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Link Posted: 8/17/2021 8:16:15 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/17/2021 8:34:19 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Ranxerox911] [#2]
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Originally Posted By guns762:

The canopy has been giving me nightmares since we decided to do this project.  Hopefully we can pull it off.
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Originally Posted By Ranxerox911:

I've had good luck heating acrylic (plexiglass) in an oven, and then forming it over a mold - it's really malleable when it is heated up.  I used a two part compression mold because the application I had in mind required the final part to be precise;  basically a mold with a void in the middle in the shape of the part you want to produce.  The tricky part is heating the acrylic: a little too much heat and bubbles form in the acrylic, way too much heat and you have a puddle of acrylic, etc., etc.

The canopy has been giving me nightmares since we decided to do this project.  Hopefully we can pull it off.

I understand the nightmare thing - comes with the territory, lol.  I use polyurethane tooling board to form the mold, it's easy to shape and can be repaired with Bondo.  I have the benefit of CNC machines, but you could use that router I saw in some pics to machine "slices" that when stacked together would form the canopy (the router can cut 3d shapes, right?).  Years ago, we used this approach to build the shark from Universal Studio's "Jaws" ride for some hydrodynamic testing.  I have some pics around here somewhere, I'll see if I can dig them up.

We did the aircraft carrier bow in a similar fashion, but shaped it by hand rather than CNC:

Attachment Attached File

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The Shark (apologies if I've posted before):

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Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/17/2021 8:48:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2021 8:53:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MissileCop:
Yeah, yeah....blah....blah....blah, when are the t-shirts being offered, and we give you our money to help out?

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This again
Link Posted: 8/17/2021 9:05:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2021 9:07:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2021 9:47:06 PM EDT
Im in for a donation of at least 500 bucks. but, im not even drunk yet, so probably more. multiple times lmfao. I love these threads!
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:07:16 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ringsting:
Totz in on this!!
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......We're still missing Snoopy's Flying Doghouse......
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:15:05 AM EDT
I would have loved to have been one of your students when I was in school. I missed out.
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:26:25 AM EDT
Some sort of servo actuator for the bay doors would be cool as was stated earlier.  Even cooler would be some kind of clear "hanger" to pop an 120 AMRAAM out and then back in...

Might be too complicated but that would be cool!
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:40:30 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By BRS1912:  Some sort of servo actuator for the bay doors would be cool as was stated earlier.  Even cooler would be some kind of clear "hanger" to pop an 120 AMRAAM out and then back in...

Might be too complicated but that would be cool!
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Rechargeable compressed air rocket that recharges in the launch bay, then shoots off down the track, only to be retracted up again, bay doors close and the air compressor starts up again?  

Get robotics AND the physics students involved.
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 10:59:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 11:06:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By widowed2012:  Rivets!!!!!!!!!!!
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I think the rivets are internal on the F-22.  
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 11:09:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By backbencher:

I think the rivets are internal on the F-22.  
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Originally Posted By backbencher:
Originally Posted By widowed2012:  Rivets!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the rivets are internal on the F-22.  

Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:28:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By widowed2012:
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Oh no you didn't.
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:30:54 PM EDT
 No green leaves to paint.

There's that.
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:35:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:49:14 PM EDT
Fluffy clouds?
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:53:17 PM EDT
[Last Edit: MJL99] [#19]
Oh shit! Tagged this bitch. This is amazing and wish we had things like this when i was in school. Best i got was forging and soldering metals in my metals art class.

Eta. Is a go fund me out of the question here for this project? I don't really need a shirt but I'd like to chip in somewhere financially.
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 12:54:57 PM EDT

Missle exhaust?

Snoopy should be the pilot
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 1:12:17 PM EDT
Snoopy VS the Taliban
Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 8/18/2021 8:30:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 8:33:03 PM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#23]
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 8:36:59 PM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#24]
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 8:42:23 PM EDT
In for another cool project and t-shirt buying’!
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 8:52:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

There is actually a distinct possibility of leaves being needed for what I'm thinking the final display might look like.
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Originally Posted By Seiran:
Originally Posted By GiggleSmith:
 No green leaves to paint.

There's that.

There is actually a distinct possibility of leaves being needed for what I'm thinking the final display might look like.

Students calling you a dick yet?
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 9:42:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:  There is actually a distinct possibility of leaves being needed for what I'm thinking the final display might look like.
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Genetically modified Martian leaves that grow rivets that have escaped from Mars - and grow wherever there are piles of tiles?  
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 10:32:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/18/2021 11:43:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:27:01 AM EDT
In - love reading these. Now that the financial anchor has been cut loose perhaps I can actually donate this year.
If you let the other clubs run wild with you, this could be amazing. This time the sky IS the limit!
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 9:34:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

That is pretty cool!  I got to do a little of that in college and it was really fun.  

You can always send a check to PHS Art Guild using the Powell High School address.  We also have set up a way to just donate money during the tshirt campaign.  You don't have to buy one our totally awesome shirts.

I've got a very nice donation to give credit to this week.  I just need a little time at my desktop.
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Yes it was pretty cool and probably the best part of high school. The engagement in that got me into basically being the type of person that is more diy and convinced me i can do more then i thought i was capable of. It's that attitude that set me on my path into the military as well.

So imo this type learning is much better for kids that age than regular boring classroom work. It gives them a goal to work towards and understand the reasoning behind what they're leaning and ways to apply it. I'll never forget constantly asking myself in math class, when will i ever use this stuff in real life? And it's a horrible detriment to overcoming a learning barrier.

While i don't have checks to send since i basically do everything electronic these days, I'll be on the lookout for the t shirt sale to hear donate funds to. Or i can just order a t shirt with it and give it to my niece or nephew i guess lol
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 11:01:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 11:41:24 AM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#33]
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 11:57:11 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Update 8/19

Our first donation of the year is a special one, and makes the beginning of this project all that more special.  

Sharon, thank you so much for the gift card, but especially Edward's files.  Both will be utilized to make this year's project a success.

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That's very nice of Sharon.  
Dang-it kinda dusty in here.
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 12:17:47 PM EDT
T-shirt link?  Or did I miss it?
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 12:20:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:02:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

It's a little early yet.....students don't show up till next Tuesday.   I'll try to get them started on the designs, but often it's better to let the project develop a bit before we finalize designs.   Students get more buy-in that way, and the display tends to develop in ways we weren't expecting, leading to cooler designs.
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Originally Posted By 2tired2run:
T-shirt link?  Or did I miss it?

It's a little early yet.....students don't show up till next Tuesday.   I'll try to get them started on the designs, but often it's better to let the project develop a bit before we finalize designs.   Students get more buy-in that way, and the display tends to develop in ways we weren't expecting, leading to cooler designs.

Slackers should have been working it over the summer break.  
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:04:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Update 8/19

Our first donation of the year is a special one, and makes the beginning of this project all that more special.  

Sharon, thank you so much for the gift card, but especially Edward's files.  Both will be utilized to make this year's project a success.

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Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:24:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By widowed2012:

Missle exhaust?

Snoopy should be the pilot
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Second The Motion!

Worse comes to worse:
Where the pilots name is you can have Col. Snoopy or the AF Sgt in charge of the aircraft.

Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:35:20 PM EDT

Didn't want to derail thread so I thought I would get this in before kids were back and project really got going. I just wanted to thank you because in late June I punch my Dad card for the second time. Shuttle shirt was again worn as it proved to be lucky for first born in 2018. Baby girl did not take nearly as long as her older brother to come out, so shirt didn't nearly smell as bead this time.

Kira was born on June 23rd:

And for reference this was Calvin back in 2018:

Thank you again sir.
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:42:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:45:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:46:53 PM EDT
Tagging this...I got a family of 5 that needs to be outfit in some F22 gear.

Link Posted: 8/19/2021 1:57:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:  Update 8/19

Our first donation of the year is a special one, and makes the beginning of this project all that more special.  

Sharon, thank you so much for the gift card, but especially Edward's files.  Both will be utilized to make this year's project a success.

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Having a real problem w/ dust in the house @ the moment.  Still have my Canton Come & Take It shirt, wear it to nearly every gunshow.  Will have to wash it soon.  
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 4:06:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 5:01:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 5:14:40 PM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#47]
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 5:54:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:  So, this year might be a bit different....

I sold my sanity last spring.    There are so many students that want to take Art 1(more than 60), I was asked to teach a "0" hour.   I'd be paid 1/7 of my salary extra.   Pretty decent amount of money, but it would be crazy.   I would have given up my "prep" hour, or taught a class at 7am.    I did that once.   It was a long year.   I decided to make a deal with my Principal.   I'd teach the 3rd section of Art 1 instead of having a dedicated Art 3,4,5(advanced students), and then sprinkle them through out the day in their own sections, I would teach
them at the same time I'm teaching my other sections.  

This was essentially going on already.   The only thing that is different, is I don't get my advanced kids all by themselves.  This will suck a bit, as it was always probably my favorite hour to teach. Now, I will have two classrooms going at the same time.   Most combinations of sections for each hour will be close to 30; 20 in my regular class, and about 10 advanced.  This gives my total class numbers a bump from around 120-130 to around 170-180.

My Principal agreed to spot us about $2000 extra in supplies.    Hope my sanity was worth it.
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Umm, did you consider creating an OnlyFans account for the Burt Reynolds lovers out there?  Might have been easier...  
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 6:25:44 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

It's a little early yet.....students don't show up till next Tuesday.   I'll try to get them started on the designs, but often it's better to let the project develop a bit before we finalize designs.   Students get more buy-in that way, and the display tends to develop in ways we weren't expecting, leading to cooler designs.
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Originally Posted By 2tired2run:
T-shirt link?  Or did I miss it?

It's a little early yet.....students don't show up till next Tuesday.   I'll try to get them started on the designs, but often it's better to let the project develop a bit before we finalize designs.   Students get more buy-in that way, and the display tends to develop in ways we weren't expecting, leading to cooler designs.

Dude this is Arfcom....we don't care what it looks like we'll still buy all you have.
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 7:57:04 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AZNetEng] [#50]
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Update 8/19

Our first donation of the year is a special one, and makes the beginning of this project all that more special.  

Sharon, thank you so much for the gift card, but especially Edward's files.  Both will be utilized to make this year's project a success.

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Damn it's dusty in here.

ETA: I see I'm not the only one.
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