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Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:35:31 PM EDT
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Scale matters.

With no regular sized people around her you would think normal woman standing 40 feet away.

Then somebody walks up and stands next to her and you realize she is 15 feet away...

Yeah, naw.
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Scale matters.

With no regular sized people around her you would think normal woman standing 40 feet away.

Then somebody walks up and stands next to her and you realize she is 15 feet away...

Yeah, naw.

The tattoo notwithstanding, I don't know how you could see her from any distance away...even with nothing nearby for scale...and not think you're seeing a little girl.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:35:32 PM EDT
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, and think that 99.999% of men interested in her are pervs.
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and because of people like you, no matter if she does find "true love in her life" it will be ruined

as if life wasn't hard enough for her, people like you are bound and determined to do everything you can to make it worse for her

Your the do gooder who is calling the cops on her and her date at dinner / fair / movie / whatever

Not joking here.  She could be a wonderful person who anyone would be lucky to share their life with and be damned sure, every "fire up the woodchipper" nitwit will jump to the same conclusion and ruin EVERY SINGLE RELATIONSHIP she will ever have

poor gall is fucked twice, once by genectics / nature and once more by people like you.

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:50:13 PM EDT
We watch their show sometimes.  

It would definitely be pedo bait but she'd make bank on OF.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 6:10:01 PM EDT
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That's some mighty fine phrasing, pardner
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Oh man that lady would need a stick to beat the degenerates off.

That's some mighty fine phrasing, pardner

That's a lot of work for her tiny little hands.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 6:13:17 PM EDT
I think the right person is someone that she meets through a friend, but doesnt know of her condition. Someone who can get to know her for who she is and not the vessel her mind is carried in.

If that gels, then her physical form wont matter and wont be the reason for the relationship.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 6:18:22 PM EDT
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She could make a FORTUNE as a sex worker.
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Thats basically what I thought when I watched some of the show, but I was thinking for on the porn end.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 6:19:42 PM EDT
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not even close
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Ashlyn Rae > Alana Rae > Shauna Rae


not even close

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 6:22:33 PM EDT
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and because of people like you, no matter if she does find "true love in her life" it will be ruined

as if life wasn't hard enough for her, people like you are bound and determined to do everything you can to make it worse for her

Your the do gooder who is calling the cops on her and her date at dinner / fair / movie / whatever

Not joking here.  She could be a wonderful person who anyone would be lucky to share their life with and be damned sure, every "fire up the woodchipper" nitwit will jump to the same conclusion and ruin EVERY SINGLE RELATIONSHIP she will ever have

poor gall is fucked twice, once by genectics / nature and once more by people like you.

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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 6:22:53 PM EDT
There’s some pics of her with a beach clothes on, and she got no curves, man. I don’t see the attraction with her.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 7:04:40 PM EDT
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I think a stool would be a better choice.
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Oh man that lady would need a stick to beat the degenerates off.

I think a stool would be a better choice.

holy shit LOL
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 7:05:26 PM EDT
The only chance she has at a real relationship is to stop doing the show, move to a small town where everyone gets used to who she is, find a job and over time develop a friendship that leads to love with a coworker. That’s it. The show is not helping her find a real relationship. It is making her rich and famous though
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 7:12:08 PM EDT
This is one case where I’d suggest she get some visible tattoos.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 7:19:29 PM EDT
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She is apparently dating a guy named Dan.
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Well it ain’t this Dan.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 7:20:52 PM EDT
I hope she does onlyfans.  The shit storm from that would be incredible to behold.  Feminazis would turn into traditional housewives, cats and dogs living together, etc.

as to the main question:  No.  She has no hips and no tits.  Cute face but she's trying to age her face as fast as possible.  I'd also worry about her dying if she got preggers.. and I'm not about to start wearing condoms.  

I feel really bad for her.  Even if she finds a blind man with no arms to date her he will still be ridiculed as a pedophile.  Who'd want to go through that?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:04:49 PM EDT
George Washington was 6'2" and Martha was 5'0".

As long as she finds a guy who is 5' tall or less, the difference would be no greater.

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:09:29 PM EDT
Could any man who wants to have sex with her NOT be a pedophile?

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I think she would attract a certain type for sure.  

I think we had a similar thread several months back and this sentiment was Arfcom's basic consensus.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:12:01 PM EDT
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I don’t think she quite aging. Her growth was stunted. She’s talked about getting pregnant and passing a gene for cancer on to her kids.

She actually has muscle tone consistent with an early 20’s female.

Wife loves the show and we’ve had the same discussion. Any guy with her is going to be thought of as a pedo but the poor girl just wants as normal a life as she can get. I do feel for her. You wonder how those doubts about what is turning the guy onto her bounce around in her own head.

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I never realized she basically quit aging. I always thought she was just really small.

I don’t think she quite aging. Her growth was stunted. She’s talked about getting pregnant and passing a gene for cancer on to her kids.

She actually has muscle tone consistent with an early 20’s female.

Wife loves the show and we’ve had the same discussion. Any guy with her is going to be thought of as a pedo but the poor girl just wants as normal a life as she can get. I do feel for her. You wonder how those doubts about what is turning the guy onto her bounce around in her own head.

That guy has got to be careful,  someone out there is gonna confront him thinking he's a pedo.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:14:02 PM EDT


not even close
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Aspen Rae ftw
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:27:44 PM EDT
When she's like 50, maybe..
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:32:35 PM EDT
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Oh man that lady would need a stick to beat the degenerates off.
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This.  Sick MFers
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:36:48 PM EDT
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I wonder if she could contract for sting operations
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A million good options for her.

Pedo stings,  onlyfans, acting,
.. all kinds of great options to make lemonade from lemons.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:38:09 PM EDT
Yes, a thread was done on her a while back..
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 10:39:46 PM EDT
Pointy elbows.

This is sarcasm.  No interest in a girl that looks that young, regardless of actual age.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 1:31:46 AM EDT
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Of course. He prefers Johnson and Johnson no more tears. He doesn't like that adult shit
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Wonder what would happen if Biden was introduced to her. Could he smell that she's of age?
Would he care?

Of course. He prefers Johnson and Johnson no more tears. He doesn't like that adult shit
Good point.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 1:46:59 AM EDT
She isn’t physically attractive to me, but when I was 20-30 years old I really didn’t give a fuck if someone thought I made a bad choice for a girlfriend.  If a normal 20-30 year old like I was gets to know her in a non romantic way and over time a relationship between the two happens, good for them.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 1:51:46 AM EDT
“done Shauna Rae yet?”


Hopefully she finds happiness. Shauna probably has a lot in common with my wife.

My wife is good looking, tiny at barely over 5’, and developed early and thoroughly. Imagine a horny teenage boy drawing Tinkerbell. In her forties now but still looks young. She’s had creeps hitting on her since she was twelve. She never forgets them either and has used that info well. Police have approached her thinking she was a kid skipping school as late as a couple years ago.

Sometimes she wishes she had worked with police to catch pedos.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 1:57:37 AM EDT
I went to high school with a gal that had the same issue. It was weird even at that time. A lot of people steered clear of her just because they didn't want the stigma of showing interest. I'd be curious as to what the status of her former boyfriends are. Some police agency should hire her and use her for stings
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 2:02:15 AM EDT
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I hope she does onlyfans.  The shit storm from that would be incredible to behold.  Feminazis would turn into traditional housewives, cats and dogs living together, etc.

as to the main question:  No.  She has no hips and no tits.  Cute face but she's trying to age her face as fast as possible.  I'd also worry about her dying if she got preggers.. and I'm not about to start wearing condoms.  

I feel really bad for her.  Even if she finds a blind man with no arms to date her he will still be ridiculed as a pedophile.  Who'd want to go through that?
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She is doing a TV show.  I think she will be fine.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 3:36:31 AM EDT
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This is one case where I’d suggest she get some visible tattoos.
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She has visible tattoos.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 3:41:54 AM EDT
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I think a stool would be a better choice.
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Oh man that lady would need a stick to beat the degenerates off.

I think a stool would be a better choice.

Badum tss

I'm sure her husband gets a shitload of hate from the I'm-totally-not-a-perv crowd, not to mention busybody do-gooders.

Link Posted: 12/15/2022 3:43:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 4:01:25 AM EDT
Men want children. Also it would be next to impossible taking her on a date anyplace and not worry about getting your ass kicked.

Poor girl.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 4:06:51 AM EDT
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and because of people like you, no matter if she does find "true love in her life" it will be ruined

as if life wasn't hard enough for her, people like you are bound and determined to do everything you can to make it worse for her

Your the do gooder who is calling the cops on her and her date at dinner / fair / movie / whatever

Not joking here.  She could be a wonderful person who anyone would be lucky to share their life with and be damned sure, every "fire up the woodchipper" nitwit will jump to the same conclusion and ruin EVERY SINGLE RELATIONSHIP she will ever have

poor gall is fucked twice, once by genectics / nature and once more by people like you.

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Well there is the reality that we can't or perhaps shouldn't require everyone to drop everything and accept new rules for the 87000 1 in a million cases, particularly when it would lead to bad outcomes.

I.e. I don't know, everyone ignores the kitty genovese screams, because it must just be their kink

Link Posted: 12/15/2022 4:36:00 AM EDT
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Men want children. Also it would be next to impossible taking her on a date anyplace and not worry about getting your ass kicked.

Poor girl.
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Depends on where they lived.

In Washington DC or San Francisco I doubt that anyone would give them a second glance.

Link Posted: 12/15/2022 4:44:19 AM EDT
Eh, I bet she dates and has learned how to set people straight when they try to stick their nose in.

There has to come a point also where there is an element of "thou protest too much" regarding bystander judgement.

Hope it all works out for her.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 5:02:57 AM EDT
I feel sincerely sorry for that… woman. She will never have anything approaching a normal life.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 6:37:34 PM EDT
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I wonder if she could contract for sting operations
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That’s a good idea.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 6:50:16 PM EDT
They could’ve made the most viewed movie in history that nobody would admit to watching.

Link Posted: 12/15/2022 7:02:20 PM EDT
I always told my daughter she wasn’t allowed to grow up on me.  Now I’m glad we don’t have to understand what Shauna and her parents go through.  I feel for her father as he got what I incorrectly wished for and the conundrum he now confronts with every potential boyfriend.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 7:11:36 PM EDT
Can you imagine the confused reactions if she were to sit down for dinner with this kid?  He plays 12U football.

Link Posted: 12/15/2022 7:18:30 PM EDT
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Pituitary tumors are very hormonally active.  When they destroy the tumor, they destroy all hormone production in the body. They delay the reintroduction of hormones in order to prevent re-occurence of the tumor until they are certain of remission after a certain timeperiod.  Unfortunately for her, the time for bone growth had passed and no amount of hormone replacement will make her bones grow again.
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What a tragic condition. Feel badly for her.
Link Posted: 12/15/2022 7:22:00 PM EDT
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why didn't they supplment HGH?
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Her psycho mother refused it.
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