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Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:10:57 PM EDT
All the hidden firearms, and 100 round mags in the world aren't going to help you when you are docked and suddenly boarded by desperate fugitives who will kill you and steal your boat.

I wasn't there and don't know what happened, but I imagine is was dark, quick and caught them by surprise.  None of this pursuit on the high seas drama.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:13:07 PM EDT
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That's a sailboat - not a yacht

You can legally carry firearms in some places.  Someone already posted reddit.  Here is the most common citation for Country-level regulations. As others have mentioned - rules become more guidelines the further south you go.  

You DO get boarded in many of these Countries - both upon entry, while traveling and upon exit.  Here's an RDBF (Royal Bahamian Defense Force) contingent on my boat checking my serial numbers against my paperwork and counting every round of ammo.  You can see a Larue OBR in 7.62 in the guy's left hand and a Mossberg Marine 12GA in his right.  I'm holding a Glock 19.  I was paddleboarding off the beach when they "invited them to join them" and took me to the boat.  

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I’m guessing you’d have fewer headaches in the Bahamas versus mooring off of Long Island?
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:15:39 PM EDT
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Lol. I knew him in SOF and he was a "break in case of war" type dude….he was a Southy and prior to joining he worked for certain individuals in that part of Boston collecting debts and whatever else needed to be done . I know for a fact he didn't give a fuck if it was stealing of not….

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But is it really stealing if the now-previous owners are dead?

Lol. I knew him in SOF and he was a "break in case of war" type dude….he was a Southy and prior to joining he worked for certain individuals in that part of Boston collecting debts and whatever else needed to be done . I know for a fact he didn't give a fuck if it was stealing of not….

South Boston is now all gentrified.  $1 million and up for a 1 bedroom apartment.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:16:22 PM EDT
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That's a sailboat - not a yacht

You can legally carry firearms in some places.  Someone already posted reddit.  Here is the most common citation for Country-level regulations. As others have mentioned - rules become more guidelines the further south you go.  

You DO get boarded in many of these Countries - both upon entry, while traveling and upon exit.  Here's an RDBF (Royal Bahamian Defense Force) contingent on my boat checking my serial numbers against my paperwork and counting every round of ammo.  You can see a Larue OBR in 7.62 in the guy's left hand and a Mossberg Marine 12GA in his right.  I'm holding a Glock 19.  I was paddleboarding off the beach when they "invited them to join them" and took me to the boat.  

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Is that you dad?
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:19:08 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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When in port you usually have to turn in your guns to the authorities. I'm curious how they conduct searches and if there would be a good way to hide the guns for port calls.

However, the hassle likely pushes many to simply leave guns at home.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:27:46 PM EDT
Ehh...they look like the type that would vote for open boarders and want people to open their homes to migrants.   They ain't going to open THEIR home...but you should open your.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:29:44 PM EDT
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All the hidden firearms, and 100 round mags in the world aren't going to help you when you are docked and suddenly boarded by desperate fugitives who will kill you and steal your boat.

I wasn't there and don't know what happened, but I imagine is was dark, quick and caught them by surprise.  None of this pursuit on the high seas drama.
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A G19 close at hand might have.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:41:55 PM EDT
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All the hidden firearms, and 100 round mags in the world aren't going to help you when you are docked and suddenly boarded by desperate fugitives who will kill you and steal your boat.

I wasn't there and don't know what happened, but I imagine is was dark, quick and caught them by surprise.  None of this pursuit on the high seas drama.
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I was referring to practical choices to fight piracy that occurs on the "high seas". But mooring your boat in 3rd world ghetto is a whole different thing.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 5:08:12 PM EDT
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A G19 close at hand might have.
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Possibly.  I don't know how close we are talking, since I wasn't there.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 5:15:02 PM EDT
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this was the film i thought of when i saw this thread.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 5:40:56 PM EDT
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It's a sad story but a 100% probability these were rich socialite democrats cruising those waters with more money than sense. Probably invited those men to come aboard and offered to make them sandwiches.
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You've never spent any time at sea have you?

You're talking out of your ass about 2 dead American's, not a great look.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 5:42:19 PM EDT
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All the hidden firearms, and 100 round mags in the world aren't going to help you when you are docked and suddenly boarded by desperate fugitives who will kill you and steal your boat.

I wasn't there and don't know what happened, but I imagine is was dark, quick and caught them by surprise.  None of this pursuit on the high seas drama.
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I might not survive but if I have to go I'd like to have the ability to take one or two with me
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:01:39 PM EDT
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I might not survive but if I have to go I'd like to have the ability to take one or two with me
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All the hidden firearms, and 100 round mags in the world aren't going to help you when you are docked and suddenly boarded by desperate fugitives who will kill you and steal your boat.

I wasn't there and don't know what happened, but I imagine is was dark, quick and caught them by surprise.  None of this pursuit on the high seas drama.

I might not survive but if I have to go I'd like to have the ability to take one or two with me

And none of those countries enforce those firearm laws against the criminals in their own country.

I'm not suggesting anyone break the law. But I wonder what 'real' adherence is. I would imagine Bezos' or Gate's yacht has a pretty nice stash of weapons on board. Guessing the laws get waived in those, and other, cases.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:07:52 PM EDT
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It's a labyrinth of local laws to navigate, but there are legal ways to sail armed through the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

However, being armed is only step one. Lack of awareness, training and proper mindset will get you killed too.
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.

It's a labyrinth of local laws to navigate, but there are legal ways to sail armed through the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

However, being armed is only step one. Lack of awareness, training and proper mindset will get you killed too.
True everywhere but I imagine in the marine environment even more so. All kinds of considerations especially location dependent. Can radar (if you're so equipped) pick up and warn about even the smallest approaching craft? Guessing that may depend on weather or sea state. Is there such a thing as a boarding alarm?  Maintain 24 hour watch?  How friendly can you afford to be with apparently harmless other cruisers encountered at sea? Definitely would want nov/thermal.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:19:43 PM EDT
You should never sail the Caribbean with anything less than two .45's and a Mac-10.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:24:02 PM EDT

A Virginia couple who were enjoying their retirement cruising the Caribbean on their yacht are feared dead after three escaped prisoners hijacked their vessel.

Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel were docked on Sunday in the St. George's area of Grenada, which they frequent annually in the winter months when authorities say the three fugitives set upon them and stole their yacht called "Simplicity." The vessel is a catamaran, a type of sailing yacht with two hulls.


Basically boat ransacked by 3 Grenada pirates and found anchored by a third party. Pirates in jail and couple missing.

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is that a pirate flag on his shirt? /irony
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:29:11 PM EDT
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Ehh...they look like the type that would vote for open boarders
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Typo is ironic here.  
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:29:40 PM EDT
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Quoted:  Every boat that is big enough to live on and truely go out to sea has some where you could hide a handgun and a box or two of ammo. Problem is you need a pretty deep hiding spot if you’re not gonna declare it, if they decide to search they know all the normal hiding places. Then its hidden so deep its not something you get to in a hurry.
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You could have a hidden compartment built into the boat .  When underway keep the weapons readily available , when entering port put the weapons away .
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:35:23 PM EDT
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We just watched that movie last night....still hilarious.

Sucks for the couple that got pirated though. Surprised they didn't have some kind security or defenses on board.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:36:42 PM EDT
Yea…that all sounds about right to me.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:41:47 PM EDT
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
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Minimum.  Loaded with these

Link Posted: 2/26/2024 6:47:33 PM EDT
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Once again - it all depends.  Bahamas you HAVE to declare and police are ligit.  Other countries, Haiti, etc. Its anything goes, bribe as you want. Sail to S. America, anything goes - bribe as you want. Puerto Rico, US laws. declare everything, police are legit, do not bribe.

every place is completely different.  But for most part = high seas = pretty lawless.

I stayed at the Montana and a couple others in Petionville. Helluva place. They're probably all wrecked by the earthquakes.

I lived in Haiti and had a place in Port Au Prince, in Petionville actually, and Haiti you can go whatever you want. Its basically Bartertown the size of a country.

Theres tons of info online   reddit
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I've wondered about this. Had always heard that being armed while sailing could get you into serious trouble with local authorities. And one will certainly encounter local authorities regularly whether in port or off shore (local or U.S. CG). So if arms are declared are they ok? If a "problem" occurred how much was an acceptable bribe?

Once again - it all depends.  Bahamas you HAVE to declare and police are ligit.  Other countries, Haiti, etc. Its anything goes, bribe as you want. Sail to S. America, anything goes - bribe as you want. Puerto Rico, US laws. declare everything, police are legit, do not bribe.

every place is completely different.  But for most part = high seas = pretty lawless.

I stayed at the Montana and a couple others in Petionville. Helluva place. They're probably all wrecked by the earthquakes.

I lived in Haiti and had a place in Port Au Prince, in Petionville actually, and Haiti you can go whatever you want. Its basically Bartertown the size of a country.

Theres tons of info online   reddit

I stayed in the Montana and a couple others in Petionville. Probably wrecked by the earthquakes now.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 7:02:13 PM EDT
I’d want one of these.

Link Posted: 2/26/2024 7:12:58 PM EDT
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Possibly.  I don't know how close we are talking, since I wasn't there.
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Yes, you need SA to go along with the G19.

I'm pretty sure the violence that happened was contact distance.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 7:16:48 PM EDT
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Wouldn't there be a million places to hide guns on a yacht?
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A few posts up indicated there are, but if you get caught, kiss your boat and guns goodbye. You'll also get thrown in some shithole island prison.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 10:28:13 PM EDT
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A few posts up indicated there are, but if you get caught, kiss your boat and guns goodbye. You'll also get thrown in some shithole island prison.
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Wouldn't there be a million places to hide guns on a yacht?

A few posts up indicated there are, but if you get caught, kiss your boat and guns goodbye. You'll also get thrown in some shithole island prison.

Your boat can be searched by multiple government groups at any time.  While it's cute to think about a glock in a toilet or a shotgun in a diesel tank - the reality is they'll find it if they want to.  It's not so much losing the firearms and the boat that is the problem - it's losing the rest of your life.  There are more than a few people doing prison in places like Mexico or Fox Hill in the Bahamas for having an unregistered firearm.  It comes down to risk management - what's the likelihood you'll be the victim of a murder versus caught by the government?  It's not an easy decision, and I'd recommend we not judge too quickly about those that choose to travel unarmed into these Countries.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 10:47:50 AM EDT
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I might not survive but if I have to go I'd like to have the ability to take one or two with me
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All the hidden firearms, and 100 round mags in the world aren't going to help you when you are docked and suddenly boarded by desperate fugitives who will kill you and steal your boat.

I wasn't there and don't know what happened, but I imagine is was dark, quick and caught them by surprise.  None of this pursuit on the high seas drama.

I might not survive but if I have to go I'd like to have the ability to take one or two with me
I'm not making a risk/reward analysis on the option of flouting local law on firearms.  My point was more about being ready and aware of what's going on at all times, ESPECIALLY when docked in a 3rd world country and anyone can board your boat in seconds.

The takeaway for most of us is to be aware that a big chunk of security is not hidden guns.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 10:49:03 AM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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Not having one can get you seriously dead.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 10:52:31 AM EDT
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Your boat can be searched by multiple government groups at any time.  While it's cute to think about a glock in a toilet or a shotgun in a diesel tank - the reality is they'll find it if they want to.  It's not so much losing the firearms and the boat that is the problem - it's losing the rest of your life.  There are more than a few people doing prison in places like Mexico or Fox Hill in the Bahamas for having an unregistered firearm.  It comes down to risk management - what's the likelihood you'll be the victim of a murder versus caught by the government?  It's not an easy decision, and I'd recommend we not judge too quickly about those that choose to travel unarmed into these Countries.
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My question is why would I put myself in great danger with no rights to defend myself?

The answer is I do not.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 10:52:37 AM EDT
what about other weapons ?

spear gun. machetes. large knives. baseball bats.  etc

would anything like that be permissible when sailing in caribbean waters ?

better than nothing
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 11:00:51 AM EDT
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You spelled 240 wrong
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment

You spelled 240 wrong
Not enough stand off.  Ma deuce and MK-19!!!!

Never get off the boat.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 11:12:13 AM EDT
When I was a kid, I remember going with my parents on their friends Bertram Yacht a few times. We would sail from Miami to the Nassau. I remember one time my dads friend showed us his boat's weapons. He had a couple of shotguns, pistols and an M16/AR15 type rifle. I always thought it was so cool, lol.

30 years later, whenever we go out on our boat, I always have a Remington shotgun and a Glock 17 on board.

Point of the story. If you're going to travel on a boat, always be armed.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 1:42:16 PM EDT
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My question is why would I put myself in great danger with no rights to defend myself?

The answer is I do not.
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I generally don't either.  The irony is that while I travel armed internationally, I have to travel the US disarmed because I go to NYC and Washington DC.  I also can't carry NODs or other ITAR regulated items within the US because I go further than 12nm offshore.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 1:52:52 PM EDT
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 I also can't carry NODs or other ITAR regulated items within the US because I go further than 12nm offshore.
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aka why I have never gotten rid of my d300, gen 2 ms is legal to take off shore.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 2:00:21 PM EDT
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I'm not making a risk/reward analysis on the option of flouting local law on firearms.  My point was more about being ready and aware of what's going on at all times, ESPECIALLY when docked in a 3rd world country and anyone can board your boat in seconds.

The takeaway for most of us is to be aware that a big chunk of security is not hidden guns.
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I have 28 cameras on board my boat, and every ipad or computer on the boat can view them (in addition to fixed screens throughout the boat).  Everyone thought I was a little paranoid at first.  I can't count the number of times someone said "thank goodness you have those cameras!"  There's always someone on the boat when we're outside of the US, and the expectation is that if they're awake they're in a position to watch the cameras.  There's really only two areas you can board my boat, and both have double-locking doors.  They also have cameras with motion sensors on them.  

Here's a sample view of the cameras:

Here's a guy that broke onto our boat in Mystic CT.  The local news ran footage of him and he was found very quickly.  A motion sensor woke me up and I chased him off the bow (he swam to safety).  

I also recently added a high end FLIR system with scanning ability.  It spins and looks for heat signatures, and then tracks and follows them once discovered.  This is very handy when on the hook.  

We have hardened locks on our doors that break "locked" when they break.  We have door sensors hooked to an alarm system that sounds an alarm at appropriate times.  We had an alarm system installed with manual buttons in every cabin that has audible sirens and strobes outside the boat. The ventilation systems are self-contained (meaning air from one cabin does not flow to the other, because our system uses chilled or heater water versus an air handler).  We have yet to find a place tear gas grenades are illegal.  Of course, we also carry a few large machetes and a sword or two near exit doors.  If asked, they're for cutting lines in the event of an emergency.  

I'm not saying everyone has to go to this extreme, but there's a lot of things (many of them affordable) that you can do that put you in a more advantageous situation.  I'd bet money this couple didn't even lock their doors.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 2:04:58 PM EDT
If you sail the Caribbean, you should be prepared to repel boarders.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 3:10:59 PM EDT
@blackfox - How are you finding the starlink setup , in terms of how stable is it when you are under way ?
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 3:48:22 PM EDT
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Not having one can get you seriously dead.
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.

Not having one can get you seriously dead.
Its still a risk evaluation.

Obey the law = 1% chance of nearly defenseless death on the high seas
Flout the law = 10% chance of decades or a life of imprisonment or even death

* - Numbers made up purely for the purposes of emphasizing a point
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 3:51:27 PM EDT
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I have 28 cameras on board my boat, and every ipad or computer on the boat can view them (in addition to fixed screens throughout the boat).  Everyone thought I was a little paranoid at first.  I can't count the number of times someone said "thank goodness you have those cameras!"  There's always someone on the boat when we're outside of the US, and the expectation is that if they're awake they're in a position to watch the cameras.  There's really only two areas you can board my boat, and both have double-locking doors.  They also have cameras with motion sensors on them.  

Here's a sample view of the cameras:


Here's a guy that broke onto our boat in Mystic CT.  The local news ran footage of him and he was found very quickly.  A motion sensor woke me up and I chased him off the bow (he swam to safety).  


I also recently added a high end FLIR system with scanning ability.  It spins and looks for heat signatures, and then tracks and follows them once discovered.  This is very handy when on the hook.  


We have hardened locks on our doors that break "locked" when they break.  We have door sensors hooked to an alarm system that sounds an alarm at appropriate times.  We had an alarm system installed with manual buttons in every cabin that has audible sirens and strobes outside the boat. The ventilation systems are self-contained (meaning air from one cabin does not flow to the other, because our system uses chilled or heater water versus an air handler).  We have yet to find a place tear gas grenades are illegal.  Of course, we also carry a few large machetes and a sword or two near exit doors.  If asked, they're for cutting lines in the event of an emergency.  

I'm not saying everyone has to go to this extreme, but there's a lot of things (many of them affordable) that you can do that put you in a more advantageous situation.  I'd bet money this couple didn't even lock their doors.
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I'm not making a risk/reward analysis on the option of flouting local law on firearms.  My point was more about being ready and aware of what's going on at all times, ESPECIALLY when docked in a 3rd world country and anyone can board your boat in seconds.

The takeaway for most of us is to be aware that a big chunk of security is not hidden guns.

I have 28 cameras on board my boat, and every ipad or computer on the boat can view them (in addition to fixed screens throughout the boat).  Everyone thought I was a little paranoid at first.  I can't count the number of times someone said "thank goodness you have those cameras!"  There's always someone on the boat when we're outside of the US, and the expectation is that if they're awake they're in a position to watch the cameras.  There's really only two areas you can board my boat, and both have double-locking doors.  They also have cameras with motion sensors on them.  

Here's a sample view of the cameras:


Here's a guy that broke onto our boat in Mystic CT.  The local news ran footage of him and he was found very quickly.  A motion sensor woke me up and I chased him off the bow (he swam to safety).  


I also recently added a high end FLIR system with scanning ability.  It spins and looks for heat signatures, and then tracks and follows them once discovered.  This is very handy when on the hook.  


We have hardened locks on our doors that break "locked" when they break.  We have door sensors hooked to an alarm system that sounds an alarm at appropriate times.  We had an alarm system installed with manual buttons in every cabin that has audible sirens and strobes outside the boat. The ventilation systems are self-contained (meaning air from one cabin does not flow to the other, because our system uses chilled or heater water versus an air handler).  We have yet to find a place tear gas grenades are illegal.  Of course, we also carry a few large machetes and a sword or two near exit doors.  If asked, they're for cutting lines in the event of an emergency.  

I'm not saying everyone has to go to this extreme, but there's a lot of things (many of them affordable) that you can do that put you in a more advantageous situation.  I'd bet money this couple didn't even lock their doors.
Ok that is awesome.  You are living my dream.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 4:24:29 PM EDT
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@blackfox - How are you finding the starlink setup , in terms of how stable is it when you are under way ?
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I haven't actually traveled with the starlink yet, but I'm confident it will do well.  I purchased the actual marine version, so the dish is huge (probably 2.5'x2.5').  Starlink is really cracking down on people that use the RV versions on the ocean.  They cut your service off completely without notice if they catch you, so I went with the commercial system.  The biggest challenge with the marine version is that you have a quota for bandwidth, and you get hit with big fees for usage above that while underway.  At the current time they do NOT care if you run over your quota sitting in port.  the second you go off the dock, though, they hit you with overages.  Here are the Starlink maritime plans.  I'm currently blowing past my 50GB limit within a week, so we'll have to upgrade to the $1K/month plan when we start moving this summer.  The speed has been ridiculously great so far, and it integrated well with our onboard systems.  

My only bummer about Starlink in general is that the general public can now go to all the places I have had to myself for years.  Traffic in the Exumas, for example, has doubled since Starlink came out and everyone started working from home.  It's a lot harder to find quiet empty anchorages these days.  It is pretty crazy to think about doing a videoconference call in middle of the ocean, though!
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 4:41:01 PM EDT
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I have 28 cameras on board my boat, and every ipad or computer on the boat can view them (in addition to fixed screens throughout the boat).  Everyone thought I was a little paranoid at first.  I can't count the number of times someone said "thank goodness you have those cameras!"  There's always someone on the boat when we're outside of the US, and the expectation is that if they're awake they're in a position to watch the cameras.  There's really only two areas you can board my boat, and both have double-locking doors.  They also have cameras with motion sensors on them.  

Here's a sample view of the cameras:


Here's a guy that broke onto our boat in Mystic CT.  The local news ran footage of him and he was found very quickly.  A motion sensor woke me up and I chased him off the bow (he swam to safety).  


I also recently added a high end FLIR system with scanning ability.  It spins and looks for heat signatures, and then tracks and follows them once discovered.  This is very handy when on the hook.  


We have hardened locks on our doors that break "locked" when they break.  We have door sensors hooked to an alarm system that sounds an alarm at appropriate times.  We had an alarm system installed with manual buttons in every cabin that has audible sirens and strobes outside the boat. The ventilation systems are self-contained (meaning air from one cabin does not flow to the other, because our system uses chilled or heater water versus an air handler).  We have yet to find a place tear gas grenades are illegal.  Of course, we also carry a few large machetes and a sword or two near exit doors.  If asked, they're for cutting lines in the event of an emergency.  

I'm not saying everyone has to go to this extreme, but there's a lot of things (many of them affordable) that you can do that put you in a more advantageous situation.  I'd bet money this couple didn't even lock their doors.
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Cool and sad at the same time.  Sad that the world we live in requires this.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 5:01:49 PM EDT
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True everywhere but I imagine in the marine environment even more so. All kinds of considerations especially location dependent. Can radar (if you're so equipped) pick up and warn about even the smallest approaching craft? Guessing that may depend on weather or sea state. Is there such a thing as a boarding alarm?  Maintain 24 hour watch?  How friendly can you afford to be with apparently harmless other cruisers encountered at sea? Definitely would want nov/thermal.
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I've read about cases where shady cruisers killed others they met. Poor young hippie types killing older more affluent people to take their gear.

At sea with a possible pirate attack it seems it is often fishing boats or similar that might chase. In one video the female of the couple stayed out of sight when near sketchy motor boats. They would see the boat in the distance but were not necessary able to maintain distance, since the other craft might be faster.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 5:03:15 PM EDT
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I generally don't either.  The irony is that while I travel armed internationally, I have to travel the US disarmed because I go to NYC and Washington DC.  I also can't carry NODs or other ITAR regulated items within the US because I go further than 12nm offshore.
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What bullshit. All the nods Biden donated to taliban.
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 5:04:29 PM EDT
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I've read about cases where shady cruisers killed others they met. Poor young hippie types killing older more affluent people to take their gear.

At sea with a possible pirate attack it seems it is often fishing boats or similar that might chase. In one video the female of the couple stayed out of sight when near sketchy motor boats. They would see the boat in the distance but were not necessary able to maintain distance, since the other craft might be faster.
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Hiding the womenfolk is a good rule around USCG and other pirates
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 7:07:09 PM EDT
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I generally don't either.  The irony is that while I travel armed internationally, I have to travel the US disarmed because I go to NYC and Washington DC.  I also can't carry NODs or other ITAR regulated items within the US because I go further than 12nm offshore.
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I've never been to DC or NYC. And probably never will.

I'm glad.

Link Posted: 2/27/2024 7:55:30 PM EDT
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I haven't actually traveled with the starlink yet, but I'm confident it will do well.  I purchased the actual marine version, so the dish is huge (probably 2.5'x2.5').  Starlink is really cracking down on people that use the RV versions on the ocean.  They cut your service off completely without notice if they catch you, so I went with the commercial system.  The biggest challenge with the marine version is that you have a quota for bandwidth, and you get hit with big fees for usage above that while underway.  At the current time they do NOT care if you run over your quota sitting in port.  the second you go off the dock, though, they hit you with overages.  Here are the Starlink maritime plans.  I'm currently blowing past my 50GB limit within a week, so we'll have to upgrade to the $1K/month plan when we start moving this summer.  The speed has been ridiculously great so far, and it integrated well with our onboard systems.  

My only bummer about Starlink in general is that the general public can now go to all the places I have had to myself for years.  Traffic in the Exumas, for example, has doubled since Starlink came out and everyone started working from home.  It's a lot harder to find quiet empty anchorages these days.  It is pretty crazy to think about doing a videoconference call in middle of the ocean, though!
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@blackfox Yep Ive just got the marine version Ill be experimenting when it arrives and I can get out to the BVI (at least a couple of months out, Ill get it installed before we put it back in the water, its been an expensive year with new paint etc - well you know how that works ) I do have the original fixed set up at my acreage in the Texas Alps it functions very well out there - same deal we can stream 4k movies and do a video teams call at the same time, seems like a no-brainer, don't know how much I would use it in open water as most of our cruising is short, unless we are really bored and change islands,  I may go down to the ABC's later this summer I have some friends with a private quay in Curacao, I will have to beat my boys up for crew as that's a long ass way in a 43' cat which will really test the gb limit.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2024 8:14:38 PM EDT
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