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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:03:40 PM EDT
The question is absurd. There is an abundance of proof for "white" people to have been in America (including S. America) for thousands of years. There is no "native." People are highly nomadic and apart from seemingly no light-skinned races wanting to enter Africa except recently in S. Africa, people are always on the move.

If we took out the direct contact with "Native Americans," and came over some 500 years after they had left or their civilization had passed on, we would know almost nothing about them. They left behind very little material culture apart from some stone tools. A good example are the Anasazi. We only know about them from verbal legends and the stone homes they left behind. Take away the verbal history, along with the rest of the "native" world, and it would mostly be a mystery as to who they were.

Given that 400 years of science has been "establishing" some sort of "truth" about the Americas, and it's going to be a long time before anyone changes their mind, even with bombshell findings.

Here's an interesting read on comparing Thor to Quetzalacoatl. There have also been numerous statues with completely caucasian features found throughout S. America.
Thor vs Quetzalacoatl
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:11:09 PM EDT
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AzzFaceKillah: I know my families heritage a good bit. But how long have they been here?
This ain't a trick. The internet searches are quite obviously bullshit. Hell I own a house built in 1853.
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AzzFaceKillah: I know my families heritage a good bit. But how long have they been here?
This ain't a trick. The internet searches are quite obviously bullshit. Hell I own a house built in 1853.
Well Mister AzzFaceKillah, British settlers deliberately began showing up in the 1500s, but serious colonization began in the 1600s.

CarmelBytheSea: Vikings is Canada and Soultrean culture is supposedly disproven by DNA. The Spanish were 1500s but few people know anything  for sure so its futile to go beyond 1492 Columbus https://www.livescience.com/43329-prehistoric-boy-may-be-native-american-missing-link.html

Also native Americans are linked to Western Europe by DNA so also depends on definition https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.342.6157.409
The Ancient North Eurasians/Siberians are the group which share descent in Europeans and Precolumbians.  They were mammoth and wooly rhino hunters and dwelled in Beringia for a long time, and their descendants who stayed in the Americas mixed with East Eurasian Siberians and East Asians to form the Precolumbian population of the Americas.  Counterintuitively Ice Age Siberia was not a vast frozen wilderness, but there were regions

The genetics of some of the Tarim Basin Mummies were recently analyzed by a Chinese team and they found that the oldest mummies were relatively pure (about 80%) Ancient North Eurasian with some Siberian admixture, and the newer ones became more and more East Asian admixed.  The oldest of those mummies have a European look to their bodies, skull shapes, and complexions, while the newer ones look more Chinese.  Every population which has Ancient North Eurasian ancestry has some of these Europoid features.  It is not a one-to-one with modern Europeans but the similarity is quite significant.  European people apparently derive their blondism trait from the genetics of these Ancient North Eurasians.

The neat thing about the skull is that while lifestyle can change the lower face in a person's lifetime it does not affect the shape of the upper half of the skull without serious modifications such as head binding.  The oldest skull specimens recovered in the Americas have cranial shapes often mistaken for European such as Kennewick Man.  What will likely eventually be found is that there were pockets of the Ancient North Eurasian people, with relatively low Siberian and East Asian admixture, living throughout the Americas for a few thousand years.  Some of those populations may have preserved a light hair trait from their Ancient North Eurasians in their gene pool.

The Solutrean People were a Upper Paleolithic hunter gatherer population which stretched across Spain and France.  They were part of a brother race to the Western Hunter Gatherers who populated all of Europe in the Mesolithic, but the Solutreans contributed small amounts of ancestry to modern Europeans when compared to the contribution of the Western Hunter Gatherers.  The genetic evidence which was being used to support the Solutrean Hypothesis is much more simply and better explained with the Ancient North Eurasians, so if the Solutreans did make it to North America they left no discernable genetic heritage in the Precolumbians.  That doesn't disprove the Solutrean Hypothesis, but it does make its case very weak and unconvincing.

And it is sad to think this group struggled across the ice sheets just to face climactic devastation from the Younger Dryas Impacts, Volcanic events in the Cascade Range, Meltwater Deluge Flooding from the ending Ice Age maximal glaciation, wildlife die off from ecological changes, and eventual genocide at the hands of the infilling Beringian Precolumbians.  But yeah, English colonization kicked off in the 1600s.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:11:26 PM EDT
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The question is absurd. There is an abundance of proof for "white" people to have been in America (including S. America) for thousands of years. There is no "native." People are highly nomadic and apart from seemingly no light-skinned races wanting to enter Africa except recently in S. Africa, people are always on the move.

If we took out the direct contact with "Native Americans," and came over some 500 years after they had left or their civilization had passed on, we would know almost nothing about them. They left behind very little material culture apart from some stone tools. A good example are the Anasazi. We only know about them from verbal legends and the stone homes they left behind. Take away the verbal history, along with the rest of the "native" world, and it would mostly be a mystery as to who they were.

Given that 400 years of science has been "establishing" some sort of "truth" about the Americas, and it's going to be a long time before anyone changes their mind, even with bombshell findings.

Here's an interesting read on comparing Thor to Quetzalacoatl. There have also been numerous statues with completely caucasian features found throughout S. America.
Thor vs Quetzalacoatl
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O my
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:14:54 PM EDT
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Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.
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There's larger gulfs of time, which make connections between people present and founding often divergent, and isolated populations intervening  - so determining and inferring the peopling of North America from genomic studies is going to take some work. It's underway but I don't think there's nearly as clear a resolution yet as we've seen with the clear indications that's answers a lot of questions in the Western Steppe Herder expansions and ancestry of peoples in geographic Europe. But theres nothing that indicates anything but a Siberian source - just what Siberian genetic contributor "group" is a question

Do you even Solutrean bro? Modern Europeans ("white people" from above) didn't exist 20k years ago. The original hunter gatherer populations were supplanted (in some cases as in Britain almost entirely in genetics of tested populations) by Neolithic farmers. This was further modified by the initial incursion from WSH mentioned above. Subsequent admixtures are present and contributed phenotypical expressions - such as a very light skin tone which wasn't present 20k years ago. Current Europeans just aren't connected to the Solutreans and other other early hunter gatherer populations generally.

So yea, even if Solutreans had been a founder population in the Americas, the genetics indicate likely, phenotypically, not "white".

Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense

Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.

We already Know we waz Kings, so “..We waz Injunz” holds much appeal.    The Nobel Savage was exotic, brave and resourceful.  He ruled the roost and didn’t take scruff from no squaw.    

Plus, it moves the “rape of the new world” into the Re-conquest of the new world, which anyone can agree, sounds nicer.  

The interest in it is obvious and self evident, but the resistance against it is just a silly form of white guilt.   Similarities in craft and stonework, is how we’ve always measured the spread of ancient cultures.    Except now, because that would be politically incorrect.  
I hate that idiots stifle science, because they’re afraid the paradigm might shift.  

This was made in Cahokia Illinois, and similar renditions were spread all over the South.    Their God-myth was of an Outsider, who showed up one day, lived with them and brought knowledge, like how to work Copper.  It’s dated 1000-1100 AD.    Where did he get his Christian Scepter?  
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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:23:33 PM EDT
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akcaribouhunter: Sami can very similar facial features as Mongols and Russian arctic coast natives.

Hell I have dna cousins all the way across Alaska and Canada. A few on the East coast are somewhat close.

CarmelBytheSea: Supposedly Russians have a portion of what we today call “Asian” dna and a few people in France trace their ancestry to Mongol invasion of Europe.https://media.istockphoto.com/id/1498705096/vector/the-mongol-empire.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=QXjaF3bUrR4gRnpAXisXcpKVBKV2ZYAXAgj10oInRHg=
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This Siberian race probably shares a lot of common ancestry with the Ancient North Eurasians who are the fathers of the Proto Indo Europeans (Aryans), and they have common myths. They have also been next to each other for a very long time so likely shared some language and myth concepts.  The intrusion of the Finno Ugric people into the Fennoscandian Peninsula appears to have happened after the Nordic people had already established themselves as a population.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:30:00 PM EDT
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We already Know we waz Kings, so “..We waz Injunz” holds much appeal.    The Nobel Savage was exotic, brave and resourceful.  He ruled the roost and didn’t take scruff from no squaw.    

Plus, it moves the “rape of the new world” into the Re-conquest of the new world, which anyone can agree, sounds nicer.  

The interest in it is obvious and self evident, but the resistance against it is just a silly form of white guilt.   Similarities in craft and stonework, is how we’ve always measured the spread of ancient cultures.    Except now, because that would be politically incorrect.  
I hate that idiots stifle science, because they’re afraid the paradigm might shift.  
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There's larger gulfs of time, which make connections between people present and founding often divergent, and isolated populations intervening  - so determining and inferring the peopling of North America from genomic studies is going to take some work. It's underway but I don't think there's nearly as clear a resolution yet as we've seen with the clear indications that's answers a lot of questions in the Western Steppe Herder expansions and ancestry of peoples in geographic Europe. But theres nothing that indicates anything but a Siberian source - just what Siberian genetic contributor "group" is a question

Do you even Solutrean bro? Modern Europeans ("white people" from above) didn't exist 20k years ago. The original hunter gatherer populations were supplanted (in some cases as in Britain almost entirely in genetics of tested populations) by Neolithic farmers. This was further modified by the initial incursion from WSH mentioned above. Subsequent admixtures are present and contributed phenotypical expressions - such as a very light skin tone which wasn't present 20k years ago. Current Europeans just aren't connected to the Solutreans and other other early hunter gatherer populations generally.

So yea, even if Solutreans had been a founder population in the Americas, the genetics indicate likely, phenotypically, not "white".

Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense

Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.

We already Know we waz Kings, so “..We waz Injunz” holds much appeal.    The Nobel Savage was exotic, brave and resourceful.  He ruled the roost and didn’t take scruff from no squaw.    

Plus, it moves the “rape of the new world” into the Re-conquest of the new world, which anyone can agree, sounds nicer.  

The interest in it is obvious and self evident, but the resistance against it is just a silly form of white guilt.   Similarities in craft and stonework, is how we’ve always measured the spread of ancient cultures.    Except now, because that would be politically incorrect.  
I hate that idiots stifle science, because they’re afraid the paradigm might shift.  

Let me try this again.

Solutrean people bear no connection to modern European peoples.  Modern Europeans, to the extent such a label has any value, are mostly descendants of groups that wiped out the Solutreans long, long ago.

So, to use your argument, the post-Colombian migrations of modern Europeans to the Americas would just be an extension of the original conquest of the ancestors of those people, not a "reconquista."

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:33:29 PM EDT
There is evidence of Dutch settlements in Central Texas going back to the mid-1600's.  The one I'm personally aware of had an unusually large number of arrowheads found within the perimeter of the homestead site.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:34:51 PM EDT
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Supposedly the Ainu by DNA aren't "white" in the Western European sense but obviously not East Asian / Mongoloid. They're described as "Central Asia" in origin. But considering people who hunted in Europe traveled to Siberia in Paleolithic period which transverse Central Asia it would seem to me to indicate the colloquial "Caucasian" but every time I pressed for clarity I was always told "Central Asia" over and over till I gave up pressing the issue. We should all be glad China didn't burn those Tarim mummies up.
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The interesting thing about "central Asia" origins.

Indo-Aryans are also from Central Asia
The Celts also came from the steppes of Central Asia
The Huns..

The other pre modern Japanese groups in todays Japan are the Jomon and Yayoi, neither originate on the Island either, If I recall correctly, most modern Japanese are related to the Yayoi.

Then in regard to eastern Eurasia, East Asia, Siberia and the Americas there are the old mongoloid, new mongoloid migrations...etc...

The Apache and the Navajo arent really from Arizona...The Apache maybe only ariving a few hundred years before the Spanish.
Then there are those way down in Central and South America.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:38:15 PM EDT
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There is evidence of Dutch settlements in Central Texas going back to the mid-1600's.  The one I'm personally aware of had an unusually large number of arrowheads found within the perimeter of the homestead site.
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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:41:39 PM EDT
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I've noticed.
Those great mounds under which such and such. Even in Lincolns speeches can't be told or investigated any further.
I live near some of the great mounds that even scientists can't touch.

Holy ground. I'm just curious about why I'm not a native for one. If you look up the definition of the word. Two why do I keep thinking I'm the second class citizen?  Figment of my imagination?  Kinda doubt it.
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There are a shit load of mounds in Ohio and KY. Most have been dug in to at one time or another but are protected now.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:42:41 PM EDT
Why would I care what other people think?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:48:35 PM EDT
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The interesting thing about "central Asia" origins.

Indo-Aryans are also from Central Asia
The Celts also came from the steppes of Central Asia
The Huns..

The other pre modern Japanese groups in todays Japan are the Jomon and Yayoi, neither originate on the Island either, If I recall correctly, most modern Japanese are related to the Yayoi.

Then in regard to eastern Eurasia, East Asia, Siberia and the Americas there are the old mongoloid, new mongoloid migrations...etc...

The Apache and the Navajo arent really from Arizona...The Apache maybe only ariving a few hundred years before the Spanish.
Then there are those way down in Central and South America.
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If I recall the Navajo migrated from Canada. Interestingly the Catawba of North Carolina moved back to New York to rejoin the Iroquois after colonists arrived. The Cherokee and Catawba were originally from New York Iroquois. The one people scientists have little info on is the Denovisan of East Asia. Nobody knows exactly what they looked like. Also the Polynesians traveled all the way to the islands off South America and Malaysians traveled to Madagascar hundreds of years ago and that’s a pretty far distance.

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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:50:20 PM EDT
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Why would I care what other people think?
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Well, for one thing, OP can get government money, scholarships, and Casino revenue, if he can prove Native ancestry.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:55:58 PM EDT
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There is evidence of Dutch settlements in Central Texas going back to the mid-1600's.  The one I'm personally aware of had an unusually large number of arrowheads found within the perimeter of the homestead site.


Sorry, I think this was 1700's not 1600's.  The property was the old El Rancho Cima property outside Wimberley that was recently sold to a developer. Best I can do:

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:56:18 PM EDT
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Bohr_Adam: Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.
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Lah di dah.  It doesn't have to be that way Bohr, these things could have been rigorized, and were until the Boasian sex pests lied about literally everything.  It's disgusting to patronize the honest interest of people in the distant past because they are grasping at the straws of a vocabulary which was intentionally lobotomized and gelded.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 1:59:12 PM EDT
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The interesting thing about "central Asia" origins.

Indo-Aryans are also from Central Asia
The Celts also came from the steppes of Central Asia
The Huns..

The other pre modern Japanese groups in todays Japan are the Jomon and Yayoi, neither originate on the Island either, If I recall correctly, most modern Japanese are related to the Yayoi.

Then in regard to eastern Eurasia, East Asia, Siberia and the Americas there are the old mongoloid, new mongoloid migrations...etc...

The Apache and the Navajo arent really from Arizona...The Apache maybe only ariving a few hundred years before the Spanish.
Then there are those way down in Central and South America.
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Supposedly the Ainu by DNA aren't "white" in the Western European sense but obviously not East Asian / Mongoloid. They're described as "Central Asia" in origin. But considering people who hunted in Europe traveled to Siberia in Paleolithic period which transverse Central Asia it would seem to me to indicate the colloquial "Caucasian" but every time I pressed for clarity I was always told "Central Asia" over and over till I gave up pressing the issue. We should all be glad China didn't burn those Tarim mummies up.
The interesting thing about "central Asia" origins.

Indo-Aryans are also from Central Asia
The Celts also came from the steppes of Central Asia
The Huns..

The other pre modern Japanese groups in todays Japan are the Jomon and Yayoi, neither originate on the Island either, If I recall correctly, most modern Japanese are related to the Yayoi.

Then in regard to eastern Eurasia, East Asia, Siberia and the Americas there are the old mongoloid, new mongoloid migrations...etc...

The Apache and the Navajo arent really from Arizona...The Apache maybe only ariving a few hundred years before the Spanish.
Then there are those way down in Central and South America.

Steppe, genetic ancestry,  began with Samara, Khvalynsk, Sredny Stog.  Horses. Elites. Wheels. Chariots. Then, wherever people wanted to go, they could.

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:02:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:03:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:04:25 PM EDT
Don’t forget the ancient white people of Peru, with elongated skulls, who knew how to build megalithic structures.  

Read the whole article.  https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/breaking-new-dna-testing-2000-year-old-elongated-paracas-skulls-changes-020914
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:08:40 PM EDT
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There is evidence in Wisconsin of Phoenician contact dating to the bronze age.
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This read is an interesting ride into archeology, epigraphy, linguistics, and ancient mythology and trade and migration patterns showing vast evidence for North African, Phoenician, and Iberian other Celtic establishment in North America including the current continental US going back to the Bronze Age.

Mainline entrenched academia hated the author after this book in spite of his Harvard prof creds and multi-disciplinary scientific approach and connections.

Edit: typo
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:10:20 PM EDT
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Sorry, I think this was 1700's not 1600's.  The property was the old El Rancho Cima property outside Wimberley that was recently sold to a developer. Best I can do:

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Thanks sir
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:20:53 PM EDT
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This particular study and the Viracocha and megalithic structure origins are fascinating
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:53:58 PM EDT
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Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.
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Yeah, arguing from the suppositions of modern, Marxist racial morality is silly. Why look for excuses? For thousands of years nobody had a problem with winning, conquering, & advancing one's people, regardless of it being at the expense of other people, without any more justification that a hand-wave of divine will & providence on your side. The weak must always tolerate the strong, our current exaltation of victimhood is what is at odds with reality.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 2:54:51 PM EDT
I guess the OPs were right.   Can't have nice things without ancient aliens stuff.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 3:02:50 PM EDT
Asians via Bering Strait. Vikings from the East.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 3:33:05 PM EDT
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There is evidence of Dutch settlements in Central Texas going back to the mid-1600's.  The one I'm personally aware of had an unusually large number of arrowheads found within the perimeter of the homestead site.
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Everybody forgets the Swedes.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 3:43:05 PM EDT
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Everybody forgets the Swedes.
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Because the Swedes are a sub-tribe of the Danes
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 4:01:33 PM EDT
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Because the Swedes are a sub-tribe of the Danes
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Everybody forgets the Swedes.

Because the Swedes are a sub-tribe of the Danes

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Expect Gustavus Adolphus  will visit you tonight

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 4:13:11 PM EDT
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Everybody forgets the Swedes.
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They're never forgotten sir
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 7:44:05 PM EDT
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Alacrity: Steppe, genetic ancestry,  began with Samara, Khvalynsk, Sredny Stog.  Horses. Elites. Wheels. Chariots. Then, wherever people wanted to go, they could.
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Let me see your red ochre stash.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:44:59 PM EDT
Has anyone mentioned the gold plates Smith found in Western NY yet?
Link Posted: 9/16/2023 9:20:03 AM EDT
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Let me see your red ochre stash.
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Alacrity: Steppe, genetic ancestry,  began with Samara, Khvalynsk, Sredny Stog.  Horses. Elites. Wheels. Chariots. Then, wherever people wanted to go, they could.
Let me see your red ochre stash.

Im more a horse headed sceptre guy.

Link Posted: 9/16/2023 10:24:20 AM EDT
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Would any of it matter? My family has been here since 1634 that makes me a native. For that matter I'm native if you care to look up the definition
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All 32,768 of your GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGparents or just a few of them?
Link Posted: 9/16/2023 10:28:55 AM EDT
I don’t give a fuck.  Europe made the world great.  Get over it, losers.
Link Posted: 9/16/2023 10:35:03 AM EDT
When I first read OP's question, I didn't notice the word "first". So I thought to myself,
"Well, golf courses, bluegrass music and old re-runs of the Lawrence Welk Show."

That's plenty of evidence of white folks being in America.
Link Posted: 9/16/2023 10:56:32 AM EDT
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They're never forgotten sir
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Everybody forgets the Swedes.

They're never forgotten sir

Not with that Swede1988 (or close) guy around

Little treatment is ever given to New Sweden or Fort Cristina. But it was minor as was the entire Swedish Colonial Empire. A ball at Lutzen surely ended all that punching above weight.

For a general fully comprehending the effectiveness of shock, he surely failed to grasp his value as King. Or maybe his value relied on it.?

Link Posted: 9/16/2023 11:18:27 AM EDT
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Hey, so your family showed up and killed people and stole their land. No sense trying to downplay it, just own up to your heritage. Getting all wrapped up on the past and trying to twist history to make your family look a little better in the lens of time is pointless and speaks to your emotional instability. Facts don't care about your feelings.
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That assumes my objective.

Didn't really have an objective. Point was to prove the white man ain't the cause of of all the world's problems.  Thanks for the help.

You literally said you wanted to prove that white folk were hear earlier then hypothesized in current history. Reading between the lines, I think you want to prove that white people were here "first" sonas to claim ethnic native position, and yes if there were Phoneciens here in the bronze age that means the brown people beat the white people by a huuuuuuuuge margin and your desire conclusion is dead.

Would any of it matter? My family has been hear since 1634 that makes me a native. For that matter I'm native if you care to look up the definition

Hey, so your family showed up and killed people and stole their land. No sense trying to downplay it, just own up to your heritage. Getting all wrapped up on the past and trying to twist history to make your family look a little better in the lens of time is pointless and speaks to your emotional instability. Facts don't care about your feelings.
  And those people most likely killed people and stole their land who had killed and stole it from someone else who killed and stole it from someone else and so on and so forth.  Nobody's ancestors are completely innocent.
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