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Link Posted: 8/19/2021 9:39:36 PM EDT
this is freaking awesome.  No idea how I missed this thread.
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 10:09:31 PM EDT
[Last Edit: brass] [#2]
Link Posted: 8/19/2021 10:26:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By brass:

It's not about the money, it's about teaching and learning and doing something you love.   The side effect that we think it is awesome too is a huge bonus and likely worth your sanity trade.  Some of us traded away our sanity long ago.

Love learning multiple disciplines and loving teaching is more important than the kids you lead or your paycheck.   The magic is that your passion seeps into the students creating a better batch of hope for everybody's future.

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Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By guns762:
So, this year might be a bit different....

I sold my sanity last spring.    There are so many students that want to take Art 1(more than 60), I was asked to teach a "0" hour.   I'd be paid 1/7 of my salary extra.   Pretty decent amount of money, but it would be crazy.   I would have given up my "prep" hour, or taught a class at 7am.    I did that once.   It was a long year.   I decided to make a deal with my Principal.   I'd teach the 3rd section of Art 1 instead of having a dedicated Art 3,4,5(advanced students), and then sprinkle them through out the day in their own sections, I would teach
them at the same time I'm teaching my other sections.  

This was essentially going on already.   The only thing that is different, is I don't get my advanced kids all by themselves.  This will suck a bit, as it was always probably my favorite hour to teach. Now, I will have two classrooms going at the same time.   Most combinations of sections for each hour will be close to 30; 20 in my regular class, and about 10 advanced.  This gives my total class numbers a bump from around 120-130 to around 170-180.

My Principal agreed to spot us about $2000 extra in supplies.    Hope my sanity was worth it.

It's not about the money, it's about teaching and learning and doing something you love.   The side effect that we think it is awesome too is a huge bonus and likely worth your sanity trade.  Some of us traded away our sanity long ago.

Love learning multiple disciplines and loving teaching is more important than the kids you lead or your paycheck.   The magic is that your passion seeps into the students creating a better batch of hope for everybody's future.

We need to clone Guns. That's all there is to it.
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 8:34:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AZNetEng:
We need to clone Guns. That's all there is to it.
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We all need more Guns on occasion.
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 10:02:58 AM EDT
In on page three?
How can this be?  
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 10:20:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 11:26:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

Those T-shirts have a wall of fame....  
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Going to have to go up to Sacramento Rail Museum again with my Panther Locomotive Works shirt!

Bonus points for whoever wears their Mars shirts on location!!

Can't wait to see this year's project progress!
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 11:57:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#8]
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 12:33:07 PM EDT
[Last Edit: UncleEric] [#9]
Snoopy flying the Red Baron's triplane!    This!   With his scarf floating in the breeze.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 12:54:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:
So last night it hit me a bit.......  

What are we going to do with the pole?    We incorporated it into the bridge with the Baldwin locomotive, the Washington Monument with our Marine One, and as a SuperHeavy Starship with our Mission to Mars.  

Seems we could do a Aircraft Control Tower?  Maybe have an F-14 doing a flyby?   I hope I have some students who like doing model aircraft.

So we need Snoopy flying his doghouse, or do we want him flying the Red Baron's triplane?

I'm hoping we can make a Spitfire taxing out of the hanger in the corner...maybe motorized on a track?

As for the missile firing from the Raptor.   I had a discussion with the Robotics teacher.   He thought we might be able to hang a window drape track above our F22 and have the missile be attached to a line that connected to the motorized drape track.  It starts where the bay doors open, revealing the missile, then stops in the same place when it comes back around, to have the doors close over top of it, until the motion sensor is triggered again?

Going to have to research the motorized drapery tracks.
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Have Snoopy on top of the Raptor with his doghouse on the ground-symbolize his imagination.
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 2:09:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By UncleEric:
Snoopy flying the Red Baron's triplane!    This!   With his scarf floating in the breeze.

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Yes!  But snoopy needs a machine gun.
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 2:14:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 2:28:28 PM EDT
Awesome thread as always. You are a fucking national treasure man. I wish we could clone you
Link Posted: 8/20/2021 4:09:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By cccpNyC:
Awesome thread as always. You are a fucking national treasure man. I wish we could clone you
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Working on it. Shhh though. Don't want him to find out.

Link Posted: 8/23/2021 3:53:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 3:55:07 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

Update 8/23  
Total cost as of 5/6/21    $196.77
+ $94.00 for 2x6, 2x2s and 1x2s

Total spent so far     $290.00


This is what $94 buys....
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Time to institute "bring a pine tree for show and tell" day?
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 3:56:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 3:57:16 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:
My wife says we need to have a sensor and speaker in the ACT announcing, "Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full" when someone walks by in the hallway.   I like this.  
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May have just answered your "what to do with the column" problem too.
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:02:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:10:04 PM EDT
My life probably would have turned out a lot differently had something like this been around when I was in school.  The whole thing, from concept to execution, reeks of awesomeness.  

Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:19:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:29:48 PM EDT
Great video, Guns. Thanks for the recap.

My wife and I passed through WY back in June. We thought of the school and projects, but we didn't want to bother you during summer vacation. Maybe next time.
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:40:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:43:48 PM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#24]
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 4:51:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 5:00:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 5:35:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:
My wife says we need to have a sensor and speaker in the ACT announcing, "Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full" when someone walks by in the hallway.   I like this.  
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If they don't know that quote - their education is sadly lacking.

(And for those of you born AFTER that movie was made - I Don't Care! Get Off My Lawn!)

You need {a certain president} spilling coffee on himself in the control tower.
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 5:48:54 PM EDT
Heck yeah I love these threads. Wish I could have done a cool project like this in HS.
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 6:07:54 PM EDT
Thanks for the video, that showed sides of the projects that I had never seen before. That was a lot of fun. Too bad I'm nowhere near where you are. Looking forward to seeing this project go forward!
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 6:15:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By armoredman:
Thanks for the video, that showed sides of the projects that I had never seen before. That was a lot of fun. Too bad I'm nowhere near where you are. Looking forward to seeing this project go forward!
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We ought to do a road trip. Get the AZHTF contingent to wander up, see the speedgoats and tour the HS.

(It'll never happen. We'd get stopped at the state line for attempting to contribute to the delinquency of minors.)
Link Posted: 8/23/2021 7:20:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 10:55:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 3:20:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: brass] [#33]
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 3:30:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Update 8/19

Our first donation of the year is a special one, and makes the beginning of this project all that more special.  

Sharon, thank you so much for the gift card, but especially Edward's files.  Both will be utilized to make this year's project a success.

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That is so dang cool!

Link Posted: 8/24/2021 3:46:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By brass:

Which raytheon?  We have one nearby here that has a building at EROS Data Center and other fun stuff.  Son interened at one in Delaware for Antarctic ORCA cosmic ray research, your son works at one... they're everywhere.  

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I heard EROS controls the weather.
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 4:52:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 4:59:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By brass:

Shhh, we're not supposed to talk about that, which is HAARP.  Or Earthquakes??  I get confused as to who id doing what these days but if they could control the weather we wouldn't get feet of snow every winter followed by 110°F summers., they're not very good at it.

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Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By widowed2012:
Originally Posted By brass:

Which raytheon?  We have one nearby here that has a building at EROS Data Center and other fun stuff.  Son interened at one in Delaware for Antarctic ORCA cosmic ray research, your son works at one... they're everywhere.  

I heard EROS controls the weather.

Shhh, we're not supposed to talk about that, which is HAARP.  Or Earthquakes??  I get confused as to who id doing what these days but if they could control the weather we wouldn't get feet of snow every winter followed by 110°F summers., they're not very good at it.

Link Posted: 8/24/2021 9:43:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 9:47:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 9:54:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 10:00:53 PM EDT
I have an idea to help better display the F-22.  
Make it inverted, and have the pilot 'Communicating. Keeping up foreign relations.'
Link Posted: 8/24/2021 10:05:32 PM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#42]
Link Posted: 8/25/2021 12:01:15 PM EDT
[Last Edit: guns762] [#43]
Link Posted: 8/25/2021 12:06:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2021 8:02:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By guns762:

Definitely was discussed, but we lose out on the bay doors be in able to be seen.

Too many of my students haven't seen the movie.

Hopefully the new Top Gun movie gets released this fall/winter and they get a chance to see the original too.
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Originally Posted By guns762:
Originally Posted By Leisure_Shoot:
I have an idea to help better display the F-22.  
Make it inverted, and have the pilot 'Communicating. Keeping up foreign relations.'

Definitely was discussed, but we lose out on the bay doors be in able to be seen.

Too many of my students haven't seen the movie.

Hopefully the new Top Gun movie gets released this fall/winter and they get a chance to see the original too.

Have you thought about, Showing  the original "Top Gun" in the class?  

Knowing you might have to come up with some way to sell the viewing of the film in a "Lesson Plan" or whatever they call it today.

This  is an older and a ""historical"" film after all.  So,  this is not for entertainment, this is for study of examples about working with models of the F-14 planes and AIM-7 Sparrow missiles(model rockets).

A lesson about being too good.  So much, that the special effects depart had the wrath of Navy Head Brass come down on the film producers and the studio. All for thinking they filmed 3-4 Missiles firing from the F-14's instead of allowed and ""bought"" 2 missiles . Apparently the F/X  Team being practical,  back in the  1980'S there was no CGI option, with models that were good enough the  Department of the Navy conducted a preliminary investigation because they thought  they had gotten in a 3rd and possibly a 4th real missile fired from the F-14's  than in the deal.  So there is lot of good modeling history to the film also.   Study the film and special features on the DVD/Blu Ray may actual help with practical information or just inspire.  Please promise to accidental turn up and Blast the volume to make the kids in the nearby classrooms jealous as they flyby the tower.  That  will just add more to the  legend the students talk about you  and your classroom.

Remembering back at the time the film was given "permission" to be on the ship and to put cameras in planes, which was a big deal. The military and Hollywood hadn't played nice together and there was bad blood over some films. Which also lead to strict policy of making sure the films that were allowed to use Pentagon Equipment and Personnel had show everything in a good light.    The Navy didn't see the advantage and/or value of the film. Until after its release and a sudden issue of too many wannabe future Naval Aviators coming into their recruitment office.  Which lead to them at first setting up recruitment stands outside the theaters to get those adrenaline excited  people walking out to sign up or at least engage. Then  later the Navy actually buying the film rights from the studio (which was unheard of) since it was such a great recruiting tool.  They were going to pay to make commercial to put on every vhs tape before the move but their marketing department told them not to as the whole move did that for them already far better.   Which is why so many of us got to to see the film on HBO and even on free tv and even own copies for far lower prices than most films on VHS.  The Navy viewed the expense as a recruitment commercial,  that worked in reverse as they often got paid for showing the film from broadcasting fees.  The Pentagon had charged Paramount Pictures 1.8 million dollars to use all of their planes and aircraft carriers for the film. For the opening of the film, director Tony Scott wanted to shoot aircraft taking off and landing on the aircraft carrier, back-lit by the sun. The carrier captain had changed course of the ship, and when the Director asked if the ship could continue on the previous course and speed, he was told that turning the ship cost $25,000. Scott then wrote the captain a quick $25,000 check so the ship could be turned and he could keep shooting for another five minutes. It rumored that the check bounced. So much  money shuffled around on that film deal between the studios and the Navy it was like a shell game.

Another trick to get the film approved  might  be to see if the Local Naval Recruiter would be willing to come show the film and speak to your class about it and the F-22.    Which of course the recruiter  would bring helpful materials on the F-22 Raptor,  that they would have easier access to  and are allowed to share. I'm sure local recruiter can and would be of help if you need information or someone as contact that is a hands on person in real life.

Worst case can you make it  a homework assignment?

If you use Snoopy, he always flies Against the Red Barron and Germany usually in a Camel.  Do not insult this Noble Beagle by putting him in a German plane.

In case you need a reminder, also  a suggestion for an alt music trigger file option for the holidays

?? Snoopy's Christmas vs. The Red Baron - The Royal Guardsmen

Link Posted: 8/27/2021 9:07:32 AM EDT
Your projects are so cool... Im envious that I never had any cool classes in school, and even our clubs were lame.
Link Posted: 8/27/2021 9:16:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By kudzunc:

Have you thought about, Showing  the original "Top Gun" in the class?  

Knowing you might have to come up with some way to sell the viewing of the film in a "Lesson Plan" or whatever they call it today.

This  is an older and a ""historical"" film after all.  So,  this is not for entertainment, this is for study of examples about working with models of the F-14 planes and AIM-7 Sparrow missiles(model rockets).

A lesson about being too good.  So much, that the special effects depart had the wrath of Navy Head Brass come down on the film producers and the studio. All for thinking they filmed 3-4 Missiles firing from the F-14's instead of allowed and ""bought"" 2 missiles . Apparently the F/X  Team being practical,  back in the  1980'S there was no CGI option, with models that were good enough the  Department of the Navy conducted a preliminary investigation because they thought  they had gotten in a 3rd and possibly a 4th real missile fired from the F-14's  than in the deal.  So there is lot of good modeling history to the film also.   Study the film and special features on the DVD/Blu Ray may actual help with practical information or just inspire.  Please promise to accidental turn up and Blast the volume to make the kids in the nearby classrooms jealous as they flyby the tower.  That  will just add more to the  legend the students talk about you  and your classroom.

Remembering back at the time the film was given "permission" to be on the ship and to put cameras in planes, which was a big deal. The military and Hollywood hadn't played nice together and there was bad blood over some films. Which also lead to strict policy of making sure the films that were allowed to use Pentagon Equipment and Personnel had show everything in a good light.    The Navy didn't see the advantage and/or value of the film. Until after its release and a sudden issue of too many wannabe future Naval Aviators coming into their recruitment office.  Which lead to them at first setting up recruitment stands outside the theaters to get those adrenaline excited  people walking out to sign up or at least engage. Then  later the Navy actually buying the film rights from the studio (which was unheard of) since it was such a great recruiting tool.  They were going to pay to make commercial to put on every vhs tape before the move but their marketing department told them not to as the whole move did that for them already far better.   Which is why so many of us got to to see the film on HBO and even on free tv and even own copies for far lower prices than most films on VHS.  The Navy viewed the expense as a recruitment commercial,  that worked in reverse as they often got paid for showing the film from broadcasting fees.  The Pentagon had charged Paramount Pictures 1.8 million dollars to use all of their planes and aircraft carriers for the film. For the opening of the film, director Tony Scott wanted to shoot aircraft taking off and landing on the aircraft carrier, back-lit by the sun. The carrier captain had changed course of the ship, and when the Director asked if the ship could continue on the previous course and speed, he was told that turning the ship cost $25,000. Scott then wrote the captain a quick $25,000 check so the ship could be turned and he could keep shooting for another five minutes. It rumored that the check bounced. So much  money shuffled around on that film deal between the studios and the Navy it was like a shell game.

Another trick to get the film approved  might  be to see if the Local Naval Recruiter would be willing to come show the film and speak to your class about it and the F-22.    Which of course the recruiter  would bring helpful materials on the F-22 Raptor,  that they would have easier access to  and are allowed to share. I'm sure local recruiter can and would be of help if you need information or someone as contact that is a hands on person in real life.

Worst case can you make it  a homework assignment?

If you use Snoopy, he always flies Against the Red Barron and Germany usually in a Camel.  Do not insult this Noble Beagle by putting him in a German plane.


In case you need a reminder, also  a suggestion for an alt music trigger file option for the holidays

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Quibbling over details, the movie selection should probably be Iron Eagle.
Link Posted: 8/27/2021 9:20:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2021 9:25:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2021 9:31:47 AM EDT
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