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Link Posted: 4/29/2013 11:43:26 AM EDT
Originally Posted By hughjafj:
Probably just sleep paralysis but this happened about six hours before the Boston attack.

I was asleep and all of the sudden something grabbed me while standing over my head and said, " What do you mean I don't believe in God?" Obviously I was wide awake after screaming.

I don't know why but as soon as the news about the attacks came on it has bugged me like it's somehow connected.

Were you listening to Megadeth before going to sleep? Megadeths' - Peace Sells popped into my head when I read your post.

Link Posted: 4/29/2013 11:51:04 AM EDT
2:  This next story happened about 5 years later. My sister, (then 16) was dating a guy who had moved in with a family that lived in our neighborhood. This family was a godsend for me and my sister, since they proved to be a rock of stability in a very turbulent time in our lives. The Littles, as we called them, were a large family from the Boston area. The patriarch is a Baptist preacher, who was called to my insanely small town of Andalusia, AL. Pastor Paul was a very kind man, but he raised his family with strict values. He was the kind of man that you could always count on, and the thought of him lying about something was incomprehensible. He was that trustworthy. The whole family consisted of Pastor Paul (father), Mrs. Little (mom), Paul (oldest son), Jonathon (middle son, Heather (beautiful daughter), and Chris (youngest son). Chris quickly became my best friend as soon as they moved down here, a couple years ago at this time. One other person lived with them. His name was Jerry. Jerry had a terrible home life, so the Little's let him live in their enormous home rent free. Jerry is the guy I referenced above, who my sister was dating at this time. One day after church all of us went back to the Little's house to relax and have fun before the Sunday night service. We were all there, save for Pastor Paul and Jerry. Pastor Paul asked Jerry to stay behind with him to finish putting up chairs and tables in the fellowship hall for the Sunday night service.

They were gone for all of 2 hours. When they finally arrived they both had a very strange look on their faces, and we all knew something was up. Pastor Paul rounded all of us up and told us that he wanted to share something with us. He then proceeded to tell me a story that made me believe in God, and evil spirits more than I ever had before.

(Pastor Paul will be called PP from here on out. My hands are getting tired. )

After we all sat down, we were told a story that had both PP and Jerry visibly shaken. PP and Jerry were in the fellowship hall setting up tables for the night service. No one else was at the Church, so they were just trying to get done so they could get back to the house to join the rest of us. The fellowship hall wasn't a big building, maybe 300 square feet. Rectangle in shape, with windows and a door at the front, and a side door which faced the side of the main church. They were wrapping up when all of the sudden they both hear a distinct knock on the glass part of the side door. PP thinks that someone has shown up out of the blue, which happened fairly often at small country churches. He went over to the door to address the knock, and he saw nothing. Both PP and Jerry thought that maybe they hadn't gotten to the door in time so the person walked to the main chapel to try and find someone. A couple of minutes later there was another knock, this time on the glass part of the front door. PP and Jerry just so happen to be facing the front door at the time, and they saw nothing. At this point both of them were fairly alarmed, but not necessarily frightened. PP decides to walk up to the door to investigate what could have made the knocking sound. When he got to the door he saw what he described as a "shadow" or an "absence of light" in a humanoid shape moving across the parking lot. He was noticeably uncomfortable sharing this. At this point he called for Jerry, and sure enough he saw the same thing, and described it exactly how PP had. An absence of light. He described this absence of light as feeling sinister, like a demon. It moved around as if pacing in front of them for a few seconds. They both started praying out loud, and shortly after that whatever is was vanished. It didn't disappear, but the light came back. It was very hard for him to articulate. He was fully convinced that they had seen a demon, or some malevolent spirit first hand.  This man is one of the most trustworthy individuals I've ever been around, and I know for a fact that he would not fabricate something like this. Whatever it was, it was there to make a point.
Link Posted: 4/29/2013 12:35:55 PM EDT
Hi Crimson,
Thanks for the narratives.
Link Posted: 4/29/2013 12:57:43 PM EDT
3:  I'm fairly tired of typing so I will try to keep this short. This happened about 3 years ago, when I was 22 years old. I was in my home town, on winter break from school. (university of AL) My friend Jerome has a plot of land that his family owns, about 400 acres. One clear, cold night we decided to go hog hunting. Being the only gun lover of my group of friends, I was naturally coming along. Only 3 of us ended up going, myself, Jerome, and Jonathon. It was a bitterly cold night, and as clear as you could imagine. The cold air combined with the near zero light pollution paired to make an insanely beautiful night sky.

We had been at it for hours, and it was about 1 oclock in the morning at this point. We heard some hogs in the foreground, so we stopped on a small terrace and sat down to wait on them. We all three sat close together for warmth, and naturally the three of us looked up into the sky. I had my RRA middy resting across my knees pointing away from the two people to my left. I remember the cold air made the rifle very noticeably uncomfortable on my legs. I naturally dealt with it, and continued to look up into the sky. That's when I saw it... A star, very bright... Not only was it very bright, but it was moving. It was as if this star was moving around randomly, as if it were a tetherball that is coming to rest after being hit. It had no pattern, but it was most definitely moving. I thought that I may be seeing things, so I pointed it out to Jerome and Jonathon. It took them a minute to hone in on the exact "star" I was referring to, but sure enough they saw it soon enough. You couldn't have planned it any better, as if it were rehearsed they said in unison "Holy shit that thing is moving!"

Ok, all 3 of us can't be hallucinating, right? We sat there in fear, awe, and amazement as we watched this object move. It would sit still for a second, then drop slowly, then shoot quickly to the right, then up slowly, then down quickly, then to the left slowly. No rhyme or reason, no pattern, but it was DEFINITELY moving. The movements were different as well. Some were quick linear "jumps," some were slow curved transitions. We sat and watched this thing for almost 20 minutes, and then I noticed something. All of the other stars had moved in relation to the tree line, but this one stayed in the same relative section of sky. In other words, it wasn't moving with the rotation of the earth like the other stars.

At this point I get the idea to rest my rifle on my knees, and use the Eotech 512 I had mounted to set a reference point. I wanted to know if this thing was in fact dancing around like I thought it was. I turned my Eotech on, dropped the brightness and put the MOA dot right on the "star," which wasn't completely covered by the dot, if that gives you an idea of the size. Not huge, but bigger than any other star in the sky. With my rifle rested on my knee, I could clearly see that this thing was in fact moving. In relation to the MOA dot, it would move around inside the outer circle of the Eotech, only breaking outside of that diameter once. It never stayed still for more than a few seconds. It was just this solid blueish "star" that moved. I want to mention

I watched it for another 10 minutes or so until it was too cold to stay out. Again, it stayed in the EXACT same spot in the sky. Directly above one of the tallest pines in the treeline. We made the long walk back to his house, and by the time we got there the object was hidden. I think about that event a lot, and I'd absolutely love to know what it was that I saw. I've seen sattelites, and the ISS, and I can say for sure that this was NOT those things. It moved, with purpose.
Link Posted: 4/29/2013 1:06:45 PM EDT
You say it's impossible for people to get there....I say not so much.

You would be surprised at just "who" may be out there.  They're watching you, they know you're there but you have no clue.

You simply think that no ones there, and there could be no POSSIBLE WAY for them to be there....and that's how they like it.

I'm serious lol.  Some weird folk in the world.

As for the music, maybe they have an old wind up record player...hence the reason it sounded like an old record?

Would explain that A: it's in the middle of no where no electricity, and B: very reclusive backwood folk lol.

The hills have eyes...just remember that.
Link Posted: 4/29/2013 1:28:31 PM EDT
My Grandparents house is supposedly "haunted."

I have personally never encountered anything, but everyone else in the family has.  Maybe I'm not a believer in the stuff and that's why I've just never seen it?  IDK.


The house was built roughly in the early 1900's, can't give a date.  All I know is it was built by some guy who had a pepsi bottling plant on the land and that it was sometime in the early 1900's.  

The land it's on was used by all kinds of shit, from old Indian grounds, to Civil war shit, finally to a guy who had a pepsi bottling company or something like that, and that's who built the house.  

When the guy who had the Pepsi plant thing died, they turned the house into a hospital.  Lots of people died there.  After the hospital days, it was turned into somewhat of a old folks home.  Then some dude bought it and lived in it and finally my Grandparents bought it.

Now that a little backstory is given...what I can remember and know anyways....the shit everyone (but me) has seen.

Growing up, I basically lived in that house every summer until roughly 6pm every day.  One day we (my sisters and I) were watching some TV and my sisters looked over and was talking to our Grandpa.  This was like 11am, Grandpa was at work (he owns an insurance company and still works to this day...wants to be involved / doesn't want to give control to anyone lol).  I look over and there's nothing there.  They swear up and down Papa was standing there talking to us.

Several times, they have seen this guy, apparently looked exactly like Papa, over the years.  He is the most occurring one of these "ghosts."

Then there is an Indian princess that shows up at the foot of your bed and just stares at you.  That's all she does.

There's a little girl, roughly 6~7 years old in the really old "high class lady" apparel from the 1900s.  The frills and all that junk.  She runs around the house, you only catch her for a brief while, then see her running away.

There's orbs of light floating around that come through 1 window in the house (only that window) and float around, then go back out.  This is caught on video as they have cameras set up to watch the kids play back in the other end of the house.

Finally, a black shadow that holds you down onto the bed like it's attacking you.  This one is rather...scary to say the least.  More than once have I been woken up to screaming because of it.

Out of all this, George (the one that looks like my Grandfather) is the most commonly seen "ghost."  She had old pictures of the guy who owned the pepsi plant thing and it has to be that guy.  He looks just like my Grandfather, spitting image.

Again, I've personally seen none of them.  Then again I've never seen anything resembling a "ghost" before.  Everyone else in the family that's stayed at least 1 night in the house has seen one of the ones mentioned above.  Pretty creepy lol.

Old houses that come with extremely old heritage and circumstances....
Link Posted: 4/29/2013 10:10:28 PM EDT
Originally Posted By CrimsonTideShooter:
2:  This next story happened about 5 years later. My sister, (then 16) was dating a guy who had moved in with a family that lived in our neighborhood. This family was a godsend for me and my sister, since they proved to be a rock of stability in a very turbulent time in our lives. The Littles, as we called them, were a large family from the Boston area. The patriarch is a Baptist preacher, who was called to my insanely small town of Andalusia, AL. Pastor Paul was a very kind man, but he raised his family with strict values. He was the kind of man that you could always count on, and the thought of him lying about something was incomprehensible. He was that trustworthy. The whole family consisted of Pastor Paul (father), Mrs. Little (mom), Paul (oldest son), Jonathon (middle son, Heather (beautiful daughter), and Chris (youngest son). Chris quickly became my best friend as soon as they moved down here, a couple years ago at this time. One other person lived with them. His name was Jerry. Jerry had a terrible home life, so the Little's let him live in their enormous home rent free. Jerry is the guy I referenced above, who my sister was dating at this time. One day after church all of us went back to the Little's house to relax and have fun before the Sunday night service. We were all there, save for Pastor Paul and Jerry. Pastor Paul asked Jerry to stay behind with him to finish putting up chairs and tables in the fellowship hall for the Sunday night service.

They were gone for all of 2 hours. When they finally arrived they both had a very strange look on their faces, and we all knew something was up. Pastor Paul rounded all of us up and told us that he wanted to share something with us. He then proceeded to tell me a story that made me believe in God, and evil spirits more than I ever had before.

(Pastor Paul will be called PP from here on out. My hands are getting tired. )

After we all sat down, we were told a story that had both PP and Jerry visibly shaken. PP and Jerry were in the fellowship hall setting up tables for the night service. No one else was at the Church, so they were just trying to get done so they could get back to the house to join the rest of us. The fellowship hall wasn't a big building, maybe 300 square feet. Rectangle in shape, with windows and a door at the front, and a side door which faced the side of the main church. They were wrapping up when all of the sudden they both hear a distinct knock on the glass part of the side door. PP thinks that someone has shown up out of the blue, which happened fairly often at small country churches. He went over to the door to address the knock, and he saw nothing. Both PP and Jerry thought that maybe they hadn't gotten to the door in time so the person walked to the main chapel to try and find someone. A couple of minutes later there was another knock, this time on the glass part of the front door. PP and Jerry just so happen to be facing the front door at the time, and they saw nothing. At this point both of them were fairly alarmed, but not necessarily frightened. PP decides to walk up to the door to investigate what could have made the knocking sound. When he got to the door he saw what he described as a "shadow" or an "absence of light" in a humanoid shape moving across the parking lot. He was noticeably uncomfortable sharing this. At this point he called for Jerry, and sure enough he saw the same thing, and described it exactly how PP had. An absence of light. He described this absence of light as feeling sinister, like a demon. It moved around as if pacing in front of them for a few seconds. They both started praying out loud, and shortly after that whatever is was vanished. It didn't disappear, but the light came back. It was very hard for him to articulate. He was fully convinced that they had seen a demon, or some malevolent spirit first hand.  This man is one of the most trustworthy individuals I've ever been around, and I know for a fact that he would not fabricate something like this. Whatever it was, it was there to make a point.

As I have posted here before, when I was a young boy I had a recurring "dream."

In the "dream," I would wake up in the dead of night, and see the figure of a man standing in my bedroom, looking at me.

Mind you, the room was pitch dark, however, this "figure" was so black that it stood out perfectly in silhouette even against a pitch black background.

I would use the exact expression you just did to describe it - an "absence of light."

I would cry out for my parents and the hallway light would come on, and either my father or my mother could come down the hall to my room to check on me, and assure me it was just a nightmare.

Still creeps me out to this day to think about it.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 11:01:28 PM EDT
Originally Posted By lawdog2831:
Originally Posted By dan1802:
I had something very strange happen to me while sleeping at a friends a few years back.
I posted the story over at myghoststrories.com a few years ago.. its really long but every thing is true.
heres a link to my story.


What do you mean ex ? She's sleeping right next to me
Link Posted: 5/7/2013 11:57:54 PM EDT
Originally Posted By dan1802:
Originally Posted By lawdog2831:
Originally Posted By dan1802:
I had something very strange happen to me while sleeping at a friends a few years back.
I posted the story over at myghoststrories.com a few years ago.. its really long but every thing is true.
heres a link to my story.


What do you mean ex ? She's sleeping right next to me

Link Posted: 5/8/2013 12:17:25 AM EDT
Originally Posted By CrimsonTideShooter:

I have a couple of stories about the presence of angels while I was hanging out with this girl I'm friends with from Andalusia. You may know her or at least her older brother.
Link Posted: 5/23/2013 7:02:12 PM EDT
So I'm staying at a friend's house this week while I'm taking a class.

Their guest bed is new, hard, and a bit uncomfortable.  That and 4 little kids in the house means that I've been having a hard time sleeping.

Last night I feel what feels like two hands pushing down on my shoulder blades like someone's trying to push me into the mattress and smother me.  I freak out and decide to head butt whoever it is.

So I throw my head up and back as hard as I can and....wake myself up doing it.

I am 100% sure that it was a weird dream from all the restless sleep I've had this week.  But it still freaked me out.
Link Posted: 5/23/2013 10:52:44 PM EDT
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:

Two rules to buying a house;
1) Don't buy a house that was built over an Indian Burial Ground
2) Don't buy a house that the owner committed suicide in
3) Don't buy a house where someone went Daffy Duck and slaughtered the family

Three rules to living in a haunted house;
1) Don't sleep in the Dead Persons bedroom
2) Don't go into the basement at anytime of the day or night
3) Don't go into the Attic at anytime of the day or night
4) Don't explore the house looking for hidden room (unless there is a chance to discover a fortune in riches in which case get a bulldozer and level the place)
5) Don't let children play with the TV
6) Don't read shit out of old books that you find lying around
7) Don't read anything but romance novels while in the house as you will pick up some ammulet and try to read the inscription than BAM the Demon in charge
  of pound you in the ass dungeon appears. So Don't Do It!

Mighty Mo

I think I might have mentioned this in this thread or an older one but....
I lived with my dad and this was a long time ago so I just have a few sketchy memories
Late '60s early '70s my stepdad bought a house in Toledo OR. He was a raging alcoholic and none of this affected him at all being drunk all the time. Evidently it was before the disclosure laws or he didn't care,but after moving in they found out that an old woman (grandma?)
had murdered 3 kids in the house and then hung herself in the basement a week later. I didn't find out all this until long after they'd moved out and I'd only been in the house a few times.
To this day my mother and half brother won't talk about it other than "God wasn't that place horrible" and my brother will leave the room if you bring it up. He was only 3-4 yrs old and would wake everybody up screaming in the night about "the old lady saying things and trying to hurt him". They ended up moving him into their (parents ) room.

My sisters refused to sleep upstairs and considering the rotten meat smell that would occasionally come from the attic area I couldn't blame them much. I mentioned it to my stepdad and he said it was a dead squirrel in the attic. I remember thinking "yeah must be a 100 lb squirrel"!
My sister wanted me to go down to the basement with her once and standing down there I could feel an almost debilitating feeling of depression and hopelessness. Almost felt like a weight on me it was so strong,it actually was hard to breath. I only lasted a few minutes and headed back upstairs and my sister
came up right behind me. She just said,"weird isn't it?" I said "what?" thinking I'd imagined it and she thought I hadn't noticed anything unusual so she didn't pursue it.

I did sleep in the old ladies bedroom once and it was kind of strange though I don't know if it had anything to do with the house. I was there to visit for the weekend and going to bed Friday nite I felt perfectly fine. Next day my mother came in late morning to wake me up and I was sicker than
a dog! So weak I couldn't even get up, felt very feverish. She took my temp and it was normal. She thought I was faking it but I laid in that bed until Sunday afternoon and when I was told it was time for them to take me home it was just like flicking a light switch I was perfectly fine. Just seemed strange.

After they moved out the place sold 2-3 times but nobody lasted more than 2-4 monthes. My sister told me that the house had been featured in a Haunted House documentary but couldn't remember the particulars. One family even attempted an exorcism but evidently it didn't work because the place sat vacant for a number of years and then burnt to the ground.

Link Posted: 5/24/2013 4:21:06 PM EDT
Reading this thread has inspired me to commit this story to writing. I’ve told maybe 6 or 7 people close to me (wife, MIL, and gun-truck crew members in Iraq). I believe myself to be a very rational individual, but to this day I have a hard time rationalizing what occurred. I apologize in advance for the forthcoming wall of text.

I grew up on a working beef cattle farm that was located in the middle of an often overlooked but significant Civil War battlefield. The farm has two early 20th century farmhouses at the east end of the farm, and my parents built a foremost home on the west-end, in the late eighties when I was 2 or 3. When I was 6, my parents finished the basement with two adjoining rooms for my twin brother and me.

My twin brother and I hated it down there. We begged our parents to leave the connecting doorway open, and positioned our beds so that we could see into each other’s rooms. Until we moved out at 18, my brother would not stay down there alone. Now before the inevitable “pussy” comments, keep in mind that we were farm kids, who camped and coon-hunted (often alone) in the hills and mountains around our home from about age 12. My brother never spoke of his fear much, but when pressed, would speak of hearing muffled voices in the walls.

I had the same uneasiness, but never had any specific instances occur through most of my childhood. When I was in third grade, I was crippled with insomnia. Every. Single. Fucking. Night. I would lay in bed, wide-awake, with a sense of uneasiness, until dawn. I would fall asleep around 0500, and would sleep until 0600 when it was time to start chores. Several times, the uneasiness turned to terror, and my parents would find me curled up on the floor outside of their room in the morning. Needless to say, after several weeks, I was a wreck. My parents finally took me to a child psychologist, who was likewise stumped. After a downright miserable several months, it passed. I instantly began sleeping through the night, and once again became a normal 8 year old boy.

This next part is hard to put into words, but fuck it…here goes. I was about 15 at the time, and was sound asleep one night. I was facing the wall, when I instantly snapped awake. I’m talking hyper-alert wide awake. I rolled over and saw “it” in the connecting doorway to my brother’s room. “It” was a human figure, which looked to be a bit over 5 feet tall. I don’t know how I could tell, but I instantly knew it was female. It was wearing some form of cloak or cape that covered its head. Its head was down, and was looking at the ground, so I could not make out a face. The figure was carrying a large wicker basket, and was moving towards me. I had the distinct impression that it wanted me to either take something from the basket, or wanted me to put something into it. Despite that, the terror that I felt was indescribable. It was only about 5 or 6 feet way, when I mustered the courage to turn on the light switch, which was located immediately by my head. When I did, “it” was gone. Now for the fucked up part. With the light on, I could clearly see my brother in his room. He was sitting straight up in bed. I didn’t see him sit up, but rather I believe he had been sitting up the entire time. He was staring at me with a dazed vacant look on his face. I said “did you just fucking see that?” and he didn’t reply. He just lay back down and went to sleep. There was no more sleep for me that night, and the light stayed on.

The next morning, I had already convinced myself that I was dreaming. I nonchalantly asked my brother if he remembered me waking him up last night. I was prepared with some bullshit excuse, so he wouldn’t give me shit about being a pussy. He told me that he never remembered waking up, and I let the issue drop.
After several days of thinking about it, it was starting to get to me. I had to tell someone, so I relayed the experience to me mom in detail. Her face went white, and she asked me on which night this had occurred. When I told her, she told me of a story my father (another very rational individual, who had never discussed or professed an interest in the paranormal) told her of that same night. He told her that he had fallen asleep watching a ballgame in the living room. He told her he was instantly wide awake sometime in the early morning, and saw clearly two small figures in what he described as robes, standing in the middle of the room. He stated that when he moved, the two figures ran behind the large curtains of the bay windows, one to each side. He said they seemed child-like, so he thought they were my younger sisters playing a joke on him. He got up, and checked the curtains, and found no-one there. He stated that it was so vivid, that he actually got up and checked on my sisters, who were sound asleep.

He kept this all to himself, and like me tried to rationalize it as a vivid dream. He finally broke down and like me, told my mom, who was recognized by all of us as the spiritual head of the household (we used to joke that she was more Catholic than the Pope). There were a few smaller instances around this time, but nothing that couldn’t be explained with a little effort and normal life resumed.

A year later, I had taken a job with a Civil War reenactment sutler named “Sandy” and spent the summer working in her tent at reenactments around the country. On my second trip with her, we went to an obscure event in Michigan. On the long ride up, she told me some supernatural experiences that she had throughout her long career working on and around Civil War battlefields. I was a very private individual, even then, but for some reason decided to tell her my story. She listened, and said that when we got to Michigan, she had a close friend named “Peggy” who would love to hear my story. She described “Peggy” as a medium, who did not advertise that fact to anybody but close friends. Not “Miss Cleo” type, but rather a normal individual who often unexpectedly “saw” things that others didn’t.

When I met “Peggy” she asked me if the room where my father saw the girls, was directly above my room. I had never thought about it, but realized that it was. She said that through the bay windows of the living room, you could see a long wooden building in disrepair, several hundred yards from the house, and described the building in great detail. Sure as shit, she was describing an old un-used chicken-house in that exact location. She said that something was found near the building years ago, and had been lost again. She said the item was connected to the spirits. I knew exactly what she was talking about. Throughout my childhood, my grandfather had told me of a Civil War saber that his father had unearthed in that spot while plowing in the ‘20s. I had always heard of the saber, but my grandfather (somewhat of a packrat) had misplaced it years ago. I spent many childhood hours combing every inch of that house and attic, with my grandmother’s blessing, and never found the sword. She said that the saber will be rediscovered soon. Sure as shit, several weeks after I returned from Michigan, my grandfather found the sword, in a crawlspace of his house.

Peggy said that she wished she could provide more clarification, but that I should be wary of the spirits. She told me not to take anything from the woman, should I see her again. Thankfully I never did. Peggy said that I should look in the chicken-house, and that I would find something of interest. Later that summer, I decided to do so, and was stung by a yellow-jacket as soon as I opened the door. Whatever was in there could wait till colder weather, and I didn’t tell a soul about it.

Several months later I stopped unannounced by Sandy’s shop. Sandy said that she had just spoken with Peggy, who told her to tell me that one step inside the chicken-house didn’t count, and that I would have to go all the way in to find what I was looking for. She then laughed and pointed at a box she was unpacking. Written on the side were the words “Hi Longhunter09.” Sure enough, the return address of the package was from Peggy’s business in Ohio. This was the first time that I had visited Sandy at her shop in several weeks, but Sandy said that Peggy had told her that I would be stopping by to visit her when the package got there.

Like I said, I am a very rational individual. I have not had any other “supernatural” experiences, and to this day, I am unsure of my feelings about this chain of events. And no, I have never mustered the courage to re-investigate that chicken-house.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 4:54:31 PM EDT
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 5:08:59 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.
Link Posted: 5/24/2013 5:20:03 PM EDT

Originally Posted By longhunter09:

Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.

Think of it this way, while the psychic lady said there was something in there for you, she didn't say it would be bad.  Her attitude sounds like she would have warned you if it was bad news.  Do it.  Post pics.

Link Posted: 5/24/2013 7:00:24 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By longhunter09:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.

Think of it this way, while the psychic lady said there was something in there for you, she didn't say it would be bad.  Her attitude sounds like she would have warned you if it was bad news.  Do it.  Post pics.  

It will probably be another frikkin safe.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 2:29:14 AM EDT
She told me not to take anything from the woman, should I see her again.

In general, it is bad form (at least) to accept anything (i.e. a gift) from the dead. I don't know why but I suspect it is somewhere in the realm of not inviting them into your house or into your life.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 4:19:31 AM EDT
I'm just glad to see this thing is alive and well.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 4:23:10 AM EDT
Originally Posted By NY_Shooter:
Originally Posted By M1-Ed:
I will keep an eye on things. If there is even the tiniest sign of something being moved I will go for the M.A.C.s. But right now I am looking at getting my Mom a Prosthetic Leg so money is tight as I'm not sure what kind to get/how much it will cost?  

You can use cheap webcams, and download software to turn them motion-activated.  Not sure how much the software costs.  I'm sure there's some cheap/free versions.

Browse through here:  http://www.ar15.com/forums/f_6/46_Safes_andamp__Home_Security.html

I don't know if I dare to open any more of your links on the creepy threads
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 4:40:09 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By longhunter09:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.

Think of it this way, while the psychic lady said there was something in there for you, she didn't say it would be bad.  Her attitude sounds like she would have warned you if it was bad news.  Do it.  Post pics.  

Do it.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 5:00:10 AM EDT
Originally Posted By longhunter09:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.

Dude your story gave me the chills which does not happen often..stay the hell away from the chicken house.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 6:55:12 AM EDT
I can't think of much right now other than this one story.

My dad passed away in 2006. A year or two later I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I was looking down to put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and when I looked up into the mirror, I saw him. My dad was staring back at me. It was only a split second and I blinked or something and he was gone. I tried to repeat it, to see his face again, but I couldn't.

Also, he really loved Bald Eagles. Had one tattooed on his arm, pictures on his walls and statues (nick-nacks) around his house. I don't see them too often, but I have seen them on important/special days for me or my family.

It makes me believe he's still around and watching over me.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 7:23:43 AM EDT
Originally Posted By longhunter09:
Reading this thread has inspired me to commit this story to writing. I’ve told maybe 6 or 7 people close to me (wife, MIL, and gun-truck crew members in Iraq). I believe myself to be a very rational individual, but to this day I have a hard time rationalizing what occurred. I apologize in advance for the forthcoming wall of text.

I grew up on a working beef cattle farm that was located in the middle of an often overlooked but significant Civil War battlefield. The farm has two early 20th century farmhouses at the east end of the farm, and my parents built a foremost home on the west-end, in the late eighties when I was 2 or 3. When I was 6, my parents finished the basement with two adjoining rooms for my twin brother and me.

My twin brother and I hated it down there. We begged our parents to leave the connecting doorway open, and positioned our beds so that we could see into each other’s rooms. Until we moved out at 18, my brother would not stay down there alone. Now before the inevitable “pussy” comments, keep in mind that we were farm kids, who camped and coon-hunted (often alone) in the hills and mountains around our home from about age 12. My brother never spoke of his fear much, but when pressed, would speak of hearing muffled voices in the walls.

I had the same uneasiness, but never had any specific instances occur through most of my childhood. When I was in third grade, I was crippled with insomnia. Every. Single. Fucking. Night. I would lay in bed, wide-awake, with a sense of uneasiness, until dawn. I would fall asleep around 0500, and would sleep until 0600 when it was time to start chores. Several times, the uneasiness turned to terror, and my parents would find me curled up on the floor outside of their room in the morning. Needless to say, after several weeks, I was a wreck. My parents finally took me to a child psychologist, who was likewise stumped. After a downright miserable several months, it passed. I instantly began sleeping through the night, and once again became a normal 8 year old boy.

This next part is hard to put into words, but fuck it…here goes. I was about 15 at the time, and was sound asleep one night. I was facing the wall, when I instantly snapped awake. I’m talking hyper-alert wide awake. I rolled over and saw “it” in the connecting doorway to my brother’s room. “It” was a human figure, which looked to be a bit over 5 feet tall. I don’t know how I could tell, but I instantly knew it was female. It was wearing some form of cloak or cape that covered its head. Its head was down, and was looking at the ground, so I could not make out a face. The figure was carrying a large wicker basket, and was moving towards me. I had the distinct impression that it wanted me to either take something from the basket, or wanted me to put something into it. Despite that, the terror that I felt was indescribable. It was only about 5 or 6 feet way, when I mustered the courage to turn on the light switch, which was located immediately by my head. When I did, “it” was gone. Now for the fucked up part. With the light on, I could clearly see my brother in his room. He was sitting straight up in bed. I didn’t see him sit up, but rather I believe he had been sitting up the entire time. He was staring at me with a dazed vacant look on his face. I said “did you just fucking see that?” and he didn’t reply. He just lay back down and went to sleep. There was no more sleep for me that night, and the light stayed on.

The next morning, I had already convinced myself that I was dreaming. I nonchalantly asked my brother if he remembered me waking him up last night. I was prepared with some bullshit excuse, so he wouldn’t give me shit about being a pussy. He told me that he never remembered waking up, and I let the issue drop.
After several days of thinking about it, it was starting to get to me. I had to tell someone, so I relayed the experience to me mom in detail. Her face went white, and she asked me on which night this had occurred. When I told her, she told me of a story my father (another very rational individual, who had never discussed or professed an interest in the paranormal) told her of that same night. He told her that he had fallen asleep watching a ballgame in the living room. He told her he was instantly wide awake sometime in the early morning, and saw clearly two small figures in what he described as robes, standing in the middle of the room. He stated that when he moved, the two figures ran behind the large curtains of the bay windows, one to each side. He said they seemed child-like, so he thought they were my younger sisters playing a joke on him. He got up, and checked the curtains, and found no-one there. He stated that it was so vivid, that he actually got up and checked on my sisters, who were sound asleep.

He kept this all to himself, and like me tried to rationalize it as a vivid dream. He finally broke down and like me, told my mom, who was recognized by all of us as the spiritual head of the household (we used to joke that she was more Catholic than the Pope). There were a few smaller instances around this time, but nothing that couldn’t be explained with a little effort and normal life resumed.

A year later, I had taken a job with a Civil War reenactment sutler named “Sandy” and spent the summer working in her tent at reenactments around the country. On my second trip with her, we went to an obscure event in Michigan. On the long ride up, she told me some supernatural experiences that she had throughout her long career working on and around Civil War battlefields. I was a very private individual, even then, but for some reason decided to tell her my story. She listened, and said that when we got to Michigan, she had a close friend named “Peggy” who would love to hear my story. She described “Peggy” as a medium, who did not advertise that fact to anybody but close friends. Not “Miss Cleo” type, but rather a normal individual who often unexpectedly “saw” things that others didn’t.

When I met “Peggy” she asked me if the room where my father saw the girls, was directly above my room. I had never thought about it, but realized that it was. She said that through the bay windows of the living room, you could see a long wooden building in disrepair, several hundred yards from the house, and described the building in great detail. Sure as shit, she was describing an old un-used chicken-house in that exact location. She said that something was found near the building years ago, and had been lost again. She said the item was connected to the spirits. I knew exactly what she was talking about. Throughout my childhood, my grandfather had told me of a Civil War saber that his father had unearthed in that spot while plowing in the ‘20s. I had always heard of the saber, but my grandfather (somewhat of a packrat) had misplaced it years ago. I spent many childhood hours combing every inch of that house and attic, with my grandmother’s blessing, and never found the sword. She said that the saber will be rediscovered soon. Sure as shit, several weeks after I returned from Michigan, my grandfather found the sword, in a crawlspace of his house.

Peggy said that she wished she could provide more clarification, but that I should be wary of the spirits. She told me not to take anything from the woman, should I see her again. Thankfully I never did. Peggy said that I should look in the chicken-house, and that I would find something of interest. Later that summer, I decided to do so, and was stung by a yellow-jacket as soon as I opened the door. Whatever was in there could wait till colder weather, and I didn’t tell a soul about it.

Several months later I stopped unannounced by Sandy’s shop. Sandy said that she had just spoken with Peggy, who told her to tell me that one step inside the chicken-house didn’t count, and that I would have to go all the way in to find what I was looking for. She then laughed and pointed at a box she was unpacking. Written on the side were the words “Hi Longhunter09.” Sure enough, the return address of the package was from Peggy’s business in Ohio. This was the first time that I had visited Sandy at her shop in several weeks, but Sandy said that Peggy had told her that I would be stopping by to visit her when the package got there.

Like I said, I am a very rational individual. I have not had any other “supernatural” experiences, and to this day, I am unsure of my feelings about this chain of events. And no, I have never mustered the courage to re-investigate that chicken-house.

Which one please?
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 7:33:42 AM EDT
Originally Posted By pepperbelly:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:

Originally Posted By longhunter09:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.

Think of it this way, while the psychic lady said there was something in there for you, she didn't say it would be bad.  Her attitude sounds like she would have warned you if it was bad news.  Do it.  Post pics.  

It will probably be another frikkin safe.

LOL! No shit.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 9:11:20 AM EDT
Originally Posted By hughjafj:

Which one please?

Toms Brook
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 9:19:21 AM EDT
Glad I didn't read any of these before going to bed....

Heres mine..back in the mid to late 90's I was over at my best friends house.  It was an isolated older house, set back in the woods a little bit.  No one else was home, it was just he and I sitting around in the living room talking about something, and than suddenly out of nowhere we here a female voice call his name out quite clearly, and quite distinctly...It freaked both of us out and we searched all over the house to see if it was his sister or one of her friends or something...House was entirely empty except for us two..Never happened again and for the longest time I thought he had played some kind of trick on me, but 10-15 years after it happened I brought it up and he says it was no trick and it freaked him out as much as it freaked me out.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 11:12:12 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Leeland111] [#28]
I've got another one.... this one has a reoccurring theme.

Almost 20 years ago, I was sleeping one night and felt like I was having a dream. The "real" kind of dream where you are watching yourself. I was lying in my bed, supine- hands one on top of the other at my waist as if in the position you would be placed in a coffin. My mattress and box spring were directly on the floor, no frame and next to my bed I had a milk crate on it's side with my alarm clock and cordless phone (yes it was that long ago). Inside the milk crate was my pistol.

I was "seeing" this from above.

As I watched myself sleep a demonic leprechaun came into my room and was slowly coming at me. Everything slowed down. I was thinking from above, telling myself, to grab my pistol and shoot it. I was paralyzed. I'm looking down on myself and watching this leprechaun come toward me and I couldn't move. It seemed like an eternity... just watching this thing come at my sleeping body and I couldn't move.

I finally woke up and was in that exact position, supine- with my hands one on top of the other, on my bed. I was frantically looking for the leprechaun and tried to reach for my gun. I was still paralyzed. It took great will to move my head around to face the door and move my arms to grasp the gun.

I didn't go back to sleep that night and I guess I'm glad I didn't "sleep walk" and fire some rounds at my bedroom door, but I'll never forget that dream.

This is kind of what I saw:

Oh yeah, the reoccurring theme is when I need to use my gun, I'm paralyzed or the trigger doesn't work.
Link Posted: 5/25/2013 11:35:32 AM EDT
Originally Posted By dan1802:
I had something very strange happen to me while sleeping at a friends a few years back.
I posted the story over at myghoststrories.com a few years ago.. its really long but every thing is true.
heres a link to my story.

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 2:21:11 AM EDT

Shit not cool man!!!!

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 2:28:13 AM EDT

Originally Posted By HellBent:

Another one from my small hometown.

We have a Railroad museum on the site of an old passenger train depot that dates back to the 1800's.  One of the exhibits is an old KCS Caboose sitting on a short length of track outside.  

Back in the early 90's, when I was in high school, my girlfriend (who is now my wife...) was a cheerleader.  The cheerleading program required them to do civic service each year, and she chose to volunteer at the Depot for a few Saturdays.  When her assigned day rolled around, her mom gave her a ride to the museum.  They pulled into the parking lot a few minutes early, expecting to wait as no other cars were present.  After only a few moments, though, her mother saw someone in the caboose and asked her if that was who she needed to report to.  My wife saw the woman as well, through the windows and door of the caboose.  They both saw an elderly woman, dressed in period clothing (which wasn't unusual as the senior citizen volunteers at the museum sometimes dress as such), walking around appearing to be cleaning or arranging things in the exhibit.

My wife grabbed her things and walked to the caboose, waving at the woman.  She climbed the steps and knocked on the door, noticing that it was locked on the inside.  Peering inside the window revealed the caboose to be empty...

Rationally, she decided that since the front door was locked, the rear must be the entrance used, and the lady must be coming around to let her in.  On reaching the rear, she found it to be padlocked on the outside.  That shook her up, and she returned to the car, telling her mother what had happened.  Her mother (and my wife, for that matter) is a very practical type, not superstitious or easily spooked.  She assumed at the time that the lady must be simply out of sight in the caboose or had managed to traverse the length, exited, relocked the caboose, and disappeared into the museum - having already forgotten the young girl waving and knocking outside?  My wife wasn't having it, pretty spooked by the experience.

They ended up waiting around for a bit until one of the volunteers pulled up next to them.  My wife told the lady who arrived what had happened, and she reassured her that there was NO one present, she was the first to arrive and unlock for the day.  

I should say that the depot is only 2 blocks from the station where I work, and I've never heard a single other story about this location.  My partners and I have even driven over there and taken photos through the windows in the dead of the night.  But, my wife to this day remains very reserved about the place.  I can remember riding around the backstreets of our hometown and her being REALLY upset if I took that road or tried to pull in to spook her.  She LOVES going into old, abandoned places and even the local "Blue Light" cemetery type locations to check out spooky stuff, but has ZERO interest in checking out the old depot - and that's been over 20 years ago...  I'm really not certain that I could talk her into going into that caboose tomorrow in the middle of the day..

* I typed this and decided that I could scoot the couple of blocks and shoot a few photos since I'm on duty tonight, so I did just that a few minutes ago.  I also included the historical marker about the fatal shootout that happened on the site.  I was half hoping that I might catch something interesting in the photos, but unfortunately I got zilch...  I'd be lying, though, if I said it wasn't a little creepy standing on those steps and shooting photos inside that caboose.  In the dark. Alone.

One of the historical markers on the site, regarding the shooting:


View of the caboose from the parking lot...  The front door is locked/barred from the inside.


This one is taken from about where they were parked when they saw the woman inside.


Rear exit, padlocked...


Just a couple of views into the side windows...



Looking into the interior (had to used the flashlight, and you can't see much, as the flash would reflect off the dirty glass pane...)


Brightened that last one up as best I could using PSP - all the others are straight from my phone to photobucket.  I may try to swing by during the day and take a shot inside the caboose when I can actually SEE something..


Wtf all that and no wife pic?

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 2:59:31 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Skg_Mre_Lght:

Originally Posted By TheRedGoat:

I was talking to a gal once and she related a 'creepy' story that happened to her.  When she was a young teen, she was very ill. She had been to the doctor and was prescribed bed-rest until her fever came down and her flu-like symptoms passed.

While laying on the family couch, her mom and dad would sit in the nearby easy chair and watch TV.  At times they would leave the room and get her water, meds, soup etc.

She kept noticing a painting on the wall, near the couch, of a woman holding a basket of fruit.  Something similar to this:


It seemed to be 'watching' the people coming in/leaving the room.  Now, she was running a fever, and she knew this must be her imagination, and kept it to herself.  There was no way she really believed the eyes were tracking people, right?

As her dad left the room, she could swear the painting followed him with its eyes.  Fever or not, she was getting scared.  So, she looked to see if she could see her mom or dad returning to the room.  She couldn't see anyone nearby.

Until she turned her head back to the picture.

The woman turned her head directly toward her, made eye contact, and tossed down the basket of fruit.  From behind the woman's back, she produced a knife and began climbing OUT of  the picture frame with a look of blood-hate in her eyes.

At this point her screams of panic caused her dad to come rushing back.  The painting turned toward the sound of the dad's rushing feet, made eye contact with the girl and climbed back up in to the frame, with one last look that said, "I'll finish this next time..."

She would never let her parents leave her in that room alone again.

Something that happened to me:

I was told, "In the right light, paintings will talk to each other."  I thought this was BS. Until, as a teen, I began trying to crack an eye open in the early morning to see if I could verify the myth.  I kept doing this until I began to notice a small movement, must have been my imagination?  

And then one would seem to be whispering, barely moving its lips.  I thought this was neater than hell, and decided I should see if I could read the paintings lips.  Seemed like a fine idea, and although I knew this must just be my imagination, I was transfixed.

Until, I lip-read the words, "I think he is watching us."

Laugh or not, it freaked my teenage ass out enough that I stopped looking at the damn pictures on the walls unless it was bright outside and they knew I was looking at them.


The old brick (meaning that it was built out of the cahrred brick form an old Parrish Courthouse) mansion that my Grandparents once lived in was filled with oil paintings.

My Grandfather once called my Grandmother, begging her to return home, because the paintings were speaking to him.


Fuck dammit I'm reading the ones where something sites on your bed and my fucking can just jumped into my head with me and SLOWLY walked over to sniff my face. Holy shit I'm gonna have to pull the sheets out my puckered ass!!!

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 12:33:22 AM EDT
Originally Posted By longhunter09:

So what was in the package she sent you?
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 4:44:36 AM EDT
Originally Posted By 00leland00:
Originally Posted By longhunter09:

So what was in the package she sent you?

Probably should have clarified. The package was general merchandise. There were probably 10 packages total. She was a vendor at my Boss's shop. It just had my name written on the outside.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:04:46 AM EDT
Originally Posted By longhunter09:
Originally Posted By Captain_Morgan:
Dude, you have to go check out the chicken house.

That's what my wife says. After 8 years away, I moved back to the farm (into one of the afore-mentioned farmhouses) a couple of weeks ago. She has mentioned looking into it twice, since we moved back. The thing is, I really don't want to. I don't know why, but I just don't. But, if there is anything that my wife is good at, it's wearing me down. I'll re-post when she eventually nags persuades me into checking it out.

Tell her she has to hold your hand while you go in and explore.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 2:30:58 PM EDT
Originally Posted By djbradley:
Originally Posted By CrimsonTideShooter:

I have a couple of stories about the presence of angels while I was hanging out with this girl I'm friends with from Andalusia. You may know her or at least her older brother.

Small world! Chances are I'd know him/them.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 2:45:57 PM EDT
Originally Posted By CrimsonTideShooter:
Originally Posted By djbradley:
Originally Posted By CrimsonTideShooter:

I have a couple of stories about the presence of angels while I was hanging out with this girl I'm friends with from Andalusia. You may know her or at least her older brother.

Small world! Chances are I'd know him/them.

Probably. Too bad she turned out to be nothing more than a liar, so I don't know what I can believe from her now.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:25:13 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Thor] [#38]
I have about a dozen, some are funny, odd, an even cool, but one definitely falls under creepy. I experienced something I can't explain for a period of nearly a year.

When I was younger and dumber, I got involved with some of the less desirables of society. I was putting myself directly into potentially deadly situations, and to this day don't see how I didn't fuck something up and get dead. I became increasingly more confident over time, until a switch flipped and I literally stopped experiencing fear of any sort. I would just call it severe case of apathy, but even nightmares ceased. It was very strange.

Shortly after, I began waking up feeling a sensation of pressure against my body. Not pinned to the bed, but the equivalent of having a cat on my chest. This happened off and on for a few weeks and I'd just roll to my side and fall back asleep. One evening I returned home after two days of work and travel. Tossed my shit on the floor and crawled into bed. It was still light out, and I noticed a shadow between the wall and ceiling where a shadow could not have been. I was too exhausted to get up and investigate so I just stared at it, confused, for a few minutes until I eventually closed my eyes and passed out.

The shadow became a common fixture, though not a constant, and it always appeared in the same spot. It would dissipate if I approached to investigate, and would remain for maybe half a second after hit with a light. I would still feel the "pressure" and habitually roll over, but sometimes I would open my eyes and I began to note that the shadow was always present at the same time. However, this did not concern me. I had guessed that these occurrences were purely in my mind, assuming that perhaps no longer experiencing fear had caused the emotion to bottle itself up and visually and physically manifest itself. That was all that made sense to me, at least.

At 0345 one weekend (I remember the day because this is when shit got odd) I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off as planned. I reached over, hit snooze, and closed my eyes again. Probably a few minutes later I felt the familiar pressure on my chest, but heavier this time. I opened my eyes and saw this small shadowy blob over my chest. Since I had already convinced myself these things were hallucinations, I took my hand and swatted at it as if to shoo it away while, as usual, rolling onto my side. I got about half roll when I felt a hand grab me on my left shoulder and forcibly try to pull me onto my back again. The instant I felt the hand I was overcome with a feeling of extreme rage. I lunged out of bed onto my feet and found myself face to faceless with a shadowy figure of equal height. I grabbed at the figure and tried to pin it to the wall...only nothing was there and all I managed to do was leave a me sized imprint in the drywall. I stood in the dark for a while longer, verbally taunting it, hoping to see it again. Nothing. The 5 minute snooze alarm went off, snapping me out of the rage. I turned on the lights, noted the dent in my wall, and went to make breakfast. The few seconds long "encounter" left me completely drained physically and mentally. Insomnia followed for a couple weeks after, mainly because I wanted to see it again, but eventually everything went back to "normal." I had more frequent hallucinations, but nothing physical besides the usual pressure. Fleeting glimpses of the shadow figure became more common, along with seeing it at the foot of my bed while I slept a few times, but seeing it did not enrage me like the first time. The frequency could be a much as a few times a week, to as little as a couple times a month.

After this was going on for about 7 months, I started hooking up with a girl across the hall from my apartment. She was cool as hell and became a long term f-buddy so she was at my place quite often. This did not stop the frequency of the events. The only thing I would do not is get annoyed. Sometimes I wanted privacy, ya know? We'd be sleeping in bed and I'd wake up and see "Bob" (yeah I named it, creative, eh?) over by the foot of the bed or the blob in to corner of the ceiling. I'd tell it to fuck off...although it never did.

One night, f-buddy was sitting in my computer chair talking to me while I was sitting on the floor cleaning a rifle next to the bedroom door. She stopped mid sentence with a concerned look on her face. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me she swore she just saw someone walk through the living room. I chuckled and responded/slipped, "Meh, it's just Bob..." Shit. That couldn't be right. For one, Bob is in my head and, second, I had never seen or felt the thing outside my bedroom. Ever. I asked her what exactly she saw, and she said she just thought she saw the shadow of someone walk by. That could only mean one of two thing. Either it was a happy coincidence that she thought she saw something, or I was in fact NOT suffering from some sort of psychosis for the past 9 months. Also, I had to explain what "It's just Bob" was all about. Surprisingly, it didn't scare her off. In fact, it actually intrigued her. She mentioned that she'd sometimes have trouble breathing if she was sleeping on her back at my place, so would usually sleep in her side. Ok, so maybe I wasn't crazy after all....I just had a goddamn creeper entity that had taken up residence in my home. I'm sure you can imagine just how much better I felt...

I went about my affairs as normal, although my annoyance with Bob became more of a curiosity. F-buddy stayed over more frequently and we'd wake each other up if something was happening to see if the other was experiencing or could see the same thing. The pressure thing was always on an individual basis, and I was the only one who could look at Bob or the blob directly. If I woke her up to look, it would fade away. I would talk to it as well. Acknowledging it's presence with a "Hey Bob" in fleeting glances and who/what/why whenever it was in direct view. One thing was for certain though; no longer treating it as a hallucination and as an entity caused more encounters with it. Also, while hard to explain, I used to just kinda "feel" like it was around and nothing much more.  Now, I was feeling as if I was being watched and it would cause a higher level of alert.

One morning I woke up and transitioned to a seated position on the edge of the bed. Instantly I felt the familiar pressure. I tried to raise my head and look around but it felt so heavy. I only moved a little before I was completely frozen in place. The rage came back. I fought with all my strength to stand up, and I did. And that was the last thing I remember before waking up on the floor.

The next few days were very fucked up. I was having losses of time in the duration of hours. Finding myself "waking up" in the middle of conversations, monotonous daily activities, even banging the F-buddy. As soon as I would come too, I was able to recall and "catch up" on everything that had happened, but it was much like if I were in a drunken stupor. Fuzzy details. But I was able to play it off. After a day and a half of that, I decided I needed to stay in the house. Filled F-buddy in on what was going on and she called out of work to monitor me. I had some short term fades during the day playing video games, and apparently when I cooked dinner... which she informed me tasted like shit (I'm a good cook!).

I had one last fade out that night. Details are from F-buddy. She walked into the living room after realizing I was no longer in bed and found in my chair with the TV on. No biggie, except when she walked next to me I was digging my fingers into the material of armrest with one hand, and my temple resting against the top of a revolver in my other hand. My face looked very calm but I kept grabbing at the armrest pretty hard. She stepped back and called my name:

F-buddy: Uh...T*****?
Me: Hmm?
F-buddy: What are you doing?
Me: Watching cartoons
F-buddy: Why do you have the gun in your hand?
Me: It's mine...but this is not good
*At this point I looked directly at her and pulled the trigger, sending a round into the ceiling. She says I didn't even flinch.*
Me: I think you need to leave.

She said she was scared shitless, said "OK I'll leave," walked up to me, grabbed my hand with the gun and punched me in the face. Twice. She was then able to take it from me. This is where I "woke up"...face stinging with F-buddy standing in front of me screaming at me with a gun in her hand to go the fuck to bed. So I went the fuck to bed. She followed behind me crying and went directly to my closet, while I got into my "fucking bed," and walked out with both of my gun cases, and then out the front door. The fuzzy details started coming back about the same time I noticed my ear was ringing. Then, for the first time in a long time, I felt afraid...closer to terrified...and actually cried myself to sleep.

I didn't see F-buddy at all the next day. She sent a text to see if I was still alive. I responded along with a question as to the whereabouts of my guns. No answer. I heard nothing from her the following day either, and honestly was a little worried to walk across the hall and talk to her. Turned out I didn't have to. The third night she let herself in and woke me up as she crawled into bed with me.

"It's in my house now."

At that point I realized I had not experienced anything over the two and a half nights since she took my gun cases, but she apparently had. All hopes for a logical reason behind things were out. I told her it could be something in my cases. We went to her place, unloaded all the guns, and brought the ammo back to my place. We stayed at my place a couple more days and when nothing seemed to happen, we went and stayed at her place. The first night I felt pressure on my chest again. I woke her up and we concluded it may be attached to one of my guns. My first guess was pretty easy. Well first two. A Lorcin .25 and an unknown .32 Long revolver...the one I shot the ceiling with. Both were scrubbed guns I had acquired early on through what we'll call workplace disagreements. I always kept one with me in case it would come in handy. Both were stripped down and sledged before being tossed into the river.

After that act, we went weeks without an encounter. I got the pressure thing once, but without the blob in the corner, and occasionally I'd get the "feeling" of something in my room, but it could have also just been paranoia. I eventually moved and everything was 100% normal then. The events also caused me to stop associating and working with those I used to. For all I know what of those weapons had some Jamaican Voodoo put on it and I opened myself up to the shit by doing things against my better judgment. I also wonder if the lack of fear was a form of empowerment to drag me in further until whatever it was could fully take hold. No way I'll ever know the intentions of something I don't understand, but what I do know is that a nympho with a hell of a punch possibly kept me from ending dead or institutionalized.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 12:04:01 PM EDT
^^ Yep, that is creepy.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 1:59:21 PM EDT
Alright, been reading for a while, time for my contribution. This is my only story, but it has always given me the chills when i think about it - i have told very few people this.

A little backstory to set this up: My dad is a President of a small seminary, and has been a professor there since i was in 4th grade when we moved to the area. The seminary shares a building with our church. Every friday morning, a group of seminary students and other guys from the area would get together for pick up basketball in the Church gym from 6-8am (before classes for students or work).

Even though i was younger, i'd show up and play with the big guys. My dad and I would always arrive at 5:30am to turn the lights on and unlock the building - we were always there alone until 6am when the guys arrived. My dad's office was on the opposite side of the building from the gym, but we'd always go there first to get the basketball and dad would always check his email for a few minutes.

My job was to take the basketball to the gym and turn the main gym lights on (they take a while to reach full brightness) and my dad would always be up in a few minutes. I hated this as a 10-12 year old, as there were no lights on and the building. The original building was built in the '50s, and additions were added through the years resulting in an odd floor plan with very long hallways with weird angles, odd courtyards, etc. i had to go through two very long hallways in pitch black (50-60 yds) and normally, like a rational 12 year old, i'd sprint like the dickens as i was certain the very demonbeasts of hell were closing in on me.

One morning, i was entering the long hallway, when something caught the corner of my eye in a short side hallway to my left. I turned, and there was an older man (late 60's or so) standing, facing towards me and staring blankly at me. He was dressed as if he had jumped out of the 50's, think fedora, long trenchcoat, carrying a briefcase. Shocked, since our car was the only car in the parking lot (as usual) and since we had been the first in the building as it had been locked all night, i said 'hi.' The man just stared there and i stood for what seemed like an eternity although it was likely 5-10 seconds. I then sprinted down the hallway like never before and was shaken up the entire day.

I've never told my dad about it, and have told very few people. I've never heard of people seeing things in the building and I am a skeptic at heart - but i have no explanation. anyways, thought i'd share mine!
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 2:07:05 PM EDT
Originally Posted By jharbin:
Alright, been reading for a while, time for my contribution. This is my only story, but it has always given me the chills when i think about it - i have told very few people this.

A little backstory to set this up: My dad is a President of a small seminary, and has been a professor there since i was in 4th grade when we moved to the area. The seminary shares a building with our church. Every friday morning, a group of seminary students and other guys from the area would get together for pick up basketball in the Church gym from 6-8am (before classes for students or work).

Even though i was younger, i'd show up and play with the big guys. My dad and I would always arrive at 5:30am to turn the lights on and unlock the building - we were always there alone until 6am when the guys arrived. My dad's office was on the opposite side of the building from the gym, but we'd always go there first to get the basketball and dad would always check his email for a few minutes.

My job was to take the basketball to the gym and turn the main gym lights on (they take a while to reach full brightness) and my dad would always be up in a few minutes. I hated this as a 10-12 year old, as there were no lights on and the building. The original building was built in the '50s, and additions were added through the years resulting in an odd floor plan with very long hallways with weird angles, odd courtyards, etc. i had to go through two very long hallways in pitch black (50-60 yds) and normally, like a rational 12 year old, i'd sprint like the dickens as i was certain the very demonbeasts of hell were closing in on me.

One morning, i was entering the long hallway, when something caught the corner of my eye in a short side hallway to my left. I turned, and there was an older man (late 60's or so) standing, facing towards me and staring blankly at me. He was dressed as if he had jumped out of the 50's, think fedora, long trenchcoat, carrying a briefcase. Shocked, since our car was the only car in the parking lot (as usual) and since we had been the first in the building as it had been locked all night, i said 'hi.' The man just stared there and i stood for what seemed like an eternity although it was likely 5-10 seconds. I then sprinted down the hallway like never before and was shaken up the entire day.

I've never told my dad about it, and have told very few people. I've never heard of people seeing things in the building and I am a skeptic at heart - but i have no explanation. anyways, thought i'd share mine!

Talk to your dad about it.  Maybe he has seen him too.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 2:13:32 PM EDT
will do. still can't think of a reason someone would be there. There are no security guards, not even janitors that would be there - entire building locked, we were first to open it up. Can still see it clear as day when i think about it.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 8:20:37 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Th0r:
I have about a dozen, some are funny, odd, an even cool, but one definitely falls under creepy. I experienced something I can't explain for a period of nearly a year.

When I was younger and dumber, I got involved with some of the less desirables of society. I was putting myself directly into potentially deadly situations, and to this day don't see how I didn't fuck something up and get dead. I became increasingly more confident over time, until a switch flipped and I literally stopped experiencing fear of any sort. I would just call it severe case of apathy, but even nightmares ceased. It was very strange.

Shortly after, I began waking up feeling a sensation of pressure against my body. Not pinned to the bed, but the equivalent of having a cat on my chest. This happened off and on for a few weeks and I'd just roll to my side and fall back asleep. One evening I returned home after two days of work and travel. Tossed my shit on the floor and crawled into bed. It was still light out, and I noticed a shadow between the wall and ceiling where a shadow could not have been. I was too exhausted to get up and investigate so I just stared at it, confused, for a few minutes until I eventually closed my eyes and passed out.

The shadow became a common fixture, though not a constant, and it always appeared in the same spot. It would dissipate if I approached to investigate, and would remain for maybe half a second after hit with a light. I would still feel the "pressure" and habitually roll over, but sometimes I would open my eyes and I began to note that the shadow was always present at the same time. However, this did not concern me. I had guessed that these occurrences were purely in my mind, assuming that perhaps no longer experiencing fear had caused the emotion to bottle itself up and visually and physically manifest itself. That was all that made sense to me, at least.

At 0345 one weekend (I remember the day because this is when shit got odd) I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off as planned. I reached over, hit snooze, and closed my eyes again. Probably a few minutes later I felt the familiar pressure on my chest, but heavier this time. I opened my eyes and saw this small shadowy blob over my chest. Since I had already convinced myself these things were hallucinations, I took my hand and swatted at it as if to shoo it away while, as usual, rolling onto my side. I got about half roll when I felt a hand grab me on my left shoulder and forcibly try to pull me onto my back again. The instant I felt the hand I was overcome with a feeling of extreme rage. I lunged out of bed onto my feet and found myself face to faceless with a shadowy figure of equal height. I grabbed at the figure and tried to pin it to the wall...only nothing was there and all I managed to do was leave a me sized imprint in the drywall. I stood in the dark for a while longer, verbally taunting it, hoping to see it again. Nothing. The 5 minute snooze alarm went off, snapping me out of the rage. I turned on the lights, noted the dent in my wall, and went to make breakfast. The few seconds long "encounter" left me completely drained physically and mentally. Insomnia followed for a couple weeks after, mainly because I wanted to see it again, but eventually everything went back to "normal." I had more frequent hallucinations, but nothing physical besides the usual pressure. Fleeting glimpses of the shadow figure became more common, along with seeing it at the foot of my bed while I slept a few times, but seeing it did not enrage me like the first time. The frequency could be a much as a few times a week, to as little as a couple times a month.

After this was going on for about 7 months, I started hooking up with a girl across the hall from my apartment. She was cool as hell and became a long term f-buddy so she was at my place quite often. This did not stop the frequency of the events. The only thing I would do not is get annoyed. Sometimes I wanted privacy, ya know? We'd be sleeping in bed and I'd wake up and see "Bob" (yeah I named it, creative, eh?) over by the foot of the bed or the blob in to corner of the ceiling. I'd tell it to fuck off...although it never did.

One night, f-buddy was sitting in my computer chair talking to me while I was sitting on the floor cleaning a rifle next to the bedroom door. She stopped mid sentence with a concerned look on her face. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me she swore she just saw someone walk through the living room. I chuckled and responded/slipped, "Meh, it's just Bob..." Shit. That couldn't be right. For one, Bob is in my head and, second, I had never seen or felt the thing outside my bedroom. Ever. I asked her what exactly she saw, and she said she just thought she saw the shadow of someone walk by. That could only mean one of two thing. Either it was a happy coincidence that she thought she saw something, or I was in fact NOT suffering from some sort of psychosis for the past 9 months. Also, I had to explain what "It's just Bob" was all about. Surprisingly, it didn't scare her off. In fact, it actually intrigued her. She mentioned that she'd sometimes have trouble breathing if she was sleeping on her back at my place, so would usually sleep in her side. Ok, so maybe I wasn't crazy after all....I just had a goddamn creeper entity that had taken up residence in my home. I'm sure you can imagine just how much better I felt...

I went about my affairs as normal, although my annoyance with Bob became more of a curiosity. F-buddy stayed over more frequently and we'd wake each other up if something was happening to see if the other was experiencing or could see the same thing. The pressure thing was always on an individual basis, and I was the only one who could look at Bob or the blob directly. If I woke her up to look, it would fade away. I would talk to it as well. Acknowledging it's presence with a "Hey Bob" in fleeting glances and who/what/why whenever it was in direct view. One thing was for certain though; no longer treating it as a hallucination and as an entity caused more encounters with it. Also, while hard to explain, I used to just kinda "feel" like it was around and nothing much more.  Now, I was feeling as if I was being watched and it would cause a higher level of alert.

One morning I woke up and transitioned to a seated position on the edge of the bed. Instantly I felt the familiar pressure. I tried to raise my head and look around but it felt so heavy. I only moved a little before I was completely frozen in place. The rage came back. I fought with all my strength to stand up, and I did. And that was the last thing I remember before waking up on the floor.

The next few days were very fucked up. I was having losses of time in the duration of hours. Finding myself "waking up" in the middle of conversations, monotonous daily activities, even banging the F-buddy. As soon as I would come too, I was able to recall and "catch up" on everything that had happened, but it was much like if I were in a drunken stupor. Fuzzy details. But I was able to play it off. After a day and a half of that, I decided I needed to stay in the house. Filled F-buddy in on what was going on and she called out of work to monitor me. I had some short term fades during the day playing video games, and apparently when I cooked dinner... which she informed me tasted like shit (I'm a good cook!).

I had one last fade out that night. Details are from F-buddy. She walked into the living room after realizing I was no longer in bed and found in my chair with the TV on. No biggie, except when she walked next to me I was digging my fingers into the material of armrest with one hand, and my temple resting against the top of a revolver in my other hand. My face looked very calm but I kept grabbing at the armrest pretty hard. She stepped back and called my name:

F-buddy: Uh...T*****?
Me: Hmm?
F-buddy: What are you doing?
Me: Watching cartoons
F-buddy: Why do you have the gun in your hand?
Me: It's mine...but this is not good
*At this point I looked directly at her and pulled the trigger, sending a round into the ceiling. She says I didn't even flinch.*
Me: I think you need to leave.

She said she was scared shitless, said "OK I'll leave," walked up to me, grabbed my hand with the gun and punched me in the face. Twice. She was then able to take it from me. This is where I "woke up"...face stinging with F-buddy standing in front of me screaming at me with a gun in her hand to go the fuck to bed. So I went the fuck to bed. She followed behind me crying and went directly to my closet, while I got into my "fucking bed," and walked out with both of my gun cases, and then out the front door. The fuzzy details started coming back about the same time I noticed my ear was ringing. Then, for the first time in a long time, I felt afraid...closer to terrified...and actually cried myself to sleep.

I didn't see F-buddy at all the next day. She sent a text to see if I was still alive. I responded along with a question as to the whereabouts of my guns. No answer. I heard nothing from her the following day either, and honestly was a little worried to walk across the hall and talk to her. Turned out I didn't have to. The third night she let herself in and woke me up as she crawled into bed with me.

"It's in my house now."

At that point I realized I had not experienced anything over the two and a half nights since she took my gun cases, but she apparently had. All hopes for a logical reason behind things were out. I told her it could be something in my cases. We went to her place, unloaded all the guns, and brought the ammo back to my place. We stayed at my place a couple more days and when nothing seemed to happen, we went and stayed at her place. The first night I felt pressure on my chest again. I woke her up and we concluded it may be attached to one of my guns. My first guess was pretty easy. Well first two. A Lorcin .25 and an unknown .32 Long revolver...the one I shot the ceiling with. Both were scrubbed guns I had acquired early on through what we'll call workplace disagreements. I always kept one with me in case it would come in handy. Both were stripped down and sledged before being tossed into the river.

After that act, we went weeks without an encounter. I got the pressure thing once, but without the blob in the corner, and occasionally I'd get the "feeling" of something in my room, but it could have also just been paranoia. I eventually moved and everything was 100% normal then. The events also caused me to stop associating and working with those I used to. For all I know what of those weapons had some Jamaican Voodoo put on it and I opened myself up to the shit by doing things against my better judgment. I also wonder if the lack of fear was a form of empowerment to drag me in further until whatever it was could fully take hold. No way I'll ever know the intentions of something I don't understand, but what I do know is that a nympho with a hell of a punch possibly kept me from ending dead or institutionalized.

Very cool story.

These guns, what does scrubbed gun mean? Did they have their numbers taken off?
Were you involved in LEO work / undercover or were you involved in unlawful employment at the time?
Most importantly, do you still have relations with the nympho?
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 4:33:28 AM EDT
why do I always end up reading this thread between midnight and 0400

great so much for sleep for a little while
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 4:39:51 AM EDT
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river. It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time, Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.


I would have Noped the fuck out of there omg
Link Posted: 6/4/2013 10:49:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Berettadeprived:
Very cool story.

These guns, what does scrubbed gun mean? Did they have their numbers taken off?
Were you involved in LEO work / undercover or were you involved in unlawful employment at the time?
Most importantly, do you still have relations with the nympho?

Yes, all markings removed.
Started as lawful protection work. Discovered I could make more off the books if I kept my eyes, ears and mouth shut and did the same job.
We did have a good record of hooking up whenever we were both single, unfortunately she has discovered a love for food in the recent years....
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 10:00:35 PM EDT
Not really creepy, just unexplained.

Bear with me.

In the master bathroom, we have a night light (lamp).  The wife refuses to sleep without a nightlight.  The lamp has a nightlight bulb in it with a yellow glass shade.  Gooseneck type design, so the shade fastens at the top and hangs down.  We have three cats.  The like to rub on things, two of them like rubbing against the nightlight while I shave in the morning.
About a month ago, one of them rubbed hard enough it fell over and a chuck of the glass shade fell off.  I check it out, it's a clean break and I figure I can glue it back together, so I put the broken piece in the bottom-most drawer and swivel the glass shade around so it's to the back of the lamp.

Fast forward to Sunday morning.

I wake up and walk into the bathroom.  I notice the lamp has a piece of glass laying on the counter beneath the shade, similar looking to the one that I found a couple months ago.  The lamp is standing upright as normal.  So I says to myself, "Huh, damn cat did it again.  Guess I'll have to glue two of them back.  Wonder why the wife didn't take care of the broken piece when she stood the lamp back up."  Go about my business and go downstairs to make coffee.  Later that morning as we're sorting laundry, the wife notices it.  "How did that happen?"  

I say "You didn't see it before now?"  

Later that day I pick the broken piece up and think that it sure looks like the one that I put in the drawer a couple weeks ago.  Strange that two pieces would be so similar.  I open up the drawer to put it with the other one.  Only there isn't another one.  "WTF?"  So I turn the shade around and it's not broken on the backside.  The only piece missing is the one on the counter this morning.  Which is the same one that the cat broke in front of my eyes a couple months ago.  Which I put in a drawer and turned the shade around.  And now the shade is back in the original position and the piece is out of the drawer on the counter.  And the wife (the only other person in the house besides me) knew nothing about the original break.  And, no, she's not fucking with me.  She doesn't lie for shit and she wasn't fibbing Sunday.

WTF?  The only other strange situation similar to this was 30 years ago, in another house with a different wife.  We had been looking at pictures the wife had taken of the kids and had picked one out to frame.  It was late at night and we set it on the sidetable to work with the next day.  Next morning... no picture.  We looked high and low, moved furniture, looked under cushions, etc. etc. etc.  No picture to be found, so we chalked it up to one of the kids.  WEEKS later, we walk into the living room and it's back on the sidetable, upright, leaning against something on the table so we could see it right away.  Kids swore up and down they hadn't touched it.

I know, Cool Story, Bro.  Not very creepy, certainly, just... strange.
Link Posted: 6/10/2013 11:57:24 PM EDT
Strange things happen in the deep east Texas woods.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:21:54 AM EDT
Reading this in the dark in my 100 year old house... Hold me.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 4:53:36 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Ranchitecture:
Reading this in the dark in my 100 year old house... Hold me.

Do you have soft hands?
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