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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 3669 of 5591)
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Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:34:22 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By MKSheppard:
Suyi控 @partizan_oleg has done yeoman work  -- here's a T-72 thread by him:


Also Russia has expended all of it's starting useable ammo -- we're starting to see older shells recycled into 2022-marked ammunition boxes (refurbished ammo) as well as brand new (2022) shells.

Ukraine also has this problem -- they were starting to fling 203mm concrete piercing rounds since that's all they got left for their 203s.

But Ukraine now can gain access to the entire world's 105/155 stockpile.

Russia....can't really. Nobody really makes 122/152 in large numbers anymore, and you can only get so many shells "under the table" from China/North Korea before it becomes a problem that the West solves through sanctions.
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Pakistan makes 203mm rounds.

Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania all make 152mm rounds.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:35:59 PM EDT
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Your mother does not work here. Please close the lid when you are done.  Thank you!  — management
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:39:19 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By HIPPO:

It comes down to freedom of the press and pre-conditions to join the EU (and move out of Russia’s claws). If the govt can control the press, well, how free and democratic are you. Similar laws have been pushed elsewhere by Russian-aligned regimes. See this linked article for more info:

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Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Russia saying and doing things to destabilize Moldova and Georgia:

This is somewhat confusing. Isnt the "foreign agent" bill in Georgia to prevent outside (Russian) influence? I wish someone knowledgeable would explain the protests in Georgia. I know it's pro EU but how is the "foreign agent" law pro-Russian?

The foreign agent bill sounds anti-Soros and ostensibly makes sense to me. If you want to set up an NGO with foreign money to influence domestic policies and politics, you should "register" and state openly who/what is funding you. But maybe I'm missing some nuance...

It comes down to freedom of the press and pre-conditions to join the EU (and move out of Russia’s claws). If the govt can control the press, well, how free and democratic are you. Similar laws have been pushed elsewhere by Russian-aligned regimes. See this linked article for more info:

My understanding is the current Georgia leadership is pro-Russia. The new law is basically saying anything said opposing the government approved line is disinformation by foreign agents and therefore illegal. So you can’t speak against pro-Russia policies or against Russia.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:42:39 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
Keeping our spirits up, we continue our argonautics through Donbas with the belief that the darkest night is always before the dawn
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Man that photo looks like a painting.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:44:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Wow!  Thanks, Capra, those are incredible. That first one especially a deep dive into the philosophy underpinnings of Putin and modern Russia. Really good to get that insight!
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Capta:
Here’s a couple of long Youtube educational videos.  Worth watching both in their entirety if you have time.  I’ve tried to summarize below.

The first is an overview of where Putin’s political philosophy comes from.  It isn’t Dugin, who is represented as a plaigerer.  1) Ivan Ilyin, Russian fascist political philosopher with a wash of (false) Christianity.  2) Lev Gumilev, a marxist antisemite quack with geologic/climatic/astrological arguments for why Russia really extends into Europe and is destined to rule the world. 3) Carl Schmidt, Nazi political philosopher who argued for total, lawless power concentrated in the hands of the leader, for “Spheres of influence” (where have we heard that?) and for exercising naked power to force the west to abandon or make exceptions to its ideals, thus showing the west to be hypocritical and destroying its moral fiber.


The second is a talk by Timothy Snyder, less about the specifics of the war or even genocide and more about the moral implications vis a vis the West.  I put these two videos together because a lot of Snyder’s talk implicitly addresses the Nazi methodology of Carl Schmidt being employed by Putin and Russia against the west.  That is, the war is a lawless challenge to the ideology, culture, and history of the west to say, effectively “We (Russia) have the power to remake Europe and remake your history however we want.  We will show your ideals are false at the point of a gun.”   At one point, Snyder is asked how the west benefitted from Ukrainian resistance.  He didn’t say “because it gave us precious time to arm the fuck up against China.”  He said “because it gave us the time to reflect on what the west stands for, and the chance to act on it.   If you watch the top video first you will have a better idea what Snyder is getting at and why, because he doesn’t actually name Schmidt in this video.


IMO watching these two videos will give you a much better idea of the ideological foundations of this war and why Putin/Russia is doing what they are doing against Ukraine and the world.  If anything it paints a more dire picture of the situation than one might think.  Anyone who thinks that Russian actions in Ukraine don’t concern us should watch these videos.  In fact Putin’s actions are ultimately more directed at the west than Ukraine.

Wow!  Thanks, Capra, those are incredible. That first one especially a deep dive into the philosophy underpinnings of Putin and modern Russia. Really good to get that insight!

I’m trying to do more of this myself.  Yes the thread is a war news/eval thread, but I think there is more room for background.  Especially since (IMO) a tremendous amount falls into place after watching video 1.
I’ve also been watching a lot of Snyder’s video lecture series on Ukrainian history, which is just too long to post here.  In some other videos he’s obviously trying to sound the alarm because he believes the overall situation is more serious than the west generally understands.  That is, Putin isn’t just a mega crook (though he is that also) and isn’t just an Imperial thug.  Putin and Russia have a clear overall political philosophy (as nuts as it may seem to us) and they have a plan to realize it.  Everyone in Russia is being taught this as part of their culture and this isn’t just going to go away with Putin.
When Putin says “we are fighting NATO” that isn’t an excuse for poor performance in Ukraine; he means that in a political sense and ultimately literally.  Carl Schmidt’s position was that “politics begins when you identify the enemy.”  NATO is the enemy.  Anyone who thinks we don’t have a dog in the hunt are seriously mistaken, because that is Russia’s policy choice.
Snyder often says we’re not at 1942 or 1943 right now, we’re at 1938.  Meaning we have a chance to take a stand for our principles at a critical time.  But Snyder isn’t a military historian and doesn’t make military predictions,  My opinion is that if we don’t take a hard stand now, there will be a bloodbath in Europe that will probably spill over.  Russia is a Fascist state following actual Nazi foreign policy.  World war and genocide are inevitable unless Russia is stopped now and smashed so thoroughly that they have to reevaluate their political philosophy.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:47:23 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By fadedsun:

Pakistan makes 203mm rounds.

Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania all make 152mm rounds.
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Originally Posted By fadedsun:
Originally Posted By MKSheppard:
Suyi控 @partizan_oleg has done yeoman work  -- here's a T-72 thread by him:


Also Russia has expended all of it's starting useable ammo -- we're starting to see older shells recycled into 2022-marked ammunition boxes (refurbished ammo) as well as brand new (2022) shells.

Ukraine also has this problem -- they were starting to fling 203mm concrete piercing rounds since that's all they got left for their 203s.

But Ukraine now can gain access to the entire world's 105/155 stockpile.

Russia....can't really. Nobody really makes 122/152 in large numbers anymore, and you can only get so many shells "under the table" from China/North Korea before it becomes a problem that the West solves through sanctions.

Pakistan makes 203mm rounds.

Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania all make 152mm rounds.

Who makes barrels?   Because the Ukrainian artillery must be shot out by now.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:48:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 74HC:

No, that is just regurgitating the MSM slant on Trump. Congress passed nothing to force Trump into it.
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Originally Posted By 74HC:
Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By 74HC:
Originally Posted By CPT_CAVEMAN:

So they have some edit audio of him saying some stuff? Wow

Seems strange that would be his first option when he did stuff like this

Trump, in 2018, had approved the $47 million sale of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers to Ukraine -- the first lethal military assistance provided to Ukraine by the U.S. in its fight against Russian-supported separatists since fighting began in 2014. Zelenskyy told Trump in the 2019 phone call that his government was "almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes," according to a readout of the call.
Many seem to overlook the last part. Yes, Trump was the first president to provide lethal aid to Ukraine but he wasn't the first president of the russian invasion.

Actually no one has overlooked the last part.  It is common knowledge and has been repeated many, many times.  Unfortunately what is being overlooked is that Congress (the legislative) demanded this happen and Trump (the executive) complied.  And in complying the Trump admin required them to be kept locked up and unused in Kiev.  So he supplied them at congressional requirement and then prevented their use.  Not one Javelin was ever used in Ukraine prior to 2/24/22.
All of this has been stated many, many times.

No, that is just regurgitating the MSM slant on Trump. Congress passed nothing to force Trump into it.

This is a fair point.

I'm not aligning myself with HC74's position in general. But I've seen Jack and Capta and others I respect take the position that Congress demanded that Trump send javelins to Ukraine and Trump meekly complied.

I can't bring myself to agree with that point of view because it flies in the face of how our system of government works. Diplomacy is strictly the domain of the executive branch. Congress can demand or beg or throw itself on the floor and cry but the authority and responsibility for diplomatic actions resides with the executive branch. Specifically the State Department. Any credit (or blame) for weapons sent (or not sent) to a foreign country during the Trump administration lies at  the feet of the Trump State Department.

I don't say this as a Trump sycophant. I would have the same point of view in response to a Trumpster saying that Trump demanded Congress spend money on X, Y, or Z, and Congress complied so Trump should get the credit. The power of the purse resides with Legislative Branch and Congress gets the credit or blame with how money is spent.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:49:43 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Aikibiker:

Who makes barrels?   Because the Ukrainian artillery must be shot out by now.
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Now that I do not have an answer for.

I  believe the only source would be damaged and captured units. The 203s are not made anymore and haven't for a while. Ukraine has some in deep storage but Russia has a lot more.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:50:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ludder093:
one less Russian apologist. Oswald just got the Hammer.
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Sweet. Thx for the heads up. He didn’t hide his affiliation.
Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:51:53 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:57:14 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jack67:

Respectfully, no, that’s not how it went down.  I can get into the primary sources from the Japanese on this as I made it a point to study, too. But this summation from Richard Frank is as succinct and accurate as you can make it. There is likely no better US expert on the actual events than him.  The emperor ordered it directly to Tojo because of the bombs. Others on the Supreme War Council (“big six”) have said the same.


What you say, I have no doubt you read somewhere that seemed authoritative.  There is a lot of BAD history out there about this.

LoL.  I thought my “reasons” were varied and fairly profane.  Yours are vastly more intricate and varied.  Hats off to you, my man. ;)

No where near as creative as yours; I will have to up my game:
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I quite liked finding “offensive language”, floating in a vast ocean of profanity.

However, “Likes Bruce Springsteen. Unacceptable” is the crown jewel of that collection.

Link Posted: 3/10/2023 11:58:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Auto5guy:

the position that Congress demanded that Trump send javelins to Ukraine and Trump meekly complied.
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Keep in mind, he also monkeyed around and delayed it, to score political points. Got impeached for that if you recall.  Does that REALLY sound like a guy working hard for Ukraine’s interests?  I do not think he should have been impeached for that, but the facts of it are not in dispute, and I objected to the impeachment vigorously.  But facts are facts whether convenient or not.

The executive conducts policy, but it’s not free to ignore Congressional laws, mandates, or the advice and consent of the Senate wrt treaties and ambassadorial staff.  We do not have a one-man foreign policy establishment in the US.  The President has a high degree of discretion, but is not a King or dictator.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:00:20 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Erno86:
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Please put the lid down when you leave! Lol!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:06:40 AM EDT
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For Americans ridiculing concern of Russia running rampant in Europe if not stopped in Ukraine:

Obviously plenty of European countries see something to worry enough about to rush upgrades to their armor and jets! Even Italy!!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:07:53 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Auto5guy:

This is a fair point.

I'm not aligning myself with HC74's position in general. But I've seen Jack and Capta and others I respect take the position that Congress demanded that Trump send javelins to Ukraine and Trump meekly complied.

I can't bring myself to agree with that point of view because it flies in the face of how our system of government works. Diplomacy is strictly the domain of the executive branch. Congress can demand or beg or throw itself on the floor and cry but the authority and responsibility for diplomatic actions resides with the executive branch. Specifically the State Department. Any credit (or blame) for weapons sent (or not sent) to a foreign country during the Trump administration lies at  the feet of the Trump State Department.

I don't say this as a Trump sycophant. I would have the same point of view in response to a Trumpster saying that Trump demanded Congress spend money on X, Y, or Z, and Congress complied so Trump should get the credit. The power of the purse resides with Legislative Branch and Congress gets the credit or blame with how money is spent.
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Agreed. One minute Trump is criticized as some authoritarian "bull in the china shop" drastically re-shaping foreign policy (successfully) mostly through strong personality and going outside the usual State Department America-hating meekness yet now, in a desperate attempt to take any and every victory away from Trump, we are to believe that he was sheepishly bullied into doing something he did not want to do.

I guess at the same time we are meant to believe that Obama/Biden sending blankets and MRE's to Ukraine after they were invaded was a show of strength.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:17:21 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

They probably are getting frisky in Moldova but starting shit in Georgia is the last thing they want.
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Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Russia saying and doing things to destabilize Moldova and Georgia:

They probably are getting frisky in Moldova but starting shit in Georgia is the last thing they want.

This is another possibility of regime change Putin has to face. First is a replay of 1917 where if he slaughters too many of his troops they may actually turn on him.

Second, other former Republics may decide to act against a Russia either because he pushes them too far, or they see him get weakened enough they will risk it. If one factor happens it could trigger the other to cascade.

We could realistically see the defeat of the Ru forces and ousting of Putin without the US risking one troop. This is when we want to crank up the conventional aid to Ukraine and let the other republics under his thumb know we will not back down in our support.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:18:51 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Capta] [#17]
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Originally Posted By Jack67:

Good point.

The correct approach would be to embrace American values and pivot towards, ‘Why are you slow-walking this, why won’t you lead?  Why is the UK the moral center of the western response?”  The lack of genuine leadership on this from Biden has been sickening to me. A few words stuck in a speech here and there. No genuine address to the country, no statements of, “This is who we are, this is what we do” kind of rallying.  That should be what gets attacked from the right and the type of position staked out.
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Originally Posted By Jack67:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:

… The thinking conservative response was Why the hell is it taking so long to start training Abrams and F16 drivers? Where are the ATACMS?

Good point.

The correct approach would be to embrace American values and pivot towards, ‘Why are you slow-walking this, why won’t you lead?  Why is the UK the moral center of the western response?”  The lack of genuine leadership on this from Biden has been sickening to me. A few words stuck in a speech here and there. No genuine address to the country, no statements of, “This is who we are, this is what we do” kind of rallying.  That should be what gets attacked from the right and the type of position staked out.

The US could’ve been a lot better served by the Oval Office in this crisis.  Whether Biden just isn’t capable of doing more than he is doing, or he really is just a cowardly old political hack, it is what it is.  However the admin team is doing a good job overall, arguably even an excellent job.  I don’t think we will know until well after the war (if we ever know) why the supply decisions are being made when and as they are.  But boiling it down to 2 possibilities, they’re either ruthless as fuck and grinding Russia to powder at Ukraine’s expense, or they’re fighting tooth and nail to drag supplies out of a chickenshit Biden.  I still go with 1 because, IMO, there is simply too many occurrences of Russia getting obviously trolled over what we will or won’t supply.  “Oh, did we say 40 tanks?  We meant 400.”   That has to be intentional.
Yes, the US president SHOULD be leading from the front politically/morally, but if he’s incapable then it really only matters that “our side” has SOMEONE who can do it.  Boris Johnson did a good job but he’s out of power now.  Poland and the Baltics have been doing and saying the right thing but they’re minor powers whom no one takes seriously enough.  Frankly Zelensky is doing it almost by himself.  That could be by design or by necessity.  Zelensky is an actor (like Reagan) and has the chops to communicate with a mass audience.  Who else is going to do it?  Macron?  Scholtz?  Sunak?  Don’t make me laugh.
If anything this should be a wake-up call for US citizens to demand better than the idiots we’ve gotten for the last 40 years since Reagan.  I think Bush 1 would’ve done the right thing too, but after that it’s a damn crapshoot.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:21:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bartholomew_Roberts:

Up until say, 1995 or so, most of that area was closed to just military and their families.  A lot of the military infrastructure isn't super secure by Western standards because there wasn't anyone to secure it from until the last 20-30 years.  Having said that, decent chance the thing just burned from routine negligence rather than partisan action.  Not a lot of partisans in that area.
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Originally Posted By Bartholomew_Roberts:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Video in tweet.



Up until say, 1995 or so, most of that area was closed to just military and their families.  A lot of the military infrastructure isn't super secure by Western standards because there wasn't anyone to secure it from until the last 20-30 years.  Having said that, decent chance the thing just burned from routine negligence rather than partisan action.  Not a lot of partisans in that area.

Yes beloved leader we are investigating this unfortunate loss. We have narrowed it down to partisan sabotage or routine maintenance. Is very difficult to tell one from other. But we will find the suspect!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:26:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Alex9661:

Maybe they had boxes of votes brought in in the middle of the night and observers kicked out and windows covered with pizza boxes?
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If they are stupid enough to have a 2 month long "ballot harvesting season" instead of an election...
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:29:20 AM EDT
Ukraine says Bakhmut battle is grinding down Russia's best units


KYIV, March 10 (Reuters) - Ukraine has decided to fight on in the ruined city of Bakhmut because the battle is pinning down Russia's best units and degrading them ahead of a planned Ukrainian spring counter-offensive, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said.

The comments by Mykhailo Podolyak were the latest signal of a shift by Kyiv this week to continue the defence of the small eastern city, site of the war's bloodiest battle, as Moscow tries to secure its first major victory in more than half a year.

"Russia has changed tactics," Podolyak said in an interview published by Italy's La Stampa newspaper. "It has converged on Bakhmut with a large part of its trained military personnel, the remnants of its professional army, as well as the private companies."

"We, therefore, have two objectives: to reduce their capable personnel as much as possible, and to fix them in a few key wearisome battles, to disrupt their offensive and concentrate our resources elsewhere, for the spring counter-offensive. So, today Bakhmut is completely effective, even exceeding its key tasks."
Trench warfare, described by both sides as a meat grinder, has claimed a huge toll. But Kyiv's decision to stay and fight suggests it believes Russia's losses far exceed its own.

Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:29:45 AM EDT
The weather looks like a bunch of rain rolling into the battlespace.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:35:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
I can't remember if this was posted here today, it's 8 hrs old, some big hits.

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Either JDAMS or very large boobytraps.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:37:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Flogger23m:

Epic lack of basic air base security. My guess is everyone that could normally secure vital military bases has been shipped off to Ukraine.
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Originally Posted By Flogger23m:
Originally Posted By HIPPO:
Spicy partisan action.

Epic lack of basic air base security. My guess is everyone that could normally secure vital military bases has been shipped off to Ukraine.

Nice job, but dude get the fuck out when you light the fire, if not before.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:38:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ike838:

In the first video the idiots fouled the prop with a stern anchor line and stalled out the outboard while trying to abandon their battle buddies. Awkward at best.
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Originally Posted By Ike838:
Originally Posted By Prime:
UA claiming seven boats sank near Kherson, not getting the sense that was all at once, but who knows.

Saw this a few days ago.



In the first video the idiots fouled the prop with a stern anchor line and stalled out the outboard while trying to abandon their battle buddies. Awkward at best.

Under fire you will revert to your level of training. Russia Stronk!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:41:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Alex9661:

Maybe they had boxes of votes brought in in the middle of the night and observers kicked out and windows covered with pizza boxes?
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Originally Posted By Alex9661:
Originally Posted By ITCHY-FINGER:

Ok, that sheds some light. I assumed that since 2008, Georgia was very anti-Russian. So many fighters from Georgia have died in Ukraine. How the hell did a pro-Russian get into office in Georgia???

Maybe they had boxes of votes brought in in the middle of the night and observers kicked out and windows covered with pizza boxes?

Something that blatant would never work. Right?!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:49:02 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Oh no I was not comparing the M113 to an IFV.
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Originally Posted By m35ben:
Originally Posted By Saltwater-Hillbilly:

If you are comparing a -113 to a Brad, Marder, or late-model BMP, it is horribly obsolescent; however, if you are comparing it to most of what what both sides are currently fielding./utilizing on the front lines, which seems to consist of older BMps, BTRs, BRDMs and thin-skins, the -113s begin to look a lot better!  From what I have observed of Uke tactics, which seem to be based on speed and maneuverability, and a lot of their defensive mech tactics seem to involve a lot of cover/concealment, this seems to work to the -113s strengths.  Also, there are a few interviews where Uke operators praise them for the intuitive controls, relative ease of maintenance, speed, automatic transmission, driver and interior ergonomics, heaters (of course), the crew door/ramp combo, and the fact they have good driver visibility even when buttoned up, which allows them to run near/at WOT even when buttoned up.  Considering the other side is dusting off BTR-50s and such, the -113 may actually improve as a front-line vehicle as the war progresses
Oh no I was not comparing the M113 to an IFV.

Yes compared to a hilux or lada the 113 is huge upgrade. We got tracks baby!  We should really flood UA with 113s as behind the lines taxis, deliveries to front line and medical evacs. Great to see UA going full out in some of those videos. Sometimes speed is safety especially how long it may take Ru arty to adjust.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:49:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jack67:

Good point.

The correct approach would be to embrace American values and pivot towards, ‘Why are you slow-walking this, why won’t you lead?  Why is the UK the moral center of the western response?”  The lack of genuine leadership on this from Biden has been sickening to me. A few words stuck in a speech here and there. No genuine address to the country, no statements of, “This is who we are, this is what we do” kind of rallying.  That should be what gets attacked from the right and the type of position staked out.
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Originally Posted By Jack67:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:

… The thinking conservative response was Why the hell is it taking so long to start training Abrams and F16 drivers? Where are the ATACMS?

Good point.

The correct approach would be to embrace American values and pivot towards, ‘Why are you slow-walking this, why won’t you lead?  Why is the UK the moral center of the western response?”  The lack of genuine leadership on this from Biden has been sickening to me. A few words stuck in a speech here and there. No genuine address to the country, no statements of, “This is who we are, this is what we do” kind of rallying.  That should be what gets attacked from the right and the type of position staked out.

Well said. Spot on.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:51:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

Under fire you will revert to your level of training. Russia Stronk!
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Ike838:
Originally Posted By Prime:
UA claiming seven boats sank near Kherson, not getting the sense that was all at once, but who knows.

Saw this a few days ago.



In the first video the idiots fouled the prop with a stern anchor line and stalled out the outboard while trying to abandon their battle buddies. Awkward at best.

Under fire you will revert to your level of training. Russia Stronk!

While the boat may have issues, jumping in cold water with all those clothes on is asking to be frozen to death.

Wait...vodka fixes everything !!!

Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:54:21 AM EDT
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I have an easy solution: get all those ships to send their cargo to Ukraine. For free, of course. Bring back privateers!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:56:00 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:

Perhaps could explain why they would launch their very rare and potent Kinzhal missiles?

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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
Originally Posted By AROKIE:
Originally Posted By AuNate:
Originally Posted By AROKIE:
Any word of any new armor that was transferred across rhe border day before yesterday or warehouse beings struck in the big missile attack?

Read on another site, I think a screenshot from the Russian MOD, where they claimed to have destroyed a large cache of the newer weapons that have been announced to have crossed over this past week. Of course no proof or anyone backing up that claim.

I have a feeling they did strike some.

Perhaps could explain why they would launch their very rare and potent Kinzhal missiles?


Thank you, in that article again Ukraine still won't respond where the "kinzhal" missiles were targeting.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:58:18 AM EDT
[Last Edit: RockNwood] [#31]
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
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I don’t think that conveys  what Russia thinks it conveys. They mean it as a threat.

A Georgian could read that and say, yeah in 2014 Ukraine at last got freedom. They also got invaded but they are fighting in their feet like brave free men. Yeah I want that too!
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:58:30 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Freiheit8472] [#32]
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Originally Posted By RockNwood:

For Americans ridiculing concern of Russia running rampant in Europe if not stopped in Ukraine:

Obviously plenty of European countries see something to worry enough about to rush upgrades to their armor and jets! Even Italy!!
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That’s exactly the counter to that argument. (Since they don’t know or care about history ‘n stuff)
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 12:58:35 AM EDT
[Last Edit: gentlemanfarmer] [#33]
Sorry been driving an SSO officer around to meetings and shopping.

Some cool pics to rage the Putin lovers

Attachment Attached File

Got an early appointment but that’s a pile of righteous death right there.

All have criminal DNA on them

Who’s who of shitbirds still need a Khadyrovite omon and FSB patch but there’s plenty of time.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:02:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By gentlemanfarmer:
Sorry been driving an SSO officer around to meetings and shopping.

Some cool pics to rage the Putin lovers


Got an early appointment but that’s a pile of righteous death right there.

All have criminal DNA on them
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Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:05:42 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:06:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Capta] [#36]
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:

That was interesting. Looked like one had to be field stripped in the trench too.
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
Originally Posted By FriskyDillo:
Originally Posted By Prime:

Looks like multiple AKs had multiple jams/malfunctions in that short clip.  Interesting

That was interesting. Looked like one had to be field stripped in the trench too.

I think I recognize the same crew from this Spooks video.  It may not be the exact same trench or same engagement, but I think it’s the same team.  Two guys are recognizable.  Two dead Russians within 10 yards of their trench.

Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:12:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

I’m trying to do more of this myself.  Yes the thread is a war news/eval thread, but I think there is more room for background.  Especially since (IMO) a tremendous amount falls into place after watching video 1.
I’ve also been watching a lot of Snyder’s video lecture series on Ukrainian history, which is just too long to post here.  In some other videos he’s obviously trying to sound the alarm because he believes the overall situation is more serious than the west generally understands.  That is, Putin isn’t just a mega crook (though he is that also) and isn’t just an Imperial thug.  Putin and Russia have a clear overall political philosophy (as nuts as it may seem to us) and they have a plan to realize it.  Everyone in Russia is being taught this as part of their culture and this isn’t just going to go away with Putin.
When Putin says “we are fighting NATO” that isn’t an excuse for poor performance in Ukraine; he means that in a political sense and ultimately literally.  Carl Schmidt’s position was that “politics begins when you identify the enemy.”  NATO is the enemy.  Anyone who thinks we don’t have a dog in the hunt are seriously mistaken, because that is Russia’s policy choice.
Snyder often says we’re not at 1942 or 1943 right now, we’re at 1938.  Meaning we have a chance to take a stand for our principles at a critical time.  But Snyder isn’t a military historian and doesn’t make military predictions,  My opinion is that if we don’t take a hard stand now, there will be a bloodbath in Europe that will probably spill over.  Russia is a Fascist state following actual Nazi foreign policy.  World war and genocide are inevitable unless Russia is stopped now and smashed so thoroughly that they have to reevaluate their political philosophy.
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Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By RockNwood:
Originally Posted By Capta:
Here’s a couple of long Youtube educational videos.  Worth watching both in their entirety if you have time.  I’ve tried to summarize below.

The first is an overview of where Putin’s political philosophy comes from.  It isn’t Dugin, who is represented as a plaigerer.  1) Ivan Ilyin, Russian fascist political philosopher with a wash of (false) Christianity.  2) Lev Gumilev, a marxist antisemite quack with geologic/climatic/astrological arguments for why Russia really extends into Europe and is destined to rule the world. 3) Carl Schmidt, Nazi political philosopher who argued for total, lawless power concentrated in the hands of the leader, for “Spheres of influence” (where have we heard that?) and for exercising naked power to force the west to abandon or make exceptions to its ideals, thus showing the west to be hypocritical and destroying its moral fiber.


The second is a talk by Timothy Snyder, less about the specifics of the war or even genocide and more about the moral implications vis a vis the West.  I put these two videos together because a lot of Snyder’s talk implicitly addresses the Nazi methodology of Carl Schmidt being employed by Putin and Russia against the west.  That is, the war is a lawless challenge to the ideology, culture, and history of the west to say, effectively “We (Russia) have the power to remake Europe and remake your history however we want.  We will show your ideals are false at the point of a gun.”   At one point, Snyder is asked how the west benefitted from Ukrainian resistance.  He didn’t say “because it gave us precious time to arm the fuck up against China.”  He said “because it gave us the time to reflect on what the west stands for, and the chance to act on it.   If you watch the top video first you will have a better idea what Snyder is getting at and why, because he doesn’t actually name Schmidt in this video.


IMO watching these two videos will give you a much better idea of the ideological foundations of this war and why Putin/Russia is doing what they are doing against Ukraine and the world.  If anything it paints a more dire picture of the situation than one might think.  Anyone who thinks that Russian actions in Ukraine don’t concern us should watch these videos.  In fact Putin’s actions are ultimately more directed at the west than Ukraine.

Wow!  Thanks, Capra, those are incredible. That first one especially a deep dive into the philosophy underpinnings of Putin and modern Russia. Really good to get that insight!

I’m trying to do more of this myself.  Yes the thread is a war news/eval thread, but I think there is more room for background.  Especially since (IMO) a tremendous amount falls into place after watching video 1.
I’ve also been watching a lot of Snyder’s video lecture series on Ukrainian history, which is just too long to post here.  In some other videos he’s obviously trying to sound the alarm because he believes the overall situation is more serious than the west generally understands.  That is, Putin isn’t just a mega crook (though he is that also) and isn’t just an Imperial thug.  Putin and Russia have a clear overall political philosophy (as nuts as it may seem to us) and they have a plan to realize it.  Everyone in Russia is being taught this as part of their culture and this isn’t just going to go away with Putin.
When Putin says “we are fighting NATO” that isn’t an excuse for poor performance in Ukraine; he means that in a political sense and ultimately literally.  Carl Schmidt’s position was that “politics begins when you identify the enemy.”  NATO is the enemy.  Anyone who thinks we don’t have a dog in the hunt are seriously mistaken, because that is Russia’s policy choice.
Snyder often says we’re not at 1942 or 1943 right now, we’re at 1938.  Meaning we have a chance to take a stand for our principles at a critical time.  But Snyder isn’t a military historian and doesn’t make military predictions,  My opinion is that if we don’t take a hard stand now, there will be a bloodbath in Europe that will probably spill over.  Russia is a Fascist state following actual Nazi foreign policy.  World war and genocide are inevitable unless Russia is stopped now and smashed so thoroughly that they have to reevaluate their political philosophy.

That is all great info. I suspected as much just based on his pattern of behavior without understanding the Why? But this background is much much darker and determined psychopathy.

You have inspired me to keep exploring this stuff. Please do post more of these videos or book recommendations etc.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:18:57 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jack67:

Respectfully, no, that’s not how it went down.  I can get into the primary sources from the Japanese on this as I made it a point to study, too. But this summation from Richard Frank is as succinct and accurate as you can make it. There is likely no better US expert on the actual events than him.  The emperor ordered it directly to Tojo because of the bombs. Others on the Supreme War Council (“big six”) have said the same.


What you say, I have no doubt you read somewhere that seemed authoritative.  There is a lot of BAD history out there about this.

LoL.  I thought my “reasons” were varied and fairly profane.  Yours are vastly more intricate and varied.  Hats off to you, my man. ;)

No where near as creative as yours; I will have to up my game:
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Originally Posted By Jack67:
Originally Posted By Ryan_Scott:


The Emperor thought that they could negotiate favorable terms of surrender from the Soviets. When the Soviets invaded it was olan that wasn’t going to happen, so the Emperor wanted to surrender. There were conventional bombings that were deadlier than the atomic bombs by the way.

Respectfully, no, that’s not how it went down.  I can get into the primary sources from the Japanese on this as I made it a point to study, too. But this summation from Richard Frank is as succinct and accurate as you can make it. There is likely no better US expert on the actual events than him.  The emperor ordered it directly to Tojo because of the bombs. Others on the Supreme War Council (“big six”) have said the same.


What you say, I have no doubt you read somewhere that seemed authoritative.  There is a lot of BAD history out there about this.

Originally Posted By Croak:

My Ignore list has swollen a bit too...


LoL.  I thought my “reasons” were varied and fairly profane.  Yours are vastly more intricate and varied.  Hats off to you, my man. ;)

No where near as creative as yours; I will have to up my game:

You guys made me laugh in the middle of a bar.  Your reasons are way more inventive than mine.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:20:54 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:
I’m trying to do more of this myself.  Yes the thread is a war news/eval thread, but I think there is more room for background.  Especially since (IMO) a tremendous amount falls into place after watching video 1.
I’ve also been watching a lot of Snyder’s video lecture series on Ukrainian history, which is just too long to post here.  In some other videos he’s obviously trying to sound the alarm because he believes the overall situation is more serious than the west generally understands.  That is, Putin isn’t just a mega crook (though he is that also) and isn’t just an Imperial thug.  Putin and Russia have a clear overall political philosophy (as nuts as it may seem to us) and they have a plan to realize it.  Everyone in Russia is being taught this as part of their culture and this isn’t just going to go away with Putin.
When Putin says “we are fighting NATO” that isn’t an excuse for poor performance in Ukraine; he means that in a political sense and ultimately literally.  Carl Schmidt’s position was that “politics begins when you identify the enemy.”  NATO is the enemy.  Anyone who thinks we don’t have a dog in the hunt are seriously mistaken, because that is Russia’s policy choice.
Snyder often says we’re not at 1942 or 1943 right now, we’re at 1938.  Meaning we have a chance to take a stand for our principles at a critical time.  But Snyder isn’t a military historian and doesn’t make military predictions,  My opinion is that if we don’t take a hard stand now, there will be a bloodbath in Europe that will probably spill over.  Russia is a Fascist state following actual Nazi foreign policy.  World war and genocide are inevitable unless Russia is stopped now and smashed so thoroughly that they have to reevaluate their political philosophy.
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QFT. This doesn't end with Putin, this is a generational conflict. When someone says they're your enemy, believe them. You could wipe out all the Kremlin today, all the Duma, all the Russian talking heads, and they'd be back at this in 10-20 years, because it's baked into their culture. Unless a generation of progressive, friendly Russians can take control for a generation, this conflict will continue, even if Ukraine with Western weaponry grinds Russia's military force completely to dust. Moscow still has nukes, so nobody is going to parade through Red Square with a Ukrainian flag, which means Russia won't be defeated. With their current extreme nationalist and fascist culture, that means they'll be back with another brutal invasion in the future.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:27:15 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By gentlemanfarmer:
Sorry been driving an SSO officer around to meetings and shopping.

Some cool pics to rage the Putin lovers


Got an early appointment but that’s a pile of righteous death right there.

All have criminal DNA on them

Who’s who of shitbirds still need a Khadyrovite omon and FSB patch but there’s plenty of time.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:32:15 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
Ukraine says Bakhmut battle is grinding down Russia's best units


KYIV, March 10 (Reuters) - Ukraine has decided to fight on in the ruined city of Bakhmut because the battle is pinning down Russia's best units and degrading them ahead of a planned Ukrainian spring counter-offensive, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said.

The comments by Mykhailo Podolyak were the latest signal of a shift by Kyiv this week to continue the defence of the small eastern city, site of the war's bloodiest battle, as Moscow tries to secure its first major victory in more than half a year.

"Russia has changed tactics," Podolyak said in an interview published by Italy's La Stampa newspaper. "It has converged on Bakhmut with a large part of its trained military personnel, the remnants of its professional army, as well as the private companies."

"We, therefore, have two objectives: to reduce their capable personnel as much as possible, and to fix them in a few key wearisome battles, to disrupt their offensive and concentrate our resources elsewhere, for the spring counter-offensive. So, today Bakhmut is completely effective, even exceeding its key tasks."
Trench warfare, described by both sides as a meat grinder, has claimed a huge toll. But Kyiv's decision to stay and fight suggests it believes Russia's losses far exceed its own.

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It’s Verdun, from a strategic standpoint.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:34:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By 7empest:


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Originally Posted By 7empest:
Originally Posted By trapsh00ter99:
Which thread?



Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:36:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AROKIE:

Thank you, in that article again Ukraine still won't respond where the "kinzhal" missiles were targeting.
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Originally Posted By AROKIE:
Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
Originally Posted By AROKIE:
Originally Posted By AuNate:
Originally Posted By AROKIE:
Any word of any new armor that was transferred across rhe border day before yesterday or warehouse beings struck in the big missile attack?

Read on another site, I think a screenshot from the Russian MOD, where they claimed to have destroyed a large cache of the newer weapons that have been announced to have crossed over this past week. Of course no proof or anyone backing up that claim.

I have a feeling they did strike some.

Perhaps could explain why they would launch their very rare and potent Kinzhal missiles?


Thank you, in that article again Ukraine still won't respond where the "kinzhal" missiles were targeting.

Kinshal isn’t a magic bullet, it’s a fast 500 pound bomb.  Given that they have like 40 of them and shot 6, it’s a nothing burger in the big picture.  An Iskander will do as much or more damage.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:38:28 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Capta] [#44]
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Originally Posted By gentlemanfarmer:
Sorry been driving an SSO officer around to meetings and shopping.

Some cool pics to rage the Putin lovers


Got an early appointment but that’s a pile of righteous death right there.

All have criminal DNA on them

Who’s who of shitbirds still need a Khadyrovite omon and FSB patch but there’s plenty of time.
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Nice score!  Sock that shit away, man.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 1:53:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Jack67:

Keep in mind, he also monkeyed around and delayed it, to score political points. Got impeached for that if you recall.  Does that REALLY sound like a guy working hard for Ukraine's interests?  I do not think he should have been impeached for that, but the facts of it are not in dispute, and I objected to the impeachment vigorously.  But facts are facts whether convenient or not.

The executive conducts policy, but it's not free to ignore Congressional laws, mandates, or the advice and consent of the Senate wrt treaties and ambassadorial staff.  We do not have a one-man foreign policy establishment in the US.  The President has a high degree of discretion, but is not a King or dictator.
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Originally Posted By Jack67:
Originally Posted By Auto5guy:

the position that Congress demanded that Trump send javelins to Ukraine and Trump meekly complied.

Keep in mind, he also monkeyed around and delayed it, to score political points. Got impeached for that if you recall.  Does that REALLY sound like a guy working hard for Ukraine's interests?  I do not think he should have been impeached for that, but the facts of it are not in dispute, and I objected to the impeachment vigorously.  But facts are facts whether convenient or not.

The executive conducts policy, but it's not free to ignore Congressional laws, mandates, or the advice and consent of the Senate wrt treaties and ambassadorial staff.  We do not have a one-man foreign policy establishment in the US.  The President has a high degree of discretion, but is not a King or dictator.

Hey Jack, hope the arm is feeling better.

There's a huge gulf between congress's role for advice and consent, and dictating to the executive branch.  In short term actions of diplomacy the president has pretty unfettered freedom.  Congress has the power to say no in the long term with regards to treaties and monies promised but it does not have the power to demand specific courses of action.  Congress cannot present the president with a version of a treaty and force the president to sign it for example. What I have seen congress do is threaten to withhold spending in areas a president wants as leverage to get the president to do what congress wants. I don't remember any specific threats by congress to withhold spending over Ukraine support.  If I'm missing one I will happily stand corrected.  

I tend to look at prewar steps taken by our government from the point of view of, were changes made for the better or the worse?  Based on a conglomeration of your posts I know it's personal for you and I would surmise your judgement on the same time period to be good or bad based on would it have prevented the invasion or not.  In a perfect world we as a nation would have done just that.  Lord knows Trump fell short of that, but that doesn't mean he didn't move the nation in a positive direction towards Ukraine from where we were before he took office.  And I think there's zero reason to think the only real alternative to Trump (Hillary) would have even done half as much.  You ask if Trump sounds like a guy working hard for Ukraine?  My response is to ask who were the Americans with State Department experience loudly pressing for the type of aid to Ukraine that would have prevented invasion?  That would have taken a massive buildup of weaponry. Ukraine was asking for it but who in the US was advocating for it?  In my experience that's exactly the type of action career diplomats avoid like the plague.

"he also monkeyed around and delayed it"

Trump monkeyed around with everything he touched. He is and was an agent of chaos. That's why I see Trump as a mixed bag.  Chaos brings changes both good and bad.  Career diplomats have a bias towards the status quo and only tend to advise taking steps that have been taken before.  It allows them to believe they can calculate the outcomes of moves made. How would putin react to the west arming Ukraine with enough to take on his army? That's a move that hadn't been done before so nobody knew.  That's why, as much as it would have been the right thing to do, it had pretty much zero chance of happening regardless of who was in the Whitehouse.  

It keeps the world a stable place but the status quo is how fairly straight forward problems become multigenerational issues.  Fidel Castro should have never died of old age for example.  The Bay of Pigs made him a radioactive issue and the status quo was what we lived with for decades.  Trump doing chaotic things like whacking the Iranian general completely upset the status quo.  It doesn't mean he had some great over arching vision but it put people who are only alive because it's the status quo into a panic.  

Chaos can also muck up things we really need to stay stable.  Like I said, mixed bag.

Link Posted: 3/11/2023 2:33:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

It's Verdun, from a strategic standpoint.
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The 'bleed them white' claim was complete bullshit to cover for Falkenhayn's failed assault on Verdun  
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 2:47:34 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By spydercomonkey:
Ukraine says Bakhmut battle is grinding down Russia's best units


KYIV, March 10 (Reuters) - Ukraine has decided to fight on in the ruined city of Bakhmut because the battle is pinning down Russia's best units and degrading them ahead of a planned Ukrainian spring counter-offensive, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said.

The comments by Mykhailo Podolyak were the latest signal of a shift by Kyiv this week to continue the defence of the small eastern city, site of the war's bloodiest battle, as Moscow tries to secure its first major victory in more than half a year.

"Russia has changed tactics," Podolyak said in an interview published by Italy's La Stampa newspaper. "It has converged on Bakhmut with a large part of its trained military personnel, the remnants of its professional army, as well as the private companies."

"We, therefore, have two objectives: to reduce their capable personnel as much as possible, and to fix them in a few key wearisome battles, to disrupt their offensive and concentrate our resources elsewhere, for the spring counter-offensive. So, today Bakhmut is completely effective, even exceeding its key tasks."
Trench warfare, described by both sides as a meat grinder, has claimed a huge toll. But Kyiv's decision to stay and fight suggests it believes Russia's losses far exceed its own.

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Wow. There it is. I wondered what the leadership was up to. They've spelled it out. It's an ugly situation.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 2:56:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 3:12:32 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Capta] [#49]
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20 APCs and 1000 men!  I smell a convoy burning somewhere.
Link Posted: 3/11/2023 3:16:37 AM EDT
1,000 KIA in a day?

Stalingrad at its peak was 19,000 a day. Almost inconceivable.
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OFFICIAL Russo-Ukrainian War (Page 3669 of 5591)
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