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ARFCOM 101 (Page 10 of 25)
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Link Posted: 12/11/2009 10:52:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:00:15 PM EDT

Originally Posted By toothlesrooster:



Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:01:22 PM EDT

Originally Posted By berto187:

Originally Posted By toothlesrooster:




Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:23:07 PM EDT
This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.
Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:26:58 PM EDT
Originally Posted By JonnyVain:
This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.

We weighed that consideration, but decided it was more preferable to be able to have a link we could just direct someone to, than having to type out a possibly long and complicated answer for the 5,000th time.

Thus why the thread is not tacked.  Someone has to "show you the way".

Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:37:18 PM EDT

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By JonnyVain:

This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.
We weighed that consideration, but decided it was more preferable to be able to have a link we could just direct someone to, than having to type out a possibly long and complicated answer for the 5,000th time.

Thus why the thread is not tacked.  Someone has to "show you the way".


Have you considered duplicating this thread for the Library section?

Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:40:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By max229:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By JonnyVain:
This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.
We weighed that consideration, but decided it was more preferable to be able to have a link we could just direct someone to, than having to type out a possibly long and complicated answer for the 5,000th time.

Thus why the thread is not tacked.  Someone has to "show you the way".


Have you considered duplicating this thread for the Library section?

I'm going to say to you the exact same thing I said to one of my professors in college:

"We have a library??"

Link Posted: 12/11/2009 3:56:25 PM EDT

The term "Epic" should probably be added with its definition.  So much of GD, and hence Arfcom, is stumbling into a budding "epic" story and contributing to same.  The whole "in on 1" thing is a direct result of the "epic" thread.

Link Posted: 12/11/2009 4:00:41 PM EDT

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By max229:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By JonnyVain:

This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.
We weighed that consideration, but decided it was more preferable to be able to have a link we could just direct someone to, than having to type out a possibly long and complicated answer for the 5,000th time.

Thus why the thread is not tacked.  Someone has to "show you the way".

Have you considered duplicating this thread for the Library section?

I'm going to say to you the exact same thing I said to one of my professors in college:

"We have a library??"


HERE is the Library section. There is a sub-forum in there for "website help files".

Link Posted: 12/11/2009 4:25:48 PM EDT
Originally Posted By max229:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By max229:
Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By JonnyVain:
This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.
We weighed that consideration, but decided it was more preferable to be able to have a link we could just direct someone to, than having to type out a possibly long and complicated answer for the 5,000th time.

Thus why the thread is not tacked.  Someone has to "show you the way".

Have you considered duplicating this thread for the Library section?
I'm going to say to you the exact same thing I said to one of my professors in college:

"We have a library??"


HERE is the Library section. There is a sub-forum in there for "website help files".

I tell you what...

If the day ever comes that this thread gets archived, and if by the graces of God (i.e.: "Site Staff") I haven't been perma-ban hammered, I'll Copy/Paste the content of the first post into a new thread in that section, and update it with a link to the archived thread.

Link Posted: 12/12/2009 9:31:21 PM EDT

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By max229:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By max229:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By JonnyVain:

This is cheating.  You should have to be on a site a while before you understand all the lingo.
We weighed that consideration, but decided it was more preferable to be able to have a link we could just direct someone to, than having to type out a possibly long and complicated answer for the 5,000th time.

Thus why the thread is not tacked.  Someone has to "show you the way".

Have you considered duplicating this thread for the Library section?

I'm going to say to you the exact same thing I said to one of my professors in college:

"We have a library??"


HERE is the Library section. There is a sub-forum in there for "website help files".


I tell you what...

If the day ever comes that this thread gets archived, and if by the graces of God (i.e.: "Site Staff") I haven't been perma-ban hammered, I'll Copy/Paste the content of the first post into a new thread in that section, and update it with a link to the archived thread.


We will keep it alive!

Link Posted: 12/13/2009 5:37:16 PM EDT
I'd have to say to add the Whopper Chopper to the list.  It was a post that contained a series of pics of a morbidly obese woman motoring a scooter through a Burger King drive-through, placing an order and picking it up at the window.  She then noticed that the photographer was taking pictures of her and proceeded to flip that person off.  Hilarity in the thread ensued which led to the "Whopper Chopper" term being coined.

My apologies for not having the link to the thread.  I've not seen it for some time, so I'm guessing it's been archived.  Maybe someone can find it and post it up.
Link Posted: 12/13/2009 5:53:45 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Autarkis:
I'd have to say to add the Whopper Chopper to the list.  It was a post that contained a series of pics of a morbidly obese woman motoring a scooter through a Burger King drive-through, placing an order and picking it up at the window.  She then noticed that the photographer was taking pictures of her and proceeded to flip that person off.  Hilarity in the thread ensued which led to the "Whopper Chopper" term being coined.

My apologies for not having the link to the thread.  I've not seen it for some time, so I'm guessing it's been archived.  Maybe someone can find it and post it up.

That's actually a great suggestion as i've seen the term used in other threads that touch on those scooters. It seems to have found its way into the ARFCOM lexicon, so it should be added here.

Once we have a link, up it will go!

Link Posted: 12/18/2009 7:42:07 PM EDT
Tag for information purposes... Thank you
Link Posted: 12/18/2009 9:45:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 12:10:50 AM EDT
Thanks for the list
Still wondering about the toes in the pics
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 9:17:39 PM EDT
Originally Posted By TXhellbilly:
Thanks for the list
Still wondering about the toes in the pics

Mrs. David14 shares your confusion, but she's willing to humor me from time to time.
Link Posted: 12/23/2009 7:59:29 PM EDT
tag for future research
Link Posted: 12/23/2009 10:39:47 PM EDT
Looks like the makings of another addition is brewing.  Richard Swan from ARMS is about to get Zumbo'ed...

Links to 3 threads as of now

Oh and... Masterfully played, Mark LaRue!
Link Posted: 12/24/2009 2:05:25 AM EDT
Oh yeah... forgot about Mark's offer to replace any AMRS #17 mount with a broken lever, intentional or otherwise, with one of his own superior products.
Link Posted: 12/30/2009 5:12:05 PM EDT
[Last Edit: TexasLoneGunman] [#21]
I may have laughed at the shit in the stall story if several things much much worse had not happened to me involving shit...

The most publicly humiliating event involved expelling a spectacular and much MUCH worse than usual smelling shit bomb containing almost 2 weeks of hospital food all over a pretty Navy nurse. I was in traction for my neck fracture, 2 weeks of no movement and morphine pump and solid hospital food, initially being too embarrassed to poop in a bed pan in a room with 3 other Marine patients which would have required a nurse or Corpsman help me since I was in traction. After two weeks even the morphine which was being used for pain was not enough for me to handle the pain in my stomach.

A pretty nurse was making the rounds was my cue and for some stupid reason I asked for help. In retrospect I should have just let my stomach burst and kill me. Her answer to my dilemma was what she called a “Fleet” I had no idea WTF a Fleet was but it sure sounded mundane. She came back with a Fleet which turned out to be an enema. She lifted my legs sort of like a mom would while changing a child’s diaper. She put the tube “up me bum”, emptied it, placed me on the bed pan and said it would fix me right up and she’d be back in 15.
Nope didn’t work… she leaves comes back and gives me a 2nd one.

Lifts my two legs up again like a baby’s and I guess two enemas and the movement of the tube out of my butt woke things up back there and the second the tube left my tightly clenched balloon knot, I proceeded to evacuate my bowels and spray shit both hard balls of it and a seriously horrible smelling thick brown liquid the consistency of a good stew or goulash and finally poop that appeared to be the consistency of caulk but not crisp and white I know it wasn’t white because I would have not been able to see it all over her white nurse’s uniform and her white (as in Caucasian) arms and face.

To say I that I shit all over this poor woman is a drastic understatement. Buried her would probably be a more appropriate term. The odd but by no means worse thing was that as I deflated like a balloon full of Satan’s brew and blew 2 weeks of shit all over this woman… All she did was say “oh, oh , oh my, oh…

And the other 3 inured marines in the room of course had to give me pardon the pun shit. They all started screaming and laughing calling me a nasty SOB etc. Another nurse and corpsman came in later and cleaned me up. Thankfully I never saw that nurse again. They don’t pay them nearly enough… no matter how much it is.

I had a very similar incident to the other guys shit story after taking Cipro after a surgical infect. It made the good bacteria die off causing something similar to Really bad food poisoning. I lost 55 lbs in a month of extreme illness almost kill me. The first day I painted the walls of our bathroom at home with shit and vomit. I’d get grossed out would throw up which would push poop out. Finally I was too exhausted to try to spin to hit the right end on the toilet. I stood there VERY sick just shitting myself and vomiting while standing in the shower. My wife doesn’t get paid enough either… and too bad shit doesn’t squeeze through shower drains.

Damn, you poor bastard.
Link Posted: 12/30/2009 5:12:58 PM EDT
Good thread.
Link Posted: 12/30/2009 8:08:00 PM EDT
Originally Posted By NorCal_LEO:
Here is the "OMG it spins!" thread:


Most of the pics are still there.

thats the funniest thread I ever saw. My gut still hurts
Link Posted: 12/30/2009 8:08:53 PM EDT
Originally Posted By tmleadr03:
Originally Posted By BadShovelhead:
I may have laughed at the shit in the stall story if several things much much worse had not happened to me involving shit...

The most publicly humiliating event involved expelling a spectacular and much MUCH worse than usual smelling shit bomb containing almost 2 weeks of hospital food all over a pretty Navy nurse. I was in traction for my neck fracture, 2 weeks of no movement and morphine pump and solid hospital food, initially being too embarrassed to poop in a bed pan in a room with 3 other Marine patients which would have required a nurse or Corpsman help me since I was in traction. After two weeks even the morphine which was being used for pain was not enough for me to handle the pain in my stomach.

A pretty nurse was making the rounds was my cue and for some stupid reason I asked for help. In retrospect I should have just let my stomach burst and kill me.  Her answer to my dilemma was what she called a “Fleet” I had no idea WTF a Fleet was but it sure sounded mundane. She came back with a Fleet which turned out to be an enema.  She lifted my legs sort of like a mom would while changing a child’s diaper. She put the tube “up me bum”, emptied it, placed me on the bed pan and said it would fix me right up and she’d be back in 15.
Nope didn’t work… she leaves comes back and gives me a 2nd one.

Lifts my two legs up again like a baby’s and I guess two enemas and the movement of the tube out of my butt woke things up back there and the second the tube left my tightly clenched balloon knot, I proceeded to evacuate my bowels and spray shit both hard balls of it and a seriously horrible smelling thick brown liquid the consistency of a good stew or goulash and finally poop that appeared to be the consistency of caulk but not crisp and white I know it wasn’t white because I would have not been able to see it all over her white nurse’s uniform and her white (as in Caucasian) arms and face.

To say I that I shit all over this poor woman is a drastic understatement.  Buried her would probably be a more appropriate term.  The odd but by no means worse thing was that as I deflated like a balloon full of Satan’s brew and blew 2 weeks of shit all over this woman… All she did was say “oh, oh , oh my, oh…

And the other 3 inured marines in the room of course had to give me pardon the pun shit. They all started screaming and laughing calling me a nasty SOB etc. Another nurse and corpsman came in later and cleaned me up. Thankfully I never saw that nurse again.  They don’t pay them nearly enough… no matter how much it is.

I had a very similar incident to the other guys shit story after taking Cipro after a surgical infect. It made the good bacteria die off causing something similar to Really bad food poisoning. I lost 55 lbs in a month of extreme illness almost kill me. The first day I painted the walls of our bathroom at home with shit and vomit. I’d get grossed out would throw up which would push poop out. Finally I was too exhausted to try to spin to hit the right end on the toilet. I stood there VERY sick just shitting myself and vomiting while standing in the shower.  My wife doesn’t get paid enough either… and too bad shit doesn’t squeeze through shower drains.  

I can't breath, laughing too hard....

I hope she didn't have her mouth open!

yet I pity you at the same time

I have had many similar experiences due to my medical condition
Link Posted: 1/14/2010 10:13:31 AM EDT
Great glossary of arfcom history.
Link Posted: 1/14/2010 8:06:13 PM EDT
Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.
Link Posted: 1/14/2010 9:25:13 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Autarkis:
Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.

Link Posted: 1/14/2010 10:03:35 PM EDT
Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By Autarkis:
Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.


 Fair enough...good reason.  Thanks for the shining examples.  ETH passed before I even started lurking, but if the profound amount of respect everyone has for him means anything, he stands far above SOTD, OHC and JustinWB.
Link Posted: 1/14/2010 10:30:10 PM EDT

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By Autarkis:

Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.


And this, ladies and gentleman, is why mhoffman is the right man for the job of arfcom historian.
Link Posted: 1/14/2010 10:58:01 PM EDT
Tag.  So I can find this when I need it.
Link Posted: 1/15/2010 12:55:22 AM EDT
Originally Posted By fiver:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By Autarkis:
Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.


And this, ladies and gentleman, is why mhoffman is the right man for the job of arfcom historian.

But I wanted to be the ARFCOM Space Shuttle Door Gunner!!

Link Posted: 1/21/2010 2:34:50 AM EDT

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By fiver:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By Autarkis:

Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.


And this, ladies and gentleman, is why mhoffman is the right man for the job of arfcom historian.


But I wanted to be the ARFCOM Space Shuttle Door Gunner!!


Hey man, this is arfcom.  You can always get both

Link Posted: 1/29/2010 4:50:45 PM EDT
maybe it is elsewhere but what about gunkid?
Link Posted: 1/30/2010 2:11:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/30/2010 2:58:14 AM EDT
This thead has made me relize how many of the great threads ive read on Arfcom.  Plus how many Ive missed
Link Posted: 1/30/2010 9:02:07 AM EDT

Link Posted: 1/30/2010 9:28:17 AM EDT
tag for later reading
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 1:42:55 AM EDT
Just noticed this...

The first is, perhaps, the longest running, unarchived thread to date or possibly in site-history –– Cutting Gun Case Foam. Posted on August 14th, 2006, the thread remains active and unarchived at the time of this entry's addition (November 25th, 2009) due to its incredible usefulness, clarity and simplicity of instruction.

The shower cookie thread is older (OP @ 6/23/2006 1:19:30 AM EST) and still running (most recent post was @ 2/5/2010 9:38:16 AM EST).

Though unlike mfingar's thread, it's not surviving because of any inherent usefulness.
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 1:43:02 AM EDT
How do you know about "Flat Stanley"?
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 1:51:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Renegade13B] [#40]
I thought MaH was going to put "do you have a gun" in 101.... I guess it lost it's epicness when it got locked

Link Posted: 2/6/2010 2:04:23 AM EDT
Very useful thread
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 2:11:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/6/2010 9:19:32 AM EDT
Good lord- how could you forget XMM and Opie the possum?

Or for that matter the answer to any question involving wildlife is "possum" (i.e. what kind of fish is this? Possum)
Link Posted: 2/10/2010 5:12:12 PM EDT
Originally Posted By fiver:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By fiver:

Originally Posted By mhoffman:
Originally Posted By Autarkis:
Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.


And this, ladies and gentleman, is why mhoffman is the right man for the job of arfcom historian.

But I wanted to be the ARFCOM Space Shuttle Door Gunner!!


Hey man, this is arfcom.  You can always get both


HA truth

Also, who is Only_Hits_count and wtf is SOTD?

Link Posted: 2/11/2010 2:14:46 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Burnsy87:

HA truth

Also, who is Only_Hits_count and wtf is SOTD?


Only_Hits_Count = babnanas

SOTD=Shawn_of_the_Dead = foing

Link Posted: 2/11/2010 2:26:38 PM EDT
Tag for later on. I'm pretty sure I have photos of the aquabump - by user name "47".
Link Posted: 2/11/2010 4:38:45 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/15/2010 11:24:08 PM EDT
needs sticky
Link Posted: 2/16/2010 12:23:16 AM EDT
first member to get owned by deej on radio.......me
Link Posted: 2/16/2010 12:31:38 AM EDT

Originally Posted By mhoffman:

Originally Posted By Autarkis:

Whey8's misadventures of his pathetic quest to get some pie and his descriptions of being so close, yet not even on the same continent to even get a girl to hold his hand has reached critical mass.  He is referenced in several dating/pie threads where the OP has massively failed.  Typical responses are, "You and Whey8 need to go cruzin' fur chicks together," and "Maybe Whey8 can give you some advice."  

Whey8 also inevitibly weighs in with his own unique brand of dating advice when someone else posts how they failed with some random female.

Whey8 is a pathetic troll at best and a remorseful waste of a human being at worst.  One day Whey8 will be smacked down by the ban hammer for their incompetence, and unless they go out in a manner equal to (1) the passing of ETH, (2) the abduction and sodomy of SOTD, (3) the audacity of Only_Hits_Count, and the (4) incompetence of JustinWB combined, then so long as I control the ARFCOM 101 thread I will never allow that waste to ever become immortalized in it in any manner beyond what has already been posted.


HAHA...tell us how you really feel!!!

And we still don't have a spot for XDBACKUPGUN.

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ARFCOM 101 (Page 10 of 25)
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