the year.  
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 12:23:25 PM EDT
How mich would it cost to find and extract just the hot women?
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 12:25:31 PM EDT
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Pictures online show how the day has already shifted.  China basically said it was part of the design and building process.
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I have heard stories for years about the shoddy manufacturing practices and corners cut during the construction of that dam.  Funny part is that Wuhan is downstream of that potential disaster.

Pictures online show how the day has already shifted.  China basically said it was part of the design and building process.
Dam, i mean damn.  Must be a really serious issue to be able to shift the day.
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 12:26:12 PM EDT
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They will simply say Trump sent the CIA to destroy the dam.
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Probably right.
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 3:03:00 PM EDT
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cavitation is powerful.  In diesel engines the shock of the fuel charge detonating all at once used to cause the erosion of the back side of the cylinder liners. The steel would get all pitted.

Props can have cavitation damage over time. I would think with the forces involved in a sluice way the damage could be rapid.

Damage to spillway tunnels in Glen Canyon dam.   (long complete story


Great Reading.
Thank You!
Link Posted: 7/1/2020 3:09:34 PM EDT
That would be a great big fuckup when that baby let's go.
Shit, geologists were saying that it was so big that it was effecting the rotation of the earth.
Link Posted: 7/2/2020 12:52:54 PM EDT
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Great Reading.
Thank You!
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cavitation is powerful.  In diesel engines the shock of the fuel charge detonating all at once used to cause the erosion of the back side of the cylinder liners. The steel would get all pitted.

Props can have cavitation damage over time. I would think with the forces involved in a sluice way the damage could be rapid.

Damage to spillway tunnels in Glen Canyon dam.   (long complete story


Great Reading.
Thank You!

Thank you for posting this.

Wow!  I vaguely remember this, I had not clue as to the significance or seriousness of the event.  Water is amazing.

Link Posted: 7/2/2020 12:56:10 PM EDT
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How do you know the world ends in 6 months...shit...have a link

ETA: oh you mean for the end of the year.  
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Same thing
Link Posted: 7/2/2020 1:37:56 PM EDT
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For multiple nation states, yes.

And from what I've seen of the PRC and the way they do things, I'm sure that they have a plan in place to take it down themselves if they decide its necessary.
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It’s the “Swalwell Plan” ala “we have the nukes”
Link Posted: 7/4/2020 2:15:19 PM EDT
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Are there any virology labs downstream?
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Link Posted: 7/4/2020 3:20:47 PM EDT
If it does collapse, they will wave the war flag to cover it up, by encouraging militant patriotism
Link Posted: 7/4/2020 3:59:09 PM EDT
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Quite literally Biblical level shit. Every river downstream is already at flood level, so the terrain won’t absorb the flood. It’s not going to happen, but right now would be a worst case type scenario.

Within hours, some 50 a 100 million souls will be discovering what lies beyond.

By the end of the day, approximately 200 million dead.

All the way to Shanghai bridges, roads, railways, power stations, not there or crippled.

Within 2 weeks, another 20 - 40 million dead.

China is asshole, but not even an asshole deserves to get screwed that hard.  

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I ssume there would be an impact on us as well; supply chains and all that.
Link Posted: 7/4/2020 4:39:35 PM EDT
Imagine living downstream of that Communist engineered dam...  Damn.

Link Posted: 7/4/2020 4:58:05 PM EDT
That’s seems suboptimal.
Link Posted: 7/4/2020 5:05:37 PM EDT
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lots of rain my ass all the Indians walked to the top of the mountain & took a piss on the Chinese side
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Not the angry fist of Shiva but the yellow outpouring of Shiva.
Link Posted: 7/4/2020 5:28:22 PM EDT
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Quite literally Biblical level shit...

China is asshole, but not even an asshole deserves to get screwed that hard.  
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Link Posted: 7/4/2020 5:30:25 PM EDT
Dump some bleach in that bitch.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 10:17:42 AM EDT
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Quite literally Biblical level shit...

China is asshole, but not even an asshole deserves to get screwed that hard.  


That dam breaking is exactly what we need to happen to keep China far enough behind us that they are forced to abandon their war preps.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 10:24:54 AM EDT
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Who is responsible for the nature of the Chinese government, if not the Chinese people?
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The average Chinese citizen is not going to "cheer for your death."  That's preposterous.

Cheering for millions of average people just living their lives to die is pretty pathetic but it isn't anything that hasn't been posted here thousands of times before. I wouldn't care so much if the flood was very specifically targeting the Chinese government....

Who is responsible for the nature of the Chinese government, if not the Chinese people?
The Chinese people have been schooled since birth to hate the US.  They are taught that we are out to destroy them.  They would all be drinking coke if it happened to us.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 12:24:16 PM EDT
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The Chinese people have been schooled since birth to hate the US.  They are taught that we are out to destroy them.  They would all be drinking coke if it happened to us.
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Have you been to China?  Do you know any Chinese people personally?

Link Posted: 7/5/2020 2:56:15 PM EDT
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Are there any virology labs downstream?
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Wuhan, which is currently under 2-3 feet of water
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 3:01:49 PM EDT
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Are there any virology labs downstream?

200 miles point to point from the damn to Wuhan. Follow the river and its much further.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 3:03:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 3:05:18 PM EDT
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Have you been to China?  Do you know any Chinese people personally?

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The Chinese people have been schooled since birth to hate the US.  They are taught that we are out to destroy them.  They would all be drinking coke if it happened to us.

Have you been to China?  Do you know any Chinese people personally?

Not the guy youre responding to, but yes and yes.

Good people. I wasnt treated with any disrespect because Im American. Gracious hosts. They are not what their government is. They may have different beliefs but that doesnt make them evil or bad.
Lots of ignorance in this thread. Im talking about hard working every day people. They dont deserve bad shit. They pretty much have zero say in their government. So many live in poverty or otherwise very undesirable conditions.

When you sit down at a table with them and break bread you find out they are just like you. They want economic security, safety for their family, and peace. Also, good practical jokers. At least the ones I know.

Their government can fuck right off though
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 3:40:10 PM EDT
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That’s some crazy stuff. I never thought about cavitation shockwaves wearing surfaces over time. I always just figured erosion of the loose stuff and erosion of rock/concrete/etc from the water carrying solids.
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IIRC the badlands in the Dakotas are from cavitation shockwaves.

Link Posted: 7/5/2020 5:31:23 PM EDT
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Not the guy youre responding to, but yes and yes.

Good people. I wasnt treated with any disrespect because Im American. Gracious hosts. They are not what their government is. They may have different beliefs but that doesnt make them evil or bad.
Lots of ignorance in this thread. Im talking about hard working every day people. They dont deserve bad shit. They pretty much have zero say in their government. So many live in poverty or otherwise very undesirable conditions.

When you sit down at a table with them and break bread you find out they are just like you. They want economic security, safety for their family, and peace. Also, good practical jokers. At least the ones I know.

Their government can fuck right off though
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That was my experience too.  The only part of them I didn't care for is their public persona.  I am used to the Thais who will smile at any attempt at humor.  I think the Chinese have been under communist oppression so long they are wary of someone they don't know.  In private nice people.  In public kinda dour.  They will never out party the Thais.  

Well that was my limited experience anyway.

Link Posted: 7/5/2020 5:58:33 PM EDT
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I don't understand why people here are cheering on the potential death of tens of millions of people.  It really comes across like a bunch of people on here are psychopaths.  It's a pretty bad look for the community, if I'm honest.
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You’re right but it’s more than a bad look, it’s ghoulish and inhuman the lack of regard for human life in evidence on here these days, way worse than a decade ago IMO.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 6:36:34 PM EDT
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Does this mean GD won’t be able to buy jack stands at Harbor Freight for a while?
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Yes, and how many lives will that save?
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 6:39:45 PM EDT
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Not the guy youre responding to, but yes and yes.

Good people. I wasnt treated with any disrespect because Im American. Gracious hosts. They are not what their government is. They may have different beliefs but that doesnt make them evil or bad.
Lots of ignorance in this thread. Im talking about hard working every day people. They dont deserve bad shit. They pretty much have zero say in their government. So many live in poverty or otherwise very undesirable conditions.

When you sit down at a table with them and break bread you find out they are just like you. They want economic security, safety for their family, and peace. Also, good practical jokers. At least the ones I know.

Their government can fuck right off though
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Link Posted: 7/5/2020 6:45:11 PM EDT
I don't want to see anyone die unnecessarily, but it would be helpful to have China have some massive internal disruption that would require paying money and attention to it.  Perhaps they would keep from spending so much on expansionism.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 7:07:01 PM EDT
Anyone have a live stream or a recent video on this?
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 7:10:15 PM EDT
I couldn't even imagine the initial debris wall if that went.
That would leave a giant scar in the geologic record.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 7:12:37 PM EDT
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I couldn't even imagine the initial debris wall if that went.
That would leave a giant scar in the geologic record.
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And our days would speed up again.
Link Posted: 7/5/2020 7:27:03 PM EDT
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Let it flood. If it goes saw a prediction that the number of people "impacted" will be approximately 75% of what the US population is. A 1,000 mile wide Katrina they called it. I think impact is code word for wiped off the map. I'd be heartbroken for 5 seconds, maybe.
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As much as I *HATE* the PRC... I really *REALLY* dont want this to happen.

And believe me, you will be heartbroken far more than you think you will. You have thought through as to how painful this would be for the entire globe, considering China is pretty much the Manufacturing center for the entire globe.... particularly electronics.

Remember when floods in Thailand disrupted the Hard Drive and Memory supply?  Imagine the same... but with *EVERYTHING* electronic. Even businesses not based in the path of the floods,... likely depend on roads that cross those paths that will be washed away... as if they never existed.

The 3 Gorges Dam will *Possibly* bring about the fall of the Chinese Communist Party... but it will cause a *LOT* of pain for the rest of the world.
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