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Link Posted: 3/19/2013 6:16:53 PM EDT
[Last Edit: kar98k] [#1]
Originally Posted By lawdog2831:
Originally Posted By dan1802:
I had something very strange happen to me while sleeping at a friends a few years back.
I posted the story over at myghoststrories.com a few years ago.. its really long but every thing is true.
heres a link to my story.


All I know is ghoststories.com doesn't appear to be an active domain.  ghoststRories.com - like above, doesn't appear to exist at all.

Link Posted: 3/19/2013 7:46:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: tc2129] [#2]
This happened a few years ago. Here's the backstory
The house I own now had a guy kill himself in it about 9 years ago.  The guy called in a fake burglary to the police, when the Deputy arrived to take the report, the guy in the house opened fire through the door, striking the cop.  Well the guy barricaded himself in the house and after being gassed by the cops, shot himself in what is my master bedroom.
Well about 7 years ago I bought the house and had my girlfriend at the time living with me.  I had wondered about ghosts and whatnot in the house, but had never experienced anything.  One night her mom came over for dinner and called us a few days later saying she had an encounter with something and thinks she picked it up at my house.
Her mom told us she was asleep one night when she was awakened by a feeling of being watched.  Her mom said when she woke up there was a man at the foot of her bed and in an instant the man was right next to her standing over staring at her.  Her mom said she screamed and the figure disappeared.  She described the guys face, but he didn't sound familiar to me.   Well one day I had a deputy friend print out a picture of the guy that killed himself and it was the guy the gf's mom described. Her mom said he looked exactly like the picture.
Link Posted: 3/19/2013 10:03:48 PM EDT

Originally Posted By tc2129:

This happened a few years ago. Here's the backstory

The house I own now had a guy kill himself in it about 9 years ago. The guy called in a fake burglary to the police, when the Deputy arrived to take the report, the guy in the house opened fire through the door, striking the cop. Well the guy barricaded himself in the house and after being gassed by the cops, shot himself in what is my master bedroom.

Well about 7 years ago I bought the house and had my girlfriend at the time living with me. I had wondered about ghosts and whatnot in the house, but had never experienced anything. One night her mom came over for dinner and called us a few days later saying she had an encounter with something and thinks she picked it up at my house.

Her mom told us she was asleep one night when she was awakened by a feeling of being watched. Her mom said when she woke up there was a man at the foot of her bed and in an instant the man was right next to her standing over staring at her. Her mom said she screamed and the figure disappeared. She described the guys face, but he didn't sound familiar to me. Well one day I had a deputy friend print out a picture of the guy that killed himself and it was the guy the gf's mom described. Her mom said he looked exactly like the picture.

OK, that would be way too close to home for me.

Link Posted: 3/19/2013 10:50:04 PM EDT

Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By WildBoar:

I wish I coujld get my buddy to relalte his stories about his house here. While I love this stuff yet emain skeptical, I had a hard time explaining away stuff at his house. Maybe I can get him to join.

Just get him drunk and as your rubbing on his chest to relax him whisper softly into ear that what would really turn you on would to hear some stories about his house.

But don't nibble on his ear. That would be the gehy.


Projecting? lol

Link Posted: 3/19/2013 11:14:14 PM EDT
Originally Posted By kar98k:
Originally Posted By lawdog2831:
Originally Posted By dan1802:
I had something very strange happen to me while sleeping at a friends a few years back.
I posted the story over at myghoststrories.com a few years ago.. its really long but every thing is true.
heres a link to my story.


All I know is ghoststories.com doesn't appear to be an active domain.  ghoststRories.com - like above, doesn't appear to exist at all.

So I take it you didn't click on the link?


Trust me, you don't want to.

Link Posted: 3/20/2013 12:13:05 AM EDT
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
This isn't really creepy.  More just unexplainable (to me).

Around last Halloween, I saw a pulsing orange glow over a mountain range as I drove to work (I work nights, it was dark, 8PMish).  I couldn't see the source of the light, but the air was foggy, so I could easily see the glow and it was pulsing.  Some people at work saw it, too, but no one really gave it a second thought, other than "Hmmmm, that's weird".  Went out on break at about 12AM and it was still going on.  Left work probably around 4 or 5AM and it was still going.

I hadn't seen it since, but this morning coming home (4AM), I saw it over another mountain, not even near where I saw it the first time.  I have no idea what it is, or what's causing it.  The first time I saw it, I first thought it was some sort of Halloween event going on in the woods; haunted house, haunted hay ride, that sorta thing.  But when I saw it still going when I left work that morning, that pretty much killed that theory.  Even more so now, given the time of year, of course.

Tried to take a pic with my phone, but it just won't pick it up.

Western NY?  Flare from a gas well. Down here you can see the flares at the refineries for miles.
Link Posted: 3/20/2013 3:12:28 PM EDT

Originally Posted By TNC:

Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Non Scary - World of The Weird

Last Tuesday I have a dream that my younger Brother Jim calls and ask me if I heard that Chuck Norris had died? I call BS and he says no. He heard it on the radio and now Fox is reporting it. I tell him that sucks for him. Bruce Lee is now bitch slapping him in Heaven.

So Jim than says can I come up to his place tomorrow and fix his tractor? I say yeah and the dream ends.

In the morning I check the Caller I.D. to see if that shit happened as it was so real. No calls so I forget about it.

Thursday evening Jim calls and ask if I can come up in the morning to fix his tractor?

I did make it to the Cabela's in Yakima and buy a S&W 637 with a CT grip.

Mighty Mo

Get up there and fix the tractor. He already asked you twice!

Tractor was an easy fix. Plugged fuel line. Changed filter, purged lines ran like a top. Been working on that shit since I was 6 or 7 so no big deal.

Mighty Mo

Link Posted: 3/20/2013 3:47:45 PM EDT

Originally Posted By tc2129:

This happened a few years ago. Here's the backstory

The house I own now had a guy kill himself in it about 9 years ago.  The guy called in a fake burglary to the police, when the Deputy arrived to take the report, the guy in the house opened fire through the door, striking the cop.  Well the guy barricaded himself in the house and after being gassed by the cops, shot himself in what is my master bedroom.

Well about 7 years ago I bought the house and had my girlfriend at the time living with me.  I had wondered about ghosts and whatnot in the house, but had never experienced anything.  One night her mom came over for dinner and called us a few days later saying she had an encounter with something and thinks she picked it up at my house.

Her mom told us she was asleep one night when she was awakened by a feeling of being watched.  Her mom said when she woke up there was a man at the foot of her bed and in an instant the man was right next to her standing over staring at her.  Her mom said she screamed and the figure disappeared.  She described the guys face, but he didn't sound familiar to me.   Well one day I had a deputy friend print out a picture of the guy that killed himself and it was the guy the gf's mom described. Her mom said he looked exactly like the picture.

Two rules to buying a house;

1) Don't buy a house that was built over an Indian Burial Ground

2) Don't buy a house that the owner committed suicide in

3) Don't buy a house where someone went Daffy Duck and slaughtered the family
Three rules to living in a haunted house;

1) Don't sleep in the Dead Persons bedroom

2) Don't go into the basement at anytime of the day or night

3) Don't go into the Attic at anytime of the day or night

4) Don't explore the house looking for hidden room (unless there is a chance to discover a fortune in riches in which case get a bulldozer and level the place)

5) Don't let children play with the TV

6) Don't read shit out of old books that you find lying around

7) Don't read anything but romance novels while in the house as you will pick up some ammulet and try to read the inscription than BAM the Demon in charge

  of pound you in the ass dungeon appears. So Don't Do It!

There are a couple of more but these should get you past dinner.
As for the part in BLUE contact NorCal he will flush the bitch out.

BTW; Creepy Cool Story
Mighty Mo

Link Posted: 3/20/2013 11:01:57 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 6gunfighter2] [#9]
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

3) Don't buy a house where someone went Daffy Duck and slaughtered the family

For those unfamiliar with the IN COLD BLOOD murder case, which happened in November of 1959 in Holcomb Kansas, this was a murder case in which two ex-cons named Hickock and Smith forced their way into
the home of a wealthy farmer named Herb Clutter (who had been a delegate to the 1952 Republican convention for Eisenhower), after being told that he kept a large amount of cash in the house (which turned out to
be false).

When they found that there was no cash there, they murdered him, his wife Bonnie, and his teenaged children Nancy and Kenyon, by shooting and stabbing them.  One of the victims had their head completely
blown off by a close range shotgun blast to the face.

What investigators found in that house was enough to sicken even the most hardened lawmen of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.  There was blood and gore everywhere.

The case became the subject of the book and later movie of the name referenced above.  Hickock and Smith were both executed in 1965.

Only reason I bring this up...

About five or six years ago, the house where this happened came on the market, and there was an on-line real estate listing for it in which you could view pictures of the interior of the home, taken recently.

If you were so inclined, you could also compare those pictures to the crime scene photos taken by the police after the murders, and see where the bodies were and what not, then look at the real estate listing and see how those same rooms looked today.

There were still faint blood stains visible on the concrete basement wall in one of the pictures from the real estate listing.

Now myself personally, I cannot fathom how anyone could get a peaceful night's sleep in a house where something like that happened, but to each his own I guess.

We had a big thread about this a few years ago - what realtors call "psychologically impacted properties" - and about half of ARFCOM said it wouldn't bother them.


I can picture this now (couple on moving-in day after closing on the house)...

Husband: "Honey, let's put the sofa over here, and put the entertainment center over there, near where the first headless corpse was found."

Wife: "Ummm, I don't know.  I'm thinking it would be better if we had the entertainment center over THERE, and put the sofa HERE, near where that enormous pool of blood was with the chunks of brain in it."

Not my cup of tea.
Link Posted: 3/21/2013 12:38:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By tc2129:
This happened a few years ago. Here's the backstory
The house I own now had a guy kill himself in it about 9 years ago.  The guy called in a fake burglary to the police, when the Deputy arrived to take the report, the guy in the house opened fire through the door, striking the cop.  Well the guy barricaded himself in the house and after being gassed by the cops, shot himself in what is my master bedroom.
Well about 7 years ago I bought the house and had my girlfriend at the time living with me.  I had wondered about ghosts and whatnot in the house, but had never experienced anything.  One night her mom came over for dinner and called us a few days later saying she had an encounter with something and thinks she picked it up at my house.
Her mom told us she was asleep one night when she was awakened by a feeling of being watched.  Her mom said when she woke up there was a man at the foot of her bed and in an instant the man was right next to her standing over staring at her.  Her mom said she screamed and the figure disappeared.  She described the guys face, but he didn't sound familiar to me.   Well one day I had a deputy friend print out a picture of the guy that killed himself and it was the guy the gf's mom described. Her mom said he looked exactly like the picture.

Two rules to buying a house;
1) Don't buy a house that was built over an Indian Burial Ground
2) Don't buy a house that the owner committed suicide in
3) Don't buy a house where someone went Daffy Duck and slaughtered the family

Three rules to living in a haunted house;
1) Don't sleep in the Dead Persons bedroom
2) Don't go into the basement at anytime of the day or night
3) Don't go into the Attic at anytime of the day or night
4) Don't explore the house looking for hidden room (unless there is a chance to discover a fortune in riches in which case get a bulldozer and level the place)
5) Don't let children play with the TV
6) Don't read shit out of old books that you find lying around
7) Don't read anything but romance novels while in the house as you will pick up some ammulet and try to read the inscription than BAM the Demon in charge
  of pound you in the ass dungeon appears. So Don't Do It!

There are a couple of more but these should get you past dinner.

As for the part in BLUE contact NorCal he will flush the bitch out.

BTW; Creepy Cool Story

Mighty Mo

Thanks for the advice, should have told me 7 years ago though.  I've never experienced anything in the house. There have been times that something didn't feel right, but I think I freaked myself out.  
Link Posted: 3/21/2013 1:01:46 AM EDT
I've got another few stories ill try to post as I get time.  
This one is at one of the fire stations I work at.  I started at this station 6 years ago in a part time status.  Went full time a year after starting.  The full time schedule was 24 hours on/48 off.  Me and one other guy on shift.   Well at night we would be watching TV or eating dinner and would always hear noises coming from the front of the station.  We figured it was the ice maker dumping ice.  As time went on, it started sounding like doors closing.  
One night we are working and we hear a door close.  We got up to see who was there, but didn't find anyone.  Every shift this started happening. More doors closing. We asked the other shifts and a few guys had heard the same.  Well the other shifts started reporting doors opening and closing, and when they went to look, no one was there.  
In this station, anytime I went to the front, I got an uneasy feeling and hated being up there,  up front there was my bunk room, an office, and a foyer coming from the front door. At night I hated sleeping in there and always felt like something wasn't right in there.   Others mentioned the same feeling, and others said we were full of shit
Well one shift thought we were making this up told us that a picture hanging on a bedroom wall, flew out into the main hallway while they were in the living room.  They also said the sink came on by itself.   We had the faucet come on once right after they reported it.
One of the guys I shared my room with told us one night that he woke to a man standing at the foot of his bed.  He said the man just stared at him. This freaked everyone out, so we called a friend that can supposedly see ghosts.
Her, her daughter, and another friend want to come and see what they can find in the station.  As soon as they walk in, they start saying something bad is in our station,  one gets upset and starts crying, the other gets an uneasy feeling.  In my room, they all experience a presence.  We grab the thermal imager and see a large black spot in the corner.  It's almost the height of the ceiling and seems to be pulsating on the TIC screen.  At first I'm thinking they are screwing with us good, but the TIC actually shows something.   They also believe that the spirit of a young girl is in our station as well, and that the spirit in the bunk room is causing problems for the child spirit.  
The crew that came ghost hunting, did some catholic cleansing or something of the like and we haven't experienced hardly anything anymore.
We never did find out what the spirits were or what time period they are from.  They are supposed to come back and do more "research"
Link Posted: 3/21/2013 5:58:26 AM EDT

Originally Posted By JeffTheOtherDude:

Originally Posted By Mech2007:

Originally Posted By straatconst:

Be patient all.

I've got a lot of family stuff going on today and happy 4th to you all while I'm at it.

I'm trying to type it up in Word so I don't have to struggle with it so much.

Well, at least tell us whether you survived or not.

He might be the first possessed by a demon to post on arfcom.

It was a gosh damned bigfoot
Link Posted: 3/21/2013 6:54:50 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Strizzo:
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
This isn't really creepy.  More just unexplainable (to me).

Around last Halloween, I saw a pulsing orange glow over a mountain range as I drove to work (I work nights, it was dark, 8PMish).  I couldn't see the source of the light, but the air was foggy, so I could easily see the glow and it was pulsing.  Some people at work saw it, too, but no one really gave it a second thought, other than "Hmmmm, that's weird".  Went out on break at about 12AM and it was still going on.  Left work probably around 4 or 5AM and it was still going.

I hadn't seen it since, but this morning coming home (4AM), I saw it over another mountain, not even near where I saw it the first time.  I have no idea what it is, or what's causing it.  The first time I saw it, I first thought it was some sort of Halloween event going on in the woods; haunted house, haunted hay ride, that sorta thing.  But when I saw it still going when I left work that morning, that pretty much killed that theory.  Even more so now, given the time of year, of course.

Tried to take a pic with my phone, but it just won't pick it up.

Western NY?  Flare from a gas well. Down here you can see the flares at the refineries for miles.

South/Central NY.

It did have that pulsing glow, like it was a fire, though.

Link Posted: 3/22/2013 5:16:25 AM EDT

Originally Posted By tc2129:

Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By tc2129:

This happened a few years ago. Here's the backstory

The house I own now had a guy kill himself in it about 9 years ago.  The guy called in a fake burglary to the police, when the Deputy arrived to take the report, the guy in the house opened fire through the door, striking the cop.  Well the guy barricaded himself in the house and after being gassed by the cops, shot himself in what is my master bedroom.

Well about 7 years ago I bought the house and had my girlfriend at the time living with me.  I had wondered about ghosts and whatnot in the house, but had never experienced anything.  One night her mom came over for dinner and called us a few days later saying she had an encounter with something and thinks she picked it up at my house.

Her mom told us she was asleep one night when she was awakened by a feeling of being watched.  Her mom said when she woke up there was a man at the foot of her bed and in an instant the man was right next to her standing over staring at her.  Her mom said she screamed and the figure disappeared.  She described the guys face, but he didn't sound familiar to me.   Well one day I had a deputy friend print out a picture of the guy that killed himself and it was the guy the gf's mom described. Her mom said he looked exactly like the picture.

Two rules to buying a house;

1) Don't buy a house that was built over an Indian Burial Ground

2) Don't buy a house that the owner committed suicide in

3) Don't buy a house where someone went Daffy Duck and slaughtered the family

Three rules to living in a haunted house;

1) Don't sleep in the Dead Persons bedroom

2) Don't go into the basement at anytime of the day or night

3) Don't go into the Attic at anytime of the day or night

4) Don't explore the house looking for hidden room (unless there is a chance to discover a fortune in riches in which case get a bulldozer and level the place)

5) Don't let children play with the TV

6) Don't read shit out of old books that you find lying around

7) Don't read anything but romance novels while in the house as you will pick up some ammulet and try to read the inscription than BAM the Demon in charge

  of pound you in the ass dungeon appears. So Don't Do It!

There are a couple of more but these should get you past dinner.

As for the part in BLUE contact NorCal he will flush the bitch out.

BTW; Creepy Cool Story

Mighty Mo


Thanks for the advice, should have told me 7 years ago though.  I've never experienced anything in the house. There have been times that something didn't feel right, but I think I freaked myself out.  

Sorry bout that. The Way-Back Machine is down right now and Mr. Peabody is in a snit since he's been labeled a 13er.

Mighty Mo

Link Posted: 3/23/2013 10:36:19 PM EDT
Late night bump for a late night story? Just watched the evil dead trailer and wanna head some stories.
Link Posted: 3/24/2013 11:14:18 AM EDT
My grandfather commited suicide in his car in spring of 1999. I bought the car from the estate in the summer (don't judge, I was a broke deputy at the time and needed a good car). The car had been totally detailed and, as my grandfather was a smoker, sat with de-odorizers in it. I would occassionally get whiffs of fresh cigarette smoke while driving. I'm a former smoker and can certainly tell the difference between fresh and stale smoke.

That was not the strange thing.... One day driving home, I caught a strong whiff of my grandmothers perfume. My grandmother had died several years before my grandfather bought the car.

My daughter, when she was little used to have conversations with my grandmother. She was born several years after my grandmother passed. When my mother asked my daughter what she looked like, she described her in the clothes and jewlery she was buried in. I firmly believe that both my grandparents are watching over my family.

Link Posted: 3/25/2013 6:00:55 AM EDT
Here is my creepy story.

When I was 17 or 18 a friend and I were hanging out at the city park one night.  It was really late and we had nothing to get into so we were just swinging and talking.  While I was sitting there and in a period of silence I hear a faint noise that grew a little louder until I realized what it was, a little girl laughing.  I was pretty startled and began looking around to see if there was someone trying to fuck with us.  As I looked around I spotted what appeared to be a very young girl, in a white dress, sitting on a picnic table staring at us.  This happened at about midnight or a little later so for a young girl to be out by herself was very unlikely.  Immediately I got goose bumps and asked my friend if she could see what I was seeing, she could.  I got the overwhelming urge to hightail it outta there and we did.  

I was in disbelief so we waited a while and went back to see if there was something sitting on the table that we hadn't noticed before, but there was not.  We did not talk about it with people and several months later I overheard a couple friends talking about seeing a little girl in a white dress running down the road in the middle of the night directly across the street from the park.  They said that she was running right up the road and that they had to swerve to miss her.  They stopped immediately to look for her and saw nothing, she had disappeared.  

I did some research on the area and found out that there used to be a very old mansion in the vicinity and the property all belonged to the owner.  From what I have read there was a little girl who died in the house by accidental hanging.  To this day, this is the creepiest thing I have experienced, ghostly children are in no way shape or form okay in my book.  

Link to info Creepy ghost girl shit
Link Posted: 3/25/2013 9:35:23 PM EDT
Two great stories. One from a newbie and one from an oldie.

Link Posted: 3/25/2013 9:46:13 PM EDT
Was it this thread that had they guy posting stories about a demon or something at his dad's house that was bound to his family?
Link Posted: 3/26/2013 4:33:30 AM EDT
Originally Posted By DocLester:
Here is my creepy story.

When I was 17 or 18 a friend and I were hanging out at the city park one night.  It was really late and we had nothing to get into so we were just swinging and talking.  While I was sitting there and in a period of silence I hear a faint noise that grew a little louder until I realized what it was, a little girl laughing.  I was pretty startled and began looking around to see if there was someone trying to fuck with us.  As I looked around I spotted what appeared to be a very young girl, in a white dress, sitting on a picnic table staring at us.  This happened at about midnight or a little later so for a young girl to be out by herself was very unlikely.  Immediately I got goose bumps and asked my friend if she could see what I was seeing, she could.  I got the overwhelming urge to hightail it outta there and we did.  

I was in disbelief so we waited a while and went back to see if there was something sitting on the table that we hadn't noticed before, but there was not.  We did not talk about it with people and several months later I overheard a couple friends talking about seeing a little girl in a white dress running down the road in the middle of the night directly across the street from the park.  They said that she was running right up the road and that they had to swerve to miss her.  They stopped immediately to look for her and saw nothing, she had disappeared.  

I did some research on the area and found out that there used to be a very old mansion in the vicinity and the property all belonged to the owner.  From what I have read there was a little girl who died in the house by accidental hanging.  To this day, this is the creepiest thing I have experienced, ghostly children are in no way shape or form okay in my book.  

Link to info Creepy ghost girl shit

I'm not clicking on that link fuck that noise.
Link Posted: 3/26/2013 5:18:20 AM EDT
Originally Posted By The_Evil_One:
Originally Posted By DocLester:
Here is my creepy story.

When I was 17 or 18 a friend and I were hanging out at the city park one night.  It was really late and we had nothing to get into so we were just swinging and talking.  While I was sitting there and in a period of silence I hear a faint noise that grew a little louder until I realized what it was, a little girl laughing.  I was pretty startled and began looking around to see if there was someone trying to fuck with us.  As I looked around I spotted what appeared to be a very young girl, in a white dress, sitting on a picnic table staring at us.  This happened at about midnight or a little later so for a young girl to be out by herself was very unlikely.  Immediately I got goose bumps and asked my friend if she could see what I was seeing, she could.  I got the overwhelming urge to hightail it outta there and we did.  

I was in disbelief so we waited a while and went back to see if there was something sitting on the table that we hadn't noticed before, but there was not.  We did not talk about it with people and several months later I overheard a couple friends talking about seeing a little girl in a white dress running down the road in the middle of the night directly across the street from the park.  They said that she was running right up the road and that they had to swerve to miss her.  They stopped immediately to look for her and saw nothing, she had disappeared.  

I did some research on the area and found out that there used to be a very old mansion in the vicinity and the property all belonged to the owner.  From what I have read there was a little girl who died in the house by accidental hanging.  To this day, this is the creepiest thing I have experienced, ghostly children are in no way shape or form okay in my book.  

Link to info Creepy ghost girl shit

I'm not clicking on that link fuck that noise.

Nothing too creepy on there.  Mainly history of the hauntings.  

Link Posted: 3/26/2013 5:16:49 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Captain_Morgan] [#22]

Originally Posted By Ox6603:

Was it this thread that had they guy posting stories about a demon or something at his dad's house that was bound to his family?

I'm not sure, but I'll look.  Fuck, that's a creepy ass story.  I wish he'd say what happened, too, instead of claiming he doesn't want to speak about it publicly.


ETA2: Also...second post. I think he goes into more detail on that board.  http://2coolfishing.com/ttmbforum/showthread.php?t=291310&page=3

Link Posted: 3/26/2013 8:11:36 PM EDT
[Last Edit: sweptvolume] [#23]
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By Ox6603:
Was it this thread that had they guy posting stories about a demon or something at his dad's house that was bound to his family?

I'm not sure, but I'll look.  Fuck, that's a creepy ass story.  I wish he'd say what happened, too, instead of claiming he doesn't want to speak about it publicly.    

ETA2: Also...second post. I think he goes into more detail on that board.  http://2coolfishing.com/ttmbforum/showthread.php?t=291310&page=3

ETA: Nothing has happened since my dad moved all the stuff out of the house and from what I know, the new owners love the place. We get the odd rattle, the dog growling at shadows, or the cat staring at nothing, but I'm sure it could be explained away.
Link Posted: 3/26/2013 8:17:53 PM EDT

Originally Posted By sweptvolume:

Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By Ox6603:

Was it this thread that had they guy posting stories about a demon or something at his dad's house that was bound to his family?

I'm not sure, but I'll look.  Fuck, that's a creepy ass story.  I wish he'd say what happened, too, instead of claiming he doesn't want to speak about it publicly.    

ETA2: Also...second post. I think he goes into more detail on that board.  http://2coolfishing.com/ttmbforum/showthread.php?t=291310&page=3

ETA: Nothing has happened since my dad moved all the stuff out of the house and from what I know, the new owners love the place. We get the odd rattle, the dog growling at shadows, or the cat staring at nothing, but I'm sure it could be explained away.

Dude, your story is scary as fuck.  Especially since it happened in Louisiana.

Link Posted: 3/26/2013 9:08:07 PM EDT
[Last Edit: sweptvolume] [#25]
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Dude, your story is scary as fuck.  Especially since it happened in Louisiana.  

Arkansas, actually. Think more Punkinhead, and less Swamp Ape.

It's not that speaking "publicly" really bothers me much anymore, I just try to keep names and specific places out of it. Talking about it kinda gets the monkey off my back, but I have a feeling the story isn't over.
Link Posted: 3/27/2013 12:46:15 AM EDT
Just wanted to BUMP this awesome thread for the Night Crew.
Link Posted: 3/27/2013 2:08:50 AM EDT
Originally Posted By sweptvolume:

It's not that speaking "publicly" really bothers me much anymore, I just try to keep names and specific places out of it. Talking about it kinda gets the monkey off my back, but I have a feeling the story isn't over.

Just read all of it.

Link Posted: 3/27/2013 2:20:16 AM EDT
I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.
Link Posted: 3/27/2013 4:09:20 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By Ox6603:
Was it this thread that had they guy posting stories about a demon or something at his dad's house that was bound to his family?

I'm not sure, but I'll look.  Fuck, that's a creepy ass story.  I wish he'd say what happened, too, instead of claiming he doesn't want to speak about it publicly.    

ETA2: Also...second post. I think he goes into more detail on that board.  http://2coolfishing.com/ttmbforum/showthread.php?t=291310&page=3

I don't read very fast so I just spent two hours getting the fine details of that story. It's 1am, I have an exam in the morning, I'm scared shitless, and I'm not even tired yet. Great read!

Sweptvolume, you have some big, brass ones...I admire you.
Link Posted: 3/27/2013 9:17:09 AM EDT

Originally Posted By sweptvolume:

Talking about it kinda gets the monkey off my back, but I have a feeling the story isn't over.

F5, F5, F5


Link Posted: 3/27/2013 5:11:43 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By sweptvolume:
Talking about it kinda gets the monkey off my back, but I have a feeling the story isn't over.

F5, F5, F5


Yeah seriously man, we would all love to hear the rest of the story.
Link Posted: 3/27/2013 6:51:40 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Sturmgeist:
I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.

Do you remember the general area?  North, South, East or West of Helena?  I used to live there and I've been all over camping/fishing/off-roading and shooting around Canyon Ferry, McDonald Pass, Comet, Elkhorns, etc.  There are a lot of people outside of Helena who certainly wish to live off the grid.  There are people who still live in the ghost towns of Comet and Elkhorn.
Link Posted: 4/4/2013 10:15:00 AM EDT
I remember one incident from when I was teenager.  At first I blamed it on sleep paralysis, but I don't think that's what it was.

There wasn't much to it, really.  I was asleep and I had a sensation of someone pressing down upon me.  Not so much that I couldn't breathe, though.  When I noticed it I was half asleep and I just muttered to myself that it was a dream (you know that semi dream like state you can get into when you're almost asleep, but not quite?  I figured it was that).  But this thing, whatever it was, persisted.  At this point I became fully awake and it was still there.  So I pushed back against it a little...it retreated to the corner of my bed, but it was still there.  I could feel the indentation of the mattress where it was sitting.

Since I was able to move, it definitely wasn't sleep paralysis.  At this point I'm starting to freak out, so I grab a pistol and hit the light, but there's nothing there.  The bedroom door was closed, no windows open or anything.  To this day I have no way to explain it.  I have no idea what it was or why it was disrupting my sleep.

Generally, that house we lived in at the time was really creepy.  I was convinced it was haunted, though this was the only "haunting" like incident I personally experienced.  There was just some kind of serious negative, creepy vibe about the place.  Nothing around there ever seemed to be quite right.  I really don't know how else to put it.

Interestingly enough, the last house my mother lived in she claimed was haunted and that she saw an apparition on a semi regular basis. I never saw or heard anything.  Similarly, my uncle says him and his wife see an apparition in their home occasionally but, again, I've never seen a thing.
Link Posted: 4/4/2013 7:26:01 PM EDT
[Last Edit: WildBoar] [#34]

Originally Posted By JamesP81:

I remember one incident from when I was teenager.  At first I blamed it on sleep paralysis, but I don't think that's what it was.

There wasn't much to it, really.  I was asleep and I had a sensation of someone pressing down upon me.  Not so much that I couldn't breathe, though.  When I noticed it I was half asleep and I just muttered to myself that it was a dream (you know that semi dream like state you can get into when you're almost asleep, but not quite?  I figured it was that).  But this thing, whatever it was, persisted.  At this point I became fully awake and it was still there.  So I pushed back against it a little...it retreated to the corner of my bed, but it was still there.  I could feel the indentation of the mattress where it was sitting.

Since I was able to move, it definitely wasn't sleep paralysis.  At this point I'm starting to freak out, so I grab a pistol and hit the light, but there's nothing there.  The bedroom door was closed, no windows open or anything.  To this day I have no way to explain it.  I have no idea what it was or why it was disrupting my sleep.

Its actually related to sleep paralysis. Some times its only a split second of paralysis or a feeling pf pressure but even after you can move, your brain is stil in dreamland but you can move, see , hear etc. Its friggin wild. I get it almost every morning. No monsters or evil presences anymore now that I know what it is. BUT waking up to 2 feet of glowing water in the bedroom with a staircase leading up to another floor (My house has one floor) and the bathroom now  long hallway leading to who knows where can be wierd. I sit up adn stare hard at everything to put it together. After a few moments everythign is back to normal.

Link Posted: 4/5/2013 9:59:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Sturmgeist:
I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.

Dude, I think that was me. I was there for the gangbang and free beer!
Link Posted: 4/9/2013 4:22:12 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Sturmgeist:

I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.

That's some fucked up shit there. And why I never go to Montana. The Ozarks are a nice safe place I like to spend my spare time.

Might Mo or Ed (the looking glass can't make up its mind)

Link Posted: 4/16/2013 4:21:04 PM EDT
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By Sturmgeist:
I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.

That's some fucked up shit there. And why I never go to Montana. The Ozarks are a nice safe place I like to spend my spare time.

Might Mo or Ed (the looking glass can't make up its mind)

I've run into some odd folks in the Ozarks too.

I was messing around Rock Pile Wilderness once & ran into a family that looked like it had been camping there, forever.
Link Posted: 4/17/2013 7:23:45 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hughjafj] [#38]
Probably just sleep paralysis but this happened about six hours before the Boston attack.

I was asleep and all of the sudden something grabbed me while standing over my head and said, " What do you mean I don't believe in God?" Obviously I was wide awake after screaming.

I don't know why but as soon as the news about the attacks came on it has bugged me like it's somehow connected.
Link Posted: 4/17/2013 2:49:36 PM EDT

Originally Posted By JAD762:

Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By Sturmgeist:

I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.

That's some fucked up shit there. And why I never go to Montana. The Ozarks are a nice safe place I like to spend my spare time.

Might Mo or Ed (the looking glass can't make up its mind)


I've run into some odd folks in the Ozarks too.

I was messing around Rock Pile Wilderness once & ran into a family that looked like it had been camping there, forever.

I never walked out the door at night without a firearm when I'm down there. Some strange things and I'm not talking about the Copper Heads.

My parents grew up there starting in the 20's. I've tried to get my Mom to tell me some of the stories but she only gives the highlights and not the details.

My Father died 20+ years ago or he would have told me about the shit that he saw. As it is, the only story I remember is the ghost in the attic that I have already related.

Mighty Mo

Link Posted: 4/17/2013 4:12:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2013 4:55:49 PM EDT

Wow.  Awesome story.

Any more info on it?
Link Posted: 4/17/2013 6:59:03 PM EDT
[Last Edit: JAD762] [#42]
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By JAD762:
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Originally Posted By Sturmgeist:
I was spending part of summer break, before high school, in Montana. I had planned to go camping with my 17 year old cousin for part of it. We brought a big tent, a 10/22, a mossberg 500, and other essential camping gear like food and that. However unknown to my aunt and uncle, he brought his girlfriend, her cute sister, a 24 pack of beer, and a bunch of cigarettes. In our minds it was going to be a lot of sex and partying.

We drove way out in the sticks in some national forest area, way outside of Helena. He parked his explorer and we hiked for like 3 miles to a very remote area. We were the only car in that parking area. We setup camp and had a good time. I got to mess around with Sarah that afternoon, and when night rolled around we built a fire. We drank beer and had dinner. That night in the tent, I shared a room with Sarah (the tent had partitions) we were messing around when we heard loud footsteps and a faint grumbling outside the tent within like 50 ft. We stopped what were doing and became dead silent. After like 30 minutes of more babbling we heard whoever it was walk away. I checked my watch it was 2:24 am. After 5 minutes of silence I whispered my cousins name, and asked if he heard that he affirmed. We planned on taking turns keeping watch, but we all ended up in the main area of the tent, with my cousin and I holding the guns tightly. We both stayed up until dawn, then we agreed to get some sleep.

In the late morning we got up and looked around the campsite. There were huge ass bootprints all over the outside perimeter. They had to have been size 13. We all agreed to follow them, idk why lol, but they lead farther and farther from the road. We ended up going like 1 mile off a path and were about to call it quits when Drew (my cousin) commented on a horrible stench. I noticed it right away, and the girls did to. Drew and I walked towards it, and saw a 2' diameter hole in the ground that was super deep, with all but the top 1' of it filled with human shit. Still no idea why, I agreed to go further into the woods and up a path. We got on top of the hill, and looked over to see an old ass cabin with all sorts of stuff around it. I crouched down and looked at it through the scope of the 10/22, while drew passed around the binoculars. There was an old rusty ass truck parked there that looked to be in barely working condition, all kinds of firewood stacked in crude heaps, and all kinds of animal skulls around the cabin, with some looking fresh. His gf said look in those trees, and I saw the scariest guy ever emerge from those woods. He had long nasty black hair on his head with hairless patches all over, his face looked nasty as fuck, he was in dirty red plaid jacket, his jeans were covered in mud, and he had these giant knee long brown boots. We quietly scampered off, then ran the whole way back. We packed up everything and hightailed it out of there. He may have just been a rural mountain man living on his own, but he sure seemed like an inbred cannibal monster.

That's some fucked up shit there. And why I never go to Montana. The Ozarks are a nice safe place I like to spend my spare time.

Might Mo or Ed (the looking glass can't make up its mind)

I've run into some odd folks in the Ozarks too.

I was messing around Rock Pile Wilderness once & ran into a family that looked like it had been camping there, forever.

I never walked out the door at night without a firearm when I'm down there. Some strange things and I'm not talking about the Copper Heads.

My parents grew up there starting in the 20's. I've tried to get my Mom to tell me some of the stories but she only gives the highlights and not the details.

My Father died 20+ years ago or he would have told me about the shit that he saw. As it is, the only story I remember is the ghost in the attic that I have already related.

Mighty Mo

Other than the two legged variety, I can't say that I've seen any odd stuff down there so I'd be interested in anything you've got.

My Boy Scout troop would frequent Bell Mountain quite a bit.  We'd get turned around down there every time, but that was the worst of it.

My father had a friend that owned an old cabin & property that butted up to Rock Pile.  We'd use it as a base camp when we'd go on overnight & weekend trips a couple of times during the year.

That was back when my father & his friends were into rendezvousing and reenacting, so we'd hike in, camp, and hunt with clothes and equipment that were all repos from the French & Indian War.  I'm pretty sure we gave other people stories, but that's it.
Link Posted: 4/18/2013 1:37:26 AM EDT
One day I was out shooting in the woods all by myself. I had my .308 on its bipod in the bed of my truck. I'm laying down in the bed, up on the gun sighting in I just reached the bottom of my breath getting ready to break the shot, and all of a sudden my truck fires up.... Scared the LIVING FUCK out of me as I was maybe 5 miles from any major road... I don't think i have ever turned around so fast in my life.... Turns out I was laying on my remote start in my pocket holy Christ will that make you shit yourself!

Second story I was out camping in the woods with two buddies from work.. We were out doing a very intricate practical joke on a bunch of other guys from work. I was freezing my ass off in the tent because I only had on a set of BDUs and a thin layer of thermals I was only going out for the night. Anyway I get up about 0200 or so to go stoke the fire and try to get some warmth.the other two are sound asleep in there sleeping bags. I'm there stoking the fire up getting the flames going, once they got big enough this grayish white figure catches my peripheral vision about 25 yards out or so I look up and instantly grab for my pistol and draw down on it. I was completely struck with fear  damn near fell over when drawing my gun. It was just about human height and looked like a person in a long  robe with their head bowed down.. Like someone in a cult that was praying or chanting....mind you i hiked in roughly 6~7 miles from where i parked the truck, and my buddies had gotten there in a canoe that i dropped them off upstream two days before. I mustered enough nuts to turn on my light attached to my pistol.. Only to find out it was a tree that was broken off at roughly 6 feet. All the bark had fallen off and it was just a grayish white stump. I guess I didn't see it during the daylight or just didn't pay attention enough....I didn't sleep the rest of the night... I hurried up and got back in the tent and sat there with my hand on my pistol till the other guys woke up.

Last story ~ my mother in law lives with us....the end.................no just kidding ... She really does live with us though..she is our stay at home nanny since both the wife and I are active duty...with live in  a summer beach town where the winter population is like 100 and the summer is like 7000. So a lot of the houses sit empty most of the year. The house right next to us has been empty for a year, I have never seen the owners I only see the cleaning lady come by once a month or so. The house next to that (so two houses down) is owned by a very wealthy couple who live in NY city and come down every once and a while. Well they have kids about the same age as ours and they hire my mother in law to babysit so they can go out on the town. This house is three stories with a roof top patio and an elevator that can go all the way up to the roof top. The elevator is behind a normal looking door you open the door and it has a little metal gate like you would see in the old time elevators. One night my MIL was over babysitting and the kids had all gone off the bed on the second floor. MIL is sitting there on the first floor reading a book when all of a sudden the red ring lights up on the wall around the elevator call button she hears the elevator kick in and comes down to the first floor. It was left at the third floor which is where the kitchen and living room is. The elevator comes down chimes and the light inside the car is now shinning through the door but you actually have to go open the door like a normal bedroom door. All the kids are 3 and under so she goes over to open it to make sure one of them didn't get out of bed and wonder in there looking for her. She opens it and it is completely empty... She asks the owners about it and they said they have heard of weird things but never saw anything. I guess the story they got was a while back there was a very wealthy lady who was trying to buy up all the houses on the street and the only two she was never able to buy where the one right next to mine and the one with the elevator. She passed away and ever since people have said that weird thing happen in those two houses... After that I don't allow my kids over there anymore and MIL doesn't babysit anymore and those wealthy people haven't been down to visit. Fast forward about 3 months it was somewhere in February I was out in my garage cleaning some crap up and I hear an old woman start screaming.. I run out to the front yard and notice her rolling around in the driveway of the house with the elevator, so I run over to see what was going on. Turns out she was out walking her dog and slipped on a patch of ice and broke her wrist  in the driveway where it meets the sidewalk. There was a pipe that had busted inside the house and was running water out the garage and down the driveway. I looked at her wrist and could tell instantly that it was broken. Well she lived on the back side of the house with the elevator so basically their backyards touched. I walked her dog home and walked her to the fire dept which was at the end of the street.  That house creeps me the fuck out same with the one right next door. I look up in the windows at night sometimes expecting to see a face or the blinds move or something. I wouldn't doubt it if I did!
Link Posted: 4/20/2013 6:56:18 AM EDT
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:
So this house that my brother and I built over the Indian burial ground was acting up last night.

Mom went to bed just before 10pm so she could listen to Coast to Coast. I got her all tucked in and her radio set up to catch the 10pm news. Than I went out to the Living Room to watch TV for a few hours till I was sure she was sound asleep.

I was watching "Inside Combat Rescue" when there was a loud "BOOM" just above my head. I thought my nephew might be working in the garage so I stepped out the front door and looked at the garaged but there were not any lights on. This was at 10:35pm as I checked the clock.

Later I was watching "Fast and Loud" when "BOOM" again above and behind head. But I couldn't tell if it came from my Bedroom or the garage this time. So I checked the garage and again nothing. So I went up stairs. Looks like a bomb went off. Clothes all over the floor. Empty candy wrappers on the nightstand. Everything's normal. Nothings out of place. So I go back to watching TV.

At 2am I go to bed and watch TV for a while. Nothing special. At 4am my dag Elvis snuggles up to my back and goes to sleep so I figure I should try to see if I can get some. I finally fall to sleep between 5:30 and 6am (I have extreme headaches 24hrs a day, meds barely help and I get very little sleep) . I wake up at 9am and go downstairs to make Mom some coffee.

We're sitting there watching news when she ask me why I moved the Love Seat behind her? I don't know what shes talking about. I didn't move anything other than my bowels last night. Well the Love Seat was moved and she couldn't get her Jazzie (motorized wheel chair - Mom only has her right leg) next to her table. I tell her again that I didn't move it and that Elvis was laying on top of me from 6 till 9 so I couldn't have gotten up to move it. And my Mom couldn't have moved it.

So who moved the couch?


So, did you get some before you went to sleep? Does Elvis moan or scream?
Link Posted: 4/20/2013 7:10:05 AM EDT
Originally Posted By dan1802:
I had something very strange happen to me while sleeping at a friends a few years back.
I posted the story over at myghoststrories.com a few years ago.. its really long but every thing is true.
heres a link to my story.

Even though I was expecting something like that, it still made me jump and sent shivers down my spine...

Good One.

Oh, and I agree, that is something that an asshole would do
Link Posted: 4/20/2013 1:59:21 PM EDT

Originally Posted By KingNothing:

Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

So this house that my brother and I built over the Indian burial ground was acting up last night.

Mom went to bed just before 10pm so she could listen to Coast to Coast. I got her all tucked in and her radio set up to catch the 10pm news. Than I went out to the Living Room to watch TV for a few hours till I was sure she was sound asleep.

I was watching "Inside Combat Rescue" when there was a loud "BOOM" just above my head. I thought my nephew might be working in the garage so I stepped out the front door and looked at the garaged but there were not any lights on. This was at 10:35pm as I checked the clock.

Later I was watching "Fast and Loud" when "BOOM" again above and behind head. But I couldn't tell if it came from my Bedroom or the garage this time. So I checked the garage and again nothing. So I went up stairs. Looks like a bomb went off. Clothes all over the floor. Empty candy wrappers on the nightstand. Everything's normal. Nothings out of place. So I go back to watching TV.

At 2am I go to bed and watch TV for a while. Nothing special. At 4am my dag Elvis snuggles up to my back and goes to sleep so I figure I should try to see if I can get some. I finally fall to sleep between 5:30 and 6am (I have extreme headaches 24hrs a day, meds barely help and I get very little sleep) . I wake up at 9am and go downstairs to make Mom some coffee.

We're sitting there watching news when she ask me why I moved the Love Seat behind her? I don't know what shes talking about. I didn't move anything other than my bowels last night. Well the Love Seat was moved and she couldn't get her Jazzie (motorized wheel chair - Mom only has her right leg) next to her table. I tell her again that I didn't move it and that Elvis was laying on top of me from 6 till 9 so I couldn't have gotten up to move it. And my Mom couldn't have moved it.

So who moved the couch?


So, did you get some before you went to sleep? Does Elvis moan or scream?

That wasn't the best worded sentence I ever rote.


Link Posted: 4/20/2013 9:12:57 PM EDT
Originally Posted By mixcj:
One day I was out shooting in the woods all by myself. I had my .308 on its bipod in the bed of my truck. I'm laying down in the bed, up on the gun sighting in I just reached the bottom of my breath getting ready to break the shot, and all of a sudden my truck fires up.... Scared the LIVING FUCK out of me as I was maybe 5 miles from any major road... I don't think i have ever turned around so fast in my life.... Turns out I was laying on my remote start in my pocket holy Christ will that make you shit yourself!

Second story I was out camping in the woods with two buddies from work.. We were out doing a very intricate practical joke on a bunch of other guys from work. I was freezing my ass off in the tent because I only had on a set of BDUs and a thin layer of thermals I was only going out for the night. Anyway I get up about 0200 or so to go stoke the fire and try to get some warmth.the other two are sound asleep in there sleeping bags. I'm there stoking the fire up getting the flames going, once they got big enough this grayish white figure catches my peripheral vision about 25 yards out or so I look up and instantly grab for my pistol and draw down on it. I was completely struck with fear  damn near fell over when drawing my gun. It was just about human height and looked like a person in a long  robe with their head bowed down.. Like someone in a cult that was praying or chanting....mind you i hiked in roughly 6~7 miles from where i parked the truck, and my buddies had gotten there in a canoe that i dropped them off upstream two days before. I mustered enough nuts to turn on my light attached to my pistol.. Only to find out it was a tree that was broken off at roughly 6 feet. All the bark had fallen off and it was just a grayish white stump. I guess I didn't see it during the daylight or just didn't pay attention enough....I didn't sleep the rest of the night... I hurried up and got back in the tent and sat there with my hand on my pistol till the other guys woke up.

Last story ~ my mother in law lives with us....the end.................no just kidding ... She really does live with us though..she is our stay at home nanny since both the wife and I are active duty...with live in  a summer beach town where the winter population is like 100 and the summer is like 7000. So a lot of the houses sit empty most of the year. The house right next to us has been empty for a year, I have never seen the owners I only see the cleaning lady come by once a month or so. The house next to that (so two houses down) is owned by a very wealthy couple who live in NY city and come down every once and a while. Well they have kids about the same age as ours and they hire my mother in law to babysit so they can go out on the town. This house is three stories with a roof top patio and an elevator that can go all the way up to the roof top. The elevator is behind a normal looking door you open the door and it has a little metal gate like you would see in the old time elevators. One night my MIL was over babysitting and the kids had all gone off the bed on the second floor. MIL is sitting there on the first floor reading a book when all of a sudden the red ring lights up on the wall around the elevator call button she hears the elevator kick in and comes down to the first floor. It was left at the third floor which is where the kitchen and living room is. The elevator comes down chimes and the light inside the car is now shinning through the door but you actually have to go open the door like a normal bedroom door. All the kids are 3 and under so she goes over to open it to make sure one of them didn't get out of bed and wonder in there looking for her. She opens it and it is completely empty... She asks the owners about it and they said they have heard of weird things but never saw anything. I guess the story they got was a while back there was a very wealthy lady who was trying to buy up all the houses on the street and the only two she was never able to buy where the one right next to mine and the one with the elevator. She passed away and ever since people have said that weird thing happen in those two houses... After that I don't allow my kids over there anymore and MIL doesn't babysit anymore and those wealthy people haven't been down to visit. Fast forward about 3 months it was somewhere in February I was out in my garage cleaning some crap up and I hear an old woman start screaming.. I run out to the front yard and notice her rolling around in the driveway of the house with the elevator, so I run over to see what was going on. Turns out she was out walking her dog and slipped on a patch of ice and broke her wrist  in the driveway where it meets the sidewalk. There was a pipe that had busted inside the house and was running water out the garage and down the driveway. I looked at her wrist and could tell instantly that it was broken. Well she lived on the back side of the house with the elevator so basically their backyards touched. I walked her dog home and walked her to the fire dept which was at the end of the street.  That house creeps me the fuck out same with the one right next door. I look up in the windows at night sometimes expecting to see a face or the blinds move or something. I wouldn't doubt it if I did!

Nice! It's always fun when you realize your terrors were totally unfounded. But... the face might just happen when you least expect it.
Link Posted: 4/26/2013 9:09:01 PM EDT

Originally Posted By DeputySC:

I never personally witnessed anything however something happened that kind of creeped me out.

I'm in LEO and get a good but of interesting calls. There were four of us working in our particular region and it was fairly busy. I was busy taking a few run of the mill calls and also listening to the calls dispatch was giving the other Deputies on my squad. Two of them were dispatched to this house in reference to a guy seeing someone in his house. They went checked it out, didn't find anything, and cleared. About 30 mimutes later the guy called again and said the guy was back in his house. I heard them clear the  call and leave again. At this point I think to myself that my co-workers are dealing with a 'mental subject'.

Thirty minutes later the call goes out a third time to this house and I get it because the other two Deputies were on something else. The Deputy that responded the other two times called EMS to respond to check the guy out for mental issues and then called me to tell me what was going on.  Another Deputy hears this and starts on his way to back me up. This is a very old home all by itself in the middle of nowhere. The EMS truck got there before me and this is where it starts getting good.....

EMS calls dispatch and asks for my estimated time of arrival  because THEY SAW SOMEONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE. When I arrived the old guy and the two EMTs were parked a few houses down and were all clearly shooken up from what they saw. The EMT said he had the guy come outside to the Ambulance to check him out.  As they were checking him they saw movement inside his living room. If you look at the front door there are two long narrow glass windows on both sides of it that look across a hallway into the living room. They saw a 'person' peeping at them from around the entertainment center. The guy then quickly walked from behind the entertainment center out of view, then right up to the front door and was peeping at them from behind the long glass windows. Then he or IT walked off and took a right down the hallway out of view. Moments later they saw the blinds on the windows of various rooms moving like someone was peeping out at them. It eventually stopped and they werent sure if someone was still inside or maybe left out the back. They threw the old guy in the back of the Ambulance and hauled A$$.

The old guy said the no one else has a key to his house and has no family or anyone around that would be here at 0100. His son was his only relative and lived an hour away. The other Deputy arrived and we checked the outside the house. All doors and windows were locked and no signs of forced entry. We went in the front door and cleared the entire house from the basement to the attic.

EMS and the old guy come back inside and I ask the old man what happened. He said that he was in bed reading a book. He glanced out his window and noticed someone standing in the middle of his back yard standing  facing towards his window as if he were staring at him. Seconds later it was gone, then he saw it standing in his hallway looking at him as he laid in his bed. I asked what the person looked like, he he couldnt tell, it was a dark shadowy figure. He could make out features but not a detailed description.

Talking to the old guy he appeared to be fine. I called his son who came. I stongly advised them to maybe go stay somewhere else at least for the night but they wanted to sleep there. I left and never heard from them again. Thats my creepy unexplained experience

You win the thread.

And I won't be sleeping tonight.

Link Posted: 4/29/2013 9:33:06 AM EDT
tagged for reading later
Link Posted: 4/29/2013 11:07:12 AM EDT
I have 4 stories that have definitely changed my views on life, as I either experienced them first hand - or was told by a VERY trustworthy source. Each event still gives me goose bumps when I think about them.

1: This happened when I was about 7 years old. It didn't particularly scare me, and I didn't even think much of it at the time - but when I think back on it I can't help but to wonder what the hell it, or she, was. It was just like any other night really. It was summer, hot and muggy. I was sleeping with just a sheet over me, with the sound of the cicadas and the peanut plant lulling me to sleep. The plant sounds like a low humming, at the most perfect pitch. That peanut plant is still to this day one of the most comforting sounds I've ever heard, and I sadly don't get the pleasure of experiencing it anymore. After being asleep for a while, I don't know how long exactly, I woke up and couldn't hear any of the usual sounds. I don't know what woke me; maybe it was the absense of all of the usual comforting sounds? Whatever it was, I was definitely awake. When I finally became concious enough to focus on reality, I had the uncontrollable urge to look at my open doorway, which led into the hall. I always left my door open so that I could take adavntage of the faintest light that peeked through from the light we always left on in the kitchen. When I finally honed in on the doorway, I saw what I thought to be my older (4 years) sister standing there looking at me. She looked like always for the most part, but something was off. She was wearing a huge T-shirt that looked like a dress, and she had this "glow" about her. I thought nothing of it, and I asked her what she was doing.......Nothing. She just stood there looking at me. I asked again, "What are you doing?" Again, nothing. Finally I raised my voice and asked if there was something wrong. The apparition just stood there looking at me with this blank, 1000 yard stare. At this point she, or it, turned to the right and headed back down the hallway, which was towards my sister's room. I thought nothing of it, and just chocked it up to my sister being weird. Once again the sounds of the cicadas and the peanut plant were lulling me to sleep.

The next morning I wake up and head to the kitchen where my sister and mother were eating breakfast. The first thing I did was ask here WTF she was doing outside of my doorway last night. She looked very confused, and she told me that she never even got out of bed last night. On top of that, she was definitely not wearing the long shirt that I saw the girl in last night. I asked her if she had changed when she woke up, and she assured me that she was most definitely wearing shorts and a tank top last night. At this point I'm still not freaked out, but I'm very confused. I just dropped it altogether, and I didn't think about it again for many years. To this day it brings chills down my spine when I think about it. I was most definitely awake, and I most definitely saw something, but I have no clue what/who it was.
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