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Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:08:02 AM EDT
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I thought it was common knowledge that rich people pay their way into good schools.
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I had lunch with Bobby Kennedy one time. That mother fucker couldn't get into Jr. College without a smooth mil being donated to somebody.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:09:19 AM EDT
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I care because bribery, fraud, tax evasion, conspiracy and getting over on others is bullshit.

Plus these are all Libs so I’m happy to see them get jammed up.

My only regret is not seeing aunt Becky get naked or stories of her fucking dudes to get her retard  babies into USC.
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And it's gone on forever.

Rich people right now are doing it.

The rules don't apply to them.

And these two cu ts in the news are NOT rich.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:11:06 AM EDT
College is mostly a joke...idgaf what occurs in academia as its all corrupt bullshit from the top down.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:14:16 AM EDT
It would be MAGNIFICENT if a clever attorney was able to use any tactics/techniques/procedures/precedents set in this situation to go after politicians.

Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:19:26 AM EDT
Don't care.  Parents have been buying Junior's admission since the founding of Oxford.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:24:36 AM EDT
I do.

College admissions is extraordinarily competitive.  When a kid with a 33 ACT and a 4.4, plays varsity sports for 4 years, is active in the community, leads student worship groups, yet still can't get into a State School, there's a problem.  Kids who do what "society" tells them but still don't reap the benefits?  Yeah, that's fucked up.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:26:09 AM EDT
Not a big problem, but find it mildly entertaining.

Get a chuckle that Aunt Becky's kid who wanted to be the next Kylie/Kim Kardashian despite having no talent and not being able to write properly won't get her chance. Best get into porn kid.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:27:38 AM EDT
it saddens me to see that Americans don't care about bribery, money laundry and mail fraud.

Not only that but a once great institution of America continues to circle closer to the drain.

I'm sure that there are individuals in the colleges that were in on this. I want to see them perp marched into court too.

One of the great things about this country was that it was merit based, if you worked hard did a good job you could get ahead.

any time we go away from that ordinary American should be pissed off.

Sad to see most of GD doesn't care.

the more we continue to shrug it off and allow it to continue the worse it will get.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:33:04 AM EDT
The biggest scandal is how fucking stupid the parents are.

Don’t they know they could have just made a legal tax deductible donation in the amounts mentioned to the university’s slush fund (Alumni, memorial or whatever each college calls it) and gotten their kid in easily.

Rich people have been buying admission slots forever.  These idiots were just too stupid to realize they don’t have to be all underhanded about bribes.

Anyone want to bet that if you write a million dollar check to a school your kid will miraculously be accepted and graduate with a degree unless they murder someone?
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:33:27 AM EDT
The only reason for money is to buy things.  Sometimes it is better food, sometimes it is a car, sometimes it is your kids into college.

We live in a society that money is the best tool of all.  Why are we giving these people grief for using it?
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:35:56 AM EDT
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If the people in question were minorities,  nobody would give a shit.
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So black rapper paid $70mm allegedly for his black daughter to go to Harvard or something.

Being a protected class seems irrelevant here
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:37:23 AM EDT
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the integrity of the system is based on good faith and good will that everyone abides by the rules and it's applied on an even playing field.
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Did you type that with a straight face?  The connected have always gotten special treatment since forever.

I’d bet Galileo and DaVinci had to deal with their classes being dragged down by some dumbass whose daddy made sure the boy got a good education then went on to drive dad’s business into the ground with mismanagement.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:38:26 AM EDT
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Wonder how many football afleets can read and write reel gud.
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I had a few in my Communication classes... it was as bad as you can imagine, and worse. Entire term papers typed in texting language.  Professor wants 15 pages, they turn in 3.  Group projects? Oh God!
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:40:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:41:01 AM EDT
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If the people in question were minorities,  nobody would give a shit.
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bribes are just white Affirmative Action

FPNI again!
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:43:01 AM EDT
I have a problem with how it was done, not that it was done. Giving money directly to the school? That is fine. Giving money to a coach to fake a scholarship. Bullshit. It is semantics.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:46:10 AM EDT
I have a problem with it, because my son was one of the ones who got screwed.

1580 SAT, 3.99 GPA, mom and aunt are Harvard alum (and Harvard does give preference to legacies).  Son applied to Harvard, Brown and Cornell, did not get accepted to any of them.   White Christian male.

So some rich white snot whose parents bribed someone took my son's potential spot. Because we all know minorities will still get in, but middle-class white kids are SOL.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:46:55 AM EDT
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I have met many ivy league grads in my life .I only met one who was worth the air he used - he was a Penn State grad.

the rest were utterly useless pieces of shit that were obsessed with hobbies like skiing, pot smoking, sailing, golf, , basically anything but work.
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Penn State isn't an ivy, fyi
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:47:56 AM EDT
Zero fucks given. No one should be exempt from laws due to fame/wealth.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:49:33 AM EDT
I don't think it is any worse than affirmative action based college admissions.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:50:00 AM EDT
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I have 4 degrees. College is a fucking scam unless your degree is in STEM. Learn a trade. I work 70+ hours a week for less than than 65k a year.
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College is supposed to expand your horizons and teach you to think.  Sadly, it has become a vo-tech school.  The first question that anyone asks is "what sort of job can you get with that degree?"

I'm a retired programmer.  They called me a software engineer but I was and always will be a programmer.  The best programmers that I worked with didn't have degrees in computer science or software engineering.   What degrees did they have?   Child Psychology.  Music.  Physics.  Philosophy.  I was considered good and my degree is in math and physics.

It used to be that any degree would guarantee you a job because you had demonstrated that you could learn and could think.   Now everyone want specialized degrees but I question the utility of those specialized degrees.

I work with a young fellow who has a "business degree"  but only took one accounting course.  For crying out loud, understanding basic accounting is fundamental to business.   I was also surprised to learn that you can get an MBA without ever taking Principles of Accounting.  Really?  That shouldn't be surprising as I had a boss with an MS in Computer Science who had NEVER written a line of code in any language.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:53:16 AM EDT
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I have 4 degrees. College is a fucking scam unless your degree is in STEM. Learn a trade. I work 70+ hours a week for less than than 65k a year.
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I don’t feel so bad now
No offense and all
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 9:54:28 AM EDT
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I thought it was common knowledge that rich people pay their way into good schools.
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The problem is that they did it the wrong way. If they would have endowed the money to the institution it wouldn’t have been an issue.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:00:30 AM EDT
If the perps were republicans the left would want them burned at the stake.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:02:50 AM EDT
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Did you type that with a straight face?  The connected have always gotten special treatment since forever.

I’d bet Galileo and DaVinci had to deal with their classes being dragged down by some dumbass whose daddy made sure the boy got a good education then went on to drive dad’s business into the ground with mismanagement.
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the integrity of the system is based on good faith and good will that everyone abides by the rules and it's applied on an even playing field.

Did you type that with a straight face?  The connected have always gotten special treatment since forever.

I’d bet Galileo and DaVinci had to deal with their classes being dragged down by some dumbass whose daddy made sure the boy got a good education then went on to drive dad’s business into the ground with mismanagement.
These aren't the people with businesses. All you have to do is watch continuous virtue-signaling Mika Brzezinski or Stephanie Ruhl on MSNBC to know they play the straight game and didn't pull strings to get  their crotch fruit into good schools. they are clubs for special people. Who will be credentialed to have well-paying jobs and liife-long contacts who also game the system, no matter how stupid they are.

Look, nothing is perfect. But when the ideal has a smaller separation from reality, then you can abide. When there's a huge fookin' gulf and people are pissing rain down your back, well that's going to go places. We're almost there where no-one will give a damn and the system is abandoned because its such a sham. It's going to be anything but glorious. Can't wait.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:03:42 AM EDT
Not really, scamming the scammers is about all it amounts to.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:06:42 AM EDT
Meh they act like this is the first time this shit happened. Not the truth that its been going on from day 1 and not just in schools
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:08:55 AM EDT
My family came here in the 1960s from Cuba. My grandparents arrived in the US with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They sacrificed and worked and eventually through the legal process got their citizenship. If I were to apply to a private university in 17 states today, I would be ineligible for in-state tuition rates. On the other hand, an ILLEGAL immigrant today would be eligible for in-state tuition, financial aid, even a scholarship which I would not be offered as a citizen. As long as that's the case, I couldn't care less who colleges decide to admit, because the playing field has NEVER been level. The institution of "higher education" in the US is a fucking scam anyways.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:09:23 AM EDT
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College is supposed to expand your horizons and teach you to think.  Sadly, it has become a vo-tech school.  The first question that anyone asks is "what sort of job can you get with that degree?"

I'm a retired programmer.  They called me a software engineer but I was and always will be a programmer.  The best programmers that I worked with didn't have degrees in computer science or software engineering.   What degrees did they have?   Child Psychology.  Music.  Physics.  Philosophy.  I was considered good and my degree is in math and physics.

It used to be that any degree would guarantee you a job because you had demonstrated that you could learn and could think.   Now everyone want specialized degrees but I question the utility of those specialized degrees.

I work with a young fellow who has a "business degree"  but only took one accounting course.  For crying out loud, understanding basic accounting is fundamental to business.   I was also surprised to learn that you can get an MBA without ever taking Principles of Accounting.  Really?  That shouldn't be surprising as I had a boss with an MS in Computer Science who had NEVER written a line of code in any language.
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I have 4 degrees. College is a fucking scam unless your degree is in STEM. Learn a trade. I work 70+ hours a week for less than than 65k a year.
College is supposed to expand your horizons and teach you to think.  Sadly, it has become a vo-tech school.  The first question that anyone asks is "what sort of job can you get with that degree?"

I'm a retired programmer.  They called me a software engineer but I was and always will be a programmer.  The best programmers that I worked with didn't have degrees in computer science or software engineering.   What degrees did they have?   Child Psychology.  Music.  Physics.  Philosophy.  I was considered good and my degree is in math and physics.

It used to be that any degree would guarantee you a job because you had demonstrated that you could learn and could think.   Now everyone want specialized degrees but I question the utility of those specialized degrees.

I work with a young fellow who has a "business degree"  but only took one accounting course.  For crying out loud, understanding basic accounting is fundamental to business.   I was also surprised to learn that you can get an MBA without ever taking Principles of Accounting.  Really?  That shouldn't be surprising as I had a boss with an MS in Computer Science who had NEVER written a line of code in any language.
No. it's become exclusive club affiliation. Cultural Marxism ensuring its success in marching through the institutions and changing the culture. There's no challenge to actual learning once you are accepted. You belong. You repeat the correct mantras. You believe all the right things. Like climate change and Patriarchy. You have been accepted into the club. And you will contribute to it going forward. Because you economic success and continued membership in the club is tied to that.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:11:20 AM EDT
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Don't care.  Parents have been buying Junior's admission since the founding of Oxford.
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It was old news then compared to Plato's Academy.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:12:03 AM EDT
Not really.  I think this is an internal college issue and really don't think my tax dollars should be wasted prosecuting this shit.

I went to one of the schools involved.  But my parents were too poor to bribe anyone.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:12:25 AM EDT
Rich folk paying for a building or funding a scholarship, well that is just the way it goes.

You pay someone to change test scores... fake sport and academics.... that crosses the line.  Esp when it is Hollywood types that sit all pompous and tell me how I should live my life.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:12:50 AM EDT
There's plenty of actual fraud involved, so there's that. The hilarious irony is that had the parents donated directly to the university, they probably wouldn't have had to fake all that crap, and it wouldn't be news...then again, the donations would have had to be much larger.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:12:56 AM EDT
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Not really.  I think this is an internal college issue and really don't think my tax dollars should be wasted prosecuting this shit.
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Yup.  This is at worst a state issue for public schools.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:14:28 AM EDT
Are we a nation of laws are aren't we? Yes I have a problem with this.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:16:43 AM EDT
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Don't really have a problem with it.  Money talks, always has, and will likely continue to for the foreseeable future.

If it is a private institution, I really don't care.  They can let in whomever they choose.
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I just don't understand what the issue is in the first place. College is literally pay to play. It doesn't matter who the fuck you are, or how smart you are - if you, or someone else, can't pay on your behalf -you don't go. Scholarships are just the University agreeing to pay on your behalf.

Some folks are just more willing to pay.

Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:20:21 AM EDT
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Yup.  This is at worst a state issue for public schools.
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Not really.  I think this is an internal college issue and really don't think my tax dollars should be wasted prosecuting this shit.
Yup.  This is at worst a state issue for public schools.
the wire and mail fraud, and the money laundering brought in the DOJ.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:21:37 AM EDT
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The only reason for money is to buy things.  Sometimes it is better food, sometimes it is a car, sometimes it is your kids into college.

We live in a society that money is the best tool of all.  Why are we giving these people grief for using it?
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GD in every other thread:  The foundation of our society and the American dream is a merit based system where hard work earns you success.  Programs like affirmative action are destroying the bedrock of our foundation.

GD in this thread:  If you have money, you should be able to buy and cheat your way to the top and have a clear advantage over others who actually earned their spot.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:23:12 AM EDT
It's illegal and they SHOULD pay the penalty for doing it.

That being said, I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch, if they manage to weasel out of any punishment. Shit happens and it's not a violent crime.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:24:59 AM EDT
Zero fucks at all from me, other than to see libs get eaten alive.

Government doesn't belong in this equation, and it's only because they've imposed themselves that this elaborate charade was even necessary.

The colleges are private institutions; businesses. If someone approaches them with an offer, they should be able to accept it, just like any other business in the world.

Once again it's government where government doesn't belong.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:27:05 AM EDT
IMO If it’s private schools, that use no tax money, they can have any admissions criteria they desire.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:29:19 AM EDT
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Zero fucks at all from me, other than to see libs get eaten alive.

Government doesn't belong in this equation, and it's only because they've imposed themselves that this elaborate charade was even necessary.

The colleges are private institutions; businesses. If someone approaches them with an offer, they should be able to accept it, just like any other business in the world.

Once again it's government where government doesn't belong.
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I don't think the parents were donating to the schools and some were laundering money through fake charities.

Very few colleges are private most recieve billions of dollars of tax money.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:29:44 AM EDT
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the wire and mail fraud, and the money laundering brought in the DOJ.
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Not really.  I think this is an internal college issue and really don't think my tax dollars should be wasted prosecuting this shit.
Yup.  This is at worst a state issue for public schools.
the wire and mail fraud, and the money laundering brought in the DOJ.
Who was the victim of the fraud again?
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:30:28 AM EDT
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GD in every other thread:  The foundation of our society and the American dream is a merit based system where hard work earns you success.  Programs like affirmative action are destroying the bedrock of our foundation.

GD in this thread:  If you have money, you should be able to buy and cheat your way to the top and have a clear advantage over others who actually earned their spot.
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The only reason for money is to buy things.  Sometimes it is better food, sometimes it is a car, sometimes it is your kids into college.

We live in a society that money is the best tool of all.  Why are we giving these people grief for using it?
GD in every other thread:  The foundation of our society and the American dream is a merit based system where hard work earns you success.  Programs like affirmative action are destroying the bedrock of our foundation.

GD in this thread:  If you have money, you should be able to buy and cheat your way to the top and have a clear advantage over others who actually earned their spot.
I think the difference is, one is reality based (Money buys you what you want) as opposed to fantasy based (Merit should *always* be the deciding factor).

Do you want reality or do you want fantasy?  You can mouth one while you believe the other, but it makes for a difficult world view and probably an unhappy life.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:30:51 AM EDT
Why aren't the schools being held accountable for this?
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Because this was done without the schools' knowledge.   A number of coaches who were (largely) in jobs propped up by Title IX were running bribery scams for admission.  In some cases, they were using the schools' accounts to funnel and embezzle the money.  In other cases, they took the money directly from the parents or the scamming preparatory company.

These employees were acting outside of any authorization from their employer, and using employer resources for personal enrichment.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:31:06 AM EDT
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IMO If it’s private schools, that use no tax money, they can have any admissions criteria they desire.
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they'd need to list this as an admittance option on the application. To be fair.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:31:52 AM EDT
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IMO If it’s private schools, that use no tax money, they can have any admissions criteria they desire.
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Exactly.  If I open a college and admit only redheads despite their academic resume it's nobody's problem but mine.  If my admissions staff starts taking bribes to allow blondes in too that's not a federal matter.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:32:21 AM EDT
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I just love bribery, forgery, tax evasion, false swearing, money laundering.  Nothing wrong with that at all.
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It's gotten to the point I can't be sure this post is sarcastic.
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:32:47 AM EDT
I don't understand why it's a thing. I'm not sure why colleges don't auction off open berths a year
Link Posted: 4/10/2019 10:32:52 AM EDT
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Who was the victim of the fraud again?
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The American people.
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