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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 1202 of 5590)
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Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:11:34 PM EDT
who gives a fuck if they are Slavs or Russians or Eskimos? or drug-addicted Nazis? what right does that give him to invade their country and take over? they don't want it.

or if that's really okay with him we can invade Russia next week to liberate the Russians from those dastardly communists.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:12:41 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
No account so I can't watch
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By mnd6563:

Apparently Russian APCs have ejection seats...

No account so I can't watch

Basically one burned russian hanging out the back of a destroyed armored vehicle.  Another burned russian hanging about 20 feet in the air across a power line after ejecting from the former armored vehicle.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:14:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:
Forcing civilians to the front lines like in Stalingrad...

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Unlike many of the breathless claims about "war crimes", this actually is.  It's specifically prohibited by at least 3 treaties.  Of course, since Russia is claiming that the Ukraine is really part of Russia I guess they don't care.

Ukraine should just start turning captured Russian officers over to the ICC.  That would get spicy fast.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:16:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By THOT_Vaccine:

Prison shank a mfer and flush the evidence. Only need to do it the once.
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I disagree, have tried to train some Iraqis and Afghans.  They need the lesson repeated multiple times.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:17:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:

Basically one burned russian hanging out the back of a destroyed armored vehicle.  Another burned russian hanging about 20 feet in the air across a power line after ejecting from the former armored vehicle.
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By mnd6563:

Apparently Russian APCs have ejection seats...

No account so I can't watch

Basically one burned russian hanging out the back of a destroyed armored vehicle.  Another burned russian hanging about 20 feet in the air across a power line after ejecting from the former armored vehicle.

Both very crispy.  Second one is basically just bones.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:18:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:18:23 PM EDT
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Great article.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:19:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:19:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:
There is no relationship between the Kyivan Rus and a claim to the land. It’s about the claim to heritage, which the Russians want to claim when they should be claiming mongol heritage. They were the mongols pet Slavs after all.
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I don't want to derail the thread further, but that claim to heritage is from a thousand years ago.  It's like anschluss, but a lot less recent.  Back to the intent of my post, there's propaganda from both sides floating about and Euromaiden Press is like Epoch Times or Gateway Pundit as far as reliability.   We all want it to be true, but take it with a grain of salt.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:20:04 PM EDT
Any updates on that Canadian sniper?
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:24:55 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Zhukov] [#11]
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:25:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheResurrector:

I thought there were reports that Ukraine wasn't allowing males 18-60 to leave the country because they had to fight. How is it any different?
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Mainly because it's specifically illegal to conscript the inhabitants of occupied territories, but not your own citizens.  Russia is bound by three separate treaties specifically prohibiting this.  Of course, they don't plan on losing so they assume it won't have any consequences.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:25:16 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By GLHX2112:

NBC Nightly News also mentioned the disappearing citizen's this evening, it was the 3rd story if I remember correctly, but, they also said they were trying to confirm the story...........
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Originally Posted By GLHX2112:
Originally Posted By CS223:
Originally Posted By amanbearpig:
Forgive me if this has been already addressed, but is there any actual evidence of these mass shipping of civilians off to concentration camps or gulags? It's a pretty giant claim and I'd reeeeeeally like some hard evidence before I repeat it anywhere.

NBC Nightly News also mentioned the disappearing citizen's this evening, it was the 3rd story if I remember correctly, but, they also said they were trying to confirm the story...........

So we still don't have confirmation?
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:27:44 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bunn19:

It would be like if Mexico took over El Paso and then when started conscripting citizens in their army to fight the US.

Not like normal draft of citizens to fight for their country.
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Well, in all fairness probably half the population of El Paso hold Mexican citizenship.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:30:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
No account so I can't watch
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Try right clicking the date and doing "private window" or your browser's equivalent. It is sort of a "now why don't he write" moment.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:31:42 PM EDT
Russia headed to strategic defeat in Ukraine
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:32:12 PM EDT
Russian Army Takes Its Biggest Loss Yet - Ukraine War
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:33:09 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:

So we still don't have confirmation?
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:
Originally Posted By GLHX2112:
Originally Posted By CS223:
Originally Posted By amanbearpig:
Forgive me if this has been already addressed, but is there any actual evidence of these mass shipping of civilians off to concentration camps or gulags? It's a pretty giant claim and I'd reeeeeeally like some hard evidence before I repeat it anywhere.

NBC Nightly News also mentioned the disappearing citizen's this evening, it was the 3rd story if I remember correctly, but, they also said they were trying to confirm the story...........

So we still don't have confirmation?

Given it is taking place behind enemy lines, independent (I.e. western) confirmation may take a day or two.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:35:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Phocks:

Well, in all fairness probably half the population of El Paso hold Mexican citizenship.
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Originally Posted By Phocks:
Originally Posted By Bunn19:

It would be like if Mexico took over El Paso and then when started conscripting citizens in their army to fight the US.

Not like normal draft of citizens to fight for their country.

Well, in all fairness probably half the population of El Paso hold Mexican citizenship.

Definitely more than half.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:35:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:

So we still don't have confirmation?
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You mean like a short video of them loading people up into the back of a truck a few weeks ago?
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:36:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By M-1975:
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They need to play, Ring of Fire with Cash singing in the background
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:39:47 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Phocks:

Unlike many of the breathless claims about "war crimes", this actually is.  It's specifically prohibited by at least 3 treaties.  Of course, since Russia is claiming that the Ukraine is really part of Russia I guess they don't care.

Ukraine should just start turning captured Russian officers over to the ICC.  That would get spicy fast.
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Originally Posted By Phocks:
Originally Posted By mnd6563:
Forcing civilians to the front lines like in Stalingrad...

Unlike many of the breathless claims about "war crimes", this actually is.  It's specifically prohibited by at least 3 treaties.  Of course, since Russia is claiming that the Ukraine is really part of Russia I guess they don't care.

Ukraine should just start turning captured Russian officers over to the ICC.  That would get spicy fast.
Invading a country with no legitimate casus belli IS a war crime.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:44:41 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By qcka:

Well, there's doubt about whether they were actually Slavs, they were wiped out almost a thousand years ago and the terratory has changed hands at least a dozen times since then.  Using this logic as a basis for who has a right to the territory, the Italians, Greeks, Germans, Turks, Russians and Chinese all have a similar claim.

ETA- I'm not disputing that Ukraine has the full right to Donbass, Luhansk, and Crimea....just that this story is a fairy tale used for propaganda purposes.
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Originally Posted By qcka:
Originally Posted By dillydilly:
Originally Posted By qcka:
like the fairy tale of the Kyvian-Rus that someone bizarrely keeps spamming this thread with.

K, let’s here your evidence against this.

Well, there's doubt about whether they were actually Slavs, they were wiped out almost a thousand years ago and the terratory has changed hands at least a dozen times since then.  Using this logic as a basis for who has a right to the territory, the Italians, Greeks, Germans, Turks, Russians and Chinese all have a similar claim.

ETA- I'm not disputing that Ukraine has the full right to Donbass, Luhansk, and Crimea....just that this story is a fairy tale used for propaganda purposes.

The interesting thing is that the people still use this ancient history to support their current pride and motivation. The Kiev Rus came first, beyond dispute. The Muscovites, with the strength of being Khanate vassals and the decline of the Kyiv nation, subsumed them. And now today you get Putin saying there's no such nation as Ukraine, it's all just Russia, just as it was 250 years ago, and Ukraine saying no, Russia's been trying to oppress us and drive our people out of existence for 500 years. And they're right about that. Yes, by all means, forget the ancient history. Russia promised in the Budapest Memo to recognize Ukraine's borders, and they did not, they launched an unjustified invasion. And here we are.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:45:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 103:
Invading a country with no legitimate casus belli IS a war crime.
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Originally Posted By 103:
Originally Posted By Phocks:
Originally Posted By mnd6563:
Forcing civilians to the front lines like in Stalingrad...

Unlike many of the breathless claims about "war crimes", this actually is.  It's specifically prohibited by at least 3 treaties.  Of course, since Russia is claiming that the Ukraine is really part of Russia I guess they don't care.

Ukraine should just start turning captured Russian officers over to the ICC.  That would get spicy fast.
Invading a country with no legitimate casus belli IS a war crime.

All war that isn’t in self defense or approved by the UN is illegal.

An overreach in my opinion but it was signed.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:47:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RR_Broccoli:
Try right clicking the date and doing "private window" or your browser's equivalent. It is sort of a "now why don't he write" moment.
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Originally Posted By RR_Broccoli:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
No account so I can't watch
Try right clicking the date and doing "private window" or your browser's equivalent. It is sort of a "now why don't he write" moment.

Doesn't work for me.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:48:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By qcka:
I'm pretty skeptical about the concentration camp/forced relocation reports.  In our enthusiasm, I think we're lapping up a lot of pro-Ukraine propaganda as fact.  It seems like it all originated from Euromaiden Press which is a Soros propaganda outlet.  They're a lot like Epoch Times and have a few tidbits of good stuff mixed in with a lot of garbage...like the fairy tale of the Kyvian-Rus that someone bizarrely keeps spamming this thread with.
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What so far has been incorrect except the obvious like the Ghost or OAB hah?

They said the Russians are retards. That's obvious from the videos we see.
They said they are disorganized and randomly lashing out. Well we know they can't even utilize basic comms and comms discipline and their convoys are a joke.
They said they were shelling citizens. We have seen that to include running them over with tanks and firing on old people with main guns and children buried under a building that was clearly marked "children".

What do you need to formulate an opinion?
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:49:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:

All war that isn't in self defense or approved by the UN is illegal.

An overreach in my opinion but it was signed.
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Yes. That is what I said.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:49:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:
Forcing civilians to the front lines like in Stalingrad...

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Nobody is going to hold Russia accountable for anything. Only strongly worded letters by the nutless "Leaders" of the EU, UN, and US.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:50:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:

Basically one burned russian hanging out the back of a destroyed armored vehicle.  Another burned russian hanging about 20 feet in the air across a power line after ejecting from the former armored vehicle.
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Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:50:40 PM EDT
Is there enough "war crime" substantiation to place the Russian UN representatives under arrest and remand them to the Hague? And then write Russia out of the Security Council while they're in gaol?

Of course, the reality is somebody would absolutely do that to the US one day, and probably not long.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:51:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 103:
Yes. That is what I said.
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I’m simply elaborating.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:52:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By voodochild:

Nobody is going to hold Russia accountable for anything. Only strongly worded letters by the nutless "Leaders" of the EU, UN, and US.
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People don’t think nuclear weapons be how they be, but it do.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:52:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RR_Broccoli:
Try right clicking the date and doing "private window" or your browser's equivalent. It is sort of a "now why don't he write" moment.
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Didn't work but that's okay I'm not here for gore porn anyway.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:52:42 PM EDT
Thugs Bullying the Russian Army

Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:52:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:

Basically one burned russian hanging out the back of a destroyed armored vehicle.  Another burned russian hanging about 20 feet in the air across a power line after ejecting from the former armored vehicle.
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Originally Posted By mnd6563:
Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By mnd6563:

Apparently Russian APCs have ejection seats...

No account so I can't watch

Basically one burned russian hanging out the back of a destroyed armored vehicle.  Another burned russian hanging about 20 feet in the air across a power line after ejecting from the former armored vehicle.

Oh that one. It's like someone went in the back room of a BBQ restaurant and threw the day's stock in the power lines.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:54:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Phocks:

Unlike many of the breathless claims about "war crimes", this actually is.  It's specifically prohibited by at least 3 treaties.  Of course, since Russia is claiming that the Ukraine is really part of Russia I guess they don't care.

Ukraine should just start turning captured Russian officers over to the ICC.  That would get spicy fast.
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Theyre killing all of them lol..

I don't think they have captured any Generals or Colonels.

Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:56:34 PM EDT
It’s unusual to capture senior officers absent a major surrender. They may get close enough to the lines to kill but generally not to capture.
Link Posted: 3/19/2022 11:57:02 PM EDT
The Ukrainian couples training for war against Russia
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:01:53 AM EDT

An interesting thread. Any truck fleet/mil transport guys have a view what he says?
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:01:53 AM EDT
Biden calls Putin a 'murderous dictator, a pure thug'
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:06:51 AM EDT
Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg (Ret.) says the U.S. needs to prepare for Russia to use its nuclear arsenal.

Putin walking ‘incredibly deep red line,’ Gen. Kellogg warns
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:14:43 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Circuits:

White armband indicates separatist militia, so they are not regular forces and get shitty, old equipment. I am surprised they haven't been able to arm up with battlefield pickups, though.
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Originally Posted By Circuits:
Originally Posted By wyomingnick:
There is enough pics of mosins, that isn't the only one.  Must not be willing to pay for modern sniper rifles.

White armband indicates separatist militia, so they are not regular forces and get shitty, old equipment. I am surprised they haven't been able to arm up with battlefield pickups, though.

Shitty equipment I get, but I still would have expected Russia wouldn't have a shortage of aks even if they were old 7.62s.
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:15:02 AM EDT
[Last Edit: elcope] [#43]
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:22:55 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By CS223:
Originally Posted By amanbearpig:
Forgive me if this has been already addressed, but is there any actual evidence of these mass shipping of civilians off to concentration camps or gulags? It's a pretty giant claim and I'd reeeeeeally like some hard evidence before I repeat it anywhere.

Thank you!
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:23:16 AM EDT
Well woke up for an air raid alert this morning. Normally it is nothing I can see or hear. Lying in bed this time I hear something outside. Like a rubbernecker in a traffic jam, I crack open the window to listen  Yes, it was several rockets/missiles of some sort. Sounded like a jet, but more like a rocket on a straight trajectory. No sort of maneuvering could be heard by me.

The good news is there were no following explosions to be heard. Maybe a week ago we heard the same thing with follow up explosions. The next morning we had reports a missile was shot down. Currently hunkered down in the bathroom to avoid windows and exterior walls. Waiting not so patiently for the all clear alert. My stomach is in knots. Luckily the toilet is near.
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:25:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By mancow:

What so far has been incorrect except the obvious like the Ghost or OAB hah?

They said the Russians are retards. That's obvious from the videos we see.
They said they are disorganized and randomly lashing out. Well we know they can't even utilize basic comms and comms discipline and their convoys are a joke.
They said they were shelling citizens. We have seen that to include running them over with tanks and firing on old people with main guns and children buried under a building that was clearly marked "children".

What do you need to formulate an opinion?
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Originally Posted By mancow:
Originally Posted By qcka:
I'm pretty skeptical about the concentration camp/forced relocation reports.  In our enthusiasm, I think we're lapping up a lot of pro-Ukraine propaganda as fact.  It seems like it all originated from Euromaiden Press which is a Soros propaganda outlet.  They're a lot like Epoch Times and have a few tidbits of good stuff mixed in with a lot of garbage...like the fairy tale of the Kyvian-Rus that someone bizarrely keeps spamming this thread with.

What so far has been incorrect except the obvious like the Ghost or OAB hah?

They said the Russians are retards. That's obvious from the videos we see.
They said they are disorganized and randomly lashing out. Well we know they can't even utilize basic comms and comms discipline and their convoys are a joke.
They said they were shelling citizens. We have seen that to include running them over with tanks and firing on old people with main guns and children buried under a building that was clearly marked "children".

What do you need to formulate an opinion?

I'm not disputing any of that and I have neither the time nor care to actively research this for you.  A lot of what's coming out of Euromaiden Press is just as absurd propaganda as what's coming out of Russia.  

I come to this thread for real reports of what's going on and I am totally on the UA side, but it's devolved into an echo chamber of bizarre theories and manifestos with no basis in reality...just like the contrarian threads in GD.
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:26:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By qcka:
I'm pretty skeptical about the concentration camp/forced relocation reports.  In our enthusiasm, I think we're lapping up a lot of pro-Ukraine propaganda as fact.  It seems like it all originated from Euromaiden Press which is a Soros propaganda outlet.  They're a lot like Epoch Times and have a few tidbits of good stuff mixed in with a lot of garbage...like the fairy tale of the Kyvian-Rus that someone bizarrely keeps spamming this thread with.
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SO there is talk of the Russians doing to a group of people in this region something that they previously did to a different group of people for the same reason? In fact they have done far worse to the Ukrainians before.

They may...they may not...but the players are the same, reasons the same. Potential victims the same.  And teh potential victims seem to be fighting with a great deal of motivation.

Crimea Deportation

Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:26:36 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By cryo_tech:

Theyre killing all of them lol..

I don't think they have captured any Generals or Colonels.

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Originally Posted By cryo_tech:
Originally Posted By Phocks:
Unlike many of the breathless claims about "war crimes", this actually is.  It's specifically prohibited by at least 3 treaties.  Of course, since Russia is claiming that the Ukraine is really part of Russia I guess they don't care.

Ukraine should just start turning captured Russian officers over to the ICC.  That would get spicy fast.

Theyre killing all of them lol..

I don't think they have captured any Generals or Colonels.

they're probably using electronic intelligence, signal intelligence to pinpoint the locations of the command posts, then passing the coordinates off to the Ukraine artillery or drone pilots.  DIA was recently bragging about how they have real-time actionable intel which they pass to the Ukranian military.
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:29:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By rpoL98:

they're probably using electronic intelligence, signal intelligence to pinpoint the locations of the command posts, then passing the coordinates off to the Ukraine artillery or drone pilots.  DIA was recently bragging about how they have real-time actionable intel which they pass to the Ukranian military.
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I found the naval captain Interesting.

Where did they bag him I wonder?
Link Posted: 3/20/2022 12:31:18 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Didn't work but that's okay I'm not here for gore porn anyway.
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By RR_Broccoli:
Try right clicking the date and doing "private window" or your browser's equivalent. It is sort of a "now why don't he write" moment.
Didn't work but that's okay I'm not here for gore porn anyway.

might be worthwhile to get a "burner" twitter account just so you can see stuff.
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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 1202 of 5590)
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