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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 2723 of 5590)
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Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:03:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:03:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By panthermark:

Insert pic of Russian dude in shock while holding is ear.
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Originally Posted By panthermark:
Originally Posted By Javak:

"All our operators are currently helping other surrenders.  Please stay on the line and your surrender will be accepted in the order it was received.  If you wish to leave a callback number, press 1."

Insert pic of Russian dude in shock while holding is ear.

They should answer those surrender lines with "Hello, my name is Peggy."
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:08:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:09:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

I mean, I get the sentiment considering our ties, but Russia put hit squads in Kyiv trying to assassinate and decapitate the government. They had kill lists of regular citizens and civil servants for areas they were trying to occupy. She and her father were legitimate targets, and it isn't remotely a "stoop to their level situation" IMO.

ETA  Also, if we wanted to send a message it could have, and should have, been done privately or in back channels. Instead they leaked it to NYT and handed Russia a solid piece of propaganda. Smells more like a butthurt underling leaked it  or something.

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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:

This is a message.

I mean, I get the sentiment considering our ties, but Russia put hit squads in Kyiv trying to assassinate and decapitate the government. They had kill lists of regular citizens and civil servants for areas they were trying to occupy. She and her father were legitimate targets, and it isn't remotely a "stoop to their level situation" IMO.

ETA  Also, if we wanted to send a message it could have, and should have, been done privately or in back channels. Instead they leaked it to NYT and handed Russia a solid piece of propaganda. Smells more like a butthurt underling leaked it  or something.

This stinks of Biden deesculation rhetoric, maybe to justify not sending the atacms and switchblades that were promised?
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:09:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By weptek911:

Fadedsun and M35ben will buy them!
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Yes gimme the gorbäge
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:11:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:11:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Yobro512:

But then why hasn't Zelensky eaten a cruise missile? Why hasn't Kiev been subject to massive bombing?

I thought it was bascially courtesy psyop. Ton of create a martyr etc.
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Originally Posted By Yobro512:
Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:

This is a message.

I mean, I get the sentiment considering our ties, but Russia put hit squads in Kyiv trying to assassinate and decapitate the government. They had kill lists of regular citizens and civil servants for areas they were trying to occupy. She and her father were legitimate targets, and it isn't remotely a "stoop to their level situation" IMO.

ETA  Also, if we wanted to send a message it could have, and should have, been done privately or in back channels. Instead they leaked it to NYT and handed Russia a solid piece of propaganda. Smells more like a butthurt underling leaked it  or something.

But then why hasn't Zelensky eaten a cruise missile? Why hasn't Kiev been subject to massive bombing?

I thought it was bascially courtesy psyop. Ton of create a martyr etc.

Don't think so. There was actual shooting in Kyiv when the security services tracked down one of the groups. Kyiv ate a ton of missiles early on but IDK if any were directed at any of the bunkers. Probably would have been pointless. Russia just doesn't have the air superiority or satellites to pull it off unless they get really lucky. The entire Russian strategy was based on capturing and taking out the govt.

Eventually we'll hear the whole story but I'm quite certain it was not a psyop.

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:11:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:


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JFC. That shit is enraging. I'd hope there is a program in place where Russian pows and the new surrenders are forced to see the depths of depravity like the allies showed the German populace when they crumbled. I know there are some who either won't care or are the ones that did it but fuck. There is a feedback loop that will remain in place in their psyche. Got to attack the ignorant reality that's passed on with each generation
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:12:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheHunstman:
Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:
Originally Posted By warp_foo:
Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:
Originally Posted By warp_foo:
Originally Posted By Scratch45:
Ghost of Kiev page.
Swing!... and a miss.

Can we stop this ghost page silliness, now?

I think you're missing the technical difficulties happening on this thread. It happens to a lot of very long threads here, the next page appears but there's nothing on it until someone posts again, hence the "ghost page" post on every new page to get previous posts to appear.
No, I'm not missing anything. I'm saying stop posting ghost page and post something of value.


You can't see the last 3-4 posts without posting something to get the page to show up. Some people want to see what the lasts posts were in case there's something interesting, but don't have anything particular to add.

Don't worry about it.


Have you not noticed? Been happening forever. The big 5/3/1 thread in SD&F has been like that for years.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:13:26 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:13:26 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AeroEngineer:

I agree.  "Drive up and surrender your vehicle and arms in working order and we'll give you hot food, clean water, warm clothes, a sleeping bag and an actual working toilet to crap in."  

Compared to being killed inside the vehicle or blown up by a drone sounds like a pretty good deal.  

ETA: A good deal if you're some conscript pulled off the streets and given almost no training.
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Originally Posted By AeroEngineer:
Originally Posted By BigGrumpyBear:
Originally Posted By Alphascout:
Originally Posted By Squatch:

Can't believe the Russians just drove up there with a fully functional BMP and surrendered.  No (apparent) effort to spike the cannon or otherwise disable the vehicle before turning it over.

This very well may have been pre negotiated via the hotlines.

That's what I was thinking. Don't they pay you if you surrender a vehicle? I seem to remember reading that somewhere. Could be wrong though, memory isn't what it was.

I agree.  "Drive up and surrender your vehicle and arms in working order and we'll give you hot food, clean water, warm clothes, a sleeping bag and an actual working toilet to crap in."  

Compared to being killed inside the vehicle or blown up by a drone sounds like a pretty good deal.  

ETA: A good deal if you're some conscript pulled off the streets and given almost no training.

at some point they were offering monetary rewards for surrendering with bonus for bringing hardware with you. There was bitcoin put up for it.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:15:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By elcope:
Well, things might be getting spicy.

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It sounds like the iron fist yanking down the iron curtain.

I'll bet if 2 generations had experienced an open russia it would have made a difference. Open internet, open travel, open educational exchange. But not now.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:15:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By panthermark:

How do you know we didn't?  
Seems like messages were sent prior, but not listened to.   Could be an external message to counter the public request for longer range weapons.
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Originally Posted By panthermark:
Originally Posted By Zam18th:

I mean, I get the sentiment considering our ties, but Russia put hit squads in Kyiv trying to assassinate and decapitate the government. They had kill lists of regular citizens and civil servants for areas they were trying to occupy. She and her father were legitimate targets, and it isn't remotely a "stoop to their level situation" IMO.

ETA  Also, if we wanted to send a message it could have, and should have, been done privately or in back channels. Instead they leaked it to NYT and handed Russia a solid piece of propaganda. Smells more like a butthurt underling leaked it  or something.

How do you know we didn't?  
Seems like messages were sent prior, but not listened to.   Could be an external message to counter the public request for longer range weapons.

Because we didn't cut back on weapon supplies after the bombing. Rather we continued to increase them. Was there another hit on a Russian recently that I missed that would have triggered this? This leak puts lives in danger. IMO it isn't a trivial thing for PR or sending messages.

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:18:26 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
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Minus the explosions, trees and grass, that could have been Sicily DZ in the mid 80s.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:18:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

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Jomini of the West has been outed.  

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:20:47 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:22:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:

Have you not noticed? Been happening forever. The big 5/3/1 thread in SD&F has been like that for years.
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Nada, not the missing posts but have seen the ghost page a few times. Of course sometimes this thread is updated so fast I only look for tweet update/pics.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:22:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

Jomini of the West has been outed.  

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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


Jomini of the West has been outed.  

lol, his maps are awesome!  You wait a month for each one though.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:22:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BerettaGuy:

Thanks, my baba never made this (she made Halushki) but I'm going to try it!
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Halushki and galushki are the same thing. Did you mean Pelmeni?
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:23:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By TheHunstman:

Nada, not the missing posts but have seen the ghost page a few times. Of course sometimes this thread is updated so fast I only look for tweet update/pics.
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Originally Posted By TheHunstman:
Originally Posted By RolandofGilead:

Have you not noticed? Been happening forever. The big 5/3/1 thread in SD&F has been like that for years.

Nada, not the missing posts but have seen the ghost page a few times. Of course sometimes this thread is updated so fast I only look for tweet update/pics.

When that "ghost page" appears there are actually a few posts there at the top that are hidden until someone else posts. It's real obvious in the 5/3/1 thread because it moves slower- this one it's much harder to tell on lol.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:25:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

Don't think so. There was actual shooting in Kyiv when the security services tracked down one of the groups. Kyiv ate a ton of missiles early on but IDK if any were directed at any of the bunkers. Probably would have been pointless. Russia just doesn't have the air superiority or satellites to pull it off unless they get really lucky. The entire Russian strategy was based on capturing and taking out the govt.

Eventually we'll hear the whole story but I'm quite certain it was not a psyop.

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Realistically at this point getting Zelensky probably wouldn't change much for the Russians. Early on it would have been another matter. If he's replaced they will follow his template. Not as well since his acting skills are an advantage and he presents himself better than most, but they will show his resolve.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:25:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:25:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Yobro512:

But then why hasn’t Zelensky eaten a cruise missile? Why hasn’t Kiev been subject to massive bombing?

I thought it was bascially courtesy psyop. Ton of create a martyr etc.
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Don't make fun of the slow kids, they're doing the best they can.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:26:33 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:

Jomini of the West has been outed.  

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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


Jomini of the West has been outed.  

It’s amazing how little credit the Russians give the Ukrainians. In western reports the Ukrainian commander came up with the plan to pin the Russians in Kherson and overrun them in Kharkiv and I don’t think we have any reason to not believe that’s true. If the plan was to take SAPR classes and carry rucksacks for the females I would immediately suspect US Army involvement.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:30:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:


Ukraine’s Grand Mufti Said Ismagilov enters battlefield against Russia

According to foreign media reports, Imam Said Ismagilov, a prominent figure in Ukraine’s Muslim community, also appeared to support the Ukrainian army in the immediate aftermath of the Russian invasion. In his military uniform, numerous photos are also circulating on the social media.

Imam Said Ismagilov not only wore a military uniform against the Russian aggression, but also called on the Muslims of Ukraine to come forward to defend their country.

The Ukraine’s Grand Mufti has criticised Muslims who sided with Russia in the war, saying “all Muslims in Ukraine must fight against Russian aggression.”
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Once you mentioned his name it all made sense.

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:30:38 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By gentlemanfarmer:

My wife’s got the list there’s at least 3 that are owed war swag.


We’ll see I’m putting it out for guys who get stuff to give us war duff now. Mila didn’t like the idea because she’s a give and not expect person but I understand the desire for war memorabilia. I got mine over there but it means way more than it’s worth in $$$. So we’re gathering. Her mom comes first real snow the dacha gets closed up and grandpa drinks so she heads here.
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nice cock
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:33:19 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Easterner:

We're dealing with forced conscription. As a US soldier we were treated worlds better.  I can't imagine how horrible it must be to be on their "team". They really are deprived of the basics: food, gear, pay, and an attitude to keep them alive and in the fight. Someone on the surrender phone lined promised them food, a call home, probably somewhere better to sleep, and maybe money. They aren't even fighting on their home turf. Reality set in at some point.
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Not to mention, this is basically like the USA invading Canada and being told to murder civilians including people that looked just like you and shared the same language , albeit with a lot more “ Eh, Sorry. And aboot” while NOT being paid or fed or re supplied and being threatened with Muslim blocking troops that have ten times better equipment than you do.
   At some point you just have to ask yourself, what the fuck?
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:35:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

lol, his maps are awesome!  You wait a month for each one though.
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


Jomini of the West has been outed.  

lol, his maps are awesome!  You wait a month for each one though.

I know, he's killing me

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:36:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By DonS:

Realistically at this point getting Zelensky probably wouldn't change much for the Russians. Early on it would have been another matter. If he's replaced they will follow his template. Not as well since his acting skills are an advantage and he presents himself better than most, but they will show his resolve.
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Originally Posted By DonS:
Originally Posted By Zam18th:

Don't think so. There was actual shooting in Kyiv when the security services tracked down one of the groups. Kyiv ate a ton of missiles early on but IDK if any were directed at any of the bunkers. Probably would have been pointless. Russia just doesn't have the air superiority or satellites to pull it off unless they get really lucky. The entire Russian strategy was based on capturing and taking out the govt.

Eventually we'll hear the whole story but I'm quite certain it was not a psyop.

Realistically at this point getting Zelensky probably wouldn't change much for the Russians. Early on it would have been another matter. If he's replaced they will follow his template. Not as well since his acting skills are an advantage and he presents himself better than most, but they will show his resolve.

Agreed. RU had a short window to take advantage of the chaos, destroy morale, create a perception of hopelessness. After a handful of weeks passed it would be nothing more than a waste of resources.

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:36:23 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:39:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By BlackHoleSon:

JFC. That shit is enraging. I'd hope there is a program in place where Russian pows and the new surrenders are forced to see the depths of depravity like the allies showed the German populace when they crumbled. I know there are some who either won't care or are the ones that did it but fuck. There is a feedback loop that will remain in place in their psyche. Got to attack the ignorant reality that's passed on with each generation
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While a tub full of teeth is pretty disturbing I think you are missing the point of this particular tweet that these teeth were only looted from the dentists home not collected by russians from people.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:40:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:41:36 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jozsi:

All correct so fuck them...

Hope the cloak and dagger wins the day someday.
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It’s only a shame the bomb didn’t get Dugin along with Dugina. They are both monsters driving public & government opinion in favor of genocide. Fuck ‘em both and fuck the New York Times for publishing this.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:41:52 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:

It's amazing how little credit the Russians give the Ukrainians. In western reports the Ukrainian commander came up with the plan to pin the Russians in Kherson and overrun them in Kharkiv and I don't think we have any reason to not believe that's true. If the plan was to take SAPR classes and carry rucksacks for the females I would immediately suspect US Army involvement.
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Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:
Originally Posted By Zam18th:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


Jomini of the West has been outed.  

It's amazing how little credit the Russians give the Ukrainians. In western reports the Ukrainian commander came up with the plan to pin the Russians in Kherson and overrun them in Kharkiv and I don't think we have any reason to not believe that's true. If the plan was to take SAPR classes and carry rucksacks for the females I would immediately suspect US Army involvement.

I remember those reports too. Pretty much the opposite of Ivan's story.  

It's sad. They are so committed to the idea they're superior to Ukrainians that they can't admit when they're bested and continue deluding themselves. Everything is the Western boogeyman.

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:43:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:

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Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:44:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:45:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By anono:

Geez, I mean I know these guys don't have the best training, but that was some pretty sloppy soldiering. Guy almost fragged himself at one point while the other guy fired across his face.

God has to be on their side, or the Russian's are even way worse. I guess it's a combo of both.
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they did cross the streams  
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:46:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kpacman:

Is Dugin the big, fat slob on the left?  
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Originally Posted By kpacman:
Originally Posted By BerettaGuy:


For those who dont know what Dugin looks like:



And he is promoted (has been for many years) by bullshit artist Alex Jones. Jones has been the number one conduit of Russian propaganda to gullible conservatives for 15 years. The damage done can be seen throughout ARFCOM and in the early pages of this thread.

Is Dugin the big, fat slob on the left?  

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:47:13 PM EDT
Is it me, or does it look like UA is very close to Sievierodonetsk?
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:48:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By thehun06:

Watch out…you’ll get called a Biden lover…
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Originally Posted By thehun06:
Originally Posted By BerettaGuy:


For those who dont know what Dugin looks like:



And he is promoted (has been for many years) by bullshit artist Alex Jones. Jones has been the number one conduit of Russian propaganda to gullible conservatives for 15 years. The damage done can be seen throughout ARFCOM and in the early pages of this thread.

Watch out…you’ll get called a Biden lover…

Will it be different from the last 8700 times? ;)
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:49:40 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:51:36 PM EDT

Emotional damage
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:53:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
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The T-14's barrel doesn't track with the terrain change?
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:54:15 PM EDT

Gepards in action it seems.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:55:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By dillydilly:

Halushki and galushki are the same thing. Did you mean Pelmeni?
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Originally Posted By dillydilly:
Originally Posted By BerettaGuy:

Thanks, my baba never made this (she made Halushki) but I'm going to try it!

Halushki and galushki are the same thing. Did you mean Pelmeni?

You guys keep making me hungry. I love Pelmeni with chicken and turkey. I need to learn to make these myself. It's always better when the woman makes them fresh.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 6:58:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Zam18th:
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I’ll trade them a case of pork and beans for one of those AK-74s they are bitching about.
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 7:00:53 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Obo2:

While a tub full of teeth is pretty disturbing I think you are missing the point of this particular tweet that these teeth were only looted from the dentists home not collected by russians from people.
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Actually I did miss that. Still the gas mask and smoldering rag shit, mass graves, videos a previous poster mentioned....there's so much civilian targeted barbarism embedded deep but there has never been such a point in their conquest wars where they've been vulnerable enough to, idk how to say it...rub the rank and file soldiers face in it like a dog? They went for big air and seriously misjudged the landing. Never again will this many young Russian males will be able to be humbled. There has to be a rehab type thing because it's still going to be up to this age group to change culture...if it's possible
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 7:01:20 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Full video of the charge of the Hummers.

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I bet their assholes where clenched watertight crossing that open field
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 7:01:52 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Jack67] [#49]
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Originally Posted By dillydilly:

Halushki and galushki are the same thing. Did you mean Pelmeni?
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He’s talking about the galushki (aka halushki) recipe I posted earlier.  I have read there is a Polish “halushki” that is some kind of soup and not at all like the Ukrainian dish of the same name.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 7:02:21 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Easterner:

You guys keep making me hungry. I love Pelmeni with chicken and turkey. I need to learn to make these myself. It's always better when the woman makes them fresh.

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Trader Joe’s used to sell chicken pelmeni that I swear were better than homemade. But as usual, they never keep the best stuff around forever and they were discontinued last year. 😭
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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 2723 of 5590)
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